
Recipe for pumpkin juice with orange. Spicy juice for the winter

Pumpkin continues the season autumn preparations for the winter, when the entire crop has already been removed from the trees and bushes. The sweet rolls aren't over yet unless there are a few jars on the pantry shelf holding fragrant juice pumpkin with orange. And this is not just a dessert drink, but a source of many useful substances for the body. Great amount vitamins, micro and macro elements, pectin and valuable fiber are found in fresh fruits and remain in properly prepared juice.

Pumpkin-orange drinks are no different long term storage, they should be consumed within 2-3 months after canning. But you can cook such a delicacy until the winter. Whole fruits are well tolerated room temperature, are inexpensive, frozen pulp is also suitable for processing, and oranges are available all year round.

How to make quality juice from pumpkin - basic principles

With a juicer, juicer and other equipment at hand, it is easy to prepare pumpkin drinks in any quantity, at any time. Represented simple recipes will allow you to make preparations for the winter, both with the involvement of kitchen units, and without them. A sieve, grater or gauze, a little patience and a minimum of heat treatment is all that is needed for such a process.

The vegetable itself with orange flesh has some features. A few tips:

  1. 1. The best juice comes from ripe pumpkin with a bright center. It is worth choosing small fruits weighing up to 5 kg.
  2. 2. To prepare a vegetable for processing means to peel it from the hard skin, cut it into halves and remove the seeds. The fibers inside can be removed or left if a thicker product is needed.
  3. 3. Cake is used for stuffing pancakes, pies and dressing milk porridge. The mass crushed in the blender can be returned to the drink, which will give it a puree-like consistency.
  4. 4. Use for sweetening regular sugar, but it can be replaced with honey in the same amount. The liquid will become viscous and will become even more useful.

pumpkin- Orange juice weakens and reduces acidity. This should be taken into account by those to whom such an action is contraindicated. Gastroenterologists advise drinking a drink before breakfast. Taken before bed, it is great for helping with insomnia.

Pumpkin juice with orange at home

Anyone who hates pumpkin will never guess what the drink is made of. IN ready-made it resembles a honey balm with a bright orange flavor- real jam!

To make such a yummy at home, you will need the simplest products:

  • pumpkin - 4 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar (or honey) - 800 g;
  • water - from 5 to 7 liters;
  • citric acid - 15 g (1 tablespoon).

Water is added arbitrarily until the drink reaches the desired concentration. Citric acid is replaced by fresh citrus juice. This will require 2 lemons.

Pumpkin is prepared as standard. Oranges are peeled and cut into pieces. If it is decided to use the zest or peel, add only the amount that can be removed from half of the fruit. Otherwise, the juice may be bitter.

Step-by-step instructions for preparing a drink with a manual spin:

  1. 1. Peeled pumpkin pulp is cut into slices, and then into cubes.
  2. 2. Together with an orange, put in a saucepan and cook until the pumpkin softens (about 20 minutes).
  3. 3. Grind the resulting mass manually with a conventional potato masher or pass through a meat grinder.
  4. 4. Puree is squeezed through several layers of gauze or rubbed through a sieve to obtain a drink with pulp.
  5. 5. Add citric acid, sugar and put on small fire. Water is poured in in portions to control the density of the product.
  6. 6. Bringing the juice to a boil, pour it into prepared sterile containers and seal it tightly with metal lids.

Pumpkin in this form is a very delicate product in storage. The presence of citrus fruits and sugar adds durability to the blanks, but it is extremely important to observe the sterility of dishes, warm or boil jars and lids before packaging.

Drink with pulp and orange juice

Pumpkin contains a whole bunch of vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iodine and zinc salts and many other useful compounds. According to the content of carotene (provitamin A), a ripe vegetable is not inferior to carrots, and valuable fiber is especially soft and does not injure digestive tract. All the benefits of the fruit can be preserved as much as possible only by processing it with pulp.

For thick diet juice required:

  • peeled pumpkin - 3 kg;
  • oranges - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • citric acid - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water: 1 l for brewing + 3 l for diluting the juice.

Cooking process step by step:

  1. 1. Sliced ​​​​pumpkin is placed in large saucepan and pour in 1-2 liters of water.
  2. 2. Boil the vegetable under the lid until soft.
  3. 3. Wash oranges thoroughly, cut in half and extract the juice. Bones from the liquid should be removed.
  4. 4. The peel can be added to the pan and boiled along with the pumpkin. The drink will become more aromatic.
  5. 5. The total boiling time of the mass should not be more than 30 minutes. Juice is poured just before turning off.
  6. 6. After finishing heating, peels are removed from the workpiece, pour the entire portion of sugar and pierce with a blender to a puree state.

Now the vegetable mass can be brought to the desired taste and density by adding citric acid and pouring in water. The juice becomes thicker as it is stored, which means it can be heavily diluted.. Packed up ready drink after reheating. This time, the mass is only brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat. Preserving hot billets in the usual way, warmly wrapped and slowly cooled.

If it is necessary to extend the shelf life of the juice or it is supposed to be left in normal home conditions, then the blanks are additionally pasteurized for 20 to 30 minutes. Liter containers are kept in boiling water for at least 15 minutes, and three-liter containers - 30. Jars are sealed after sterilization.

With a juicer

Having such an aggregate as an assistant, it is not difficult to cook from any raw material. The assistance of mechanisms in the processing of pumpkin is especially valuable. To extract liquid manually it has to be cooked. The juicer allows you to get a "live" product, and choose the method of its processing, taking into account the conditions of further storage.

The general principle is simple - skip the pieces of vegetable and citrus through the unit and preserve. The ratio of products for a drink without pulp:

  • 2 kg pumpkin;
  • 1 kg of oranges;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

Before peeling citrus fruits, they must be washed and doused with boiling water. After this, the fruits must be thoroughly wiped with a clean towel, trying to remove plaque, which may contain chemicals. Carefulness is necessary, as the drink will need zest.


  1. 1. A decoction is prepared from 0.5 liters of water and zest: boil for 5 minutes, cool and filter.
  2. 2. Pieces of vegetable and slices of orange (pitted) are passed through a juicer.
  3. 3. The liquid is sent to the pan, put on the stove and poured with a fragrant broth from the zest.
  4. 4. Introduce sugar and citric acid into the product, adjust their amount, focusing on your taste.
  5. 5. Boil for 10 minutes and immediately pour into sterile, warm jars.

The drink can be preserved without additives, only pure pumpkin and orange juice. Such a blank will stand in a cool place for several months. And with sweetening and citric acid, the shelf life is noticeably increased.

Pumpkin and citrus fruits in a juicer

The drink in the juicer is prepared with the help of steam. Pieces of pumpkin are placed in the upper tray, and water is poured into the lower tray up to the mark. Oranges can also be sent to the unit or the juice can be extracted from them separately and mixed in at the end. But the main convenience is the ability to pour the product directly into canning containers.

By substituting sterile jars under the spout, they can be sealed immediately after filling. If all products, including sugar, are placed in the tray together, then the process of brewing the drink will be reduced to cutting the components, sterilizing glassware and screw caps. The juicer will do the rest.

Additional ingredients or spices require warming up with the drink until it boils. Now delicious preparation can be packaged.

Pumpkin goes well with apples, carrots, apricots, pears and other fruits. But berries should be introduced into recipes with caution. Some of them (for example, blackberries) can change the color of the drink, making it gray. Use proven combinations or fruits that are close in shade.

Refreshing notes will add mint to the drink. Boil it together with juice, putting it in a gauze bag, and take it out before pouring it into jars.

Pumpkin and orange juice with the addition of apples is well flavored with cinnamon. After all, where there are apples, there is a place for this spice. spicy taste can be strengthened with cloves.

If the mixture is not diluted with water, then according to the same recipes, thick puree. In winter it can be used as independent dish or diluted with water in any proportion to obtain reconstituted juice. Pumpkin and orange concentrate saves storage space.

To prepare for the cold, it is important to use the whole variety of vitamins and useful products who gave us summer cottages. Pumpkin juice with orange for the winter - delicious and healthy drink, which is long winter evenings will remind with its color of warm bright summer days. It combines citrus and pumpkin, known for their characteristics and beneficial effects. If you don't really like pumpkin, then you will really like it with the addition of orange. The combination of oranges and pumpkin gives a very pleasant, unusual taste.

Useful properties of pumpkin

The benefits of this wonderful vegetable can not be overestimated. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

  1. The pulp is rich in proteins minerals, pectins and fiber. It also contains vitamins PP, B1 and B2, C. There are pumpkin varieties that contain more keratin than carrots.
  2. Improves eyesight. The composition of the vegetable includes vitamin A, which has a positive effect on the eyes.
  3. Helps the digestive system. Pumpkin pulp promotes the absorption of food, helps to reduce weight.
  4. Improves metabolism.
  5. Purifies the body. Pumpkin promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins.
    Reduces arterial pressure. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  6. Diuretic action. Great content water (90%) and salts in pumpkin reduces the risk of kidney and bladder stones.
  7. Strengthens the nervous system.
  8. Helps with insomnia.
  9. Low-calorie drink - a plus in losing weight.
  10. Helps with the removal of worms.
  11. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Strengthens immunity.
  12. Improves mood and raises vitality.
  13. Contains a large number of zinc, which protects against jaundice, Botkin's disease, cancers.
  14. Strengthens bones. Promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
  15. Used in cosmetology.

Such richness of pumpkin makes pumpkin juice with orange indispensable in cold winter.

You should refrain from drinking pumpkin juice for certain diseases:

  • diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcer);
  • problems of the duodenum;
  • diabetes
  • bloating, colic;
  • low acidity of the stomach, etc.

Children should gradually introduce pumpkin juice with orange, prepared for the winter, into the diet, depending on their reaction. Keratin, a large amount of it, causes severe allergies.

Saturated with vitamins, very tasty and bright, made by hand homemade juice from pumpkin, and even with oranges - real vitamin bomb. And making pumpkin juice at home is not difficult.

Juicing - orange mood

Recipe pumpkin juice with orange for the winter. For this drink you will need:

  • 8 kg of pumpkin;
  • 1.5 kg of oranges;
  • sugar (about 2 kg);
  • water;
  • lemon acid.

Juice with pulp should be about 15 liters at the exit.

You can proportionally reduce the amount of ingredients depending on the size of the pan and the amount of juice required. If you prefer sour drinks, take more oranges.

Cooking process: pumpkin-orange juice for the winter

Wash the pumpkin, peel it. Cut in half and free from seeds.

The color of the juice depends on the type of vegetable. Choose sweet fruits, they are bright orange in color. There are a lot of pumpkin varieties and only three varieties are very well suited for harvesting juice for the winter.

Varieties are famous for their tasty and juicy pulp:

  • hard pumpkin - early variety with large seeds, very sweet fruit;
  • large-fruited pumpkin - large with very tasty, sweet pulp fruits, weight reaches 5 kg, can be stored in a cold place all winter;
  • butternut squash - late variety, small fruits with pulp very tasty and juicy.

Cut the pulp into small pieces.

Wash oranges well. Remove the zest from them and grate it.
Combine pumpkin pieces with zest. Place them in a saucepan and cover with water (it should barely cover the pulp of the pumpkin).

Boil over a fire for 20-30 minutes until the pumpkin is ready. You should get a soft mass.

Remove the mixture from the fire and let it cool down.
Beat the pumpkin mass with a blender until smooth. Get a drink with delicious pulp.

Add juice squeezed from oranges, a little citric acid, sugar. Mix everything. Taste the drink.

Bring the juice back to a boil and boil for 7-10 minutes. Remove foam.
Sterilize prepared jars.

Pour juice into jars and roll up.

Delicious pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter is ready!

Juice has a slight disadvantage: it does not contain acid and therefore has a short shelf life, even if kept in the cold. Therefore, they make it in small portions, at one time.

Orange zest can be used in other ways. cut her large slices and boil together with juice at the very end. During this time, the zest will share its beneficial properties with the drink. Pull the skins out of the juice and roll it into prepared jars.

Fragrant viscous juice with hints of orange is not recommended to drink during or after meals. You need to drink juice separately from meals.

To strengthen the body, you should drink no more than 0.5 cups of pumpkin juice per day 30 minutes before meals. For weight loss and treatment, drink ¼ cup of juice 3 times a day before meals for at least 10 days.

To consume pumpkin juice during pregnancy, consult your doctor.

Pumpkin juice has a calorie content of about 40 kcal per 100 grams, it can also be given to children different ages, and the elderly, and people weakened after illness.

Try making pumpkin juice with orange at home. It is sure to please you and your loved ones on cold winter days!

Making pumpkin juice with oranges for the winter - video

With the beginning of autumn, a golden beauty appears on the tables - a pumpkin. For many months she will be a frequent guest, you can cook a lot of pumpkin variety of dishes- stews, soups, side dishes, desserts. But today we will talk about something else - we are preparing pumpkin juice with orange for the winter. Thanks to the neutral taste of pumpkin, the addition of orange makes our juice just incredibly tasty. For a subtle spicy touch, you can add cinnamon if desired. This juice will frequent drink on your table, the kids will definitely ask for more. To make juice according to this recipe, you do not need a juicer, so feel free to join us and replenish our bins with healthy, beautiful and tasty juice.

Taste Info Other preparations / Drinks


  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • orange - 270 g;
  • filtered water - 2.5 l;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • granulated sugar- 160 g;
  • citric acid - a pinch.

How to make pumpkin juice with orange for the winter

First of all, we choose a pumpkin in the market, a pumpkin of sweet varieties, which has a honey aroma, is excellent. With a sharp knife or a vegetable peeler, remove the peel from the pumpkin, cut out the soft fibers and seeds, rinse the pumpkin pulp under cool water, and dry with a kitchen towel. Cut the pumpkin into random pieces.

With the help of a combine, grind the pumpkin with small chips, if there is no combine, we take the most ordinary grater and do the same. We shift the pumpkin shavings into a deep bowl, set aside for a while.

Pour a measured amount of filtered water into a saucepan or thick-bottomed pan, put on the stove, bring to a boil.

Dip pumpkin flakes in hot water, cover the saucepan with a lid, return to the stove. For 15 minutes, cook the pumpkin with a not very active seething. This time is enough for the pumpkin to reach fully prepared.

While the pumpkin is cooking, take an orange - rinse and dry the citrus. We divide the orange into two equal parts, squeeze the juice from one half, peel the other half and light veins, cut the orange pulp arbitrarily. The peel of an orange can be thrown away, or it can be poured several times with boiling water, cut and dried, later added to teas and homemade drinks.

Remove the saucepan from the stove, pour orange juice into it, throw in pieces of oranges. Boil for two minutes.

Using an immersion blender, grind the contents of the stewpan for several minutes, so that as a result we get a homogeneous, smooth liquid.

To enhance the flavor to your liking, add a cinnamon stick, add granulated sugar and a pinch of citric acid. Boil the future juice for several minutes, dissolving the sugar crystals. If desired, we filter the juice through a sieve, or, as in our case, leave it with pulp.

Banks are pre-washed and sterilized convenient way, fill with ready juice, pre-filter the cinnamon. We seal the jars with boiled lids, check the sealing so that the juice does not leak.

teaser network

We turn each jar of pumpkin juice upside down, cover with a warm blanket, leave to cool for a day. We store juice from pumpkin with orange in a cool room where direct rays of light do not enter.

Enjoy your meal!

Pumpkin juice with orange is a delicious, healthy drink, reminiscent of warm, bright summer days with its color. The composition of the drink includes citrus fruits and pumpkin, which have many useful properties.

Not everyone loves pumpkin pure form, but with the addition of orange, the drink is transformed, acquiring an exquisite taste.

With orange and lemon

Lemons don't have the same flavor as oranges, but when used together in preparation, the juice is delicious.


  • pumpkin - 2.3 kg;
  • pure water- 2.3 l;
  • oranges - 300 g;
  • lemons - 250 g;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g.

Orange and pumpkin juice

We do this:

  1. Rinse pumpkin, dry. Cut off the skin in a thin layer. Chop into medium cubes. Determine in an enameled container, pour water. Put on moderate fire.
  2. Rinse lemons and oranges. Additional rinse boiling water. Thinly cut the zest. Finely chop it and send it to a container for a pumpkin. From the moment of boiling, continue cooking for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Meanwhile, squeeze juice from citrus products.
  4. Remove the pumpkin container from the stove, cover with a gauze cloth and leave on the table to cool. Finely chop the vegetable using a blender or food processor. The consistency of the mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.
  5. Puree combine with juice, granulated sugar and, if desired, you can add citric acid (on the tip of a knife). Assess consistency. If the drink seems thick, you can add water.
  6. Pour into a suitable saucepan, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Pour into sterile jars, seal tightly. Turn over, wrap in a warm blanket. After complete cooling, store in a cool room.

With orange and apple

The recipe for pumpkin juice with oranges and apples for the winter is tasty and fragrant. This combination gives the drink a special originality.


  • apples - 4 kg;
  • pumpkin - 4 kg;
  • oranges - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g;
  • citric acid to taste.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Rinse pumpkin, dry. Peel off the skin with a thin layer coarse fibers and seeds. Cut into cubes, put in a suitable pan, pour 2 liters of filtered water. Set on the stove, cook at medium temperature until soft.
  2. In the meantime, while the vegetable is being prepared, rinse the apples, divide into equal parts. Remove seed box. Pass the peeled halves through a juicer.
  3. Wash citrus fruits, pour over with boiling water. Peel, and get freshly squeezed juice from the pulp.
  4. boiled pumpkin cover with a cloth, refrigerate. Puree with a sieve or blender. Straining the liquid first.
  5. IN separate saucepan mix pumpkin puree, apple and orange juices, granulated sugar. Stir, add citric acid to taste. But, as a rule, the acid in the juice is enough.
  6. Set the container with the contents on the stove. After boiling the composition, cook for 8-10 minutes. If foam forms on the surface, it must be removed. Pour into sterile jars ready composition. Cool under a warm coat, store in a cool place.

With orange and carrot

For the preparation of pumpkin-orange juice, it is additionally used juicy carrot. Color and taste will please adults and children.


  • pumpkin - 2 kg;
  • clean water - 4 l;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • oranges - 1.4 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece (medium size, optional);
  • granulated sugar - 800 g.

We do this:

  1. Wash, dry and clean vegetables. Cut into cubes. Put in an enameled container and pour the specified amount of liquid. Set to moderate heat.
  2. Rinse oranges, pour over boiling water. Cut the zest, and peel the pulp from the white film. Squeeze juice from peeled orange. Get juice from a lemon in the same way.
  3. After boiling vegetables, add orange zest to them. Cook until vegetables are fully cooked. Then remove from stove and cool. Grind until puree. Put it back on the stove.
  4. Pour granulated sugar, freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice. Boil for 5 minutes with regular stirring. Pour into sterile jars, seal tightly. Turn over, after cooling, put in the cellar.

Spicy juice for the winter

We suggest considering the option of making pumpkin juice with oranges and fragrant spices for the winter. For more bright aroma It is recommended to use freshly ground cinnamon. So the drink will turn out much tastier.

spicy juice


  • pumpkin - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.3 l;
  • orange - 200 g;
  • cinnamon - 1.5 g;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife;
  • carnation -1 inflorescence;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Remove rind from orange. Chop it finely and put it in a bowl. Remove the white film that gives bitterness from the pulp.
  2. Rinse the pumpkin, dry and peel. Chop into a medium sized cube. Put to the zest, pour 650 ml of water. Cover and put on the stove. From the moment of boiling, cook until soft on medium heat. Cool down.
  3. Using a food processor, puree the vegetable with orange peel. Then the drink is obtained with a delicate texture.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the orange pulp, pour it over the pumpkin. Add the rest of the water. Look at the consistency. If necessary, you can add a little more water.
  5. Pour in cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, citric acid and granulated sugar. From the moment of boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Carefully catch the carnation, as it is not recommended to leave it in the workpiece.
  6. Pour the pumpkin drink with orange and spices into sterile jars. Close tightly, after cooling, remove to a cold place.

Juice “Economy”

Approximately 8-9 liters will come out of the indicated amount of ingredients. finished juice. Therefore, do not forget to get a suitable pan. For getting least quantity drink, the amount of food taken is reduced.


  • pumpkin - 4.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g;
  • oranges - 750 g;
  • citric acid - 2.5 tsp

We do this:

  1. Rinse and clean pumpkin. Chop into a medium sized cube. Put into a large saucepan.
  2. Fill with water so that the vegetable is completely hidden. Put on the stove on medium heat.
  3. Rinse citrus fruits and pour over with boiling water. Remove a thin layer of zest and chop it. Add to pumpkin. Set the pulp aside.
  4. Bring pumpkin to a boil, reduce heat. Cook until softened. Remove from stove, cool.
  5. Using a blender or a sieve, wipe the resulting vegetable. The consistency of the mass is puree.
  6. Remove the white film from the pulp of oranges. Otherwise, the juice will be a little bitter. Using a juicer, extract juice from citrus fruits.
  7. Combine orange juice and pureed pumpkin. Add sugar, citric acid. Stir, put on the stove from the moment of boiling, boil for 5 minutes. Pour into sterile jars. Screw tight, put away cool place for storage.
  1. Pumpkin goes well with carrots, apples. Juice is allowed to be prepared with the addition of apricots, pears, plums and other fruits.
  2. When adding berries, you need to be extremely careful. For example, blueberries or blackberries color the drink in a dark shade.
  3. In order for the drink to be refreshing, it is recommended to add a few sprigs of mint. To do this, it is recommended to carefully fold them into a gauze bag. It is good to tie it up and lower it into the juice being prepared.
