
Pies with cabbage are ordinary fried. Cabbage stuffing for fried pies

IN warm kefir add sugar, yeast and 2 tablespoons of sifted flour, mix, cover the resulting dough and put for 20 minutes in a warm place to activate the yeast.

The finished dough will look like in the photo.

Add sunflower oil, salt and egg to the dough.

Sprinkling parts of the sifted flour, knead elastic, soft dough. Cover the dough and put in a warm place. The dough should double in size (this may take half an hour to two hours).

To prepare the filling, put the chopped cabbage and grated carrots into a pan heated with a small amount sunflower oil, to cover with a lid. Simmer the cabbage until soft on low heat, remembering to stir occasionally. Then remove the lid, pepper the vegetables, salt and fry until golden brown.

The pie filling is ready.

The dough came up too. Make a hole in the risen dough, pour in 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil and knead well again. Adding oil will allow you to work with the dough without flour in the future (you will not need to add flour to the dough and the table).

Roll the kneaded dough into a roll and cut into 10 equal parts(you can cut it into more or fewer parts, the size of the pie will depend on this).

Roll each piece with a rolling pin into a layer (you can not roll it out with a rolling pin, but simply press it with your palm).

Put the stuffing from cabbage and carrots in the center of the cakes.

Pinch the edges of the dough, forming pies, and then press a little on top with the palm of your hand. Cover with a napkin and leave them for 15-20 minutes.

Spread the pies with cabbage in a pan with heated vegetable oil and fry on both sides.

Cabbage pies cooked in a pan are both appetizing and satisfying, and very tasty.

Bon appetit!

How to cook fried pies with cabbage in a pan - we will tell you in detail and step by step with a photo in this article.

My husband just loves cabbage pies.

That is why he buys them very often, but it upsets me very much, since the oil in which they are fried is used for several days in a row, so such food is dangerous and very harmful for the body.

I decided to spend the whole day and still please my husband with homemade cabbage pies.

I took the recipe from a Soviet book, so I decided to make pies with cabbage, let's say, according to GOST.

You know, in the process of cooking, I did not have any difficulties at all.

But, most of all, I was pleased with the result, because ready-made pies They tasted the same as store bought.

God, I certainly can’t convey in words how happy my husband was, but I’ll only say one thing, he said that homemade pies are even tastier.

Agree - the highest praise!

Fried pies with cabbage in a pan - recipe with photo


  • 250 milliliters of water,
  • 5 grams of sugar
  • 6 grams of salt
  • 4 grams of fast-acting yeast,
  • 12 milliliters of vegetable oil,
  • 325 grams of flour
  • Well, of course, you need oil in order to fry the pies. I do not write its quantity, since it all depends on the container in which you will fry them.

Cooking sequence

Then, when yeast appears on the surface of the water, let's say, when they "float", add salt and flour. Knead the dough by hand.

On each lay out the stuffing of cabbage. I always stew it over moderate heat, salt and add a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Our fried pies with cabbage in a pan are ready!

Step by step recipes fried pies with cabbage in a pan from yeast, quick, puff pastry

2017-12-09 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready meal

4 gr.

10 gr.


29 gr.

220 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for fried pies with cabbage in a pan

The recipe for classic fried pies with cabbage from yeast dough on the water. It is advisable for him to stand for 2.5 hours, if time is short, then at least 1.5. During this time, the yeast will begin to work, the mass will rise, the pies will turn out lush and airy.


  • 700 g flour;
  • 350 g of water;
  • 600 g cabbage;
  • 200 ml of oil;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 10 g yeast;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • salt;
  • 100 g onions.

Step by step recipe classic fried pies

Measure the prescription amount of water, heat it, make a dough out of it. We mix sugar with yeast, fall asleep, add 250 grams of flour. It should turn out to be a chatterbox. We leave for half an hour.

Put a teaspoon into the mash fine salt, stir, add 70 ml of vegetable oil, leave the rest for frying and stuffing. Add more flour, knead. Keep the dough warm for a couple of hours. It will rise well.

While the dough is standing, you need not only to fry the cabbage, but also to cool. Pour 30 g of oil into a large frying pan, send it to heat up. We throw onions with carrots, and then cabbage, chopped into strips. We fry, season with spices. Cool to room temperature, do not use warm filling in pies.

We take out our dough, divide it into pieces of 80 grams, but do not rush to roll it out. If they lie down a little, literally five minutes, it will be much easier to do. If desired, we make larger pies, then we divide the dough into 100-120 grams.

Arrange on rolled out cakes cabbage stuffing, we bake pies.

Heat the oil, put the pies seam down, flatten a little. Fry on both sides.

When cutting the dough, the table is sprinkled with flour, but it is better not to do this. Grains will fall into the oil, burn, the fat will quickly darken, smoke will appear. Best for cutting vegetable oil. You can lightly grease the countertop or just wet your hands.

Option 2: A quick recipe for fried pies with cabbage in a pan

A lazy version of fried pies with cabbage in a skillet. They are prepared well, just very quickly, half an hour is enough. If the house already has fried or stewed cabbage, then the time will be reduced to fifteen minutes.


  • 300 g cabbage;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • salt, sugar (a pinch);
  • 1.5 tsp ripper;
  • 150 g butter.

How to quickly cook fried pies

Pour a little oil into a frying pan, throw chopped cabbage, fry for 2-3 minutes, add two eggs, stir quickly, season with spices, remove from heat. Transfer to a bowl to cool faster. It is necessary to break the filling well with a spatula for friability.

Mix the remaining eggs in another bowl with kefir, salt, add flour and introduce the ripper. Beat the dough well. It will turn out the same as for pancakes.

We combine the cabbage with the dough, stir, the base for the pies is ready!

Warm up the rest of the oil. We spread the dough with the filling in the pan in the form of small cakes. fry lazy pies two minutes on each side.

In addition to eggs, other products can be added to the filling, for example, chopped sausage or sausage. But there should not be many of them, otherwise the dough will not hold the pieces.

Option 3: Fried pies with cabbage in a pan (on kefir)

Another yeast version of cabbage pies fried in a pan, but the dough for them is cooked on kefir. The taste will be different, dry yeast is used, 10 grams is enough. If they are in a small pack, in which 11 grams, then we pour out the whole one.


  • a full glass of kefir;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 1/3 head of cabbage;
  • bulb;
  • carrots optional;
  • 10 g yeast;
  • 30 g margarine;
  • a spoonful of paste;
  • oil for frying;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • one egg;
  • a little dill (dry, fresh);
  • spices for the filling.

How to cook

We send sugar, an egg to the warmed kefir and beat with a fork, you can immediately add salt. Add yeast, then melted margarine. It can be replaced with butter. We bring the mixture to homogeneity, add flour and knead until smooth.

As soon as the dough begins to unstick from your hands, put it in a warm place. We leave until a good rise and an increase in mass at least twice.

Fry onions and carrots in a pan in oil, add cabbage. We also fry with it for a few minutes, then cover and simmer a little. No liquid needs to be added. At the end, for taste, put a spoonful of pasta, pepper and salt, add greens.

Take out the risen dough. Due to the addition of kefir, he does not need to stand for a long time. We divide into pieces, we make pies.

We spread the formed products in heated oil, fry until cooked.

If there is no tomato paste, then you can add a little ketchup or other tomato sauce to the cabbage filling.

Option 4: Fried pies with cabbage in a pan (on kefir with soda)

The dough recipe without yeast, it is kneaded on kefir. Pies can be fried immediately if the cabbage has already cooked and cooled down. If there is no filling yet, then the dough will lie quietly even for several hours and a day, if you put it in the refrigerator.


  • 250 g of kefir;
  • 3.5 st. flour;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • two eggs;
  • 600 g cabbage;
  • bulb;
  • a spoonful of butter in the dough;
  • frying oil;
  • a spoonful of sugar.

Step by step recipe

We cut the onion, fry a little in oil, put the chopped white cabbage to the vegetable. We fry together almost until soft, put any spices at our discretion into the filling. Cool down.

Add a third of a teaspoon of butter, sugar, beat, add kefir to the eggs. Stir and throw a full spoonful of soda. It must be extinguished. As soon as the reaction passes, we introduce vegetable oil, mix, add flour. It should take about three and a half glasses if the kefir is of medium consistency. If necessary, increase the quantity.

It is advisable to let the kneaded dough rest for fifteen minutes. Then we divide it into pieces, roll it out with a rolling pin. If the mass starts to stick, then dust the dough with flour. We lay out the cabbage, connect the edges of the cakes. We bake all the pies.

Step 4:
We heat the oil, spread and fry the pies with cabbage until golden brown over medium heat.

Can be used for stuffing sauerkraut. It also needs to be fried in a pan and cooled.

Option 5: Fried pies with cabbage in a puff pastry pan

If there is no desire to make friends with the test, then you can simply buy it in the store. Plus the most simple stuffing from fried cabbage and you get wonderful homemade pies. But it is important to blind them correctly so that nothing sticks.


  • 500 g of dough;
  • fried cabbage (about 500-700 g);
  • frying oil.

How to cook

We unfold the layer of dough, be sure to roll it with a rolling pin and cut it into 20 squares or rectangles. If you need large pies, then the size can be increased.

We lay out the filling, but only in half. Cover with the empty side so that the edges match. We take a fork and press the seams on all sides with cloves so that the dough sticks together, the filling juices do not flow out.

We spread the pies in the heated oil, fry. You can cook them in a dry frying pan, but then you need to cover it for a few minutes.

If the dough is dry, then before gluing the edges it is very desirable to moisten with water or coat with an egg. Otherwise, when frying, the seams will separate.

Option 6: Fried pies with cabbage in a frying pan "like fluff"

Another recipe for kefir pie dough, which turns out just “like fluff”. Additionally, you will need a little sour cream with a fat content of about 20%. Cabbage stuffing with addition minced meat, but you can do just a vegetable version.


  • 250 g of kefir;
  • 3 spoons of sour cream;
  • 200 g minced meat;
  • 20 ml of oil in the dough;
  • oil for frying;
  • 440 g flour;
  • 500 g cabbage;
  • spices;
  • yolk;
  • 7 g of soda.

How to cook

It’s better to start with the filling so that it has time to cool. We cut a medium-sized onion and sauté a little in oil. Take a large frying pan. After a minute, spread the cabbage. We fry for a few more minutes. As soon as the volume decreases, spread the minced meat. We prepare the filling for 5-7 minutes, put the spices, season as desired tomato paste. Let it cool down while we do the dough.

Mix kefir with soda in a large bowl. In a small bowl we send the yolk, sour cream, salt, put a couple of pinches of sugar and stir until dissolved.

We combine all this with kefir, pour a little oil, stir and add flour. Knead the soft dough, cover it with a napkin. Let it lie down a little, reach the desired state, 15-20 minutes is enough.

We sculpt ordinary classic pies stuffed with cabbage and minced meat. We do the size at our discretion.

Heat up some oil in a wide frying pan. We lay out the pies, taking into account their increase. We fry until ready.

When replacing soda with a ripper, the amount increases by at least 1.5 times, and it will need to be mixed with flour.

Option 7: Fried pies with cabbage in a pan

The recipe for pies from yeast dough in milk. The filling for them is prepared from white cabbage, spices can be added to it absolutely any kind.


  • 350 ml of milk;
  • flour;
  • 0.11 kg butter;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • 0.5 head of cabbage;
  • 2 tsp yeast;
  • a pair of bulbs;
  • one carrot;
  • a spoonful of sour cream;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • three eggs;
  • spices.

How to cook

Start with butter. Melt it and let it cool down. Combine milk and eggs, add salt and sugar, introduce yeast strictly according to the recipe and add a spoonful of sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly, only after that add flour to the dough. We fall asleep as needed until a soft and smooth mass is obtained. We transfer it to a dish with high sides, let it rise, then lower it and wait for the second time.

The dough will stand for at least two hours. This time will be enough to cook and cool the filling. We chop all the vegetables into strips and just fry together. We use a large frying pan or cauldron. Add any seasonings and spices.

From the dough that has risen for the second time and the cooled cabbage, we sculpt small pies.

Pour oil into the pan, about a centimeter, heat it up and send the pies into it. They shouldn't touch. We fry until ready.

If there is not enough milk, then it can be partially diluted with water, this will not greatly affect the taste of the pies. You can also just add a little milk powder or cream to the water, dilute sour cream, everything will work out fine too.

Option 8: Fried cabbage and chicken pies in a pan

Another great recipe for yeast dough pies. We will cook them with chicken, fillet is used. The filling is very satisfying, while it is easy to prepare and quickly.


  • 380 ml of water;
  • 280 ml of oil;
  • 600 g cabbage;
  • 11 g yeast;
  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • two bulbs;
  • wheat flour;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • spices.

How to cook

Mix water and yeast granulated sugar, salt. Let it dissolve for five minutes, and add 50 ml of oil. Can be replaced with melted margarine. Fall asleep flour, knead simple pie dough. Let it sit for a couple of hours.

We chop the onion, fry in oil. As soon as it becomes transparent, add chopped chicken breast. Cook for another minute, throw in chopped cabbage. We fry everything until cooked, season with pepper, salt. We cool the filling.

Divide the risen dough into equal pieces, flatten into cakes. You can use a rolling pin.

We distribute the cabbage filling between all the cakes. We glue the edges, forming classic pies.

The remaining oil is sent to the pan and heated. We fry the pies in batches until they are all gone.

No need to put pies in poorly heated oil, they will simply begin to absorb it. Also, do not overheat the fat, otherwise the products will start to burn. We make the temperature slightly above average. You can check with a small piece of dough. If, when it hits the hot fat, it starts to bubble, then you can start frying the pies.

Fried cabbage pies in a pan - a favorite snack or great addition to rich meat broth. Even beginners will be able to cook such a treat. inexperienced housewives. Both the dough and the filling in the dish under discussion are simple.

This recipe can be considered a classic. It includes the simplest and available ingredients. Among them: 1 tbsp. warm water and boiling water, small a spoonful of salt, 4 tbsp. sifted white flour, 2 small. spoons of granulated sugar, 45 g raw yeast, 320 g stewed cabbage, 4 large spoons of non-aromatic oil.

So that the pies do not turn out tough, after rolling and cutting out the blanks for baking, you need to give the cakes a little time to rise.

  1. Flour is mixed with yeast and poured into a deep bowl. A depression is made in the middle of the mixture, into which warm water mixed with oil.
  2. You need to start kneading the dough gradually in a circular motion. It is convenient to do this with a wide wooden spoon.
  3. Sugar and salt are poured into boiling water. After dissolving the dry ingredients, water is also sent to the dough.
  4. The mass mixes well. Still slightly sticky, wrapped in a bag and left for 15 minutes.
  5. Then you can roll out the dough, cut it into small circles and stuff pies with cabbage.
  6. Each of them is fried on both sides in heated fat.

Fried pies with puff pastry cabbage

This recipe for fried pies with cabbage will allow you to prepare a treat with juicy stuffing inside and crispy on top. From the products is taken: a pound of ready-made puff pastry (yeast), an egg, an onion, a carrot, 420 g of fresh cabbage, a large spoonful of tomato paste, salt.

Before serving, put the treat on paper towel. This will save the pies from excess fat.

  1. The cabbage is finely chopped, the rest of the vegetables are chopped in any convenient way. First, they are alternately fried (starting with onions), after which they are poured with water with pasta dissolved in it and salted. You can add any spices to taste.
  2. When all the liquid has evaporated from the pan, the filling is completely ready.
  3. The dough is rolled out to 2-3 ml and divided into circles or squares. The cooled filling is laid out in the center of each blank.
  4. Next, the pies are fried for 3-4 minutes on both sides in any heated fat until browned.

From yeast dough

yeast dough for fried pies You can either buy frozen or make your own. Last option always preferable to a good hostess. A dish is being prepared from: 2.5 tbsp. white flour, 1 tbsp. low fat milk, carrots, onions, ¼ medium cabbage fork, 1 big spoon tomato paste and the same amount of non-aromatic oil, salt, a mixture of peppers, small. spoons fast yeast, sugar.

  1. Yeast is sprinkled with a pinch of sugar and poured with milk. The mixture is left for 7-8 minutes.
  2. Next, salt, oil and flour are sent to the ingredients.
  3. The dough is kneaded, which must be left for an hour near a heat source under cling film.
  4. Chopped onions are fried on any heated fat until transparent.
  5. Next, grated carrots are poured into the pan, and the process continues.
  6. Shredded cabbage and tomato paste are added last to the container. The ingredients are simmered together until fully prepared. Salt and pepper the filling to taste.
  7. Blanks for pies are cut out from the finished rolled dough.
  8. Flat cakes are stuffed with vegetables and fried in any oil until golden brown.

For flavor, you can add a little garlic to the filling.

From the dough on kefir

If a glass of medium-fat kefir remains at home, then on its basis you can cook delicious pies. Besides dairy product, taken: 310 g of sifted white flour, small. a spoonful of soda without a top, ½ tsp salt, chicken egg, a large spoonful of granulated sugar and the same amount of non-aromatic oil, 320 g of fried cabbage.

  1. The egg is lightly beaten and sent to cold kefir along with salt and sand. The mixture is stirred with a whisk until it becomes thicker and begins to bubble.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, oil is poured into the future dough and flour is gradually poured.
  3. A well-mixed mass is left for 20-25 minutes under a towel.
  4. Blanks for pies are cut out of the rolled dough, which are stuffed with cabbage.
  5. It remains to fry the treat until golden.

Pies are served with fragrant sweet tea or chicory.

With sauerkraut

Not only pies with fresh cabbage are delicious. As a filling for them, it is quite allowed to use and pickled vegetable(370 g). Also taken: onion, carrot, half a kilo of ready-made yeast dough, salt.

  1. The onion is finely chopped, the carrot is rubbed on a grater with medium cells. Together, the vegetables are sautéed in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil.
  2. If the cabbage turned out to be too acidic, it can be washed with water.
  3. Next, the vegetable is added to the frying, together the ingredients are salted and stewed for another 3-4 minutes under a closed lid.
  4. It remains to roll out the dough, stuff the pies with cabbage and fry in any fat.

These pastries are a great addition to soup or broth.

egg recipe

Stuffing of fried cabbage goes well with boiled eggs. This addition makes it even more nutritious. To prepare the dish, you need to take: half a head of cabbage, carrots, 20 g of salt, 210 ml boiled water, 11 g quick yeast, 30 g granulated sugar, 480 g sifted flour, 4 large chicken eggs, 6 large spoons non-aromatic oil, a pinch of a mixture of ground peppers.

  1. One egg is broken into the water, yeast is poured out. The mass is salted, sprinkled with sugar.
  2. Flour is added to the future dough. The mixture will stand at room temperature 25 minutes.
  3. The remaining eggs are hard boiled.
  4. All vegetables are chopped convenient way and fried together until tender. The mass is salted to taste and peppered.
  5. It remains to mix the filling with diced eggs.
  6. From ready dough cakes are rolled out, which are stuffed with cabbage with the rest of the ingredients.
  7. The pies are fried on both sides in a deep frying pan with oil.
  8. The duration of frying is 5-7 minutes.

It is delicious to eat such pastries both hot and cold.

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Fried pies with fresh cabbage. I myself like fried pies more than baked ones. They are very good - one crust is worth something!

For the test, we need: 0.5 liters of warm boiled water (milk or whey), 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil (melted margarine, butter or fat), 1 sachet fast acting yeast(10-11 grams), 5-6 cups sifted wheat flour(about 1 kg), if desired, you can add 2-3 eggs.

For the filling: 800-1000 grams of fresh white cabbage, 1 onion, vegetable or butter(fat) for frying cabbage, optional - 1-4 eggs. For frying pies: vegetable oil or fat.

We will prepare the dough in the same way as for other fried pies with savory filling, for example - Pies fried with potatoes and onions.

To prepare the filling, finely chop the onion,

shred the cabbage.

In a frying pan at medium temperature, heat the oil and begin to fry the cabbage. When the cabbage begins to fry,

add chopped onion to cabbage

and fry them until cooked.

Depending on my mood, at the end of frying I add 1-2 raw eggs, mixing them well with cabbage - the filling appears peculiar taste. You can add and boiled eggs- up to 4 pieces. To do this, the eggs must first be hard-boiled, peeled, finely chopped and added to the already cooked cabbage. I'm still throwing fried cabbage in a colander, so that excess oil is glassed from it, otherwise it will interfere with sealing the pies properly. It's time to start making pies. We roll out the cake with a rolling pin, in the middle of which we put the filling,

and start making the pie.

Then we pass the sculpting place a second time, while you can make a seam in the form of a flagellum.

Lay the finished pies seam side down on a pre-greased baking sheet. As soon as all the pies are ready, pour enough a large number of oil or fat. Put the pan on medium fire, and as soon as the oil heats up well, put the pies in the pan so that there is free space between them. As soon as the pies start to brown on the bottom,
