
Is it possible to eat raw elk liver. Moose in a slow cooker: delicious dishes

Since moose are quite rare wild animals, the meat of elk, or sukhatin, as it is also called, is not as widespread as the meat of domestic animals - beef or pork. But, according to hunters, fishermen, nutritionists, sokhatina has a great advantage over beef, which it looks like, since the elk eats plant forest food, and not compound feed with the addition of hormones and antibiotics. Therefore, moose meat is considered an environmentally friendly product that contains micro and macro elements, zinc, iron, phosphorus, a lot of vitamins and a high content of animal protein, which has the property of being absorbed very quickly in the body, much faster than protein from domestic animals, and a little slower. protein from fish meat.

The benefits of moose meat

In addition, moose meat practically does not contain fat, and, accordingly, cholesterol, and in terms of calories it has no equal among meat products - only 100 calories per 100 g of product.

Thanks to this combination of useful properties, elk meat contributes to the normalization of hematopoietic, metabolic and fat processes in the body. With a large amount of potassium and magnesium, it helps to keep the heart muscle in good shape, and the presence of iron helps to normalize the composition of the blood. With the help of zinc contained in sohatin, the body maintains the normal functioning of the reproductive system, which is very important for the male population. Unexpectedly, but sohatin contains a fairly large amount of iodine, which helps to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Due to its dietary properties, elk meat will be useful for both athletes and people with high cholesterol levels, and with regular use of this meat, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, then properly prepared sohatina is even recommended for pregnant women and children.

But, like any product, elk meat, in addition to positive qualities, also has negative ones. One of them is individual intolerance.

Not everyone may like the taste of elk for the first time, because it is quite tough, but experienced chefs know how to cook meat so that it turns out tasty and soft. You need to know that the most delicious meat is the meat of moose under the age of 3 years.

There are other downsides that need to be taken into account. Since the elk eats green food and aquatic plants, it can become a carrier of encephalitis and helminths.

Therefore, when cooking elk meat, it must be well fried or boiled meat, which allows you to get a "clean" product.

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Elk meat has a specific taste and differs significantly from beef or pork. It is not for nothing that sukhatin is considered a delicacy, however, today it is becoming easier to meet elk meat on the table. Moose farms are gaining momentum, and interest in moose is increasing more and more. However, few realize how tasty and nutritious moose can be.

The meat of young females, whose age does not exceed 3 years, is distinguished by the greatest value. Such elk meat will be tender, tasty and fragrant. In males, the meat is fibrous, often it has a more tart smell. To eliminate these shortcomings, elk meat is soaked for a long time.

Despite the prosperity of farming, it is the meat of a wild elk that is considered more valuable. In the wild, elk eat properly, their meat is free of hormones and harmful substances that are used to accelerate growth and protect against diseases in captivity. In elk meat, the amount of "bad" cholesterol is minimal, and the protein has an easily digestible form and contributes to rapid satiety. That is why the product is recommended for dietary nutrition. With it, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

Benefit for health

Usually elk meat is stewed or boiled. So it is possible to preserve the maximum benefit of the product and improve its taste. Elk is completely safe, and its benefits are much more pronounced than the negative consequences that a person can get when overeating it. The product is rich in essential minerals, in particular zinc, phosphorus and iron. Elk must necessarily appear in the diet of men who have problems with potency. The product improves blood circulation, restores reproductive functions, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The calorie content of elk is truly low, given that we are talking about meat. In this respect, sohatina surpassed even the popular beef, which has always been considered a dietary product. In addition, elk meat itself has a salty taste, which means that it is practically not necessary to add salt during the cooking process. That is why elk meat will be useful for those who have urolithiasis.

Other benefits of the product include:

  • improves brain function
  • normalizes digestion,
  • speeds up metabolic processes,
  • prevents the development of anemia,
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system,
  • strengthens bone tissue.

Moose cutlets and dumplings are especially popular. Elk meat is characterized by increased fiber content, but in the form of minced meat it is easier to digest and chew well. It is noted that those who consume moose meat have thicker hair, a healthy complexion, and strong nails. Losyatina can replace the usual meat, and the benefits will be much higher, because elk does not lead to an increase in cholesterol and is not deposited in the form of body fat.

Elk meat in pots will amaze even the most sophisticated gourmets. A well-cooked sausage has a delicate taste and a special, incomparable aroma. The product should definitely be tried by those who are struggling with excess weight. Elk meat contributes to rapid satiety, relieves hunger for a long time, but at the same time improves metabolism and speeds up the processing of fat. It is almost impossible to gain weight on elk meat, but this product will really help to strengthen muscles and improve health.


The meat itself is safe and can not cause any harm to health. However, eating old or infected meat can lead to serious consequences. In old individuals, salts of heavy metals and harmful compounds accumulate in the internal organs. That is why it is worth buying offal only from trusted manufacturers. Unvaccinated moose can be infected with fascioliasis, which is easily transmitted to humans. Fasciola are localized in the liver and lungs, which once again confirms the insecurity of acquiring moose offal.

Even if the meat is purchased from a trusted place, it must be boiled for at least 3 hours before consumption. Moose are carriers of many diseases that are dangerous to humans. In the process of long-term heat treatment, all pathogenic microorganisms die.

Harm is generally negligible. Just do not overeat moose meat. Frequent use of sochatina in large quantities can lead to an increase in uric acid in the body, which manifests itself in the form of osteochondrosis, gout, and joint ailments. It is better not to offer elk meat to children under three years old. It is also worth refraining from gastronomic experiments during pregnancy and lactation. In moderation and in the absence of contraindications, elk meat will only bring benefits and increase energy potential.

How to eat moose

Usually the meat is soaked and marinated. This allows you to improve the taste of elk meat and reduce its rigidity. The meat is soaked with herbs and sour berries, which emphasize the specific flavor of elk meat. During the pickling process, salt is practically not added to the meat. Elk is distinguished by natural saltiness and a special tart taste. The meat is rubbed with a mixture of peppers, poured with vinegar or lemon juice. You can pre-boil the elk along with bay leaves, onions and sweet peas. Marinating lasts quite a long time and can reach up to 3 days. Usually the meat is kept under oppression in a cool place.

Meat prepared in this way is used for stewing, frying or boiling. Before stewing, the meat is cut into cubes and fried on all sides until golden brown. After that, they are sent to a cauldron or a deep frying pan with thick walls for languishing. Since the meat is cooked for a long time, vegetables are usually added 60-40 minutes before the end of cooking. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add onions, herbs and other spices. Pickled meat has long been soaked with all the necessary ingredients, and the final dressing improves the taste of the dish and makes its aroma more vivid.

How to cook moose?

Maybe your husband is a noble elk hunter, maybe your closest friend or relative is the wife of a noble elk hunter, or you just got lucky in the market to meet a piece of excellent elk, but no matter how miraculously the meat of this noble animal got into your kitchen, you are lucky . If you carefully study the question "How to cook elk", then your loved ones will taste the most delicious eco-friendly natural meat. After all, the game that just yesterday ran through the forest was guaranteed not to be injected with antibiotics and did not eat compound feed, which means that it is incredibly useful. If the elk is tasty to cook, then you will discover a new delicacy. And even a few, because we want to offer you a whole bunch of excellent recipes from elk meat.

Roast elk

Ingredients: half a kilo of meat, two onions, tomato puree, five potatoes, carrots, spices, ghee, garlic (optional).

All culinary experts will unanimously tell you that before cooking elk, it must be marinated. Then the meat of a strong muscular animal will become softer, and the specific forest smell will be thinner. (It is recommended to use elk leg meat for roasts, preferably the back). Before the pickling process, the elk must be cleaned of films and cut into pieces. For this roast, the pieces should be no more than a couple of centimeters thick. Then the meat is put into a ceramic bowl and poured with marinade. It should be prepared with salt (2 tbsp), sugar (2 tbsp), spices (optional), vinegar (2 tbsp), bay leaf (3 leaves), parsley or celery. Vinegar can be diluted with water one to one. In especially solemn occasions, it is recommended to use dry wine instead of vinegar. Under the marinade, elk languish for at least 10 hours. Leave overnight - you can't go wrong.

Cooking elk for roast is better by cutting into thin slices. Fry them until light brown and transfer to a saucepan for stewing. While the meat is cooking, lightly fry the potatoes and carrots and then, about halfway through the stewing process, put them in a pan with elk. There, a little later, send the chopped greens and garlic. When the moose seems ready to you, turn off the stove, serve the meat on the table and surprise your home with a new dish and your skill.

Elk in the oven in foil

This dish will give you the opportunity to taste the real taste of this exquisite meat and understand: "Is it mine or not mine." The recipe for elk in the oven is simple, like everything ingenious. The first step - you can marinate, or you can just soak the meat for a couple of hours in water or in a weak saline solution. The marinade in this case is easier to cook - mix vinegar, water and vegetable oil and simmer the meat for six to seven hours. Then dry the elk shmat with a paper towel and stuff with small pieces of lard. This will help the meat stay juicier in the oven and not dry out. Then salt the elk and wrap it in foil, adding one hundred to two hundred grams of marinade there. Wrap loosely, leaving "air" above the meat. Cooking elk in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. Cooking time depends on the weight of the piece. An average of two to three hours. Half an hour before the end of the process, unfold the foil and bake the elk open so that it has time to brown. The finished dish can be eaten both cold and hot, after cutting into convenient pieces. It's good to even write about it!

Elk cutlets

If the harsh meat of this game is not particularly suitable for you, but you do not want to deprive yourself of healthy and environmentally friendly food, a recipe for making elk cutlets will come in handy. The process is almost classic, but there are some subtleties. You need to add a piece of bacon to the elk meat in a ratio of about two to one and scroll several times in a meat grinder. Some experts even recommend using a blender to make the minced meat fluffy and airy. Then to this mass we add white bread soaked in milk, the pulp of two tomatoes, two yolks, finely chopped onion, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Elk mince is ready.

We sculpt small balls from this minced meat, roll them in breadcrumbs, semolina or flour and lightly fry. We put the cutlets in a saucepan or other container with thick walls, add two glasses of cream and bring to full readiness. It can be on fire, it can be in the oven. It will take no more than half an hour and you can taste. I already envy you!

Elk hunting

You can cook delicious moose meat in a hurry, for this meat it is three hours. Not a complicated, but promising recipe is a hunting elk, but having studied it, you probably won’t understand what hunting has to do with it. Until you try. It is the taste that will remind you of the smell of the forest thicket, freshness and the specific aroma of game. Maybe your imagination will draw another picture for you, but it will be delicious for sure.

First of all, the elk (about a kilogram) should be washed well and dried with towels and cut into medium-sized pieces. Then we rub each with mustard powder and put it in a separate bowl for half an hour - soak. During this time, you need to peel and cut the onion into two halves and boil clean water. Then we cut the elk into smaller pieces, about 3 centimeters in size and fry over high heat and vegetable oil, stirring constantly.

When the pieces are browned on all sides, pour boiling water over them directly in the pan, close the lid and reduce the heat. When the water boils, put the onion, pepper and bay leaf into the pan to taste. We simmer for an hour and a half, periodically replacing the evaporated water with a new one, and only then salt. Elk stew for another ten minutes while we breed starch - a thickener for gravy. It will take about half a glass. With starch, elk should be stewed for another seven minutes and can be eaten with any side dish.

Looking at the range of meat products, gourmets sometimes sigh: there are more and more brands, but the products are basically the same - poultry, pork, beef and offal. Although more exotic species like elk meat are slowly starting to appear. It is considered a rarity, and in fact at the dawn of mankind, this particular product was the basis of the diet. Let's see what is interesting about sokhatina and how to cook it.

Main characteristics and taste qualities

This meat is considered an excellent substitute for more fatty varieties - beef and pork, as well as lamb. The most valuable are the muscle fibers that are contained in the tenderloin and are well absorbed by the body. Among nutritionists and gastroenterologists, a fresh and well-processed product is considered curative.

Elk is a slightly clumsy and large animal, on average, one individual weighs 300-400 kg (there are also specimens under half a ton). The most useful is the meat of females aged 1.5-3 years. In older animals, it is more rigid (and there is more fat), and in order to soften the fibers, it has to be soaked.

As for the taste, at the first try it will seem unusual, because it has a characteristic aftertaste, which is “knocked down” by various seasonings. The wiry tenderloin after wetting is great for dishes with minced meat - cutlets, dumplings, etc. But the most relish is, of course, roast and marinades popular among hunters.

Did you know?The elk differs from other forest living creatures in its complaisant nature - it is quite easy to tame it.

The chemical composition of the locust


A distinctive feature of the product is the abundance of B vitamins.
So, a 100-gram serving of tenderloin contains:

  • - 5.97 mg;
  • - 0.84 mg;
  • - 0.63 mg;
  • - 0.3 mg;
  • - 0.18 mg.

The action of these substances is reinforced by a small (in micrograms) content of other useful compounds, among which it stands out (3.45 μg).


The top macronutrients are (328 mg per same weight), (214 mg) and (196 mg). and smaller: 49 and 22 mg, respectively. Also present are c - 7.17 and 5.82 mg.

at a dose of 4 mg, it is a fastening element that enhances the effect of background ingredients in the form of (0.16 mg), (0.04 mg) and sulfur (214 μg).

Nutritional value and calories

Sohatina is unique in that it has no carbohydrates, and fats are almost invisible. In the structure of nutritional value, water is superior (75.8/100 g). Digestible proteins - 21.4 g, and fats no more than 1.7-1.8 g. Ash accounts for about 1 g.

The calorie content is 101 kcal for the same 100 g. There are data on 70 and even 50 kcal, but this depends on the age of the animal and the method of processing (nutritionists focus on the “hundred”).

What are the benefits of moose meat

It is logical that a product with such a rich content of valuable substances can bring a lot of benefits when consumed.
Among the useful qualities of sokhatina are:

  • improvement of metabolism in the body;
  • normalization of hematopoietic processes and fat balance (this is the merit of vitamin B);
  • cleansing of blood vessels due to the absence of cholesterol, which has a good effect on the work of all organs, including the brain;
  • support for the work of the heart muscle (the effect of potassium and magnesium);
  • an increase in hemoglobin levels (that is, a reduced risk of anemia);
  • strengthening of the bone apparatus, muscles and ligaments;
  • mild effect on the endocrine system, which allows you to maintain normal hormonal balance.

Important!Sokhatina is very useful for athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor - with moderate use, it allows you to quickly build up lean muscle mass.

This meat has another effect that will be of interest to men. The fact is that the zinc contained in the fibers has a positive effect on the reproductive system.

Rules for choosing a quality product

For many citizens, the moment of choosing and buying such meat is also the first meeting with this product. To get a really high-quality tenderloin, you should keep in mind a few simple rules.

Let's start at the point of purchase. Usually this is a specialized department of a supermarket or a market. The store can sell meat obtained from farms where elk are bred. In the markets you have to deal with game. It is better to take it in stores where there is some, but still a guarantee that the product has passed veterinary control.

Be sure to evaluate how the product is packaged and under what conditions. In any case, take an interest in the age of the animal. Ideally, this is an animal 1-2 years old, preferably a female (3 years are considered the upper limit). This information may be indicated on the packaging, and the seller in the market must have it.

Did you know?In case of danger, a large animal easily accelerates to 50 km / h. In addition, elk are good swimmers.

There is one nuance here: it would be good to ask in what area the elk that came to the hunters lived. In nature, these animals feed mainly on aquatic and marsh flora, which is why cadmium accumulates in the body. Having learned that the meat was obtained from animals that lived near industrial centers, it is better to refuse to buy - in such locations there is an excess of salt of heavy metals.

The color of the meat should be reddish, and the brighter the shade, the better. The wax color indicates that this piece has been lying for a long time. Try to catch the scent. Of course, it will be somewhat more tart than sterile broilers, but still without any foreign flavors.

Oily, and even more so, putrid notes in the "ambergris" are excluded. It remains to test the density: if, when pressed with a finger, the meat easily took on its previous shape, then it can be taken - this is a sign of a fresh product.

How to cook delicious elk meat: step by step recipes

Only when planning the purchase of sakhatina, many are thinking about how to turn it into a culinary masterpiece. Often, such samples begin with the preparation of a roast.

Baked in the oven

Grocery list begins with tenderloin in the form of muscles that are hard to the touch. To process it you will need:

  • sugar;
  • black and allspice-peas;
  • garlic;
  • soy sauce (to taste)

Important!The number of ingredients is selected depending on the weight of the sausage (and your own taste preferences).

The step-by-step cooking process looks like this:

All is ready!

Did you know?Moose were one of the first animals captured by man in painting - in the cave paintings of primitive people, one of the central plots was the hunt for this beast.

As you can see, the recipe is quite simple, although "long-playing". But patience will be rewarded - sukhatin in its own juice, and even cooked with your own hands, will become an amazing delicacy.

Elk basturma

Dried meat lovers will love the basturma recipe from this tenderloin.

The list of products includes:

  • meat without veins (1 kg), cut into medium pieces - about 7x4 cm (when dried, they will noticeably dry out and decrease);
  • coarse salt;
  • spice chaman - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • paprika and hot red pepper - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • suneli hops (1 tablespoon) and allspice (1 teaspoon) act as additional spices - they are added to taste.

The step-by-step process is reduced to an algorithm:

Important!When working with a large number of seasonings, it is advisable to wear gloves - a strong aroma is absorbed into the skin of the hands. Of course, the spices must be fresh (look at the packaging time).

Those who carry out this procedure for the first time should keep in mind that seasonings give the elk a special taste. Therefore, at the first samples, spices are added sparingly.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

It is believed that fresh and well-prepared sukhatin has no obvious contraindications. But nutritionists advise to refrain from taking it:

  • with individual intolerance to the product;
  • during an exacerbation of gout or osteochondrosis;
  • pregnant women and children under 7 years of age (when it comes to meat of a wild animal).

At the same time, people with impaired capillary permeability, systemic diseases of the nervous system and a predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (out of habit, this is a rather difficult food for digestion) should be approached with caution.

The harm from such meat is manifested mainly when it is taken excessively or when dishes containing game enter the body. The risk is that forest animals, unlike their farm-dwelling counterparts, do not get the vaccines they need.

Did you know?The fastest growing organ in these beauties is the horns. Dropped on the eve of winter, they grow back in 3-5 months (thus, the animal's body retains the energy that is so necessary in the cold).

Other rare meats

In addition to moose, there are other types of products on the shelves that are considered exotic in our area. They deserve a brief mention of them.

Basically, this is a game from suburban forests with reservoirs. Useful and relatively easy to handle. The taste is something between lamb and rabbit, and with a clear fishy smell.

Through the efforts of farms to keep these giant birds, it is becoming more and more. It is considered a valuable dietary product (there is no fatty layer), and the highest chic is to try tender fillets. Dark red meat when sampled is very close to beef.

Also a soft raw material. It goes to the preparation of steaks, cutlets and even dumplings, and the fried tip of the tail is considered the most relish. Taste - with obvious beef and pork notes.

Important!Any game requires a fair amount of caution: it is not known what exactly and in what places the animal ate.

Now you know how moose is useful, how to choose and process it correctly. We hope that this information will be useful to our readers, and they will be able to replenish their culinary knowledge.

Good afternoon My name is Anna, and today I want to tell you about how to properly cook moose. Elk meat is valued for its unusual taste, but you need to know how to cook elk so that it turns out soft, without a specific smell. You can cook anything from elk meat: roast, goulash, barbecue, meatballs, meat casserole and below I will share the best recipes for cooking elk with a photo.

Cooking Elk: Fragrant Roast

Perhaps the most popular elk dish is roast. How to cook roast elk meat, I will tell you in detail. First you need to prepare all the ingredients that will be needed in the process of working on the dish:

  • Elk - half a kilogram of fresh pulp
  • Potatoes - 5-6 nodules
  • Pair of bulbs
  • Carrot - large root
  • A little fat for frying
  • tomato paste
  • Herbs and spices of your choice
  • A couple of cloves of garlic.

Roast elk is not the most difficult recipe, but you need to know how to marinate elk meat so that it is soft. Therefore, cooking always begins with marinating meat. The marinade mixture for elk is prepared as follows: in a cup you need to mix 2 full tablespoons of vinegar, granulated sugar and salt in the same proportion, add lavrushka, 10 peas of black pepper and parsley root. Having prepared the mixture, set it aside and proceed to the processing of meat.

To cook elk meat deliciously, it must be properly butchered. To make it clear to you how to do this, I supplemented the recipe for preparing a photo. The elk must be washed and all tendons and films removed, and then cut into small pieces, the thickness of which should not exceed 2 centimeters. We put the prepared meat in a deep cup in layers and each (!) Layer must be covered with the mixture that was prepared for pickling. Then you need to pour water into the meat and let it marinate for 8 hours. But knowing how to pickle elk is not all. There are nuances in the further cooking process. I'll write it down step by step:

  1. We cut the marinated elk flesh into even smaller cubes, and then fry in hot melted butter until a beautiful crust forms.
  2. We shift the prepared meat into a cauldron and simmer until soft. You can add some warm water.
  3. While the meat is languishing in a cauldron, prepare the vegetables. We clean potatoes, carrots, onions and garlic, wash them. We cut the potatoes into bars, fry in the same melted butter, mix with carrots and then transfer them to the cauldron to the elk.
  4. After the vegetables are almost ready, pour the onion into the cauldron, add the tomato paste, spices.

It remains only to finely chop the garlic, herbs and pour over the meat. Darken for a few more minutes over low heat and roast elk can be served at the table. The dish can be garnished with pickles or fresh vegetables, served separately with a spicy sauce based on tomato or sour cream. The stewed elk turns out soft, fragrant. This is how elk roast is prepared at home: troublesome, but incredibly tasty!

Bake elk in the oven: recipe with photo

Elk in the oven is a truly royal dish, but again, you need to know some nuances so that it is soft after heat treatment. Below I will talk about how to cook elk meat soft in the oven, and give a detailed recipe with a photo. We start, as always, with the preparation of products:

  • Moose meat - one kilogram
  • Table bite - one full glass
  • Coarse salt - a tablespoon without a slide
  • Black pepper - 8 peas
  • Bay leaf
  • Granulated sugar - a tablespoon
  • parsley root
  • Onions - two heads
  • Spices to taste
  • frying oil

Cooking begins with the fact that we qualitatively beat off the meat with a special hammer. Next, prepare the marinade by mixing vinegar, salt, sugar, pepper, ground bay leaf, chopped parsley root and finely chopped onion in a cup. Pour a liter of clean water into the finished mixture, mix, pour into a saucepan, put on fire and let it boil.

We remove the boiled marinade from the stove and cool it to room temperature, after which we put the beaten elk in the same saucepan. We put oppression on top, and remove the meat for pickling in a cold place for 48 hours. After the meat is marinated, it will be ready for baking, and below we will analyze in detail how elk is cooked in the oven with a photo:

  1. We wipe the marinated meat with paper towels and rub it liberally with herbs and spices that you like. For example, I just take a ready-made set of herbs for meat.
  2. Place a large frying pan on the stove, add oil and heat. We spread a piece of elk and fry on both sides until half cooked.
  3. We carefully pack the prepared meat in foil, put it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. Attention! Remember to pour about one glass of water on the baking sheet first.
  4. The meat will reach readiness within 3-4 hours. Add more water to the pan if necessary. Just before the end of cooking, the foil should be unrolled - then the elk will turn out with a delicious crust.

Remove the finished elk from the foil, cut into portions and serve with fried or boiled potatoes, fresh or pickled vegetables. Moose meat is not cooked quickly in the oven, but this dish is guaranteed to surprise your guests at the festive table.

Fried elk: the subtleties of cooking

How to fry elk in a pan so that the meat is soft and juicy? Actually, you won’t be able to fry the elk just in a frying pan: it will be tough, so one way or another, the meat will have to be marinated and stewed. To begin with, the elk pulp must be thoroughly washed, dried on paper napkins and then cut into medium-sized pieces.

We rub each piece of elk with mustard powder on all sides and put it in a ceramic container. Marinate the elk for 30-40 minutes. Next, cut the meat into even smaller pieces and fry in a pan with vegetable oil, stirring constantly.

When the meat is reddened, pour about one and a half cups of boiling water directly into the pan, cover with a lid and reduce the heat to a minimum. When the liquid in the pan begins to boil, you can add onion, spices, parsley to the meat. Elk will need to be brought to readiness within an hour and a half, after which diluted starch can be added to thicken the meat sauce. Stew the meat with the prepared sauce for about 10 minutes, and then serve with any side dish.

In the article, I talked about the most popular recipes for cooking elk, photos of which will help you cook elk meat correctly and tasty. But you can also cook soups, cutlets, barbecue from elk - in general, you can find a recipe for every taste. Try delicacy elk and surprise your family and guests of your house with an unusual taste.
