
Recipe for sausages in puff pastry. Sausages in puff pastry - the best ways to decorate and prepare snacks

sausages in puff pastry- a recipe that even the most novice cook can handle. It is easy to perform, and the result is always wonderful. Today we refuse yeast dough, thereby freeing ourselves from a long kneading. We use a ready-made purchased or pre-cooked semi-finished product, cut it into strips and quickly wrap the sausages. This elementary dish is a good alternative to sandwiches, ideal for a picnic in nature or for a simple family tea party.


  • sausages - 10 pcs.;
  • puff pastry(yeast-free) - 400-500 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Sausages in puff pastry recipe with photos at home

How to make sausages in puff pastry in the oven

  1. Defrost puff pastry beforehand. It is better to do this in the evening, shifting the semi-finished product from the freezer to the refrigerator shelf. With this method of defrosting, the dough will become as pliable and “obedient” as possible in work. We roll out a rectangular layer 2-3 mm thick and cut it into strips 2-2.5 cm wide.
  2. Extracting from the shell raw sausages and wrap each with puff pastry. If the length of the strip does not allow you to completely wrap sausage product, take another strip and simply “glue” them together.
  3. We spread our blanks on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. We keep the distance between the sausages, as the dough will “grow up” a little during the baking process.
  4. Beat the raw egg with a fork, combining the yolk and protein. Using a silicone brush, we lubricate the top of each blank so that the finished products acquire an appetizing ruddy crust.
  5. We send sausages in puff pastry to a preheated oven. We bake for only 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees. As soon as the dough is browned, you can take out the baking sheet.
  6. Cool sausages in puff pastry until warm state. Serve as an addition to first courses without meat, or simply organize hearty snack with a cup of tea. It would be appropriate to supplement pastries with herbs or fresh vegetables.

Sausages in puff pastry in the oven are completely ready! Bon appetit!

Sausages in dough - how many times such pastries rescued those who were always in a hurry and hungry. This tasty snack and a simple hearty snack that adults enjoy eating and that can be offered to children. But to be completely sure of the quality finished product, it is best to make this dish at home, choosing a recipe to your taste.

We offer the most popular baking options delicious sausage in the test on classical and original recipes. Having at hand one or another list of products, focusing on their taste preferences, you can always cook your family yeast-free, yeast or puff pastry with sausage.

Simple recipes for sausages in the dough

You can please your family with delicious and satisfying pastries or surprise your guests with original homemade fast food at any time. We offer several popular quick recipes, which will diversify this appetizer, pleasing any gourmets. The simplicity and ease of cooking options will appeal to lovers of fried or oven pies, fans of yeast or puff pastry.

Sausages in dough - a classic version of yeast dough in the oven

The traditional sausage dough is rich with yeast. Such a bun, unlike yeast-free version will be very lush, ruddy and incredibly tasty. Even a slightly sweet muffin goes well with any type of sausage. Such sausages in the dough, baked in the oven, are easy to cook on your own, which will convince you detailed recipe with photo.

For the recipe you will need:

  • Flour 500 gr
  • Milk 180-200 ml
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Butter 50 gr
  • Yeast (dry) 5 gr
  • Vegetable oil 1 st. spoon
  • Sugar 1 teaspoon
  • Salt ½ teaspoon
  • Sesame as desired

Advice. This pastry it is allowed to cook without dry yeast, replacing them with fresh ones in the amount of 15 gr.

Cooking method

Korn Dog - fried sausage in batter

Another traditional version will tell you how to cook sausages in the dough by frying them in oil. This fast way a light buffet when guests are almost on the doorstep. And also this good recipe with a crispy crust for men's gatherings with a glass of beer.


  • Sausages ½ kg
  • Milk 150 ml
  • Wheat flour 1 cup
  • Corn flour 1 cup
  • Egg 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder 1 teaspoon
  • Salt, paprika, spices taste

We offer step by step recipe with a photo, so that you can see for yourself how easy it is to cook Korn Dog at home.

Cooking method

Simple sausage in yeast-free dough

This easy recipe cooking muffins for sausages will be appreciated even by a novice cook. Without a long fuss with the dough, the cooking time is significantly reduced and in an hour lunch will be ready for a schoolboy or for himself at work. And household appliances will help to further facilitate the work with the kneading, because the proposed recipe can be used for a bread machine or a slow cooker.


  • Sausages 500-600 gr
  • Flour 2 cups
  • Water 200 ml
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil 1 st. spoon
  • Sugar ½ tbsp. spoons
  • Salt to taste

Cooking method

  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in water.
  2. Mix it with oil.
  3. Sift the flour on a cutting table.
  4. Pouring liquid components into the flour in a thin stream, knead a homogeneous mass.
  5. Knead it until smooth.
    Advice. If you cook at home in household appliances, then lay the food in the bowl according to the instructions. Usually the following sequence is used: water, oil, sugar, salt, flour.
  6. The finished ball of dough must be rolled out with a thickness of 0.7-0.8 mm.
  7. This layer is cut into strips of medium width according to the number of meat products.
  8. Wrap sausages with yeast-free dough.
    Advice. If you want to give the dish originality, you can cook it with cheese. Wrap a thin sausage cheese sliced or put a piece of cheese next to it.
  9. Place on a baking sheet parchment paper put sausages on it.
  10. Lubricate the top of the blanks with beaten yolk, then put the muffins in the oven.
  11. Bake a snack in hot oven by setting the temperature there to 180-200 degrees.

Sausages on a stick in puff pastry in the oven

How to make a quick and original version which will surely please the kids? It is enough to stock up on high-quality packaging of puff pastry. In addition, the proposed recipe will be useful for meeting friends in big company, because baking is convenient to take in hand and it does not interfere with communication. Thanks to store-bought supplies, snacks can be replenished in minutes.


  • Puff pastry 1 pack
  • Sausages 4 pcs.
  • Egg 1 pc.

Cooking method

  1. Preheat the oven to 190C.
  2. Frozen puff yeast dough allow 20 minutes to thaw.
    Note. You can also use normal shop dough, but with yeast options, baking will turn out more magnificent.
  3. Cut the dough layer into identical triangles (8 pieces) or long strips.
  4. Cut each sausage in half. Insert a skewer into each piece.
  5. Wrap the sausage in the prepared strips. To do this, place a skewer with a piece of sausage on the wide edge of the triangle, wrap the product in the form of a tube.
  6. Put the blanks on a baking sheet, grease their tops with whipped yolk.
  7. Bake the buns in the oven for 15 minutes.

To see the video of this recipe, you can watch:

Ways to wrap sausages

Such simple baking, like a sausage in dough, according to any recipe it turns out delicious, but it can also be turned into cooking masterpiece, beautifully wrapped sausage product. Consider traditional and festive folding options so that the appetizer pleases not only the stomach, but also the eyes.

You will find these and other options in detail in the video.

Note to the hostess or how to make baking successful

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Even though I'm not a supporter fast food, especially store-bought sausages, but sometimes you really want something not very useful. And when the children are on vacation with their grandmother, I can let them cook such delicious food for dinner. Moreover, sausages are cooked in puff pastry dough in the oven, the recipe with a photo of the preparation of which I offer is very simple and fast. I must say that it is also eaten instantly, literally does not have time to cool.
And you can cook such sausages as hot appetizer, then the garnish is not needed. Just chop, which will go well with sausages baked in dough.
You can also take these sausages with you to work instead of a sandwich. Even when cold, they will be no less tasty than when hot. And if you are going on a picnic with a company, then this is generally great option snacks in nature. In this case, pick up your favorite sauce for sausages in the dough - mayonnaise, tartar or another.
To prepare this tasty dish, we need to buy a package of sheet dough and fresh good sausages. The dough can be puff or yeast, you decide which one you like best, because for a dish this is not a matter of principle.
But sausages, take those whose manufacturer you can trust, so that they are fresh and cooked according to approved meat standards, as well as least quantity preservatives and additives. We will wrap raw sausages in the dough, they will have time to cook while baking in the oven. And together with sausages in the dough, you can wrap a piece of hard cheese and a sprig of greens.


- sheet dough (puff) - 250 g,
- sausages - 8 pcs.,
- chicken eggs canteens - 1 pc.,
- sesame seeds.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We take out the sheet dough from the freezer and let it defrost at room temperature. We need it to be easy to unwind and then work with.
Sprinkle the table with flour and place the dough on it. Roll it out a little with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 0.7 mm.
Then, using a sharp knife, cut the dough into strips, 1.5-2 cm thick.

We release sausages from the packaging film.
We put the sausage on the edge of the strip of dough and carefully wrap it with dough.

At the same time, each subsequent curl of the test finds a little on the previous one.

Lubricate the roasting pan with oil and put the sausages in the dough on it.
Brush them with beaten egg.

We put the roaster in the oven and bake the products for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees.

Bon appetit!

Old Lesya

Sausages in dough are a real find for busy mothers and working wives. The whole point of this recipe is simplicity and versatility. You can either buy the dough at the store or make your own at home. Sausages can be chosen to your taste - from the simplest to smoked, sausages with cheese or hunting sausages. Instead of them, in general, you can take any ready-made piece of meat, ham, or even fish fillet. Sausages wrapped in dough can also be used as a dish themed table like Halloween. Only a strip of dough needs to be made minimal, and at the beginning of each sausage, using black pepper or pieces of olives, you need to insert eyes. In the end, you will get nothing more than sausage mummies.


  • Sausages - 4 pcs.
  • Dough - 200 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Greens - 0.5 bunch.


Unsweetened pastries
Servings - 2
Cooking time - 1 h 0 min

Sausages in puff pastry in the oven: how to cook

Roll out the puff pastry as thinly as possible. The thinner the dough, the tastier and more tender the dish will come out.

Cut the rolled out dough into strips. They should be as long as possible, because if the strip is not enough, it will be problematic to stick the next one on the sausage. Therefore, it must be continuous.

Holding a sausage in one hand, and a strip in the other, it is necessary to carefully wrap each with a stretch. You can close it around the edges, then the dish will be more juicy, or you can leave the edges open, then, on the contrary, the sausage will bake a little.

Following the example, you need to repeat this with all sausages.

Ready sausages are placed on a baking sheet. Brush each one with a beaten egg.

If an appetite is played out, and the refrigerator is sparse - a package of sausages on the shelf and puff pastry in freezer, means, a hungry swoon all the same does not threaten. In half an hour it will be possible to refresh yourself with a hot crispy yummy. It will be possible to prepare it from minimum set products, and with a variety of additives - in any case, the result will not disappoint.

Classic is easy

The traditional recipe for an oven-baked appetizer does not include many ingredients at all. Sausages in puff pastry classic version so easy to prepare and so appetizing that they invariably resemble funny student years, When culinary abundance was not at all the main thing in life, and noisy parties and picnics could not do without such a “snack” in haste.

Only dough and sausages

All you need for the most classic classic is:

  • puff pastry (half a kilogram pack);
  • and sausages (6-7 pieces are enough).

Ease of preparation to match the shortest list of ingredients.

  1. Defrost the dough. With a sharp knife so as not to wrinkle the edges, cut into equal strips (there will be as many of them as there are sausages).
  2. Slightly obliquely wrap our sausages in ribbons of dough.
  3. Then we lay parchment on a baking sheet, we put sausages on it. While the oven is preheated to 180 degrees, the dough will rise a little.
  4. We send the yummy to the oven. When it's on top golden crust, can be taken out.

A little harder

Another option classic recipe suggests a little large quantity ingredients.

To the obligatory puff pastry (packing of 0.5 kg) and sausages (8-9 pieces) we add:

  • raw egg (yolk);
  • sesame seed;
  • oil - vegetable (for a baking sheet) and butter (grease pastries).

Step by step recipe:

  1. We proceed with the test in the same way as in the first case.
  2. We divide the sausages into halves, wind strips made of dough diagonally on each.
  3. The oven has already “gained” the required (1800C) temperature. Therefore, at the bottom of the baking sheet (pre-lubricate it vegetable oil) spread the wrapped sausages (they are completely covered egg yolk and sprinkled with sesame). We put in the oven.
  4. We'll get it in twenty minutes. Until cool, brush each with butter.

It is better to eat such a dish immediately, while still hot, while the dough is well soaked with sausage "juice".

In yeast dough

Yeast dough will make the dish look like buns, only instead of filling it will have sausages. This option is very good for families with schoolchildren. It is convenient to take such food with you and eat without getting your hands and clothes dirty.

To implement the "children's" recipe for sausages in puff pastry in the oven, you need the following:

  • a pound of puff pastry (with yeast);
  • sausages (nine pieces);
  • fresh egg;
  • hard cheese (grade at your discretion, 0.2 kg).

You can start cooking.

  1. Divide the defrosted dough into two parts (or into three or four). Slightly unroll.
  2. We release sausages from the film. Cut in half (lengthwise).
  3. We turn the cheese into identical sticks the size of sausages. We put them in the middle.
  4. Sausages with cheese inside are “dressed” in strips of cut dough.
  5. Beat the egg with a fork, grease the sausages with it, without missing a single one.
  6. Lay them on the parchment at the bottom of the baking sheet.
  7. In a preheated (180 - 200C) oven, keep for about twenty minutes. When the surface of our "buns" is gilded, we take them out of the oven.

Hello from France

The French love fine dining. However, not only they. You can give a truly French charm and piquancy even to such an unpretentious dish as sausages in dough.

This requires several components:

  • 500-gram pack of puff pastry (non-yeast);
  • a dozen sausages;
  • half a stack of flour;
  • a pair of fresh testicles;
  • carrot in Korean (as much as you want);
  • 6-8 pickled cucumbers (small);
  • any hard cheese(possibly "Russian") - 200 g.

We act as follows.

  1. Put the dough thawed at room temperature on the work surface (sprinkled with flour so that it does not stick). Gently roll out (to a thickness of five millimeters). We cut with a sharp knife vertically so that long ribbons about two centimeters wide come out.
  2. We undress the sausages, cut the cucumbers lengthwise (so that there are from 4 to 6 parts of each). Grind the cheese into thin slices.
  3. Add cheese, cucumber and Korean carrot. Each "bouquet" is carefully wrapped in a strip of dough. On a baking sheet with baking paper, our "French" do not touch each other (otherwise they will stick together).
  4. We bake in the oven at two hundred degrees. To prevent burning, turn over with a wooden spatula.
  5. Somewhere in half an hour a ruddy crust will appear. Lubricate it with beaten eggs, and after three to five minutes we take out our treat and put it on the table.

We cook not only in the oven

To enjoy sausages in the dough, it is not necessary to send them to the oven. There are other ways to get appetizing snack, for example, in a frying pan or a slow cooker. And it's quick and easy to cook too.

On a stick in a frying pan

If you chop a sausage on a stick and fry it right in a pan, it will turn out to be very fun. So it will be convenient to eat, and your hands will remain clean. This option is especially to the liking of the children: it would never occur to any of the adults to sternly shout “Do not get into the plate with your hands!”.

We will need:

  • half a kilogram of puff pastry (if we fry for children, you can knead it at home in advance, and not buy it ready-made in the store);
  • pieces 8 - 10 sausages (for children, again, sausages can replace homemade "sausage" cutlets);
  • appropriate number of skewers;
  • olive or refined sunflower oil.

"Conjure" will not take long.

  1. “Undressed” sausages are put on skewers.
  2. We take a layer of prepared dough, roll it out as thin as possible.
  3. Cut into narrow strips with a sharp knife.
  4. We wrap each sausage (sausage) in the dough, starting from the edge of the "tape".
  5. We put in a pan with almost boiling oil (so that they do not touch). Fry, turning, until golden brown from two sides.
  6. Cool down a little paper towel let the excess oil drain. We command "Come on!"

Multicooker to help

enjoy it kitchen appliance very convenient if you need to cook a small portion: no more than 4-5 sausages will fit in the multicooker bowl.

For dinner for two, take:

  • five sausages or thin sausages;
  • up to 150 g of cheese;
  • half a pack (about 250 g) of yeast puff pastry;
  • raw egg;
  • butter or vegetable oil (refined).

How will we cook?

  1. We remove the film from sausages. We make thin slices of cheese.
  2. The dough (thawed in advance) is rolled out thinly, divided into plates.
  3. We carefully wrap each sausage: first we wind the cheese, and on it - the dough. Let them sit on the table for half an hour.
  4. Lightly beat the egg, coat all the sausages in turn.
  5. We put it in a multicooker bowl (already with oil at the bottom). Press the button "Baking" or "Frying".

In a slow cooker, sausages are well baked or fried - it depends on the desire of the eaters.

Originally decorated dish always tastes better. If you know how to wrap a sausage in puff pastry to make it look beautiful, you can please your family and guests with an unusual appearance food. There are many ways.

  • Classic, but very pretty - spiral. The sausage is placed at the end of the strip of dough and gently twisted with an overlap in a spiral.
  • A ladder will turn out if you wrap the sausage in a tube and divide the dough into rings, cutting with a knife almost to the end. Then the tube is untwisted and carefully placed on a baking sheet.
  • You can make candy. To do this, the dough is cut into strips, which should be slightly wider than half the sausage. Sausages are divided into halves, hidden in the dough, and the edges are tied into bows with foil ribbons.
  • Another interesting option- weave. To get it, take a large layer of puff pastry and cut into four pieces. In the middle of each square we place a sausage, cut along the edges in the form of a Christmas tree. Then grease the dough from the inside egg white and wrap the strips with a pigtail.
