
Churek cookies recipe. Shaker churek, creamy biscuits without baking powder


Prepare a delicious delicacy of oriental cuisine!
Shaker churek is a recipe for oriental cuisine, namely Azerbaijani. In translation it means “sweet bread”, but in our understanding it is a tender, crumbly, shortbread cookie. Like all oriental sweets, cookies are very sweet, and shaker churek is also a high-calorie delicacy, but it's worth a try! Moreover, it is very easy to prepare.

Flour 400 gr
Ghee 260 gr
Powdered sugar 260 gr
Eggs 1 pc
Vanillin3 gr

First you need to grind the ghee until elastic, of course, it will be easier to do this with a mixer. Rub for 20 minutes (I had the patience for 10 minutes).
Then we stir in the egg, powdered sugar, vanilla.
Gradually add flour. Do not pour in all at once, as excess flour will not form cookies. Constantly try to squeeze the dough in your hand, it should mold well, although cracks characteristic of cookies will appear. Make round cookies.
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lay out the cookies. I made small ones, about 5-6 cm in diameter, I got 24 pieces. Bake at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Test for readiness, if dry, it will turn out hard. They shouldn't be red.
Sprinkle finished shaker chureki with powdered sugar. I did not sprinkle, because for me they have enough sweetness in them.

Happy tea.
Some housewives lubricate the shaker chureki before baking with a beaten egg.
Another option is to make a small indentation in the cookie, pressing a finger into the middle and grease it with beaten yolk. It turns out a yellow dot in the middle of the shaker churek.

1 / 5

2 / 5

3 / 5

And she jumped like a little one, on one leg.

It turns out that "Sheker churek" in Azerbaijani means "sweet bread". But this is not bread at all, but a wonderful fragrant pastry, more like a cookie.
During my childhood, sheker churek, along with other oriental sweets such as zemelah, cinnamon pretzel, sheker puri, gozinaki, nuts fried in sugar, etc., were sold in any bakery. By the way, do bakeries still exist? So, this cookie was sold by the piece, it seemed to cost 19 kopecks (like ice cream), it was 10 centimeters in size, and it was difficult to eat it at a time. Due to the high cost or some other reason, most often these cookies were sold, to put it mildly, not very fresh, i.e. you won't bite. But the sweetness and vanilla aroma drew me to them like a bee to honey. And if you managed to buy fresh! mmmm....
So, for a thousand years I have not tried sheker churek - my favorite pastry after Baku kurabye. And here is the recipe, and it seems quite simple. Well, how could you get past it?

Frankly, I did not even think that everything would be so simple.

4 stack flour
1 stack melted butter
2 eggs
1 stack powdered sugar
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 egg yolk for decoration

I melted about 300 g of butter - it turned out more than a glass. She poured out a glass and cooled it down. Pour a glass of powdered sugar and a bag of vanilla sugar into it, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula. Added 2 eggs and mixed again.
Then gradually add the sifted flour
Sevda writes that if you want to make the cookies more crumbly, then you need to add only yolks instead of 2 eggs, but then the amount of flour should be reduced to three glasses.
I did not reduce, and used all the ingredients. Knead the dough first with a spatula and then with your hand. It is very soft and pleasant to the touch. I rolled it into a ball, wrapped it in cling film and sent it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
I divided the dough into 15 pieces (it should have been 14, and then the cookies would have been larger in size) and rolled them into balls. She laid the balls on a baking sheet covered with paper, and lightly pressed them down with her hand. I made a small indentation in each ball and dropped a drop of egg yolk from a teaspoon.
She baked sheker churek for 20 minutes in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. At the same time, the top of the cookies should not be browned, but should remain light.

The cookies turned out very tasty, moderately sweet and fragrant. It is dense in texture and crumbly at the same time. Sevda, thanks for the recipe! Wonderful cookie!

PS. You can find recipes for sheker churek with yeast and soda, but it seems to me that this one is the most consistent with the original.

Shaker churek (great-grandmother pronounced sheker-choreyi) - Azerbaijani cookies. The origin of the name is Turkic, bread is called churek in the Caucasus and Central Asia, but shaker, as I already wrote in recipes and, means sweet. Shaker churek is a very tasty, fragrant, crumbly and sweet creamy biscuit. Of course, it’s terribly high-calorie, each little thing has about 200 kcal, so you need to be careful with it, as with all oriental sweets. I love all these “shakars and shakers”, but I rarely bake. All homemade cookie recipes By . A compilation homemade recipes for oriental sweets -


  • Butter (preferably melted) soft - 100 grams
  • Eggs - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 120-130 grams
  • Flour - 180-210 grams
  • Saffron - a pinch
  • Cardamom - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Powdered sugar - 1/2 teaspoon

How to cook Shaker churek, butter cookies without baking powder

For the Shaker churek dough, combine soft butter with sugar and rub with a spatula.

Rub butter with sugar

Add the egg white, beat with a spatula.

Add Protein

With a teaspoon, take half the yolk into the oil mixture, mix the rest of the yolk with half a spoonful of powdered sugar.

Add some of the yolk

Sift flour. First pour about 150 grams of flour. Mix with a spatula. At this stage, add a pinch of crushed saffron and half a teaspoon of cardamom.

Add flour little by little, 2-3 tablespoons, mix first with a spatula.

Once the dough can form into a ball, knead with your hands. In total, it took me exactly 200 grams of flour. The dough for Shaker churek is very soft and plastic. To make sure that the dough is ready, run a spoon over the surface and, if the dough is stratified under a smooth surface, you can form Shaker churek, butter cookies without baking powder. It's time to turn on the oven to 160 degrees.

Roll up the balls, I will have 8 pieces of shaker churek.

Divide into 8 parts

Make indentations in each ball with any material at hand, for this purpose I have a cap from a plump cosmetic pencil.

Gently fill the indentations with the set aside half of the yolk with powdered sugar.

Fill in the hollows with yolk

Put on a baking sheet covered with parchment or on a silicone mat Shaker churek at a distance from each other.

Bake Shaker churek, creamy biscuits without baking powder for about 15 minutes until light creamy. It is not necessary to brown, otherwise, instead of cookies, you will get very tasty croutons. Shaker churek creamy cookies are ready as soon as the color begins to change. And this time I missed the moment and overexposed the cookies in the oven a little - the shaker churek will be tasty and fragrant, but a little harder than ideal.

Good day, dear visitors and regular readers of the blog ""!

Today we will prepare shaker churek cookies- Azerbaijani flour product made from shortcrust pastry in ghee.

Recipe - shaker churek

Shaker churek (translated as “sweet bread”) is a sweet crumbly round-shaped cookie with a golden crust. Azerbaijani Shaker churek cookies are prepared from the following ingredients:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 160 g
  • Melted butter* - 100 g
  • Vanillin - ¼ tsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.

* If you use a traditional recipe for making cookies, shaker churek is made from flavored ghee, popular in the East. But in our case, in order to prepare shaker churek You can also use regular butter.

Shaker churek: a step by step recipe

1) Cooking shortbread dough according to the recipe for shaker churek:

  • Beat egg whites until a stable foam forms.
  • Add vanillin, sugar and melted butter to the proteins and mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Sift the flour onto the work surface, forming a high slide.
  • We make a deep recess in the flour and pour the mixture of butter, protein and sugar into it.

  • Thoroughly knead the dough for shaker churek cookies.

  • Leave the finished dough for half an hour in the refrigerator.

2) We form small balls from the approached dough and put them on a greased baking sheet. To prevent the cookies from burning, you can line a baking sheet with non-stick parchment or baking foil.

3) Beat the egg yolks and grease the shaker churek with them. You can also use another recipe - shaker churek it is not completely covered with yolk: in the middle of the top of each cookie, a recess is made, which is smeared with a beaten egg.

4) We send a baking sheet with Shaker churek cookies to an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

5) According to the recipe, shaker churek is baked for about a quarter of an hour until golden brown. It is important not to dry out the cookies while baking.

6) After the cookies have cooled, according to the recipe, the shaker churek should be sprinkled with powdered sugar on top. On the other hand, if you do not like very sweet cookies, you can refuse to use powder.

Azerbaijani Shaker churek cookies: calories

  • Flour (0.5 kg) - 1710 kcal
  • Sugar (160 g) - 636.8 kcal
  • Butter (100 g) - 748 kcal
  • Vanillin (¼ tsp) - 5.04 kcal
  • Chicken eggs (2 pcs.) - 172.7 kcal.

Calorie content of 100 g of shaker churek cookies: 376 kcal.

Alternative recipe for shaker churek cookies


How long have you been enjoying cookies that literally melt and crumble in your mouth? Don't remember? Then it's time to cook an oriental sweet with a fancy name shaker churek. This is a dish of Azerbaijani cuisine. Baking, whose name literally translates as "sweet bread", attracts with its spicy aroma and taste of baked milk. Tender pulp and crisp white crust will please even the most sophisticated gourmets. In summer, such cookies can be tasted with berry tea, and in winter - with coffee.

Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes.Number of servings - 7-10


To make Shaker Churek cookies, you will need to prepare the following products:

  • flour - 550 g;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • butter - 270-300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - to taste.

How to cook Shaker churek cookies according to GOST

The original recipe for shaker churek cookies is not particularly difficult.

  1. Start by preparing the butter. It should be melted in a water bath or in the microwave. Pour powdered sugar into it, and mix everything thoroughly.

  1. Now you need to introduce one egg into the mass. The second must be divided into protein and yolk. The last component should be left for lubrication, and the protein should be poured into the dough for the shaker churek.

  1. Flour, vanillin powder and salt are introduced into the mass. Then the composition must be kneaded.

  1. Further, the process of preparing these cookies involves cooling the dough. The mass must be transferred to the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

  1. Then you should pinch off a small piece from the dough. From each part rolls a small neat ball. The workpiece needs to be slightly crushed to make a circle. The resulting lump should be transferred to a special mat or parchment paper.

  1. Make a small notch in the center of each blank. To do this, you can use any improvised devices, for example, the tip of a rolling pin or fingers.

  1. Lubricate the resulting hole with the left yolk and put the cookies in the oven for 25 minutes. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees.

  1. During baking, you need to make sure that the Azerbaijani dessert does not brown.

As you can see, the creation of this delicacy does not imply anything complicated, and a step-by-step recipe with a photo will allow you to avoid possible flaws.

Video recipes for making shaker churek at home
