
What is kiwano and how is it eaten. African curiosity - kiwano

Kiwano belongs to the gourd family. Other names for these fruits are also known: “African cucumber”, “anguria” or “English tomato”.

The homeland of this fruit is Africa, where it is still widely distributed. In addition, today kiwano grows in all areas with a tropical climate. Quite exotic fruits look like melons oval shape, which is covered with conical spikes. But although they look dangerous, the spikes are soft, and it is impossible to get hurt by them. Inside is a jelly-like pulp of pale green color with big amount seeds (see photo) that you can eat. Due to the presence of soft veins and partitions inside the fetus is divided into a large number of sectors.

Interestingly, judging by the reviews, the taste of the Kiwano fruit is different for each person. Someone says that it looks like a mixture of cucumber and banana, while others argue that the taste of the fruit is something in common between melon and lime.

Beneficial features

Given that the kiwano fruit is filled with various micro and macro elements, as well as vitamins, it is considered an excellent tonic. It is useful to use it in winter, during the period of active spread of various infections, as the fruits help strengthen the immune system. Perhaps this is due to the presence of vitamin B and ascorbic acid, which do not allow viruses and microbes to enter the body.

Since the kiwano fruit belongs to low-calorie foods, his can be used in dietary and clinical nutrition. The composition of the fruit includes potassium, which is necessary for normal functioning of cardio-vascular system and for the body as a whole. This trace element is needed to maintain the acid-base balance of cells and normalize water balance. Thanks to this, kivano will be useful for people with problems of the heart, blood vessels and gastrointestinal tract. Due to the fact that there is fiber in kiwano, work improves digestive system in general and regular use you can get rid of constipation.

The beneficial properties of the kiwano fruit have found their application in cosmetology. The pulp is part of a variety of masks that have a tonic and tightening effect. Since the fruits have an astringent property, they can be used to heal burns and wounds.

Use in cooking

fruit kiwano widely used in cooking for the preparation of various desserts. The pulp is put in salads, desserts, and it is also used as a filling or cream for baking. In addition, crushed fruits can be used as a decoration and for a variety of flavors in ice cream and milkshakes.

Kiwano fruit is used not only in sweet dishes, as its taste also has a slight sourness. For example, a dish that combines seafood is very popular all over the world. soft cheese and fruit pulp. In addition, the fruit is pickled and obtained great alternative cucumbers.

Kiwano benefits and treatment

The benefits of kiwano fruit are due to the content necessary for human body trace elements and vitamins. The fruits are recommended for people with diabetes. This fruit is also used traditional medicine. For example, the pulp is used as a lotion to stop bleeding. In addition, it does not allow pathogens to enter the wound.

Kiwano juice can be used for burns, and it is also recommended to drink it during the course of chemotherapy to cope with the problem of hair loss.

Kiwano harm and contraindications

Kiwano fruit can harm people with individual intolerance, as well as those who are prone to allergies to exotic foods.

Kiwano is the most exotic fruit which came from Africa. Through this article, you will be able to find out how to eat nod, composition and what are the useful properties this fruit.

What is kiwano made of?

The fruit of the kiwano is difficult to confuse with something else, because it is distinguished extraordinary view, although vaguely resembling a familiar cucumber to us - an oval-shaped fruit with elongated pimples. If you cut it open, inside you can find a core of white seeds surrounded by a greenish translucent jelly.

The composition of kiwano is very diverse. If we express the composition of 100 g of kiwano in percentage, you get the following picture:

  • water - 88.9%;
  • proteins - 1.8%;
  • fats - 1.2%;
  • carbohydrates - 7.6%;
  • ash - 0.5%.

Kiwano contains a large amount of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9 and C), micro and macro elements. It contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and phosphorus, as well as iron, zinc, copper, and manganese. The calorie content is very low - only 44 kcal.

In the cold season, kiwano can almost independently provide the human body with the necessary nutrients.

What is useful kiwano?

Considering all the components included in the kivano, we can conclude that it is very useful fruit. With its constant use, immunity is significantly increased and strengthened.

The benefit of kiwano also lies in its ability to maintain water balance body, due to the large amount of water in the fruit itself. Potassium favorably affects muscle tone and the state of the heart.

It is also surprising that although the fruit tastes quite sweet, it is allowed to be eaten by diabetics and is often included in medical nutrition. In general, this fruit is not loaded with calories. It can be included in the diet even while on a diet.

Kiwano pulp is great for skin care, so it can be used externally to make masks at home. And African tribes, knowing about the beneficial properties of kiwano and the astringent effect of the fruit pulp, used it as a means to stop bleeding, heal open wounds and even burns. Kiwano juice is recommended for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to eat kiwano?

The versatility of the kiwano lies in the fact that it is impossible to accurately determine whether it is a fruit or a vegetable. Therefore, it can be added to both snacks and desserts.

How to eat kiwano? Everything is extremely simple. It is necessary to cut the fruit in half and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. A hard crust is often not thrown away, but dried. It makes decorative bowls for desserts, bowls for cocktails or snacks.

Gourmets prefer not only to eat the fruit in its original form, but to add it to all kinds of dishes- salads, snacks, used as a decoration for sandwiches, cocktails, ice cream, cakes, jelly, etc. Its sweet and sour taste adds piquancy to the dish.

No matter how strange it may sound, but kivano is eaten not only raw, it is often marinated and salted. Many of those who have tried say that pickled kiwanos are significantly tastier than cucumbers which are somewhat similar to this fruit.

Often this fruit is added to salads. For example, a salad is common, consisting of equally chopped radishes, sweet peppers, tomatoes, Kiwano pulp, and greens (onions, parsley). The salad is dressed with lemon juice. Or another option. Mixed seafood and soft cheese. In this case, kiwano is used not as an ingredient in the dish itself, but as a decoration.

Fruit video review

Good afternoon friends!

Before talking about kiwano cultivation and about its application, I will tell you briefly about this exotic plant.

Kiwano is a member of the pumpkin family. Subspecies - cucumber. Originally grown in Africa. Today it is actively grown on plantations in New Zealand, Israel, and Italy.

Often, kiwano is popularly called the African cucumber, most likely due to the similarity of the pulp and seeds in it. And they are also compared with horned melon - they both have a yellow peel with soft pimples on it. The skin of the fruit has light fragrance cucumber, and the pulp has collected the tastes of kiwi, melon, banana and lemon.

Kiwano grows into a climbing vine, reaching three to five meters in length. The length of the fetus can reach fifteen centimeters.

How to grow Kiwano?

Seedlings of seeds should germinate within a month at home. 24 hours before planting seeds in pots, they must be soaked in a solution of Sodium Humate or Epina-Extra. As soon as the seeds swell, they are immediately planted in a pot with a diameter of approximately 10 centimeters. Planting depth is approximately 3 cm. The pot should contain fertilized soil. The most favorable temperature for germination is 25 degrees.

Around the end of spring, a pot of sprouts can already be placed in a greenhouse. And already directly into the garden only when the frosts end. Kiwano does not tolerate cold weather. It is advisable to plant them at a sufficient distance - about 1 plant per 1 square meter, because. it is characterized by active growth of leaves and branches.

Because kiwano is a climbing plant, then it needs some kind of support for plant growth. The best option is to land next to the fence.

Kiwano is quite resistant to many diseases that are characteristic of the pumpkin family and is not particularly susceptible to attack by pests.

This plant begins to bloom very late, sometimes just before the frost, so a special variety was bred for our strip - “ green Dragon"- which bears fruit regardless of the length of daylight hours.

If the weather is rather dry outside, the plant should be watered about 2-3 times a week. It is necessary to regularly fertilize the soil with various fertilizers.

To stimulate the growth of new fruits, you need to regularly harvest fruits that are already ripe.

Kiwano application

Kiwano contains a huge amount of vitamins needed by the human body.

For people who care about their skin, the pulp will useful ingredient for adding to the compositions of natural homemade masks. Due to the water content of the fruit and a large amount of vitamins, such a mask will perfectly moisturize and nourish the skin.

No side or negative effects from this fruit have been identified, but, of course, like any other fruit, especially exotic, you first need to try a small amount of to avoid unexpected allergic reactions.

Kiwano can be eaten raw or cooked from it. various jams, jam and juices. Marinades are also made from kiwano. This fruit has huge amount useful substances that enhance immunity.

Since ancient times, the peoples of Africa have used the astringent property of the Kiwano pulp as a healing agent.

Exists interesting option use of the nodule peel. Because it is quite solid, it is perfect as a decorative vessel for decorating various dishes.

Conduct kiwano cultivation not difficult at all. In this case, you will get a plant whose fruits have pleasant taste and aroma, as well as many pleasant and useful properties. Kiwano will fit perfectly into any garden. See you, friends!

Hello dear readers!

In the assortment of Russian summer residents in 2013, a new edible crop from the pumpkin family appeared. Kiwano(African cucumber, horned or jelly melon) - a native of South Africa. This plant is often confused with, which appearance fetus is really very similar to African cucumber. But in the Antillean cucumber, the leaves resemble watermelon, and in the kiwano, the leaves are similar to cucumber, but smaller.

What can be attractive nodding for us summer residents? The original, unusually productive culture is characterized by high endurance and resistance to pests and diseases. I have been growing Kiwano in my dacha in a greenhouse for two years now and am very satisfied with the results. Fragile climbing vine with a thin furrowed stem reaches up to 5 m in length. The leaves are smaller than those of a cucumber, but resemble them in shape.

The roots of the nod are superficial, poorly developed, the flowers are small, yellow, numerous. Due to the superficial and undeveloped roots, it is not recommended to loosen the nodule; it is better to mulch the soil around the plants to preserve moisture. Fruits on long stalks, green, oval, the size of a goose egg, tuberculate. Ripe fruits yellow and attract with a beautiful carved pattern. The fruits of some varieties have large tubercles with dark, non-spiny spines.

The seeds are small, flat, enclosed in juicy pericarp, cream-colored when ripe, remain viable when proper storage up to 8 years old.

Young ovaries at 4-6 days of age can be consumed in fresh, in salads, successfully used for cooking not only sweet, but also spicy dishes, add to compotes and jams from fruits and berries, salt and marinate like cucumbers. The taste is very tasty and delicious product. Kiwano, in comparison with cucumbers, contains much more substances useful for the body (organic acids, P-active substances, ascorbic acid, rare mineral salts).

Fruit African cucumber used for treatment gastrointestinal diseases, to improve cardiovascular activity, as a healing agent for cuts and burns, in cosmetology. Yogurt with Kiwano juice is very useful because it contains a lot of potassium.

When ripe, the fruits increase significantly in size and can be stored at room temperature up to 6 months. The flesh of a ripe kiwano is greenish in color, edible, sweet and sour in taste. This begs the question, why is such a valuable and unpretentious vegetable so far very rarely cultivated in our Russian gardens? The answer to this question is very simple. Until last year, there were no zoned Kiwano varieties in the assortment of our summer residents, and attempts to grow this plant from "overseas" varieties often ended in failure, since the African cucumber comes from tropical countries and he needs a short daylight hours, which is typical in the summer for countries located near the equator.

But with the appearance in 2013 in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Russian Federation the first domestic variety of kivano - Green Dragon, the situation has changed. The cultivation of this variety of kiwano is possible with a long daylight hours, it begins to bear fruit two months after the emergence of seedlings, and it can be safely cultivated in closed ground even in Siberia. This is an annual dioecious plant of the gourd family, with a growing season from germination to fruit ripeness of 75-86 days. The taste of kiwano pulp resembles the taste of lemon with pineapple with a pronounced melon flavor. The keeping quality of ripe fruits is up to 6 months after picking. Yields up to 4 kg per sq. m.

When growing kiwano, you need to allocate a site with well-drained soil and moderately supplied with nutrients. This plant is thermophilic and photophilous. For normal growth and development of the plant, the optimum temperature is 21-26 degrees. It is unacceptable to grow kiwano in shady places or in areas with acidic soil.

If in the Central regions of Russia a warm summer is issued, then the fruits of the plant ripen in the open field. When grown outdoors, if other cucurbits are nearby, Kiwano can cross-pollinate with them and form interspecific hybrids.

Seeds for seedlings should be sown 20-25 days before planting a kivano in a permanent place (usually in mid-April-early May). Before sowing, it is recommended to soak the seeds in a solution of Immunocytophyte or Sodium Humate for 35-45 minutes. Planting is best done in separate containers in a soil mixture that is light in texture to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.

Seedlings should be planted in a greenhouse or under a temporary film shelter no earlier than May 20, and when the threat of night frosts has passed, seedlings can be planted in open ground(after June 5). Distance between rows 55-65 cm, between plants 35-40 cm.

Kiwano care consists of regular watering (2-3 times a week), mulching the soil around the plants, weeding and fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers every 12-14 days. top dressing organic fertilizers(mullein or chicken manure) should be alternated with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, preferably complex with microelements.

Under favorable conditions, the nodule grows very quickly, branches strongly. Plants need shaping and tying to a vertical trellis. In education, very a large number we pinch young shoots to the ovary, and remove shoots with only male flowers completely.

Pollination of Kiwano under favorable weather conditions by insects is very active, bees are especially fond of this plant. If you want to get more young fruits, we harvest every day, so we increase the yield of kivano (up to 200 pieces per plant). If you grow fruits that have ripened on the plant, then the yield will be significantly lower.

lovers exotic plants succeeds in growing nod in the loggia, or on the balcony in large containers (15-25 l) filled with nutrient-rich soil mixture. While there are no self-pollinating varieties African cucumber, you will have to pollinate the plant when grown on a glazed loggia manually, using a brush. An adult plant with ripened beautiful fruits will decorate a balcony or loggia in an original way, and subsequently the kiwano fruits will come in handy for New Year's and family holidays.

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Seeing this fruit for the first time, not everyone will immediately determine what it is and what it is eaten with. But interest in everything new and exotic encourages a person to get to know this newcomer by name. nod.

Kiwano fruit

Kiwano is called horned melon and African cucumber. This herbaceous plant, a vine from the gourd family. The size of the Kiwano fruit reaches more than two meters, but typical sizes are within 20 centimeters. The homeland of the plant is Africa. It is grown for the sake of fruits, similar to a small oval-shaped melon with short spikes. This edible fruit very nutritious, and therefore is actively cultivated in the countries of Central America, in California, in Australia and even in Israel. negative temperature the plant does not tolerate.

Kiwano fruits are yellow, orange or red. Their peel is inedible, tough, leathery, covered in soft spikes. And the green jelly pulp with many pale green seeds is valued in fruits. The length of one seed is about a centimeter.

Inside the kiwano resembles a large overripe cucumber

... and outside - a melon with thorns. For which, in fact, he received the nickname "horned melon"

Kiwano in the habitat

The taste of these fruits is similar to cucumber or banana. It is eaten as a sweet or salty product. Salt is added to the salty salad with kiwano, lemon juice and pepper. Also, the fruit is used in cocktails - milk and fruit.

Many people really like the Kiwano melon, despite its little fame in our latitudes. This amazing fruit a bit like a chestnut. Its size is approximately equal to the average orange, and the orange skin is covered with marble-like stains. The taste of the fruit, probably, will not leave anyone indifferent. The entire interior is divided into several sectors by soft partition walls. But do not confuse the fruit with another representative of the exotic flora - anguria. Apart from a slight resemblance external signs they have nothing in common.

The taste of this miracle resembles a mixture of melon, cucumber and banana

Kiwano is used in both sweet and savory dishes.

Kiwano fruit is very juicy: 89% of its mass is water. It contains more carbohydrates than fats and proteins. Also, the fruit is distinguished by a significant content of ash in it - about 0.44%. Of the vitamins in kiwano, there is a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as pantothenic acid (B5), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), beta-carotene (A), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and folic acid(AT 9). There are many macronutrients in the fruit. The content of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and sodium is so much higher than other fruits, which makes the fruit simply unique. Kiwano also contains iron, copper, manganese and even zinc in a form that is digestible for the human body. In addition, the fruit contains a significant amount of organic acids, P-active substances, alkaline mineral salts and sucrose.

And with all this, the calorie content of the fruit is quite low: in 100 g of the fruit there are only 40 kcal.

In the homeland of this fruit, it is very common in home gardens and on specially designated plantations. In caring for him during the growing season, it is necessary enough nutrients in the soil, especially nitrogen. It is also important that the plant, like any other vine, be provided with abundant watering. The plant itself branches into many thin stems divided into edges. These stems are very strong, their length reaches more than 5 meters. Thanks to this branching, the nodule during the growth period is able to braid large areas. To grow kiwano, a special net is stretched on the site, which eventually fills with foliage, creating a continuous hedge. The leaves of the plant are similar to the leaves of a cucumber, divided into 5 parts, covered with hard fluff. That's just the size of the kiwano leaves is smaller.

During flowering, all the stems of the plant along their entire length are abundantly covered with small flowers. yellow color opening in the morning and closing in the afternoon. If kiwano is provided proper care, then in a good season from one bush you can collect 300 fruits!

Thanks to its strong peel, this fruit is suitable for making various crafts.

fruit jewelry

Flower pots

How to eat kiwano

exotic look fruit has become the reason that it is often used in decoration different dishes. So the housewives cut this fruit into slices or spread the jelly pulp with seeds on any of the desserts. Exclusive serving devices are made from the peel of this fruit. holiday tables. After all, when you cut the fruit of the nod in half, select the pulp and put the halves with the spikes down, you get an unusual dish for desserts, fish, meat or vegetable snacks.

Of course, we are interested in how kiwanos are eaten. It turns out that in those countries where this plant is common, they make interesting dishes. For example, soft cheese is mixed with different seafood, and topped with fruit pulp. The dish is also served in an unusual way - in a "dishes" made from the peel of the fruit.

Practical housewives will really like this fruit - you can eat the pulp, and use the peel to prepare other dishes 🙂

This amazing fruit has an unusual yet delicate taste. It immediately looks like a melon, cucumber and banana. And some claim that it has a taste of lime, kiwi and avocado. Therefore, kiwano can be used both as a fruit and as a vegetable, adding it to both sweet and spicy dishes.

This fruit can be eaten raw, including in various salads, salt, marinate like cucumbers. You can add the fruits of this exotic to berry jam or compote, which will give these familiar dishes notes unusual taste and aroma. Yogurt containing the juice of this fruit has become especially popular. For eating, raw fruits must be cut into separate slices. You can also cut the fruit in half and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. And then you can either cook with it different goodies or eat raw.

marinate unripe fruits nodding. Many believe that the taste of these fruits is much brighter than that of cucumbers, although cooked in the same way. And they don't just taste better. Kiwano fruits contain many more different substances useful for the human body.

Kiwano juice can be eaten alone or as part of different cocktails

So, thanks to the rich content of vitamins, macro- and microelements in them, these fruits have established themselves as great source different utilities. These properties are especially important in the cold months of the year. And given the low nutritional value and calorie content of the fetus, it can also be consumed with diet food. The content in kiwano of a fairly large amount of vitamin C and many B vitamins, it is considered to be excellent tool capable of toning the body. The content in it of such a macroelement as potassium, which is indispensable for the functioning of the heart and the entire human body, is also valuable. It is he who creates sufficient conditions for muscle contraction, it normalizes the acid-base balance of the cells, regulates the water level and maintains concentration, density and blood pressure. Because of this, doctors even recommend the use of kivano to sick people, especially in case of cardiovascular diseases.

In some countries, the fruits are called nod "green dragon". It's funny, but it is this prickly dragon that is actively used in cosmetology. It is included in body and face masks, tonics and lotions. And the fact that it does not deteriorate very much for a long time after removal from the bush, allows you to enjoy its taste and useful qualities until next harvest.
