
How to cook sausages the right way. How long to cook sausage in a film in a pan

Sausages are one of the easiest foods to cook. However, the Internet is replete with questions, how to cook sausages? Let's try to figure it out.

An easy way to cook sausages

We need: a saucepan, water, stove, sausages.

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan and place on the stove.
  2. We remove the film from the sausages (if it is non-food and easily removed) and put them on a plate.
  3. When the water boils - immerse the sausages in the pan - reduce the gas.
  4. We wait from 2 to 10 minutes. Most often, sausages are cooked for 5 minutes.

The cooking time should be indicated on the package of sausages. Or we just check their readiness ourselves - we pierce them with a fork. Properly cooked sausages will be soft.

Some advise immediately immersing the sausages in the pan, without waiting for the water to boil. But in this case, sausages can soften prematurely and lose their shape and elasticity.

Sometimes they salt the water in which sausages are boiled. It does not make sense to do this, since sausages are a semi-finished product, which already includes some flavors, including salt.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

We will need: microwave, plate, ketchup, mustard, sausages.

  1. We clean the sausages from the film.
  2. I put them on a plate.
  3. Top with ketchup and/or mustard.
  4. We put a plate with sausages in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

By the way, you can pour sausages with ketchup after the microwave, as you like. If you want the sausages to be juicier, add a little water to the bottom of the plate.

How to cook frozen sausages

Just like regular ones. Only frozen sausages should be immersed in the pan immediately, without waiting for the water to boil. They need to be able to boil. And the film, of course, will have to be removed after cooking, after cooling the sausages.

Sausages are perfect with bread, pasta, ketchup and mustard. They are perfect for a snack or a full meal. If you want to surprise your loved ones with the original preparation of sausages, then read on.

Original sausages

We will need: a wide saucepan, water, stove, sausages, spaghetti, salt.

  1. We put a pot of water on the stove.
  2. We clean the sausages from the film.
  3. We cut each sausage in half or into three parts if the sausages are long.
  4. We pierce each piece of sausage with five to ten spaghetti so that they pass along the sausage through and through.
  5. The resulting "hedgehogs" put in boiling water.
  6. We salt the water, turn off the gas.
  7. Cook for 5-6 minutes until spaghetti is soft.
  8. We carefully take out the pieces of sausages so that the spaghetti does not get mixed up, and lay them beautifully on a wide plate.
  9. It turns out original "octopus", which can be decorated with ketchup and herbs.

Choose any cooking method and enjoy your meal! Most importantly, do not eat sausages raw. Although they are considered a finished product, it is still better to cook sausages correctly.

What associations do you have when you hear the word sausage? Agree, each of us was a student and it was at this time that sausages were the main dish in our diet. Someone cooked them, and those who were too hungry simply ate them without prior heat treatment. During the cooking process, sausages can fall apart or burst, thereby losing their attractive appearance. Let's figure out how to cook sausages in a saucepan so that they become a decoration and a delicious addition to the side dish.

How to cook sausages with or without a shell: basic methods and cooking tips

Probably, many housewives did not think that you can cook sausages according to various recipes. And this is true. There are quick ways to cook sausages, the so-called express methods. Recently, sausages have been very often used to decorate dishes. From boiled sausages you can make original figures. Believe me, both adults and children will like this dish.

Before we look at a simple way to cook sausages, let's find out how they should be cooked: with or without a casing.

In the domestic market, you can see a wide range of sausage products. Sausages differ in thickness, length, variety, type, content, taste and casing. If you decide to cook sausages placed in an artificial casing (film), then it is advisable to remove it before cooking. But sausages in food, that is, an edible shell, can be cooked without pre-cleaning.

Now let's find out how much to cook sausages in boiling water. It is common to boil them in boiling water for 4-5 minutes. But this time should be considered conditional, since each type of sausage has its own characteristics in cooking. For example, there are sausages that need to be cooked for 10 minutes, and some varieties are cooked in 1-2 minutes.

An easy way to boil sausages

This method, perhaps, is known to almost every one of us. After all, it was according to this recipe that we cooked sausages, being schoolchildren and students. Remember that the organic shell can not be removed, but it is better to remove the artificial film. If you still decide to cook sausages in a shell, then pierce it with a fork in several places so that they do not lose their shape.


Modern people tend to be very busy. We are always in a hurry somewhere, we do not have time to fully eat, so sometimes we have to cook in haste. If you do not have the time or desire to cook sausages according to the classic recipe in a pot of water, then you can use the express method of cooking them in the microwave. At maximum power, sausages can be cooked in just 1-2 minutes.


To cook sausages in a saucepan, you will need a little more time than to boil sausages.


  1. Fill a container with water and place it on the stove.
  2. Remove the artificial casing from the sausages.
  3. After the water boils, put the sausages into the pan using special tongs or a spoon.
  4. Boil the sausages for 7-9 minutes, depending on their size and variety.
  5. Ready sausages must be carefully removed from the pan with a slotted spoon or tongs.

Sausages "Original": recipe

If you want to surprise your household with an original dish, try cooking sausages strung on spaghetti. Believe me, everyone will be delighted with such a dish. Cooking it is very easy and fast.


  • spaghetti;
  • any sausages or sausages;
  • water;
  • salt.


As you can see, in order to cook sausages correctly, the necessary knowledge is required. Cooking time for sausages depends on their type and size. If you want to surprise your guests or household, prepare an original spaghetti dish. So you get both a meat dish and a full-fledged side dish at once. Besides, it looks very nice. Bon appetit!

If you do not know how to cook sausages in water in a saucepan, microwave, multicooker with or without a shell, then we will help you figure this out. In fact, everything is very simple. By the way, read, with sausages or with it will be very tasty.

To cook sausages you will need:

  • sausages;
  • water;
  • pot.

How to cook sausages in a saucepan with or without a shell so that they do not burst

How to cook sausage? Place a pot of cold water on the stove. Prepare the sausages - remove the casing from them. Poke a couple of holes in the sausages with a fork to keep them from bursting. Place sausages in boiling water. Salt is not needed. How long to cook sausage in a pan? Boil sausages in water for 4-5 minutes.

You can cook in the shell, putting the sausages immediately in cold water. Cooking time after boiling water 3-4 minutes.

How to cook frozen sausages in water

Sausages in the shell, without defrosting, put in a saucepan with cold water. Put the pot on the fire. After the water boils in a saucepan with sausages, cook them for 3-4 minutes.

How to cook sausages without casings in the microwave

How to cook sausage in the microwave Remove the casing from the sausages, put on a plate. At the bottom of the plate, pour 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water. Close the container with sausages with a plastic lid or other smaller plate. Put in the microwave. Cook sausages in the microwave for 3 minutes.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

Pour 2 cups of cold water into the MW bowl. Place a steamer basket with sausages without casings in it. Close the lid. Boil the sausages with the "Steam" program for 10 minutes. Bon appetit!

How to cook sausages - video of cooking sausages

10 months ago

At present, it is quite difficult to imagine at least one family in which they have never tried sausages. This product is very fond of children of all ages, and it is very convenient for adults to cook them for dinner after a long day at work - because it takes a minimum of effort and time. Some even prefer to eat sausages raw, however, nevertheless, before eating them, it would be best to boil them. And you need to do this correctly, otherwise the sausages will boil and lose their whole appearance, and with it the taste.

Selection of sausages

Before you proceed directly to the preparation of a semi-finished product, it must be purchased. And it's better to do it based on some facts.

First of all, we pay attention to the price. This is the practical main selection criterion. The price of sausages should not be lower than the price of meat, which is indicated in the composition of the product.

Pay attention to the inscriptions on the packaging or price tag. It is best to purchase a product marked with the GOST sign. However, the TU sign should not scare you too much. In this case, study the composition of the selected product. For example, if cheese or nutmeg was added to sausages, such products will no longer comply with the canons of GOST.

Continuing to study the composition, pay attention to the fact that the presence of such ingredients as a thickener, various flavors, dyes and starch is highly undesirable in it.

Pay attention to the color of the purchased sausages. A quality product should have a uniform light pink color, without all kinds of spots and inclusions.
The appearance of sausages should be pleasant and appetizing. The use of curved, non-smooth, wrinkled semi-finished products is not allowed.

Also pay attention to the product expiration date. As a rule, for high-quality sausages, it is from 3 to 5 days for those products that are sold by weight, and from 15 to 20 days for products packed under vacuum.

Preparing sausages for cooking

It would seem that sausages are such a simple product, what kind of preparation might they need? However, if you want to put beautiful, appetizing, even sausages on the table, you should take into account some of the nuances.

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the cellulose unnatural casing on sausages, if it is present.

In the event that the semi-finished product has a natural shell, it is better not to remove it in order to preserve the juiciness of the product. It will be enough to pierce the shell with a needle in several places.

If you decide to cook frozen sausages, you should not defrost them first, you will only waste your time. They should be cooked in the same way as chilled ones, just increase the cooking time by 5 minutes.

Don't put too much water in the pot. A level at which the sausages will be slightly covered with water will be enough. If you need to know the exact amount of water, pour it into the pan at the rate of 100 ml of liquid per 1 sausage.

No additional spices, such as salt or pepper, need to be added to the water for cooking sausages. Firstly, all the necessary seasonings have already been added to the semi-finished product in the required amount, and secondly, the finished product taste may deteriorate.

Sausages can be cooked in different ways. Therefore, we will analyze the cooking time for each of the existing methods.

The easiest way is to boil the semi-finished product in a saucepan. How many minutes does it take to cook sausages in this way? The cooking time will be from 3 to 5 minutes depending on the product size.

You can also boil sausages in the microwave. Moreover, you can cook the product, both with water and without it. In the case of cooking with water, the cooking time will take 5 minutes; without water, sausages will reach readiness much faster - in just a minute or two. If you cook sausages in a double boiler, you should lay them out on the first tier of the appliance and cook for 10-15 minutes.

You can also cook sausages in a slow cooker. You can choose any of the proposed modes - cooking, baking, stewing or soup. The cooking time in this appliance will be from 5 to 7 minutes.

If you want to cook frozen semi-finished products, cook them for about 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Readiness can be checked by piercing the product with a toothpick. It should equally enter the entire width of the sausage.

In the event that you later want to cook sausages in the dough, you do not need to boil them first.

It is not enough to boil semi-finished sausage for dinner, you also need to serve it with the appropriate side dish. What goes with sausages?

The most common garnish for sausages is spaghetti or any other pasta, poured with ketchup.

Potatoes are also quite suitable, and in different forms - fried, boiled and even stewed.

Boiled sausages go very well with stewed cabbage. You can even add raw sausages to cabbage during cooking. You get a very tasty meal.
All kinds of cereals, such as buckwheat or rice, are also suitable as a side dish. In rice, it is best to add onion fried in vegetable oil. So it will be much tastier.

Stewed vegetables are another garnish option for semi-finished sausage.

With sausages, you can fry an omelet or a simple scrambled egg for breakfast.

You can serve sausages on the table with almost any sauces - ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese and sour cream sauces, sour cream, soy sauce, adjika and mustard.

Boiled sausages with pasta

For 2 servings: boil a lot of water (2 liters), add salt, add 100 grams of pasta, after 5 minutes add sausages cut into slices or just whole, cook together for 3 minutes after boiling. Drain through a colander, drizzle with oil and sauce, and serve.

How to cook hairy sausages

Pierce sausages with long thin pasta so that you get a "hedgehog". Dip the "hedgehogs" from sausages and pasta into the pan one at a time - so that the pasta has time to soak. Boil each of the hairy sausages for 10 minutes. The technology is simple: the first part of hairy sausages is cooked, and when the pasta is completely immersed in water, you can add a couple more hairy sausages.

About baby sausages

Cook sausages "Krokha" and other "mini sausages" for 2 minutes.

Sheathed or not

You can cook sausages both in the shell and without it - the main thing is not to eat an unnatural shell in the end. To save time, the unnatural casing can be removed while the sausage water boils. But if the shell is natural - it does not need to be cleaned at all.

sausage math

- Price sausages - 350-450 rubles / kilogram (on average in Moscow as of November 2018).

- calories boiled sausages - 250-300 kcal / 100 grams.

How to choose good sausages

The price per kilogram of natural meat sausages cannot be less than per kilogram of meat. To reduce the cost, fiber and dietary fiber are often added to sausages, this is usually indicated in the composition. The GOST mark on the package indicates the standard composition, the TU mark indicates unusual ingredients: spices, cheeses, etc.
The composition of high-quality sausages does not include flavors, thickeners, dyes, modified starch. If the sausages are dark in color, they contain too many preservatives and may have been processed more than once. Sodium nitrite is added to almost all sausages to give them a pink color. If the sausages are bright pink, most likely they went too far with dyes.
Shelf life of sausages by weight - 3-5 days, vacuum-packed - 15-20 days. Store sausages after cooking in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

What to serve with sausages

- The most popular side dishes for boiled sausages are pasta and potatoes. Lettuce, cheese, tomatoes are suitable for a snack.
- The most popular sauces for boiled sausages are ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese sauce, sour cream, adjika, soy sauce, mustard.
