
Belyashi with meat in oil. Belyashi with meat in a pan - holey pies! Recipes for various whites with meat in a pan: yeast and kefir.

08 May 2016 769

Belyashi is meat pies originally from Kazan. They are usually fried in a saucepan using sunflower oil and stuffed with several types of minced meat, but there are cooking options for yeast-free dough in the oven.

They are easy enough to make home cooking, and they will be much more useful than those sold in station stalls or student canteens. This dish is very satisfying, so after eating one or two pieces, you feel the full saturation of the body.

Recipe for homemade yeast whites with meat in a pan

Belyashi on yeast dough classical performance are not high dietary properties but incredibly delicious.


  • Flour - 700 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Yeast "Sof Moment" - 1 pack;
  • Salt - at the discretion of the cook;
  • Ground pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Pork - 350 g;
  • Turkey pulp - 300 g;
  • Onions - 2 heads;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Fresh greens - a bunch.

Dilute in half a glass slightly warm water dry yeast, add sugar and a spoonful of flour. Mix everything and leave until a special yeast cap is formed.

Mix the remaining water and chilled egg, pour yeast dough, salt and pour in parts of the flour, crushed. When the mass becomes steep enough, transfer it to a smooth surface and knead a soft, not sticky dough. Put in a dry container, cover with a bowl and leave for an hour.

Cut the washed and dried meat into slices. Peel the onion and cut into quarters. We pass the prepared products through an electric meat grinder, alternating meat and onions in order to make the minced meat more uniform. Add herbs, salt and pepper to taste.

Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and heat. From total weight pinch off small pieces dough and roll out. We put the filling in the center, fasten the edges, leaving a small gap. By this principle, we form all whites.

Immerse the semi-finished products in well-heated oil and fry until cooked. Do this carefully and slowly - the oil can splatter on your hands and leave a deep burn. Remove with a slotted spoon and place on kitchen paper towels.

You can use one type of meat, but by combining two fillings, we get an even tastier variation.

If you do not have fresh greens, you can use frozen or dry. This will also add extra flavor.

Delicious meat whites on kefir

If you don't want to use yeast dough, it can be replaced with more easy option- on kefir.


  • Flour - 600 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir - 450 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp;
  • Cream - 100 ml;
  • Chicken fillet- 600 g;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil or lard - 200 ml;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Ground pepper - to taste;
  • Fresh greens - a bunch.

We combine the heated kefir with soda, stir and leave until bubbles appear on the surface. My chicken fillet and dip in a towel. Cut into pieces and scroll through an electric meat grinder.

Mix salt, egg and sugar into the kefir mixture. We pour in small portions crushed flour, constantly stirring the mass. The amount of flour can vary: you need to ensure that the dough becomes elastic and pliable.

IN minced chicken stir in greens and cream - this will make it juicier.

Roll out the dough into a sausage, cut into pieces and make cakes. Place the filling in the center and seal the edges completely. Immerse in oil, warmed up, the effect of deep-frying is obtained. Fry until a nice brown color appears. Take out and let cool.

How to make belyashi with minced meat in the oven: a step by step recipe

Supporters proper nutrition use the method of cooking belyashi in the oven. This does not require as much oil as in the classic version.


  • Flour - 450 g;
  • Kefir - 400 ml;
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • Margarine or spread - 150 g;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, spices - to taste;
  • Minced pork and beef - 650 g;
  • Yolk - for lubrication;
  • Meat broth - 350 ml.

Chop soft margarine into the crushed flour with a knife. Mix the mass with your hand, beat in the egg, add salt. In a plastic bowl, mix kefir at room temperature and soda. We leave to stand.

We spread the minced meat in a glass deep bowl, add some salt, add spices and mix well so that both minced meats become one.

Pour the kefir mixture into the flour mass and mix well. We dump it on a smooth, dry surface and, sparing no effort, knead a tight dough. Cover with a bowl and let rest for half an hour.

We roll out a long sausage, cut into slices and form cakes with our hands. We put the filling in the center, fasten the edges, leaving a small window. We activate the electric oven in the baking mode at 180 ° C. We coat the baking sheet with oil, we shift the semi-finished products. With a spoon, carefully pour the warmed broth into each hole. Immerse to bake for an hour.

Recipe for lazy whites: simple and quick

The name of the dish speaks for itself: a very quick and uncomplicated way to treat yourself and your loved ones to belyashi.


  • Ground beef - 350 g;
  • Kefir - 250 ml;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable (regular) oil - 150 ml;
  • Onions - 2 pcs.;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp

We clean the onion, chop into small cubes. Saute in sunflower oil until transparent. Add minced meat, spices and salt well, knead and fry until half cooked.

We drive an egg, soda into kefir and pour the crushed flour. The consistency will be like for pancakes. Put the minced meat with onions on a flat plate and let cool slightly.

We put a cake in the warmed oil with a spoon, put a little filling on it and completely fill it with dough on top. Fry on all sides until golden beautiful color. Remove to paper kitchen towels or paper towels to drain excess oil.

For this recipe it is important to use lean minced meat, namely from veal or, as in our case, beef, so that the whites are not too fatty.

And step by step recommendations cooking. Read on for tips on stuffing and dough preparation.

Chicken with potatoes and pineapples cooked in the oven will surprise you delicate taste and juiciness. worth trying.

How to make mascarpone at home for pizza or a variety of desserts. Detailed, recommendations and advice.

  1. It is important to know that you need to initially put the whites in the pan with the hole down so that the filling is well baked;
  2. In the process of frying dishes in a pan, constantly pour vegetable oil into the hole with a spoon, so they will be juicier;
  3. After being taken out ready-made pastries from the electric oven, cover with a cloth towel and let stand;
  4. An obligatory ingredient in the dough is sugar, it is he who gives such a beautiful brown color during frying;
  5. There are several non-traditional toppings for this dish - cod fillet and wild duck. In both versions, pastries are tasty and quite spicy;
  6. Don't put too much oil in the pan. It should be enough to completely cover the whites;
  7. You can use fresh yeast instead of dry yeast.

Bon appetit to you, household members and guests!

Belyashi is a species fried pies, but unlike many of them, the belyash has an open top and a special taste. Like any other dish, belyash, shrouded in legends, has its own history and is more related to Tatar cuisine. The Tatars themselves call it "peremyach". Traditionally, peremyachi are prepared with meat filling and mainly from yeast dough. Modern belyash, which retail is just a round closed pie with stuffing inside, without any holes - distant relative properly prepared Tatar peremyach.

Dozens of recipes for belyashi are known. Belyashi differ both in the quality of the dough, and in the composition of minced meat, and even in shape. Classic whites with meat, they are prepared exclusively in a round shape and always with a small hole in the middle, which is left in order to meat filling when frying did not remain half-cooked. Traditional filling for whites is chopped meat consisting of lamb, chicken, or a mixture of pork and beef. Minced meat is more preferable for a recipe for real homemade whites, although modern chefs, who are always willing to experiment, cook at least delicious belyashi with potatoes, cheese, chicken, fish. The secret of the juiciness of homemade minced meat for belyashi is in the amount of onion (the more, the better). You can season the minced meat with any spices to taste or add a little crushed garlic or finely chopped fresh herbs to enhance the taste. Some housewives prefer to add a little water to the minced meat for greater juiciness.

There are a lot of ways to prepare dough for whites: fast, classic, sponge, "drowned" and others. Each of the recipes, of course, has its own secrets and features. To batter did not stick to your hands, it is advisable to grease them with vegetable oil, like the board on which you are going to roll out the dough. Flour must be sifted at least twice in order to enrich it with oxygen and remove all kinds of impurities. Egg white makes the dough more rigid and firm, therefore, if you add only the yolk to the dough, the whites will turn out to be very soft and juicy.

Choose a recipe, prepare the dough, divide it into pieces, roll them into balls and place them on a floured surface of the table. With a rolling pin or fingers, knead the balls into cakes with a diameter of 12-15 cm, a thickness of 5-7 mm. In the middle of each such cake, put 1 tbsp. fillings and gather the edges of the cake to the center. Pinching the edges, leave a hole in the center. Slightly flatten the blanks, giving them a round shape, and leave for another 20 minutes for them to rise. Then lay the whites with a hole down in a deep frying pan or stewpan with big amount hot oil at a distance of 2 cm from each other, as they will increase slightly in volume during the frying process. Fry the whites on both sides until golden brown. Ready whites be sure to put it on paper towel to glass excess oil.

Prepare dough for whites in a good mood and always with joy, because the dough is very sensitive both to the warmth of your hands and to the mood with which you set to work. Using our simple advice and recipes, you can be absolutely sure that the result will be excellent.

Unleavened (yeast-free) dough for whites

500 g flour
1 stack sour cream
2 eggs,
2 tbsp butter or margarine,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt.

Sift the flour with a mound. Make a recess in it, in which put sour cream, butter, salt, sugar, beat in eggs and quickly knead the dough. Ready dough roll into a ball, put on a plate, cover with a towel and take out to a cold place for 30-40 minutes.

Unleavened yeast dough for whites

4 stack flour,
1 stack milk or water
1 egg
20 g yeast
4 tbsp butter or margarine,
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt.

Dissolve in warm milk yeast and stir until completely dissolved. Then add eggs, sugar and salt (you can pre-grind the eggs with sugar and salt), add flour and knead a homogeneous, not very steep dough. At the end of the process, add melted cooled butter (or margarine). Knead the dough until it is no longer sticky to your hands and bowl. Sprinkle the finished dough lightly with flour, cover with a towel and put in a warm place. When the dough has risen (after 2-2.5 hours), press it down and let it rise again. After that, you can start baking whites.

Spongy yeast dough for whites

1 kg flour
2.5 stack. milk or water
2 yolks,
2 tbsp butter,
30 g yeast
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, add half the flour and half the sugar. Put the prepared dough in a warm place for 1 hour to come up. During this time, it should increase in volume by 2 times. When the dough rises, add baking, salt, the rest of the flour to it and knead the dough (it should not stick to your hands and easily fall behind the dishes). If bubbles appear on the dough and it begins to settle, then it is ready.

Quick yeast dough for whites

1.5 kg flour
500 ml milk
3 eggs,
250 g butter,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 sachet dry yeast
1 tsp salt.

Soften butter or margarine room temperature. Beat eggs, milk, sugar and salt with a mixer. Continuing to beat, add softened butter in small portions. Make sure the oil is well mixed. Then add the whipped mixture to the flour sifted in advance, pour dry yeast there and knead soft plastic dough. Grease the finished dough on all sides with vegetable oil, put in a bowl, also greased with vegetable oil, and refrigerate for 2 hours. When the time is up, take out the dough and start cooking whites.

Sour cream-yeast dough for whites

500 g flour
250 g sour cream
2 yolks,
30 g yeast
70 g butter,
½ tsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt.

Rub the yeast in sour cream. Add egg yolks, salt, sifted flour and knead a soft dough. At the end of the batch, add softened butter, stir, cover the container with the dough with a napkin and place in a warm place. Punch it down after 1.5-2 hours. The fermentation process will continue for about 40 minutes, then the dough will begin to slowly fall. Knead the dough again, cool and put on a table greased with vegetable oil for further work.

Sweet yeast dough for whites

Belyashi from this dough are incredibly tasty, retain their original freshness for a long time and remain soft.

600 ml milk
1 egg
4 tbsp vegetable oil,
1.5 tsp yeast,
1 tbsp Sahara,
½ tsp salt,

Dilute the yeast in warm milk, beat in the egg, pour vegetable oil, add sugar and salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Gradually add flour and knead the dough of medium elasticity. Roll the dough into a ball and put it in a warm place for 2 hours. The dough will increase in size and become softer and more elastic. Now divide the dough into certain pieces for the intended whites, put on a flat and large dish, cover and let stand for another 10-15 minutes. During this time, the pieces will increase a little more in volume, and the dough will be easy to further process.

Yeast dough for belyashi on kefir

1 kg flour
500 ml of kefir,
1 egg
10 g dry yeast
100 g of water
2 tbsp Sahara
salt - to taste.

Dilute the yeast with sugar in warm water and wait until the foam forms. Pour flour into a wide container, add kefir, egg, diluted yeast and start kneading the dough. Knead until it becomes soft and no longer sticky to your hands. Then cover the dough and leave for 1 hour in a warm place.

Dough for whites "Drowned"

1 kg flour
500 ml milk
150 g butter or margarine
2 eggs,
30 g fresh yeast
1 tsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara.

Grate cold butter and leave at room temperature to warm up. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm milk and leave to rise. Whisk eggs with salt. Pour flour into a bowl, leaving one glass for rolling, pour in milk with yeast, add eggs, butter and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball and drop it into cold water poured into large saucepan or a bucket. When the dough floats, take it out, dry it with a napkin and knead, adding the remaining glass of flour. Leave the kneaded dough to lie under a napkin for 10-15 minutes.

Dough for whites "Wonderful"

1.5 stack. flour,
½ stack warm milk,
2 egg yolks,
½ pack of softened margarine
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
50 g raw yeast.

Dilute yeast in milk, add softened margarine, sugar and other ingredients. Mix everything well with your hands. Leave the resulting bun of dough for 40 minutes, and then you can already roll out the dough and start baking. If you decide to start baking tomorrow, put the dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator, where, by the way, it can be stored for 4 days.

To many, the procedure for preparing dough for whites may seem very complicated, but in fact, observing the proportions of the products and adhering to the recommendations indicated in the recipes, believe me, everything will turn out to be much simpler, and the cooking process will bring a lot of pleasure, and the result is even more so!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Belyash is a holey pie!

Although, this is not entirely true.

Often found closed whites without a hole, having the form ordinary pie but only round.

And sometimes not even quite round.

But no matter how the blanks are blinded, the whites do not become less loved or tasty from this.

Let's indulge in fragrant belyashiki?

Belyashi with meat in a pan - general principles of cooking

The classic dough for belyashi is prepared with yeast. It requires rest in warmth for several hours. But recipes for dough on kefir with soda are becoming more and more popular, from which you can cook products almost immediately. Although it is desirable for him to stand a little, so that the flour swells and elasticity appears.

For the filling, minced meat with onions and spices is used. Sometimes other vegetables, mushrooms are added to it. If the meat is too lean, such as beef, then you can put lard or just fat.

Whites are formed with a hole or closed. If the product has a window, then it is very important when frying to put it only in hot oil and with the hole down. Don't worry, the stuffing won't fall out. But if you first fry the closed part, and then the side with the window, then a large number of juice will provoke hissing and splashing of oil.

Recipe 1: Belyashi with meat in a pan from ordinary yeast dough

Recipe for delicious and ruddy whites with meat in a pan, which is familiar to many housewives. Standard and time-tested dough with yeast and water. The filling is prepared from two types of meat.


250 grams of beef;

250 grams of pork;

300 grams of onion;


300 grams of water;

1.5 tsp dry yeast;

50 grams of oil;

Spoonful of sugar;


1. Start the dough. To do this, dissolve sugar in warm water, add yeast, salt, egg, add flour and butter. Make a soft but not runny dough. Cover and keep warm until the second rise.

2. While the dough is being prepared, we are doing minced meat. We twist both types of meat. The pieces are pre-washed, dried.

3. Immediately twist the peeled onion, salt, pepper, minced meat, mix well.

4. Divide the dough that has come up a second time into pieces of 100 grams. Round and leave on the table for 5 minutes.

5. We flatten each piece into a thin cake, put the minced meat in the center and pinch the edges, leaving a small window in the center about three centimeters.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the whites on it with the window down and fry. Then turn over and brown on the other side. And it's done!

Recipe 2: Belyashi with meat in a pan from yeast dough in milk

The recipe for homemade whites with meat in a pan, which are prepared from very tender and air test on milk. It can also be used for fried and baked pies with different fillings.


200 ml of milk;

100 ml of water;

8 grams of yeast (dry);

1 tsp Sahara;

Flour (how much will take);

1 tsp salt;

80 grams of plums. oils.


0.5 kg of mixed minced meat;

1 onion;

150 grams of cream;

1 clove of garlic.


1. Dilute the milk with boiling water (water according to the norm in the recipe). Add yeast with sugar, leave for twenty minutes.

2. Melt the butter and cool. Whisk the egg with salt. Pour the egg into the yeast mass first, then the oil. Add flour, knead the dough. Cover with a napkin, put in a warm place for two hours.

3. Put the chopped onion into the minced meat, then the garlic, season with spices and pour in the cream. Mix thoroughly.

4. We get our thick crust, divide into pieces, sculpt belyashi. According to this recipe, they can be made both closed and open.

5. Fry in a pan until tender and serve while they are hot.

Recipe 3: Belyashi with meat in the Lazy frying pan

A simplified version of belyashi with meat in a pan, which are prepared from liquid dough. This recipe can be a real salvation for housewives who do not have much free time, but have a desire to feed their family deliciously.


500 ml of kefir;

1 tsp Sahara;

300 grams of flour;

0.5 tsp soda;

300 grams of minced meat;

1 bulb.


1. Immediately cut the onion. Put it in a frying pan and fry with a spoonful of oil until transparent.

2. Mix the onion with raw minced meat. We season the mass with spices.

3. For the dough, beat the eggs with salt, put sugar, kefir with soda slaked in it, stir. Lastly, add flour. The dough should turn out like pancakes.

4. Now add the prepared minced meat directly to the dough, stir.

5. Pour half a centimeter of oil into the pan, heat.

6. Fry regular pancakes from two sides. More precisely, not quite ordinary, We have lazy whites!

Recipe 4: Tatar belyashi with meat in a pan or “Peremyachi” (without yeast)

The recipe for very interesting whites from dough without yeast. It will require mineral water with gas and kefir. Instead, you can take fermented baked milk, curdled milk, sourdough.


0.7 kg of mixed minced meat;

2 onions;

A little salt.

For test:

200 ml of kefir;

200 ml of mineral water;

1 tsp soda;

6 glasses of flour;

3 tablespoons oil + for frying.


1. We extinguish the soda in kefir and leave it for now. Beat eggs with salt, add mineral water, then kefir mixture. Stir and add flour. When kneading the dough, add three tablespoons of oil. You can use melted margarine. Forget about the dough for 15 minutes. This time is enough to prepare the filling.

2. Add chopped onion to the twisted minced meat, put the spices, stir.

3. Divide the dough into pieces, the size of which should be the size of a small apple.

4. Roll out a thin cake from each kolobok. To prevent the dough from sticking, sprinkle it and the rolling pin with flour.

5. Put a tablespoon of minced meat in the center of the cake, collect the edges together, forming a window in the center.

6. Fry Tatar belyashi in the usual way in hot fat.

Recipe 5: Belyashi with meat and potatoes in a pan

An economical recipe for belyashi with meat, for which you will need mashed potatoes. If left after dinner, then you can not cook a new one, but use it. The dough is kneaded on kefir with butter, but you can use any other.


0.25 kg of butter (or margarine);

380 ml of kefir;

1 tsp soda;

800 grams of flour;

For filling:

500 grams of meat;

120 grams of fat;

200 grams of mashed potatoes;

2 onions;

1 clove of garlic;

A little ground pepper;

Dried dill and salt.


1. Put the flour in a sieve and sift directly onto the table. Adding soft butter or margarine and grind well with your hands. If the butter is hard, then you can chop it with a knife. We make a hill with a recess.

2. We dilute salt in kefir and extinguish soda. Pour into the flour mixture and knead the dough. You may need a little more flour if the kefir was liquid. Let stand for 15 minutes.

3. Grind meat with lard, peeled garlic clove and onion. It is better to remove the skin from the fat. Add mashed potatoes, spices to them and mix.

4. Divide our dough into koloboks, roll into thin cakes, stuff and pinch the edges. These whites can be made both open and closed.

5. Fry in a pan until cooked. But from the same dough you can cook baked belyashi in the oven, it also turns out delicious.

Recipe 6: Belyashi with meat and mushrooms in a pan

The addition of mushrooms to the stuffing for belyashi makes the products insanely fragrant and unusual. This technique can be used to save meat or simply to add flavor. We use any yeast dough, you can cook according to one of the recipes above. Belyashi according to this recipe is best done closed, as the filling is very juicy and the oil will shoot.


1 kg of dough;

300 grams of meat;

200 grams of onion;

250 grams of mushrooms;

2 spoons of sour cream;


1. We wash the mushrooms, remove all unnecessary. If they are forest, then it is advisable to boil in boiling water for about 15 minutes. Then cut into cubes.

2. We also cut the peeled onion. Fry it with oil in a pan until transparent, put the mushrooms, fry for 5 minutes and add sour cream. Simmer covered until soft.

3. Twist the meat into minced meat and mix with cooled mushrooms. We fill the filling with spices.

4. Divide the dough into pieces and roll a bun out of each. Let it sit for a few minutes to loosen up. Roll out into a thin cake.

5. We put the filling and collect the edges together. Flatten in the palm of your hand and fry in oil.

So that when frying whites in the room there is less smoke and burning, the dough should be cut not with flour, but with vegetable oil.

Whites will have a beautiful blush if you put a spoonful of sugar in the dough. If this is not done, then the color finished products will be with a gray tint, even if they are well fried.

Minced meat for whites will be more tender if you add a little cream or sour cream to it.

Not enough meat for stuffing? Put in more onions. You can add a little raw cabbage, finely grated potato. But it’s better not to dilute the filling for whites with cereals, especially rice, as is found in many recipes. It will become much drier and draw all the juices out of the meat.

Belyashi will be tastier if several types of fat are mixed during frying. Or at least add a spoonful of butter or ghee to the vegetable oil.

The amount of flour indicated in the recipe and actually used does not always match. The difference is explained by the density and fat content of the products used in the test. And the moisture content of the flour is different. Therefore, if the dough turned out to be liquid, then feel free to add more flour.

So, for the preparation of whites (kainars) we need:

1 . Meat: pork - 300g, beef - 200g;
2 . Onions: 4 - 5 medium heads;
3 . Flour;
4 . Dry yeast - 2 sachets;
5 . Milk;
6 . Sunflower oil;
7 . Cooking oil - 1 pack;
8 . Egg - 2 pcs;
9 . Ground pepper;
10 . Salt and sugar.

Cooking minced meat.

First of all, you need to prepare the minced meat. We twist the meat and onion in a meat grinder, then salt it, pepper to taste and mix well.

When the minced meat is ready, cover it with a film and put it in the refrigerator.

We make dough.

For the preparation of belyashi, yeast dough is used, as for. You can buy it ready-made, but it’s better to make it yourself, since it is believed that it is alive, and when you cook the dough yourself, you put your soul into it.

In order for the dough to fit for sure, first we make a dough.
Pour about 200 grams of warm milk into the dishes, add a little flour, add two packs of yeast and a teaspoon of sugar (without a slide).

We mix all this. In appearance, the dough should resemble sour cream.

Now we cover the dough with a napkin and put it in a warm place for 20 - 30 minutes so that it ferments.

After this time, the dough should double in size, and if you pick it up, then inside it will be porous, as in the picture on the right.

All. Opara has approached, and you can start preparing the dough.

Pour in 300 - 400 grams of warm milk, 3 - 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil, beat in 2 eggs, add a teaspoon of salt, and mix everything well again.

Now gradually add flour and start kneading the dough.

It is not necessary to knead too steep dough, since belyashi (kainars) turn out to be dense, like bread. It will be enough when the dough converges into a ball. It seems to be still “asking” for flour, but it’s better to grease your hands with sunflower oil and knead the dough to the end.

When the dough is ready, cover it with a napkin or towel and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half so that it rises. Time depends on the quality of yeast and flour.

Alternatively, you can fill the bath with warm water and put the dishes with the dough into the water, as in the picture on the right. The bathroom door must be closed.

Now you need to look after the test so that it does not “run away”. When you see that the dough began to protrude from the edges of the dish, it must be crushed. As a rule, during this time one time will be enough.

This is how much the test should turn out.

We make belyashi (kainars).

Sprinkle the table with flour and lay out the dough. From big piece cut off pieces about 5 centimeters in size, and from these pieces we make balls.

From the resulting balls we make cakes about 8 centimeters in size, and put minced meat in the middle of the cake.

Now we form whites (kainars). Here we pinch the edges of the dough, leaving a small hole in the center - a skirt. The sculpting process itself is difficult to describe, so see how it is shown in the pictures below.

These are the beauties you should get.

When about a dozen whites (kainars) have already been made, put the pan on the fire, pour in sunflower oil so that it covers the bottom of the pan by about 1 centimeter, add a tablespoon of cooking oil.
And in the future, when you put a new batch, be sure to add cooking oil.

Cooking fat prevents the oil from soaking into the dough, while whites (kaynars) are airy and not greasy.

We put the belyashi (kainars) with a hole down, reduce the heat to medium, and fry until golden brown.

When they are well browned - turn over, pour hot fat from the pan into the holes, and fry the whites completely.

Well, basically, that's all.
If you have any questions, then you can watch my video on cooking belyash.

Bon appetit. Now you know for sure how to cook belyashi (kaynari).
Good luck!

Greetings my precious friends. Do you love whites? It's hard not to love them. Just thinking about them makes you salivate. But, unfortunately, it is rarely possible to enjoy high-quality whites from the store. Producers manage to either underspend the meat or make the dough too thick. There is an unpleasant aftertaste from the purchased product. Therefore, I suggest that you cook these pies at home. Moreover, today I will tell you how to cook belyashi with meat in a pan.

Modern sweets owe their name to Belish - big pie which is prepared from unleavened dough. This is a national Bashkir dish. Prepare it with various fillings, but meat with potatoes is considered the most delicious.

However, whites are slightly different from whites. First of all, they are much smaller in size than their progenitors. In addition, belyashi are fried in huge number oils, and the belishes are baked.

The closest relative of the Bashkir Belish is the Tatar Peremyach. Usually peremyachi make a round shape with a hole in the middle. But whites were originally prepared in a triangular shape. Only few people know about these features today. Well, that's right, a small presentation of the dish before showing it 🙂

Features of whites

Fried food can hardly be called dietary. In the process of cooking, pies absorb a lot of fat, so they are a high-calorie product.

The calorie content of whites is 260.6 kcal. At the same time, there are 14.7 g of fats here, and 18.7 g of carbohydrates and 14.6 g of proteins.

Therefore, no nutritionist will recommend this yummy to you. Therefore, you should not eat belyashi eyes for those who are on a diet. Otherwise, do not resist and have to start losing weight again. Also, with this delicacy, you need to be more careful for people suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system and pancreas.

But belyashi, prepared independently at home, are less harmful than purchased ones. After all, here you yourself regulate the fat content of meat and the amount of oil for frying. And you can cook at home both open and closed pies. Among themselves, they differ not only in appearance, but also in the features of cooking.

Cooking open yeast whites

And here is step by step recipe delicious pies. For the test you will need:

  • a kilo of flour;
  • egg;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 10 g dry yeast (you can replace 30 g live).

As a filling, you need a kilo of minced meat. Better to take pork with beef. You will also need 4 onions, salt + pepper to taste. Belyashi need to be fried in a huge amount of oil.

First we make the dough. To do this, mix the yeast with sugar and dilute them warm milk. Leave the mixture for 5-7 minutes until a foam forms. Be sure to sift the flour and make a hole in the center of the slide. Pour the yeast mixture and beaten eggs into this hole. Add salt and knead the dough well. This procedure usually takes about a quarter of an hour.

After kneading, the dough should not stick to your hands. Then cover it and leave it for an hour in a warm place. During this time, the yeast dough will double in size.

Finely chopped onion mixed with minced meat. Salt and pepper the filling. Next, mix the ingredients well again. To increase the viscosity of minced meat, I advise you to add a couple of tablespoons to its composition. ice water. Leave the minced meat for an hour in the refrigerator. So the water is absorbed into the proteins of the meat and the filling will then be a little with the broth.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour. We roll the same balls from the dough, from which we roll out cakes with a diameter of 15-17 cm. Put the minced meat in the middle of the dough (about 1 tbsp each). We pinch the whites so that there is a hole in the middle where the filling would be visible. And lightly press each belyash with your hand.

Fill the pan with oil (about 2 cm from the bottom). We heat it up and lay out the pies with holes down. Fry one side until browned over medium heat. Then turn over and cook.

How to make yeast closed belyashi with meat

It is easy to prepare such a delicacy at home. For the test, take:

  • a kilo of flour;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 gr margarine;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 10 g dry yeast (or 30 g live).

The stuffing is prepared from minced pork and beef, 2 onions and 100 ml of water. You will also need ground pepper + salt to taste.

We dilute the yeast with warm milk and add sugar here. Lightly beat the eggs and add them to the yeast mixture. Add the sifted flour and mix the ingredients. Then pour the slightly cooled melted margarine here, add salt and knead the dough well. Leave it for a couple of hours, covering the top with a kitchen towel. After a little we crush the dough. If it is sticky, stir in the flour. And again let it stand for a couple more hours.

Let's move on to the stuffing. Mix chopped onion with minced meat. Add water, salt + pepper here. Mix the mince well.

Divide the yeast dough into equal balls. We roll out each of them in turn and put 1.5-2 tbsp in the middle. fillings. We lift the edges of the circle up and pinch, and then gently flatten with the palm of your hand.

Put the whites in a frying pan with hot oil so that they are seam-side down. There should be a lot of oil in the vessel (a layer of at least 2 cm). Fry the pies until browned on both sides.
