
How sweet dough is made. Sweet yeast dough recipe

Like it or not, it’s not so easy to find the best dough recipe for pies and rich pies. It is easier if such a recipe was inherited by you. But what if the hereditary recipe has been lost or forgotten? On the Internet you can find many dough recipes for every taste, but not all of them are really successful and proven. You can familiarize yourself with my favorite dough recipe, but it is not suitable for baking pies and pies, but only for making dumplings, dumplings and pasties. But I haven't seen a better one.

I share my recipe for rich yeast dough, which is family-owned and inherited. To this day, my grandmother and mother cook pies using just such a dough, and they (the pies) always turn out excellent.

Sweet pastry dough


  • 250 ml milk
  • 1.5 tsp dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 g butter
  • 3 tbsp sunflower oil
  • flour (about 3 cups)

Milk should be warm, but not hot (no more than 40 degrees). We dissolve a tablespoon of sugar in a glass of milk (250 ml) and send 1.5 tsp there. dry yeast. Leave the glass alone for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the yeast is activated.

In those 10-15 minutes, while the yeast wakes up, prepare the ingredients for the dough. Mix the eggs with the remaining sugar (1 tbsp), salt (1 tsp), butter and sunflower oil.

Add milk with yeast to the resulting liquid mass.

We add flour. Start with one glass, then stir. Get a liquid dough. Adding a second glass will already make the dough thicker.

The dough should be very soft and sticky, but it should be thoroughly kneaded. This is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible. In order to facilitate this process, you can grease the table and hands with sunflower oil.

After the dough is ready (and its uniform consistency testifies to this), it should be transferred to a pan greased with sunflower oil.

We cover the dough with a napkin and leave it in a warm place (on a sunny windowsill, for example) for 1.5 hours.

And this is what the result looks like, ready for further use. The dough has more than doubled in size. It has a very pleasant creamy aroma and a delicate texture. And it is also very remarkable that after proofing it no longer sticks to your hands and you can easily form pies out of it.

Butter dough differs from the usual amount of additives. From this, the name “butter”, which means WITH ADDITIONS. Eggs, butter or margarine, sour cream, sugar, various flavorings - vanilla sugar, cinnamon, nuts, dried fruits are added to the pastry in large quantities. As a result, it is not difficult to guess that muffin is much tastier and more nutritious than a simple dough.

You can make buns, rolls, pies and pies, muffins, cookies from pastry. The usual dough is used for making bread, lean pastries, pizza and pies. This is not to say that lean dough is less tasty. It is lighter, fits better, makes an excellent tandem with fillings, and is also more useful. But muffin is definitely tastier.

Butter dough can be yeast and yeast-free. It rises harder, but products from it are fatter, richer, more fragrant. The method of preparing delicious dough with additives is also different. You will find answers to questions on how to make the most delicious pastry for buns, step-by-step recipes and useful tips in this post.

Photo of a simple sweet dough with dry yeast

A distinctive feature of this recipe is the speed of preparation. The dough is put quickly, approaches actively, it turns out really rich. For cooking, it is recommended to use French Saf Moment yeast. The dough with them rises well and does not have a strong smell of yeast, which is often the case with yeast from other manufacturers. Learn how to make a simple butter dough without the hassle.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • flour 500 g
  • milk 1 glass
  • dry yeast 7 g.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • butter (margarine) 150 g.
  • sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

How to make dough for dry yeast buns:

  1. Boil the milk, add the butter (margarine) cut into pieces and sugar. If you like sweet dough, the amount of sugar should be increased. Stir until sugar dissolves. Let the mixture cool down. Beat the eggs into the cooled milk, stir with a whisk until smooth.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl - sifted flour, salt, yeast. Make a funnel in the center. Pour the milk-egg mixture into the flour. Knead the dough right in the bowl.
  3. When there is no flour left in the bowl, beat the dough. To do this, lift the dough and slap it back into the bowl. As a result, the dough should become soft and elastic. The dough for this recipe can be kneaded in a bread machine.
  4. Place the bowl of dough in heat for an hour. During this time, it should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Knead the dough and you can start forming buns. Before putting the buns in the oven, let them rise for 30-40 minutes on a baking sheet.

Photo of a quick kefir dough for buns

Butter dough on kefir is more elastic than dough on milk. Kefir promotes fermentation, the pulp of ready-made buns comes out a little denser, but just as tender. It is easy and pleasant to work with the dough prepared according to this recipe and form buns of bizarre shape - pigtails, snails, curls. Be sure to learn how to put the dough on kefir, and take the recipe into service.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for steam:

  • milk 1/2 cup
  • fresh yeast 15 g
  • sugar 1 teaspoon
  • flour 2-3 tbsp. spoons

for the test:

  • sugar 2/3 cup
  • kefir 1 glass
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • flour 3-4 cups
  • butter (margarine) 100 g
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

How to make kefir pastry dough for buns:

  1. Remove butter (margarine), kefir and eggs from the refrigerator in advance. Food should be at room temperature.
  2. Grind the yeast with sugar into a gruel, add warm milk and a few tablespoons of flour. You should get a dough like pancakes. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. It should increase by 2-3 times and become covered with holes.
  3. Mix butter, eggs and sugar until smooth. Add kefir and brew. Stir again.
  4. Sift the flour and gradually add 3 cups to the dough first. If the dough is sticky and sticky, add a little more flour. Turn the dough out onto a floured board and knead until the dough is no longer sticky to your hands. If possible, do not add more flour. At the very end of the kneading, it is better to grease your hands with vegetable oil.
  5. Transfer the dough to a bowl and let rise in a warm place for an hour and a half. At this stage, the dough increases in volume by 3-4 times, it becomes simply airy. Do not knead the finished dough, but just punch down and proceed to the formation of buns. From the dough according to this recipe, you can bake Easter cakes for Easter, you should add raisins, candied fruits, cinnamon or cardamom to the dough.

Photo of delicious dough for buns on sour cream

Cooking pastry has a pattern - the fatter, the tastier, longer stored, but instantly eaten. If there is sour cream with an expiration date in the refrigerator, do not rush to throw it away. Try making delicious pastry.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for steam:

  • water (milk) 1/2 cup
  • granulated yeast 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar 1 teaspoon

for the test:

  • water (milk) 1/2 cup
  • sour cream 1 cup
  • granulated sugar 1 cup
  • butter 200 g
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • flour 3-4 cups
  • vanilla sugar 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon

Cooking method:

  1. Mix yeast, sugar and water (milk) heated to 36 ° C. Leave the dough to rise for 15 minutes.
  2. Melt butter, add water (milk), eggs, sour cream and other ingredients except flour. Pour in the steam. Gradually add the sifted flour.
  3. The dough should be soft, not tough, elastic. Cover it with a towel and let it rise for an hour and a half. Knock down the finished dough and you can bake buns.

Yeast dough is considered by many to be capricious. In fact, it just requires attention and respect. If you know the features and secrets of how to make pastry dough for buns, it is perfect, it will reward you with a wonderful taste, aroma, delicate, airy, porous structure:

  • Yeasts are fungi, living things that thrive in a moist, warm environment, as long as they are alive and have not died before the dough is made. When buying yeast, pay attention to its expiration date. Check for doneness of yeast before mixing. To do this, grind a grain of yeast with a pinch of sugar, add water and leave to stand in a warm place. Live yeast will begin to "grow" in the form of a foamy cap.
  • All products for making dough should be warm 37-45°C, but not more than 50°C, as the yeast will die and the fermentation process will stop.
  • More yeast is added to pastry because fat, eggs, and sugar make the dough heavy and harder to rise. For 1 kilogram of flour, you need to put 50 grams of yeast, and if more than 3 eggs are added to the dough, then all 100 grams.
  • To make the dough more elastic and tender, you need to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • Flour must be sifted through a sieve. It is saturated with oxygen, the dough is airy and porous.
  • The dough does not like temperature changes, and therefore does not tolerate drafts. When airing, the temperature in the room drops, which can damage the fermentation process.

Butter dough is the richest base for baking. It is seasoned with fats (butter or spreads), sugar and egg yolks, which cannot but affect the taste and culinary properties of the finished baking. The aroma of hot baking spreads throughout the house, beckons and calls. The dough turns out to be fried, porous, elastic and has a particularly bright taste. Baking can be eaten with sweet and savory fillings or even without anything at all.

Universal pastry dough

We offer a way to prepare a dough suitable for any occasion. With it, it’s easier than ever to make both closed and open pies, rolls without filling or pies with many fillings. You will need up to three glasses of flour in / c, 1.5 tsp. dry yeast, a couple of eggs and a glass of milk. From bulk, take only a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt.

This dough is prepared in a steamless way.

  1. Place the flour and dry yeast into the bowl. In another container, milk is heated, 2 eggs are introduced into the liquid, salted and sugar is added.
  2. A mixture of milk and eggs is added to the flour with yeast. The dough is gently kneaded with a whisk. When all the lumps are collected together, you can add a couple of tablespoons of oil dissolved in the bath to them.
  3. Now, from everything that is in the bowl, you need to form a lump and send it to the work surface. Gradually introducing flour, form an elastic, not sticky dough.
  4. We remove the muffin to where it is warmer, and cover it with a clean cloth so that it does not wind up. We are waiting for about 3 hours. We crush the dough right in the same bowl in which it was insisted, and let it rise for the last time.

In less than an hour, it will be possible to remove the dough from the bowl and use it for its intended purpose.

Cooking for pies

The dough for pies should be sticky, and slightly denser than the basis for buns. It is important that the blanks do not float during baking and do not lose their appearance.

  1. First, mix all the bulk ingredients: half a kilogram of flour, three tablespoons of sugar, a bag of dry yeast and salt on the tip of a knife.
  2. Let's heat the milk to body temperature. Drop some liquid on your wrist. If the degree of heating is normal, the hand will not feel either cold or hot. Pour this milk into the flour mixture.
  3. Let's introduce 2 chicken eggs into the future dough. In the same way as milk, heat half a glass of vegetable oil. We send the liquid ingredients to a common bowl and stir with a silicone spatula.
  4. Scrape a shapeless lump out of the bowl, send it to the work surface and knead with your hands a tender, pliable dough. We form a ball out of it, put it back in a bowl, tighten it with cling film on top and put it in a warmer place.
  5. Let's wait about an hour. The dough will fill with air bubbles and double in size. Let's release excess gas from it, cover it again with a film and let it rise a second time.
  6. We take the finished base out of the bowl, crush it from all sides and divide it into pieces convenient for further purposes.

Mixing in a bread maker

Making dough in a bread machine is a pleasure. While the technique is doing business, you have a lot of free time.

  1. Pour a glass of milk into the machine bowl.
  2. Add one beaten egg, 50 g of melted butter (introduce it slightly cooled) and a pinch of salt.
  3. Immerse half a kilogram of flour in a container.
  4. Sprinkle the entire contents of the bread machine with a tablespoon of granulated sugar and yeast. A sachet will be enough for this amount of flour.
  5. Select the "Dough" mode and the automatic program will do everything by itself. The sweet base will cook in about 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Lush sweet yeast dough

Sweet yeast dough is the best base for homemade buns and pies with fruit or jam.

  1. For kneading, we will use quick dry yeast (11 g). They must be poured with half a glass of heated water and activated with sugar (a spoon is enough). Let the yeast work for 20 minutes.
  2. In the meantime, sift a pound of flour and heat a couple of glasses of milk. Let's mix the ingredients. We introduce the yeast mixture here, cover the workpiece with a film and let it rise. This process will take 30 minutes.
  3. The next step is to introduce another half a kilogram of flour, a little sweet sand, a pinch of salt and a couple of tablespoons of oil dissolved in the bath.
  4. We collect the resulting mass with a spoon and begin to knead. We will continue until it stops sticking to our hands.
  5. Remove the lump in heat and cover with a towel. Let's wait until it doubles. After an hour, we will take out the dough, ready for molding.

Recipe for kefir

Kefir dough is convenient to prepare in the evening. You can forget it in the refrigerator until the morning, and when you wake up, stick delicious pies with sweet and salty fillings.

The recipe uses active yeast (11 g). They are placed in heated kefir (330 ml). 50 g of granulated sugar, 50 g of sunflower oil are added to this mixture and the entire portion of flour (600 g) is sifted.

The dough is first kneaded with a spatula and then with your hands. It turns out a little sticky - as it should be. Put the base in the refrigerator overnight, and by morning it will rise and be ready for molding.

How to make a bun base

For the preparation of the most delicious pastry, we will use pressed baker's yeast.

  1. We heat half a liter of milk and crumble a whole briquette (50 g) of yeast into it. Dissolve them with a whisk.
  2. In another bowl, turn two chicken eggs with a glass of granulated sugar into a stable foam.
  3. Combine the resulting mass together with milk sourdough. Add 2 tablespoons of sunflower and melted butter, the contents of a pack of vanilla and about a kilogram of flour.

Sweet dough for buns will knead easily. It will acquire a smooth texture and a yellowish color. A lot of bubbles form in the crumb. You need to let the dough stand warm for about an hour, and then it will be possible to cook buns from it.

Fresh sweet dough

Unleavened dough is suitable for molding pies and closed pies. It has no sugar, so it goes well with minced meat and fish, as well as with porridge stuffing, with the addition of cabbage, mushrooms or eggs.

The recipe does not include the addition of yeast. All products must be refrigerated.

  1. First sift 1 kg of flour.
  2. Then I separately mix two glasses of milk, 2 teaspoons of salt, one egg and a spoonful of butter.
  3. The chatter is combined with flour and a crumbly dough is kneaded. It will resemble sand in consistency.
  4. The dough is allowed to stand under the film for 30 minutes.

On margarine

Fatty dough holds its shape well and does not fall apart when baking. Pies and buns are made from it.

Fats improve the binding ability of flour, which is why butter is added to the dough. But sometimes it is replaced with margarine. Buns from such a rich base are well browned in the oven.

  1. It is necessary to sift half a kilogram of flour.
  2. Stir it with a bag of fast-acting yeast, granulated sugar (60 g) and a pinch of salt.
  3. Slightly warm milk (230 ml), two eggs and dissolved margarine (70 g) should be added to the mixture.
  4. From the ingredients, a soft, non-sticky dough is kneaded and a bun is formed.
  5. The workpiece is sent to heat for an hour and a half to rest and come up. After increasing the number of bubbles, the dough is punched down and cut into pieces.

Sour cream option

Quick fragrant dough is prepared on sour cream. It is easy to mix, does not require special ingredients and has a pronounced creamy taste. In addition, it bakes well and forms a crispy crust.

The dough mix is ​​made very quickly:

  1. From 0.5 kg of flour we will make a slide, we will push a recess in it.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a hole at once (2 teaspoons of quick yeast, 3 tablespoons of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, 2/3 cups of water, an egg, 50 ghee and 100 g of sour cream).
  3. Gather the dough with your hands and knead into a uniform ball.
  4. Set aside for 30 min.

The dough rolls out well. Smooth, ruddy cakes come out of it.

Milk based

Milk is almost always present in the composition of the pastry. It helps to maintain the shape of the finished product. Most often, stuffed pies are made from such a semi-finished product. Prepare a savory milk-based dough.

  1. Combine 150 g of flour with 5 g of dry yeast, a teaspoon of granulated sugar and 200 ml of milk.
  2. Stir the dough to the consistency of sour cream and wait until a foamy “cap” rises above its surface.
  3. In the next 350 g of flour, break 2 eggs and put an additional yolk. We will send 70 g of refined oil and a pinch of salt to the mixture.
  4. We collect the lumps with a spoon and pour the approached dough. We turn the dough over onto the countertop and knead until it turns into a uniform, smooth bun.
  5. We put it back in the bowl and send it to proofing. After an hour and a half, it will rise and be ready for cutting.

Sweet pastry with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise dough is a pleasure to work with. It leaves the most pleasant impressions - it is well molded, it turns out tender and elastic. Pies from it do not get stale for several days.

You do not need to add butter and eggs to this dough, as they are already present in mayonnaise.

  1. Mix half a glass of milk and water. We dilute 25 g of fresh yeast and 4 tablespoons of flour in a liquid, add 10 g of granulated sugar and leave the dough under the film to rise.
  2. After the “cap” has fallen off, sift another 4 cups of flour into the sourdough and put 150 g of mayonnaise there.
  3. On the table, knead the elastic dough and put it in heat for 1.5 hours.
  4. The yeast base must be allowed to rise once, after which it should be kneaded, all excess air should be released and put on the blanks.

Quick recipe

Let's finish the series of tips with an unusual yeast dough recipe. It does not mix quickly, but rises very quickly. In order to get a ready-made semi-finished product, you need to wait only 20 minutes.

  1. Let's grind 20 g of pressed yeast with a tablespoon of granulated sugar. Pour in a glass of warm milk and mix in 70 g of flour. The dough will rise in 15 minutes.
  2. To it we add 100 g of melted butter, a chicken egg beaten with a pinch of salt and 450 g of sifted wheat flour.
  3. Gather the dough into a ball, knead with your hands and put in a bag. Put it in the bottom of a deep saucepan filled with cold water. After 20 minutes, the workpiece will increase significantly in volume.
  4. After that, the dough can be removed from the bag and used to form savory pies.

Looking for the perfect cookie dough? Try to cook it according to our family recipe with detailed photo and video descriptions on cooking.

50 min

250 kcal

5/5 (3)

People often ask me: how do you decide to experiment with sweet yeast baking so quickly? After all, there is always a risk that the dough will not “fit”, the dough will not work and all hours of work will go to waste. The answer to this question is very easy: I choose only the most proven recipes and always follow the cooking recommendations from my mother.

She often prepares relatively simple and delicious pastry for buns in the oven or bread machine according to her own, hundred times proven recipe - I assure you, you get delicious, tender and sweet products!

To make this dough, you do not need to be a professional culinary specialist or take lessons from grandmothers: it always turns out, even if you have started baking for the first time.
Today I will share with you my mother's experience of making classic, delicious buns, so that you will no longer look for a recipe that is sure to meet your expectations.

Did you know? The main rule in the successful preparation of the perfect yeast dough is not to rush. According to my personal statistics, it is the haste and inattention in the process of kneading the dough that lead to disastrous results, after which few people take up yeast baking a second time. Set aside enough time to cook the buns, and everything will definitely work out!

Preparation time: 60-120 minutes

Kitchen appliances

Carefully select the appliances, tools and utensils that you will definitely need in the process of making the perfect yeast dough for buns:

  • several capacious bowls with a volume of 400-800 ml,
  • teaspoons and tablespoons
  • plug,
  • steel or wooden whisk
  • towels (preferably linen or cotton),
  • baking sheet or bun pan with non-stick coating,
  • baking paper if needed
  • sieve,
  • sharp knife,
  • kitchen potholders,
  • also, keep your blender or food processor ready with the ability to switch speeds.

You will need



  • 7 g fresh yeast;
  • 3 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml of purified water.


  • 1 st. a spoonful of creamy margarine.

Important! The presented proportions of the ingredients are designed for several sweet buns, with which you can not only pamper your family, but also treat guests who have dropped in “at the light”. If this is too little for you, then feel free to increase the number of components, just do it proportionally.


Important! The most important thing in yeast-free dough is sourdough, so make sure that there are no drafts in the room during its proofing, and the doors are always tightly closed. If you break this rule, your buns may turn out to be less airy and not “rise”, or even quickly deteriorate, become very hard and hard.


  1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, shake them slightly with a whisk.

  2. Then add granulated sugar, set to beat at low speed until the grains dissolve.

  3. Pour salt, mix thoroughly with a spoon.

  4. We spread the margarine in a suitable dish and melt it a little in the microwave or in a water bath.

  5. Add it to the egg-sugar mixture, mix a little.
  6. Sift wheat flour several times through a sieve, add sourdough to it, mix.

  7. Pour in the egg mass with margarine.

  8. Knead the dough first in a bowl, then on a floured kitchen table.
  9. After making sure that the mass has become homogeneous and does not stick to surfaces, return it to the bowl.

  10. Cover with a towel or plastic wrap, place in a warm place for an hour or an hour and a half.
  11. After that, we crush the dough that has come up and knead it again for at least three minutes.
  12. We put on the second proofing, it will take about half an hour or an hour.
  13. Then we knead the dough again and begin to form buns.

Assembly and baking

Did you know? How to check the readiness of buns? Just take a wooden skewer or toothpick and poke your little ones 5-10 cm deep. Then pull out the skewer and use your fingers to touch the part of it that was just inside the product. If the stick is wet to the touch, then it is too early to remove the pastry from the oven, and if it is dry, then the bun is ready!

That's all! Your amazing buns are completely ready! It remains only to properly arrange and decorate them, since it is multi-colored cheerful decorations that give such a festive look to such pastries.

My mom usually makes the classic egg white frosting, which used to take a long time to whisk egg whites with sugar, but now we can whip up the frosting in five minutes with modern kitchen equipment. Try making this frosting too!

Icing for simple buns

Cooking time: 5 minutes.
Servings: 8-10 buns.
Calories per 100 g: 180 kcal.

You will need

  • 2 egg whites;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar or 5 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.

Cooking sequence

Important! If your frosting is too thin, add a few more tablespoons of sugar to it, but don't make it too thick as it won't stick to the surface.

Ready! Now your products have acquired a familiar, very appetizing festive look. Sprinkle the top of the buns with simple multi-colored confectionery powder or ground nuts, and your pastries will simply be swept off the table.

There is another option: you can make pastries simply incredibly beautiful by sprinkling them with multi-colored candied fruits or marmalade ground into dust. Try to store your baked goods in a cool place, as yeast dough buns deteriorate very quickly in hot weather.

We watch the video recipe

In the video below, you can see that the preparation of pastry for buns is very easy and fast.

Finally, I would like to advise dear readers to prepare some more amazing options for buns that will surely please your loved ones and friends. For example, try delicious, very tender and sweet - buns with jam - and famous for their ease and speed of preparation.

It would also be useful to remind you of the classic, as well as the famous, rather unusual for our latitudes, which I prepared last year and was simply fascinated by their delicate structure and delicious aroma. In general, there are many options and you can easily choose your favorite one.

Thank you for your attention! I really look forward to cooking reports, feedback and comments, as well as your new ideas and tips for adding to the dough and decorating. Bon appetit!

In contact with

The recipe for rich yeast dough should be known to all housewives. After all, such a base is essential for the preparation of all kinds of buns, pies, croissants, pies and so on. If you do not own this information, then we will present it right now.

Making sweet dough for pies

Yeast dough for savory or sweet pies is quite simple to make. But in order for it to reach the desired state, it must be kept warm for about an hour and a half. However, prior to this process, it must be thoroughly mixed.

To make pastry dough for pies (yeast), you should prepare in advance:

  • medium fat milk - about 700 g;
  • melted margarine - 150 g;
  • fresh egg - a small piece;
  • sugar - about 2 large spoons;
  • salt - a large pinch;
  • white flour twice sifted - from 700 g;
  • water (warm boiling water) - a full glass.

We knead the base

The presented recipe for rich yeast dough is great for making pies. It turns out not too sweet, and also rises well during the baking process.

To knead such a base, you should combine cold milk with warm boiling water, and then dissolve ordinary sugar in them. Next, it is required to pour a pinch of salt and granulated yeast into the resulting mass. In this form, the ingredients must be left to swell for exactly ¼ hours.

After the specified time has elapsed, it is required to break an egg (chicken) to the products, as well as pour in pre-melted and slightly chilled margarine. After mixing all the ingredients, add the double-sifted white flour to them. As a result, you should get a not very thick dough that will slightly stick to your hands. If you make a steeper base, then the cake may turn out to be too hard.

holding time

Now you know how to make sweet yeast dough. After it is mixed, it must be placed in a large saucepan, and then covered with a waffle towel and a lid. In this form, it is recommended to keep the base in a warm place for no more than one and a half hours. In this case, the dough should be beaten every 30 minutes with a fist. This process will force the base to settle, and then it will rise again.

How to form pies from a rich base?

Now you know the recipe for rich yeast dough. After the base has risen several times in the heat, it can be safely used to make delicious pies. To do this, the dough must be divided in half, and then, sprinkled with flour, rolled into two layers. One of them should be laid out on a baking sheet and spread the filling over it. After that, it is required to close it with a second sheet and pinch the edges beautifully.

It is necessary to bake such a dish at a temperature of 200 degrees for 55 minutes. During this time, the cake will rise well, become lush and rosy.

Step-by-step recipe for rich yeast dough for buns

The base intended for making buns should be sweet and very fluffy. To knead it yourself, we may need the following products:

  • high-fat milk - about 500 g;
  • granulated yeast of the Pakmai type - a small spoon;
  • butter (pre-soften) butter - 180 g;
  • fresh egg - a small piece;
  • sugar - about 3 large spoons;
  • salt - a large pinch;
  • white flour twice sifted - from 800 g;
  • water (warm boiling water) - 2 cups.

We make the basis

Sweet yeast dough for buns kneads just as easily and simply as the above base. However, the set of ingredients included in its composition is somewhat different. What exactly, we will tell below.

So, to knead rich yeast dough for buns, you should combine warm boiled water with milk, and then dissolve a large spoonful of granulated sugar in them. Next, you need to add dry yeast to the resulting mixture and mix the products well by tilting the dishes in different directions. In this form, the contents of the pan must be left alone for exactly ¼ hours.

After the named time has passed, it is required to break the chicken egg into the base, add the remaining sugar and salt, and also lay out very soft butter. It should not be preheated. In this form, the ingredients must be mixed well with your hands, making the mass more homogeneous. Next, you need to pour in the double-sifted flour.

As a result of intensive and long mixing of all components, you should form a thick and homogeneous base. It should not be made too steep, as your buns may turn out tough and tasteless.

How long to keep warm?

Having received a soft dough, it should be pressed to the bottom of a deep pan, which should then be covered with a towel and a lid. Next, the dishes with the base must be placed next to the heating radiator and soaked in this way for about 80 minutes. At the same time, every 27-33 minutes the dough must be strongly beaten with a fist, which is recommended to be moistened in sunflower oil (to prevent sticking).

As a result of such exposure, you should get a very lush and fragrant base, which can also be used for making homemade cakes.

We form buns

Sweet yeast dough buns are easy and simple to make. To do this, the finished base must be divided into several parts, and then balls are molded from them using vegetable oil. In this form, the product must be placed in any form (pan). If desired, semi-finished products can be greased with a beaten egg and sprinkled with a mixture made from ground cinnamon and sugar.

How to bake?

Sweet yeast dough buns must be cooked in the oven for 45-48 minutes. After the specified time, they should rise well, become lush, ruddy and very soft. Then they should be taken out and cooled. However, some housewives prefer to use such pastries warm.

Summing up

If you do not want to knead the base for pies and buns yourself, then we suggest making rich yeast dough in a bread machine. To do this, you need to put all the necessary ingredients into the mentioned device, and then install the kneading program. As a result, you will get a soft and fluffy base that can be used to make any homemade baking.

Having decided to cook buns or pies from yeast dough, you should definitely remember that all the ingredients that make up such a base must be warm. After all, this is the only way it will rise properly and make your pastries fluffy and soft.

Thus, before preparing rich yeast dough, eggs and cooking oil should be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Also, only warm liquid (milk, water, kefir, fermented baked milk, etc.) should be used as a base.
