
Aspic from veal tongue. jellied tongue

Aspic from beef tongue has always been an exquisite delicacy, and was a decoration of any festive table. To emphasize the refined and delicate taste of the tongue, it is served with mustard or horseradish.


  • Beef tongue - 1kg.
  • Carrots-1-2pcs.
  • Onion-1pc.
  • Gelatin-10g. (for 500 ml of broth)
  • Celery root-30g. (or a stalk of celery).
  • Bay leaf-1-2pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 5-7 peas.
  • Salt.

For decoration:

  • Lemon-1pc.
  • Green pea.
  • Parsley greens.


We clean the tongue, wash it, fill it with cold water and bring to a boil, then salt the water. Then again fill with cold water and put to boil. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for 2.5-3 hours over low heat. As it boils, remove the foam.


An hour before cooking, add carrots, a whole onion and celery root.


We take out the celery root, carrots and onions from the broth. We don't need onions and celery anymore. Leave the carrots to decorate the aspic. 30 minutes before the tongue is ready, add the bay leaf and peppercorns. Salt to taste.


Place the finished tongue in cold water for a couple of minutes. After that, we clean the tongue from the skin. We lower the cleaned tongue back into the broth and cool it together with the broth.


From boiled carrots, using a cookie cutter in the form of an asterisk, I prepared a decoration.


Pour gelatin 100 ml. chilled broth and leave for 10 minutes to swell.


Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath.


Remove the cooled tongue from the broth. In 400 ml. Add the dissolved gelatin to the broth. Bring the broth to a boil. DO NOT BOIL!


We cut the tongue into thin plates 5 mm thick. across the fibers.


Pour a small amount of broth into the bottom of the dish and put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Lay out the tongue on a layer of frozen jelly. Lay the sliced ​​lemon halves around the tongue. Decorate with carrots and parsley and fill with broth. Put the aspic from the tongue in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Bon appetit and Happy New Year!

Prepare the ingredients for the aspic, peel the carrots and onions, boil the eggs.
We wash the beef tongue and place it in a pot of cold water so that it is completely covered on top. As soon as it boils, remove the foam, reduce the fire to a minimum. We cook the tongue for 1.5-2 hours, until fully cooked, periodically cleaning the surface of the water from the foam that has appeared. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper and salt to the pan.

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water for 40 minutes so that it swells and is ready for further use.
After the time has elapsed, we take out the tongue and immediately lower it into a container of cold water in order to easily and simply release it from the outer skin. Then we cut it into thin pieces of the same thickness. Also chop the eggs and carrots. Strain the broth and stir in the dissolved gelatin.

You can put the prepared chopped pieces in portioned salad bowls and pour strained broth, not forgetting to decorate with parsley leaves, chopped eggs, carrots, olives, lemon slices, cucumbers (fresh or pickled) - to your taste.
Serve with horseradish, mayonnaise or mustard. Bon appetit to all and Happy New Year!!!

You can cook an excellent aspic from beef tongue if you initially know certain nuances and secrets of its preparation. In no time you will be able to get a tasty and incredibly healthy dish that can please absolutely everyone. True, for this you need to try.

If we talk about this delicacy, then we can bring many arguments in its favor. Beef tongue has an incredibly delicate taste, undoubted benefits and a wide range of applications in cooking. It can be used for absolutely everything and the result is excellent. It is also worth using the product as a dietary ingredient. In addition, one should not forget about the availability of beef tongue.

It can be considered one of the first and perhaps the best by-products from which you can get the maximum of vitamins and minerals. In terms of iron content, it surpasses many animal products, and the protein in its composition is easily digestible.

Often, chefs are afraid to cook various dishes from this offal due to ignorance of the basic rules for choosing a quality product. Having learned to cope with this difficult task, it will be possible to pamper yourself and loved ones with this delicacy without any problems.

Now there is a unique opportunity to learn the wisdom of choosing beef tongue and how to cook it. Unusually tasty and tender aspic will be a worthy reward for every culinary specialist.

Rules for choosing beef tongue

There is an unspoken set of rules according to which you can learn how to choose beef tongue, as well as the right approach to the cooking process.

1. Each beef tongue that has passed the appropriate sanitary attestation must have a stamp confirming the presence of an examination.

2. The pink color of the tongue indicates the clear freshness of the product. Shades close to purple indicate an increased iron content. Gray color confirms the long shelf life of the offal. A light shade clearly indicates the presence of repeated freezing.

3. The sense of smell should help in choosing. Beef tongue has a fresh smell with meat notes without the slightest impurity of mustiness and bitterness.

4. The beef tongue should feel soft to the touch. The dent, after touching, immediately becomes elastic. A small amount of blood and juice clearly indicates the freshness of the offal.

Beef tongue aspic - step by step recipe with photo

Aspic tongue is a dish that can be prepared both for a daily diet and for a holiday. This offal is incredibly tasty and healthy. When cooking, you can use your imagination and decorate your masterpiece as you like.

We will need:

  • Beef tongue - 800 g
  • Carrots for decoration
  • Bulb onions
  • Black peppercorns
  • Allspice peas
  • Bay leaf
  • Gelatin - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Parsley for decoration


1. Prepare the necessary products on the desktop.

2. Pour beef tongue with cold water and soak for half an hour so that the blood comes down. After that, you can proceed directly to cooking.

3. In order to get a beautiful transparent broth, the tongue is boiled in several waters. The first time it will cook for half an hour.

4. After the allotted time, we take out the tongue, wash it from the ichors. We will not use this broth, as it is dirty with flakes.

5. Put the offal in a saucepan and pour cold water. Here we add all the spices, salt, carrots. 20 - 30 minutes before the end of cooking, we lower the onion, it remarkably kills unpleasant odors, and bay leaf.

6. We take out the beef tongues and give them cold water, but it is not recommended to bring it to complete cooling, as the skin will not be cleaned well.

7. At this time, you need to strain the broth with cheesecloth. It must be taken as much as will fit into your dishes. In my case, 2 glasses are enough. Try to take the broth without fat, then it will be clean and transparent. We will just fill them with our dish.

8. We make decorations from carrots. Here you can show your imagination as you like. We also use parsley in the decoration.

10. Cut the tongue into thin slices and put in a dish. Also add carrots and greens on top.

11. Pour the broth evenly and leave in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

I hope this aspic will be included in your cookbook and become your favorite dish.

You can see more details in the video recipe:

Bon appetit!

1. If the plans include using only part of the beef tongue, then it should be divided into parts and placed in the freezer.

2. Potato tubers with butter or grilled will be an excellent side dish. Horseradish or adjika will go well with him. But, a lot depends on how hot sauces are prepared.

3. For beef tongue aspic, use mineral water without gas. This will help to give a special transparency to the broth and enhance the saturation of the offal.

4. The turbidity of the broth can be easily overcome if the following secret is taken into account. Strain the resulting liquid, take a chilled egg, separate the protein and beat it into a dense foam. Add to liquid and put on fire. Boil. Boil under a closed lid for at least 8 minutes. Strain. Absolutely clear broth will have an excellent taste.

5. To make the aspic from the tongue more tender, you need to take bone broth and refuse gelatin. It is preferable to use beef bones. In rare cases, fish bones are used. Cook them less, but the astringent properties are an order of magnitude higher. After boiling, strain the broth well through a fine sieve, add bay leaves and peppercorns to enhance the taste.

A delicacy in the form of an exquisitely decorated dish with tongue will decorate the festive table and pleasantly surprise guests. Aspic from the tongue is a universal snack, which, if served correctly, will become a real "highlight" of the feast. The process of preparing the filling is simple. With a little practice, you can delight your guests and loved ones with this delicious and satisfying treat. Here are some recipes.

Aspic of beef tongue

Aspic is a tasty and satisfying dish that is ideal as an interesting addition to the festive table. It is not so difficult to prepare an original snack. The main thing is to approach this process carefully and with love. Complementing the treat with spectacular decorative decorations from products, you will create a real work of culinary art.


  • 1 kg beef tongue
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • 2 parsley roots
  • 10-12 peppercorns
  • 3-4 allspice
  • 1-2 cloves
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 25-30 g gelatin
  • 1-2 eggs
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley
  • spices

How to prepare aspic with beef tongue:

  1. Rinse your tongue, prepare all the ingredients. Place the meat in a saucepan, cover with cold water, put on fire. Remove the film while cooking.
  2. After the water in the pan boils, add a whole peeled onion, carrots, parsley roots, cloves, allspice, black pepper, bay leaf. After half an hour, remove the lavrushka. Boil all ingredients for about two hours.
  3. Remove the cooked meat, rinse with cold water, peel off the skin.

  4. Cut the peeled tongue into slices 1.5-2 cm thick. Cut across the grain.
  5. Cut boiled carrots into thin rings. We will use it to decorate the aspic. Strain the broth through a thick, clean cloth. To achieve transparency of the jelly, you need to clarify the liquid. To do this, take the protein of one raw chicken egg per liter, beat in a separate container, where add a glass of chilled broth, as well as a tablespoon of lemon juice. Pour the resulting mixture into the boiling broth and season.
  6. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of hot broth and mix with the total mass. Pour a little broth with gelatin into a pre-prepared dish with high sides, place the plate in a cold place to form the bottom layer of the aspic.
  7. After hardening, spread slices of tongue, carrots, hard-boiled egg rings, parsley on the bottom layer of the aspic.

  8. Pour all the ingredients with broth, place the aspic from the tongue in a cold place overnight.

  9. In the morning, the dish will be ready to serve.

    How to make aspic from pork tongue

    It can be done in different ways, including aspic. Various meats are used for this dish, but regardless of the type of meat base used, the principle of preparing aspic is approximately the same in all cases. An originally designed appetizer will help to pleasantly surprise guests, as well as warm up the appetite before serving the main course. Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction for preparing a hearty and tasty treat.


  • pig tongue
  • black peppercorns
  • allspice
  • carnation
  • carrot
  • Bay leaf
  • gelatin
  • spices
  • decorations: radish, lemon, green peas

Aspic recipe with pork tongue:

How to cook a dish in a slow cooker

Modern technologies have not bypassed cooking, and newfangled devices began to appear in our kitchens, designed to significantly facilitate and also speed up the process of preparing all kinds of dishes. In the process of preparing the aspic, a device such as a slow cooker will be needed only at the stage of cooking vegetables and tongue. However, its use will greatly simplify cooking.


  • beef tongue
  • carrot
  • bulb
  • salt, spices
  • gelatin

How to prepare aspic in a slow cooker:

After a few hours, the aspic from the tongue will be ready to serve.

Aspic recipe without gelatin

Aspic is almost always prepared using gelatin, which ensures timely and reliable solidification of jelly. However, in dietary cooking, it is practiced to prepare this nutritious and tasty snack without the use of soluble gelatin. Instead, they prepare a broth based on duck offal, which has similar properties.


  • beef or pork tongue
  • onion
  • 5 bay leaves
  • duck giblets
  • allspice
  • salt, spices
  • quail eggs

Step-by-step instructions for preparing aspic without gelatin:

It is noteworthy that the calorie content of aspic allows you to classify it as a dietary snack, so a tasty dish cannot harm your figure. An originally designed treat will help decorate the banquet table and pleasantly surprise the guests gathered at it. The process of preparing the aspic is not fraught with anything complicated. It only takes a little patience, as some cooking steps take a long time.

How to decorate a finished dish photo

Exquisitely decorated aspic is not only a delicious treat, but also a spectacular decorative element on the festive table. The jellied tongue gives an amazing opportunity, by connecting your imagination, to immerse yourself in culinary experiments and, as a result, present your own unique way of serving a dish. Quail eggs, lemon slices, green peas, pickled cucumbers, figuratively carved carrots, herbs and other ingredients are used to decorate the snack. See what options you can get:

Video recipe: Aspic of veal tongue with rye bread

The video below provides a step-by-step description of the preparation of a delicious and original aspic with veal tongue and rye bread. A visual instruction will allow you to better understand the cooking process and even become the author of a real culinary masterpiece.

Jellied dishes are a classic of festive feasts. They delight the eye with a colorful picture captured in transparent jelly, and delight the palate with the smoothness of cold jelly. And if the aspic is made from the tongue, then this is a classic among the classics and the best of the best. But it’s not so easy to cook the “king” - the aspic may not freeze, and the tongue can turn out to be tough. In order not to “sit in a puddle” from an unfrozen aspic, but to please the guests with a beautiful and tasty dish, follow the instructions below exactly. First, I will show the basic recipe for aspic from the tongue, and then its variation - portioned aspic with the tongue.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • beef tongue 1.2 kg
  • onion 1 pc.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • greens to taste
  • star anise 1 star
  • laurel leaf 1 pc.
  • allspice 1 tsp
  • sour cream 100 g
  • horseradish 1 tbsp. l.
  • spices to taste
  • gelatin 1 sachet
  • salt 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • chicken egg for decoration
  • vegetable platter marinated for decoration
  • sour cucumber 1-2 pcs.
  • mustard for serving

How to cook aspic from the tongue

When choosing “raw materials” for aspic, stop at a dense, not limp, light pink tongue without a coating. Before you cook the broth, you need to carry out several mandatory preparatory procedures with the tongue. First rinse thoroughly under running water. Then pour water into a bowl, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it and soak your tongue for 20 minutes. Lemon will soften fabrics and remove excess odors.

Put the tongue in a saucepan, fill it with water and cook over medium heat for 5-10 minutes, removing the foam. After that, change the water, and only now cook the tongue until cooked for 1-2 hours.

Roots, onions, carrots, bay leaves, allspice and star anise will make the broth fragrant. During cooking, make sure that the broth does not boil too much, otherwise it will become cloudy.

Remove the finished tongue (soft when pierced) from the broth and dip in very cold water.

Clean the tongue from the film, and set the broth to settle.

Pour desired amount of broth into a small saucepan and clear with egg white. To do this, put the broth on the fire and carefully pour the beaten egg whites into it. When it boils, stir lightly and leave to cook on the smallest fire for five minutes.

Remove foam all the time.

Remove the pan from the stove and leave for 5-10 minutes. All particles will settle to the bottom, and the thickness of the broth will remain clean and can be collected with a ladle in another saucepan. If the procedure for preparing the broth from the tongue seems too tedious for you, you can take ready-made chicken or fish broth for aspic.

Soak the gelatin according to the instructions, and then dissolve it in the broth.

Hold the boiled tongue in the refrigerator for a while so that it freezes. After that, cut it into thin slices.

In order for the aspic to retain its appearance after solidification, first make a substrate under the tongue and vegetables. To do this, pour a little broth into the plates and put them in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. On the resulting substrate, beautifully arrange pieces of tongue and colorful canned vegetables. Pour them gently with broth and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

You can decorate the aspic with a mixture of vegetables, sour cucumbers, fresh herbs.

After a few hours, the aspic will be ready to serve. Mustard, horseradish or horseradish in sour cream are suitable as a sauce.

Aspic from the tongue in portioned cups

A special case of this delicious dish is aspic from the tongue in portioned cups. Such decoration, or culinary design, always looks elegant and original. Yes, it’s convenient - pour the aspic into portioned glasses and freeze in this way, then put it beautifully on croutons / plate and serve to each guest.
In this edition, the aspic tongue is completely “not visible” - the meat is cut into small pieces, and it will not be clear to the guest what it is until you explain. It turns out a small but tasty culinary intrigue.


  • boiled tongue 400 g
  • meat broth 500-700 ml
  • boiled carrots 100 g
  • boiled egg 1 pc.
  • sour cucumber 1 pc.
  • sundried tomato to taste
  • gelatin 1 pack
  • salt to taste
  • garlic 1 clove
  • horseradish with beets 2 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • dark bread 2 slices
  • dill for decoration
  • plastic cups 7-10 pcs.


The main taste of the aspic depends on how you cook the tongue. Bring the pot with the product filled with water to a boil, drain the water. Fill with fresh cold water, add carrots, onions and spicy spices to the tongue. Cook the tongue over medium heat for about two hours. Don't over-salt the broth. To give it a light smoky flavor, hold the carrots and onions a little over the fire and only then add them to the broth.
Prepare shallow plastic cups, disposable.

Soak gelatin according to package directions.
Clarify the broth by pouring protein into it, bring to a boil and remove the foam. Then put part of the gelatin into the broth and heat well on the stove, but do not boil.

Make vegetable decorations. For example, you can use the cap of a felt-tip pen to squeeze circles out of boiled carrots and then form a pattern to your liking.
You can also cut circles from the protein, and cut the sour cucumber into strips.

Pour the diluted broth into the bottom of the cups and put in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Remove the cups and place the cut vegetables on the frozen layer: carrots, protein, cucumber, chopped garlic and sun-dried tomato.

Pour quite a bit of broth and refrigerate, the vegetables will harden and will no longer float in a glass.

Cut the meat into small cubes, pour it into each glass, pour the broth on top, leaving a little free space. Put it in the refrigerator so that the aspic freezes well.

Mix a little swollen gelatin with mayonnaise, horseradish and broth (2-3 tablespoons).
Place this mixture in the last layer and put the aspic from the tongue in the refrigerator until it solidifies completely.

And now the most interesting - decoration. Cut circles from dark bread with a glass, fry them in a dry frying pan on both sides and serve aspic on them.
Before serving, put a little horseradish on each toast.

Spread the aspic from the tongue. Serve a cold appetizer on a shared platter garnished with herbs.
