
Easter cake Alexandrian sweet dough for a bread machine. Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes and pies is just a bomb

Preparing the “correct” dough for Easter cake is a delicate and rather troublesome business. Working with yeast dough requires patience, and does not tolerate fuss. Many do not want to waste time on this, sometimes thankless, business and buy Easter in the store. However, homemade cakes are completely different, the taste and aroma are simply incomparable.

Nevertheless, having delved a little into the topic of Easter baking, you will understand that recipes are now a dime a dozen, for every taste, and for cooks of any qualification. There are complex ones that require certain skills, experience and knowledge, but there are simple ones that even a beginner can do. It is to these that the Alexandrian Easter cake belongs.

The Alexandrian dough recipe for Easter cakes is very "disciplined"! Using it, you can easily plan all your affairs, and instead of fussing with the test, take care of other equally important chores. All this is due to the fact that the dough is prepared in advance and infused all night. And in the morning, after making a few simple manipulations, Easter cakes will flaunt in your oven.

So, let's move from words to deeds!


  • 125 g butter;
  • 230 g of granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml of baked milk;
  • 35 g fresh yeast (or 12 g dry);
  • 2 chicken eggs + 1 yolk;
  • 600 g flour;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 1 tbsp lemon peel;
  • 1/4 tsp soda (if using live yeast);
  • 0.5 tsp vanilla (optional)

Cooking process

As a standard for many recipes, the first thing to do is prepare a dough, and the Alexandrian dough cake is no exception. To do this, in a fairly deep container, combine 2 eggs, 1 yolk and sugar (230 g). Stir until crystals dissolve. Whipping into a lush foam is not required.

Softened (at room temperature) butter cut into small pieces, add to the sugar-egg mixture and mix.

Pour warm (35 degrees) baked milk (250 ml) into a separate container and add yeast to it. I used dry ones.

Stir to dissolve the yeast, then pour into the previously obtained egg mass. Mix thoroughly (you can use a mixer), cover with cling film and leave to infuse at room temperature overnight.

In the morning you will see how a characteristic oil layer has formed on top, under which fermentation takes place.

Let's move on to the most interesting - kneading. Choose a suitable dish for this process and pour the dough into it. Then add the sifted flour, salt, vanilla and lemon zest.

The recipe involves the use of 600 g of flour. However, this may be too much, or vice versa not enough. Don't add all the flour at once. Pour in several doses, tracking the consistency. The dough should not be too beaten. To make Easter cakes airy, do not overload it with flour.

Mix all ingredients. Be prepared for the dough to be very sticky to your hands. Do not try to avoid this by adding flour, it is better to grease your hands with vegetable oil (odorless). The consistency should remain soft and airy.

Add raisins. Continue kneading for another 10 minutes.

Before cooking, rinse the raisins, pour boiling water for 15 minutes, then lay them on a paper towel to dry.

At the end of the kneading, cover the bowl with the dough with cling film so that the surface does not wind, put it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours. I use the oven with the light on for this purpose.

At the end of time, the mass will add in volume twice. Punch it down and shape it. As a standard, I recommend filling out forms by a maximum of a third, no more. Then Easter cakes will not be able to “run away” anywhere and it will be easier for them to grow.

Cover again with a film (linen towel) and leave warm for another 1.5 hours.

After the time has elapsed, send the muffin to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. The first 25 minutes do not reduce the temperature, then reduce to 160 degrees and bake for about 30 more minutes. But still, I advise you to control this process, and check the readiness with a wooden skewer.

These are such wonderful cakes! After cooling, feel free to start decorating.

As you can see, it is very easy to prepare Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes using a step-by-step recipe. No difficulties should arise if everything is done in stages. Try, experiment, indulge yourself and your family in homemade Easter goodies. Happy Easter everyone!

The topic of Easter baking is especially relevant on the eve of the holidays, and today I propose to bake Alexandrian Easter cake. History is silent about how and why it got such a name, and it is associated with Egyptian Alexandria or some other, but its preparation technology differs from the traditional one, and the crumb is tender, moist and fibrous. Fans of experiments with the Easter test will definitely be interested in this, since the reviews are very positive. But I suggest experimenting with those who have been baking Easter cakes for years according to the same recipe.

Alexandrian Easter cakes

What is especially Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes? Its peculiarity is in the preparation of sourdough. They make it without using flour, but they put all the fat and the rest of the baking, which is unusual and at first glance seems incredible. But, in general, the recipe is simple and does not include any special ingredients, although the final result depends on their quality. Another feature is the use of baked milk, but this can also be found in.

Let's talk about how to choose quality products for cooking so that everything works out for you. Let's start with flour, it is in it that the key to success. Experienced housewives always buy the same proven brand.

In this case, we need a premium product, because it is he who has the finest grinding and high gluten content, without which lush pastries are impossible. Young housewives who decide to please their loved ones for the first time can be advised to take flour only in undamaged paper packaging, because it allows the contents of the package to breathe.

The color of the product should be white or slightly creamy, the taste and smell should be pleasant, insipid, without acidity and foreign odors. There should be no dark inclusions, and even more so, something foreign. If you squeeze a handful in a fist, after unclenching it should crumble freely, and not stick together into a lump. And lastly, sifting before cooking is a must, this will enrich the product with oxygen and ensure a good rise of the dough.

For cooking Alexandrian Easter cakes, just like for any we need yeast. In most cases, fresh yeast is used, although there are mentions that a good result was obtained with dry fast yeast. In any case, you should take care of their quality and freshness.

Raw fresh yeast should have a pleasant smell, in no case be moldy. It is better to take dry ones in a separate package based on the amount of flour that you are going to use. And, of course, pay attention to the release date. The freshness of the eggs and the fat used, which could be butter or margarine, is evident.

If you use butter, then try to take high-quality, with a minimum of additives, otherwise it is better to take a special margarine for baking, since it is not known how additives in spreads will affect the quality of the final product. Milk should be as natural as possible, not powdered or shelf-stable. If you cannot find ghee on sale, you can cook it yourself in a slow cooker or oven. A slow cooker, of course, will greatly simplify its preparation.

Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes

Alexandrian Easter cake recipe includes raisins. It is better to choose light. Raisins should be elastic, selected, without foreign inclusions. It is better to sort them out before cooking and remove the remaining stalks and other debris in some places. Some housewives steam raisins with boiling water for a few minutes before use, but if the product is of high quality, you can not do this.

Vanillin or vanilla sugar is required for flavoring, fresh orange or lemon peel is also suitable. That the fruits need to be thoroughly washed and dried before removing it, I think. no need to remind. It is best to use a special grater for peeling, but you can also cut the peel very thinly without a white substrate with an ordinary knife and chop it manually or with a blender. Additionally, you can use candied fruits, pieces of figs and other dried fruits, such as dried apricots, as in cooking. You can also borrow from there the method of soaking raisins and dried fruits in a small amount of cognac.

And now actually alexandrian cake recipe. In general, there are several of its variants, slightly different from each other. We will consider them all, this is only the first. We will need:

    a glass of 250 ml baked milk

    three whole chicken eggs and one yolk

    one and a half cups of 250 ml sugar sand

    125g sweet cream butter or equivalent baking margarine

    a pinch of extra salt

    35g fresh pressed yeast or a teaspoon dry fast acting

    50g light raisins

    vanillin sachet

    candied fruit or dried fruit to taste (a little)

    cognac or brandy a little less than a tablespoon

Alexandria dough for Easter cakes: recipe

Alexandria dough for Easter cakes is just a bomb, in many ways, its taste is determined by the baked milk that is part of it. If you don’t have it, then cook it yourself from

ordinary. It is better to take as a basis barrel or high-quality bottled or in bags, but not powder and not long-term storage. You should not replace it with the usual one, because the taste of the future product largely depends on this seemingly insignificant detail. Just in case, I will give a method for preparing baked milk. The first option is on a conventional gas or electric stove. Bring the milk to a boil in a regular saucepan, then pour it into a thick-walled bowl and simmer for about five hours over very low heat. The resulting foam is periodically removed. You can not do this. When it turns brown, the product is ready.

The same procedure can be done in the oven. Clay pots are especially good as dishes. The oven temperature is set to one hundred degrees, boiling milk is poured into the pots, and when the contents of the pots begin to gurgle, the temperature is reduced to 80-90 degrees and kept until the product acquires a characteristic color and taste. The easiest way is to use a thermos. It is rinsed with boiling water to let the walls warm up, and then filled with boiling milk. Leave overnight. The color of the film in this case will be a little lighter, but the hassle is much less. In a multicooker, this is also not difficult to do, you just need to use a suitable program.

Alexandria Easter cake: step by step

When you have prepared all the necessary products, then Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes step by step we will prepare as follows:

1. It is better to start the cooking process in the evening. For dough, mix softened butter or margarine with eggs, yolk and sugar dog. You can pre-put the fat on a plate and put it in a bowl of moderately hot water or use the microwave, but without fanaticism. It does not need to be heated, just the consistency should be such that it can be easily evenly mixed with the rest of the ingredients. You can stir with a mixer or a whisk until smooth.

2. We crumble fresh yeast and mix with milk warmed to a pleasant warmth (approximately to body temperature). Stir until they are completely dispersed. Pour them into the rest of the prepared products and knead again. Now let's leave the dishes with the dough warm for the night or for about ten to twelve hours. Fat may float when standing, there is nothing terrible about it.

3. Raisins can be poured with a very small amount of boiling water overnight or cognac can be used for soaking, just close the dishes. So that candied fruits and raisins do not sink to the bottom, but are evenly distributed, they can be rolled in a small amount of flour before putting them in the dough.

4. By morning, the dough should foam well. We put salt, candied fruits, raisins, cognac, vanilla sugar or vanillin, carefully sifted flour into it and knead the dough. We put the flour in portions until the consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream. It itself is very sticky, it is not easy to knead by hand, but you should not add flour to smoothness, otherwise the crumb will turn out tough. Just use vegetable oil to lubricate your hands.

5. We put the batch in heat for one and a half to two hours. Cover the bowl with cling film.

Kulich Alexandria recipe with photo will help you do everything right, even if you are new to cooking. We grease the portion forms with oil and lay out the finished dough by about a third of the height. Let stand again until it rises almost flush with the edges. We bake at 180 degrees. The baking time will depend on the size of the molds and the characteristics of your oven. During cooking, it is better not to open it until the tops are browned.

After that, you can check the readiness with a bamboo skewer or a sushi stick. If it's not done yet and the top is golden brown, cover the molds with white paper so the top doesn't burn. Taking out the pastries. let it stand, covered with a towel. You can put it on a barrel and ride. We cover the cooled Easter cakes with icing and decorate as we wish. Now you know how to cook Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes, reviews about him only admiring.

Alexandrian kulich: recipe with photo

And now let's do Alexandrian cake step by step slightly different from the original recipe. The difference is that we will not use whole chicken eggs, but only the yolks from them. The list of ingredients will look like this:

    250g sugar

    the same amount of boiled milk

    three or four egg yolks

    thirty grams of fresh yeast or 10g dry

Soak the gelatin with two tablespoons of water for about an hour to swell. Then we boil the syrup from sugar and four tablespoons of water. Just dissolve the granulated sugar and bring to a boil, add the swollen gelatin and stir until it disperses. Add lemon juice and beat the mixture until white.

We cover the prepared pastries quickly, because the glaze hardens. It does not crumble, sticks well. Only the topping must also be applied immediately. If there are a lot of Easter cakes, such a glaze should be prepared in portions. Hope, Alexandria cake, reviews about which the most favorable, become your favorite and traditional.

If you are looking for simpler recipes, then pay attention to specially designed recipes for cooking.

Once I found on the Internet the recipe "Alexandria dough for Easter cakes - it's just a bomb!" Naturally, I could not pass by, and tried it. This recipe makes classic cookies. The dough rises very well, I would say, they are distinguished by increased airiness. Perhaps because of the fact that the dough is made outside the box - it stands longer than in other recipes. At the same time, a delicate creamy taste. The dough is tender and soft. And today I will tell you how to make Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes step by step.

Please note that the recipe for a large number of Easter cakes. I made one-fifth of the dough, and a large cake came out, weighing about 1 kg. So calculate your strength, from one fifth of the ingredients one very large Alexandrian cake or three medium ones will come out. But, if you bake on an industrial scale and give gifts to all relatives (or make Easter cakes to order), then you can safely bake about 5 kg of Easter cakes from one batch of Alexandrian dough, so this is also a bomb in terms of volume!

I made this recipe last year and I really liked it. Therefore, I will cook it for Easter 2018 as well. Because it turned out very tasty, and my friends tried it and wrote good reviews.

Alexandria cake stays fresh for a long time. And the longer it goes on, the tastier it gets!

Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes step by step at home


baked milk - 1 liter,

sugar - 1 kg,

butter - half a kilogram,

eggs - 10 pcs.,

yolks - 3 pcs.,

pressed yeast - 150 gr,

salt - 1 tsp,

raisins - 200 gr.,

vanilla sugar - 3 sachets or vanillin,

cognac - 2 tbsp. l.,

flour - 2.5 kg

How to bake Easter cake in the oven

  1. Beat eggs and yolks a little, add butter cut into pieces, add sugar. Break the yeast into small pieces and also add to the dough. Heat the baked milk to a pleasant temperature, pour in the same.

2. Put to reach in a warm place for 10-12 hours (it is convenient to leave it overnight).

3. When the dough rises, add salt, raisins, pre-soaked with boiling water, vanilla sugar, cognac. Mix. Sift flour.

4. Knead the dough, if necessary, lubricating your hands with vegetable oil. The dough should be soft and sticky.

5. Leave again in a warm place for an hour and a half, so that the Alexandrian dough rises. Then knead and lay out in the form, I laid out less than half of the form.

6. Leave for proofing. The dough will rise again.

7. Put in a cold oven. The baking time depends on the size of the mold. In general, the algorithm is as follows: turn on 100 degrees, bake for 10 minutes. Then turn on 150 degrees, bake for 15 minutes. And increase to 200 and bake for another 15 minutes. Do not open the oven during this time. Then check readiness with a wooden skewer. For small and medium cakes, this time is usually enough. But this one I have is gigantic, and the skewer turned out to be damp. Therefore, I left it for another 15 minutes at a temperature of 200. But then watch out, smell the air so that there are no burnt notes. If the top of the cake has already become quite fried, and the baking is not finished yet, then put wet parchment on top (which I did). At the end of baking, turn off the oven and leave the cake in it for 40 minutes. When you pull it out, then put it on its side, it should cool on its side, you can turn it from side to side. Kulich is ready!

I learned about the Alexandrian dough last year, but it seemed to me that it was difficult to mess around with it. And she found another way out - she baked them, which turn out like cupcakes.

And after some time I was treated to a bun prepared according to one of the recipes based on baked milk, it turns out that this is the same dough. Baking from it turns out to be extraordinary, but in general I will say that it is just a bomb for housewives who are in search of their best recipe. And so, on this test your searches will stop.

Why do I praise him so much? Because it is prepared simply, the products are affordable, but not quite ordinary, and most importantly, the inside of baking from this dough is perforated, soft, like a cake. And it keeps for a long time without getting stale. I think that I won’t convince you anymore, because the taste of baking speaks for itself!

In order to declare with full responsibility that according to my recipes your dough will always turn out, I decided to make small corrections and explanations on what you need to pay close attention to.

  1. One of the important nuances: all products should be at room temperature, take care of them in advance and take them out of the refrigerator.
  2. If you do not have pressed live yeast, but dry, then take a ratio of 1: 3, because dry ones raise the dough worse. Or for 150 g of fresh we take 50 dry.
  3. The entire ratio of products is taken per 1 kg of flour, but always have a supply of about 200-300 grams, because flour can be of different grades and low in gluten, as well.
  4. You can buy baked milk, because the really tasty one is cooked in the oven. Well, or try to replace it with an oven. Then you need to take 0.5 liters of milk, bring it to a boil and put it in an earthenware or ceramic dish to languish in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees for 8 hours. You will already get a beige-colored treat with a slight caramel smell from the oven.
  5. If your Easter cake turned out to be large, then the whole one may not be baked at once, but in order not to burn the heads, cover them with parchment paper sprinkled with a little water.
  6. Yeast must be fresh, otherwise you may not have enough 12 hours to raise the dough.
  7. So that baking does not get stale longer, you can add 2 tbsp to the classic recipe. vegetable oil.

Classic baked milk recipe

Of course, this dough goes not only for Easter cakes, but also for making various kinds of buns, pies and even pies, if you reduce the proportion of sugar.

The composition makes it interesting, namely the use of baked milk, its smell and taste immediately gives the whole mass an additional caramel rich flavor.

We also use a lot of eggs in the recipe. And from two of them we take only yolks, this is to give a characteristic yellow color to pastries. Proteins go to the glaze. By the way, I wrote about and there described how ordinary glaze is prepared, and how you can cook it with gelatin so that it does not crumble.


  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 250 g butter
  • 500 ml baked milk
  • 460 g granulated sugar
  • Pressed yeast - 70 g
  • Wheat flour - 1.2 kg
  • Salt - ½ tsp
  • Vanillin - 2 pinches
  • Lemon zest - 2 tbsp
  • Raisins - 200 g

Combine yolks, sugar and eggs. Beat the mass with a mixer or blender for 20 seconds.

We spread the softened butter and knead the dough until the butter is completely dispersed. We do this with a spoon.

Pour the warmed milk over the yeast into another bowl. Stir the mixture well to dissolve the yeast.

We combine both masses, mix and cover with cling film. This is how the yeast starts to work. Leave the dough in a warm place for 8 to 12 hours.

After that, we take out the dough and sift the flour into it. At this stage, lemon zest, vanillin and other spices are added.

Rinse well and scald the raisins with boiling water. So that excess moisture does not get into the dough, dried fruits should be thoroughly blotted with a towel.

We knead the dough for ten minutes, do not worry if it sticks to your hands, it should be like that. No more flour needs to be added.

Now add raisins to the mass and remove the rise.

It will grow by a third of its volume, so prepare a deep large bowl for the test.

Now it's time to fill out the forms. It is better to lubricate them with oil, but if you have silicone ones, then the Easter cake will pull out well, so. Half of the dough needs to be laid out in each container, because we will still let it rise.

Now you need to cover the molds with a towel or film.

While the Easter cakes are growing, we heat the pan and set the temperature to 180 degrees.

For baking in this mode, thirty minutes is enough, then we reduce the heat to 100 degrees and bake for another twenty minutes.
We take out the finished products and decorate to your liking.

Look at the baked goods inside.

By the way, they can be served on the table surrounded and in. Imagine how festive it will look!

Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes with cognac

Both recipes shown give a whole 10 liter enamel bucket of dough! Yes, yes, I'm not exaggerating, so I immediately warn you about it. If you do not have a goal to provide half of the village with pastries, then take a fourth or even a fifth of the total ratio of products.

It is better to make Easter cakes small in volume, so they are better baked, and they can also be presented to relatives and people you know.

This recipe is interesting because alcohol is added to the dough. In this case, we took a noble cognac.


  • Flour - 1.3 kg
  • Raisins - 200 g
  • ½ tsp salt
  • vanillin
  • 2 tbsp cognac
  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • 0.5 liters of baked milk
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 yolks
  • 250 g butter
  • 75 g yeast

This dough is prepared in two steps. First: preparation of dough, which stands for 8 to 12 hours. And the second: the kneading of the test mass itself.

The first step is to separate the yolks from the whites. Then beat all the eggs and yolks into a small foam. We will add the entire volume of sugar to it and continue mixing.

Dissolve yeast in milk with a spoon. You need to do this until the lumps disappear.

Now spread the egg mass soft butter. When it is completely mixed with the mass, we pour in the warm remaining milk and yeast mixture.

Now pour the finished dough into a large pot or bucket. Get ready, there will be a lot of tests!

We cover the mass with a film or towel and put it in a warm corner for 8 hours. This is the time we rest and work up a good mood.

After this time, we remove the film and see that our mass has grown perfectly.

Now you need to scald the raisins with boiling water and leave it like that for a couple of minutes. Then drain the liquid and rinse the dried fruits again under running water.

Pour the batter into a saucepan or large bucket. It turned out airy and foamy.

We salt the mass and begin to sift the flour in small parts so that the Easter cakes are lush, spongy.

Stir the dough after each sifted portion to avoid lumps.

Pour vanilla, raisins and pour cognac.

After kneading, put the mass into molds and put them on proofing.

Lubricate the containers with oil. Grandma used to do it with lard. And dust the inside with flour.

If you chose paper ones, then you don’t have to take out Easter cakes, then you can cut them and serve immediately with paper. It can be easily removed from the pieces.

The dough is sticky so that it does not stick to your hands, grease them with vegetable oil.

We put the dough on 1/3 of the form, if you lay it out more, then the Easter cakes after proofing will simply crawl out of the edges of the form. Cover them with a towel and come back in an hour.

While you are resting or drinking tea, the dough has risen and now it is the turn of baking.

To do this, we heat the oven for 10 minutes, set the mode to 180 - 200 degrees and set the timer for 50 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer, insert it inside the cake and pull it out. It should not be wet or with traces of dough, then the pastries are ready.

Decorate with icing, chocolate or cream.

Usually, on the table on the Bright Holiday, there are two queens: and Easter cake. Both are a type of dessert that both children and adults adore.

But the feeling of a holiday comes not only with delicious treats, but also from preparation. For example, jointly made will allow you to explain to the child what kind of holiday it is and why people love it so much.

And also to show that in different countries this day is also loved, but it is endowed with different symbols. And these words can be confirmed together by gluing. After all, who, if not we, will form children's perception and horizons. And by the way, I love Easter since childhood and consider it a family day.

To prepare the Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes (it is also called Viennese), take three eggs. Remove the eggs and butter from the refrigerator in advance so that they are at room temperature. Whisk 2 eggs and 1 yolk into a bowl. Separate the remaining protein into a small container and put it in the refrigerator. Based on it, we will prepare the glaze. If part of the yolk gets into the protein, the protein will not whip. Therefore, the procedure for separating the yolk from the protein must be done carefully. If the protein storage container is greasy, the protein will not whip either. Learn it.

Add 1.5 cups of sugar to the bowl with the eggs. Those who love sweet cakes, feel free to put 2 cups of sugar. Whisk the eggs and sugar with a wooden or silicone spatula. It is important not to use metal objects.

Add the butter to the eggs and beat the mass with the same spoon. The butter will float on top of the egg mass. That's the way it should be. It is impossible to heat butter to a liquid state. The butter should be at room temperature, but not melted to a liquid state.

Alexandrian dough is prepared with live yeast. In general, it is customary to cook real Easter cakes based on fresh pressed yeast, but save fast-acting dry yeast for buns. Break the yeast into pieces with your fingers.

Pour the yeast with baked milk and dissolve it. This will happen very quickly.

Pour the yeast mixture into the egg mixture and stir again. Pieces of oil will still float on top of the liquid. That's the way it should be. Beat the mass well.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. For those who are afraid that the dough will leave the bowl during this time, I hasten to assure you that the mass will ferment, but the volume does not increase much, but the container with the dough should be quite roomy.

Remove the film after 12 hours. Bulbs will be visible on the surface of the liquid. The oil will still float. Sift the flour for the cake twice and add to the dough in batches. First 50% flour. Mix liquid with flour, add another 50% flour.

Peel the zest from one medium orange. Remove the zest so as not to touch the yellowish-white part of the orange skin. We need orange zest. The yellow part of the skin gives bitterness. Add zest and a quarter teaspoon of salt, vanilla sugar to the dough.

The dough for Easter baking can be kneaded by hand or with a mixer fitted with a dough attachment. Mixing time 10-15 minutes. Add the washed and sorted raisins to the dough. You can add other additives, such as candied fruits. You won't spoil the porridge with oil.

When the dough is ready, shape it into a ball. Lay on the bottom of the bowl (the bowl should be deep enough). The dough will increase by 3-4 times. It rises quickly and quite easily. Cover the bowl with cling film and transfer to a warm, quiet place. You can put it somewhere near the battery. If you use a warm oven or slow cooker to rise, then remember that at temperatures above 40 degrees, the yeast is destroyed and will not rise.

For baking Easter cakes, you can use paper, silicone or metal forms. Any will do. I use paper. I don't oil paper forms. Ready Easter cakes are perfectly separated from the paper, and there is no need to lubricate them. If the walls of the paper form are greased, then the dough will have nothing to hold on to during proofing. If we are talking about metal forms, then they can be wrapped inside with baking paper. Then the cake will easily come out of the mold after baking.

After 3 hours from the moment of kneading, the dough will triple in size. Here you can watch. The dough stood for 2.5 hours. I gave it a little more time, and when it reached the edge of the bowl, I squashed it.

Place a piece of dough in each mold so that it fills the mold by 1/3 of the part. When laying the dough in forms, take care that the raisins do not stick out on the surface. When baking, it will burn out, and you can no longer drown it in a suitable base. The dough will drop sharply. Everything must be foreseen at once. Cover the molds with blanks with cling film. So the surface will not weather during proofing.

After 30 minutes, the dough will reach the limits of the form. When baking, already in the oven, the cakes will still rise.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, and we will bake Easter cakes at this temperature. Usually the dough is baked at 180 degrees, but at a high temperature, the cake will be very dark, it may even burn. Carefully transfer the molds with the risen dough to a baking sheet, and then place in the oven for baking. Do not drop, hit or act rudely while the dough is being moved. The dough is very soft and may fall off.

Remove the finished cookies from the oven and cool completely. Remove the white of 1 egg from the refrigerator. Use store-bought frosting by following package directions, or add a pinch of salt and a couple of drops of lemon juice to egg whites. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar and beat the mass until a white fluffy state. Lubricate the cakes with the resulting mass. Decorate to your liking.

In every sense, the dough is chic, and the finished cakes are perforated, the crumb is very tender.

Alexandria or Viennese Easter cakes recipe with photo from Varvara Sergeevna especially for the site Good recipes
