
Garlic arrows with pepper. A source of vitamins and an excellent seasoning: we prepare chopped garlic arrows for the winter

Fry the garlic arrows for 7 minutes.

How to fry garlic arrows

Young garlic arrows- 1 kg
Butter - cube weighing 50 grams
Salt - 1 heaping tablespoon

How easy it is to fry garlic arrows
1. Wash the arrows of garlic, cut off the seed part, cut with scissors into 4-6 parts.
2. Heat the pan, put a piece of butter, wait for it to melt and roll the butter over the entire surface of the pan.
3. Put the arrows of garlic in the pan, salt and mix.
4. Fry the garlic arrows for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid.

Garlic arrowroot garnish

Garlic arrows - half a kilo
Carrots - 1 large or 2 medium
Onion - 1 large head
Salt and pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons

How to fry garlic arrows for a side dish
1. Rinse the arrows, cut off the seed part, cut with scissors into 4-6 parts.
2. Put the arrows in a saucepan, pour water, put on fire and cook after boiling for 3 minutes.
3. Peel and chop onions and carrots (finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater).
4. Heat the pan, pour and spread the oil over the entire surface of the pan.
5. Put the onion in the pan, fry for 5 minutes over medium heat with constant stirring.
6. Add carrots to the onion, continue to fry for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Add garlic arrows, fry for 20 minutes over low heat.


Fried garlic arrows can be frozen for the winter.

Fried garlic arrows are served with borscht and cabbage soup as an appetizer, as well as on sandwiches or to diversify sauces. Fried garlic arrows can also be used instead of onions (where they are fried).

For variety, when frying garlic arrows ok you can add some lemon juice, soy sauce, sour cream, tomato paste or seasonings for carrots in Korean.

The calorie content of garlic arrows fried in butter is 54 kcal / 100 grams.

Reproduction of garlic occurs with the help of seeds. In the middle of the bulb, a peduncle is formed, resembling an arrow, where the grains ripen. At the very beginning, the tube is twisted into rings, but over time it straightens out. The inflorescence that appears at the top of the arrow looks like a ball. The inflorescence itself consists of small balls. The grains are inside these balls, and their shell is so thin that it resembles parchment. When the ripening time comes, the "parchment" cracks, and the seeds scatter around.

What to do with the garlic arrows that are left?

Break or leave

These buds are best removed immediately. This is what all seasoned gardeners do. As soon as the arrow appears, the inflorescence is cut off, otherwise all the forces that should have gone into the development of the cloves will go into the bud. The sooner this procedure is carried out, the better.

In what cases the arrow is left

You need to leave the arrows only on some plants. It is from them that it will be possible to determine when the garlic is ripe. As soon as the inflorescences begin to burst, you can dig the heads with cloves out of the ground.

Someone removes all the arrows and navigates by the calendar, but this method is not the most reliable. After all, the calendar cannot predict the weather, and the ripening period of the culture largely depends on it.

But if, nevertheless, the arrows were cut off, you should not be upset, since the garlic is quite tenacious.

Is it worth throwing arrows

Many people ask themselves: what to do with garlic arrows? They make very delicious dishes, and they can be cooked both separately and added to meat and cereals. They are salted and marinated, eaten raw, and some even manage to make jam from garlic arrows. So if the question arises of what to do with garlic arrows for the winter, then there are a lot of options. For those who love to cook, this is just a godsend.

But cooking isn't the only area where straws can be used. What else can you do with garlic arrows?

Pest control

Garlic arrows can be used in place of chemicals. It's all about garlic essential oil. It is rich in phytoncides, which not only repel pests, but also kill pathogens. It is thanks to phytoncides that garlic has a specific smell and sharpness. What to do with garlic arrows? You can make excellent and aphids. Such a tool can also be prepared from tops, cloves, but arrows appear much earlier, and they are the same in terms of efficiency.

It is necessary to take a pound of arrows, finely chop and rub well until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Transfer the resulting mixture to three-liter jar and fill with water at room temperature. Then the container is placed in a dark place for five days. The liquid is then filtered. After you need to prepare a solution by mixing ten liters of water, fifty grams of soap and sixty grams of infusion.

This infusion is used for spraying different cultures affected by pests. It is best to process the plants in the evening or on cloudy days. Spraying should be repeated approximately every four days. Often, insects disappear from such a remedy after the first treatment, but it is still advisable to play it safe. Another similar solution can be prepared from garlic leaves. You need to insist 150 grams in ten liters of water. By the way, this solution is also suitable for the prevention of late blight.

How to get rid of carrot flies

These pests also do not tolerate a bright garlic smell. And this is another answer to the question of what to do with garlic arrows. You need to twist two hundred grams of arrows in a meat grinder, and grate fifty grams of soap. Pour all this with ten liters of water and wait until the soap is completely dissolved.

Immediately after this, you can spray the culture. This remedy can be used against apple stalk and caterpillars. The main thing is to spray the trees before the first color appears.

medicinal garlic

Both garlic cloves and arrows are widely used in traditional medicine. Of these, they make both rubbing and infusions against colds, as well as remedies for spines and warts. And this is not the whole list of what can be done with garlic arrows to maintain health.

You can also make fertilizer from these tubes. To do this, they are simply added to the compost.

How to cook

Garlic is widely used in cooking. What to do with garlic arrows? There are a lot of recipes. Arrows can be used like regular garlic cloves. But there are dishes that are prepared only with these tubes. Meals can be of varying complexity and with any number of ingredients.

simple omelette

Strict proportions are not indicated, it all depends on personal preferences. You just need to beat the eggs with milk or water. Salt must be added. The arrows need to be fried in oil, it is possible with the addition of pepper, after finely chopping them. Garlic is considered ready when the arrows turn dark green. At this stage, you need to pour eggs into the pan. Now you can reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid and wait until fully prepared. This is the simplest option, but it can be supplemented various vegetables and spices.

Stewed tubules

There are very few ingredients in this dish, the arrows themselves, salt, tomato paste (juice) and vegetable oil.

You need to fry the arrows until cooked, then salt them and add the tomato. That's the whole recipe. Now the fire should be set to a minimum and wait until they are cooked. Ready meal somewhat reminiscent of spicy mushrooms.

fried arrows

Same simple recipe as the previous ones. The tubes need to be washed and cut. Heat the oil well and put it into it immediately. Then the tubes will release the juice, and it is needed for stewing. But when all the juice has evaporated, the fire must be increased so that the arrows are well fried. It takes ten minutes to bring the dish to readiness. This dish is served as a side dish, it goes well with meat and fish.

Few people know what can be made from garlic arrows and more complex dishes.

Pumpkin puree soup

The main ingredient here is, of course, pumpkin, but it is on the arrows that the unusual and spicy taste viands. By the way, such a dish can be prepared immediately for two days, it does not lose its taste or useful properties.

We will need half a glass of fresh arrows, half a medium-sized pumpkin, about two liters vegetable broth, leek, a little olive oil, a couple of cloves of garlic, a couple of spoons of soy sauce, salt, pepper, spices.

First you need to stew the onion in vegetable oil, then send garlic and spices there. Finely chopped pumpkin and broth are sent next. After the liquid boils, reduce the heat and wait half an hour. It remains only to add soy sauce and grind the soup in a blender. The dish is decorated with finely chopped arrows before serving.

Meat dish

What can be done with garlic arrows and also meat dishes will also be a discovery for many. It is best to use beef here, there are no exact proportions, everyone cooks the amount of meat that he needs in a given situation. Still need garlic tubules, onion, soy sauce, some sugar, vegetable oil, pepper, sesame, and of course, you can not do without salt.

It is necessary to heat the oil well in a frying pan, and then put thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat there. Fry for a couple of minutes, and then reduce the heat, add water and simmer until the beef is soft. Perhaps the water will boil away, then it will need to be added.

When the meat becomes soft, put chopped onions and garlic arrows on top of the pieces. Fry for another five minutes. Again, you need to add water and simmer until the now arrows become soft. This will take five minutes. Then all the other ingredients get into the pan. Only a couple of minutes remain until the end of cooking.

And what is made of garlic shooters for the winter? Also a very common question.

Preparation for the winter

We're talking about a very interesting thread. It is easy to prepare, but quite multifunctional. In fact, this is a recipe for salting garlic arrows. This preparation can be added to borscht, and soups, and during all kinds of sauces and in meat dishes. With the addition of this dressing, you can cook excellent garlic oil for sandwiches. Just take the butter out of the refrigerator to soften it a little, and mix with the dressing using a blender.

And if you twist the fat through a meat grinder and add such a garlic to it, you get an excellent sandwich putty. One of the main nuances when preparing such a dressing is that the arrows must be young. Over time, they dry out and become fibrous.

So how do you make garlic chives paste?

It will take half a kilo of the arrows themselves, a teaspoon of salt and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Arrows must be washed well and laid out on paper towel or a cutting board to dry them out a bit. Be sure to cut the inflorescences and cut the tubules themselves. It is not worth chopping very finely, then grind them anyway.

Now the arrows are sent to the blender and crushed to a crumb state. As an option - twist in a meat grinder. Now it's up to the little things. Add vegetable oil and salt. It is worth remembering that, as with any other winter preparations, iodized salt is not suitable here. Only rock kitchen salt. It remains to mix everything well.

And you can decompose the dressing into bags or vessels and send it to the freezer. Here everyone chooses the most convenient option for themselves. As it turned out, garlic arrows can be used not only in cooking, but also in the household. These feathers are so versatile.

Dishes from the arrows of garlic are different. They can be stewed, fried, boiled and even marinated. In this article, we will describe several ways on how to cook garlic arrows.

Korean style garlic arrows

It is no secret to anyone that Korean dishes have always been distinguished by their spiciness and spicy taste. This is how we decided to cook garlic arrows. For this we need:

  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • freshly picked garlic arrows - 200 g;
  • large juicy carrot - 1 pc.;
  • large sweet onion - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 g (1 dessert spoon with a slide);
  • soy sauce - 1 large spoon;
  • sea ​​salt, ground pepper, Korean seasoning- apply to taste;
  • sesame seeds - 1 large spoon.

We process products

How to cook garlic arrows? First, they need to be processed. Greens are thoroughly washed in warm water and then dried and cut off the seed heads. After that, proceed to the preparation of other vegetables. The bulbs are peeled and chopped into thin half rings, and the carrots are rubbed on Korean grater. After that, granulated sugar and salt are added to the last component, and then carefully knead it with your hands and leave it warm for ¼ hour.

Heat treatment

Dishes from garlic arrows always turn out fragrant and tasty. To make a spicy Korean-style appetizer, you should thermally process the greens and onions. To do this, the oil is very hot in a frying pan, after which half the onion rings are laid out and fried for several minutes until golden color. Next, the vegetables are taken out and left in a plate, and garlic arrows are laid out in the dishes.

Cook the greens over medium heat until they release flavor and are thoroughly browned.

Formation of appetizers and its serving to the table

Dishes from the arrows of garlic are formed quite simply. After cooling the fried vegetables, they spread them to the carrots and mix well. After that, they are flavored with various spices and soy sauce.

Putting the appetizer in bowls, it is cooled for several minutes in the refrigerator. Further spicy Korean dish Sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve.

Cooking meat lunch with fragrant herbs

Arrows of garlic with meat are ideally combined. Having prepared such a dish at home, it can be served at the table not only as a full meal, but also to any side dish.

So, to make delicious meat with herbs, we need:

  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • freshly picked garlic arrows - 150 g;

  • large sweet onion - 2 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt, ground pepper - apply to taste;
  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • wheat flour - one and a half dessert spoons;
  • young beef - 500 g.

Food preparation

Before preparing the arrows of garlic, all products should be processed. Young beef is thoroughly washed and dried. After that, it is chopped into cubes or sticks. Next, peel the onions. It is cut into half rings.

As for the garlic arrows, they are rinsed in a colander, shaken off strongly, the seed box is removed and chopped into 2-3 cm long sticks.

Cooking process

Dishes from the arrows of garlic are not made very long. First, heat treat meat product. Pieces of beef are laid out in a pan with boiling vegetable oil and thoroughly fried until the color changes. After that, onion half rings are added to it and cooked for a few more minutes.

Having carried out the described actions, the ingredients are flavored with spices to taste, and then poured with water. After bringing the ingredients to a boil, cover them with a lid. In this composition, the products are stewed for about 40 minutes.

After the specified time, garlic arrows are added to the meat. With them, the dish is stewed for another 20 minutes until the beef is completely soft.

At the very end, add to the pan drinking water, which is pre-mixed with wheat flour. So that flour lumps do not appear in the goulash, the liquid is poured through a fine strainer.

Serve to the table

Delicious and fragrant meat dish with garlic arrows goes well with any side dish. This goulash is good to serve with boiled pasta, crushed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, etc. However, there are chefs who prefer to serve such a dish to the table as a full meal, adding only a slice of bread to it.

Harvesting garlic arrows for the winter

Fresh garlic shooters can be used not only to cook various second and first courses or spicy snacks, but also in order to marinate them for the winter. How such a process is carried out at home, we will describe in the materials of this article. For this we need:

  • fresh garlic (that is, young arrows) - about 1 kg;
  • beet sugar - 50 g;
  • boiled water - about 1 liter;
  • coarse salt - 50 g;
  • vinegar (6%) table - 3 large spoons;
  • different spices (bay leaves, black peppercorns, hot red pepper, etc.) - add at your discretion.

We process greens

Pickled garlic arrows can be consumed not only as a snack, but also added to various dishes, including goulash, soups, etc.

To make such a preparation for the winter, you should carefully process the greens. Garlic arrows are sorted out, washed well and dried on a towel. After that, the seed box is cut off from them and chopped into 4 cm long sticks.

Marinade preparation

Arrows of garlic for the winter are harvested quite simply. After processing the greens, prepare spicy marinade. To do this, put in boiling water beet sugar And table salt. Mixing the components, achieve their complete dissolution. After that, the marinade is removed from the stove and table vinegar is added to it.

Harvesting greenery

To prepare pickled garlic arrows, you need to prepare jars. Containers for such a snack should be taken in a small volume. They are well washed and sterilized over steam. Tin or self-tightening lids are also boiled.

After the container is prepared, proceed to the formation of snacks. Put bay leaves, peppercorns and hot red pepper in jars. Next, the containers are filled with garlic shooters.

bay greenery fragrant marinade, it is kept in this form for ¼ hour. Then the brine is again drained and boiled. Having refilled the jars with boiling marinade, they are immediately rolled up.

Before putting the pickled garlic arrows in the cellar or pantry, they should be cooled at room temperature(2 days).

To use such an unusual and very delicious snack preferably in 1-2 months. At the same time, the entire marinade is drained from the greens, and oil (any vegetable) is added to it and mixed well.

If it seems to you that pickled garlic arrows are harsh, then they can be pre-blanched. To do this, the processed and washed greens are laid out in a pot of boiling water and boiled for 3 minutes.

After the specified time, the arrows of garlic are taken out, strongly shaken off and cooled. After that, they are used in exactly the same way as described just above.

Summing up

As you can see, garlic arrows can be used to cook different dishes and snacks. Combining such greens with meat or other vegetables, you get a very tasty and fragrant dish which absolutely all your household members will appreciate.

Garlic- perennial herbaceous plant genus Onion, Amaryllis family. vegetable culture which is very common all over the world. Garlic has a very bright, rich and characteristic smell. This indicates the presence of essential oil containing allicin and other organic compounds called phytoncides. Dishes for them (both fresh and processed, cooked) acquire a more piquant taste and aroma. With the addition of garlic, they make salads and homemade preparations, and of course incomparable main dishes and snacks. Garlic is also used in medical purposes because it has antiseptic properties. Of course, garlic also has contraindications: for kidney disease, anemia or peptic ulcer- the use of garlic in food is CONTRAINDICATED.

USEFUL PROPERTIES: garlic reduces arterial pressure and lowers cholesterol, and is also useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, etc. Therefore, garlic, due to its benefits and nutritional value, is very actively present in our diet (again - I'm talking about my family). Perhaps there are people who "in spirit" can not stand either the taste or smell of this plant. But we use for food not only the roots of garlic, but also tops - garlic arrows. Around the end of May, beginning of June, garlic gives an arrow, which is also very tightly included in the diet of many people.

Someone pickles garlic arrows, in this form (with the addition of sour cream) the arrows are very similar to wild garlic loved by many. Wild garlic is also often called Wild Garlic or Bear Onion. They taste very similar. But back to our garlic arrows. In general, garlic arrows are very widely used in cooking: they are fried and added to the filling for pies or pies, they make delicious spicy snacks, salads, and are added to the first and second courses. Today I will tell you how you can prepare garlic arrows for the future, so that later, cold winter evenings please yourself and your family delicious preparations with this miracle plant.

We prepare garlic arrows for the future:

1 way

Having collected the garlic arrows, we separate the stem from the flower spike. Then carefully washing the arrows under running water, we pass them through a meat grinder. You can add salt to the resulting porridge-like mass (or not add salt at all) and freeze the garlic mass in bags, containers, or simply roll balls of the desired size and freeze them in the chamber. With this method of harvesting, you can still add defrosted butter to the garlic mass, mix thoroughly and also freeze balls in the freezer. Further. we just take out the frozen garlic mass and add it to the first courses, second courses, pastries, or simply smear the garlic mass with butter for bread. In this form, you can eat sandwiches with first courses.

2 way

We also collect garlic arrows, wash them under running water and cut into segments of the required length and put them in plastic bags. Then we simply put the filled packages into freezer and if necessary, we take it out and add it to salads, first and second courses. That is exactly what I did this year. I scored arrows and froze.

Arrows fried:

1 way

To do this, we need: garlic arrows, vegetable (or olive) oil, salt and spices - to taste. Instead of salt, we can use soy sauce. Put fresh or frozen arrows in a preheated pan with vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste. We fry mine 5-7. If desired, you can still pour the almost ready-made arrows with an egg. It also turns out very tasty.

2 way

Also, fried arrows can be prepared with the addition of tomato. And use them as gravy with any side dish.

3 way

Another way to cook garlic arrows deliciously is to stew them with vegetables. Onions, carrots are taken, eggplants or zucchini can be used - everything is cut, fried in vegetable oil with the addition of spices and salt and stewed a little over low heat. This appetizer will be perfect both hot and cold. Or file vegetable stew with garlic arrows mashed potatoes I think your family will appreciate it.

For this we need:

  • Arrows of garlic - 300-400 gr.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 cup
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Cinnamon - 1/4 tsp (to taste. You can not add)

Prepared garlic arrows are scalded with boiling water. Separately, in a deep saucepan, prepare the brine from the indicated ingredients. We put the scalded arrows in prepared sterilized jars and fill them with brine. We roll up the jars with a lid and put them in the refrigerator or cool place for 3-4 weeks. After that, you can take a sample. Such pickled arrows were prepared by my grandmother, great-grandmother, and of course this recipe came to me from my mother. I think you will like it too.

First meal

Garlic arrows are added to the first courses or garlic puree fresh or frozen. Soups are cooked both on the basis of broths (vegetable or meat), and with the addition of meat directly (poultry or pork, beef, lamb). At the end of cooking (optional), we just need to puree the soup with a blender - this will give the soup a more delicate, delicate taste.

Main dishes

In the main dishes, for spiciness, we add garlic arrows or garlic puree prepared in advance (or for future use). In this performance, meat, poultry or fish acquires a more piquant taste, and the aroma of the dish we have prepared is simply a delight.

Appetizers or salads

As an appetizer or a light salad, we can cook garlic arrows very quickly as follows: Pass fresh or frozen garlic arrows through a meat grinder or chop with a blender, mix with grated on fine grater fresh carrots and season everything with mayonnaise. Such a salad appetizer can be eaten with a slice of fresh white or black bread or simply spread on toast. And if we cut fresh garlic arrows into summer salad- I think there will be nothing left of it on the plate and your family will be simply delighted with the dish eaten. And summing up, I want to say that it is necessary to experiment in the kitchen, discovering something new, tasty, unforgettable, because this can be not only a discovery for you, but also a dish that fits snugly into regular use and perhaps a dish that you will pass down from generation to generation.

Bon appetit Svetlana wishes everyone and my delicious, homemade website!

And ... garlic arrows - cooking recipes latest product not known to everyone. But green twigs contain even more vitamins and minerals than garlic cloves!

To my shame, I have always discarded the arrows before, cutting them off to increase the size of the head of garlic (as you know, about 40% nutrients). And only last year I learned that they can not only be thrown into the compost heap or poured with boiling water and used to spray plants, but also eaten.

For the first time I tried such food at my sister's house, and she brought the recipe from work. Since that time, this ingredient has interested me and it turned out that a lot of different sauces, soups, snacks, seasonings, as well as can be prepared from arrows. Did not know? Then this article will be of interest to you!

Recipes are quite varied. You can, if desired, boil, steam, fry, rub, marinate, add both to the first and second courses, and even use it as a separate food in the form of pasta for sandwiches.

You can talk on this topic for a very long time, but today I propose to dwell on the most popular and interesting options.

In order to finally get Tasty food, and not an unintelligible porridge, I recommend adhering to several principles for preparing garlic shoots:

  • cook only from fresh raw materials, recently plucked from the garden (to prolong short term storage of arrows, they can be frozen for future use);
  • use only soft parts of the shoots (good ones break under the fingers, and overly hard parts simply break);
  • throw away the top onions with seeds, they are hard and tasteless;
  • it is important to rinse the product well and dry it on a towel before adding it to dishes.

When to cut arrows from garlic

You need to cut off the arrows as they appear, when they reach a length of about 20-40 cm. If you linger with their collection, then, firstly, the garlic will be smaller, and we will get a weak harvest, and secondly, the shoots will become too hard .

Basically, garlic "blooms" in June, depending on the weather, either at the beginning or in the middle. That is, this unusual “harvest” can be harvested for a short time, only 1-2 weeks.

Recipe for pickled arrows for the winter

Fortunately, there are recipes for harvesting garlic for the winter. Of course, for spins you have to collect a large number of raw materials, but if you have a garden bed or two, or even more of this plant, then there will be no problem with the product.

The easiest way to prepare this delicacy for the winter is by rolling it into jars, while the recipe for pickled shoots is very simple.

For a good bunch of arrows with already cut buds, you will need:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 50 grams of salt;
  • 1 glass of vinegar;
  • 50 grams of sugar.

Make a marinade, wash the shoots, cut into pieces about 5 cm, put in jars, pour ready aqueous solution and additionally sterilize for half an hour. It can be in a water bath, or it can be in the oven at a low temperature so that the pickling is as complete as possible. It remains to roll up the jars, turn them over on the lid and wrap them in a warm blanket. Since marinating the product is quite simple, this is one of my favorite recipes.

How to salt garlic arrows

Some people like spicy preservation, so you should learn how to pickle garlic arrows.

The method of salting is also quite simple, you need:

  • prepare and cool the brine - 1 l. water, 25 gr. regular or 50 gr. fruit and berry vinegar, 50 gr. salt;
  • wash the garlic sprigs, cut into pieces of 15-20 cm;
  • put them in a colander in boiling water for 2 minutes;
  • then dip into cold water to stop the cooking process;
  • put in a glass or enameled container;
  • pour brine;
  • cover with a clean cloth;
  • put oppression on top (a heavy plate, a wooden circle);
  • leave warm for 3-4 days, after the appearance of traces of fermentation for another couple of days, and then take it out into the cold;
  • as you use the pickle, it is worth adding new brine to it so that the garlic does not remain dry.

This dish goes well with meat, french fries or can be a separate snack.

Paste from garlic arrows without sterilization

My girlfriend has the best summer treat is a paste made from garlic arrows, which her family spreads on bread for soups and borscht, uses for marinating meat and simply as a seasoning. The thing is really interesting, piquant, for lovers of spice.

Pasta is made quite simply, and it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, which allows you to store the product in this way in the winter. True, jars with the composition do not linger for lovers of such seasoning for a long time ...

For the paste you need:

  • 800 grams of twigs;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1.5-3 tbsp vegetable fat;
  • optional spices - pepper, coriander.

The arrows are washed, dried with a towel, hard ends and seeds are removed, chopped randomly and put into a blender. The rest of the ingredients are added there, interrupted into a homogeneous mass (you can twist it through a meat grinder, but then the consistency will be slightly different). It remains to shift the paste into clean, sterile jars and close sealed lids store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Freezing garlic cloves

Product lovers want to enjoy garlic not only a couple of weeks a year, but all the time, and there is a way out - just freeze the product.

The procedure is the same as for vegetables, herbs and berries. The raw materials need to be washed, cleaned of unnecessary parts (seeds and hard base), dried a little, cut into convenient pieces of 5-7 cm, put in portioned bags and first cool in the refrigerator, and then freeze. And what can be prepared from such a blank - skilled housewives already know.

How to cook fried garlic arrows

Personally, I really like fried arrows, which are easy to cook, and you can use different recipes.

The easiest option:

  • cut washed and peeled shoots;
  • heat the pan, pour vegetable oil;
  • pour the arrows there, salt immediately so that they let the juice flow;
  • stirring, fry until half cooked (so the product is tastier).

You can also add either soy sauce or tomato paste at the very beginning, so the taste of the dish changes significantly - a nice change!

Korean style garlic arrows

And while visiting, I tried a delicacy of garlic arrows in Korean, of course, a little spicy, but tasty.

So, you need:

  • 500 grams of shoots (it is better to take fresh ones, but a frozen workpiece pulled out of the freezer in 10-12 hours and melted on its own is also suitable);
  • 70 ml. vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 - 1 pod of red pepper;
  • 50 ml. soy sauce;
  • 0.5 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp ground or in grains of coriander;
  • 6-8 pcs. cloves;
  • a handful of peppercorns;
  • 10 gr. sesame seed;
  • 1 tbsp vinegar.

Wash, clean, dry the arrows, cut into pieces of 4-5 cm. Heat the oil in a large saucepan or cauldron, and at this time grind the spices in a mortar (to simplify the procedure, all additives can be taken already in ground form). Put the seasonings in a bowl, mix, let the oil saturate for 8-10 seconds, and then add the garlic there, fry until soft, stir in the sugar and soy sauce.

When the arrows turn olive color, add vinegar and sesame, remove from heat, cool and, after cooling, serve to the table.

Salad of garlic arrows

The product can be added to the salad, I came across several interesting recipes but, I confess, I myself have not tried everything yet.

But I really liked the egg salad, I took a recipe from a friend, here it is:

  • take garlic shoots, vegetable oil, tomatoes, salt, spices, raw chicken eggs;
  • wash the arrows, chop, stew in a pan with a spoonful of water until olive color;
  • salt, sprinkle with spices;
  • add diced tomatoes, fry everything together for about 5 minutes;
  • beat the eggs into the pan, mix quickly, after thickening, remove from heat and cool.

Although this dish is positioned as a salad, it reminds me more of an omelet with vegetables, but more spicy. What I like about it is that you can cook such a meal in just half an hour, if the ingredients are at hand.

So do not throw away garlic arrows, because there are many cooking recipes, for every taste. And now you know how to cook the product! Bon appetit, replenish your collection of recipes with new items using our blog and do not miss interesting articles thanks to a subscription!
