
Health benefits of edible chestnuts. Useful properties of a noble fruit

Some twenty or thirty years ago, such an original dish as edible chestnuts was not even heard in the Slavic countries, let alone tried or cooked in their own kitchen. But the amazing variety of national traditions in our time is becoming public. Someone tries Parisian chestnuts in a restaurant during a tourist trip, someone is looking for such delicacies in the establishments of their country, and someone even decides to cook such a dish on their own. Let's look at the usefulness of such a dessert, the rules for its preparation and use.

The fruits of the chestnut tree have become a kind of hallmark of Paris, because there you can just meet sellers roasting chestnuts in pans on the streets. The aroma, which at the same time spreads around, intoxicates and enchants.
This smell, reminiscent of the aroma of freshly baked homemade bread, creates a unique atmosphere of comfort in the open air. And having tasted such a dessert, it’s hard to deny yourself another serving.

Did you know? This food, little known to us, was popular long before the beginning of our era. For example, in ancient Rome, such a delicacy was served as a dessert for the upper classes and privileged persons. Alexander the Great, during his long campaign to the East, used chestnuts as a satisfying and nutritious substitute for ordinary provisions, thanks to which his army was able to advance so far.

Traditional fried delicacies, soups, soufflés are prepared from these nuts, they are ground into flour and bread, sweets and all kinds of pastries are prepared. Also, the fruits of the chestnut tree are served with meat dishes, with asparagus and scallops, added to mousse with and much more.

On cool autumn evenings, chestnuts are the perfect accompaniment to mulled wine, and in cafes, chestnut desserts go great with Normandy cider.

The tradition of selling roasted nuts on the street is characteristic not only of French cities, but also of Italian or Turkish ones. However, only in Paris there is a special holiday dedicated specifically to chestnuts. The holiday is accompanied by street festivities, songs, competitions and performances of amateur theaters.

Someone has probably already thought about the fact that chestnut trees grow in his yard or somewhere nearby, so you can pick their fruits right now and start cooking. But do not rush to conclusions, because not all chestnuts are suitable for eating. For example, the one that grows in your yard is horse chestnut, and people do not eat it.

This is a forage type of fruit that is given to horses and cattle. For humans, there are sowing forms of the chestnut tree.
The varieties of chestnuts allowed for food include:

  • European sowing;
  • crenate;
  • Chinese (softest);
  • Asia Minor (grows in Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Krasnodar Territory).

All other types of chestnut nuts are unsuitable for this.

To distinguish between edible and inedible chestnut fruit, there are several basic rules. To distinguish horse chestnut from edible for humans, you can focus on the following points:

  1. The difference in the shape and size of the sheet. The edible chestnut has a more rounded leaf shape, without notches and jagged edges.
  2. Differences in the shape of inflorescences. In edible species, the inflorescences are flatter, while in horses they are elongated, resembling a Christmas tree in shape.
  3. Taste of ripe fruit. Horse chestnut is bitter in taste, the sowing variety is slightly sweet.
  4. The horse chestnut has only one fruit inside the cup(green amniotic box), two nuts are less common.
  5. The horse chestnut plush is bright green, there are small tubercles on it. The sowing variety is distinguished by the presence of long spikes and a brown color of the plush.

Both of these varieties are united by only one: their fruits are similar in dark brown color and a smooth surface with a small light spot.

We study the composition

An important point for understanding the value and usefulness of these fruits for the human body is the content of micronutrients, minerals and vitamins.

It should be noted right away that chestnuts are a subspecies of nuts, and therefore their composition is very similar. Chestnut fruits are rich in starch, vegetable fiber, various mineral compounds and amino acids. They also contain folic acid, which is indispensable for our body.
Sucrose, glucose and fructose, vitamins A and E, as well as the entire line of B vitamins are also presented here.

In addition, chestnut nuts contain many micro and macro elements. Of particular note is the presence of:

  • gland;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

This product is quite high-calorie, since there are 180 calories in 100 grams of nuts. At the same time, more than 60% of the product is occupied by energy valuable carbohydrates, more than 30% is allocated to proteins and fiber, and less than 10% remains for fats.
These nuts are the least fatty, so they are often included in their daily diet by vegetarians and people who monitor their weight. At the same time, the fruits of the chestnut tree are very satisfying and nutritious, satisfy hunger for a long time and are not deposited in problem areas. And the fats in them are only saturated, and they are quickly processed by the body.

Chestnut nuts can also be consumed raw, that is, simply from a tree. But first you need to peel the peel and glossy film from the fruit. This process is quite time consuming, so it will be much easier to prepare them. There are many recipes for this, and you will definitely find something to your liking.

In addition, raw fruits do not have that amazing and alluring aroma, and therefore you will not get special, memorable impressions from such a dish.

How to cook a tasty treat

With a little work in the kitchen, you will get a dish with a special taste that will not leave anyone indifferent, and your home will be filled with pleasant and romantic aromas of Paris itself. Below we have given some basic options for preparing chestnut fruit.

Roasted chestnuts

For this dish you need:

  • wooden plank;
  • spatula or spoon for turning chestnuts;
  • a frying pan with a lid (old is best, as brown nuts leave permanent stains and often burn).

Important! On an electric stove, it will not be possible to properly roast chestnuts. For the best cooking, you need an open fire, or at least a gas oven.

Oil, salt and any other ingredients and tools will not be needed.

Required Ingredients

Edible chestnuts (as many as will fit in your frying pan).

Step by step recipe

  1. Wash nuts thoroughly.
  2. Each fruit must be cut, but not completely, but approximately to the middle. This will make your nuts cook faster.
  3. Now place the nuts in the pan, flat side down.
  4. Fry for five minutes on fire, covering the pan with a lid so that the fruits do not dry out.
  5. Turn over the nuts. By this time, they will have already opened up a lot. If the flat side of the fruit turns black, then you need to reduce the fire. Next, loosely close the roasting nuts with a lid and simmer for another ten minutes.
  6. Next, it is worth stirring the fruits again and rearranging them on a small burner of a gas stove, or reduce the fire even more.
  7. In this mode, the fruits should spend another fifteen minutes in the pan, after which they can be laid out on a plate.
  8. Wait until the nuts have cooled, and then proceed to peel them from the burnt peel.

It is best to eat chestnuts immediately after peeling, while they are still warm. When they cool completely, the taste will fade slightly.

Boiled chestnuts

The difference between this cooking method and the previous one is that chestnuts do not explode during cooking, and therefore it is not necessary to make punctures or cuts.

Required Ingredients

Edible chestnuts and water.

Step by step recipe

  1. Soak chestnut fruit in water. The ones that pop up are not usable. They should be removed.
  2. Pour the fruits into the pan and fill with water so that the water completely covers them.
  3. After boiling, cook for twenty minutes, then drain the remaining water and soak for another five minutes in a saucepan with a closed lid.
  4. Next, you need to put the nuts on a plate and, after a slight cooling, peel them. Do not delay peeling, as when completely cooled, it will be more difficult to remove the peel.
  5. These nuts can be added to soups and soufflés, stuffed with poultry, or even mashed with them. To do this, add milk and butter to the nut mass, just like for mashed potatoes. In general, the chestnut nut has a lot in common with potatoes, including the taste.

baked products

The third universal way to cook chestnuts is roasting. This recipe is one of the fastest.

Did you know? In ancient Greece, on the streets of many cities one could find whole groves of chestnut trees, thanks to which the inhabitants were saved from hunger during numerous wars, accompanied by sieges. The first trees planted by the Greeks in the colony cities on the Black Sea coast were chestnuts.

Required Ingredients

Edible chestnuts and parchment.

Step by step recipe

  1. First, wash and dry the fruits of the chestnut tree on a towel.
  2. Make a cross-shaped incision on the convex side of the fruit. If this is not done, they may explode.
  3. Arrange the nuts cut side up (flat side down) on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Bake at 200°C for 15-17 minutes.
  5. Put the finished nuts on a plate and peel.
Bon appetit!

Can chestnuts

Let's find out what the situation is with pregnant, lactating women, babies and children, because they, too, will want to enjoy all the delights of the delicacy.

Pregnant and lactating

These fruits are advised to be used by people with a depressive state, with stress and overload, as well as with exhaustion of the body. It is in the situation of depletion of microelements and vitamins that all pregnant and lactating women are, since part of the resources of their body goes to the child.

Therefore, it is not only possible to eat chestnuts, but also necessary for all pregnant and lactating women - these nuts are rich in many vital compounds, including folic acid, which affects the increase in the amount of breast milk.

They also have a low calorie content, which is important because women often gain extra pounds during pregnancy. The fruits of the chestnut tree are completely harmless from this point of view.

Important! The potassium content makes chestnuts a good remedy for preventing hypertension, eliminating the risk factor for cardiovascular disease, anemia (anemia). In particular, they improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure.

More health benefits of chestnuts:

  • thanks to vitamin B2, the effects of skin aging are reduced; it also has a positive effect on eye health;
  • bones and teeth are strengthened due to the high content of phosphorus;
  • insomnia is prevented due to the presence of an amino acid such as tryptophan;
  • nuts protect the nervous system due to the high content of vitamin B and phosphorus;
  • high fiber content helps digestion;
  • chestnuts are recommended for kidney diseases, due to the high content of potassium;
  • help improve memory;
  • good for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Babies are not recommended to start complementary foods with chestnuts, as this will be too heavy a product for their still fragile stomachs. It is worth remembering that up to six months the baby's body is fully supplied with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins from mother's milk.
Therefore, it is possible to introduce chestnut nuts into the diet of a child only from a year old, and preferably from three years old, when the stomach is already able to perceive and digest such food.

Chestnut is a plant from the beech family. It grows in Europe, Asia and North America. In Russia, there is only horse chestnut, which is very poisonous and has nothing to do with edible. In our country, anyone can buy chestnut nuts in the store, the benefits and harms of these fruits will be discussed in this article.

The unique composition of the chestnut fruit

Chestnuts are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. There is practically no fat in it, which cannot be said about other nuts. It contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A and C. It also contains fiber and starch, many trace elements necessary for the health of our body.

Useful properties of chestnut

Chestnut has unique characteristics, which makes it indispensable in the treatment of various diseases. Let's see what the benefits of these nuts are. Fighting inflammation

A decoction of chestnut fruit has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. It is useful to use in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Strengthening blood vessels with chestnut nuts

Chestnut perfectly restores the elasticity of blood vessels, eliminates their fragility. Due to its vasoconstrictive action, it increases blood flow, thins the blood, increases the tone of the veins, prevents the formation of blood clots and accelerates their resorption. If you suffer from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or hemorrhoids, a decoction of chestnut flowers and fruits will help you effectively cope with these diseases.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with chestnut nuts

Chestnut is a unique product in the fight against gastritis and stomach and duodenal ulcers. It perfectly eliminates pain, restores a normal level of acidity, and increases the secretory activity of the stomach. Do not take a decoction in the acute phase, this may increase the manifestations. And in cases of a chronic course of diseases, chestnut will do just fine.

An effective remedy for skin diseases from chestnut nuts

Outwardly, a decoction of chestnut fruits is used for abscesses and boils, long-term non-healing wounds. It will relieve inflammation, eliminate unpleasant pain and accelerate the healing process.

The use of chestnut in cosmetology

Chestnut fruits, due to their healing properties, are widely used in the field of cosmetology. Cosmetic products such as face creams, bath foams, hair shampoos contain chestnut extract. A decoction of fruits can be prepared at home and simply added to any remedy. This method is very effective, after a while you will notice a change in the condition of your hair or skin. In its pure form, the decoction is used for anti-aging procedures. It is enough just to wipe your face with it every other day, and your skin will again become young and toned, radiating beauty and radiance. Add a decoction to the foot cream, and you will immediately feel lightness, fatigue will instantly disappear, swelling will become less noticeable. Chestnut also protects our skin from the negative effects of sunlight.

Weight loss remedy based on chestnut nuts

The magical properties of chestnut

Traditional healers are sure that chestnut nuts are able to cope with any ailment and give our body strength. Be sure to carry a couple of nuts with you, and then your lost energy will be quickly restored.

endowed with useful, dietary and magical properties, but are contraindicated in certain diseases

Harmful effects on the body of chestnut nuts

Despite their useful qualities, chestnut nuts have contraindications for use, and if our recommendations are not followed, they can cause irreparable harm to your body.

The use of chestnut in various blood diseases

As we noted earlier, chestnut has the ability to greatly thin the blood. Therefore, if you suffer from any blood diseases, especially if you have problems with clotting, you are contraindicated in the use of nuts in any form.

The use of chestnut nuts for overweight people

Due to the high content of starch and carbohydrates, chestnuts, if consumed in excess, can negatively affect the figure. If you already have problems with excess weight, you should eat nuts with extreme caution.

Chestnut as a strong allergen

The use of chestnut nuts in diabetes

People who are diabetic or simply have high blood sugar levels should not eat chestnut nuts. They are rich in starch, which is a slowly digestible carbohydrate. Before getting into the blood, it breaks down to glucose, which can threaten the health and life of people.

In this article, we told you about a unique food product - chestnut nuts, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied. If the use of fruits is not contraindicated for you, be sure to heal your body with its healing properties. Nothing compares to natural medicines, especially when taking them is not only pleasant, but also beneficial.

Chestnut is a fairly common plant belonging to the beech genus. This tree grows in Asia, Europe and North America. In nature, there are 2 types of chestnut, but only 1 of them is edible. People call him "noble". The fruits, bark and leaves of this plant have both positive and negative properties. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of edible chestnuts.

Benefits of edible chestnuts

Edible chestnut is not only tasty, but also a very healthy dish. This product boasts the following useful properties:

Edible chestnuts boast a unique composition. So, for example, the fruits of this plant contain very little fat (no more than 5%), which favorably distinguishes chestnuts from most nuts and seeds. Also, chestnut contains 60% starch, 15% sugars and 6% proteins. And this is not all the useful substances that are part of this plant. The composition of the chestnut nut includes useful minerals, vitamins A, C, B, fiber. Saponins, which are part of the fruit, increase vascular tone and stimulate the production of adrenal hormones.

It should be noted that absolutely all parts of this plant can boast a large number of useful substances. For example, chestnut bark and branches contain many tannins (they denature protein cells and form a protective film that has bactericidal properties), glycosides and oils. The fruits themselves contain a lot of pectin, flavonoid and other biologically active substances. Edible chestnut leaves are used to prepare beneficial tinctures that are used as hemostatic agents in the presence of internal bleeding. From the fruits of the plant, you can also cook a healing tincture, which has proven itself as an anti-burn, healing and astringent.

This plant boasts a vasoconstrictive effect. Due to this, there is a decrease in the fragility of capillaries, acceleration of blood flow, resorption of blood clots and an increase in the tone of dilated veins. These beneficial properties are very effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids and thrombophlebitis. So, for example, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, you need to cook a tincture from the fruits and bark of the plant. First you need to finely chop the bark and fruit of the chestnut. After that, 5 grams of raw materials must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. The agent must be infused for at least 30 minutes. Next, strain the tincture and add 1 cup of boiling water to it. The finished medicine should be taken orally 3 times a day, 1 spoonful.

This product is recommended for people who are watching their weight. The thing is that chestnuts have a low calorie content. 100 g of the product contains only 180 kcal. It is almost impossible to recover even from a large number of chestnuts.

Many ladies with varicose veins prefer to fight this unpleasant disease with the help of an edible chestnut. For a good result, daily wipe the problem areas of the legs with a decoction of the fruits of this plant. The decoction is very easy to prepare. 1 kg of fruit should be ground and the resulting powder boiled in 5 liters of water for 30 minutes. In the resulting consistency, it is necessary to moisten the bandages and wrap them around the problem areas. After 30 minutes, the bandage can be removed. You can also add the finished broth to the bath.

Chestnut boasts of its energy properties. With the help of this product, you can get rid of malaise and give the body an incredible amount of strength. To recharge, you just need to carry only 2 chestnut nuts with you.

Chestnut has also proven itself in the treatment of various breast diseases. In this case, a couple of nuts can be carefully placed in the bra. So, for example, chestnuts help in the fight against mastopathy, mastitis and milk stasis during breastfeeding. The fruits of this plant are also used for breast massage.

From the young leaves of the "noble" chestnut, a decoction is prepared to treat such a serious illness as whooping cough.

With the help of a decoction of the bark of this tree, ailments of the stomach and kidneys are treated. Among other things, such a drug will help in the presence of pustules.

Ointments and creams are prepared from various parts of this plant, with which cystitis and dysentery can be cured.

A healing infusion is prepared from chestnut seeds and flowers, with the help of which wounds on the body are treated. Flowers for infusion are collected strictly at the beginning of the flowering of the plant. Further, juice is squeezed out of these flowers, which is then diluted in water (the ideal proportion is 30/1).

Means from edible chestnut are used for pain during menstruation. With the help of a decoction of these nuts, you can get rid of heavy menstruation and discomfort during menopause. To prepare a decoction, mix 30 drops of chestnut inflorescence juice with 1 tablespoon of water. For a positive result, you should use this remedy twice a day.

Noble chestnuts are used for tuberculosis and malaria.

The fruits of the edible chestnut are very tasty and nutritious. They can be consumed both raw and fried and boiled. Baked chestnuts are very popular among lovers of this delicacy. The nuts are fairly easy to roast. Each fruit must be cut off the tip. If this procedure is neglected, then the chestnuts can simply explode. After that, the fruits can be placed in the oven for 20 minutes. Ready chestnuts are peeled and consumed with butter.

Boiled chestnuts are also considered very tasty. All fruits are carefully peeled, poured with cool water and put on fire. Boil nuts should be no more than 20 minutes, as during this time they have time to soften. Boiled chestnuts are also served with butter.

Harm of edible chestnuts

In addition to benefits, this plant can also bring harm to the body, so before using chestnuts, you should definitely consult a doctor. So, for example, the fruits of this tree should not be used during pregnancy or during the period of feeding a baby.

Under no circumstances should this product be abused. Often, overeating fruits leads to bloating, constipation and diarrhea. It is also not advisable to eat chestnuts for people with heart problems and congenital kidney failure. It is strictly forbidden to give chestnuts to patients with diabetes and blood diseases.

Chestnut does not go well with willow and oak bark, so it is strictly forbidden to use these products together. Such procedures can dry out even the most oily skin type. That is why, before combining chestnut remedies with other folk recipes, you should consult your doctor.

Some people have an individual intolerance to this product. In this case, as a rule, after using this product, vomiting and nausea appear. If there are side effects from edible chestnuts, you should immediately refuse.

Often people confuse the edible chestnut with the horse chestnut, which is not eaten. If you eat a few horse chestnuts, you can earn poisoning. The thing is that such fruits contain a lot of tannins. Distinguishing edible nuts from non-edible nuts is quite simple. Edible chestnuts have a small crest located at the tip of the cone.

Chestnuts are the fruit of a plant in the beech family and are low in calories as they contain less fat than other nuts.

But they are not only different, they are rich in essential nutrients.

They are very rich in starch, which makes them more similar to than other nuts. In addition, they contain a lot of fiber.

One hundred grams of chestnuts provide 165 kcal and only two grams of fat.

You will be amazed at the results if you include chestnuts in your diet, for good reason.

chestnuts during pregnancy


Eating chestnuts is suitable for almost everyone, and especially recommended for people who suffer from stress or. It is also useful to eat chestnuts during lactation and pregnancy.

They are suitable for people with liver disease and those who suffer from high blood pressure and keep their salt intake low.

Chestnut is a very healthy food and is suitable for people of all ages, except for people who suffer from diabetes.

The combination of trace elements makes this nut an ideal antidote to fatigue.

In particular, they improve blood circulation and regulate blood pressure.

Here are the benefits of eating chestnuts:

    • thanks to vitamin B2 reduce the effects of skin aging;
    • strengthen bones and teeth due to the high content of phosphorus;
    • prevents due to the presence of an amino acid such as tryptophan;
    • protect the nervous system with their high content of vitamin B and phosphorus;
    • also vitamin B2 has a positive effect on eye health;
    • high fiber content helps digestion;
    • they are recommended for kidney diseases, due to the high content of potassium;
    • help improve memory;
  • good for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.


Chestnuts are rich in carbohydrates, so they are not recommended for those suffering from. Also, they should be used with caution by overweight people.


Indications for eating chestnuts are:

  • stress, depression;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • memory problems;
  • physical fatigue;
  • as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • as a tonic and restorative.

chestnuts are rich, which affects the increase in the amount of breast milk in a woman.

Chestnut contains a lot of protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and vitamins, which are able to regulate blood flow, stimulate the kidneys and provide the body with energy and nutrients.

Therefore, chestnuts can be considered as part of the diet during pregnancy and lactation.


Chestnut has not so many contraindications. Their Not recommended for people with diabetes, in this case, experts advise against eating chestnuts, as they are very rich in carbohydrates.

It should also avoid eating chestnuts in cases of indigestion because they can cause bloating, especially when eaten raw.

Methods of use

Chestnuts baked in the oven, charcoal or grilled. So that the chestnuts do not burst the shell, it must be cut. Chestnuts prepared in this way can replace part of the baking.

Boiled chestnuts. A great side dish for any type of red meat, poultry or roast beef.

For cooking, chestnuts are boiled in water with a little anise, or in milk with cinnamon or vanilla added to taste. Also boiled chestnuts can be served in the form of mashed potatoes.

raw chestnuts. Can only be consumed when fully ripe.

Candied fruit. They are used to make cakes and glazed candied chestnuts. To make this French dessert, chestnuts are peeled, soaked in sugar syrup, and covered with icing.

Chestnut flour used for baking.

Precautionary measures

Chestnuts should be used with caution, if your body is not used to such food, they can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, eating a large amount of chestnuts can adversely affect the functions of the pancreas.

If you are obese, it should be borne in mind that chestnuts are rich in carbohydrates.

Be careful and do not confuse edible chestnut with horse chestnut. Eating horse chestnuts raw can lead to poisoning.

Chestnuts are a good product to include in your diet. They have many useful properties, and not so many contraindications. They can and should be consumed during pregnancy.

Horse chestnut is valued in traditional and folk medicine due to its beneficial properties. This tree has a wide distribution, grows in forests, park areas, on personal plots. It can reach 30 meters in height, bears fruit up to 30-40 years. In the preparation of various preparations, tinctures and other recipes, not only fruits are valued, but also other components of the plant - flowers, leaves, bark.

Chemical composition

Useful properties of fruits horse chestnut is represented by its chemical composition:

  • saponins increase the tone of the veins, improve blood circulation, eliminate edema and activate adrenal hormones;
  • glycoside reduces the risk of thrombosis, dilates blood vessels, stabilizes the central nervous system, liquefies and removes sputum from the respiratory tract;
  • tannins have an astringent and protective effect;
  • vitamin C strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • vitamin K reduces bleeding, strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • coumarin has a healing effect, increases blood clotting, prevents the development of tumor cells;
  • pectin removes toxins and salts from the body, improves the intestinal microflora, prevents the development of atherosclerotic plaques, promotes regeneration;
  • carotene protects the body from the effects of carcinogens, improves the state of the cardiovascular system;
  • organic acids remove toxins and slags from the body, prevent the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines;
  • fatty oils promote tissue regeneration, eliminate inflammation, regulate metabolism;
  • flavonoids reduce blood pressure and heart rate, strengthen capillaries, increase bile formation;
  • starch is converted into glucose and provides the body with energy.

In addition to fruits, similar beneficial properties have flowers plants. Horse chestnut bark rich in tannins, saponin escin, and glycoside (esculin). have:

  • flavonoids - isoquercitrin, quercetin;
  • tannins;
  • routine;
  • spireoside;
  • astragalin;
  • carotenoids.

From trace elements leaves, flowers and fruits of horse chestnut contain selenium, boron, calcium, chromium, barium, iodine, iron, zinc, nickel.

What are the benefits of horse chestnut?

The chemical composition of fruits and other components of horse chestnut in pharmacology is valued for the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • antimicrobial;
  • bactericidal;
  • venotonic;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating;
  • painkiller;
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • antioxidant;
  • decongestant;
  • antipyretic;
  • antitumor;
  • anti-sclerotic.

The pharmacological properties of horse chestnut make its use in demand in traditional and folk medicine. The components of the plant can act as both the main and complementary ingredient in the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

What diseases is it used for?

Due to the pharmacological properties of horse chestnut, its components are used in the solution of the following body problems:

  • viscosity and increased blood clotting, thrombosis;
  • increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels;
  • blood flow disorders, including pathology of venous vessels;
  • disturbed work of capillaries;
  • decreased efficiency of the kidneys and liver;
  • inflammatory processes and edema;
  • disorders in digestion, production of gastric juice and gallbladder secretion;
  • accumulation in the body of salts, toxins, radionuclides;

Most often, horse chestnut is used in the treatment of varicose veins.

Preparations and prescriptions based on fruits and other components of horse chestnut are used in the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension, atherosclerosis, other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • increased blood clotting, venous congestion, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism;
  • spasms, trophic ulcers and mechanical damage to blood vessels, endarteritis, anemia;
  • hemorrhoids, bleeding of various origins, including uterine;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, pneumonia, shortness of breath, respiratory diseases;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system, gallbladder, spleen;
  • increased acidity and stomach ulcers, gastritis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, joint pain, gout;
  • neuralgia, diarrhea, leukemia, malaria, menopause, muscle inflammation, prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

Horse chestnut components are mainly used in the treatment of leg diseases, especially varicose veins. Often, these ingredients in various forms are used for hemorrhoids and other similar pathologies. However, the range of application of horse chestnut is much wider, which makes it a popular product in traditional and folk medicine.


Among traditional medicine preparations based on horse chestnut, there are:

  • "Aescusan" - a group of angioprotectors, represented by tablets, dragees, drops, ointments and gels, is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels in venous insufficiency, improves blood flow;
  • creams based on horse chestnut or its extract - a large group of products intended for the treatment of varicose veins, reduces leg fatigue, swelling and pain;
  • horse chestnut ointments are used to strengthen blood vessels in varicose veins, reduce swelling and inflammation, reduce fatigue and muscle cramps;
  • the gel is used for the prevention and treatment of venous diseases of the legs, promotes recovery processes;
  • gel-balm based on horse chestnut and leech extract - the remedy is also used for venous insufficiency, has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation.

In addition to traditional medicines, horse chestnut components are also used in folk recipes.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, horse chestnut is used mainly in the form of tinctures and decoctions. For their preparation, any components of the plant are used - fruits, their peel, flowers, tree bark, leaves.

Each ingredient is collected at the certain time when the concentration of nutrients in it reaches its highest value:

  • horse chestnut bark is harvested in spring from trees that are three years old, dried and stored in a ventilated room for no longer than a year;
  • tree flowers are harvested during the flowering period in May-June, after harvesting the inflorescences are laid out in the sun, then dried in the shade;
  • leaves are harvested from May to September, they are also stored for no longer than a year;
  • horse chestnut fruits ripen in August-September, for drying the kernels are separated from the peel, the latter can also be used in tinctures and other recipes.

The resulting raw materials can be further used for the preparation of preventive and therapeutic traditional medicine. During the collection process, attention is paid to the appearance and quality of the ingredients - they should not be affected by pests or diseases.

flower juice

In the treatment of varicose veins, juice from horse chestnut flowers is often used. For cooking, you need fresh inflorescences, they are crushed with a blender, and then the juice is squeezed out.

The agent is taken in 25-30 drops, diluted in 1 tbsp. l. water. The course of treatment is twice a day for 3-4 weeks. Internal use also helps with inflammation of hemorrhoids. External use relieves joint pain and gout.

Fresh juice of horse chestnut flowers is effective for varicose veins, regular use relieves symptoms within a month.


To prepare the ointment, take 5 fruits of horse chestnut or 5 tbsp. l. dried flowers. Raw materials are poured with half a liter of vegetable oil and boiled in a water bath for an hour. After cooling, the product is filtered.

The tool is used for application to areas with inflamed vessels, used 2-3 times a day.

To prepare a special ointment for varicose veins, a similar recipe is used. 5 st. l. dried horse chestnut flowers mixed with 2 tbsp. l. sage, 4 tbsp. l. chamomile and 1 tbsp. l. potato starch.

200 g of chicken fat are added to the resulting mass, the mixture is heated for three hours in a water bath. After that, the mixture is infused for 12 hours, then boiled again. In the future, the ointment is filtered and used for application to problem areas.


As anti-cellulite agent many people use horse chestnut oil. For its preparation:

  • 100 g of crushed horse chestnut and basil are poured into a glass of olive oil;
  • means insist from 10 days;
  • the resulting mixture is filtered, a few drops of grapefruit oil are added.

The tool can be used for manual and hardware anti-cellulite massage. It also helps with swelling and varicose veins. If necessary, an oil extract can also be made on the basis of other vegetable oils. The finished product can also be purchased at a pharmacy.

Alcohol tincture of flowers

To prepare an alcohol tincture from horse chestnut flowers, you will need 10 grams of crushed raw materials. They are poured with 100 ml of vodka and infused for a week in a dark place, shaking occasionally.

The resulting tincture is taken 15-30 drops three times a day. The tool is used as a medicine for hemorrhoids, thrombosis, varicose veins, prostatitis. When applied externally, the tincture helps with sciatica, gout, rheumatic and arthritic pains.

For treatment joints and myositis also use an alcohol tincture based on horse chestnut flowers. Preparation - 40 g of dried inflorescences are poured with a liter of medical alcohol. Keep sealed for a week, then filter. The tincture is used to rub the joints and muscles for pain.

Fruit tincture

Horse chestnut tincture can be prepared according to the same recipe and proportions as the remedy using flowers. Another recipe suggests cutting the fruit into quarters and filling a glass container with them.

To obtain a tincture, the container is filled to the brim with vodka and tightly sealed. Insist in a dark place for three weeks. The tincture is used for compresses arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism.

Another Alcohol Tincture Recipe Can Help for Healing prostatitis. To prepare the medicine, horse chestnut fruits and flowers are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is poured with vodka in a ratio of 1:10.

The tincture is corked in a glass jar, placed for a month in a dark place. Take 15 drops 4 times a day, the duration of the course is determined individually. From gout alcohol tincture helps according to the following recipe:

  • 50 g of crushed horse chestnut flowers are poured into 800 ml of alcohol;
  • the solution is placed in a dark place, insisted for 10 days;
  • filter, moisten gauze and use as a compress, applying to the affected area.

Decoction of flowers

To prepare a decoction of horse chestnut flowers, mix 5 g of inflorescences and bark. Raw materials in an enamel bowl are poured with 200 ml of boiled water, then boiled over low heat for half an hour. Tsedat through a triple layer of gauze.

The resulting broth in the first two days take 1 tbsp. l. once a day, then gradually increase consumption to 2-3 tbsp. l. The course of treatment depends on the disease - with varicose veins, the decoction is taken up to 8 weeks, with hemorrhoids - up to a month.

A decoction can be used to relieve uterine bleeding, douching with whites and to relieve inflammation of the prostate.

At radiation sickness use a different recipe: 20 g of crushed flowers are poured into 300 ml of water and brought to a boil. After that, the broth is infused for 10 hours, filtered. It is necessary to take 100 ml three times a day.

Infusion of flowers

Making an infusion of horse chestnut flowers helps with blood disorders and brain tumors. The recipe is simple - 1 tbsp. l. dried inflorescences pour a glass of water and heat almost to a boil.

The product is left to infuse for 6 hours, then filtered and left in the refrigerator for storage. Take a quarter cup several times a day, but not more than a liter. The course of treatment is three weeks, followed by a two-week break.

Fruit decoction

Based on horse chestnut fruit decoctions are not prepared. The kernels are used mainly in tinctures and infusions. For decoction, the peel of ripe fruits is often used.

To prepare 15 grams of raw materials, pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes and insist for an hour and a half. The decoction obtained is used for menopause for morning and evening washing. The tool allows you to relieve itching and dryness.


Horse chestnut extract is rich in saponins, especially escin. The tool is used to eliminate venous stasis and inflammation. It also helps strengthen capillaries and protect them from damage.

Horse chestnut extract is also used in the treatment pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Helps to normalize blood pressure, is used in the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis, as well as in the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

At home, chestnut extract is not prepared; for use, it is bought in a pharmacy ready-made.

leaf application

Horse chestnut leaves are used:

  • in the preparation of medicinal preparations for the normalization of water and salt balance, as well as for the treatment of rheumatism and gout;
  • for the preparation of decoctions and infusions - the leaves help with colds, improve the condition of the respiratory tract, are used in the treatment of bronchitis and bronchial asthma, tracheitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis;
  • as a prophylactic - the leaves calm the nervous system, normalize sleep, relieve stress and nervous tension.

Traditional medicine does not offer a clear recipe for making decoctions or infusions from horse chestnut leaves. The tool is used as needed at the rate of 1-2 tbsp. l. to a glass of water.

To prepare a decoction, the mixture is steamed in a water bath; for infusion, it is poured with boiling water and infused for one to several hours. In the preparation of tincture, the period increases to several days, the raw material is poured with vodka and kept in a dark place.

Water infusion from the bark

For the preparation of water infusion, take the dried bark of horse chestnut. 1 tsp crushed raw materials are poured with two glasses of boiled cooled water, insisted for 8 hours. Strained means take 2 tbsp. l. 4 times a day.

An aqueous infusion of horse chestnut bark helps with diseases of the gallbladder, kidneys, intestines, as well as inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Contraindications for use

Horse chestnut has certain contraindications for use. plant components not used in the following cases:

  • low blood clotting;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • individual intolerance.

Among side effects allocate:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea, heartburn;
  • constipation, flatulence.

When applied externally, irritation may occur. In this case, the use of horse chestnut and preparations based on it is stopped. When lactating about the use of horse chestnut, consult a doctor.

Chestnut-based medicines should also be carefully used for gastric ulcers and significant cardiac pathologies.

In addition to the above, there are contraindications to the use of alcohol tincture based on flowers and fruits of horse chestnut:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • atonic constipation;
  • hypoacid acute gastritis.

In the matter of a long course of treatment with horse chestnut tincture, consultation with a specialist is necessary. It is also recommended to check the level of blood prothrombin during the use of this drug.
