
Boiled pumpkin cooking recipes. How to cook pumpkin: heat treatment methods

Amazing in its composition, color and exquisite taste, the pumpkin vegetable is not always and not to everyone's liking: perhaps it's just a matter of improper preparation. It is the pumpkin that is recommended (and it is no coincidence!) as one of the first vegetable foods for babies from 6 months. Pumpkin porridge is considered a traditional dish of Russian national cuisine, and its recipes are passed down from generation to generation. How delicious to cook a pumpkin so that its unique taste and useful properties are preserved?

We cook pumpkin correctly

When preparing this vegetable and dishes from it it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. Pumpkin should be peeled, cut in half and seeds removed.
  2. The vegetable is cut into pieces, usually cubes of 2x2 cm.
  3. Boil pumpkin in salted water.
  4. The cooking time is 20-40 minutes, depending on the cooking method: in a double boiler, the vegetable cooks for 20 minutes, in the “Stewing” microwave mode, it cooks longer - 40 minutes. You can also boil the pumpkin in a small saucepan with a closed lid over low heat: the degree of readiness is determined by a fork - the pumpkin should be soft.

For pumpkin porridge, coarsely grated pumpkin is boiled in milk with butter

It should be taken into account that pumpkins of different varieties and different degrees of maturity they are cooked in different ways: sometimes 5-7 minutes are enough for the cubes to become soft and the kitchen to be filled with an incredible aroma. Of course, grated pumpkin cooks even faster.

What can be cooked from pumpkin

boiled pumpkin used as an ingredient in many dishes:

  • pumpkin puree- these are boiled pieces of pumpkin, rubbed through a sieve (for very small crumbs accustomed to liquid food) or chopped in a blender. You can add a pear or an apple to pumpkin puree, this will only make the taste of the dish richer and more pleasant;
  • puree soup with the addition, in addition to pumpkin, of various vegetables - potatoes, carrots, broccoli, zucchini, etc., crackers and fresh herbs;

Pumpkin puree soup

  • boiled pumpkin can be cooked delicious and healthy salads: for example, with pickled cheese (brynza, suluguni, Adyghe, chechil, feta), olives and green lettuce or salad with salted cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil;
  • useful for children and adults menu gourd(pumpkin porridge):

How to cook garmelon

Sometimes the exotic name "garmelon" is associated with watermelon. In fact, the garmelon is Ukrainian(historically in Little Russia) the name of a pumpkin. Despite the fact that they began to grow it 3-4 thousand years ago on the continent that later became America, the Slavs got acquainted with pumpkin (harmelon, kabak) relatively recently - only some 400 years ago thanks to Persian merchants.

Garbuz, tavern - all these are national and folk names for pumpkin

Garbuz, she's a pumpkin used in the preparation of a variety of dishes:

  • pumpkin (garmelon) porridge or cereals with the addition of pumpkin (for example, millet porridge with pumpkin);
  • soups and additives to soups, pickled pumpkin;
  • salads from fresh, boiled, pickled vegetables;
  • pumpkin bread and pies;
  • Dessert: cakes, marmalade, etc.;
  • beverages: juices and kissels.

In addition to boiling, sweet and tasty garmelon fry, stew, bake and of course, eaten fresh. With proper preparation, even heat treatment does not deprive the pumpkin of its useful and nutritious qualities. Useful and pumpkin seeds containing antihistamine components and being raw materials for the production of expensive oils.

Pumpkin Dishes Quick and Tasty - Recipes

You will learn how to cook pumpkin correctly and for how long in different ways: in a saucepan, in a slow cooker, in a double boiler, pressure cooker.

30 min

26 kcal

4.56/5 (9)

Pumpkin is a vegetable sun, an orange mood and a solid positive. Thanks to its huge amount of vitamins, including the unique T and K, the vegetable, from which you can cook a wide variety of tasty and nutritious dishes, is also our healer.

Pumpkin is actively used in dietetics, as it helps to normalize metabolism and fights obesity, cleanses the body well, normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and even calms the nerves. And due to the high content of vitamin D, it contributes to the growth of the baby. Later in this article I will tell you how to cook pumpkin for a child.

My parents grew pumpkins in their country house for many years. My father experimented with varieties and figured out that in terms of taste, he wins over everyone. nutmeg pear-shaped butternut pumpkin. It is bright orange, it has a lot of vitamin A. It is extremely rich in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, it has a sweetish pleasant taste with nutty notes. I would like to recommend another variety hard-bark pumpkin (it resembles an egg in shape) for those who do not like and do not eat sweets, because the pulp of such a pumpkin is fresh, but quite pleasant in taste. And the third variety of pumpkin, it is easy to recognize - this is the heroine of all fairy tales about pumpkin.

Shelf life champion (up to nine months) - pumpkin large-fruited. Over time, the starch contained in the pumpkin of this variety is converted into sugar, and after a while the pumpkin only becomes tastier, like good wine. In this article, we’ll talk about how to properly boil pumpkin and how much pumpkin needs to be boiled to prepare a variety of dishes.

Choosing pumpkin for cooking

To begin with, I would like to warn you, try not to buy already cleaned and cut pumpkin. It would seem that this simplifies things, but here you can run into a mine in the form of a large number of bacteria and worms, if the pumpkin is cut in unsanitary conditions, perhaps rotten parts were cut there and similar troubles. The quality of such a pumpkin cannot be verified. No one will give you any guarantees that instead of a vitamin bomb you are bringing a killer bomb into the house. Pick up a pumpkin not too much large size (large - less sweet) and preferably with dried up stalk. Without a tail, the pumpkin will spoil in less than a week. The drawing on a pumpkin suitable for cooking should be clear.

Avoid gourds with wavy stripes, they indicate the presence of nitrates. The pulp of the pumpkin should be fleshy, elastic. A bright orange pumpkin has more vitamin A.

Basic rules for cooking pumpkin

In order for the pumpkin to be appetizing and tasty, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. For cooking a variety of dishes, where the pumpkin should not look boiled, but whole pieces, the method of cooking pumpkin is more suitable. for a couple or baking it in the oven, and for cereals, soups and purees, the cooking method is ideal in a saucepan on the stovetop or multicooker, since the pumpkin tends to boil. Pumpkin can be boiled in water or in milk. There is another version of the golden mean - boiling in milk, diluted one to one with water.

Before cooking a pumpkin in a saucepan or slow cooker, wash it in any way and cut it in half, remove the seeds, but do not throw them away. Dry and use this valuable product (raw pumpkin seeds are an anthelmintic, fried ones are tasty and terribly healthy, because they strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on brain performance). Remove the skin from the pumpkin with a knife.

Cut off as many pumpkins as you need for cooking, put the rest in a bag or wrap with cling film and put in the refrigerator. Cut the vegetable into small oblong slices or cubes about 3 centimeters.

How to properly and how much to cook pumpkin slices in a saucepan

Now you can start cooking. Boiling pumpkin is easy. For this process, you will need: a saucepan, pumpkin, water and salt. Pour boiling water into a saucepan. It will take enough water to completely cover the pumpkin. After the water boils, add some salt and cook over medium heat.

Pumpkin, cut into medium cubes, boiled 25 - 30 minutes. Sometimes you come across a pumpkin that needs to be boiled for 5 – 10 minutes longer. Try piercing the pumpkin slice with a knife or fork, if it's soft, it's done. Drain the water and let the pumpkin cool. Add sour cream, herbs and get a delicious, dietary dish. Add honey, cinnamon and finely chopped nuts, and you get a wonderful dessert that does not grow sides and cheeks.

How and how much to cook pumpkin in slices in a slow cooker and a double boiler

Lightly salt the pumpkin cubes and place them in the multicooker bowl. Based on what you are planning to cook, add sugar and spices if necessary. Pour in enough water to cover the pumpkin by half. Select the "baking" mode. Set the time - 30 minutes. Cook with the lid closed.

In order for the pieces of pumpkin not to boil, but to retain the shape of a cube and all their healing properties, steam the pumpkin. To do this, salt the cubes or small oblong slices of pumpkin a little (if necessary, add sugar and seasonings) and put them in a double boiler container. Boil pumpkin pieces in a double boiler 25 minutes. Steamed pumpkin can be used to make salads or cereals.

How many minutes to cook pumpkin until cooked in a pressure cooker

Cooking pumpkin in a pressure cooker is a great way to preserve the vitamins and all the pumpkin goodness, as the cooking process is so fast that they do not have time to evaporate.

In a pressure cooker, pre-prepared, chopped and salted pieces of pumpkin will definitely be ready in 10 minutes.

How and how much to cook pumpkin until cooked in the microwave

Cooking pumpkin in the microwave is very easy. Let's bake our pumpkin slices with sugar. Cooking takes very little effort and time. As a result, we get a light, healthy and cheerful dessert. Take a special saucepan with a lid for the microwave and grease its inner walls with butter. Then we put pieces of pumpkin in a saucepan, add sugar (determine the amount of sugar yourself according to your taste) and mix. Then add cinnamon, a little salt and a third fill with water.

Place a glass saucepan in the microwave and cook on high power 10 minutes.

To bake the pumpkin, open the oven, remove the lid and put in the microwave for a few more minutes.

How and how much to cook frozen pumpkin

You can make pumpkin blanks and freeze in the freezer. If you already have frozen pumpkin slices in your freezer, take them out and we will cook together.

The whole point here is that they do not need to be thawed, otherwise the pumpkin will lose its magical properties. Place frozen pumpkin pieces in boiling water (milk). Will be ready in 25 minutes.

To prepare baby puree, you can boil the pumpkin in any of the ways, at your discretion: in a saucepan, slow cooker, double boiler or pressure cooker. Simmer until the pumpkin is tender, then drain and puree with a blender, mash the pumpkin thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Add a few drops of vegetable oil (so carotene is better absorbed) and mix.

How useful pumpkin is, it is just as easy to cook it: boil, steam, fry, bake, stew. is one of my favorite recipes. In your dish, you can use pumpkin as the main and only ingredient or as part of a multi-component dish. There are a thousand and one recipes for pumpkin dishes: soups, cereals, meatballs, stews. Read with us how easy it is to prepare and.

Boiled pumpkin is very easy to make puree as a side dish.

Cook until the pumpkin is fully cooked in the way that is available to you and you like best. If you cook in a saucepan, it will be enough 25 minutes. Try it, pumpkin should be soft. Drain remaining water, puree, add butter, salt and pepper to taste. In a pressure cooker, pumpkin, cut into pieces, will be cooked in just 10 minutes.

Try to cook overspeed pumpkin puree with potatoes in a pressure cooker. For one part of pumpkin you will need 3 parts of finely chopped potatoes. Cook vegetables in a pressure cooker 10 minutes, then add the butter, milk and beaten egg. Salt and pepper. It turns out a wonderful light side dish that goes well with chicken and any meat dish or salad.

Self-cooked pumpkin dishes are useful for both adults and children. Vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus contribute to the proper growth of the child's body, increase immunity, help in the development of the skeleton and muscle mass, and strengthen the nervous system. Beta-carotene is very useful for the eyes, a high fiber content is suitable for children and diet food.

Pumpkin puree for babies should be introduced into the child's diet after an apple and zucchini at the age of 6 months.

Cooking pumpkin puree does not take much time and does not require special skills. You will need a pumpkin, water and a blender. No blender, use your grandmother's way, wipe the boiled vegetables through a sieve.

The easiest pumpkin puree recipe

A very simple and quick option for making pumpkin puree, which can be used to feed a baby, as well as for filling in pies or for making desserts.

Taste Info Other blanks / Dishes from pumpkin


  • pumpkin (500 grams);
  • water (150 ml).

How to make pumpkin puree for babies

Peel the pumpkin from the peel and cut into equal pieces 2 * 2 cm in size.

Place the chopped pumpkin in a bowl.

Pour the vegetable pieces with very hot water or boiling water. Cooking under a closed lid.

How much to cook pumpkin for baby puree? Pumpkin cooking time can vary from 15 minutes to half an hour. Steamed pumpkin takes longer, about 20-25 minutes. Cooking time for pumpkin depends on the density of the vegetable. Readiness can be checked with a knife or fork by piercing the vegetable.

Put the finished pumpkin in a blender.

Grind until smooth. We use pumpkin puree at our discretion, you can eat it yourself, you can feed the baby

Orange puree can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Pour into sealed silicone molds. Puree can be frozen; when defrosted, it will retain all its taste, bright color and useful properties. Alternatively, you can freeze prepared pumpkin slices. To do this, wash the vegetable, peel the pumpkin and remove internal seeds and fibers. Cut into pieces for the future dish and put in portions in a bag for freezing vegetables. Load the package into the freezer and take it out before direct cooking. In this case, it is not necessary to defrost the pumpkin, dip the frozen pieces into boiling water, slightly increase the cooking time.

Note to moms

  • Beta-carotene in pumpkin puree for a child is better absorbed if a few drops of vegetable oil are added to the puree.
  • Pumpkin puree can be combined with other complementary foods: rice or millet porridge, mixed with meat pate. A child can consume such food from 8-9 months.
  • Pumpkin also goes well with early complementary foods: Brussels sprouts and apples.
  • If the baby does not have allergies, and the pumpkin turned out to be not very sweet, add a drop of honey to the puree.
  • Do not feed your baby pumpkin dishes more than 7 times a month. An excess of pumpkin in the diet can cause "carotene jaundice".

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Pumpkin puree with apple

Pumpkin can be mixed with many vegetables and fruits. The perfect combination with apples. Prepare baby pumpkin and apple puree for your baby, and you will see with what pleasure your child will eat it. In addition, mashed potatoes are very healthy and easy to prepare.


  • Pumpkin 200 gr;
  • Apple 200 gr;
  • Bottled water;
  • Honey to taste.

Li.Ru Culinary Community - Pumpkin Recipes

Pickled pumpkin has a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Pairs well with roasted meats. Such a pumpkin can be consumed immediately, or you can roll it into jars and leave it for the winter. Be sure to try!

To make something so unusual for dinner? How to please unexpected guests? These questions are asked by every hostess. A good option is vertuta with pumpkin at home.

Pumpkin jam with nuts - original, unexpected, bright and tasty. The process of preparing such a jam takes time, but the result will exceed all expectations. Try cooking at home!

I advise you to cook pumpkin jam with apples in the fall, when both pumpkins and apples ripen in large quantities. It is very quick and easy to cook. And you can eat it with spoons!

Pumpkin casserole "Lotus flower"

Pumpkin casserole "Lotus Flower" will decorate any festive table. If you want to pleasantly surprise your guests, try the Lotus Flower Pumpkin Casserole recipe.

Just look at the bright sunny view of this excellent delicacy, well, isn’t it lovely. And given the amazing taste and benefits of such a casserole, this dish can be considered a culinary masterpiece.

This simple recipe for cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin will appeal to all lovers of healthy, tasty and at the same time inexpensive desserts that can be prepared both for a holiday and for every day! Try it!

Do you want to treat yourself and loved ones not only tasty, but also healthy pastries? Then I bring to your attention a great option - airy and incredibly mouth-watering pies with pumpkin in the oven.

Pumpkin is a very affordable product, and you can cook a lot of goodies from it, such as this simple recipe for pumpkin soup in a slow cooker - try it once and you will love such a soup!

If you love pumpkin, then you probably often cook porridge from it. However, I suggest you try another option - pumpkin pie in a slow cooker. It is very soft and airy.

You can cook a baked pumpkin appetizer or side dish in half an hour. You will get a very tasty and healthy dish! Let's get started!

Recipe for pumpkin bagels - baking with pumpkin and almonds. Traditional Russian cuisine.

Nasgin pie made with pumpkin will be a great addition to your tea party. It will give unusual taste sensations and is perfect for people who are accustomed to healthy food.

Pieces of pumpkin with bacon melting in your mouth are a very original dish for everyone. We look at the recipe for pumpkin in a pan and experiment in the kitchen.

Pumpkin pancakes - at first glance, an unusual dish, but it is prepared quite simply and quickly. It turns out pumpkin pancakes are very tender, juicy, beautiful in color and incredibly tasty :)

Chepalgash is a stuffed flatbread fried in a pan. Below is a recipe for cooking chepalgash with pumpkin.

Pumpkin is a miracle vegetable. What a benefit to our health! And yet how delicious. I offer a recipe for chicken, pumpkin and dor blue cheese casserole. It turns out a great delicacy, try it.

Do you want to surprise everyone? If yes, then this recipe is for you. Here I will tell you how to make the most delicious pumpkin soup and serve it like in the best restaurants in the world - in a bread bowl!

An excellent recipe for peach jam without sugar. This jam will appeal to those who, for some reason, refused to use sugar. But even without it, the jam turns out fragrant and tasty!

Pumpkin puree is an exotic and easy-to-prepare dish. The recipe for making pumpkin puree includes a minimum of steps, while the dish turns out to be tasty, albeit unusual.

Looking at this sunny jam and tasting it, you will not immediately understand what it is made of. But such a jam is so tasty that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with it from the first spoon.

Pumpkin juice is incredibly healthy. Just think about it, it contains: B1 vitamins, vitamin E, C, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, sucrose, organic substances.

This is a very tasty and healthy pumpkin caviar for the winter. Such caviar can be used not only as a snack, but also as a sauce for pasta, chicken, cutlets or meat. Versatile snack!

Pumpkin is not only very tasty, but also quite a healthy vegetable, and if you combine it with a bright sunny orange, you get a great treat that will delight you in the cold winter.

Risotto is a very simple, but quite a delicacy dish, which is fantastically popular in its homeland in Italy. Delicate, rich and light - perhaps this is how you can describe risotto.

Recipe for fragrant pumpkin pie with creamy honey glaze and spices.

Pumpkin soup

Recipe for a simple roasted pumpkin soup. The soup will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Recipe for an unusual pumpkin-apple soup with coriander, cumin, ginger and cayenne pepper.

Recipe for pumpkin tarts. You will love this tasty and interesting snack.

Recipe for squash soup with pumpkin, sage and bread toast. Prepares quickly, less than 30 minutes. French cuisine. ...Further

Delicate cream soup, with an unusually pleasant taste. This soup awakens a love for pumpkin even among those who don't really like pumpkin...

A very tasty dish. Pumpkin soup with chanterelles, garlic, cumin, cinnamon and cloves. Discriminating taste!

I bring to your attention one interesting version of the well-known and beloved by many dishes - manti with pumpkin and meat.

Don't know how to make a delicious and healthy breakfast? Then here is one great option for you - pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese. Appetizing, fragrant, it is liked not only by adults, but also by children.

I tell you how pumpkin porridge is cooked - traditional, without unnecessary ingredients, in the most classic way. Only the most basic ingredients - and nothing more. Porridge turns out - the highest class!

Recipe for pumpkin cheesecake. To protect the top of the cheesecake from cracking, do not open the oven while the cake is baking or cooling.

Looking for a delicious and healthy recipe? Then an appetizing and bright pumpkin casserole with semolina is exactly what you need. It is enjoyed by both adults and children.

Pumpkin puree soup with rice in vegetable broth is a real delicacy for all vegetable lovers! The best that autumn gives us. Very tender, budget and tasty soup for a cool autumn evening.

How to cook pumpkin soup for weight loss, I learned from my friend in the fall when I came to visit her for a week. She was just losing weight. And what do you think? The effect was!

It is very easy to make Italian cream soup. Its texture is very soft and velvety. Master this recipe - your eaters will be grateful to you;)

Do you want to eat tasty and at the same time not be afraid of extra pounds, or do you need to lose some weight? Then I offer you a great option - pumpkin soup for weight loss.

Today we are preparing an interesting dish, to which I gave a very general name - pastry with pumpkin. I myself did not fully understand what ultimately turns out - a pie, pizza, biscuits or pies :)

I will probably repeat myself, saying that the slow cooker is just a miracle - an assistant in my kitchen. I really love pumpkin dishes. And here's the dessert I made. Pumpkin baked in a slow cooker is also a miracle!

I bring to your attention not quite traditional, but no less tasty and satisfying manti with pumpkin and minced meat.

Pumpkin, rich in carotene, inspires us to create various delicious dishes. At my dacha, a giant pumpkin usually grows, but after cutting it, it must be used. I'm cooking spicy pickled pumpkin!

Surprisingly bright, festive and very tasty Easter with a pumpkin can appear on your table. Try to cook it and you will be amazed by the result.

When all the other savory and sweet pumpkin dishes get a little bored, make a pumpkin gratin with cheese. Add some potatoes, onions, spices and a lot of cheese to such a gratin. It will be bright and tasty!

For a family Sunday dinner, I wanted to cook a bright and fragrant roast - chicken with pumpkin and potatoes. It came out just wonderful! Juicy meat with sweet potatoes and pumpkin and spicy garlic.

An excellent dish for breakfast is an omelette with pumpkin. The recipe is very simple, it will not seem complicated even for novice cooks. Pumpkin can be used in any variety.

Incredibly delicious sweet porridge with pumpkin, which will not leave you indifferent. Its delicate taste and pleasant aroma will surely appeal to even the most picky gourmets.

"Well, what are vegetable cutlets?" some might think. Try the original recipe for pumpkin patties to find out - they can be quite interesting if you add beer to them!

Got a pumpkin and you don't know what to do with it? Pumpkin sauce for pasta is an original solution. The sauce really turns out phenomenally tasty - try it!

For those who care about their health - a very light, tasty and healthy pumpkin dish. How to make a pumpkin in the microwave!

I got the recipe for pumpkin porridge with millet from my grandmother. I added raisins to it and it turned out to be a sweet porridge for my children. The best solution for breakfast or afternoon snack.

Pumpkin juice is easy to make at home. I will share recipes for making pumpkin juice for the winter and "quick use" juice that you can enjoy right away.

This is an incredibly tasty juicy stew with pumpkin and meat, which, I am sure, will become a hit on your table. Cooked in a pot, it acquires the mild taste and aroma of real home cooking.

Very tender and soft minced chicken meatballs with pumpkin that your whole family will love. Even children will appreciate this culinary masterpiece.

Pumpkin donuts are a wonderful and unusual dessert for a cozy tea party. Surprise your loved ones! The recipe for pumpkin donuts is quite simple, the dish is budget, but the taste will amaze everyone;)

Pumpkin compote for the winter is very beautiful and healthy, and most importantly - delicious. At first I did not believe in it, until my mother-in-law convinced me to try it. Since then, I have been making pumpkin compote according to her recipe.

A very unusual dish that will amaze your family, friends, and all gourmets on the spot is a pumpkin appetizer. Beautiful, crispy, combining both sweet and salty flavors. Meet!

Pumpkin casserole is a magical dish. If you are biased towards this fruit, then I guarantee that you simply do not know how to cook it correctly. Read and learn!

Pumpkin puree is a storehouse of vitamins that can be stored for quite a long time in the refrigerator and used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Easy to prepare, easy to store and long lasting.

Sunny pumpkin jam will delight lovers of this vegetable. Cooking jam is easy, the look and aroma are wonderful, and the taste is delicious. In addition, pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots was always cooked by my aunt. The most interesting thing is that her jam was always different, sometimes it was amber and transparent, sometimes it was some kind of red-haired mess. But it has always been delicious!

Porridge with pumpkin is not only tasty, but also healthy. I offer you step-by-step instructions on how to cook porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker - even a beginner will understand this recipe.

Do you want sunshine in winter? Put pumpkin jam with orange for the winter! It will not only improve your mood with its bright yellow color, taste, but also replenish your diet with vitamins.

From pumpkin, this queen of the garden, you can cook the first, second, and dessert! I also make pumpkin jam. It turns out delicious, rich in taste and color jam. I'll tell you how to cook!

Try to give your favorite mince dish a little new taste - add pumpkin to minced meat. Minced meat with pumpkin, which is unusual for us, is a classic in Central Asia, where it is added to manti and other dishes.

Mid-September, the kitchen is littered with homemade tomatoes and squash. Well, we cook delicious meals by utilizing excess products. Tomato soup with pumpkin - meet!

8 months ago

Pumpkin is a vegetable that should be included in the diet of everyone who wants to be slim and healthy. The pumpkin contains a huge amount of vitamins of different groups, a lot of valuable minerals and fiber, and the calorie content of this garden gift is only 25 Kcal per 100 g. To preserve the complex of nutrients as much as possible, you need to boil the vegetable. Pumpkin porridge will appeal to both adults and children, given how much to cook pumpkin and choose the best recipe for its preparation.

What is the cooking time for pumpkin?

In order for the pumpkin to boil well, and for this it took as little time as possible, you need to properly prepare the vegetable for cooking. First, wash the pumpkin with warm water, then cut it into two parts, peel, remove the seeds and cut the vegetable into small pieces. The optimal cutting size is cubes with sides of 2-3 cm.

Pour into the pan an amount of water 1.5 times the volume of the product. After boiling, the water should be lightly salted. How long to cook pumpkin until tender? After 15 minutes, the pieces of vegetable will be completely cooked. Larger pumpkin cubes are boiled 20 minutes to half an hour.

You can check the readiness of the pumpkin with a fork or knife - pierce a piece. If the tip easily penetrates the pulp, then you can remove the pan from the stove. Many people store pumpkins in the freezer for the winter. How long to cook frozen pumpkin? 25 minutes.

Before cooking, frozen pumpkin slices should never be thawed, otherwise they will lose their healing properties. They must be immediately placed in boiling water or milk.
