
Drying dill in the oven. How to store dried dill? Preparing dill for drying

How to properly dry greens for the winter - this is the question that worries every summer at the height of the summer season. real hostess. Can you dry herbs in the oven? How to dry greens for the winter correctly so that it is stored for a long time and at the same time retains its useful, taste and aromatic properties?

Can you dry herbs in the oven?

It is possible, however, to this process should be approached competently. It is important to choose the right temperature regime and drying time. For example, dill in the oven should be dried in less time and at a lower temperature than parsley.

When drying herbs in the oven, the products will be ready much faster than when drying in the sun. At the same time, they remain clean, the greens dried in the oven will not pick up any dust, which cannot be said about drying in the open.

How to dry herbs in the oven

To dry properly summer greenery, which the garden gives us, so that it retains its properties and aroma and is stored for a long time, you should perform the following steps:

  • prepare a cutting board, sieve and knife;
  • steam a baking sheet and clean the oven;
  • buy baking paper;
  • collect in bunches the greens that you want to dry.

In the oven at home for the winter, you can dry dill, parsley, basil, dandelion leaves, beets and carrots, young nettles, onion feathers.

How to dry greens for the winter in the oven, step by step instructions:

  • Harvest or buy ready-made greens.
  • Put the greens in turn in a sieve and rinse it thoroughly.
  • After washing, place the food on an oilcloth, on a plate, on wooden boards for cutting vegetables, etc. Greens need to dry.
  • When all the water is glass, turn on your oven to heat up to 30 degrees without placing a baking sheet in it, and in the meantime get busy cutting greens.
  • Chop the greens to your liking (for later addition to various dishes it is worth chopping the products as finely as possible). If the leaves, dill and other greens taken are young, you can chop them for drying along with the stem, otherwise it is better not to take the stem for drying in the oven.
  • Take a clean baking sheet and spread parchment paper on it.
  • Spread the chopped greens in an even layer of one and a half to two centimeters, no more. Do not mix products while drying.
  • Cover the food to dry in the oven with a layer of parchment paper.
  • Set the baking sheet to the middle level in the oven preheated to 30 degrees and close the door oven without closing it tightly.
  • In the process of drying greens, periodically, every 5-7 minutes, look at the products and the oven itself. There must be no condensation on the oven walls. Greens must be stirred, preferably with a wooden object. If the oven is tightly closed during drying, the greens will simply lose their color and aroma, it will fry. If you dry your herbs in the oven for the winter, leave the oven door ajar when drying by about three to four centimeters for electric stoves and 12-15 centimeters for gas stoves. The temperature of the oven for drying herbs should be between 40 and 50 degrees. If condensation forms in the oven at the time of drying the greens, this indicates that the temperature exceeds 50 degrees, it must be reduced.
  • After 100-120 minutes of drying (the greens should wilt during this time), increase the oven temperature to 60-70 degrees.
  • Continue to dry the greens for about two more hours, also stirring about every 10 minutes of drying. At the same time, keep an eye on the condition of the products so that they do not dry out.
  • After four and a half hours (in total), the greens should be ready, it remains only to cool and spread from the baking sheet in jars prepared in advance, or mix all the products and place in one storage container. It is important to cover the jars with lids so that the greens do not lose their aromatic properties and any insects do not crawl into it.
  • You can store dried herbs in a kitchen cabinet or any other place when room temperature. It is best if the storage space is dark.

As you can see, drying greens in the oven for the winter is easy. The prepared product can be sprinkled with potatoes, meat, lard, added to salads and other dishes - stewed, fried, boiled.

It is unlikely that anyone today imagines cooking without the use of greens. Besides being delicious and fragrant seasoning to various dishes, it is also a storehouse of useful substances. So, for example, it contains four times more ascorbic acid than. And in 100 g there is 25% of iron from daily rate necessary for a person. in better ways conservation valuable substances for a long time in plants used in cooking, are. We will talk about how to dry properly in this article.

What can be dried

It's pretty simple, easy and cheap way preparations for the winter. In addition, dried products do not take up much space and do not require any special conditions for storage.
However, first, let's figure out what kind of greens can be dried so that it does not lose its properties.

These plants include:

Did you know? 454 g of greens contain the amount of vegetable protein that is needed human body in a day.

Before drying greens for the winter, it must be carefully sorted out, washed and dried well from moisture. Roots must first be cut. Remove yellow, dry, damaged leaves. It is also necessary to get rid of thick leaves and rough stems, old plants.

When purchasing herbs in the market, it makes sense to soak them for 15 minutes in salted water (one tablespoon per 1 liter of water). If they have harmful additives most of them should go. After the procedure, the herbs should be washed, shaken well and dried on a towel (paper or linen).
If you prefer to dry chopped plants, then they must be chopped with a knife into pieces of 4-5 cm. When harvesting by hanging, it is necessary to collect the greens in bunches and tie them.

Drying methods

There are two main drying methods:


To dry your herbs outdoors, you will need twine or parchment paper, depending on which method suits you best - vertical (hanging) or horizontal (unfolded).

Outdoor drying should be done in warm weather.
The vertical drying technology is as follows:

  1. We tie the discarded, washed and dried grass with elastic bands or threads into bundles of five to six branches.
  2. We hang the bundles under a canopy with the leaves down, so that air access to them is good, but at the same time they are not strongly blown by the wind, and the sun's rays do not fall on them. When exposed to the sun, the grass will lose most of its nutrients, when exposed to the wind, the smell will disappear.
  3. The distance between the beams should be about 7-10 cm.
  4. Periodically check the readiness of the blanks. Drying takes from six hours to several days. If the greens are dried properly, they will be the same color as fresh. It shouldn't crumble to dust.

For hanging beams, in addition to a canopy, an attic, balcony, loggia, veranda or other well-ventilated room is also suitable.

In bunches it is good to dry,.
For a horizontal drying method, greens are laid out on sieves, pallets, baking sheets or another surface. Flat plates will do. Under the bottom is lined with parchment or newspaper, canvas. The grass is laid out in a thin layer so that one plant does not overlap another. From above, you can cover it with gauze. During drying, the grass will need to be turned over periodically so that rotting does not occur. Plants need to be covered from the sun.

On the windowsill

On the windowsill can be dried horizontally.

  1. On parchment paper or lay out the newspaper grass. It is best if the layer is single, not higher than 1-1.5 cm. Otherwise, the drying process will be long and of poor quality.
  2. Mix once or twice a day.

In the same way, you can dry the plants on the loggia, balcony.

In an electric dryer

If you often harvest greenery for the winter, then there is a reason to purchase for these purposes. This is a not too expensive device that will help to greatly simplify the process and dry the plants with high quality.

The drying process in an electric dryer is as follows:

  1. Washed, dried and chopped up to 1.5-2 cm grass is placed in trays in a thin layer.
  2. If the dryer has the “Herbs” function, then select it. If there is no such function, then we set the temperature to 40-45 degrees.
  3. To achieve uniform drying of the entire batch, the trays will periodically need to be swapped.
  4. Typically, the process of drying herbs in a dryer takes two to six hours. For devices various brands this time will be different. It should be specified in the attached instructions.

Can it be dried in the oven

It is possible to dry herbs in the oven. At the same time, it is important to comply desired temperature because too heat leads to overdrying of plants, loss of color and valuable substances.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the technology of drying herbs in the oven:

  1. Place the washed and dried grass on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. It is also desirable to cover the top with paper. The layer should be no higher than one or two centimeters.
  2. We heat the oven to the minimum temperature. It is best to dry at a temperature below 40 degrees. To achieve a low temperature, you can place a wine cork or other object between the door and the oven that will not allow the door to close completely. This way the temperature can drop.
  3. When the grass becomes lethargic, the temperature should be raised to 50 degrees.
  4. We stand the plants in the oven for two to four hours, periodically checking their readiness.

Important! Do not dry several types of herbs at the same time. This will mix their scents.

  1. You can dry your herbs in the microwave. It is placed on a paper plate, after covering it with a paper napkin. From above, the grass is also covered with a napkin. Dry the plants at maximum power for three minutes. After turning off the stove, the greens are inspected. If there are under-dried specimens, they are brought to readiness for another two to three minutes.
  2. Dried herbs are an excellent substitute for salt and reduce its use. You just need to add a pinch of dry grass to the salt shaker that you usually have on your kitchen table. He does an excellent job with this task.
  3. When drying, pay attention that the plants do not come into contact with the metal. Otherwise, they will lose their color and change it to dark. So, if you put plants on metal baking sheets, then you should spread baking paper on them.
  4. Young plants lend themselves better to drying.
  5. Different types of herbs must be dried separately (except in a dryer). If you plan to create a mixture of seasonings, then you need to mix them after they are dried.
  6. For drying it is better to choose

This culture has been one of the most popular spicy herbs for many years. refined taste and aroma. The presence of dill adds the right zest to any dish. Therefore, the desire to preserve such a spice longer is natural. Today we will talk about how to prepare the plant for storage and how to dry dill properly.

Spicy herb is still rich big amount vitamins of groups C, P, B1, PP, it contains folic and ascorbic acid, carotene, potassium, calcium and phosphorus, essential oils. Of course, fresh dill a lot more useful qualities. But properly dried grass retains its characteristic taste and aroma. This seasoning is usually added to meat dishes, soups, salads, used for conservation. It not only changes the taste of any dish for the better, but also has the ability to normalize blood pressure, stabilize nervous system beneficial effect on vision.

In order to carry out proper drying, you should prepare a kitchen board, a dryer specially designed for vegetables and fruits, a knife and a towel. The success of preparing a plant for storage largely depends on the quality of the raw materials used. It is advised to cut the grass in your own area in dry weather and after it comes down morning dew. If this recommendation is neglected, then the culture will either turn black or begin to rot due to the presence of moisture. It is necessary to carefully cut the root system, sort out the plants, getting rid of the branches that have turned yellow and damaged in any way. Then the raw material is washed under running water. cold water and give it a chance to drain.

Video “Proper drying of dill”

From the video you will learn how to properly dry dill.

Drying methods

How to dry dill? It would seem a simple question, but there are also some nuances here. It is possible to dry the spice loved by many housewives in several ways. You can chop the plant or spread it out to dry with twigs. Remember that the stems and leaves should be dried separately. Next, we will tell you in detail how to properly dry dill at home so that it retains its unique smell and taste.

How to dry dill, after chopping it?

After cutting into small portions, the grass should be laid out on a white paper in a thin layer. It is not recommended to use newspapers for these purposes, as they can not only spoil the appearance of the plant, but also make it harmful to human health.

Drying must be done in a room with good ventilation or where you can regularly ventilate. The duration is from 3 to 5 days.

There is another way that does not involve grinding spices. When choosing it, the branches are simply laid out on special grills for drying vegetables. It will take about 2 hours to wait. Then dried product It is advised to place in jars that are hermetically sealed with lids. Storage should be carried out in a rather dark place where there is the necessary coolness.

You can even after you sort and wash the branches, place them in small bunches, grabbed by a rope, in a normally ventilated room where there is no access to scorching sunlight. The plant will be well dried in a few days. Provided the weather is good outside. Determining the readiness of the herb is quite simple. You just need to rub the twig in your hands. If there is powder left on your palms, then you did everything right.

How to store

To keep the well-known spice as long as possible, you need to stock up on small jars. Containers with a volume of 100 to 500 ml are useful. You can use banks that have vacuum caps, that is, covers with an elastic band.

Zealous housewives do not throw away jars from under baby food and other similar containers. Important conditions for the normal preservation of raw materials are glass jar And tight lid. It is a reliable lid that can prevent moisture from entering the vessel. If you plan to place jars of herbs outside of a kitchen cabinet or other dark place, it is advised to use opaque jars. To store grass, you can use an opaque bag left over from coffee and with a special zip fastener. When preparing raw materials, it should not be overdried. Optimal time for such a procedure - 3 days.

Video “Harvesting dill”

From the video you will learn how to prepare greens for the winter.

There is no kitchen without dill. It finds the widest application in the preparation of a variety of dishes - from salads and soups to nutritious meals with fish or meat. This greenery not only has a bright aroma and taste, but is also saturated with vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. To use dill not only during the three summer months, but also the rest of the time, it must be properly dried.

The benefits and harms of dried herbs

herbaceous plant dill from the Umbelliferae family is found in any garden, regardless of which part of the planet this garden is located.

Starting from the time Ancient Greece and Rome, such a seasoning was used not only for cooking tasty food but also for health purposes. In Rus', the first mention of dill dates back to the 10th century. Then it was used mainly to ferment various fruits from the garden.

The plant contains great amount micro and macro elements, ranging from potassium to phosphorus, iron and sodium. It contains vitamins A, B, C and E, important for human health. In order not to lose all this wealth for whole year, it is best to store dill dried, and not frozen, as many prefer.

The calorie content of the dried product is 250 kilocalories per hundred grams of mass. The main part in dill is occupied by carbohydrates and fats, and most of all it contains vitamin A.

The useful properties of such a product are very extensive.

  • It normalizes metabolic processes in the body due to high content essential oils.
  • With him gastrointestinal tract works in correct mode. It is no coincidence that special decoctions are made on the basis of dill, under the influence of which you can get rid of constipation, colitis and increased gas formation. Such funds are suitable even for infants.
  • The seasoning stimulates the appetite.
  • Thanks to the rich mineral and vitamin composition strengthens immunity and becomes better general state organism.
  • Thanks to essential oils, dill suppresses viruses during seasonal colds.
  • Dill helps fight bronchitis and coughs caused by allergies.
  • The product is a good remedy for high blood pressure dilates blood vessels.
  • It acts as a sedative, normalizes sleep and helps get rid of depression.
  • It is a choleretic agent. Prevents diseases of the gallbladder and liver.
  • Taking dill, you can normalize the cycle of menstruation. The plant relieves unpleasant symptoms associated with the peculiarities of "these days".
  • This is very good remedy to maintain visual acuity.

For all the value of the substances found in dill, it is not useful for everyone. One can not use it in principle, others can, but with caution. For people who always have low blood pressure, it is better not to use dill. From him, the state of hypotension can only worsen.

Taking into account the diuretic properties of the plant, one should be careful not to use it for those who suffer from kidney failure. For those who have kidney stones, it is also better not to lean on this seasoning.

Refrain from drinking a large number such herbs are advised to pregnant and lactating mothers. In the first case, the load bladder women will increase even more, and in the second, an excess of dill in the mother's diet can adversely affect the child.

Some people are allergic to the essential oils found in dill, so dishes with this seasoning turn into poison for them.

Plant preparation

Although today you can buy anything in the store, including dried dill, many people prefer to harvest it on their own. One pity fragrant herb, which senselessly grows at hand, others do not trust the product in a closed package - you never know what can be found in shop seasoning Nowadays.

Dill is easiest to collect in a village garden or in your own dacha. It usually grows in abundance. Although some have to buy such a seasoning in the market. In any case, not all plants should be taken indiscriminately for drying.

You should stock up only fresh and juicy dill, which has not yet begun to fade, has retained the elasticity of the stem and attractive bright color. If it has even slight signs of yellowness, it is definitely not suitable for drying.

Dill should be dry and have a pleasant characteristic aroma. Greens from the greenhouse usually do not have bright pronounced odor. It is better not to use it for drying - the dishes will not receive the desired flavor and shade of taste. To check how rich this or that dill is in essential oils, you can knead it with your fingers and smell it. If the smell is weak, then it is better not to use the plant for dry harvesting.

Shop dill, divided into bunches, should be checked for rot in places where the threads pass, pulling the branches together. Given that the expiration date raw dill only seven days, rotting most often begins precisely from such “narrow” places on the stems.

You need to cut dill in dry weather, when there is no dew. When wet, the bushes are saturated with water, such dill will turn black during drying and will have to be thrown away.

Young tender growth, which is still far from the "umbrella state", is best suited for creating a dried seasoning, unless it is a question of preparing vegetables for pickling.

The collected greens need to be washed. It also makes sense to keep the purchased product in slightly salty water for a short time - it is not known how it was processed before it was cut for sale. After the “water procedures”, the roots are separated from the bushes, the dill is spread on a cloth and dried on a waffle towel.

It is better to provide a place for drying in advance. Such greens can be dried at a temperature slightly above room temperature.

The room must be well ventilated.

Drying methods

Drying dill at home can be done in different ways. The simplest thing is to make small "bouquets" and hang them upside down for a week in a place that is well ventilated. The distance between the beams should be at least ten centimeters, so that the air can freely pass between the greens. After the process is completed, you can wrap the dill in a cloth made from natural fibers and put it in storage where the air is dry.

It should be borne in mind that drying should not take place in the sun. It has been noticed that under the influence of its rays, some of the essential oils are weathered from the dried product. So the grass will no longer have bright aroma, although in many ways it is in it that the charm of such a seasoning lies. So that there are no surprises with this, it is better to choose cloudy days for such an activity or carry out drying in a room without large windows that are easily closed from the light.

Many people find it more sensible to dry dill horizontally in a drafty position. The grass can also be cut with a knife and spread over a flat surface, away from the sun. From time to time, the workpiece should be turned over so that it dries evenly. If this is not done, the bottom layer of grass may ban and deteriorate. Usually, with this method of drying, the dill takes on the desired form in two to three days.

If you plan to make a lot of blanks, sometimes there is not enough space for a large batch of plants either. There are many inconveniences. So that it doesn’t take too much time to dry, you can call on kitchen units to help. If you chop the dill, spread it on a baking sheet in a thin layer and place it in the oven, the grass will dry out in a couple of hours. It is only important to organize the process correctly. Put dill not on the baking sheet itself, but on baking paper. When in contact with metal during the drying process, the seasoning may become dark in color, useful material will disappear from it.

First, the baking sheet is placed in an oven heated to 30 degrees, and when the dill becomes slightly dried, the temperature control should be set to 50 degrees. In order to quickly remove moisture from the oven, the door must be kept slightly ajar.

A refrigerator is also suitable for drying a small batch of dill. To do this, you need to cut the grass, spread it on a tray that is placed in a refrigerator, close it with napkins and hold it in the “cool climate” of the upper section for a week, stirring the workpiece from time to time and changing napkins for others.

The problem of harvesting dill for the winter is simply solved with the help of an electric dryer. The grass is placed in a thin layer on the grate and the temperature is set to forty degrees. Some appliances have an appropriate mode for preparing dry seasonings. This is even better.

Dill can be dried in a dehydrator in as little as three hours.

To do this with a microwave, you need to take a flat plate, carefully spread dill (twigs or chopped) on it, cover with a paper towel and leave to dry for three minutes at the highest power. Then pull out the seasoning, turn over and put in the oven for another five minutes.

Sometimes it happens that when dried, the dill turns yellow. Yellowness not only makes dried dill “ugly”, but also indicates the loss of a significant part of its useful substances.

This kind of problem happens for various reasons. If the dill is dried in a draft, it sometimes has time to dry out. There is no other way to avoid such a turnaround other than to constantly monitor the process of preparing dried seasoning and complete it on time.

So that the dill does not turn yellow while in the oven or microwave oven, you need to observe the temperature regime and keep the grass under a napkin. It is necessary not only to ensure that the oven does not become excessively hot, but also to systematically mix the dill. Only in this way can you be calm that it will remain green.

If you dry the dill correctly (dry it out and do not overdo it for outdoors or in a drying unit), then without loss of aroma, he will be able to wait in the wings for at least two years.

When drying, many people make the mistake of trying to do it faster. As a result, the dill is laid out on the surface for drying in a too thick layer, and it takes longer to wait for the result. At the same time, the probability that somewhere the layer does not dry out, and this will escape the attention of the dryer, increases. Such dill can quickly deteriorate.

So that the dill does not keep an extra amount of time on drying and it does not lose its properties, the grass must be crushed with your fingers. If it crumbles, it's time to put it away for storage, if it crumbles into dust, then it's already spoiled.

When the dill is dried in the form of twigs, you need to wait until they become brittle. Only then can they be considered to have reached the desired state. If the grass continues to bend, it needs to be dried further.

Clear jars can be stored away from the stove or radiator in a kitchen cabinet to keep them out of the light. Completely isolated from impact sun rays and lighting fixtures, dishes with dried herbs can also stand on ordinary shelves.

Before laying in a container, do not chop dill.

It must be stored in the form in which it dried, otherwise its aroma and taste will be lost.

It must be remembered that dried dill has a richer taste, quality and smell than fresh. And this is understandable - the liquid is removed. When using such a seasoning, you need to use it, knowing the measure. Excess dill will kill all other flavors in the dish and it will be spoiled.

In addition to culinary, there are many recipes for using dried dill to solve medical problems. They can be safely adopted.

With colitis and constipation, an infusion of this seasoning helps. On a tablespoon of finely chopped dry dill, take two cups of boiling water. The infusion is prepared within an hour. Then it is filtered and drunk a little three times a day before meals.

With inflammation in the eyes, you can do remedy with dill and carrots. Five parts are taken for one part of dill infusion. carrot juice, mix and drink. Using such a medicine, you can restore the lost visual acuity.

How to dry dill for the winter, see the video below.

There are several ways to dry dill. It can be pre-chopped or left whole branches. If all the recommendations of the selected option have been followed, the spice will retain its healing properties And pleasant aroma. Dry herbs can be seasoned with various dishes. Other important point is to comply with the rules for storing dried spices.

Dill is considered the most popular spicy culture, which is used by housewives in the cooking process. variety of dishes. It contains many useful substances.

The disadvantages include the duration of the drying procedure and careful preparatory stage. Each method requires certain conditions to be met.

How to prepare dill for drying

Preparatory work on the preparation of greenery for storage includes the observance of some rules:

  • If you intend to use the crop from your garden, then young bushes that have not yet formed umbrellas with inflorescences are best suited for drying. The collection of greens falls on the end of June.
  • It is recommended to collect greens in the early, dry morning, before the dew falls, or in the evening. During these periods, the lowest humidity and no active sunlight.
  • The bushes are pulled out of the ground along with the roots, immediately removing the roots and damaged leaves.
  • For drying, it is better to select elastic, not damaged branches, with evenly in green and a characteristic dill smell, as well as no stains or signs of decay.

The collected or purchased bunch of greens must be rinsed under a running cold water. For disinfection, twigs can be dipped in a solution with soda for several hours. The spiced leaves are then spread out on clean paper to dry completely. It is advisable to dry large branches and inflorescences separately, as they have the greatest aroma.

How to dry dill

It is best to initially dry the greens with whole branches, and only then chop them. With this method, the spice will retain essential oils for a long time, so the aroma will be strong.

If it was decided to pre-grind the greens, then you should not cut it too finely. You can grind dried herbs before adding to the dish, rubbing between your fingers.

Drying chopped dill

Before proceeding with the drying procedure, you need to select right place protected from sunlight. The room must be well ventilated. On flat surface paper is laid out. The entire harvest is finely chopped and distributed on the prepared site.

Drying dill sprigs

Less time and effort is taken by the method of drying with whole branches. The harvested crop is distributed on a flat surface. If the weather is dry, you can leave the grass to dry under the sun.

As soon as the plucked greens dry well, the branches are cut off and placed in containers prepared for storage. With this method of drying, essential components are preserved longer.

How much to dry dill

If you do not dry or overexpose dill leaves, then they can lose all their beneficial features and quickly rot. In clear, dry weather, it is enough to dry for 2 hours. If the weather is cloudy, then the time increases to 3.5 hours.

The duration of the procedure is also affected by the amount of crop prepared for storage. The thicker the layer spread on the surface, the longer the grass will dry.

If it is supposed to dry the greens at home, then the procedure time depends on the chosen method. For example, drying in the microwave will take a maximum of 5-6 minutes, and in the oven about three hours.

The main ways to dry dill at home

You can dry prepared and processed greens different ways. It is pre-crushed or left whole branches. If all the rules are followed, then the spice will retain its taste and healing qualities for a long time.

Outdoor drying

Dill sprigs are tied together, creating small bunches. After that, they are hung with the roots up, protecting from exposure to sunlight. At the same time, fresh air should freely flow to the spice.

Finely chopped dill can also be dried outdoors. To do this, the greens are distributed in one layer on a flat surface and covered with gauze to prevent contamination.

How to dry dill in the oven

You can also dry spicy herbs in the oven, only the air temperature should not exceed 42 degrees, otherwise all essential oils will evaporate:

  • Too hot air destroys the useful properties of the product and changes the appearance of the workpiece.
  • Paper is laid out at the bottom of the baking sheet and dill sprigs are distributed in one layer, already chopped greens can be laid out.
  • The oven door should not be closed tightly, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air.

The drying procedure lasts about 3.5 hours. During this time, every 25 minutes you need to pull out the baking sheet and shift the greens.

Drying herbs in an electric dryer

Quick and easy cooking of greens long storage can be done with an electric dryer. The pallets of the device are filled with spicy herbs and set to a mode where the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees. The procedure takes an average of 40 minutes.

Drying dill in the fridge

The collected greens are laid out on a flat surface, covered with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 16 days, where it is warmest. During this period of time, all the moisture from the greens will evaporate. The finished dried spice is transferred to containers and cleaned in a dark place.

How to dry herbs in the microwave

Spread a napkin on a plate with a flat bottom, spread the herbs and cover with another layer of a napkin. The product is then placed in the microwave. After 2.5 minutes, check the greens for readiness. If necessary, you can return the herb to the microwave for another couple of minutes.

How to dry dill for the winter so that it does not turn yellow

If the drying procedure spicy herb carried out incorrectly, then the appearance of the greenery changes, and it becomes covered with yellow spots. Common cause of change appearance temperature becomes too high during drying.

To prevent the dill leaves from drying out with any method chosen, they should be covered with a light cloth or paper.
