
Make puff pastry croissants at home. Croissants made from puff pastry

Secrets of the perfect croissant June 10th, 2015

I got carried away by Switzerland (well, how can you not get carried away, right?) and completely forgot to tell about our meeting with pastry chef Laurent Boursier, quality director of the Volkonsky bakery chain.

Literally a week before my trip, the Volkonsky cafe-bakery on Sretenka did something incredible: Laurent Boursier personally shared with us the secrets of delicious croissants. Of course, those who have tried to make croissants at least once in their life will understand that it is not enough to know the subtleties and secrets, a lot depends, of course, on experience. The perfect croissant is not easy. A real croissant is akin to art. And it turns out that this art was not invented by the French at all. Surely many of you are now surprised, right?

So, we ask questions, listen to the master. And at the end - we get a dough recipe from the maestro himself.

The French did not first produce the croissant, they did not invent it. But they brought it to perfection!
Then who? Who is the creator of this insanely airy, crispy, fragile, porous, melt-in-your-mouth piece of art?
The main culprits of our ... (sorry, could not resist, it just so happened that if we have something added here and there, the croissant is to blame for everything) - in fact, the Austrians. There are several official origin stories. But in both the Austrians are to blame. One version says that back in the period of the Ottoman Empire, baking in the shape of a month was known, allegedly during the siege of Vienna by the Turks, as a result, as a sign of victory, Austrian bakers baked a product in the shape of a crescent. It is the ancestor of the modern croissant. According to another version, the croissant arrived in France from Austria: a certain Monsieur Zang moved to Paris in the 19th century and opened his first bakery there, where they sold puffs, bagels and croissants prepared by his bakers using technology with the addition of sugar and butter to the dough. By the way, brioches, another symbol french cuisine also hails from Austria. What did the French bring? They started making croissants using yeast. The Austrians did not add them. A large amount of butter and yeast is what distinguishes a real croissant from a bagel ancestor.

Monsieur Laurent cuts first the bagel and then the croissant and explains with examples how they differ. And then carefully unrolls the croissant into a ribbon. For what? Only the right croissant can open like this, here it is - the pinnacle of skill!

And Laurent showed us a raspberry croissant, which uses raspberries, whites, almond cream and sugar - they say it is very tasty, but I have not tried it yet. The authorship belongs to Laurent, and it seems that this croissant even appeared first in Volkonsky, and only then in France! That's how it happens ;) next year promise something new, but so far the secret is not given out.

Breaking off the tip of a croissant, a member of the Academy of Culinary Arts of France, the National Academy of Culinary Arts, the international club White Cap, the Eurocap and Eurogastronomy Associations, and many other high-profile international associations (you can’t remember everything) remembered how he once “observed a terrible thing”: a visitor to Volkonsky ate a croissant with a knife and fork. Who is this "savage"? In general, this is even worse than having a cappuccino in Italy at lunchtime. God forbid you do this somewhere in Paris, that's okay, it's not every day that Laurent walks along Volkonsky. Nevertheless, he is a busy man: he manages four dozen bakeries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny and Kyiv.

Here we come to the secrets.
Are you listening? Are you recording? Ready to join the art?

1. Kneading. The oxygen in the dough is very important. But in this situation, the main thing is not to overdo it, it is not worth launching a lot of oxygen. Mix thoroughly, but don't overdo it.
2. Sourdough, there should be little yeast, the principle is that the dough should rise slowly.
3. It doesn't matter what kind of yeast you use - dry or pressed. It is important that they work.
4. The ideal temperature for kneading dough is 24 degrees, for rolling out - 16, and for proofing - 25-26.
5. When rolling out, it is important to change the direction of the dough (rotate 90 degrees). This will make it more plastic, it will be easier to give in to each subsequent rolling (only 3 times you need to fold the dough and put it in the cold).
6. At the stage of connecting dough with oil, the ratio of dough to oil should be 250-300 g per 1 kg of dough.
7. The dough and butter should be close in consistency: if the dough is too dense and the butter is soft, this is a disaster. If the dough is soft and the butter is dense, this is not a disaster, but also bad.
8. Oil should be at least 82.5% fat (we simply didn’t see more fat, although someone said that it happens), and ideally 84% or more.
9. The thickness of the dough at the time of cutting the triangles should be 2.5-3 mm. When folding, they need to be slightly stretched.
10. The longer the proofing process, the better the taste.

And, of course, I wouldn’t be a food blogger if I didn’t ask for a recipe for a test.

Strong flour 1000g
Biological yeast 30 - 40g
Salt 20g
Sugar 90-110g
Eggs (optional) 1 pc.
Milk or milk + water approx. 6 dl
Folding oil 450-600g

Weigh and sift flour.
Add salt, sugar and almost all milk or a mixture of milk and water (you need to take a little less water if the dough will be rolled out on a dough sheeter).
Next, add yeast diluted in a small amount water.
Knead the dough properly so that the mass is elastic and elastic. The dough should easily lag behind the sides of the container in which it is kneaded.
Depending on the time of year, start making the first batch at room temperature within approximately 30 minutes.
Note: Cover the dough with a towel to prevent a crust from forming.
Then move the dough to the refrigerator (+5 ̊С) and leave it there until the next day.
If you want to use the dough the same day, leave it to prove for 1 hour, then put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes to make it easier to fold.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle about 1 cm thick.
Spread the butter on half of the dough, rolled out into a rectangle shape.
Cover half of the rectangle containing the butter with the other half. Align and "seal" the edges with a rolling pin.
Fold in three layers or double in half.
After proofing for a few minutes, roll out the dough into a rectangle 32 cm long and about 3 mm thick.
Note: Sometimes it is necessary to cut the dough into two parts.
Cut the rectangle into two strips 16 cm wide.
Lay one strip on top of the other, after sprinkling them with flour.
Cut into triangles with a base of 12cm, weighing approximately 40-50g.
Collapse the triangle starting from its base without pressing too hard. Work with two palms, while stretching the dough slightly in opposite directions.
7. You can cut the base of the triangle with a knife to facilitate rolling.
Arrange the crescent shaped croissants on the moistened baking sheet: 20 pieces per 60x40 baking sheet. Try to stack the croissants with the tips down.
Brush the croissants lightly with melange.
Put the baking sheets in a proofer (35 - 40 ̊С).
Before the croissants have completely risen, take them out of the proofing to give them a chance to “gain strength”.
Brush the croissants again with melange.
Set the oven temperature to 250 ̊C. Bake for approximately 12 minutes. Open oven doors at the end of baking.

Wow! Serious work ahead!
Have you thought about trying it?

Brought croissants home. I love them with greens parma ham for lunch or brunch. Nutritious and delicious snack it turns out.
They also treated us and told us a little about baguettes.

Puff pastry croissants are super tasty pastries.

And it can be varied, as it allows you to use any fillings.

Puff pastry does not have a pronounced sweetness or saltiness, so you can wrap whatever your heart desires in it.

But within reason, of course.

Shall we indulge in delicious croissants?

Puff pastry croissants - general cooking principles

Puff pastry can be made at home. It has a special warmth and taste. Detailed recipe can be seen below. But not everyone has the desire to do this, so they often use purchased dough. It is affordable, sold in almost every store.

What can be used for the filling:

Cheese, cottage cheese;


Jam, jam;

Fruits, berries;

Meat and sausages.

Croissants do not put a lot of toppings, as this is not a pie. Yes and wrap a large number of fail. And if the filling is sweet, then it is added quite a bit, usually no more than a dessert spoon, otherwise the mass will flow out when heated and baked.

Croissants are rolled in the form of bagels, but when laid out on a baking sheet, the edges are bent to form an arc. But this is optional. You can just bake bagels. Before being sent to the oven, the products are allowed to rise, smeared with an egg, sometimes sprinkled with nuts, seeds, sesame seeds. Sweet croissants can be sprinkled with icing, cocoa powder or icing after baking.

Recipe 1: Puff pastry for croissants with different fillings

Recipe and technology for the preparation of puff pastry, which can be used for croissants with different fillings: sweet and salty. Cooking with yeast, with such a dough, pastries are more tender and airy.


500 grams of flour;

250 ml of milk;

1 small spoon of salt;

1 the same spoonful of sugar;

310 grams of oil at least 82% fat;

9 grams of dry yeast (you can use 25 raw);

60 grams of warm water.


1. Sift the flour and mix with salt and butter. Add yeast to milk warm water and sugar. We combine both masses, knead a cool dough.

2. Leave for two hours, after an hour we crush.

3. Roll out a small layer rectangular shape and send it to the refrigerator for forty minutes.

4. We take out, roll out thinner and cover 2/3 of the area with softened butter. We cover the center with the free part, then we also bend the second edge with oil. We pinch free slices and send the dough to the refrigerator.

5. We take out after half an hour and again roll out the rectangle, fold it into 3 layers. Cool and repeat the procedure two more times, as much as possible.

6. At the end, the dough is rolled out with a layer of 2.5 to 4 millimeters, and croissants are made.

Recipe 2: Puff pastry croissants with cheese

Many people's favorite filling is cheese. It can be absolutely anything: solid, creamy, melted. We use puff pastry yeast, homemade or purchased.


0.5 kg of dough;

0.2 kg of cheese;

5 sprigs of dill;

A little flour.


1. Three cheese large or just cut into strips, cubes. Add chopped dill to it. You can take dry herbs.

2. Break the egg into a bowl, pour in a spoonful of water and interrupt with a fork.

3. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour, roll out the layer, cut into triangles with a base of 10 centimeters.

4. Lubricate the surface with an egg, put cheese filling with dill, wrap the edge, try to pinch it more firmly so that the filling does not leak out when the cheese is melted. We roll the bagel.

5. We sculpt all the bagels, wrap the edges so that the products turn into croissants and transfer to a baking sheet. Do not forget that they will increase, so leave enough space between them.

6. Let the products stand warm for 40 minutes.

7. Lubricate with the remaining egg and bake until golden color at 190 degrees, it's about 15 minutes.

Recipe 3: Puff pastry croissants with boiled condensed milk

There are two ways to cook croissants with boiled condensed milk:

1. Put the filling right away and roll it up with a bagel.

2. Bake empty croissants and then stuff confectionery syringe.

The disadvantage of the first option is that the condensed milk flows out and burns on a baking sheet, like many other sweet fillings. The minus of the second is that the dough is not always airy and it turns out a cavity inside the bagel. At home, it is better to use the first option and try to carefully hide the filling inside.


500 grams of dough;

250 grams of condensed milk;

25 grams of flour or starch.


1. Mash condensed milk in a bowl, add flour or starch to it and mix. This technique will make the filling stronger, and it will flow out less.

2. Now, according to the usual scheme: roll out the layer, cut triangles, lay out the filling and twist the croissants.

3. Lay out on a greased baking sheet, bending the tips. Let's go up.

4. Lubricate with a beaten egg. If you want more bright color, then you can use only the yolk.

5. Bake until cooked, set the average temperature from 180 to 200 degrees.

Recipe 4: Puff pastry croissants with chocolate and nuts

Chocolate cake is something! Such croissants will surely please the household, and no one will guess that making them is very simple. For taste, add some chopped nuts to the filling. But you can take chocolate immediately with nuts.


400 grams of dough;

100 grams of chocolate;

3 spoons of crushed nuts;


1. Chocolate should be kept in the refrigerator for a while, then finely chopped with a knife and mixed with nuts. They can be fried a little in a pan.

2. Roll out the dough, cut triangles with a base of at least 8 centimeters. We put in each dessert spoon chopped chocolate with nuts and pinch tightly. We wrap the free end with the top of the triangle around, bend the edges with an arc.

3. We spread it on a sheet, let the products rise, grease and bake until cooked.

Recipe 5: Puff pastry croissants with jam or marmalade

Another delicious croissant. Instead of jam, you can use not only jam, but also any jam, confiture.


500 grams of dough;

180 grams of jam;

2 spoons of powder;

1 spoon of oil grows.


1. If frozen dough is used, then remove it from the refrigerator in advance. Grease the baking sheet with oil.

2. Expand the layer, roll out and cut triangles.

3. Put a teaspoon of jam on the wide part. If it is liquid, then you can pour a little flour or starch, but do not get carried away, otherwise the taste and all the charm of the filling will disappear. It's better to take thick product or just pick berries and use them.

4. We twist the croissants, put them on baking sheets, let them come up and bake.

5. Then cool, sprinkle with powder and you're done! By the way, there is never too much jam. And when serving bagels, it can also be offered.

Recipe 6: Puff pastry croissants with banana and chocolate

Bananas are ideal for toppings, as baking does not release as much juice as many other berries and fruits. Closely needed with yeast.


450 grams of dough;

2 bananas;

70 grams of chocolate;


1. Remove the peel from bananas, cut in half lengthwise, then into small slices.

2. Cool the chocolate well and grind it into crumbs. If a bitter tile is used, then you can put a little sugar.

3. Roll out the dough with a layer, as usual, cut triangles.

4. Put 2-3 slices of banana at the base of each, sprinkle on top chocolate chips, firmly pinch, twist and bend with an arc.

5. As usual, let the dough rise, grease the unformed products with an egg and bake until golden brown.

Recipe 7: Puff pastry croissants with glazed cherries

For these puff pastry croissants, you can use fresh, canned or frozen cherries. It is only very important that after removing the seeds, put them in a colander and let the juice drain for several hours. You can speed up the process and squeeze the berries with your hands.


0.5 kg of dough;

150 grams of cherries;

2 spoons of sugar;

5 tsp powders;

1 tsp boiling water.


1. Roll out and cut the dough in the usual way. How to do this, you can see in the recipes above.

2. Put 4-5 cherries in each croissant and crush granulated sugar. We close the edges and twist the bagel, tuck the ends.

3. We do the procedure with all the other berries and pieces of dough. Transfer to a baking sheet, leave for thirty minutes.

4. Grease with yolk mixed with water and bake.

5. For glaze, you need to combine powdered sugar with a spoonful of boiling water, stir vigorously. Prepare immediately before use.

6. We take out the croissants from the oven and apply with a brush on the surface icing sugar. You can make multiple layers. Cool down and put the kettle on!

Recipe 8: Puff Pastry Croissants with Ham and Cheese

Variant of puff pastry snack croissants with Not sweet stuffing. In fact, instead of ham, you can take any meat product. Delicious with sausage boiled chicken, brisket. You can even cook with crab sticks or a fish.


0.2 kg of ham;

0.4 kg of dough;

0.2 kg of cheese;

A little pepper.


1. We will make the filling fast. Just cut the ham into cubes, three large cheese, mix, pepper. If the ham is low-fat, then you can add a little mayonnaise, it will be tastier. But only a little bit, one spoon is enough.

2. Now everything is as usual. We roll out the dough, cut it into triangles, sculpt croissants, and send them to baking sheets.

3. Let it come up, grease with a beaten egg and immediately, until it dries, sprinkle with sesame seeds.

4. Bake until tender, about 18 minutes at 180 degrees. These croissants are best served warm. Although cold, they are also very tasty.

When kneading homemade puff pastry, you can not actively beat liquid ingredients, and even more so use a mixer or whisk. The French believe that a large number of bubbles is harmful finished product. It should rise only due to the work of yeast fungi.

Insufficient fat content of oil can hopelessly spoil the dough. This is especially true for the rolling product. If there is a lot of water in it, then there can be no question of any layering.

Croissants are best baked at different temperatures. At 180 degrees they are baked inside, and at 210 degrees they need to be fried golden crust.

To get a crispy crust, you can remove the croissants from the oven at the end of baking and brush with whipped protein and sugar. This is done in a thin layer with a brush. Then the product is fried further.

Not enough stuffing? Roll and bake empty croissants! They can be greased and sprinkled with nuts, seeds. Or after baking, cover with glaze. And you can just serve with any syrup or sweet sauce.

Ready-made dough always helps out hostesses. Especially if you need to cook something quickly. And today we will tell you how croissants are prepared from ready-made puff pastry, this pastry is prepared very quickly and simply, but as a result, you will have a delicious meal on your table. fragrant dessert who are not ashamed to treat even unexpectedly arriving guests!


Step-by-step recipe for making Croissants from ready-made puff pastry with a photo

So let's get down to business:

First you need to prepare puff pastry. Defrost it, roll it into a rectangle, and then cut it into triangles.

An incision should be made at the base of each test triangle.

Expand the incision.

Connect the ends that you cut to the side ends, gently press them, that is, fix them.

Lubricate the prepared test products, use the melted cooled butter and sprinkle them with sugar on top.

Now proceed to twisting the croissants, you need to start from the base of the test triangles.

Prepare a baking sheet, line it with parchment paper and put prepared flour products.

Whisk egg yolk, grease future croissants with it, sprinkle with sugar again.

Turn on the oven, it should warm up to 200 degrees, send the products to bake for 20 minutes. That's all, after this time you can treat your loved ones delicious pastries, they will definitely appreciate the croissants made from ready-made puff pastry!

Video recipe Croissants from ready-made puff pastry

Recipe for puff croissants

There is another recipe puff croissants. This pastry is no less tasty, fragrant and tender!

So, in order to bake croissants according to this recipe, you will need:


For test:
flour - 500 grams;
butter - 50 grams;
water - 280 milliliters;
salt - 12 grams;
sugar - 75 grams;
fresh yeast - 20 grams.

Additional Ingredients:
butter for lamination - 300 grams;
flour - for sprinkling;
egg - 1 piece.

For the almond filling:
almonds - 0.5 cups;
sugar - ¾ cup;
butter - 1 tablespoon;
flour - 1 tablespoon;
egg - 1 piece;
almond flakes.

For chocolate filling:
dark chocolate - 100 grams;
orange - 1 citrus.

Now let's get down to business:

  1. First you need to prepare the test mass. Send the butter into a clean container, it should be melted.
  2. Then pour a little warmed water into another bowl, add sugar, mix.
  3. Then add yeast to warm water with sugar, stir.
  4. Pour in the butter that you melted, salt and in small portions adding pre-sifted flour, knead the dough.
  5. Roll up the finished test mass in the form of a ball, cover with a piece of cling film, send it to a warm room, let it stand.
  6. As soon as the dough will do, transfer it to parchment paper and cut into a deep cross. Unfold the ends with your hands, form a square.
  7. Put the dough together with parchment in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  8. Next, prepare the butter for lamination. wrap it up cling film, beat off with a rolling pin, and then give the shape of a circle.
  9. Take the dough out of the refrigerator, spread the butter on the center, cover it with the edges of the dough, turn over and roll out.
  10. Wrap the dough back in cling film and place in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  11. After ten minutes, take the dough out and divide it into pieces.
  12. Now it's time to prepare the almond filling. Fry flour and butter in a pan. Grind almonds, sugar and eggs, use a blender. Add the crushed ingredients to the flour with butter, mix.
  13. Now let's get busy chocolate filling. Cut the chocolate bar into small pieces.
  14. Wash the orange, peel the skin and cut it into thin strips.
  15. Now roll out the dough, cut many triangles, spread the almond filling on one test triangle, and chocolate with orange peel. Roll products in the form of a roll, so you can make a lot of croissants.
  16. Turn on the oven, it should warm up to 170 degrees.
  17. Take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment and spread the prepared flour products, be sure to grease them with beaten egg mass.
  18. Send products to bake for 15 minutes. That's all, delicious croissants are ready for tea!
Enjoy your meal!

One of the symbols of France, along with the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Versailles and wine, is a croissant with a sweet filling. Filmmakers, artists and writers mention the puff pastry croissant in their works as an indispensable element of the French breakfast. Croissants are not only sweet, but also with cheese, ham, meat and mushrooms.

The dessert is popular in France, but the birthplace of the recipe is Austria. There, for the first time, a crescent-shaped bun was baked. The French brought the recipe to perfection, came up with the idea of ​​stuffing a croissant with a sweet filling and added butter to the recipe.

Croissants can be made from ready dough Or make your own puff pastry. In order for the dough for croissants to get the correct structure, you must follow 4 simple rules:

  1. Knead the dough slowly, it should be saturated with oxygen. But do not knead the dough for too long.
  2. Use a little yeast in the dough, it should come up slowly.
  3. Observe temperature regime- knead the dough at 24 degrees, roll out at 16, and for proofing you need 25.
  4. Roll out the dough into a layer, no more than 3 mm thick.

Croissant with chocolate

Morning coffee with a crispy croissant will impress any lover gourmet pastries. Croissant with chocolate is a French classic.

It is convenient to take pastries with you to nature, to work and give children to school for lunch. On any holiday table, a croissant with chocolate will be the highlight of the table.

Cooking time for croissants is 45 minutes.


  • puff pastry - 400 gr;
  • chocolate - 120 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Defrost the dough at room temperature.
  2. Roll out into a thin layer, no thicker than 3 cm.
  3. Cut the dough into long triangles.
  4. Put the chocolate in the freezer. Crumble the chocolate with your hands.
  5. Arrange the chocolate chips along the shortest side of the triangle.
  6. Wrap the croissant with the bagel, starting on the chocolate side. Shape the croissant into a semi-circle.
  7. Whisk the egg.
  8. Brush the croissant with egg on all sides.
  9. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
  10. Put the croissants in the oven for 5 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 20 minutes.


  • puff pastry - 1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr;
  • powdered sugar - 200 gr;
  • almonds - 250 gr;
  • orange juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 11 tbsp. l.;
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • milk - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Separate the egg white from the yolk and beat until foamy.
  2. Combine whipped protein with chopped almond, half powdered sugar And orange juice. Add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Mix the ingredients.
  3. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut into 12 long triangles.
  4. On the narrow side of the triangle, lay out the filling and roll the bagel towards the sharp corner.
  5. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  6. Lay the croissants on a baking sheet, fold the edges inward in a semicircle.
  7. Heat the oven to 200 degrees.
  8. Brush each croissant with milk.
  9. Place the tray in the oven for 25 minutes.
  10. Mix 100 ml of lemon juice with powdered sugar.
  11. Spread hot croissants with lemon glaze.

Croissant with boiled condensed milk

One of the most popular recipes croissants - with condensed milk. To prevent the filling from leaking out, you need to use boiled condensed milk. A quick and easy recipe allows you to cook croissants at least every day. Croissants with condensed milk can be treated to guests, cooked on family tea party and put on festive table. Often a royal croissant is prepared with condensed milk, that is, large-sized pastries.

It takes 50 minutes to prepare the dish.

Like, you've never made croissants - French puff buns with sweet filling and crispy crust?! Difficult? Croissants made from ready-made puff pastry - that's the secret of lightning success. Fifteen minutes - and you're done! Set a timer. Time has gone...

Slicing (5 minutes)

Dust the countertop with flour, place a sheet of puff pastry on it and cut it into long strips the width of your palm. Now cut them so that they form triangles:

Twisting (8 minutes)

Put the filling on the base of each triangle and roll them up, and brush the surface with a beaten egg. This is necessary in order to delicious bun got the same cherished ruddy crust.

Laying out (2 minutes)

Turn on and heat the oven well to 220-230 0 C. Spread the croissants from the finished puff pastry on a greased baking sheet, and even better - on baking paper or foil. Depending on the size, the French buns will take 15 to 25 minutes to bake. This is how French croissants are made. The recipe is not complicated. It would be a desire to please yourself and those close to you.


Croissants from ready-made puff pastry can be prepared with any filling. It is worth talking about it separately. Main condition the right stuffing: it should not be liquid. Otherwise, it will leak out during cooking. Take note of a few ideas that you can adapt to the contents of your refrigerator.

Filling options

Berries from jam;

Pieces of any fruit (apples, bananas, pears, grapefruits, tangerine slices, etc.);

Fresh berries with sugar;

shards of chocolate or chocolate paste(half a teaspoon per croissant);

Poppy (tip: pre-scald it with boiling water and leave it to steam for 20 minutes, then drain the water, and mix the poppy with sugar and vanilla or honey, and it will be delicious with jam);

Prunes, walnuts, sugar;

Cinnamon with sugar;

Homemade puff croissants yeast dough

Oh, how good are croissants made from ready-made puff pastry! Would you make them too if you had this product in your refrigerator right now? Nothing is impossible! If you have a couple of glasses of flour, 8 g of dry yeast, two tablespoons of sugar, a glass warm milk, a couple of eggs, 30-40 g (two tablespoons) of butter or margarine and a pinch of salt, call the guests. And while they are gathering, start cooking.


Separately mix dry foods (flour, sugar, yeast, salt) and liquid (milk and eggs), then combine them, knead the dough. Roll it into a ball and let it stand warm, rise. Then stir in the butter, cut into pieces. Let the dough rise again in a warm place.


Divide the dough in half. Cut these halves too. Continue dividing until you have 24 balls. Leave them for a few minutes, let rise. Then pick up one ball and, remembering the modeling lesson, make a cone. Rolling it with a rolling pin will give this geometric figure triangle shape. Repeat the procedure with the remaining 23 balls. What to do next, you already know from the subsections “Twisting”, “Laying out” and “Stuffing”.


By the way, if you do not have the desire or need to bake all the buns at once, freeze them in plastic bag and store in freezer until needed. Now you know how to make a croissant. It remains only to turn the dream into reality.
