
Cookies with wishes. Delicious hearts to the table for dessert

Two friends are talking:
- The mood is disgusting. There is no desire to celebrate Valentine's Day, or to prepare surprises, or to go to a restaurant - there is no appetite at all.
Well, I'll help you with the last one. Decide for yourself: "That's it, I'm on a diet!", And immediately the appetite will appear. Checked multiple times.

Valentine's day cookies does not cause you anything positive, because you do not like this holiday? I'll tell you a secret, I don't understand it either. But I try to please loved ones with sweets. And you try, it won't hurt.

Cookie Ingredients:

200 g butter;

2.5 cups flour;

1 cup of sugar;

1/3 tsp salt.

Glaze Ingredients:

200 g powdered sugar;

40 g egg white;

food coloring optional.

In addition, you will need paper and ribbons.

Butter room temperature cut into several parts - for convenience.

Transfer to the bowl of a food processor.

I leave the whites for glaze, so instead of one egg, I add two yolks to the dough. If you don't plan on playing with icing, use a whole egg.

Add sugar, salt. At the same stage, if desired, you can add vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, lemon or orange zest.

We mix.

And start adding flour. The amount indicated in the recipe is indicative. You may need a little more or a little less flour- depending on the fat content of the butter, the size of the eggs, the moisture content of the flour and a dozen other factors.

Better, but clearly not enough.

A simple test: touch the dough with your fingers. If the dough remains on the skin, then there is catastrophically little flour.

But this already looks like what should happen in the end: the dough shines, almost does not stick to the walls of the bowl.

And yes, when touched, it does not leave marks on the hand.

We take a small amount of dough, roll it into a layer up to 4 mm thick.

Cut out hearts (of course, hearts!).

Transfer them carefully to a baking sheet.

We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 15 minutes - do not overdo it, the cookies burn very quickly.

If you have the energy and mood for Valentine's decor, after transferring the cookies to the baking sheet, use a cocktail straw to make 2 small holes in the center of each cookie. And bake the same.

Already at this stage, the cookies are breathtakingly delicious! It is very difficult to keep from not eating a couple of things.

But we have frosting! Mix the protein lightly with a fork.

Add powdered sugar.

We mix.

Let's not forget about the dye.

From the usual parchment paper cut into squares.

Place a small amount of frosting on the corner of the square.

And wrap the paper with a cornet.

Having cut off a small piece of paper on the corner, evenly pressing on the cornet, decorate the cookies.

Is it beauty?

Will you argue?

It remains to inscribe "nominal" notes.

And attach them to the cookie.

Have a good mood and, of course, a lot of love!

P.S. Cookies for Valentine's Day are prepared on the basis of the usual butter cookies, the recipe of which is described in detail.

Cute cookies with wishes - perfect gift and a magical dessert at any themed party.

We have specially prepared this amazing master class for those who want to surprise their relatives, friends and colleagues with an unusual, charming and tasty gift - cookies with exclusively positive wishes.

We make cookies. We take already prepared shortbread dough for cookies - vanilla, chocolate, gingerbread or another, prepared according to your favorite family recipe. We roll out the dough into a sheet, as usual, and cut out cookies with cookie cutters. Forms can be absolutely any - hearts, stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes, circles, and so on, who has what.

A main secret cookies with wishes that even before baking, you need to make two holes in the dough with an ordinary cocktail tube. Like this:

We bake the shaped cookies with holes in the oven according to your recipe.

So, now the fun part - decorating cookies!

To paint and decorate the finished cookies, you need to take:

for glaze

for decoration

  • paper
  • scissors
  • satin ribbons

Cooking icing sugar. Gradually mix the protein with powdered sugar. The icing can be left white - cookies look very impressive with snow-white glaze, decorated with colored ribbon.

In order to paint cookies with colored icing, you need to add a few drops of food coloring to the white icing. Glaze can be made in absolutely any color - just choose the color of the dye that you like.

We paint the finished cookies. After the cookies have completely cooled down, carefully outline the holes for the ribbons and the cookies themselves. When the contours are outlined, apply icing to the entire surface of the cookies.

Cookies with icing applied must be dry! This will take at least 5 hours. Moreover, the drying time of the glaze depends on the density of the prepared glaze. Please note that liquid glaze it can dry for a whole day, and a thick (dense) glaze may well dry out in a few hours.

We decorate cookies. For decoration, cookies will need multi-colored ribbons and leaves with positive wishes (predictions). The size of a piece of paper for wishes depends on the size of the finished cookie - if the cookie is 5x5 centimeters in size, then we cut out a piece of paper 5x5 centimeters. Wishes can be beautifully written by hand or printed on a printer.

We fold each leaflet with wishes into a bundle and fasten it to the cookie with a ribbon, tying a pretty bow.

Wish cookies look great in any color scheme.

New Year is the only holiday when even adults are waiting for miracles and surprises, while maintaining good traditions, everyone exchanges congratulations and wishes.

So that you can get away from platitudes and do something nice for your loved ones in an unusual way, we give you a recipe for New Year's cookies with wishes. The tradition of baking such unusual livers came to us from China and became very popular, because it is great way Surprise households, friends, neighbors.

About cookies and wishes

The secret of cookies is that a small piece of paper with a wish is placed inside each. In China and some other countries, such a dessert is called "fortune cookies". Some believe in the power of such predictions and take them seriously, while others take them as a joke.

In any case, such cookies will bring people joy and smiles. In addition, it can be a good option for a gift.

In order to make notes with wishes, you will need a plain white or colored paper and printer. It is not recommended to write with freehand ink, as it may smudge from the hot temperature.

Before you start baking, you should make papers with wishes by cutting them into small strips. Below we present the options for inscriptions.

Notes are not attached to raw biscuits, and ready. To get the hot dough and put papers into it, you will need special silicone or regular thick rag gloves.

You can make livers according to several recipes, but we will start with the classic one, and then we will consider another popular test option.

New Year Wishes Cookies: Chinese Dough Recipe

You will need

  • Powdered sugar - half a glass;
  • Butter - 100 gr.;
  • Chicken proteins - 3 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp
  • Vodka or cognac - 1 tbsp. l.

Optionally, you can add fillings to the cookies, such as dried apricots, raisins, nuts, or leave them empty, with only notes.

How to make wish cookies

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and wait until it becomes soft.
  2. Transfer the butter to a convenient bowl, add sugar and grind.
  3. Separately, beat egg whites until foamy and add to butter.
  4. Pour vodka or cognac into the mass.
  5. Vanillin mixed with a small amount flour and add to the dough, mix well.
  6. Gradually add the rest of the flour, while constantly stirring the mass.

The dough should turn out liquid, fluid, like soft sour cream. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with baking paper. Since you will need to peel off the livers and fold them very quickly, it is better to grease the paper on top small piece butter to make sure nothing sticks.

  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees in advance.
  • With help big spoon spread the dough on a baking sheet so that you get flat circles with a diameter of 5-6 cm. To make the "cakes" even, hold the spoon vertically, allowing the dough to drain on its own.
  • Place the sheet in the oven and bake the cookies for 10-15 minutes until they are golden brown.

After the time has elapsed, put on gloves, take out the baking sheet, and take one cookie at a time as quickly as possible, put a piece of paper with a wish in it and bend it first in half, then with corners to each other, you should get a shape similar to a dumpling.

Put the finished cookies on a plate.

You need to have time to wrap all the “cakes” before they have cooled down, otherwise nothing will work, so you should not cook a large portion at once.

Another option on how to fold the liver is a triangle: put a piece of paper, fold the disc first in half, then again into the corner.

Fragrant Christmas cookies with wishes


  • - 150 g + -
  • - 70 g + -
  • - 4 tablespoons + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • on the tip of a teaspoon + -
  • - pinch + -
  • Vanillin - a pinch + -
  • Cinnamon - 1/2 tsp + -
  • Nutmeg - a pinch + -

How to make Christmas cookies with wishes

Fragrant spices are added to this cookie, so it turns out to be very fragrant. If you love spices, then this recipe is for you.

  1. Put the egg whites in a convenient container and start beating with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. Beat until a dense mass is formed.
  2. When the whites thicken, add oil, spices, salt, beat everything thoroughly at low speeds.
  3. Add flour to the dough in small portions.

As in previous recipe, you should get a batter. We do everything else in the same way as described above: pour the circles onto a baking sheet, brown in the oven, fold it into the shape you like, putting a note inside.

Options for wishes and predictions

For children

  • Gingerbread and sweets, there will be a lot of joy.
  • Dreams so that yours always come true!
  • Your cherished wish will come true soon.
  • Snowflakes fall on your eyelashes, even in the night New Year's miracle will happen!
    Waiting for you good grades At school.
  • Soon your parents will buy you what you have been asking them for a long time.
  • You are the most beloved child in the world.
  • I want the cracker to bring you toys.
  • Laugh always carelessly so that happiness lasts forever.
  • Show this note to your parents, tell them you deserve a chocolate bar.

For friends and relatives

  • Now it's time best time try something new.
  • From now on, your kindness will lead you to success.
  • Beauty, love, hope, be the same as before!
  • Smile more often, try to be happy!
  • The time has come to carry out the plan.
  • Man is never old to learn. New knowledge will bring you success.
  • Live in the present, not the past.
  • Trust what is happening to you.
  • Everything that is done, everything is for the better.
  • Let your dream come true, the streak of success will come!
  • Happy New Year! Happiness in the house, May good luck live in it!
  • What you radiate into the world is what you receive.
  • Smile more often and luck will be on your side.
  • Don't be afraid to change your life.
  • Do not run ahead of the locomotive, everything has its time.
  • May your house be filled with laughter and your dream come true!
  • Listen to your heart, not your mind.
  • Do not look for external enemies: to understand what hinders your development, look inside yourself.
  • A snowflake sparkles in a glass, let a miracle happen unexpectedly!
  • Be very persistent in the battle with your own selfishness.
  • A happy life is right in front of you.
  • Your hopes and plans will come true beyond all expectations.
  • Patience and work - these are your two wings, you will soon improve your affairs.
  • Let family warmth surround you, so that it always warms you in life!
  • Let there be only success at work, let there be laughter in the family circle.
  • Happy New Year, bright snow! Let the house be filled with laughter!
  • Happy New Year! May happiness and wealth come to you.
  • May all sorrows remain in the old year, and may the New Year bring happiness and love.
  • Don't worry let care! A new job is waiting for you!
  • New Year brings happiness, comfort in the house, wealth in the pocket!
  • There are many different impressions! Wonderful travels!
  • New Year is at the door! Drink less and be kinder

This is only a small part of the wishes that can be used. You can always come up with and compose something of your own, there are no restrictions in prediction notes. Most importantly, try not to use negative attitudes, because the New Year is still a fun and kind holiday.

It is advisable not to change the recipe for New Year's cookies with wishes, since it is from these ingredients that the dough is obtained, which is easily rolled up when hot. Be sure to please your loved ones with such an unusual fateful dessert.

A selection of the best New Year's recipes cookies and how to decorate them.

How to use cookies to arrange an unforgettable and tasty New Year's Eve for yourself and your friends? We offer recipes for interesting and unusual baking festive New Year's cookies with wishes and beautiful design.

Beautiful Christmas cookie cutters: photo

  • The New Year is very close, as you are waiting for this magical holiday with children's hopes for renewal in your life, you believe in a fairy tale and the most unrealizable desires.
  • To arrange a unique meeting of the New Year, our tips for preparing an unusual and beloved delicacy - New Year's cookies will help.
  • Festive New Year's baking should please not only unsurpassed taste, but also by its external design. We offer a selection of photos of New Year's cookies, made with the help of various Christmas-themed molds.
  • To prepare cookies, select the appropriate molds for the dough. They can be made of plastic, metal, silicone and other materials.
  • You can cut your own cookie cutters cans from drinks. On the Internet you can find master classes for making such molds.
  • Metal cookie cutters are very convenient and widely used for baking.

Plastic cookie cutters are also in great demand among housewives.

Silicone molds are very convenient and deservedly gained popularity among cooks. Food grade silicone can withstand high temperature oven. And the pastries are very beautiful and appetizing.

Now more modern molds have appeared on sale in the form of molds, imprinted seals, curly rolling pins. These forms can be used to create culinary masterpieces. And with skillful decoration, cookies can be used as delicious gift family and friends.

How to make New Year's fortune cookies: a recipe with a photo

  • Unforgettable New Year's Eve Your relatives and friends will remember for a long time if, at the height of the holiday, you offer your guests to taste a magic fortune-telling cookie.
  • Each participant in the celebration receives a cookie with a gift inside it. When breaking a sweet treat, guests take out a note with new year predictions and “learn” what awaits them in the coming New Year.
  • Fortune cookies are prepared on the eve of the holiday. Carefully selected short wishes of a playful nature, inspiring hope and faith in better days life, who received a prediction in the form of a sweet treat.
  • Wish notes are placed in cookies, which are then baked with love and good mood. Of course, you can buy ready-made cookies with a variety of wishes.

But, you see, how pleasant it is to participate in the “fate” of your most beloved people and prepare sweet surprises-predictions on your own.

How to make fortune cookies?

We offer you the traditional easiest way to make cookies with wishes for Chinese recipe. The custom of predicting fate with the help of sweet cookies is borrowed from China. Indeed, the custom is so good that it wins our hearts more and more.

IMPORTANT: Prepare fortune cookies a little more than the planned amount. If by chance, when forming a cookie, it loses marketable condition, will be something to replace.

Required to take:

  • flour - 130 g
  • maize starch - 1 table. spoon
  • egg white - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 50 g
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml
  • vanilla - 1/4 tsp. spoons
  • cinnamon - 1/4 tsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch


1 step Mix flour, starch, sugar and spices. Whipped proteins are combined with a dry fraction, pour in a spoonful of water and oil. The mixture is gently stirred.

2 step Line a baking sheet with baking paper and grease it. Spread the dough with a teaspoon and spread it with a thin layer of the same diameter. The baking sheet is sent to the oven. Baking is carried out at a temperature of 150 degrees.

3 step A prediction leaflet is put into the toasted cakes and with the help of a glass or by hand they give it the shape of a dumpling. Cookies put into small molds coffee cups or muffin tins) until cool.

4 step Fortune cookies can be painted with protein or chocolate icing and sprinkle with colorful crumbs.

How to bake Chinese cookies with predictions shows a video.

New Year wishes for cookies: words, text

Text for cookies with new year wishes it is better to come up with and write in advance so as not to burden yourself with unnecessary worries on the eve of the New Year. You should not write offensive and negative predictions that can hurt your loved ones and friends.

Notes should be short and kind content, when reading which, your favorite guests will smile and enjoy playful forecasts in their lives. We will help with this simple matter. We offer a universal set of holiday greetings and New Year wishes.

Happy New Year Cookies

A selection of universal wishes-predictions

  • Expect pleasant changes in the New Year
  • Get started sports training, perhaps fate awaits you in the gym
  • You have a secret admirer
  • Fill empty living spaces with action
  • You need to change the city to live in the suburbs
  • The Seychelles are waiting for you
  • A charming stranger does not take her eyes off you
  • Expect career advancement at work
  • Smile more often, smile suits you
  • The wind of change is waiting for you
  • This year will be difficult from thoughts on where to spend the dividends that have fallen on you.
  • Finish what you started, a surprise awaits you
  • Let go of all the misfortunes of the past - happiness is very close
  • You fit a sports uniform like Adidas
  • Climb up the stairs, but make sure that it does not turn out to be a loose stepladder
  • Great things await you
  • This New Year will be especially happy for you.
  • Surprise is just around the corner, in the New Year your most cherished desire will come true
  • A kiss awaits you on the old New Year
  • Expect a lot of gifts this year
  • Someone wants to meet you, it will be a very pleasant meeting
  • All the stars are pointing at you, this year you are in the spotlight
  • Prosperity is knocking at your door
  • Expect health, joy and good luck in the New Year, and a summer cottage as a gift!
  • Smile more often, a smile is your faithful assistant in resolving difficult problems
  • This year you will have an exciting trip to Antarctica.
  • There is a lot of work to be done to make all your wishes come true.
  • This year you will find life in "chocolate"
  • Ready to kiss this year? Every morning you are waiting for a kiss from a loved one
  • Forget about shyness - reach out to your love
  • Do not eat at night, so save not only your figure, but also food in the refrigerator and money in your wallet

Christmas cookies with icing: recipe

Beautiful sweet cookies look very festive, especially children love it. By the way, kids can be involved in baking New Year's sweets. Cookies will be prepared in a joyful and cheerful atmosphere.

Required to take:

  • flour - 350 g
  • butter - 250 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs. (yolks for dough, whites for glaze)
  • powdered sugar - 100 g
  • vanilla sugar– 1 package
  • salt - a pinch
  • colored icing for decoration


  1. Chilled butter is ground on a grater with sifted flour.
  2. Add salt, vanilla sugar and powdered sugar.
  3. Put the egg yolks into the mixture and knead the dough.
  4. It is rolled out 1 cm thick and figures are cut out. In our case, cute mittens. To hang cookies on a Christmas tree, make holes in the dough with a match.
  5. Cookies are laid out on oiled paper and baked for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. The cooled cookies are poured with multi-colored glaze and decorated with confectionery beads.

How to make Christmas cookies with cinnamon?

Festive cookies with cinnamon curd dough will decorate your New Year's feast. Children love these cookies very much, let them decorate the treat with you.

Required to take:

  • flour - 150-200 g
  • butter - 100 g
  • cottage cheese - 100 g
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons + sugar for dusting
  • soda - 0.5 tsp. spoons
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp. spoon
  • salt - a pinch


  1. The yolks are rubbed with soft butter and cottage cheese.
  2. Pour sugar, salt and soda, previously quenched in a teaspoon of vinegar.
  3. The flour is sifted into curd mass to the plastic test.
  4. All kinds of figures of the New Year theme half a centimeter thick are formed from a layer of dough.
  5. Sugar is mixed with cinnamon and sprinkled with cookies.
  6. The workpiece is kept at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes, until the cookies acquire a light golden crust.
  7. Baking is decorated with icing and confectionery sweet crumbs.

Star Cookies from shortcrust pastry

How to cook New Year's shortbread cookies?

Shortcrust pastry products melt in your mouth, and hazelnuts give this sweet delicacy an attractive flavor note. New Year's cookies made in the form of stars and sprinkled with snow-white icing will attract the eye.

Required to take:

  • flour - 400 g
  • butter - 250 g
  • sugar - 200 g
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • hazelnut - 150 g
  • cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon
  • cardamom - 1/3 tsp. spoons
  • nutmeg - 1/3 tsp. spoons
  • ground ginger- 1/3 tsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch


  1. Hazelnuts are fried in a pan, chopped and pour spices.
  2. The butter is melted and rubbed with sugar.
  3. Crack one egg at a time, followed by the yolks.
  4. Hazelnuts with spices are poured into a container with oil and a little flour is added, forming a plastic test mass. The dough should not be kneaded for a long time, but blinded into a bun, wrapped in a film or towel and cooled.
  5. After about 40 minutes, it is cut and squeezed out with the help of a half-centimeter-high star figurine.
  6. Bake for 10 minutes at 180 degrees
  7. Cooled star cookies are decorated with white icing.

"Snowflake" - pastries-decoration for the New Year's holiday

How to cook New Year's cookies "snowflake"?

Festive cookies "Snowflake" will serve as a symbol of the New Year winter holiday. You can not only serve it with tea or coffee, but also decorate the Christmas tree or beautifully arrange it in a box and give it to friends.

Required to take:

  • flour - 250 g
  • butter - 125 g
  • powdered sugar - 200 g (for glaze)
  • vanilla sugar - 1 packet
  • sugar - 70 g
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • cream - 2 table. spoons
  • salt - a pinch
  • lemon juice - 1 table spoon (for glaze)


  1. Sugar is ground with soft butter and egg yolk, pour cream, salt and pour vanilla.
  2. Sprinkle flour and quickly form a soft mass of dough.
  3. The ball is rolled out, wrapped in cling film and cooled for half an hour.
  4. A layer of dough is rolled out between sheets of baking paper.
  5. Cut out snowflakes or stars using special molds.
  6. Place cookies on a baking sheet with paper and bake for about 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.
  7. Prepare glaze for decoration: pour into powdered sugar lemon juice, 2-3 drops of water and carefully grind the mixture until smooth.
  8. Part of the glaze is tinted blue with food coloring.
  9. The cooled "snowflakes" are covered with white icing with a brush.
  10. With help confectionery syringe or cornetica is applied with blue icing on a blue background and decorated with confectionery beads.

Another option for decorating cookies "Snowflake".

Cookies "Snowflake" with beads

Christmas tree cookies: recipe

Cookies "Herringbone"

Cookies "Herringbone" looks elegant among sweets and occupies one of the leading places.

Required to take:

  • flour - 500 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 70 g
  • milk - 2 tablespoons
  • honey - 1 table spoon
  • cocoa - 1 tsp. spoon
  • soda - 1/4 tsp. spoons
  • ground cloves - 1/3 tsp. spoons
  • cinnamon - 1/3 tsp. spoons
  • salt - a pinch


  1. All spices, salt and soda are added to the sifted flour.
  2. Soft butter is ground with cocoa powder.
  3. Half a glass of sugar, honey and milk are placed in this mixture. Stir.
  4. Sent to flour liquid fraction and form the dough.
  5. Christmas trees 5 mm high are cut out from the rolled out layer of dough with a mold.
  6. Products are baked on parchment at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
  7. IN white icing add green food coloring to desired shade.
  8. Chilled "Christmas trees" are painted over with green icing and decorated with confectionery sweet crumbs as in the photo.

Cookie Decor "Herringbone"

New Year's Gingerbread Cookies: Recipe

Gingerbread cookies are considered the most New Year's cookies. It is customary to bake it for the New Year or for Christmas. ginger classic cookie more like light gingerbread.

It is fragrant, spicy and fragrant. From ginger dough various figures close to the New Year theme are cut out with molds.

It can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, stars, snowmen, boots, various animals and gnomes. Gingerbread cookies are easy to decorate with snow-white icing. If you make holes in the cookies before baking, these cookies can be hung as a sweet decoration on the Christmas tree.

Required to take:

  • flour - 500 g
  • honey - 160 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • butter - 125 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp. spoons
  • dry ground ginger - 2 tsp. spoons
  • ground allspice- 1 tsp. spoon
  • ground cloves - 1 tsp. spoon
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp. spoon
  • salt - a pinch

For glaze:

  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • egg white - 1 pc.


  1. 1 tablespoon of sugar is mixed with spices and salt, part of the flour and baking powder are added.
  2. The remaining sugar is mixed with the egg until it is completely dissolved and softened butter and honey are added. The latter is better to melt in a water bath, if the honey is not liquid.
  3. IN liquid base dough, a mixture with spices is added and flour is added to form a plastic dough.
  4. Divide the dough into two parts. One is being sheltered cling film(so as not to dry out) and set aside.
  5. From the other, a layer about 0.5 cm high is rolled out. Various cookie figures are cut out of it. If the product is intended for a Christmas tree, make holes in the dough for a thread or ribbon.
  6. A baking sheet is covered with oiled food paper and cookies are laid out. Bake Gingerbread Cookie at a temperature of 180 degrees 12-15 minutes. Make sure that the product does not burn.
  7. While the cookies are baking, prepare the frosting for decoration. To do this, beat the egg white with powdered sugar.
  8. The cooled cookies are painted with protein glaze.

Gingerbread cookies recipe with video

Painting New Year's cookies: photo

  • Decorating New Year's cookies is a real creativity, where everyone can show their fantasies and express their mood. There are ready-made confectionery multi-colored mixtures with nozzles for decorating cookies and gingerbread.
  • At home, you can simply and beautifully paint Butter Cookies multi-colored glaze. Food coloring is used to color the white glaze. As tools for applying decor, cornet nozzles or confectionery syringes are used.
  • Using the example of a photo, we will demonstrate how you can beautifully decorate a New Year's delicacy.

Cookies Santa Claus

Cookie - Christmas tree decoration

How to decorate Christmas cookies?

For decoration holiday baking you can use powdered sugar, multi-colored sweet crumbs in the form of dragees and beads, fruit gels. On sale there is a huge range of products for decorating confectionery products.

Children are faithful helpers in decorating pastries

The main thing is to decorate christmas cookies you need to be in a good mood and not be afraid to show your imagination. And even better - introduce children to this magical action. You will be surprised with what love and responsibility they will treat the decoration of New Year's cookies.

How to paint Christmas cookies with icing, video

And finds many fun ways to do it. For example, in China (or in the USA - these two countries are constantly arguing about who was the first), fortune cookies were invented.

Before you eat a treat, you need to break the cookie into two parts - inside there will be a treasured piece of paper that will tell the secret of your future or help you make a decision.

We offer three simple ways to cook magical sweets.

Recipe 1 (basic)

You will need:

Step 1. Whisk the egg whites. Add sugar, flour, vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is formed (consistency as for pancakes). We put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. We heat the oven to 180 degrees. We cover the baking sheet with parchment.

Step 2 Pour one teaspoon of the mixture onto a baking sheet and level it with a spatula to circles with a diameter of 8 cm. It is better to do no more than four pieces at a time.

Step 3. Put the cookie sheet in the oven for 4-5 minutes. Make sure it doesn't burn. The tortillas should brown slightly around the edges. During this time, prepare predictions and a tea cup.

Step 4 We get a baking sheet. Wait 10 seconds and flip each cookie with a spatula. Now we put a piece of paper with a prediction on each “pancake”, fold the cookies in half, pinch the ends and “hang” on the cup - we get the shape we need. While the first cookies are cooling on the cup, load a new baking sheet.

Step 5 We bake cookies until the predictions run out. By the way, cookies can be dipped in chocolate, colored sprinkles or coconut flakes.

Recipe 2

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/3 cup sugar (powdered sugar)
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp vanillin
  • a few drops of lemon juice

Step 1. Whisk the egg whites. Add sugar and continue beating egg whites until smooth. Add melted and chilled butter, flour, salt, vanillin and a couple of drops of lemon juice to the egg mass. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous dough is formed (as for pies). Preheat the oven to 160-170 degrees.

Step 2 We roll out the dough with a layer 3-4 mm thick. We cut out circles with a diameter of about 8 cm. We put a note with a prediction in the very center of the circle. Fold the dough in half so that the note is inside. In a straight line of the resulting semicircle, bend the dough in half again.

Recipe 3

You will need:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 4 tsp water
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon starch
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil
  • vanillin
  • 1/4 tsp salt

Step 1. Beat the whites (to start for 10 seconds), then add the vanilla and vegetable oil. Continue whisking until the mixture begins to foam slightly.

Step 2 Pour sugar, starch, salt, flour into the second bowl, add water. Use a mixer to get a homogeneous mass.

Step 3 Continuing to beat slowly, pour in the egg whites. The result should be a fairly thick mixture. At this time, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Step 4 Grease baking paper butter Spoon the dough out onto paper. Bake for approximately 10 minutes.

Step 5 Insert the fortune cookie into the cookie, using the rim of the mug to shape the cookie into the desired shape (see Recipe 1).

Step 6 Arrange folded cookies in a muffin tin and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Ready!

48 prediction ideas from the site portal

We decided a little and came up with almost five dozen magical predictions that you can put in your cookies. There are only good forecasts and wishes here: we know that such a small note can inspire new achievements or just
