
Side dishes for pork skewers. Green salad with curdled milk

Culinary community Li.Ru -

I offer a very simple and at the same time very original recipe lettuce, which we in our family call country salad. Everything is simple and ingenious, the main feature is the serving of the dish. Meet!

Salad "Georgian"

Do you want to cook spicy, spicy and light salad? Then I bring to your attention signature salad"Georgian".

Green Onion and Tomato Salad - Insanely easy and quick to prepare a fresh salad with just two ingredients - green onions and tomatoes. Five minutes and great salad in a plate.

Prepare the most spring salad from fresh radishes and cucumbers, charge the body that has weakened over the winter with a portion tasty vitamins! A simple recipe for a salad of radishes and cucumbers - read!

As the name suggests, this is not a salad, but an appetizer. But what! A simple vodka salad recipe will allow you to quickly build great addition to hard liquor.

Salad with arugula and tomatoes - classic summer salad, especially common in mediterranean cuisine. Eat a salad with arugula and tomatoes - saturate your body with vitamins for the whole day.

Not knowing how to cook radishes with sour cream is simply a sin - in season fresh vegetables This is the most common salad. You probably know the recipe for radishes with sour cream, but just in case, I'll give you my own.

In summer, fresh salads are especially desirable. They serve as a fresh addition to any hot dish and look great on the table. Salad of greens and cucumbers will not leave anyone indifferent. Get ready!

A great idea for a salad in nature is a tomato salad with feta cheese. We go to the country, taking a piece of feta, tear fresh tomatoes and greens - and the salad is ready!

Fresh vegetables appear, which means it's time to recharge with vitamins. The recipe for cabbage and radish salad is extremely simple, no tricky ingredients are needed, so we take vegetables and cook!

Cucumber salad with dill can be made with vegetable oil, and with sour cream. Cucumbers can be cut into thin circles and laid out in layers with onions and spices. Salad is perfect for hot dishes.

This is not just a salad, but a real protein bomb! The red bean and tomato salad recipe is very simple, and it will help you prepare a delicious, nutritious and healthy salad in minutes.

Polish salad is prepared with carrots, potatoes, apples and pickled cucumbers. All these ingredients are perfectly combined and the salad is tasty and satisfying.

Cherry is a type of tomato. very small and juicy tomatoes cherry tomatoes go well with fresh herbs and cheese - this combination is used to build a salad with cherry tomatoes according to this recipe.

Do not be afraid of non-Russian words: the ingredients for a salad with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes can be found in any modern supermarket. The salad turns out very tasty and fragrant - try it, you will not regret it!

A simple recipe for cucumbers with garlic and dill has saved me more than once in "critical" situations, when a mouse hanged itself in the refrigerator, and my husband's friends unanimously demanded snacks. I share!

A simple mango and tomato salad recipe will surprise you. This salad is very contrasting and almost unusual for our taste. But, I note that the salad will only work if you have a ripe mango.

spicy salad from apples and cucumbers will please you not only with new taste sensations but also the availability of ingredients. Bright, original, saturated - such a salad cannot but be liked!

It's very simple and quick salad from tomatoes with sour cream, which should be eaten immediately after cooking. One of the easy dishes, which is easy to cook even for novice cooks.

Salad from fresh cucumbers- my favorite fast and light summer snack. Just a few minutes of effort - and a fresh, full of vitamins and life salad is ready!

Very tasty, a lot of vitamins and most importantly - you get pleasure when eating. The recipe for cabbage with tomatoes is extremely simple - I recommend mastering this simple dish!

Nothing complicated, today we are preparing a cucumber salad in sour cream sauce- easy to prepare, healthy, affordable in terms of ingredients and very tasty fresh vegetable salad ik.

That's how uncomplicated I decided to christen this salad. The dish is also very simple, so there is no point in inventing an artsy name. So, the recipe for salad with corn, cheese, tomatoes!

The recipe for a vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs is to help everyone who loves fresh vegetable salads. There is nothing difficult to prepare, but the recipe will surely come in handy;)

Tomato season is in full swing, and if this vegetable is already a little boring for you, I recommend this simple salad recipe with pickled tomatoes. Under special sauce they marinate and become even tastier!

Cabbage and cucumber salad is a quick, easy-to-prepare and quite tasty vegetable salad that goes well as a side dish with meat, and is also good on its own, without anything.

Tomato and Garlic Salad is an incredibly easy-to-make summer salad whose taste depends entirely on the quality of the ingredients. The tastier the tomatoes and garlic, the better!

Salad with peppers and tomatoes is suitable for "heavy" second courses as a side dish. Can he become independent diet snack. Fresh and healthy salad with peppers and tomatoes is also delicious!

A simple salad, originally from sunny Greece. In the Russian version - a salad with cheese and tomatoes. Sweet tomatoes perfectly accentuate the taste of fresh salty cheese. And in combination with an onion - just super!

Salad with mustard dressing and tomatoes - this is my favorite summer salad. I don't like any food combination like this. Favorite vegetables, chic dressing - and a great salad on your table.

Cabbage and radish salad is an easy-to-digest and easy-to-prepare salad for lunch or dinner from fresh young radishes and no less fresh white cabbage.

Simple but very delicious salad with tomatoes, which does not require any heat treatment. The composition of the main ingredients is quite simple and familiar. The dressing adds a twist to this salad.

Recipe for a salad with beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggs, spinach, olives and herbs.

Salad with tomatoes, avocado and shrimp - a fairly easy salad to prepare, the taste of which matches highest standards. Surprise your guests or family with this salad! :)

Spinach and cherry tomato salad is one of my favorites lung options summer snack. 10 minutes of work - and delicious fresh salad in a plate.

A classic of the genre when you need to have a bite to eat very quickly and if possible tasty is a salad with tomatoes and cheese. Ready in 5 minutes, but it turns out very worthy in terms of taste.

Recipe for a salad of tomatoes, mushrooms, potatoes, onion and vegetable oil.

salad recipe grape tomatoes, olive oil, wine vinegar, basil and toasted pieces white bread with shallots, garlic and Parmesan cheese.

Salad with radish and egg - a classic spring salad of Russian cuisine. As soon as the first radish ripens in the country, on the same day I cook this favorite vegetable salad with eggs by everyone (even children).

Seasonal radish salad is the first herald of the impending summer. In the month of May, you want to eat fresh radish salad every day - so much the body missed ripe seasonal vegetables during the winter.

Salad "Metelka"

Salad "Metelka" got its name due to its properties quickly, and most importantly, it is tasty to help cleanse the body. This is a bright and healthy spring salad that is perfect for a light dinner.

Spinach and radish salad is a storehouse of vitamins on your plate. The healthiest vegetable salad small portion which will supply your body daily rate various vitamins and minerals.

(Rating: 2. Average: 4.00 out of 5)

When you've already bought the right piece excellent meat, marinated it, choosing the ingredients that suit your taste, finally went out into nature, now it remains only to properly bake it and please and surprise your company and good wine!

Barbecue is baked on the coals that are left from the firewood that burned before, or they take it ready charcoal. You can even go the simplest way - buy briquettes and kindle x with a special mixture. In the process of “frying” meat on skewers, they usually fan the fire with a “fan” and sprinkle burning wood chocks with water to knock down the flame, if necessary. If you have the right heat and there is no fire, then you don’t need anything water the meat, because this way you risk breaking in the grill thermal balance.

Start grilling the kebab only when there is a very strong heat.

You can start baking shish kebab at a heat temperature of about 350 degrees. You can bake on a skewer, or you can without it. It can be kebabs, meat or fish steaks, as well as chops and meat, whole poultry.

Please note that when you string onion rings, tomato slices, slices of pepper or eggplant and other vegetables on a skewer between pieces of meat, in the place where they are worn, the temperature drops and the meat will not be cooked as evenly as you would like, as well as you have every chance to burn vegetables, which less cooking requiredtime. It is better, of course, to bake vegetables on a separate skewer, using good brazier, grill, griller and choosing the right heat temperature. There are many things to take into account: the quality of the coal, the height of the grate, the temperature of the air around, the presence or absence of wind, and so on.

No need to constantly twist the meat. Just bake it first on one side for a few minutes, and then on the other side and only so it does not dry out. Salt the meat only at the very end of frying.

Properly baked meat, I think, is visible to the naked eye 🙂 It is tender, juicy and fragrant.

What to serve as a side dish for barbecue

Shashlik is usually served with marinated onions, fresh vegetables, who likes what, and with herbs. Lavash, spices and sauce are also required for barbecue.

Garnish the kebab with just fresh vegetables, herbs and sauce!

Take any vegetables, most importantly fresh: tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper. Vegetables are also great for grilling. Wrap them in foil or place them directly on the wire rack. Before the beginning heat treatment vegetables, brush them with a marinade of soy sauce, spices and lemon juice, or just vegetable oil. Serve with barbecue, if you like, also Korean salads.

Greens - parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, celery and others. If we talk about the sauce, then it is served depending on the type of meat: regular ketchup, narsharab, tkemali and other sauces for meat. You can just sprinkle the meat lemon juice, although a properly cooked kebab is so tasty that it does not need to be improved in any way.

Red wine goes well with meat, which will improve your digestion and prevent high blood cholesterol levels.

There are a few traditional options barbecue serving: directly on a skewer, on a dish and in pita bread.

Remember that such familiar side dishes as potatoes or rice should not be next to the barbecue.

How to properly serve barbecue

If you cook and serve barbecue yourself not in nature, but at home, then arrange an excellent serving with your own hands. It is not difficult! D for an informal friendly atmosphereset the table in the style of "bistro". Remove skewers from skewers before serving to guests. Serve shish kebab pieces with greens sprinkled with lemon juice, add fresh vegetables - tomatoes, bell peppers and others to your taste and the taste of your guests.

Barbecue can be served both outdoors and at home

For barbecue, serve guests a small plate, knife and fork. If it's fishy barbecue, then put the appropriate appliances - a fish knife and a fish fork, which will save your guests a lot of inconvenience.

Put on the table and a spoon for the sauce, if you have provided it for your barbecue.

There is another option for serving barbecue not personally for each person - in common dish. Then take care of the presence of a fork and a knife to shift the barbecue.

The rest depends on what dishes you will serve.

Place a glass for wine or other drink.

on a skewer
On a platter
In lavash

Barbecue is the main dish of any picnic. But serving meat alone is not enough, so you should think about adding to it. What are the side dishes for barbecue and how to cook them - read on.

A side dish for barbecue should emphasize its taste, the main requirement is the lightness of the dish itself. After all, shish kebab is quite a heavy meal for the stomach, therefore, in order to avoid trouble, we advise you to choose more fresh vegetables and herbs as a side dish.

In addition, the preparation of the side dish should be very simple and quick. Who wants to wait Tasty dinner in nature for hours? That's why great option mushrooms and vegetables will become very quickly fried on an open fire.

But there are not only hot side dishes, but also cold ones, which are also suitable for barbecue. These can be salads that can be cut at home, and seasoned directly in nature. The only advice is not to use mayonnaise, which can speed up the process of spoiling fresh vegetables. Alternatively, use dressings made from olive oil, mustard, or even sour cream.

Grilled vegetables side dish recipe for barbecue

Grilled vegetables are delicious on their own. Choose firm vegetables and roast them with the skins on.

× 3 eggplant;
× 3 zucchini;
× 6 mushrooms;
× 2 sweet peppers;
× 3 tablespoons olive oil;
× 3 tbsp lemon juice;
× basil (several branches);
× 2 garlic cloves;
× salt and pepper to taste.

You can grill any vegetable

Recipe vegetable garnish to barbecue:

1. Cut the eggplant into circles, salt and leave for 15 minutes in cold water then rinse and pat dry. This is necessary in order to get rid of the excess bitterness of this vegetable. Zucchini, mushrooms and peppers also cut into circles.

2. For marinade, combine olive oil, lemon juice, basil and minced garlic.

3. Pour mushrooms and vegetables with marinade. Leave for one hour so that they marinate well.

3. Grill vegetables and mushrooms for 2 minutes on each side. You can also just string them on skewers. Sprinkle with herbs when serving. Separately, you can serve ketchup or chutney sauce.

Shish kebab side dish recipe - mushrooms with cheese

× 12 large mushrooms;
× 60 g hard cheese;
× 50 g butter;
× green onion;
× 3 garlic cloves;
× thyme to taste;
× salt and pepper to taste.

If you wish, you can not add cheese, mushrooms will be savored anyway

Recipe mushroom garnish to barbecue:

1. Clean the mushrooms and cut out the legs. Grate the cheese. Rub the oil with minced garlic.

3. Brush the mushroom caps garlic oil and grill (or skewers) for 2 minutes on each side. sprinkle fried mushrooms onion, thyme, cheese mixture and cook for 3 more minutes until cheese starts to melt. Serve hot.

Shish kebab side dish recipe - potatoes with tomatoes

× 8 potatoes;
× 2 tomatoes;
× 300 ml cream or 300 g sour cream;
× 130 g of hard cheese;
× 50 g butter;
× parsley and green onions;
× salt and pepper to taste.

You can fry any other vegetables you like with potatoes.

Recipe for potato side dish for barbecue:

1. Cut the potatoes into slices. If the potatoes are small, then you can bake them whole. Salt the potatoes, pepper, add herbs and cream, butter and mix well.

2. Wrap each potato in foil and grill for 20-30 minutes. After that, unfold the foil and put the chopped tomatoes and cheese on the potatoes and bake for another 10 minutes. You can add bacon here if you like. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Recipe for a side dish for onion and tomato skewers

× 5 st. l. orange juice;
× 1 red onion;
×4 large tomatoes;
× 3 st. l. olive oil;
× basil, spices, seasonings and salt to taste.

You can also make a warm salad with grilled vegetables

Recipe for a side dish for onion and tomato kebab:

1. Cut the rings of the red onion, put it in a bowl with orange juice, add salt and other seasonings. Leave for 10 minutes.

2. Add basil and olive oil and mix well. Chop the tomatoes and mix together.

3. Wrap portions in foil and grill for 10-15 minutes.

The long-awaited summer has come, and with it the main seasonal joys have returned to our lives: trips to barbecues and barbecues at their summer cottage. Of course everyone has their own set. obligatory dishes for fun get-togethers with friends and family fresh air- but nothing prevents you from bringing something new to the usual menu. ELLE offers five simple but very delicious meals perfect for a summer meal outdoors.

Grilled asparagus

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Type Garnish
  • Time 25 minutes
  • Person 4


  • 2 bunches of asparagus
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1/4 cup grated Parmesan
  • pepper


  1. Mix olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper in a bowl.
  2. Arrange the asparagus on the preheated grill and drizzle with the olive oil mixture. Turn the stems from time to time.
  3. Serve cooked asparagus, after “powdering” it with grated cheese.

Salad of cherry tomatoes and basil leaves

Vegetable salad is perhaps the most faithful companion of shish kebab and barbecue and real king side dishes!

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Time 10 minutes
  • Person 4



  1. Cut into halves red and yellow tomatoes and put them in a large bowl.
  2. Roll the basil leaves into a tight cigar, chop them coarsely and combine with the tomatoes.
  3. Add olive oil, a few drops of balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix and serve.

Grilled cucumbers

Not the most obvious, but no less tasty (and easy to prepare!) side dish for barbecue and barbecue.

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Type Snack
  • Time 30 minutes
  • Person 4


  • 10 medium sized cucumbers
  • 1/3 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 4 finely chopped garlic cloves
  • 1 teaspoon salt

For sauce:

  • 1 glass natural yogurt(without fragrances)
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped dill
  • 1/3 cup white vinegar
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Mix water, vinegar, salt and sugar in a bowl. Put a piece of feta cheese into the mixture and leave it for 15 minutes.
  2. Without peeling the cucumbers, cut them into halves (longitudinally), and then each half again in half.
  3. Mix vinegar, olive oil, garlic and salt to taste in a bowl. Dip the chopped cucumbers into the resulting marinade and leave them for 10 minutes.
  4. Drain the liquid the feta was marinated in. Add yogurt, garlic and dill to the cheese and mash with a fork (or blend in a blender) until smooth.
  5. Place the cucumbers on the preheated grill and cook for 10 minutes, turning occasionally.
  6. Serve the cooked vegetables along with the sauce.

Couscous salad with grilled vegetables

Couscous is ideal for those who do not like to spend time cooking. The same can be said for grilled vegetables!

  • Difficulty Easy
  • Time 20 minutes
  • Person 4


  • 2 cups couscous
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 sweet pepper
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup goat cheese
  • pepper

For refueling

  • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 small red onion
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1.5 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 cup olive oil


  1. Prepare couscous according to package instructions.
  2. Cut the vegetables into slices and put on a hot grill grate
  3. When the vegetables are ready, put them in a bowl of couscous, season with salt, pepper and olive oil. Stir well and garnish with goat cheese slices.
  4. To make the dressing, mix olive oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, salt and pepper until smooth. Add thyme, onion, finely chopped garlic and serve with salad.

Time 20 minutes

  • Person 6
  • Ingredients

    • 3 oranges
    • 1 tablespoon butter
    • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/8 teaspoon dried ginger
    • 1 pack of ice cream
    • walnuts


    1. Cut the oranges in half.
    2. Melt a tablespoon of butter, add cinnamon, ginger and vanilla extract to it. Brush the oranges (except the peel) with the resulting mixture and put the pulp side down on a hot grill.
    3. After two minutes, remove the fruit from the grill, place a scoop of ice cream on the pulp of each half and garnish with nuts.

    Grilled vegetables


    • cherry tomatoes, 15 pcs.
    • zucchini, 1 pc.
    • eggplant, 1 pc.
    • bell pepper, 2 pcs.
    • olive oil, 4 tbsp.
    • salt, pepper, to taste


    Wash all vegetables, cut and dry. Then put all the vegetables in one bowl, pour over olive oil, salt, pepper. Put on the grill and fry on both sides.

    Source: suwaneemagazine.com

    Green salad


    • watercress, ½ bunch
    • radish, 7 pcs.
    • shallots, a few feathers
    • mint, ½ bunch
    • parsley, ½ bunch
    • cilantro, ½ bunch
    • salt, to taste
    • olive oil, 3 tbsp.


    Wash and dry the greens, then chop them and put them in a salad bowl. Salt, mix, season with olive oil (it can be replaced with lemon juice or sour cream). Serve immediately with barbecue.

    Source: taste.com.au

    Vegetable salad


    • tomatoes, 3 pcs.
    • bell pepper, 1 pc.
    • cucumbers, 2 pcs.
    • Chinese cabbage, ½ head
    • lettuce leaves, ½ bunch
    • salt, to taste
    • olive oil, 4 tbsp.


    Wash all vegetables and greens, cut into a salad bowl. Salt and season with olive oil. Instead of oil, you can add balsamic vinegar, soy sauce or sour cream. Serve immediately with barbecue.

    Source: 123eda.com.ua

    Lavash rolls with vegetables


    • tomatoes, 3 pcs.
    • fresh cucumbers, 2 pcs.
    • pickled cucumbers, 1 pc.
    • lettuce leaves, ½ bunch
    • dill, parsley, to taste
    • mayonnaise, 2 tbsp.
    • salt, to taste


    Wash, cut vegetables and herbs. Lubricate pita bread with mayonnaise (you can replace it with curd cheese), put lettuce leaves, vegetables and herbs, salt and wrap in a roll. Cut the resulting roll diagonally.
