
Is it possible to freeze green dill. How to freeze dill for the winter and preserve its beneficial properties

The attractive aroma of fresh herbs will not leave indifferent any gourmet. During the warm season this product occupies a place of honor on the table of the hostesses. In winter, getting greens is problematic. Learn how to freeze greens so they don't lose theirs. taste qualities and properties.

Is it possible to freeze dill for the winter in the freezer

Fresh dill added to the dish gives it exquisite fragrance, complements the flavor composition, and sometimes reveals subtle notes. Frozen greens, unlike dried, do not lose their beneficial features. As you know, dill is rich in nutrients and oils that you want to save. Freezing dill for the winter is a great find for housewives who love to decorate ready-made side dishes.

How to freeze dill at home

Wondering how to keep dill fresh for a long time, many women begin to come up with various ways. It is customary to wrap bundles moistened with gauze, put them in a jar of water, etc. As a result, the result is always the same - the greens wither, lose their taste, become moldy. To be able to eat greens in winter, you need to know how to freeze dill. There are certain rules. By observing them, housewives will not be able to think about how best to save dill for the winter in other ways. Advise:

  • keep only fresh herbs (it is rich in useful substances);
  • thoroughly wash the bunches, especially the stalks, to avoid dirt getting into the dish;
  • dry the twigs before freezing (can be hung over the sink);
  • remove excess air from bags and jars placed in the refrigerator to prevent the process of decomposition of the ingredients.
  • freezing in special packages;
  • using food film;
  • in molds intended for making ice;
  • packaging of workpieces in containers.

All methods have a special advantage - they allow greens to retain useful substances and vitamins, which it is so rich in, long time. The main thing to remember when using the resulting blanks in the cool season is that in no case should the greens be re-frozen. Such a procedure can adversely affect not only the appearance, but also taste characteristics dill.

Freezing greens in bags

This save option unique properties dill is used by many housewives, because it does not cause much trouble. To prepare spices, necessary:

  • take fresh greens (without signs of damage);
  • rinse thoroughly under running water(you can dip several times in a bowl filled with clean water to check the quality of the wash);
  • dry the bundles by hanging them by the stem over the sink or bath;
  • grind the ingredients with a knife;
  • put the workpiece in a special bag for freezing (you can put whole branches by cutting off part of the thick stem);
  • remove excess air (run a rolling pin a couple of times from the base of the bag to the fastener);
  • seal the bag and put in the freezer.

In food film

Frozen greens for the winter, packed in cling film, do not take up much space in the refrigerator. To prepare it you need:

  • carefully prepare the greens (remove dry areas, rinse, dry on a towel);
  • cut a small amount with a knife made of of stainless steel;
  • put the product on a piece of foil;
  • roll up the sausage, removing excess air (otherwise the workpiece will turn out to be watery);
  • put in the refrigerator (freezer).

In ice cube trays

The option of preserving greenery differs from the rest in that after careful processing of fresh bunches, no liquid is required to be removed. How to freeze dill in molds designed for making ice? Here step-by-step instruction:

  1. select fresh bunches (remove areas where a color change has occurred);
  2. rinse ingredients;
  3. chop (it is not necessary to use a knife, you can just finely pick);
  4. put a few grams in a bowl, pour cooled boiled water;
  5. to stir thoroughly;
  6. distribute in molds;
  7. put in the freezer;
  8. after thorough freezing, the resulting pieces of ice can be folded into bags and left in the cool compartment of the refrigerator.

How to freeze dill and parsley in foil

Greens such as dill and parsley can be stored for a long time in foil. To do this, you will have to prepare the bundles (rinse, clean from dried areas), let the water drain, laying it on a towel. After the manipulations, prepare the foil and felt-tip pen. Put greens on foil (serving size at the discretion of the hostess), wrap, removing excess air. Be sure to sign the "sausage" to save time on subsequent searches the right ingredients and put in the refrigerator.

How to prepare dill for the winter with salt in a container

“As you freeze dill, you will get such blanks” - the rule of hostesses who know that you should not rush. Only careful preparation contributes to the preservation of the taste and beneficial properties of greens. To store dill in containers, you need:

  • prepare dishes (wash and dry them);
  • dip bunches of dill in a bowl to rinse thoroughly;
  • rinse with water;
  • put on paper towels, blot to remove liquid;
  • grind the main ingredient;
  • arrange in containers, add a few grams of salt;
  • remove the juice formed when interacting with salt;
  • Close the lid tightly and place in the refrigerator.

How long can greens be stored in the freezer

By following the tips on how to store dill in the refrigerator, you can use blanks for a year or two without hesitation. The main thing is to prevent re-freezing. If you need one (scheduled cleaning or an emergency), you will have to get containers, bags, put them in one place and cover with a towel. This procedure helps to maintain coolness in this place for a long time. After that, be sure to remove all the workpieces back to the cold.

Video Recipes: How to Keep Dill Fresh in the Fridge

The reviews will tell you in detail how to freeze dill, and the videos presented will help housewives understand the possible mistakes that occur when storing greens in a refrigeration unit. It is known that the main enemies of fresh beams are heat and light, which, when directly exposed, contribute to the loss of vitamin C, which is important for maintaining human health and longevity.

Dill is amazing fragrant herb, which is very widely used in cooking. Fresh dill, harvested in the summer, is many times greater than the amount of vitamins and nutrients that dill, which is sold in stores in the winter. So don't miss your chance to save a piece fragrant summer, freezing fresh dill.

Best months for the collection of dill - June and July. During this period, dill is still small and very tender. It is such greens that are ideal for freezing. After harvesting, the grass must be thoroughly washed under running water and dried.

To dry the greens, you can place wet bunches in a glass or jar, fluffing the top. At the same time, tender leaves will dry out faster under the influence of air, and all excess liquid will drain along the petioles into a container.

For the second method of drying the grass, paper or cotton towels are used. The washed greens are laid out on a cloth or paper, and gently blotted on top.

Dry dill greens are ready for further freezing.

Ways to freeze dill

Exist various ways frozen dill. After reviewing them in this article, you can choose your ideal option for yourself.

How to freeze dill whole sprigs

Small bunches are formed from clean and dry dill greens, while selecting bright green sprigs without yellowness. Next, place the dill in containers or freezer bags. The bags are then rolled into a tube to release as much air as possible. The filled containers are stacked neatly in the freezer.

Before using, frozen in this way, dill, it must be slightly thawed at room temperature literally a couple of minutes. Then cut like a regular fresh dill.

Freezing dill in a bag or containers

For such a preparation, the washed and dried dill is finely chopped. If necessary, remove all petioles. By the way, petioles can also be frozen, and then used to flavor vegetable broths.

Then the dill slices are placed in a large container or bag, and put in the freezer. It is important not to squeeze the dill in the bag so that after freezing it does not stick together, and it would be more convenient to take it.

It is not necessary to defrost such dill. It is simply put into the dish during cooking.

Chopped dill in portion packs

This is a variation of the previous method, but more convenient. Small bags for one-time freezing are used here. It is best to use ziplock bags. Chopped dill is placed in bags and put in the freezer for pre-freezing. After a few hours, they take them out and, pressing with a hand, release all the air from them. Then they close the zipper and put it back in the cold for long-term storage.

See the video recipe for freezing dill for the winter from the Cooking with Irina channel

Freezing dill greens in foil

This option can be considered an alternative if you do not have small freezer bags. Small envelopes are made from foil, into which chopped dill is then placed. The edges of the bags are carefully twisted to prevent air from entering.

Can be frozen in foil and a large volume fragrant greens. It is convenient to do such a freeze for big holidays, when a lot of dill is required for cooking.

How to freeze dill in ice cube trays

A popular way to freeze greens is to freeze them in ice cube trays. Dill in this case does not require drying at the preliminary stage. It will be enough just to shake off excess liquid from the branches. Next, the greens are finely chopped and placed in a dense layer in ice molds. A small amount of water is added to the top of each cell. The filled forms are removed for some time in the freezer. After complete freezing, the cubes dill ice are removed from the cells and transferred to bags for further storage in the freezer.

How to freeze greens in oil or broth

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that, filled with chopped dill, ice molds are poured not with water, but with oil or broth. Any oil can be used: butter, olive, vegetable. In this case, the butter must first be melted. It also doesn't matter what broth you use. It is only important that such a blank should be used in the first place.

See the video recipe for freezing dill from the channel "Olga and Mom"

Watch the video: Lubov Kriuk talks about three ways to freeze dill:

Frozen greens in oil are convenient to use for preparing a variety of sauces.

What preparations to make for the winter ... These are the thoughts that caring hostesses are increasingly visiting in the summer, when most bask in the sun on the beach. I am also an exception - I try to make a lot of various home-made vegetables for the winter during the season, stock up on fruits and berries, and stock up on greens.

Today I will tell you how to freeze dill for the winter. In fact, it is one of the most simple blanks for the winter, but there are still some nuances. For example, how to make frozen dill crumbly, and not frozen into an ice block, which then has to be broken with a hammer. In addition, I will tell you that it is most convenient to freeze dill for the winter in bags, or rather small bags.


Cooking step by step with photos:

For this simple recipe harvesting for the winter, we only need fresh dill (I indicated an approximate mass - take as much as you can). Well, as an accompanying, cold running water, a sharp knife, paper towels, a cutting board and plastic bags.

How to proceed further, decide for yourself. The fact is that in our family various "sticks and twigs" from fragrant greens are not accepted in any form. If parsley is only leaves, dill is only needles. And the fact that they were chopped almost to dust. That is why I do not use stems in this recipe, but they can not be thrown away, but added to vegetables during canning. The aroma of such greenery is even more intense. So, we go to the garden (whoever has it, of course), collect dill (or buy it on the market), wash it very thoroughly under cold running water so that there is no earth, insects and other dirt left. Now you need to process each bush - we pluck the dill branches so that there are bare stems (I already advised you what to do with them).

Put the needle leaves in a bowl. From 700 grams of collected dill (straight with bushes with roots), I got 130 grams of prepared raw materials.

Next, the dill needs to be dried, that is, rid it to the maximum of moisture, which, of course, is from washing. It is thanks to this procedure that frozen dill will not stick together, but will remain as crumbly as fresh. Lay paper towels or napkins on a table or wide board and sprinkle dill. Let it take an hour.

You can then grind it with sharp knife. If you want, chop larger, and if you have the same fussy home, cut it smaller.

Is it possible to freeze dill for the winter? It is not possible, but necessary, my dear hostesses! After all, it is in this form that not only useful substances are preserved in this fragrant herb, but also the characteristic smell, taste and color of fresh fragrant dill. Use it in the same dishes as fresh dill - you will hardly feel the difference.

Dill is considered one of the most common plants used in the cuisines of the peoples of the world. Due to its composition, it finds application in different areas, including cosmetology and medicine. At the same time, the layman is often interested in the question of preserving spices in green form in order to be able to use it in the cold season. To understand how you can freeze dill for the winter, without depriving it of its benefits, you should understand the principles, familiarize yourself with the methods of freezing.


Dill is characterized piquant aroma And excellent taste. He is able to make any dish not only special, but also useful, which is primarily important for women's health. This is an annual of the umbrella family, which can be consumed fresh, dried, pickled. In addition, it is made healing decoctions and infusions.

Being a storehouse of vitamins, the collected dill has a significant drawback - quick loss moisture. It is for this reason that after two or three days it fades, while losing not only the aroma, but also its taste. It can lose juiciness due to excess heat and light. Moving the spice into cool place, remote from the impact sun rays, will allow to some extent to slow down the metabolic processes in the foliage. Such conditions for it will be more favorable, due to which the plant will last longer.

The special smell of dill is due to the presence of essential oils in its composition. It is important to preserve them to the maximum extent, since they contribute to the activation of digestive processes. At the same time, they can improve the taste of dishes. As a rule, over time, they disappear, which explains the loss of expressiveness of the fragrance.

Freezing dill for the winter is qualitative method retaining its aroma and texture. At the same time, the useful properties of the spice will be preserved more in comparison with other methods of harvesting it for future use. For example, this technique differs from drying in that it allows you to enjoy not only the taste of the plant, but also its smell. In addition, the color of the plant will remain green.

After the frozen dill is taken out of the freezer, it is not thawed, but immediately added to the prepared dish. This is explained by the fact that at the time of defrosting, it will lose its aroma. In general, it “thaws” in the dish in just a few seconds, giving it nice smell and saturating with useful substances. At the same time, the frozen plant can be added not only to hot dishes, including soups and side dishes. It is applicable in salads, cold appetizers, vegetable cocktails, is excellent flavor additive juices and smoothies.

Benefit and harm

Fresh dill is recognized as a plant that has a beneficial effect on many human organs. For example, its use improves immunity and normalizes metabolism. It is used for convulsions and allergies, as well as hypertension of the first and second degrees. In addition, dill is useful for:

  • overweight;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • violation of the kidneys;
  • malfunctions of the digestive tract;
  • flatulence and colic;
  • headaches;
  • pediculosis;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • sleep disturbance.

In addition, the use of dill is useful for those who have diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It helps to accelerate the regeneration of skin cells and is used in the treatment of pustular lesions of the dermis. This is a remedy that is used to treat conjunctivitis, it is relevant for night blindness, as well as iritis, myopia and intoxication. Dill is used for weight loss and cosmetic purposes, it has tangible benefits for women's health.

For example, its use allows you to normalize the menstrual cycle, which is important for both meager and heavy periods. The spice tea is effective even when coughing up blood, and the decoction helps stop the bleeding. Plant compresses can accelerate the regeneration of lesions formed during gynecological surgery. In addition, dill helps to cope with constipation.

It is impossible not to note the benefits of dill in breastfeeding. The plant has a beneficial effect on lactation: thanks to it, the amount of milk increases. However, you need to use the spice in a dosed and course. Otherwise, oversaturation of the body is possible, which is accompanied not only by dizziness, but also by allergies.

In general, you need to use the spice in small quantities. At the same time, a fresh plant is always more useful than a dried one. It can treat hangovers, reduce eye pressure, prevent cataracts, is effective for asthma, hiccups, and even whitens tooth enamel.

Its use for cosmetic purposes can reduce acne foci, as well as maintain skin elasticity. It is worth noting the ability to strengthen hair, and improve the condition of nails.

However, with a lot of advantages, the use of dill in some cases can harm the body. For example, although the plant is a good remedy from constipation, its use by pregnant women is not only undesirable, but unacceptable. This is explained by the fact that a high concentration of the plant can provoke a miscarriage. Other restrictions include use in acute inflammation of the pancreas and gallbladder.

You can not eat spice when in the kidneys, urinary or gallbladder man there are stones big size. This can lead to blockage of the excretory channels. Other contraindications include low blood pressure: in this case, you can not eat dill either. The same applies to diabetes.

Overuse can even hurt healthy person, causing, for example, a breakdown or a state of apathy and drowsiness.

Basic Rules

In order to properly freeze dill for the winter and enjoy green spice in the cold season, it is worth considering a few basic nuances. It is important to choose only the best and high-quality greens for freezing. The one that has already withered or turned yellow will not work. In addition to the fact that it does not have a pronounced aroma and dark green color, it is not juicy. What is needed is young shoots and leaves, which are only gaining strength.

The ideal preparation of greens for freezing is young dill, which has just been plucked from the garden. Do not freeze an overripe plant, it is important to have time to collect it before flowering begins. The optimal collection time is June - early July. Collect dill for freezing in the morning or before lunch. Do not do this during the day when the plant is exposed to direct sunlight.

The nuances of preparing seasonings

The main preparation steps are as follows:

  • greens are harvested, uprooted, and placed in bunches with the roots down;
  • freshly picked dill is sorted out, cutting off the roots and removing small insects;
  • then the greens are washed (it is not only possible to wash it, but also necessary);
  • then the branches are dried;
  • greens should be prepared in portions, decomposed and placed in the freezer.

Dill is washed immediately because the frozen product does not provide for defrosting. This must be done under running water, to facilitate your work, you need to collect dill with roots in one direction. This will prevent soil from getting on the shoots and leaves. After thawing, dill should be washed, then it is immediately added to various dishes.

It is important to take into account that do not dry the spice for a long time. From this, a wilting process can begin, which reduces the external attractiveness, taste and aroma. For this, someone hangs branches over the sink, someone lays them out on a horizontal surface. In any case, you need to dry the washed dill properly, for example, by placing wet bunches in a glass or jar, shaking off the top and fluffing it. So the moisture will drain down faster, and the leaves will dry out completely.

You can dry the herbs on a kitchen towel. To do this, prepared and washed greens are laid out on fabrics, sometimes blotted on top with a second towel. Someone uses paper for such drying, but such drying methods are more laborious. In addition, due to the horizontal position, the moisture on the shoots and leaves is not removed as efficiently as with the drying method in horizontal containers.

The subtleties of storage

In addition to the freezing rules, storage rules should also be taken into account, since the safety of the spice, its taste, appearance and smell. For example, regardless of the method of freezing, it must be in the package. It will be undesirable to store dill in the compartment quick freezing. To preserve the aroma and taste to the maximum extent, tightness is needed. For example, you can use:

  • containers or containers with tight-fitting lids;
  • polyethylene bags;
  • food film.

When using film or bags, you need to make sure that the dill is closed tightly. For example, instead of one package, two can be used for this, and the film can be used in two or three layers. Dividing into portions is one of the prerequisites.

We must not forget about the interlayer, as well as the fact that in order to prevent the decomposition of the product, it is necessary to remove excess air from the bags, cans or films used. Unusual freezing methods also have their own characteristics.


To date, there are several ways to freeze dill at home.

Whole branches

Freezing a plant with shoots and leaves is considered more effective method preserving the taste of the spice and its aroma. At the same time, the spice, taken out of the freezer, is cut in the same way as fresh dill. The technique of such "preservation" is simple. After preparation, the dill is laid out in small portions sufficient for a one-time use without residue.

Portion division will allow you to cut right amount without special efforts and separation from the general population. Even if there is not enough time to process dill, it is worth dividing it into small bunches, as it will break and thus make it difficult to separate the right amount. Of course, you can store spices in a large mass in a bag or container, which contributes to better conservation aroma. However, you will have to take it all out every time you want to fill the prepared dish.

Next, prepare the place: cover the bottom of the quick freeze compartment or a large flat plate with cling film. After that, bunches of dill are laid out on the prepared area and placed for freezing. As soon as they freeze, they are taken out, wrapped in foil or placed in prepared plastic bags. In order to save space in the freezer, it is convenient to store them in containers, shifting with cooking parchment. It remains to close the lid tightly and put it in the refrigerator in the storage compartment.


This method convenient because after the dill is taken out of the refrigerator, it is immediately placed in a dish, without cutting. However, few people know that grinding is the reason for the decrease in taste and the decrease in the aroma of the spice. In addition, pre-cutting dill is the reason for the decrease in its useful properties. Despite this, the technique is one of the most popular.

Its technology is complicated by the fact that it requires more time for cutting. Someone cuts the dill with a knife, others use a blender for this, but do not grind the plant into gruel, but only barely chop it. Further, so-called briquettes are created from the resulting mass: chopped greens are placed on cling film in a volume for 2-5 times of use and wrapped in several layers of film, forming a kind of sausage.

After shaping, the dill is frozen in the flash freezer, and then taken out, folded into paper bags or Plastic container and put away for storage in other compartments of the refrigerator. This method of freezing involves ramming chopped greens. When it is needed, the briquette is taken out and the required amount is cut off, removing the rest back.

With ice

This technique allows you to save all the useful properties of dill as if it had just been plucked from the garden. In addition, it will not lose its taste and aroma, which especially distinguishes the method from other freezing options. It will even remain essential oils. An added advantage This method is the absence of the need to dry the washed dill.

However, this technique requires a special mold to form the ice cubes. To freeze dill in this way, you need to prepare an ice mold. Prepared greens are chopped with a knife or with a blender. Then still wet and chopped greens are tightly laid out in forms and poured on top of the usual drinking water, covering all the greenery.

The form is placed in a freeze, and after the ice cubes with dill are ready, they are taken out and transferred to a tight bag or container for further storage. They use such dill as usual: when cooking, it is dipped into a dish, and then stirred.

With butter

Some housewives prefer instead of water to form cubes of dill and vegetable or melted butter. In this case, 2 parts of the spice account for 1 part of the filler. After freezing, the cubes are removed from the quick freeze compartment and stored in the cold for no more than 4-6 months.

This method calls for a dill to oil ratio of 2:1. Compared to ice cubes with the addition of water, these semi-finished products have a shorter shelf life. However, the technique itself allows you to save all the useful and taste qualities of the spice. Some housewives do not melt the butter, but soften it. In addition to vegetable and butter, you can fill the molds with olive oil.

This technique involves mixing the softened mass with chopped herbs. However, in this case, not ice cubes are obtained, but sausages or briquettes. It is important to consider that they should not be large, as the constant cutting off of dill oil will reduce the flavor.

The maximum dosage of such briquettes should be equal to the amount for 3-4 times of use.

Popular Recipes

Some dill freezing techniques allow you to create special spices in this way. The principle of their creation is to add other greens to dill. Other methods do not need additives at all: for example, it is dill crushed into gruel that does not need ice or oil. As a rule, he has own juice, which allows you to make a dill cube out of it.

You can create a spicy-flavor mixture using different ways. For example, an ice cube might consist of parsley, basil, and thyme. Each housewife selects the ratio of greenery individually in accordance with her taste preferences. Such greens will be a good vitamin supplement, say, mushroom soup.

The washed and crushed ingredients are mixed and laid out in molds, poured with water and frozen. After that, they are cleaned in bags and stored in the freezer. Due to carrots, they are put not at the last moment of cooking, but a few minutes before it ends. If you want to cook dill-garlic cubes, the recipe will be slightly different.

Apart from fresh dill, to create a cube use olive oil, lemon juice, chopped garlic and ground black pepper. Garlic is added to the already crushed, mixed and folded mass. So that the taste of such cubes is not bitter, the amount of garlic should not be large in relation to total mass. Some housewives in order to create original recipe freeze dill with cheese, previously soaked in cold water within 7-8 hours. After that, the greens are kneaded together with the feta cheese and formed into balls or cubes from the resulting mass and used for two to three days.

What else to consider?

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that dill does not need to be washed before freezing. This is due to the fact that the plant has its own protective layer. In this form, it is well preserved for several days in the refrigerator only when it is cooled, but does not provide for freezing. Of course, you can add a cut onion to it, but this will not allow you to keep freshness for a long time. Freezing is the best solution, because such greens are not only better, but also last longer.

If other methods do not suit the hostess, it is better to dry the dill in the freezer. Given the fact that cold can actively dehydrate the feathery foliage of a plant without much loss of color and taste, spice sprigs can be spread out in a thin layer on a prepared pallet. In this case, do not tightly lay out the branches of the plant. Dry the dill in this way freezer maybe two or three days. At the same time, unlike the method in the oven, it will not turn yellow, which indicates the preservation of its tissues.

It is important to consider the size of the freezer containers used. Large containers are not suitable for this; dill does not provide for secondary freezing. A cube or a small bunch is used all at once, a briquette, if possible, several times. If you constantly take out a large amount of frozen greens and put it back on further storage, from this the spice will lose its taste and aroma, not to mention its beneficial properties.

Frozen dill is good for food for six months. The maximum storage time is 8 months. To freeze and save it healing qualities foil can be used instead of cling film. The basic technique does not differ from the traditional one, in which spice sprigs are taken into the freeze.

In order for the dill to be crumbly and not have to be broken off from the glued mass, it is important that it be dry before freezing in cases where ice cubes are not made from it. For example, on a horizontal plane, he must lie down for at least an hour. During this time, you need to turn over several times or just turn the branches with your hands. To create airtight conditions, you need to use ziplock bags.

Usually, it takes no more than three hours to prepare the cubes. If the hostess prepares spice recipes with different ingredients, packages must be signed.

We must not forget that even the cubes are undesirable to put everything together in one package, without layering them.

How to freeze dill, see the video below.
