
How to cook goulash with flour. Beef goulash - how to cook delicious beef goulash at home

Beef goulash recipe with gravy

Unfortunately, I can not attribute myself to those children for whom my mother prepared something similar in childhood. Somehow, this dish did not take root in our family. Probably because in our school cafeteria the cooks prepared this dish simply disgustingly: the green-colored meat with thick mealy gravy made few people appetize.

Therefore, I started preparing goulash quite recently, and I will be happy to share with you the recipe for preparing this simple and delicious dish.

List of ingredients

  • 1 kg beef pulp
  • 2 pcs. bulbs
  • 1 PC. carrot
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste (thick)
  • 3 tbsp sour cream
  • 2 tbsp starch or flour
  • 500 ml. water
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt and favorite spices

Technology: step by step

  1. Cut the beef into small pieces 1.5-2 cm. I used fresh veal, so I did not pre-soak the meat.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a pan with a thick bottom, wait until the bottom of the pan is completely heated, and send all the beef to fry.

3. It will not work to fry the meat right away, there will be a lot of foam and liquid. But still, you need to fry the pieces, so drain the liquid from the pan, add a little vegetable oil, and continue to fry.

4. In the meantime, clean and chop the onion and carrot. Onions in cubes, and carrots in random slices.

5. By this time, the meat will already be fried to a beautiful brown crust.

6. Add onions and carrots to the fried beef, mix and cover with a lid so that the vegetables release the juice for 10-15 minutes.

7. Next, add your favorite spices to our beef goulash (everything except salt) and pour about 250 ml. boiling water. The water should completely cover the meat, so add more liquid if needed. Bring the goulash to a boil, and reduce the heat to a minimum.

8. After an hour, the goulash should already be soft. Take out a piece, cut and taste: the meat is starting to break down into fibers but is still a little tough. If the beef is very tough and rubbery, at this stage you need to add 2 tbsp. spoons of vodka or cognac.

We continue to cook the dish for another 40-50 minutes, and then again we try the beef for softness. By this time the meat will be ready.

Cooking thick gravy with tomato paste

9. We prepare all the ingredients for the gravy: tomato paste, sour cream and starch.

10. Add 250 ml. water, and stir thoroughly with a spoon so that no lumps remain.

11. Pour the gravy into the goulash pan, salt, stir, and cook for another 10-15 minutes until the gravy begins to thicken a little. It should be noted that thick gravy becomes only after the dish has completely cooled. Therefore, do not expect that immediately after cooking in hot goulash "there will be a spoon."

How and with what to serve a dish for dinner

12. Ready goulash from beef meat tomato sauce serve hot. You can prepare a side dish in advance: boil pasta, make mashed potatoes, as well as buckwheat or pearl barley. Wish you Bon appetit and look forward to your comments on the recipe.

To cook the most delicious goulash from beef, we need ideally fresh veal. But, since beef goulash with tomato sauce can be attributed to the budget and inexpensive meals, then fit regular beef(meat from an adult cow or bull).

And it doesn't even have to be whole piece, trimmings and pieces will do. The main thing is that there should be less veins and films on the meat.

The most common problem that housewives face after preparing this dish: the meat in the goulash turned out to be tough.

A few nuances to make your goulash soft!

Soaking beef. In advance, better in the evening, soak a piece of meat in water, with the addition a small amount acids. A weak acid solution helps the meat become tender. But, too acidic solution will turn the meat into a powdery substance, so it is important not to overdo it with acid. I do this: juice of half a lemon per 1 liter of water. Lemon juice can be replaced with natural apple cider vinegar.

Cooking time is at least 2 hours. real goulash cook for 2-2.5 hours fully prepared meat.

Alcohol. To make beef goulash with gravy softer, you can add 2 tbsp. vodka, cognac or rum.

Boiling water. To prepare goulash, you need to use only boiling water, or broth.

Goulash is translated from Hungarian as "shepherd". It was the shepherds who were the founders of this delicious meat dish. It was prepared from simple products that they usually take with them on the road. The dish was cooked on a fire in a large cauldron suspended over the fire. The traditional Hungarian dish has survived to this day and has become an integral part of the menu on home kitchen and in restaurants different countries. Meat dish especially relevant in cool autumn and frosty winter, when the shortage of vegetables and fruits gives way to meat dishes. Goulash is a favorite for the whole family.
How to cook delicious goulash? The recipe is based on meat. Today it can be anything: beef, pork, poultry. Recipe cooking delicious goulash very simple. Any housewife can cook it, even with little experience in cooking or a woman who has time scheduled by the minute.

How to cook delicious beef goulash

To prepare goulash, you will need the following ingredients:

Beef pulp - 1 kg;
Carrot - 1 pc. small size;
Onion - 1 pc. preferably large;
Seasoning - paprika, salt, pepper to taste, Bay leaf- 1-2 sheets;
Flour - 1 tbsp. l. thicken the sauce.

Cooking process:

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right meat base. Meat is better to choose fresh and young, so it will cook faster, for example, veal. But you can also take frozen meat, after defrosting it. Transfer meat from freezer in the refrigerator in advance to completely defrost.
The first step is to prepare all the ingredients. We cut the meat into pieces, preferably in the form of sticks, but this depends on the preferences of the hostess. Then finely chop the onion, the more it is, the tastier and richer the dish turns out. Carrots can be cut into cubes, cubes or grated on a coarse grater.

To give the sauce the right consistency, it is necessary to introduce flour into it, first fry it in a dry frying pan. This can be done immediately before adding.
We start the cooking process. We will need a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom. We put the container on the fire, add a little vegetable oil. As soon as the oil is heated, we lower the meat into the cauldron. The meat should be slightly browned on all sides. Important: it is advisable to fry the meat in a sufficiently heated oil, otherwise the meat will miss the juice and begin to cook in a simple way.

The next step is to add water. In order for the process to become correct, it is necessary to add boiling water, about a liter, so that the liquid covers the meat. Together with boiling water, add the seasoning: bay leaf, pepper, you can fragrant, wait for it to boil and close the lid. On low heat, the meat should be stewed for about 40 minutes. If the meat is a little old, the time should be increased to 1 hour.

While the meat is cooking, start preparing the vegetables. In a separate hot skillet vegetable oil we pass vegetables: onions and carrots. After frying the vegetables a little, add the flour, mix thoroughly so that no lumps form. The sauce is almost ready.
After the stewing time has elapsed, add the sauce. When all the ingredients are together, the dish must be salted and boiled for another 15 minutes.
Well, delicious and delicious goulash ready.

How to cook delicious pork goulash

For those who prefer pork, there is an excellent and quick recipe. In terms of preparation, it practically does not differ from the first recipe, only instead of boiling water, you can add meat broth. Some gourmets use dry white wine. This adds spice to the dish and a special taste.

So, we will need:

Pork (optional) cervical part) - 1 kg;
Carrot - 1 pc. large;
Onion - 1 pc. large head;
Spices - pepper, salt, bay leaf, paprika;
Flour - 1-2 tbsp. l.
We cut the pre-washed meat into pieces and fry in oil in a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom. After frying, add boiling water or hot meat broth, spices and cook for 40 minutes.
In a separate frying pan sunflower oil we pass vegetables. Add the flour previously fried in a dry frying pan to the vegetables, stirring thoroughly in order to avoid the formation of lumps.
After 40 minutes of stewing meat, add cooked vegetables. At this stage, salt the dish and leave it on fire for another 10 minutes.

How to cook delicious goulash with gravy

Gravy is an accompaniment to goulash. It can be varied: tomato, sour cream, spicy, with mushrooms, with apples.
Gravy is prepared in the process of sautéing vegetables. Mushrooms or apples are added to the main vegetables. Miscellaneous Ingredients, for example, tomato paste, sour cream is added after frying onions and carrots before adding to meat.
Every day, restaurant chefs and just cooking enthusiasts improve and diversify the gravy recipe. Their imagination has no limits.

How to cook delicious goulash in a slow cooker

Today, in the world of technology, various kitchen units have entered our lives in a dense stream, which simplify cooking and save time. Almost everyone knows the device as a multicooker helps not only save time, but also preserve all the taste delights of the dish.
The recipe for cooking goulash in a slow cooker is slightly different from the recipe for cooking on the stove. The ingredients are the same: meat, onions, carrots, spices, flour and products for gravy, if desired. The main thing is to choose the right cooking functions "Frying" and "Extinguishing".
Pour a little vegetable oil into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. In general, the recipe is designed for a minimum of oil, since nothing burns in a slow cooker, and it is cooked in its own fat. Lightly fry the meat on the "Frying" function, about 10 minutes. Cut the onion and carrot, add to the meat and mix. We fry for another 10 minutes. Add salt and spices, add flour, previously fried in a dry frying pan. Stir and fry a little more. Then pour in boiling water to cover the meat, if desired, tomato paste or sour cream. After mixing thoroughly, close the lid, set the “Extinguishing” function and leave to cook until the time runs out. While the meat is being prepared, the hostess can do household chores without worrying about the dish.
There are about thirty recipes for preparing goulash. The dish can be served with absolutely any side dish: potato, pea mash, boiled cereals, pasta and anything that goes with meat. Fresh herbs will add a special taste to the dish.
Goulash is truly a dish for any event. You can please not only the household with great taste, but also not leave unexpected guests hungry.

Today we will consider basic recipe beef goulash with gravy. This classic dish always relevant, because it does not get bored, does not depend on fashion and does not include exotic products for an amateur. Fragrant juicy meat stewed with vegetables, supplemented with herbs and tomato dressing- a great combination that hardly anyone can refuse!

Beef goulash with gravy is great addition to potatoes, cereals or boiled pasta. Meat with long-term stewing comes out very soft and appetizing, and a plentiful amount of gravy will make any side dish as juicy as possible, with a rich and pronounced taste.


  • beef - 500 g;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - ½ pcs.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide;
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh greens - a small bunch;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

Beef goulash with gravy recipe with photo step by step

How to cook goulash with gravy

  1. Pre-washed and dried beef pulp is cut into approximately the same pieces of medium size. We load meat preparations into a frying pan with hot vegetable oil. Stirring occasionally, keep the beef on high heat.
  2. As soon as the moisture evaporates, and the meat is covered with a golden crust, add the peeled and finely chopped onion.
  3. Next, we load the grated fine chips carrot. Fry the mixture of beef and vegetables for 2-3 minutes. You can add more to the goulash if you like. Bell pepper, celery, green beans etc. Vegetable set depends only on personal wishes.
  4. Sprinkle the contents of the pan with flour and mix quickly. Fry everything together for a minute (the flour will later thicken the gravy a little and make it more saturated). Add tomato paste, mix with meat.
  5. Fill the beef with water - the liquid should completely cover the meat pieces. Bring the sauce-filling to a boil, then reduce the heat and, having covered the container with a lid, simmer the contents of the pan for about 40-60 minutes or more (until the beef is soft). Cooking time depends on the age of the meat. If "old" is used and tough beef, it will take longer to extinguish it. If necessary, you can add water. In the process of stewing, sometimes remove the lid and stir the meat so that it does not burn.
  6. Finely chop the pure greens and load to already cooked meat. We throw salt, favorite spices / seasonings, mix and simmer for literally another 5 minutes.
  7. The result should be soft, juicy and fragrant goulash beef with gravy.

Complementing the meat simple side dish, for example, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. Bon appetit!

Today I will cook beef goulash with gravy, as in kindergarten. There are a lot of goulash recipes and today I will offer you my own version.

First you need to buy the right meat. For children, it is better to buy chilled meat without veins and fat, such as the neck or shoulder. It will be great if you are lucky and buy veal. How to distinguish veal from beef? There is a pattern: the lighter the color of the meat, the younger the animal. Beef fatty layers yellow color, for veal - white.

So, if you have made your choice, let's get started.

To prepare beef goulash with gravy, you will need:

Beef - 600 gr;

Onion - 1 pc;

Carrots - 1 pc;

Flour - 2 tbsp;

tomato paste- 1 tbsp;

Bay leaf;

Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp;

Recipe for beef goulash with gravy:

1. Cut the beef into small pieces. Cubes 1 * 1 cm, it is possible and smaller.

2. Fry the meat in sunflower oil.

Meat is different, and the time it takes to cook it may be different - if it is beef, then at least an hour. If tough meat, then at first it is better to boil it until soft, and then fry it. In this case, leave the meat broth - it will come in handy for gravy.

3. Add onions.

4. Add carrots. Fry the meat with carrots and onions until the vegetables are ready.

5. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan.

6. Add flour and tomato paste to the meat. Fry 2 minutes.

7. Add hot water or broth. Add salt to taste. Add liquid, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming.

For this amount of meat, it took about a liter of liquid.

8. Put out another 10 minutes. Add bay leaf 2 minutes before done.

Our delicious beef goulash is ready!

To spice up our creation, you can add grated 15 minutes before the end of cooking (before flour and tomato paste). pickled cucumber. Mmm….

As a side dish for goulash, you can serve buckwheat or. I made mashed potatoes today. You can prepare it like this: peel and boil potatoes in salted water. Drain the water, but not completely, leave a little liquid at the bottom. Thoroughly crush the potatoes so that there are no lumps. Add butter and hot milk, salt if required. Kids love mashed potatoes, and if it comes with goulash… mmm… they will eat everything, and even lick the plate!

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Goulash is the national Hungarian dish. thick soups. Previously, shepherds cooked it right on the fire, using pieces of veal or beef as a base.

Nowadays, it has become an international dish, now it is cooked on an ordinary stove from traditional types meat, as well as from pork, lamb, poultry and even game. Living in the kitchens different peoples, goulash differs significantly in ingredients. For example, the Germans always add pasta and cereals to their Eintopf, the Spanish cocido contains beans, and you can even find sausage or seafood in the American gumbo. And the Hungarians themselves prepare it in different ways.

As you can see, there can be a lot of options, but the main task is to cook a thick, mouth-watering goulash with gravy, and not a thin stew.

There are two variations of the dish - in fact, the first and serving as a gravy for a side dish. Consider the most popular recipes, and you already choose which one you like best.

Meat selection

Because the strict restrictions in this matter, no, you can take the meat of any animal. But the choice of the part of the carcass needs to be approached more carefully.

For pork goulash, the top of the ham, brisket, back or neck is well suited. If cooking with beef, take the flesh of the hind leg, tenderloin, brisket or shoulder blade. By the way, you can use . By classic recipe from lamb, preference should be given to the neck or shoulder blade.

Cooking Basics

  • Pork 1.5 kg
  • Onion 2 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Flour 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • paprika to taste
  • Bay leaf to taste
  • Water or broth optional
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Finely chop the carrots.
  • Thoroughly wash and clean the meat from films, cartilage, fat, leaving only clean pulp.
  • Cut it into medium-sized cubes and dry on a napkin.
  • Finely chop the onion.

  • Pork goulash is best cooked in a cauldron, however, you can do it in a deep frying pan.

  • Put a cauldron or pan on the fire, add vegetable oil.
  • Put pre-cut carrots into hot oil and, stirring occasionally, fry for 2-3 minutes.
  • Then add the meat, stir and fry over high heat until brown.
  • Add the onion to the contents and, reducing the heat, simmer this mixture until the onion becomes transparent.
  • Pour in water or pre-prepared broth so that the meat is completely covered with liquid.
  • Add salt, paprika, pepper and bay leaf, if desired, tomato paste.
  • Extinguish on your own small fire within 1-1.5 hours.
  • Lightly toast the flour in a dry frying pan until light pink shade. Add it to goulash for a thicker texture. Simmer another 5-7 minutes.

Goulash is ready!

And now consider national characteristics this dish.

in Hungarian

Traditional goulash beef in Hungary is prepared as follows.

Onions are fried in lard in thick-walled dishes, pieces of meat, previously sprinkled with paprika, and cumin are added to it. Stew until half cooked own juice, pour in the broth, throw in chopped potatoes and bell peppers. About a quarter of an hour before turning off, they give tomatoes.

When all the ingredients are fully prepared and an alluring aroma is already spreading around the kitchen, dumplings should be lowered into a boiling cauldron.

They are made from simple test with dill and garlic, and then arbitrarily pinch off in small pieces.


Another version of Hungarian goulash, incredibly delicious piping hot and even tastier the next day.

To fried olive oil add small cubes of pork to the onion and cook until the meat brightens. We give tomato paste, powder from dried mushrooms, salt, black and chili pepper, a teaspoon of paprika, vegetable broth and simmer for about an hour.

We pass to the second stage.

Saute a small onion with garlic until golden color, add 200 g to the pan sauerkraut, bay leaf, cumin or coriander, a little lemon zest, juniper berries, 1-2 tablespoons of white wine and 2 tablespoons applesauce. Add 100 ml of broth and also simmer for about an hour.

We combine the finished parts of the dish and simmer them together for 10 minutes. If desired, you can put the saucepan in the oven.

Do not serve goulash immediately, let it brew a little.


Sprinkle small cubes of beef with a mixture of flour, cumin, salt and pepper and leave in the cold.

Meanwhile, cubes of smoked lard are heated in a frying pan until browned. Cracklings are selected, and meat is put into the resulting fat and fried over high heat. Then add onions, cracklings, a little water and simmer under the lid for about half an hour.

When the beef becomes soft, a glass of dry white wine and lemon juice are added to the dish to taste.

This goulash is served as a gravy for porridge or pasta.


  • Pork or beef 600 g
  • Bow 2-3 goal.
  • bell pepper 2 pcs.
  • Chili pepper to taste
  • Tomato paste 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour 2 tbsp. l.
  • Beer dark 0.5 l
  • Garlic 3 tooth
  • Bouillon optional
  • Lard for frying
  • Spices to taste

5 cm cubes of meat are placed in melted lard and fried over high heat until golden brown making sure it doesn't overcook.

Add onion, garlic and chopped chili pepper, salt. After a few minutes, add cumin and paprika. Lightly fried, put the tomato and pour the beer. Now you need to close the saucepan with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer the dish, stirring it from time to time and adding the broth.

15 minutes before readiness, give flour and sour cream, boil until smooth.

Czech goulash soup in bread

Surprise loved ones with hearty, thick, fragrant dish V original submission. It will decorate the table not only on weekdays, but also on a holiday.

Garlic and onion fried butter to transparency. Add meat (preferably beef), fry for 5 minutes, season with salt, pepper, paprika, cumin.

Add the broth, again beef, and after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum. Extinguish.

Potatoes are cut into small cubes and thrown into the soup.

The flour is fried in butter until dark, added to the rest. After 30 minutes, season with marjoram.

Ready goulash is poured into pots of dark bread, sprinkled with herbs.

From fish

Goulash, it turns out, can be cooked not only from meat. It is not known which representative of the nationality first tried to make it with fish, so we will not offend anyone, but simply introduce you to the recipe.

Cut the onion and carrot into pieces and fry in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and simmer for another 2 minutes. Then pour in 2 tbsp. l. flour, lightly fry and gradually pour in 1 cup of water. Stir well and simmer for 5 minutes so that the mass becomes uniform, without lumps.

Finally, add garlic, a pinch of sugar, salt, pepper, bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

Cut the fillet of any not too bony fish into pieces, roll in flour and fry over high heat until golden. Put the fish in the sauce and simmer covered for 10-15 minutes. Serve with your favorite side dish.


Suitable for those who do not like or for some reason can not eat meat products.

  • Soy meat 100 g
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste 4 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp. l.
  • Curry 0.5 tsp
  • Asafoetida 0.5 tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Corn starch 3-4 st. l.
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Soak "meat" from soy in boiling water and leave for 30-40 minutes under the lid, stirring occasionally. After it swells and brightens, water soy sauce, lemon juice, sprinkle with curry and asafoetida and leave to marinate.

Asafoetida is a spice made from a strong-smelling resin that replaces garlic and onions, but does not contribute to the smell.

Fry coarsely grated carrots, then add diced peppers. After stewing a little, mix in a pan with "meat", tomato, other ingredients and pour the amount of water necessary for the desired density of the dish. We simmer another 15 minutes.

Dilute starch with water and add to goulash. After 2-3 minutes, turn off the fire. Serve warm.
house red wine.

  • To give goulash a specific taste, natural dry white or red wine can be used instead of water and broth.
  • Fatty meat is properly cooked in vegetable oil. If you are using a tenderloin without fatty layers, then it is better to use lard or animal fat.
  • The right dish should be thick. To do this, add flour or dissolved in cold water starch.
  • Almost all recipes include paprika - dry or finely chopped fresh. This seasoning gives the dish a beautiful red color and a pleasant characteristic aroma. Fresh paprika is better to choose sweet red varieties, it perfectly combines the qualities necessary for goulash.
  • In addition to meat, there are always other products in the dish - vegetables, fruits, legumes, mushrooms, dried fruits, noodles, as well as spices and herbs - parsley, dill or basil.
  • If you are making a sauce, you can serve mashed potatoes, pasta, cereals, beans, and vegetables as a side dish.
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