
Tongue salad with mushrooms and cheese. Salad with boiled tongue, cheese and mushrooms

Among gourmets who love mushrooms, salad with tongue and mushrooms is very popular. There are a great many of his recipes, and they are all quite simple, but each differs in its own way. original zest. Distinguishes such salads and the speed of their preparation. Those who wish to try to surprise their guests can recommend several recipes described below.

It has long been used in cooking as a delicacy product. It contains many elements that the body needs for life. The product is useful for people suffering from anemia, as it is more nutritious than beef dishes. Equally important is the presence of vitamin B12 and zinc in the composition, which can reduce the number of cholesterol cells. The meat of the tongue is tender, pleasant in taste, but, unlike other meat offal, it must be cooked for a long time (at least two hours) with seasonings and spices. But recipes for dishes with such an offal are striking in variety and originality. Especially popular among lovers of delicious food is tongue salad with mushrooms.

Ham variant

The tongue salad recipe is quite easy and quick to remember, and then cook, because it is simple in any version. They eat it no less quickly, thanks to the originality and unforgettable taste of food.

For the dish you need: pork tongue, three boiled eggs, about 200 grams of mushrooms (preferably champignons, but you can take mushrooms), the same amount hard cheese, ham.
The tongue is pre-boiled until cooked, then cooled and crushed. Hard-boiled egg white and cheese are rubbed on coarse grater and are divided into two parts. The yolk is ground into powder. The ham is cut into approximately slightly smaller cubes than the tongue. Mushrooms are fried vegetable oil. Then the components are laid out in layers: first the tongue, then a layer of mushrooms, egg whites and ham are placed on top. Grated cheese is sprinkled on top. Each layer must first be lubricated with mayonnaise and add all the seasonings to taste. Salad with tongue and mushrooms according to the recipe is ready. Some people prefer salted mushrooms in this recipe.

Then everything is decorated. egg yolk and the rest of the protein. Finely chopped green onion feathers are also used to decorate the salad. There are several other salad recipes of this type.

With champignons

For such a dish, they take beef tongue (about 300 g), about 200 g of champignons and a couple of small onions. Recipes for such a salad dish depend on the type of forest gifts. This one is classic.

Mushroom caps are cut into slices and fried in vegetable oil. The meat is cut into small strips, and the onion is cut into thin half-rings. Lay out, lubricating each layer of products with mayonnaise. Before submitting to dinner table salad with tongue and mushrooms is sprinkled with chopped herbs on top.

With pickled mushrooms

Salad with tongue and pickled mushrooms is different original taste. And this salad is pretty easy to make. For it, about three hundred grams of boiled pork or beef tongue and half as much ham. They are cut into thin strips. Then beautifully cut 200 grams of pickled mushroom caps, and the legs are cut into arbitrary pieces. Then shredded into straws fresh cucumber and rub the apple. All components of the salad with tongue and mushrooms are mixed with salt and seasonings to taste. You can add green onions or chopped onions. Grated hard cheese, chopped dill and parsley are often used for decoration. Same light salad can be done by slightly modifying the recipe. IN this case fresh vegetable replaced with pickled cucumbers. But there are other recipes too.

With walnuts

Nuts can be combined with garlic, and with this combination they give quite interesting taste and original flavor. To prepare a salad with nuts, tongue and garlic, take four tablespoons of chopped walnuts.
For one serving, a couple of cloves of garlic are enough, which are crushed in a garlic maker. The meat is cut and mixed with nuts and garlic. Season everything with mayonnaise, add salt, pepper. The dish is ready!

With other mushroom ingredients

Offal meat can be combined not only with champignons. For this, boletus, mushrooms or boletus are taken. Here is an example of such a combination.
100 g of the tongue is cut into small strips, a small onion is chopped, mixed with fresh and pickled cucumbers, cut into cubes, about 80 g of fried forest gifts. Fill the mixture with vegetable oil, add salt to taste.

With pine nuts

You can cook not only a dish with walnuts. No less interesting is the salad with pine nuts. For this case, take three pork tongue, as well as roasted pine nuts (about 200 g), four eggs, three cucumbers and hard grade cheese (about 300 g), green lettuce.

Pork tongues after boiled, put still hot in cold water, then pull out and remove the skin. Then they are cut into cubes and mixed with nuts and onions. It should be noted that the dish with pork tongues and pine nuts tastier than beef.
Hard-boiled eggs, cool, peel and finely chop. Cucumbers are cut into small cubes and grated cheese is added. IN ready meal put also chopped lettuce. Fill the mixture with mayonnaise. Decorate the salad with pine nuts with cilantro sprigs, let stand for half an hour. Salad with pine nuts is spicy in taste and very unusual. Some cooks take salted cedar nuts for its preparation.

With Chiken

Quite tasty and satisfying is a salad side dish cooked with tongue and chicken. Combined with cucumbers and bell peppers, chicken makes this dish quite original. Such a salad delicacy is prepared as follows: they take a pork tongue and chicken breast, purple onion, bell pepper and cucumber.
The tongue is boiled for about 15 minutes, then it is washed and put on fire again in a new broth for about two hours. After that, the offal is dipped in cold water to facilitate skinning. The meat is cut into cubes, the vegetables are chopped, and the mixture is seasoned mayonnaise sauce and vinegar (2 teaspoons). Dill, salt and a couple of tablespoons of water are also added to the dish.

It is rather difficult to imagine a product that would not go well with vegetables. Recipes for delicious and nutritious salad beef tongue or pork offal and vegetables have always been considered a delicacy. And thanks to the many options, everyone will be able to prepare food for themselves according to their taste and desire.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

As for mushrooms, for a salad, you can take any that you have - mushrooms, porcini or milk mushrooms. If there are no homemade preparations, then you can go to the store and buy a jar of mushrooms in a marinade or with another filling.
Fresh cucumbers and lettuce bell pepper use as a vegetable component. And to add to the dish bright colors, pepper is good to buy red or orange.
Well, one more component - potatoes, boiled in their skins, and then cut into cubes.
We fill the dish with any sauce - sour cream or mayonnaise.

How to cook a salad of tongue and pickled mushrooms

The recipe is for 6 servings.

- pork tongue - 400 g,
- potato tubers - 3-4 pieces,
- mushrooms (honey mushrooms in marinade) - 300 g,
- feathers green onion- 10-12 pcs.,
- salad pepper- 1 PC.,
- cucumber - 1 pc.,
- salt,
- spices,
- mayonnaise.

Step by step recipe with photo:

First of all, let's take a look at the language, because this is the longest stage of cooking. Thoroughly clean the tongue with a knife and put in a saucepan with cold water. Cook it for 1-1.5 hours until it is ready. Remove the tongue from the pan, cool and peel it from the skin. Then cut into thin strips.

Washed lettuce pepper cut into strips. First, we cut off the top from it and remove the seeds with the stalk, and then we cut it.

Washed fresh cucumbers cut into strips.

Boil the potatoes in their uniforms over medium heat so that they do not boil. Let cool, peel and cut into cubes.

Wash the green onions, pat dry and finely chop.
Open a jar of mushrooms, filter them, if necessary, rinse and chop.

Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Salad with tongue and pickled mushrooms is ready. Bon appetit!

Also try making a salad with tongue and radish.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

I present a salad with tongue and mushrooms, a recipe that, due to its composition and calorie content, can become a main course. The satiety of this dish is determined by the presence in it fried potatoes, beef tongue and savory fried mushrooms.
Cooking time: 30-40 minutes. I also advise you to find out how you can cook no less, which is also easy to prepare.
Servings Per Container: 2 servings.

- champignon mushrooms 130 g,
- beef tongue (boiled) 180 g,
- potatoes 200 g,
- processed cheese 1 pack
- boiled egg 1-2 pieces,
- kiwi 1 pc.,
- fresh tomato 1 PC.,
- mayonnaise,
- dill.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Chop the boiled beef tongue into thin strips, transfer to a plate.

washed fresh mushrooms cut the mushrooms into random small pieces.

Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil until golden brown over high heat. Then pour in soy or balsamic sauce to mushrooms and evaporate. Salt the mushrooms as needed and remove from heat. To taste, champignons are sweet-salty, and very fragrant.

Each cooked salad, I try to present beautifully and appetizingly. So today I cut out a ring from a paper bucket. In this ring I will lay out the salad in layers.
Place a ring in the center on a wide plate, pour beef tongue into it. Lightly tamp the first layer with a spoon. Lubricate the tongue with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Cut the pre-peeled potatoes into strips, hold in cold water.

While you collect the salad in one piece, fry potato straw in vegetable oil. Transfer the crispy potatoes to a paper towel.

After the tongue, lay out the grated processed cheese, pour over with mayonnaise.

Cut the kiwi into slices and arrange in the next layer.

Then sprinkle with grated boiled yolk.

Spread the fried mushrooms in another layer.

grated egg white sprinkle mushrooms.

From tomato slices lay out the top of the lettuce, garnish with a sprig of dill.

Take off the ring and sprinkle ready salad fried potatoes.

Serve the salad warm at the table. For those who love snacks with mushrooms, I recommend paying attention to the recipe.

Boiled tongue is considered to be a real delicacy; wonderful dishes that become decoration holiday table. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits this product, it helps to increase hemoglobin, it is necessary for pregnant women, children, nursing mothers, people with diseases gastrointestinal tract. However, pork or beef tongue is eaten not only as boiled meat or "jellied", but also serves as the basis for many delicious and nutritious salads.

Salad with tongue - food preparation

Home preparation when preparing a salad from the tongue, it comes down to properly boiling the tongue and removing the tough skin from it.

To begin with, the tongue should be thoroughly washed in cold water. running water, then put in boiling water and boil for 2.5-3 hours. To main ingredient for the salad it turned out tender and fragrant, salt, black peppercorns and Bay leaf.

It is easier to remove the skin from the tongue if you put it still hot in cold water.

Recipe 1: Tongue and Mushroom Salad

beef and swine tongues go well with mushrooms, especially with champignons or boletus. An example of such interesting combination it could be considered next salad.

- 100 grams of beef tongue (pre-boil);
- 80 grams of champignons;
- 1 small onion;
- 30 grams fresh cucumbers;
- 30 grams of pickled cucumbers;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- a few tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- salt.

Cooking method

Cut the boiled tongue into small strips. Fry onions and boiled mushrooms in vegetable oil. We mix the ingredients, dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Recipe 2: Tongue and Vegetable Salad

It is rather difficult to imagine a product that would not go well with vegetables. We offer a recipe for a delicious and nutritious salad of pork or beef tongue and vegetables.

- 300 grams of tongue;
- 1 carrot;
- 1-2 potatoes;
— 1 pickle;
- celery root;
- 1 egg;
- 30 grams of vegetable oil;
- black ground pepper;
- 20 milliliters of 3% vinegar;
- salt;
- dill.

Cooking method

All vegetables (except cucumbers) should be peeled and boiled in salted water. We cut the salad ingredients into cubes, make a sauce of vegetable oil, vinegar and black pepper. Dress the salad with dressing, sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 3: Tongue Salad with Nuts

Nuts and garlic are quite compatible, especially pleasant taste and this tandem acquires flavor if you add a little garlic.

- 1 beef tongue;
- 4 tablespoons walnuts;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 50 grams of mayonnaise;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method

Pass the garlic through the garlic, mix with finely chopped boiled tongue, add crushed walnuts. We mix all the components of the salad, salt, pepper and season with sauce.

Recipe 4: Salad with Boiled Tongue and Avocado

Avocado is a fairly new and non-traditional product for the CIS countries, but the Slavs have long learned how to combine it with other products correctly.

- 400 grams of boiled tongue;
- 2 avocados;
- 1 egg;
- 1 small onion;
- mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Peel the avocado and cut into cubes. We make pieces of the tongue the same size as an avocado, chop the onion finely. We mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise, salt. After the salad is laid out in a dish, it is decorated with slices boiled egg.

Recipe 5: Italian Salad

Language is considered a delicacy not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. In Italy, whose cuisine is famous wonderful recipes, came up with a salad of veal tongue, anchovies, boiled beets and tomatoes.

- 200 grams of veal tongue;
- 150 grams of boiled beets;
- 1 tomato;
- 10 grams of anchovies;
- lettuce leaves;
- celery root;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- salt.

Cooking method

Must be cut into pieces boiled beets And veal tongue, tear lettuce leaves with your hands, add anchovies, boiled celery root whipped in a blender, chopped tomatoes without skins and seeds.
Salt the salad and season with mayonnaise.

Recipe 6: Boiled Tongue Salad with Pineapples

Beef tongue is combined not only with vegetables, but also with fruits, especially pineapples.

- 300 grams of boiled beef tongue;
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- a few circles of pineapple (fresh or canned);
- 1 large bell pepper;
- 2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

Cut the pepper, tongue and pineapple into cubes, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, garlic on a fine grater. Salad, season with mayonnaise. You can decorate the dish with pomegranate seeds.

Beef tongue is cooked for 2.5-3 hours, veal tongue - 2 hours. The degree of readiness is checked as follows: pierce the tip of the tongue with a knife, if this is done easily and the knife enters freely, you can remove the tongue from boiling water.

The skin is removed from the tongue more easily if it is hot water immediately place in a cold place for a few minutes.

To make the smell pleasant, you can boil the tongue not in the first water, but in the second, for this it should be boiled in a saucepan for 5-7 minutes, then removed and transferred to another saucepan with new boiling water.

Meat salad with walnuts 1. Boil the mushrooms, put them in a colander, cool and cut into strips. 2. Cut the onion into strips. Grate carrots. Fry onions and carrots in oil. 3. Chicken fillet, ham and tongue cut into strips. 4. Chop nuts. 5. Prepared ing...You will need: fresh mushrooms - 200 g, boiled chicken fillet - 250 g, boiled tongue - 100 g, ham - 100 g, carrots - 1 pc., onion - 1 head, fried walnuts - 60 g, mayonnaise - 4 hours. spoons, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, green salad leaves - 1 head, greens ...

Cocktail salad with goose, ham and mushrooms 1. Pulp roast goose, tongue, ham and cucumber cut into strips, mushrooms into slices. 2. Salt the sour cream for the sauce, mix with mustard. 3. Put the prepared ingredients in layers in wine glasses, pour over the sauce. Decorate the salad with dill.You will need: roast goose pulp - 200 g, ham - 100 g, boiled tongue - 160 g, salted mushrooms - 150 g, cucumber - 1 pc., sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons, mustard - 1 teaspoon, salt

Finnish mushroom salad Cut the mushrooms into slices and boil for 4-5 minutes in water acidified with lemon juice. Throw it in a colander. Cut your tongue into cubes. For the sauce, finely chop the onion, mix with mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Combine the mushrooms before serving...You will need: mushrooms - 600 g, juice of 1 lemon, boiled beef tongue - 200 g, onion - 1 pc., light mayonnaise - 1/2 cup, mustard - 1 teaspoon, ground black pepper, salt

Salad "Monday" Cut your tongue into strips. Cut the mushrooms in the same way, fry them in oil until golden color. Finely chop the greens. Connect the tongue with mushrooms, herbs and nuts, season the salad with mayonnaise mixed with mustard. Decorate with herbs and nuts.You will need: boiled pork tongue - 1 pc., mushrooms - 200 g, vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. spoon, mustard - 1 teaspoon, chopped walnuts - 1/2 cup, mayonnaise - 1/2 cup, dill and parsley

salad with tongue Cut mushrooms, fry. Boiled tongue cut into cubes, eggs into cubes, mix with corn, green onions and herbs (dill, parsley). Cut the basil, fry olive oil, add soy sauce, mayonnaise. Mix everything.You will need: Tongue, champignon mushrooms, corn, eggs, greens

Tongue salad. Boiled tongue and cucumber cut into strips. Add mushrooms. Fill with mayonnaise. Put on lettuce leaves, sprinkle with cheese, garnish with herbs.Required: boiled tongue - 100 gr, fresh cucumber- 1 piece, pickled mushrooms (honey mushrooms) - 100 gr, cheese - 50 gr, lettuce, greens for decoration, mayonnaise.

Tongue salad with mushrooms Boil the tongue. Cut the mushrooms into strips and fry in a mixture of butter and sunflower oil. Cut the onion into half rings and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes. Cut the tongue and cucumbers into strips, add the remaining ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Bon appetit!Required: beef tongue-1, pickles 4-5pcs, mushrooms (fresh) 300g, onion 1 large, green peas 1 small jar, mayonnaise, oil for frying mushrooms, salt and pepper to taste

Salad with tongue, vegetables, mushrooms tongue, vegetables, cut into strips champignons, mix, season with mayonnaise, garnish with champignonsYou will need: boiled tongue 200 gr, red, yellow, green bell peppers 1/2 each, white leeks 1/2, 1-2 small tomatoes - remove liquid and seeds, marinated. champignons 7-10 pieces - plates and for decoration, 1 small. a jar of corn, mayonnaise, white pepper

Salad Favorite Pork cut into cubes and tongue. Boil the eggs, grate the cheese. Finely chop the greens, and mix the sour cream with mayonnaise. Finely chop the onion, pour boiling water over and marinate. Fry the mushrooms and put in a sieve so that the oil is glass. Lay in layers. 1)meat on it onion. 2) eggs n...Required: boiled pork-300g, boiled tongue-200g, eggs-8pcs, onion-1, mushrooms-300g, cheese-200g, mayonnaise, sour cream-3 tablespoons, salt.

Salad with tongue 216 Cook tongues, dip in cold water, clean. We cut the tongues into strips, if we cut the whole mushrooms into slices, finely chop the green onions. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise.Required: 1 beef tongue, 1 pork tongue, 1 can of sweet canned corn, 1 can of pickled porcini mushrooms, chopped, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 pack of mayonnaise
