
What ingredients are needed for tiramisu. Cake "Tiramisu" - recipe biscuit, almond

Today we will prepare a popular Italian dessert tiramisu at home. “Airy” cream and a pleasant coffee-almond flavor together form the most delicate delicacy, which will be a great idea for a romantic dinner or an original afternoon snack.

According to the classic recipe, tiramisu with mascarpone is prepared, eggs, coffee with sweet liquor, cocoa powder, sugar / powdered sugar and, of course, oblong cookies (savoyardi or “lady fingers”) are also mandatory ingredients. You can make it yourself or find it on sale, but do not try to replace this ingredient with anything, as the taste of the dessert will not be the same.

Ingredients for 2-3 servings:

  • mascarpone cream cheese - 250 g;
  • - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • cocoa powder - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Amaretto liqueur - 1 tbsp. spoon (or almond essence);
  • espresso coffee (or regular strong coffee) - 200 ml.

First, a few words about the cream. It is prepared from raw eggs, so be sure to select the freshest chicken eggs for tiramisu and wash them thoroughly with soap before cooking. It will not work to exclude raw proteins and yolks from the recipe, since it is they who give the cream “airiness”. If desired, of course, you can replace the eggs, for example, with whipped cream, but there will be a completely different taste.

  1. First of all, we prepare coffee. The classic tiramisu recipe includes espresso in its composition, but it won’t hurt if you brew regular strong coffee in a Turk (2 teaspoons of coffee for 200 ml of water). We cool the finished drink.
  2. Next, separate the egg whites from the yolks, put them in different containers. Try not to get a drop of yolk or water into the protein mass, and also pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes, as even the smallest speck can disrupt the whipping process. So let's get started with the mixer. As soon as the mass thickens, add a tablespoon of powdered sugar, gradually increasing the speed. As a result, the proteins must be whipped into a very dense foam so that the finished cream does not spread in the dessert.
  3. Mix the yolks with the remaining portion of the sweet powder. Beat until a thickened mass of a light shade is obtained.
  4. Gradually stir in the mascarpone cheese into the sweet yolk mixture. Whipped proteins in parts (in 2-3 passes) are added to the mass of yolks and cheese, each time gently mixing with movements from bottom to top. As a result, you need to get a homogeneous and "airy" cream.
  5. Mix cold coffee with Amaretto. This ingredient gives the dessert an almond flavor. If you do not want to include alcohol in the tiramisu, you can replace the liquor with almond essence.
  6. Quickly dip the savoiardi into aromatic coffee (it is better to immerse the cookies not completely, but only on the side with powdered sugar). Next, shake off excess liquid.
  7. We spread the soaked savoiardi on the bottom of a portioned bowl or a transparent glass (if the cookies do not fit entirely, we break them into pieces that are suitable in size). By the way, you can cook tiramisu in one large container, for example, a baking dish, but keep in mind that the dessert is very delicate, so it will be difficult to cut it into beautiful portions. Yes, and it is widely believed that Italians cut tiramisu is considered bad form.
  8. We hide the cookies under a layer of light cream. Next, repeat the layers.
  9. We cover the surface of the dessert through a fine sieve with cocoa powder, and then we tighten the dishes with cling film and send them to the refrigerator for several hours (it is better to leave them overnight).

Let's start tasting, enjoying the delicate taste of a multi-layered tiramisu dessert at home! Enjoy your meal!

Brew strong coffee from 2 tablespoons of ground coffee, 300 grams of boiling water and 30 grams of sugar. Cover with a plate and set aside.

Eggs, each weighing about 70 grams, divided into whites and yolks. Add 35 grams of fine sugar to the yolks and beat them until white. It will take about 6 minutes. I repeat once again that sugar should be small, large sugar dissolves for too long, and we don’t need a crunch on our teeth at all. It is good to take just powdered sugar.

Put the Mascarpone cream cheese into another bowl, pour in the liquor and beat for literally 5 seconds. Add our well-beaten yolks to the cheese-liqueur mass and stir at low speed of the mixer until smooth.

It's time for the cream. They must be chilled and we beat them too. We start with the average speed of the mixer. After a couple of minutes, you will see that our cream has begun to thicken decently, so it's time to add 35 grams of fine sugar or powdered sugar. Just without ceasing to beat, add our sugar in a trickle and increase the speed of the mixer. Beat for a couple more minutes until you see that the resulting trace from the mixer holds its shape perfectly. Enough, it's time to stop. Approximate whipping time? 3 to 5 minutes. Add our whipped cream to the cream bowl.

If you want Tiramisu in the form of a cake, then gelatin is indispensable. It will need about 10 grams. Dessert will keep its shape, and will remain quite tender.

Pour gelatin into a mug, pour warm water (about 40 grams), let it swell and stir until it is completely dissolved. After the mixer, at the lowest speed, first mix in the cream, and then in a thin stream, without ceasing to beat, pour in the dissolved gelatin, driving the mixer over the entire surface of the cream in order to avoid solidifying lumps. Well, if without gelatin, then see the description below.

Set the mixer aside and take a spatula or spoon. Gently stir in the cream, moving from the edge of the bowl down and towards its middle. At the same time, we twist it (the bowl) around its axis. And do not forget - the longer and harder you stir, the more bubbles in our cream are destroyed, the denser the cream will turn out.

It's time for proteins. The bowl in which we will beat them should in no case be greasy, but, on the contrary, as clean and dry as possible. Start whipping at a low speed, gradually increasing it. When you see that the proteins take the form of soft peaks - taking out the beaters of the mixer, the proteins seem to reach for them, and then slowly settle - it's time to add sugar. Without ceasing to beat in a thin stream, add it (or rather powdered sugar) and continue to beat until hard peaks - the foam becomes white and shiny, and the peaks do not settle. Add whipped egg whites to cream.

Again, mix with a whisk, spatula or spoon from the edge to the middle, turning the bowl. The more and coarser you stir, the denser the cream will turn out, and we just achieve the opposite. If everything is done correctly, then you will have a very airy cream standing on a spoon. Ah, how delicious and tender!

Pour coffee (without sediment) into a deep plate.

I will show the assembly using the example of a cake. If you are making a dessert without gelatin, then use a glass mold, the assembly is exactly the same in both cases.

Line the bottom of a springform pan with baking paper. I find that it's much better when the coffee is still warm enough so you don't have to chill it hard. We take cookies and dip them in coffee once or twice. You don’t need to keep it in it, the cookies will be soaked so well, dipping just for a second.

We spread the cookies in a dense layer in the form.

Spread a layer of cream - a few spoons. And here I will explain a little. I made from the indicated amount of ingredients: a small dessert in a glass bowl, for 2 servings; 3 portion cups and a cake, 18 cm in diameter. If you want one form for serving (it turns out about 24 cm), then spread half of the cookies and half of the cream on the first layer, and also the second - cookies and the remaining half of the cream.

Tiramisu is an exquisite, airy dessert, an Italian dish that is popular all over the world. Tiramisù is translated from Italian as "lift or pull me up." Obviously, the name is associated with the high calorie content of the dish, although some argue that the word tiramisu arose because of its ability to "bring the highest pleasure."

History of origin and description

In the old days of the Renaissance, tiramisu was considered an aphrodisiac, uplifting before a love date and arousing feelings. It is known from sources that for the first time this dessert was invented by Siena confectioners in honor of the arrival of the Tuscan ex-Duke Cosimo de Medici III, who was a famous lover of sweets.

Having tried the original dish, the admiring ex-duke took the recipe to Florence, the center of the arts of that time. There the recipe became famous and from there it spread all over the world, many gourmets appreciated the taste of the masterpiece.

In terms of taste, tiramisu can be compared with the taste of a delicate cake, soufflé and airy pudding. There are many variations of the dish, but all require mascarpone cheese, savoiardi biscuits, eggs and coffee.


Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make the classic Italian tiramisu, the egg-free version of the cake, and the almond dessert recipe at home.

Traditional with mascarpone cheese and savoiardi biscuits

Need: 4 eggs, 250 grams of cheese, sugar or icing, 1/4 cup coffee, 200 grams of savoiardi (so-called “lady fingers”), half a bar of dark dark chocolate or cocoa powder, 4 tbsp. spoons of brandy (rum, cognac, brandy, chocolate liqueur).

Of the tools you will need mixer or whisk(preferably silicone), bowls, spatula.

  • So, first of all, make coffee, soluble is not suitable. Then beat the cheese with a whisk or mixer until softened.
  • Separate the egg whites from the yolks, then beat the yolks thoroughly to the consistency of airy white foam. It is recommended to add a little sugar or powder at the end of whipping.
  • Gently pour the yolks into the mascarpone cheese, while whisking continuously with a whisk or mixer. Separately beat the egg whites, the spreading of the cream depends on the density of the proteins. Then Carefully fold the egg whites into the whipped cheese mixture.. The consistency of the mass should resemble thick sour cream.
  • In a big bowl mix coffee and brandy(or other alcohol - cognac, liquor, rum) and dip savoiardi cookies in the same place. Coffee should be freshly brewed and strong, but cold. Put half of the cookies on the form, do it quickly, until the cookies get wet.
  • cookie layer Cover generously with cheese mass and smooth it with a spatula.. Lay the next layer of cookies on top of it and pour the rest of the cheese mass on it. Smooth out the layer with a spatula.
  • For beauty, the surface can be decorated with cones or stars. Put the finished dish in the refrigerator for eight to nine hours.
  • Sprinkle with cocoa or dark grated chocolate. Cut the dish into pieces and put on a dessert plate, a dessert spoon from the cutlery. Serve recommended with coffee or tea.

In addition to the classic recipe, there are many other cooking options - without alcohol, without eggs, with raspberries, blueberries, condensed milk, almonds, and so on.

Dessert without eggs

Ingredients for tiramisu without eggs: 300 gr. savoiardi or "lady's sticks", 500 gr. mascarpone cheese, 100 gr. powdered sugar, 150 ml. cream 33% - nyh, 200 ml. coffee, 2 tablespoons of Amaretto liqueur, black grated chocolate and a little cocoa.

  • Cream (it is desirable to buy 33%) whip with a mixer or whisk.
  • Soften cheese and mix with powdered sugar. Add whipped cream to the mixture, then mix gently with a spatula so that the cream acquires a consistency of uniformity.
  • Add coffee to a bowl and pour in 2 tablespoons of Amaretto. Dip cookie sticks in coffee, then quickly lay them out in a convenient form.
  • Top with half of the prepared cream. Add next layer of sticks and add the rest of the cream.
  • Put in the refrigerator for several hours, you can until the morning. Garnish the finished tiramisu with cocoa or chocolate.

Italian cuisine enchants with its spontaneity and wonderful combination of flavors. Learn how to cook to please the household with a great dinner.

Another charming Italian dessert recipe - canolli - you will find in this.

If you can't buy mascarpone cheese, learn how to make it at home here:

But there is also an interesting variant of almond tiramisu.


Cooking Ingredients: 300 gr. biscuit savoiardi, 85 gr. sugar, 150 ml. fresh milk, 250 ml. cream, the fat content of which is not less than 33%, 3 egg yolks, 3 tbsp. spoons of almond liquor, 250 gr. cheese, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of almond flakes.

  • Pour 25 gr. on a thick pan. sugar, melt over medium heat until brown. Then pour 2 tablespoons of ordinary boiling water and remove the pan from the stove.
  • Pour milk into sugar and mix, the resulting caramel should dissolve completely. Pour through a sieve into a bowl and wait for cooling.
  • Pour into the mixture 1 tbsp. a spoonful of almond liqueur and mix.
  • Prepare the cream separately. To do this, prepare steam bath. Pour some water into the pan, put the container in it. Add the yolks, separated from the proteins, 60 gr. to the container. sugar, 2 tablespoons of liquor. Beat the mixture for about 7 minutes until an airy, thick mass forms.
  • Then move the container to another pan, adding cold water to it and keep beating until the mixture cools down. Add the mascarpone and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  • Separately, beat the cream with a mixer and add them to the mass with the yolks. Each "lady's wand" quickly dip in caramel syrup and place on the bottom of the mold for cooking. When the bottom of the form is completely filled, lay out half the cream.
  • Repeat procedure: lay out an additional layer of biscuit sticks and pour cream. Decorate the dish with almond flakes, which are lightly fried in a pan. Put the cooked dish in the refrigerator for six to eight hours.

Are you the lucky one who managed to taste the most delicate creamy dessert tiramisu invented by the Italians? Its taste leaves few people indifferent, you want to try it again and again.

Nowadays, to get to know the real taste of an overseas dish, it is not necessary to fly to Italy. All you have to do is find your favorite recipe. By the way, I tried tiramisu for the first time quite recently, and I liked it so much that I can’t refuse this amazing dessert, despite its calorie content. In addition, it turns out that this delicious dessert is easy to prepare.

Tiramisu - origin story

There are several versions of the origin of tiramisu. One of them says that this amazing dessert was invented at the end of the 17th century by the confectioners of the Italian town of Siena for the Grand Duke Cosimo. III Medici, who was famous for connoisseur of sweets. Such a dessert was called "Duke's soup", Cosimo was delighted with him and took the recipe to Florence, and from there he quickly reached the province of Treviso, where the courtesans began to use this dessert before love meetings. It was from there that the interpretation of the name of the dessert tiramisu began.from Italian "tira mi su" as "excite me". Although you can also translate “lift me up”, “lift me up” - it means the mood.

Composition of Tiramisu cake

The composition of this delicious dessert is actually conducive to enjoyment. The composition of tiramisu includes three obligatory components - airy savoiardi cookies, delicate mascarpone cream cheese and Italian Marsala wine.

Today, it will not be difficult to find all the ingredients necessary for making tiramisu in the nearest supermarket. Mascarpone cream cheese is sold in plastic jars of 250 and 500 g.

Savoyardi cookies, or as they are also called "lady fingers", are also sold in packs of 200 and 400 g, their choice is great. You can cook them yourself or use simple biscuit cakes.

Marsala wine was even nicknamed culinary due to its taste. This is a Sicilian wine with a characteristic aftertaste of ship tar and burnt caramel. But even if you do not have such wine available, it is successfully replaced in recipes with brandy, cognac, rum or Madeira.

5 most delicious tiramisu recipes

Tiramisu - a classic recipe at home

If you have never prepared the Italian dessert tiramisu, then I recommend starting with the classic recipe. Having prepared tiramisu at least once at home, you will fill your hand, feel the nuances of working with each individual product, understand the texture of the dessert and recognize its real taste. After that, you can already experiment and use additional ingredients and serving methods.


  • mascarpone cheese - 500 gr.
  • sugar - 200 gr.
  • eggs - 4-5 pcs.
  • black coffee - 250 ml
  • brandy, cognac or rum - 50 ml
  • savoiardi cookies - 300 gr.
  • cocoa for decoration

You will need two deep cups for separate whipping of proteins and yolks, dishes with a flat bottom, in which it will be convenient to dip cookies in coffee, and a glass rectangular shape for the tiramisu itself.

  1. Pour sugar into the yolks and begin to beat with a mixer until a viscous homogeneous consistency, remember that the sugar will not completely dissolve, i.e. crystals will be visible.

2. Separately, beat the egg whites until fluffy.

3. Put the mascarpone cheese into the sugar-yolk mass.

It is more correct to knead the cheese only with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous elastic mass is obtained.

You can also use a mixer, but at a low whipping speed so that the mascarpone does not overheat and lose its properties.

4. Now add whipped proteins to the cheese mass and gently mix them until a homogeneous consistency.

5. Prepare the coffee solution. It can be used as ground coffee beans, having previously brewed it, or you can brew ordinary instant coffee 3-4 teaspoons per 250 ml of boiling water.

6. Add alcohol to brewed coffee.

We must cool the coffee completely before we dip cookies into it.

7. Now, one by one, we dip the savoiardi cookies into the coffee solution and spread them all over the bottom of our dish.

Remember that in real Italian tiramisu, the base, i.e. the bottom layer is always a biscuit, not a cream.

8. Fill the cookies with half of the resulting cream cheese cream.

9. Then repeat the layer of cookies soaked in coffee drink.

10. Pour the remaining cream, covering all the cookies with it.

11. Sprinkle plenty of cocoa on top through a strainer over the entire surface of our dessert.

12. Tighten with cling film and put in the refrigerator overnight.

It is best to let the tiramisu stand for 5-7 hours, the sugar will dissolve, the cookies will give off the aroma of coffee and soak in the cream.

Tiramisu without eggs - a recipe with a photo at home

The recipe and cooking process is similar to the previous classic recipe, only here we do without eggs. And from alcohol we use Amaretto liquor, but if you don’t have this available, you can replace it with cognac, rum or brandy.


  • mascarpone cheese - 500 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 120 gr.
  • water - 300 ml
  • natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Amaretto liqueur - 50 ml
  • savoiardi cookies - 35 pcs.
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.

  1. First, brew coffee with hot water. You need to brew in a convenient dish, because we will dip the cookies in a coffee solution.
  2. Add alcohol to coffee, stir and leave to cool completely.

3. Whip heavy cream to peaks.

In order for the cream to whip better, it must first be cooled.

4. Add mascarpone cheese, powdered sugar to the cream and stir everything together with a mixer at low speed until smooth.

5. Now we select the desired shape for tiramisu. Since Savoiardi cookies are long, it will be more convenient to use a rectangular shape.

6. Dip each cookie into a coffee drink and place in rows on the bottom of the mold.

Do not keep cookies in coffee for a long time, otherwise they will get wet.

7. After that, spread half of the cream obtained from cream and mascarpone on the cookies, level with a spoon.

8. With the next layer, lay the cookies again, which we do not forget to dip into the coffee drink.

9. The top layer is cream. Quite a lot of cream comes out of this amount of mascarpone and cream, and it gives airiness to this dessert. Smooth the surface of the tiramisu with a spatula or spoon.

10. Cover the tiramisu dessert with cling film and leave it in the refrigerator for at least 5-7 hours, and preferably overnight.

11. Immediately before serving, sprinkle with cocoa powder on top. To do this, we sift it through a strainer.

Tiramisu with cherries and chocolate - recipe in a glass

If you want to surprise your guests with a beautiful dessert, then tiramisu can be decorated with cherries, strawberries and served in a glass to each guest. It seems to me that children will be very happy with such a dessert. If you do not risk preparing a dessert with the addition of raw eggs, then you can cook without them. And if this is a dessert for children, then you can do without alcohol. In any case, this dessert is prepared easily and simply, and the festive table is sure to decorate.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • mascarpone cheese - 250 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 90 gr.
  • water - 250 ml
  • natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • coffee liqueur - 50 ml
  • savoiardi cookies - 240 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 60 gr.
  • vanillin - a pinch
  • fresh or frozen cherries - 350 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Whip cream, add powdered sugar, vanilla and mascarpone. Mix everything well, you can stir at low speed with a blender.
  2. Brew coffee in hot water. You can also brew instant coffee, but I prefer natural.
  3. Pour liquor into a coffee drink, if you cook for children, then do not add liquor, it will also be delicious. The drink must be completely cold.
  4. In previous recipes for tiramisu dessert, we used Savoiardi cookies as the bottom layer. In the same recipe, we put a few tablespoons of buttercream at the bottom of the glass.
  5. And the next step is a little different from the previous recipes - we dip the savoiardi cookies in a coffee drink on only one side (this will be the top side of the dessert). Dry cookies should be in contact with the cream. If the cookie is larger than the diameter of the glass, don't be afraid to break the cookie in half.
  6. The next layer is cherry - completely lay a layer of fruit.
  7. Put cream on top.
  8. We repeat in the same sequence - cookies, cherries (a little less than before), a layer of cream is on top.
  9. It remains to decorate the dessert with chocolate. To do this, cut the dark chocolate with a knife or grate on a coarse grater.
  10. At the end, put a fresh cherry on the very top (you can use a cherry for a cocktail). Decorate the dessert beautifully with a sprig of mint.

Tiramisu Cake with Strawberries and Banana - Video - Recipe

What is the difference between dessert and cake? The cake can be made with both savoiardi biscuits and biscuits.

The first recipe is similar to the classic homemade tiramisu, only the recipe uses strawberries and bananas.

Such a cake is decorated with savoiardi biscuit sides and decorated with fruits.

Tiramisu cake with sponge cakes

I want to offer you another wonderful recipe for tiramisu cake, which is prepared without savoiardi cookies. Biscuit cakes are being prepared for the cake. You can buy ready-made ones, or you can make your own cake.


For the biscuit:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • vanillin - 1 tsp

For impregnation of cakes:

  • water - 250 ml
  • natural coffee - 2 tbsp. l.
  • rum - 40 ml
  • sugar - 3 tsp

For cream:

  • mascarpone cheese - 500 gr.
  • cream 33% - 250 gr.
  • sugar - 90 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 30 gr.

Step by step recipe

  1. Let's make a coffee drink first. Brew coffee with boiling water, add sugar, pour in rum and let cool.

We will bake biscuit cakes ourselves.

2. To do this, first beat 6 eggs for about 1 minute. If there is no combine, then you will have to spend about 3-4 minutes.

3. After that, add sugar and vanillin and beat for another 5 minutes until you get a beautiful fluffy mass that will increase by about 2 times.

4. Now sift the flour through a strainer into the egg mass. During this time, the flour is enriched with oxygen and the biscuit is high and fluffy.

5. Using a spoon, stir the dough until smooth.

6. Pour the resulting dough into two forms, covered with paper or foil and greased with vegetable oil.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake the cakes for about 25 minutes without opening the oven door. Ready cakes should cool down.

8. For the cream, whip heavy cream for 2 minutes until fluffy and put the cream in the refrigerator.

9. In the same bowl, beat the mascarpone cheese with sugar.

10. Combine cheese and cream, gently stir with a spoon. The cream is ready.

11. We begin to collect the cake. The bottom layer is a biscuit, soak it with a coffee drink. Using a spoon, carefully pour it over the cake.

12. On the impregnated cake, lay the cream in a rather thick layer, level it.

13. Sprinkle cocoa powder on top.

14. We repeat the whole sequence again - biscuit, coffee drink, cream. Only the top layer of cream can decorate the top and sides of the cake.

15. The cake is ready, it remains only to sprinkle cocoa powder on top.

A prerequisite for Tiramisu is that dessert or cake should be cooled in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours, and even better left overnight.

I hope you enjoy the recipes for this wonderful Italian dessert. I assure you that any housewife can cook it, and the delight and compliments of guests are guaranteed.

I would be glad if you become a fan of this dessert and share your impressions on my blog after cooking.

Cooking Tiramisu is a popular Italian dessert without baking, which combines tenderness, juiciness, magical taste and extraordinary aroma. The classic Tiramisu recipe involves the use of quality cream cheese, Savoyardi biscuits, raw chicken eggs and coffee. This dessert is prepared quite simply, so if you have the necessary products, even a novice cook can handle it.

First, let's look at the choice of ingredients. Savoiardi (Ladyfingers) biscuit cookies can be bought at the store, but I always bake it myself -. Cream cheese for Tiramisu is traditionally used by Mascarpone, but in the absence of it, you can try Philadelphia, Cream Cheese and similar analogues. The amount of powdered sugar can be adjusted to your liking, and cognac can be replaced with any strong aromatic alcohol (dark rum, brandy, coffee liqueur) or not added at all if you don’t use or cook for children.

Coffee for soaking biscuit cookies, choose any that you like. Personally, I prefer to use exclusively natural ground (soluble is also suitable, but this is not for everyone). High-quality cocoa powder for sprinkling the finished dessert needs unsweetened to set off the sweetness of Tiramisu.

Regarding chicken eggs in this simple and delicious dessert: I advise you to buy a product from a trusted manufacturer, since according to the recipe they are used raw. For those who are afraid of salmonellosis, a couple of tips. First of all, chicken eggs should not be from the refrigerator (otherwise they will crack from the temperature difference), freshest and with an intact shell. Thoroughly wash the eggs (preferably with a sponge for washing dishes), put them in boiling water for a minute (do not cook, but simply pour it into a deep bowl), and then immediately into ice water (water with crushed ice). We take it out, we dry it, we use it. Thus, the eggs are processed to the maximum, while remaining completely raw.

Undoubtedly, there are a large number of Tiramisu recipes without the use of eggs. For example, with their replacement with heavy cream (the same weight is taken as eggs - about 200 grams), which are whipped to soft peaks. However, it should be borne in mind that this dessert is already very high in calories, and the addition of heavy cream will make it even more satisfying and difficult for digestion. That is why I suggest trying the classic version of Tiramisu - you will definitely like it!


(500 grams) (200 grams) (200 milliliters) (4 pieces ) (100 grams) (2 tablespoons ) (2 tablespoons ) (2 tablespoons )

Cooking step by step with photos:

It remains to mix the whipped proteins in small portions into our delicate cheese cream. First, add literally 2-3 tablespoons of proteins and carefully mix them into a denser and thicker base.

When half of the proteins become one with the cheese cream, add the second half of the proteins and mix them with a whisk, but not with a mixer, but by hand. Take your time: it is important for us not to release the precious air bubbles that are contained in whipped proteins. It is thanks to them that the finished cream for Tiramisu will turn out not only tender, but also airy!

The final step in the preparation of dessert is assembly. As a rule, it is customary to serve Tiramisu in square or rectangular forms made of transparent glass (unless it is a portion serving). Firstly, this shape is convenient because the cookies are laid in even and clear layers, and you don’t need to break it (as for a round or oval one) when assembling a puzzle. And secondly, through the colorless glass, you can visually enjoy the contents of your delicious creation. However, this is all pampering - use the form that you have at home. In this case, the dimensions of this very form are more important - I have 22x22 cm, height - 6 cm. Put about 3 tablespoons of butter cream on the bottom and distribute it evenly with a tablespoon or silicone spatula.
