
Airy Easter cake with sugar icing. Airy Easter cake

Air Easter cakes every housewife dreams of baking. I collect a variety, but delicious recipes preparations for this holiday Easter treats. I really liked the recipe from Sofia Mikhailovna, published in our regional newspaper, so I decided to share it with you, dear readers. For many, it will turn out to be very familiar, but now you will just know what kind of Easter cakes the popular singer has been baking for many, many years. So, meet...

Recipe Airy Easter cakes - Sofia Rotaru's recipe:

50 g fresh yeast

0.5 l. milk

190 g butter

0.5 tsp salt

1 cup of sugar

Vanilla sugar or vanillin

Add to dough: raisins, candied fruits, almonds, cardamom, saffron

Still need vegetable oil for kneading dough

Easter glaze ready, confectionery topping.

How to cook Air cakes:

1. First, we traditionally prepare a dough. Dilute yeast (necessarily only fresh) in warmed milk (but not hot), add 1 tablespoon of sugar and salt. Stir and sift the flour so that the dough turns out to be the consistency of dough for pancakes, even a little thinner. Leave the dough in a warm place for 1 hour.

2. Prepare the rest of the ingredients: melt the butter, beat the yolks with sugar, rinse the raisins, steam with boiling water for 20 minutes, prepare the rest of the additives. But I, at my own request, put only raisins in Easter cakes.

3. To the finished dough (it should increase 4 times), add butter, yolks with sugar, vanillin. It's good to mix it all up.

4. Now it's the turn to add flour, be sure to sift it. And knead soft air dough without clogging it with flour. And for this, when the dough is already on the table for kneading with your hands, then do not add flour all the time, but put a bowl with vegetable oil next to it and dip your hands into it from time to time or pour it directly on the dough so that your hands do not stick to the dough.

You need to knead the dough with your hands for about 10 minutes so that it turns out to be airy and homogeneous, here you really need to work hard if you really want to eat. delicate pastries. I was more than satisfied with my test.

5. We distribute the dough into molds in less than half the mold, I had both ready-made from the store and canned food jars (their bottom and sides must be covered with parchment or oiled paper so that the dough does not stick to the irregularities of the jars). Let the dough rise in molds 3 times, and then send them to a preheated oven.

Bake Easter cakes for 40-50 minutes, depending on the size, at 175 degrees for 30 minutes, then reduce the heat to 170.

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Let's watch the video recipe delicious cake with french pastry honey:

And now the video recipe for glaze on gelatin, which does not stick and does not crumble:


  • milk - 0.5 l.
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • butter - 180 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • yeast (fresh) - 50 g.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vanilla - 1 sachet
  • flour - 1 kg
  • raisins - 200 g
  • candied fruits - 200 g
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp


Prepare steam. Sift 1/3 of the flour.

Dissolve yeast in warm milk.

Pour milk with yeast into flour, stir. Cover the container with dough and let rise in a warm place.

Opara rises in about 40 minutes. The mass will double. The readiness of the dough can be checked by shaking the container slightly. If the dough sags in the middle, then it is ready.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Add sugar and salt to the yolks.

Beat well with a mixer.

Beat the butter with a mixer until creamy.

Beat 3 proteins in a separate container with 2 tbsp. Sahara. 2 squirrels go for icing.

Add egg yolks beaten with sugar, butter, whipped whites at the very end and the remaining flour with vanilla. First, stir the dough with a wooden spatula until smooth. Then knead well with your hands on the table. knead by french technology: tear off the dough from the table, stretch, fold. Knead for about 10-12 minutes until it starts to stick off your hands and the table. Do not add flour!!! The dough will become elastic, soft, very, very tender. Lubricate the container with vegetable oil, hands too. Gather the dough into a ball and place in a bowl. To cover with a lid.

Let rise in a warm place. The dough rises for about 1-1.5 hours, until doubled in volume. Punch down the dough and let rise again.

Knead the dough, add candied fruits, raisins. Mix.

With hands lubricated with vegetable oil, pinch off the dough from the main mass and put it into molds. Let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume. The dough is great. When baking, the cakes will still fit a little.

Bake at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Readiness to check with a splinter. If the middle is still raw, and the top is ruddy, then the cake should be covered with foil. Cool the finished Easter cakes on a wire rack or on a pillow covered with a towel so that they do not lose their shape when cooling.

Prepare frosting. 2 proteins beat with 200 g powdered sugar and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Beat not to elastic peaks, as with meringue, but so that it remains a little liquid. Brush the top of the cake with frosting. I divided the icing in half, added to one part green dye, left the second white.

Soon believers will celebrate Holy Pascha. There are quite a few traditional dishes that adorn Easter table. Basically it's baking. The following is a recipe for Easter cake made from Alexandria dough. This cookie looks like fluffy cupcake, and will not harden for a long time.

I was looking for a way to cook Vienna test but only found alexandria pastry. Perhaps they have the same cooking method. They turn out great tender Easter cakes, they are also called "Night cakes". I have never eaten better than this! This is my grandmother's recipe, she has been using it for many years.

With one serving, the output is a lot of Easter cakes. Do not be afraid, divide this amount into 3, 4 parts and so on.


  • 1 l. baked milk;
  • 1 kg. Sahara;
  • 500 gr. drain. oils;
  • 10 eggs;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 150 gr. fresh yeast or 1.5 sachets dry.


Beat the eggs lightly, cut the butter into pieces, mix all the products (lightly beaten eggs, yolks, sugar, butter, yeast) with warm milk and leave in a warm place for 8-12 hours (feel free to leave overnight). We make dough without flour.

Then pour in:

  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 200 gr. steamed raisins;
  • 2-3 sachets vanilla sugar, 2 tbsp. cognac;
  • about 2.5 kg of flour.

Knead the soft sticky dough dipping your hands in sunflower oil.

Let rise for an hour and a half until it doubles in size.

Apply 1/3 of the molds, wait until it comes almost to the brim and bake at a temperature of 180 gr. until ready.

Checking wooden skewer. Grease the top of the cooled Easter cakes with icing, decorate.

Kulich is a traditional treat in Holy holiday. And it is very important that it is not only beautiful, but also tasty.

Of course, the easiest way to buy Easter cake in the store, but nothing compares to homemade cakes. Shall we prepare according to the rules?

Easter cake - general principles of cooking

Easter cakes are prepared only from yeast dough. He will need at least 3 hours to stand, so you need to knead in advance. There are double, safe, accelerated ways. In many ways, the choice of technology depends on the recipe you like.

What is added to the dough:

Liquid Foundation(milk, kefir, cream, etc.);

Traditional Easter cakes cooked with raisins, you can add other dried fruits, candied fruits. The dough is kneaded soft, but not fluid, left in a warm place so that it rises at least 2 times, the first time is well punched. Then the mass is divided into pieces, laid out in molds, distributed on a baking sheet and again left warm until the next rise. Easter cakes are placed in a heated oven, the temperature depends on the size, on average 180-200 degrees.

Shaving brush for Easter cakes

The most commonly used protein glaze. It is important to use fresh and tested eggs, as sweet mass will not be heat treated. Proteins are whipped to a dense foam, sugar or powder is gradually introduced. For 1 fresh protein, 0.5 cups of fine sugar or powder, a few drops of lemon juice are used.

You can also use icing sugar for lubrication. For a glass of powder, you will need less than 0.5 cups of warm water. The liquid is added in small parts, thoroughly stirred. It is important to achieve a not very thick, but not runny consistency.

Sprinkle for Easter cakes

Finishing touch- decoration. Previously, colored sugar, grain or millet was used for sprinkling. Today you can buy different types curly dragees. The main advantage is edibility. Easter cakes in elegant crumbs are beautiful, tasty. If it is not possible to purchase ready-made topping, then you can use chopped marmalade, chocolate, small sweets, pieces of candied fruit. The main thing is the low moisture content of the products. Otherwise, the glaze will dry out for a long time.

The most delicious Easter cake on sour cream

The recipe is familiar to many, tested over the years, the fat content of the products does not really matter, but the most delicious Easter cakes are obtained using sour cream from 20%. The amount of dough is designed for 7-8 Easter cakes, forms of 0.4-0.5 liters.


0.2 kg of oil;

2 kg flour;

0.25 l of milk;

500 g fresh sour cream;

250 g light raisins;

2.5 cups of sugar sand;

65 g fresh pressed yeast;

0.5 tsp salt;

2 packets of vanilla.

For glaze:

150 g of white chocolate;

100 g butter.


1. Activate the yeast. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in milk, add yeast, stir until completely dissolved, leave for twenty minutes.

2. Separate the yolks, combine with soft butter, add sugar to them and grind everything together.

3. Combine yeast with sour cream, butter mixture, salt, immediately throw vanillin.

4. Mix everything thoroughly. Separately beat egg whites and add.

5. Sift flour. Introduce into the dough in parts, add the washed raisins. Knead into a soft, elastic mass.

6. Remove the dough in heat for 3-4 hours. Knead at least two times.

7. Prepare forms for Easter cakes, you can use disposable baking glasses, they are easy to purchase.

8. Pinch off a piece of dough, round into a ball so that the top is even. Transfer to form. The dough should not fill it above 0.3-0.4 height.

9. Keep the molds warm until they rise well.

10. As soon as the dough reaches the edge of the mold and becomes even with it, you can put the Easter cakes in the oven.

11. Bake at 180 for about 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160 and keep another 15-20 minutes in the oven.

12. Melt White chocolate in a water bath with oil. It is important that the tiles are not porous. We cover the tops of the cooled Easter cakes with glaze, decorate. You can use other varieties of fondant.

The most delicious Easter cake on kefir

For the most delicious Easter cakes, you can use not kefir, but fermented baked milk, yogurt. living creatures fermented milk products not less than 2.5%.


400 g of kefir;

6 tablespoons of butter;

8 spoons of sugar;

4 cups flour;

11 g dry yeast;

0.5 tsp salt;


0.2 kg of raisins.


1. Kefir should be taken warm. But it must be heated carefully so as not to roll the product into cottage cheese. It is better to leave the bowl in warm water and leave for a while.

2. Shake the eggs until light foam, add salt and sugar, add kefir and a bag of vanilla. Stir until smooth.

3. Combine dry yeast with 3 cups of flour, pour in. Stir and add raisins in the process.

4. When kneading, add more flour, knead a soft mass, cover and leave warm. Hold up to 2 full lifts.

5. Put the dough into molds, bake in the oven. Temperature for small cakes up to 0.2 l 200 degrees. For cooking large items down to 180.

6. Bake, decorate with icing and sprinkles.

The most delicious Easter cake made from Alexandrian dough

From the Alexandrian dough, the most delicious Easter cakes are obtained. It is prepared only with baked milk. If you need to cook less baking, you can cut proportionally products.


A liter of milk;

A dozen eggs;

500 g of oil;

3 yolks;

0.14 kg raw pressed yeast;

Cognac 2 spoons;

2 g vanilla;

A kilogram of sugar;

0.25 kg of raisins;

1 tsp salt.


1. Mix softened butter with eggs, sugar, yeast and warm milk. Leave warm for a day or at least 10 hours.

2. Add salt, cognac, raisins and stir. Introduce flour, make soft butter dough. Leave for an hour.

3. Arrange in forms.

4. Leave Alexandrian Easter cakes warm for another 1.5 hours, look at the rise.

5. Bake at 180 degrees. Any frosting can be used.

The most delicious Easter cake with milk

The simplest milk dough for making delicious homemade Easter cakes. From this amount, a little is obtained, if necessary, you can increase the products proportionally.


0.25 l of milk;

500 g flour;

A pinch of salt;

10 g of yeast (we take dry type saf-moment);

100 g of oil;

1 packet of vanilla;

150 g of sugar;

3 whole eggs and 1 yolk;

Raisins, nuts, candied fruits 100 g.


1. Heat milk, add yeast, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a glass of flour, stir, put in heat for an hour, this time will be enough for dough.

2. Shake the eggs and the rest of the sugar, add salt and vanilla, put the softened butter. Bring to homogeneity, combine with dough.

3. Rinse the raisins, you can use other dried fruits, nuts or candied fruits, but the total amount should not exceed 100-150 g. Add to the dough.

4. Add flour, knead.

5. We put in heat. As the cakes are being prepared sponge method, it is enough to approach the test once.

6. We divide it into molds, fill it by a third and now leave it until the mass fills them.

7. Bake in the oven until done. We set the temperature of 180 degrees for Easter cakes of 0.2-0.5 kg.

The most delicious Easter cake on yolks

The recipe for a very beautiful yellow dough, which is prepared on egg yolks without proteins. Baking is tender, soft, if everything is done according to the recipe.


1 spoon of cognac;

6-7 full glasses of flour;

0.25 kg of softened butter;

1 tsp salt;

60 g live yeast;

7 yolks;

1.5 st. Sahara;

Vanilla, raisins.


1. Heat milk to 50 degrees, add sand and stir, dissolve yeast and leave for a quarter of an hour to activate.

2. Now add the yolks, salt, stir and lay a glass of flour.

3. Add softened butter to the talker, mix.

4. We introduce a couple of good handfuls of raisins, vanilla.

5. Fall asleep sifted flour. The exact amount depends on the size of the yolks, you can adjust it yourself. Knead the dough thoroughly.

6. Leave the base for Easter cakes warm for 3 hours.

7. Scatter on molds, let stand for another 1-1.5 hours.

8. Gently transfer to a heated oven. Cooking until golden brown on a hat.

9. We use any azure to decorate homemade Easter cakes.

The most delicious Easter cake with cream

To prepare the dough, you need 10% fat cream. If the product is higher. That can be diluted big amount milk. Dough in vegetable oil, which allows it not to become stale for a long time.


400 ml cream;

100 ml vegetable oil;

A glass of sugar;

A handful of raisins;

Three eggs;

Flour, vanilla;

15 g dry yeast;

0.5 tsp salt.


1. Dilute dry yeast and granulated sugar in warm cream. Leave for a few minutes so that the grains dissolve as much as possible.

2. Break eggs into another bowl, add salt and beat with a fork. Pour over cream.

3. Add vegetable oil and vanilla, add a glass of flour.

4. Now comes the washed raisins, stir.

5. We introduce flour until the dough acquires desired consistency.

6. Send to a warm place for 2 hours. Then knead with hands, leave for another hour.

7. After that, you can divide the mass, lay it in molds, wait for the full rise.

8. We bake in the oven. The temperature for baking Easter cakes is approximately 180-190.

In order for raisins and other dried fruits to be evenly distributed in the dough, they must be mixed with a small amount flour.

If the room is cold, you can put a bowl of dough on a pan with warm water, periodically heat the liquid, but it is important not to overdo it.

Can be added to cookies different spices such as ginger, cloves, the flavor will be amazing.

Protein glaze will dry faster on a warm cake. If melted chocolate is used, then the pastries must be cooled well, otherwise the hardening time will be delayed.

Easter is the most main holiday all Orthodox Christians.

Traditions Easter menu have come down to our days.

painted eggs, Curd Easter, Easter cakes are invariably present on the festive tables.

A delicious cake recipe in the general culinary sense is a round or oval-shaped bread.

Easter cake acquires a special, religious meaning.

Before the advent of Christianity in Rus', pastry baking was associated with various rituals: divination for the harvest, livestock offspring, pre-sowing work.

With the advent of Christianity, it became a kind of reminder of the meals of the apostles with their Teacher, when bread meant to be broken by Jesus Christ was laid out in the middle of an empty table.

In its form, the Easter cake is similar to artos - bread brought to the temple and illuminated at the Easter service.

In the week following the main Orthodox holiday, artos is distributed to many parishioners.

Artos is always prepared from dough with yeast, but without the addition of muffin.

And paska is also made from yeast dough, but with a large number of non-fasting ingredients - butter, eggs, because it is baked at the end of the longest Lent.

Artos and Easter cake are a kind of symbols of Great Lent and Easter.

The long fast is coming to an end and the time comes when you can break your fast.

Sweet rich Easter cake is associated among believers with a sweet heavenly life, eternal bliss.

As a rule, muffins are illuminated in the church and are one of the main dishes for Easter.

Many Christians do not skimp and use only the best and highest quality products in cooking.

The dough is kneaded enough to make more than one paska, because the tradition of visiting during the Easter week and treating loved ones has not been canceled.

Easter cakes, both Easter and prepared for other holidays, must be high.

They use special cylindrical shapes.

If you do not have such a vessel, you can use the usual high pan with a capacity of up to 1.5 liters.

No need to take larger pots, otherwise the dough at home in conventional oven maybe just don't bake.

The pastry dough needs to be kneaded very well.

You can even “beat” it a little by dumping it on a floured board.

The appearance of bubbles and the "beeping" of the dough is a good sign that it is ready.

The finished mass is laid out in a mold, oiled and laid out parchment paper or sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

It is not necessary to lay out the dough to the edges of the form, only to half of the bowl.

Then let him insist.

When it rises to 3/4 form, feel free to put in a heated oven.

Pasca is baked for 1.5-2 hours.

At this time, it is advisable not to look into the oven, not to make noise or knock.

Then the cake will rise well and bake.

The readiness of baking is checked with a thin wooden stick-splinter or a long knife.

The dough should not stick to these objects.

Various kinds of additives (raisins, dried apricots, candied fruits) and decorations (sweet toppings, icing, fondant) are necessarily used in the manufacture of apiaries.

On the upper part they make various kinds of inscriptions of religious themes, but most often they “write” the letters ХВ, meaning the main call of the Easter service “Christ is Risen!”

Raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, colored millet sprinkles traditionally decorate Easter cakes.

Here are the main ingredients that are used:

  • flour;
  • eggs;
  • butter or margarine;
  • milk;
  • granulated sugar;
  • yeast;
  • vanilla sugar.

Festive table not without fish dishes. You can traditionally fry it portioned pieces in a pan, but it’s better to do it, because they will turn out much more useful.

And here is another recipe delicious meatballs, but already from minced turkey:. By the way, turkey meat also has many useful substances.

Before cooking various dishes we often think about how useful they will be for us. For example, if you have pressure problems, then you need to know that there are certain products that lower it. Full list located

Additional products that can be used when baking and decorating Easter cake:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • candied fruit;
  • nuts;
  • sweet fudge;
  • colored sprinkle.

Recipe and steps for preparing a delicious Easter cake

cooking recipes holiday baking great variety: Easter, almond, with chocolate cream, with pistachios and green icing.

Which one you like, decide for yourself.

Use the recipe for a very tasty cake, close to the classic.

After all, these are traditions that our grandparents keep.

Following old recipe with a photo, you can cook several at once delicious treats(the number of Easter cakes will depend on the forms you will use).

To prepare the glaze for Easter cake according to the recipe, we need the protein from two eggs and 100 g of sugar.

You can use a bread maker instead of the oven for Easter cake, the recipe will not spoil it.

Let's tune in, think about something good and good, and start creating the main Easter treat.

  1. Pour the milk into a suitable bowl and put on fire. Warm up lightly. IN warm milk add all the yeast and mix well.
  2. Add a small portion flour, mix thoroughly.
  3. Cover the container with the dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm place. You can put it near the battery and in a basin with warm water.
  4. After half an hour, check the dough. If the volume of the mixture has increased by about 2 times, then continue the dough preparation process. If the dough has not risen, wait a little more.
  5. Now start separating the whites from the yolks. It can be done using special device which you can buy at the hardware store. Experienced housewives easily cope with this task with a knife and a glass.
  6. Rub the yolks with granulated sugar, and beat the whites in a strong foam, adding a pinch of salt in the process of whipping. protein foam can be obtained by working manually with a whisk or whisk, or you can turn to home helpers - a mixer or blender.
  7. Place the yolks beaten with sugar in the dough. Add a little melted butter, prudently taken out of the refrigerator in advance. Now place the beaten egg whites in the bowl with the dough. Mix everything well.
  8. Add the rest of the flour. Determine how much flour to take when kneading. Ready dough according to the recipe for the future Easter cake for Easter, it should not be too dense and stick to your hands.
  9. Leave it alone for about 1 hour.
  10. At this time under running water wash the raisins and soak in warm water. After 10-15 minutes, drain the water and dry well using a sieve or paper towel.
  11. Put the prepared raisins into the dough, mix well again. Let stand a little more.
  12. Wait until it rises high again.
  13. Pour the mixture into an oiled mold. You can use oiled paper or parchment. Do not spread the dough to the very edge of the form. Fill only half or a third of it.
  14. cover cling film or a towel and wait until it rises already in shape.
  15. Now is the time to place the form with the dough in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees. Bake for 10 minutes and add heat - 180 ° and bake until ready.
  16. Check the quality of baking with a long barbecue stick. If there are no traces of dough left on it, the cake is ready!

Now make the "decorating elements".

Top with icing as usual.

Take whites whipped with a pinch of salt, add sugar and beat well again.

Grease the finished hot cake with icing and decorate as you wish.

I suggest not just watching the next video, but immediately following the prompts to cook Easter cake.

Let you get airy, fragrant, festive and very successful pastries.

  • yeast should be taken only fresh, not expired (otherwise the dough may simply not rise);
  • only add yeast to warmed milk;
  • dry the raisins well before placing them in the dough or roll them in flour (then it will not accumulate in one place, but will be evenly distributed in the finished muffin);
  • when baking pasta, try not to make any sudden movements near the oven, do not talk loudly and, especially, do not swear;
  • icing on ready product apply before it cools down.

Try baking your own pastries.

Treat yourself and your loved ones!

And for dessert, I offer another video in which they do not just cook Easter cakes, but show a detailed master class.

Very helpful story!
