
Lunar calendar for sourdough cabbage. October is the best month to ferment cabbage for the winter.

"The constellation Ursa Minor is the second constellation with which they continue to study the starry sky, after they have learned to find the Big Dipper and the Polar Star, the sky will always help you navigate terrain."
"Astronomy is currently not a compulsory subject at school and is taught as an elective...

Sergey Ov

Rice. 1 Constellation Ursa Minor, diagram

The constellation Ursa Minor (Ursa Minor), although it ranks 27th among the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere and only 56th in terms of the largest angular area among all the constellations of the celestial sphere (skysphere), is actually one of the most important constellations in navigational terms, due to the fact that it is in Ursa Minor, the north celestial pole is now located.
It is also worth adding that Ursa Minor is part of a group of constellations, the ancestor of which is her older sister Ursa Major.
Only three constellations directly border Ursa Minor - these are the Dragon, the Giraffe and Cepheus.
Ursa Minor, being the northernmost constellation, never sets beyond the horizon, not only throughout Russia, but also in all countries located north of the Tropic of Cancer.

Stars and contour diagram of the constellation Ursa Minor

The constellation Ursa Minor cannot boast of an abundance of bright stars. The bright "bouquet" includes only three stars - the brightest Alpha Ursa Minor, the Polar Star (α UMi), 1.97), the second brightest star is Kokhab (β UMi, 2.07), and the third Ferkad (γ UMi, 3.00) - all other stars of the fifth and sixth magnitude visible to the naked eye. The peculiarity of Ursa Minor is that all, even dim stars that form the Little Dipper asterism, have their own name (Fig. 2).

Constellation Ursa Major, stars of the constellation Ursa Major
Sergey Ov

Rice. 2 Constellation Ursa Minor. Names of the brightest stars. Lilac line - asterism "Small Dipper" as a symbol of Ursa Minor

As you can see, in Figure 2, 4 more stars of the 5th magnitude received names: Urodelus (ε UMi), Alifa Al Farkadin (ζ UMi), Yildun (δ UMi) and Alasso (η UMi).

To construct our version of the schematic drawing of the constellation Ursa Minor, both the brightest stars and stars of the fifth and sixth magnitude that are rarely used to construct any schemes are used. According to the contour presented by us, one can clearly imagine a predatory beast following the trail (Fig. 3).
(To see the Small Bucket asterism, move the cursor to the picture with JavaScript enabled, but do not move further, after the cursor is moved outside the picture, the bucket will disappear, and the she-bear will "dig the ground").

Sergey Ov

Rice. 3 Diagram of the constellation Ursa Minor. Star diagram (outline image) of the beast following the trail.
Contour chart by stars:
Pole Star (α UMi) - Yildun (δ UMi) - Urodelus (ε UMi) - Alasso (η UMi) - RR Ursa Minor (RR UMi) - Alasso (η UMi) - Ferkad (γ UMi) - HD 124730 (HIP 69373 ) - Kokhab (β UMi) - Ferkad (γ UMi) - Kokhab (β UMi) - Alifa Al Farkadin (ζ UMi) - 5 Ursa Minor (5 UMi) - HD 118904 or as a running option 4 Ursa Minor (4 UMi) - 5 Ursa Minor (5 UMi) - Alifa Al Farkadin (ζ UMi) - Yildun (δ UMi) - HD 133002(HIP 72573)

In the constellation Ursa Minor, only two stars are used as navigation stars: Kochab and the North Star. A list of 47 stars of Ursa Minor can be found by calling the list:.

Hand on heart, we can admit that when looking at a new constellation scheme, it is easier to imagine a dog than a bear ... Probably, the ancient Greeks also reproduced a similar pattern for themselves, because it was not by chance that in ancient times they called the Polar Star Kinosura (the Greek word κυνόσουρα translates as "tail of a dog").
Perhaps, with a vertical turn of the ladle, it will be mentally easier to construct a figure similar to a bear, an animal climbing a tree (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4 Constellation Ursa Minor. Contour scheme 2. Looking at this contour with a certain imagination, one can imagine a young thin bear trying to climb a tree.

Pole Star - a star on a temporary pedestal

In the 21st century, the North Star is simply basking in the rays of glory, like the Northern Guiding Star, pointing to the North Pole of the World, moving closer and closer to it.
On April 23, 2102, the Polar Star, as it were, will pass very close to the Pole of the World(the minimum angular distance will be 27′34″) and will begin to move away from it.
In fact, it is not the star that moves, but the Pole of the World - this happens due to the precession of the earth's axis - its slow rotation relative to the ecliptic pole along a circle with an angular span of radius of about 23 ° (Fig. 5). The Earth's axis and, accordingly, the North Pole of the World moves counterclockwise. A complete revolution along this circle takes 25,776 years!

Rice. 5 The precessional circle traced by the earth's axis in the starry sky.

With the help of the drawing of the precessional circle of the earth's axis, we can reproduce the history of the polar glory of the constellations and stars, as well as make a forecast for the millennia ahead!
In Sumerian times and the first pharaohs - the circumpolar star was Iota Draco (ι Dra, 5500-3500 AD BC e.).
From about 3500 to 1500 BC e. the polar star is Thuban, Alpha Draco (α Dra), further until the very beginning of our era, with some stretch, it can be considered the polar star - Kokhab, Beta Ursa Minor (β UMi). Throughout the first millennium of our era, there was no star that could be called polar. Alpha Ursa Minor (α UMi) is called Kinosura.
It is believed that Alpha Ursa Minor has been the North Star since 1100- she must carry this honorary title until the end of the 32nd century ...
Forecast walk of fame for the next century:
From 3200 to 5000 - Alrai, Gamma Cephei (γ Cep) will become the polar star;
5000-6500 AD - the circumpolar star will be Alfirk, Beta Cephei (β Cep);
6500-8500 AD - polar Star - Alderamin, Alpha Cephei (α Cep);
8500-9500 AD there is no pronounced polar star;
9500-11000 years - Deneb, Alpha Cygnus (α Cyg) will become a circumpolar star;
11000-12500 AD - polar star - Rukh, Cygnus Delta (δ Cyg);
12500-15500- will be polar Vega, Alpha Lyr (α Lyr).
about the 16th millennium - the polar star Iota Hercules (ι Her);
about the 19th millennium - the polar star - Tau Hercules (τ Her)
- then the circle closes on Iota Dragon!

How to find the constellation Ursa Minor and the North Star

The search for the constellation Ursa Minor usually starts with the search for the North Star, the configuration of the constellation is so simple that if you find the North Star, then you have found Ursa Minor. The North Star can be found in two ways.

1. Most often, the North Star is found using the asterism Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major.
To find the North Star, you need to mentally draw a line between the stars of the edge of the Bucket from Merak To Dubhe and continue to the first bright star - this will be the North Star, indicating the direction to the North!
You can test yourself by mentally building a Small Dipper from it, as if pouring water into the Big Dipper (Fig. 6).
Polar Star
is the most important navigational star, and Merak And Dubhe, helping to find it, is also called Pointers.

Rice. 6 How to find the North Star? - Very simple! You need to mentally draw a line through the stars of the Big Dipper Merak And Dubhe.

2. Knowing that Polar Star is exactly to the north, it can be found with a compass. Specify the latitude of the area in which you are located to the nearest degree (for example, the latitude of Moscow will turn out to be approximately 56 °) - at this angle the Polar Star will rise.
On a starry night, turn the compass in the direction to the north, with the help of outstretched arms (Fig. 7), approximately measure the height (the angular distance between the thumb and forefinger of an outstretched hand of an adult is 16-18 °), slightly lowering the angle, the nearest brightest star above the hands and will be the North Star (within 15 ° around the North Star there are no bright stars).

Rice. 7 Estimating the angular height of the Polar Star with the help of outstretched arms - a view of the starry sky at the latitude of Moscow.

History and mythology of the constellation Ursa Minor

Among the many myths and legends, I like only one myth, which is considered the most ancient, and also the most logically harmonious. The essence of this myth boils down to the fact that in infancy, Zeus was raised by the goat Amalthea and two she-bears, Big and Small. Once, when Zeus was already an adult, Amalthea rushed to him and said that the bears, his nurses and intercessors of childhood, the hunters were about to drive into an ambush. Zeus barely ripened at the last moment, snatched his benefactors by the tails from the battle and carried them to heaven, while their tails stretched out. That's why sky bears have such long tails.
Later, another legend appeared about the nymph Callisto and the dog Kinosura, who, as a result of the intrigues of the gods, were turned into bears ( probably in white) and exiled to the northernmost part of the sky (turning into polar bears to make their lives easier in the North could emphasize the wisdom of the gods...).

Claudius Ptolemy in his star catalog tries to follow the tradition and refers to the constellation Ursa Minor the stars that create the image of the bear in the representations of his time. Subsequently, Jan Hevelius, in his atlas "Uranography", tries to follow the descriptions of Ptolemy as closely as possible, unfortunately the original atlas was created in the projection of the "divine gaze" - as if you are looking at the celestial sphere from the outside. In order for the picture to correspond to the "earthly" appearance of the constellation, as well as to highlight the stars, the collage brought to your attention was created:

Rice. 8. The constellation Ursa Minor - a collage based on a drawing in the atlas of Jan Hevelius (the stars that are listed by Hevelius himself in the atlas and are within the modern limits of the constellation Ursa Minor are highlighted)

Sergey Ov(seosnews9)

List of notable and visible constellation stars
Ursa Minor

Star designation Bayer sign right ascension declination magnitude Distance,
St. year
Spectral class Star name and notes
Alpha Ursa Minor αUMi 02 h 31 m 47.08 c +89° 15′ 50.9″ 1.97 431 F7:Ib-IIv SB Polaris (Lodestar, Alruccabah, Cynosura, Phoenice, Tramontana, Angel Stern, Navigatoria, Star of Arcady, Yilduz, Mismar, Polyarnaya); variable star - cepheid
Beta Ursa Minor βUMi 14h 50m 42.40s +74° 09′ 19.7″ 2.07 126 K4IIIvar Kochab (Kochab, Kokab, Kochah)
Gamma Ursa Minor γUMi 15 h 20 m 43.75 s +71° 50′ 02.3″ 3.00 480 A3II-III Ferkad (Pherkad, Pherkad Major); variable of type δ Shield
Epsilon Ursa Minor εUMi 16h 45m 58.16s +82° 02′ 14.1″ 4.21 346 G5IIIvar Urodelus (Urodelus); variable star type RS Hounds Dogs
5 Ursa Minor 5 UMi 14h 27m 31.52s +75° 41′ 45.4″ 4.25 345 K4III
Zeta Ursa Minor ζUMi 15h 44m 03.46s +77° 47′ 40.2″ 4.29 376 A3Vn Alifa al Farkadain
Delta Ursa Minor δUMi 17h 32m 12.90 s +86° 35′ 10.8″ 4.35 183 A1Vn Yildun (Yildun, Gildun, Vildiur, Yilduz, Pherkard)
RR Ursa Minor 14 h 57 m 35.12 s +65° 55′ 56.6″ 4.63 398 M5III variable star
4 Ursa Minor 14 h 08 m 51.01 c +77° 32′ 50.8″ 4.80 500 K3III
This Ursa Minor ηUMi 16 h 17 m 30.50 s +75° 45′ 16.9″ 4.95 97 F5V Anwar al Farkadain, Alasco
Theta Ursa Minor θUMi 15 h 31 m 25.05 c +77° 20′ 57.6″ 5.00 832 K5III
11 Ursa Minor 15 h 17 m 05.88 s +71° 49′ 26.0″ 5.02 389 K4III Ferkad Minor (Pherkad Minor)
HD 136064 15 h 14 m 38.00 c +67° 20′ 51.6″ 5.15 83 F9IV
HD 124730 14 h 12 m 04.05 c +69° 25′ 57.6″ 5.18 445 M2III
19 UMi 16 h 10 m 49.53 s +75° 52′ 39.1″ 5.48 665 B8V
HD 118904 13h 37m 11.05 s +71° 14′ 32.2″ 5.50 400 K2III
HD 149681 16 h 25 m 43.53 s +78° 57′ 49.0″ 5.55 138 F0V
HD 133002 14 h 50 m 19.63 s +82° 30′ 45.0″ 5.63 141 F9V
HD 140227 15h 37m 39.21s +69° 16′ 59.6″ 5.65 881 M0III
18 Ursa Minor 16h03m 31.40s +76° 47′ 38.0″ 5.73 581 A3V
HD 158996 17h 19m 37.05 s +80° 08′ 11.0″ 5.74 991 K5III
24 Ursa Minor 17h 30m 46.97s +86° 58′ 04.9″ 5.78 156 A2m
HD 117187 13 h 26 m 08.02 c +72° 23′ 29.4″ 5.82 1009 M1III
HD 120084 13h 42m 39.38s +78° 03′ 51.6″ 5.91 318 G7III:
HD 152303 16h 43m 06.14 s +77° 30′ 48.5″ 5.99 117 F4V
HD 147321 16 h 14 m 33.47 s +73° 23′ 41.3″ 6.02 748 A3V
HD 155154 17h01m 40.08s +75° 17′ 51.6″ 6.17 146 F0IVn
HD 135384 15 h 10 m 44.40 s +67° 46′ 51.8″ 6.18 504 A8Vn
HD 133994 15h03m 57.73s +65° 55′ 11.0″ 6.22 464 A2Vs
HD 107192 12 h 15 m 20.67 s +87° 42′ 00.0″ 6.27 152 F2V
HD 129245 14 h 33 m 38.62 s +79° 39′ 36.8″ 6.27 461 K3III
Lambda Ursa Minor λ 17 h 16 m 57.26 s +89° 02′ 15.8″ 6.31 876 M1III
HD 107113 12 h 16 m 49.35 s +86° 26′ 09.0″ 6.33 129 F4V
HD 151623 16h 37m 52.81s +78° 55′ 06.8″ 6.33 414 G9III
HD 150275 16h 30m 39.08 c +77° 26′ 45.1″ 6.35 408 K1III
20 UMi 16h 12m 32.20 s +75° 12′ 38.1″ 6.36 765 K2IV
HD 113889 13h04m 49.78s +73° 01′ 29.8″ 6.43 396 F0V
3 UMi 14h06m 56.48s +74° 35′ 37.5″ 6.43 438 A7V
HD 5914 01 h 33 m 48.52 s +89° 00′ 56.6″ 6.46 321 A3V
π1 UMi A π1 UMi 15 h 29 m 11.97 s +80° 26′ 54.0″ 6.57 72 G8IV-V+...
9 UMi 15 h 00 m 27.71 s +71° 45′ 54.9″ 6.64 110 G0
HD 153720 16 h 52 m 55.14 s +75° 23′ 34.4″ 6.82 F0
8 UMi 14 h 56 m 48.32 s +74° 54′ 03.3″ 6.83 489 K0
π2 UMi π2 UMi 15 h 39 m 38.72 s +79° 58′ 59.2″ 6.89 384 F2 has an exoplanet (b)
π1 UMi B π1 UMi 15h 29m 24.36s +80° 27′ 00.0″ 7.30 71 G5
14 UMi 15 h 21 m 30.52 s +73° 28′ 35.1″ 7.38 194 F5
Culvera (neutron star) 14h 12m 56s s +79° 22′ 4″ 250.000 X neutron star

1. Bayer signs (ε Leo), as well as Flamsteed numbering (54 Leo) and Draper catalog (HD 94402) are used to designate stars.
2. Remarkable stars include even those that are not visible without the help of optics, but in which planets or other features have been found.

Ursa Minor is a small constellation in the Northern Hemisphere, containing 25 visible stars. The seven largest of them form a bucket pattern in the sky, the handle of which is completed by the North Star. Ursa Minor does not go beyond the horizon, so a small bucket, using some landmarks, can be seen at night even with the naked eye.

How to find Ursa Minor - choose the right environment

In order for stargazing to be successful, remember our tips:

  • look for the stars on a clear night so that there are no clouds and stratus clouds in the sky;
  • leave the city, where there are no burning street lamps and luminous windows of houses, but there is a huge dark sky, where you can easily find Ursa Minor;
  • when you start observing, stand so that tall trees or buildings do not block your horizon. The best option is when there are no obstacles at all, that is, the horizon is clear.

How to find Ursa Minor by the North Star

This eminent star is not the brightest in the sky, so it is better to look for it in Ursa Major, the outline of which looks like a giant bucket. The constellation is visible in the sky at night in good weather - in autumn and winter it hangs in the northern part of the sky, in the spring it stands in the east in a vertical position - with the handle down, in summer - in the west, with the handle up.

  • Applying our recommendations, find the Big Dipper in the sky. Mentally connect all the stars with a line - get a bucket with a handle.
  • Pay attention to the bowl, consisting of 4 stars. The extreme of them are the index stars - Dubhe and Merak, they determine the location of the North Star.
  • Connect Merak and Dubhe with an imaginary beam. Extend it up and slightly to the right, a distance five times greater than the segment between these stars. At the end of the line you will see the North Star - the end point of the handle of the small bucket.

If even after such research you cannot fully imagine Ursa Minor, use the following hint.

How to find Ursa Minor - an additional guide

Have you found the North Star, but the little dipper is not visible? In this case, the giant stars of the frontal side of the Ursa Minor bowl, Kokhab and Ferkad, will help.

  • Move your eyes to the left side of the North Star and notice a light circle in an orange halo - this is Kokhab, above it, forming the upper corner of the scoop - Ferkad. These stars go around the North Star and are called the Guardians of the Pole.
  • Take a closer look and you will see 2 more stars that make up the inside corners of the bowl. Combine them with lines and in front of you is a ladle without a handle.
  • Look for two dimly glowing dots-stars between the bowl and the North Star. Close the remaining gaps with straight segments and a small bucket with a handle will come out, facing in the opposite direction from the handle of the Big Dipper.

Although Ursa Minor can be found at any time, it is best seen in the winter sky before sunrise or at the first hour of spring sunset.

If time allows, go to nature to take a break from the bustle of the city, admire the starry scattering of the night sky, think about distant unknown worlds, the light from which does not reach our planet.

A rare summer resident does not grow cabbage on the site. Heads of cabbage are well kept fresh all winter, and sauerkraut won the hearts of compatriots a long time ago. It is now October, and we have already harvested cabbage. Part of it will soon be sent for storage in a caisson (we prefer to take heads of cabbage out of the soil along with the stalk, put them in string bags and hang them upside down). A few heads of cabbage are traditionally chopped and fermented. And in order for the salting to succeed, we will do it in auspicious days according to the lunar calendar . Maximum information about When is the best time to ferment cabbage in 2018 , we tried to collect in this article, for the benefit of everyone who plans cabbage preparations in the near future. Join 😉

  1. Results of the study of printed sources
  2. The folk calendar says...
  3. We sour cabbage according to the lunar calendar.

Salting is a delicate matter

Break a lot of sources, learned many nuances of successful salting:

Mid-season and mid-late cabbage start to sour in the first place. She is ready to cook homemade preparations immediately after being removed from the garden. The leaves of such cabbage are thin, juicy, crunchy. Most suitable for pickling varieties: Belorusskaya 455, Slava, Menza F1, Gift, Sibiryachka. But even mid-ripening cabbage is best salted after the first autumn frosts. These days, more sugars accumulate in heads of cabbage, and salting is much tastier. Mid-season cabbage, as a rule, is fermented in October.

Late varieties It is recommended to ferment only 2-3 months after harvest. The fact is that late-ripening varieties do not "reach" immediately, and most of all they are suitable for long-term fresh storage. But part of the crop can be used for salting, but you should not rush. Late-ripening varieties ferment, as a rule, in November-December .

When did they ferment cabbage in Rus'? ...

Sauerkraut is a traditional Russian treat, and the Folk Calendar has preserved for us the dates associated with the preparation of this dish.

In ancient times, it was necessary to have time to remove the cabbage before the Exaltation ( September 27, according to the new style). And this information from the calendar does not coincide with the recommendations of modern vegetable growers (harvest cabbage after the first autumn frosts, which usually occur in early October). However, it is noted that October 3(on Astafia) late varieties were often harvested, slightly frost-bitten, which gave the heads of cabbage a special taste.

And to salt and sour cabbage, according to the Folk calendar, they began with the Exaltation, that is after September 27 . They chopped cabbage together, with whole families. Fermentation was accompanied by songs, jokes, and conversations. They baked pies with cabbage and treated each other. In the evenings, they gathered for gatherings, which eventually became known as "skits". The preparation of sauerkraut lasted for two weeks. Thus, in ancient times it was a special holiday, tradition, ritual.

Day October 8 according to the folk calendar, it is called Sergei Kapustnik, the Chicken Coop. It is noted that it was also customary to chop and ferment cabbage on Sergei Kapustnik, this day was extremely favorable for this. By October 8, the first frosts are already happening, and even then the housewives knew that it was better to salt the cabbage after frosts so that it would not turn sour. Artemiev day was also considered a favorable day for salting ( November 2).

In addition, the most suitable days of the week for fermentation are Women's Days: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday . Cabbage salted these days will have a pleasant taste and will keep well.

Sauerkraut according to the Lunar calendar-2018

Let's digress from the past and return to the present ... Modern gardeners and gardeners prefer to adhere to the recommendations of the Lunar calendar in business (and we, too, although it can be difficult to do this).

It is believed that the Moon has a powerful influence not only on the development of plants, but also on the quality of homemade products. Cabbage fermented on auspicious days will be juicy, soft, but at the same time crispy; will not sour and will not deteriorate.

Interestingly, the data in different lunar calendars may differ. I think there is a place to be the author's vision of its originator. Someone focuses on the phase of the moon, someone on the sign of the Zodiac, and so on. There are three Lunar calendars for 2018 in our home library, and we use all of them. Let's take a look? 😉

When is it better to sour / salt cabbage in 2018:

October 2018

Auspicious days for salting and sauerkraut in October 2018 according to the calendar from the magazine "My Beautiful Dacha" which we post regularly:

  • October 2, 2018 is a good day for salting and canning,
  • October 21 - salt, sour, lay the crop for storage,
  • but on October 19, canning should be careful.

Magazine "Homesteading"(which we have been reading since the 80s of the last century) recommends salting cabbage on the following days in October:

  • October 2 and 3 are a good time for canning and salting,
  • October 15 and 16 are good days for canning,
  • October 20 and 21 are a good time for salting and canning.

November 2018

For some reason, the same sources in the November issues do not give recommendations about favorable dates for pickling cabbage. However, the blanks do not stop, so let's look at other sources: magazine "Matchmakers in the country" and the newspaper "Dacha". Lunar calendars for the coming month call the following favorable dates for home cooking:

  • November 2, 3 and 4 (until 12-00) - unfavorable time for home canning,
  • November 6 (after 16-00), November 7 and 8 - unfavorable days for processing and preserving the crop,
  • November 11, 12 and 13 (until 18:46) are good days for pickling cabbage for long-term storage.
  • November 16, 17 and 18 (until 19-00) - unfavorable days for home canning,
  • November 19 and 20 are good days for salting cabbage for short-term storage.
  • November 21 and 22 - you can salt the cabbage for long-term storage and do home canning of the crop.
  • November 25 and 26 are suitable days for home cooking.
  • November 30 is an unfavorable day for home canning.

October, November, December 2018

Favorable days for salting and sauerkraut October, November, December 2018 tells us the lunar calendar from magazine "1000 tips for summer residents":

In October, it is best to salt and sour cabbage in the middle of the month:

  • from the 13th to the 17th.

In November, favorable days for pickling and pickling cabbage will be the days:

  • November 1 and 2,
  • from 9 to 13 November,
  • from 18 to 23 November,
  • from 27 to 29 November.
  • from 8 to 11 December,
  • from 16 to 20 December,
  • from 24 to 26 December.

Sauerkraut calendar in the table

And among the Internet calendars, the most interesting one seemed to us that was published on the World of Space website, everything is laid out in it, as they say, on the shelves. Based on it, we have compiled a summary table with notes on October, November and December 2018. Printed out and now using. We advise you too

Calendar table for October 2018: Section closed

Calendar-table for November 2018:

Date and phase of the moon Favorable: Not recommended:
Nov. 1,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Leo, 23 lunar day
preparation of products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
November 2,
The moon is in the third quarter phase, in the zodiac sign Virgo, 24 lunar day
the 3rd of November,
Waning moon, in the sign of the zodiac Virgo, 25 lunar day
MAYBE: it is also undesirable to take out sauerkraut.
November 4
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Virgo, 26 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine. it is also undesirable to take out sauerkraut.
November 5,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Libra, 27 lunar day
November 6
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Libra, 28 lunar day
preparations for the future: drying vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment.
November 7
Moon in the New Moon phase, in the zodiac sign Scorpio, 29, 1 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine. The new moon is an unfavorable period for the gardener and gardener.
November 8,
Growing moon, in the sign of the zodiac Scorpio, 1, 2 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
November 9,
Growing moon, in the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius, 3 lunar day
preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
10th of November,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, 4 lunar day
preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
11th of November,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Capricorn, 5 lunar day
preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
November 12
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Capricorn, 5, 6 lunar day
preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
the 13th of November,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Capricorn, 6 lunar day
preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
November 14
Growing moon, in the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, 7 lunar day
canning and other preparations for the winter, fermentation, salting.
November 15, Moon in the First Quarter phase in the zodiac sign Aquarius, 8 lunar day This day is characterized by unstable energy. This is an intermediate stage between the first and second phases of the moon, as a result of which the 8th lunar day is considered unfavorable for work in the garden and garden.
November 16
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Pisces, 9 lunar day
Auspicious day for all gardening work.
November 17
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Pisces, 10 lunar day
November 18th,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Pisces, 11 lunar day
Pisces is a very productive sign, but there are no recommendations specifically about sauerkraut on this day.
November 19
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Aries, 12 lunar day

POSSIBLE: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
RECOMMENDED on the 12 lunar day: to make winter preparations, such as fermentation and salting, as well as crops in which tops are edible.
20 November,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Aries, 13 lunar day
FAVORABLE: drying, harvesting juices and wine, baking.
November 21,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Taurus, 14 lunar day
November 22,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Taurus, 15 lunar day
preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
November 23
Moon in phase Full moon, in the zodiac sign Gemini, 16 lunar day
FAVORABLE IN GEMINI: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
IN THE FULL MOON FAVORABLE: preparations for the future: homemade wine, fermentation and salting of vegetables and fruits without heat treatment.
In the full moon is unfavorable:
preparations of canned food, because canned food, rolled up in jars at this time, as a rule, explodes.
November 24
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Gemini, 17 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use: pickling, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine; canning with heat treatment.
November 25,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Cancer, 18 lunar day
November 26
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Cancer, 19 lunar day
preparation of grown products for the future: pickling, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine, canning with heat treatment. remove cabbage from the barrel, because increased risk of bacterial growth.
November 27
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Leo, 20 lunar day
remove cabbage from the barrel, because cabbage dries up.
November 28,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Leo, 21 lunar days
preparation of products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine, canning with heat treatment. remove cabbage from the barrel, because cabbage dries up.
29th of November,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Leo, 22 lunar day
preparation of products for the future: pickling, sauerkraut, jam cooking, drying, preparation of juices and wine, canning with heat treatment. remove cabbage from the barrel, because cabbage dries up.
November 30th,
The moon is in the third quarter phase, in the zodiac sign Virgo, 23 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine. it is also undesirable to take out sauerkraut.

Calendar table for December 2018:

Date and phase of the moon Favorable: Not recommended:
December 1,
Waning moon, in the sign of the zodiac Virgo, 24 lunar day
it is undesirable to take out sauerkraut.
December 2nd,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Libra, 25 lunar day
FAVORABLE: drying fruits, herbs, roots of medicinal plants, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment. There are no instructions for cabbage.
December 3,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Libra, 26 lunar day
FAVORABLE: preparations for the future: drying vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment; There are no instructions for cabbage.
December 4
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Scorpio, 27 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting grown products for future use, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment.
5th of December,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Scorpio, 28 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting grown products for future use, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment.
December 6,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, 29 lunar day
FAVORABLE: preparation of grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment.
December 7
Moon in the New Moon phase, 1st lunar day, zodiac sign Sagittarius
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
December 8,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Sagittarius, 2 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine;
9th December,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Capricorn, 3 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
December 10,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Capricorn, 4 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
December 11th,
Growing moon, in the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, 5 lunar day
12 December,
Moon Growing, in the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, 5, 6 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting flowers, fruits and seeds of medicinal plants; there are no recommendations about sauerkraut. Moon in Aquarius is a barren sign
December 13th,
Moon Growing, in the sign of the zodiac Aquarius, 6 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting flowers, fruits and seeds of medicinal plants; there are no recommendations about sauerkraut. Moon in Aquarius is a barren sign
December 14
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Pisces, 7 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting leaves of medicinal plants, laying compost.
FAVORABLE: harvesting cuttings, mowing the lawn, collecting herbs, canning and other harvesting for the winter, pickling, salting.
December 15
Moon in phase First quarter in the zodiac sign Pisces, 8 lunar day
POSSIBLE: harvesting leaves of medicinal plants, laying compost; no recommendations for sauerkraut
December 16
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Aries, 9 lunar day
FAVORABLE: drying, harvesting juices and wine, baking.
POSSIBLE: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
December 17
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Aries, 10 lunar day
FAVORABLE: drying, harvesting juices and wine, baking.
POSSIBLE: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
December 18,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Aries, 11 lunar day
FAVORABLE: drying, harvesting juices and wine, baking.
POSSIBLE: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
December 19th,
Growing moon, in the sign of the zodiac Taurus, 12 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine. RECOMMENDED: to make winter preparations, such as pickling and salting, as well as crops in which tops are edible.
20th of December,
Growing moon, in the zodiac sign Taurus, 13 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
21 December,
Growing moon, in the sign of the zodiac Gemini, 14 lunar day
RECOMMENDED preparation of grown products for the future: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine.
December 22,
Moon in phase Full moon, in the zodiac sign Gemini, 15 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting for future use, canning, pickling, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine, baking, pickling and pickling vegetables and fruits without heat treatment. On the full moon is NOT favorable: harvesting canned food, because. they then explode.
December 23
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Cancer, 16 lunar day
remove cabbage from the barrel, because increased risk of bacterial growth.
December 24
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Cancer, 17 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting grown products for future use, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment. remove cabbage from the barrel, because increased risk of bacterial growth.
December 25,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Leo, 18 lunar day
FAVORABLE: preparation of products for future use, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine. Preparations for future use: drying vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment.
December 26,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Leo, 19 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting products for the future, canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment; remove cabbage from the barrel, because she dries up.
27th of December,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Virgo, 20 lunar day
FAVORABLE: harvesting for future use, drying vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment;
POSSIBLE: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
it is also undesirable to take out sauerkraut.
December 28th,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Virgo, 21 lunar days
FAVORABLE: drying vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment;
POSSIBLE: canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, harvesting juices and wine.
it is also undesirable to take out sauerkraut.
December 29th,
Moon in phase Third quarter, in the zodiac sign Libra, 22 lunar day
RECOMMENDED harvesting for the future: cooking jam, canning, drying.
December 30th,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Libra, 23 lunar day
FAVORABLE: drying vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment.
31th of December,
Waning moon, in the zodiac sign Scorpio, 24 lunar day
POSSIBLE: procurement of grown products for the future. canning, salting, sauerkraut, drying, preparation of juices and wine, jam cooking, canning with heat treatment.

Why did sauerkraut fail?

You try: you grow, cherish and cherish, then you collect, cook ... But in the end, sauerkraut fails! It turns sour, acquires an unpleasant smell and taste. It turns out there are several reasons for this. In one of the sources, we found secret reasons why sauerkraut turns out to be tasteless:

  • If a late variety of cabbage was fermented too early (in autumn, not in winter).
  • If the cabbage turned out to be very frostbitten after harvesting, it will have a sweetish aftertaste and an unpleasant odor.
  • If a lot of nitrates have accumulated in the cabbage (which is the result of frequent fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers, large doses of manure during cultivation).
  • They fermented it incorrectly: they kept it in the heat for a long time (more than 4-5 days at a temperature above 20 degrees), they did not pierce it (to allow excess carbon dioxide formed during fermentation to escape).

We hope that your sauerkraut in the 2018 season will come out with a bang! The lunar calendar will help you choose favorable days for salting and pickling. We will be glad if you share your opinion in the comments, when is it better to salt / sour cabbage 😉

November is the best month for salting cabbage for the winter. It is during this period, when the harvest is harvested and the work in the garden is completed, that the ideal time comes for salting and sauerkraut.

November is the ideal time for pickling cabbage, because right now, when the harvest is harvested and all the work in the garden is done, there is time to harvest pickles for the winter. Cabbage is a vegetable that can be stored for a long time, but only when frozen, which slightly reduces its taste. That is why you have to salt and sour cabbage so that you can enjoy delicious crispy cabbage throughout the winter.

So, in November, late-ripening cabbage is most often fully harvested, which, due to its juiciness, is just right for pickling. As for the choice of the day for the procedure, in order for the product to end up tasty and stored for a long time, it is best to work on the growing moon. In November 2017, these are periods from November 1 to November 3, as well as from November 19 to 30. But on the full moon and new moon, it is better to refuse salting.

In addition to the growth of the moon, it is also necessary to pay attention to the constellations in which the moon happens. It is believed that during periods when the heavenly body (in the growth phase) is in the signs of Taurus, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo and Capricorn, the fermentation processes of salted cabbage are somewhat accelerated, which prevents the product from spoiling or becoming soft. In November 2017, the growing moon in the above constellations will pass on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 22nd, 23rd, 28th, 29th and 30th.

And finally, it is worth noting that the best days for salting and sauerkraut are "men's" days - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Therefore, try to allocate one of the above days of the week specifically for harvesting cabbage, in this case, getting a low-quality product will be minimized, of course, provided that the recipe and storage conditions were not violated.

A good snack is sauerkraut! Cabbage is fermented in almost every house where there is a garden. In sauerkraut, cabbage is stored for a long time and saves a maximum of useful substances. However, it is believed that on certain days, salting is better. On the choice of what days to pickle (salt) cabbage, influenced by the moon. Autumn is in full swing, so it's time to find out when is the best time to sauerkraut in october and november 2018.

  1. We sour mid-ripening and late-ripening cabbage at different times.
  2. The best varieties of cabbage for sauerkraut.
  3. Favorable dates according to the lunar calendar for 2018.
  4. Dates according to the National calendar.

First of all, varieties intended specifically for fermentation are fermented (there are usually instructions on this on the package with seeds). Typically, this is mid-season and mid-late varieties. The leaves of such cabbage are white, juicy, thick, and it is more suitable for pickling.

Important! It is believed that salting or pickling cabbage is best after the onset of short-term frosts (they most often fall on the first days of October), as the content of sugars increases in heads of cabbage.

Mid-season varieties of cabbage you can start fermenting in September month, but such a blank should be stored only in a cold place.

Late-ripening varieties cabbages are more suitable for long-term fresh winter storage. But still, if it becomes necessary to put part of the crop into salting, it is better to do it. in winter or 2-3 months after harvesting heads of cabbage (that is: in November - December).

The peculiarity of most late-ripening varieties is that they do not "reach" immediately. As a result of storage, more sugars and vitamins accumulate in them, and the leaves become juicier. For fermentation, you can also use heads of cabbage, slightly seized by the first frosts. They will not be stored, but for salting - that's it!

Important! Premature salting of late varieties is fraught with the fact that sauerkraut will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell. And early-ripening varieties for fermentation are not at all suitable. Such a cabbage quickly deteriorates and, in terms of taste, it also comes out, to put it mildly, not very well.

The best varieties of cabbage for sauerkraut:

  • Belorusskaya 455,
  • Glory,
  • Menza F1,
  • Present,
  • Siberian,
  • Snow White,
  • Moscow late,
  • Polar.

Days when it is better to pickle cabbage in 2018

It is believed that the Moon affects the quality and duration of storage of sauerkraut. It is difficult for us, ordinary summer residents, to independently calculate the days favorable for fermentation by the phase of the moon and the signs of the zodiac. And here they come to the aid of the hostesses Lunar calendars. Let's take a look? 😉

Auspicious days for salting and sauerkraut in October 2018

The lunar calendar from the magazine "My Beautiful Dacha", which we regularly subscribe to, says:

  • October 2, 2018 is a good day for salting and canning,
  • October 21 - salt, sour, lay the crop for storage,
  • but on October 19, canning should be careful.

The lunar calendar in the Dacha newspaper states that:

  • October 3 is a good day for homework,
  • October 15 is a good day for home canning,
  • October 26 and 29 are a day for cooking and homemade preparations.

Magazine "Homesteading"(which we have been reading since the 80s of the last century) recommends salting cabbage on the following days in October:

  • October 2 and 3 are a good time for canning and salting,
  • October 15 and 16 are good days for canning,
  • October 20 and 21 are a good time for salting and canning.

Auspicious dates in November 2018

Summarizing the information of the Lunar calendars of the magazine “Matchmakers at the Dacha” and the newspaper “Dacha”, we found out that:

  • November 2, 3 and 4 (until 12-00) - unfavorable time for home canning,
  • November 6 (after 16-00), November 7 and 8 - unfavorable days for processing and preserving the crop,
  • November 11, 12 and 13 (until 18:46) are good days for salting cabbage for long-term storage.
  • November 16, 17 and 18 (until 19-00) - unfavorable days for home canning,
  • November 19 and 20 are good days for salting cabbage for short-term storage.
  • November 21 and 22 - you can salt the cabbage for long-term storage and do home canning of the crop.
  • November 25 and 26 are suitable days for home cooking.
  • November 30 is an unfavorable day for home canning.

Auspicious days for pickling and sauerkraut in October, November, December 2018

And, finally, information on days favorable for fermentation is reflected very concisely and conveniently. in the table of the magazine "1000 tips for summer residents"

In October it is best to salt and sour cabbage in the middle of the month:

  • from the 13th to the 17th.

In November favorable days for pickling and pickling cabbage will be the days:

  • November 1 and 2,
  • from 9 to 13 November,
  • from 18 to 23 November,
  • from 27 to 29 November.
  • from 8 to 11 December,
  • from 16 to 20 December,
  • from 24 to 26 December.

folk calendar

According to popular beliefs, there are certain days of the week when pickling and sauerkraut is best:

  • cabbage, cooked women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), will amaze with its taste and will be stored for a long time.

It is interesting to look at the specific dates of the Folk calendar:

  • September 27 - Exaltation. Most often, cabbage and dishes from it were eaten on this day. “On the Exaltation, a good fellow has cabbage at the porch”; “Smart, woman, about cabbage - Exaltation has come,” people said. Three days before the holiday, it was customary to remove the heads of cabbage from the garden. And from the Exaltation, they began to chop cabbage (chopped for pickling), bake pies with cabbage. They were engaged in harvesting cabbage for the winter for 1-2 weeks, and often did it together. So there were cabbage evenings, gatherings - skits, which were accompanied by jokes and tales.
  • October 3 - Astafy Windmill. Sometimes late cabbage, left especially for this occasion, was chopped on Afstafiya: heads of cabbage touched by frost acquired a special taste.
  • October 8 - Sergey Kapustnik, Chicken coop. On Sergei Kapustnik, Russian people, as usual, chopped cabbage, preparing it for the winter. Experienced housewives knew that cabbage should be salted with the first frost - not earlier, otherwise it will turn sour. The whole family was engaged in salting: the children peeled carrots and apples, the old people cut them. Men and women chopped cabbage, put it in tubs, covered it with salt, added carrots, apples, lingonberries or cranberries. Delicious cakes were baked on a cabbage leaf. When the dough was laid on a leaf, they prayed that the winter would pass safely. Patties with cabbage were also served on the table that day.
  • November 2 - Artemiev day. On Artemia it was also customary to ferment cabbage, which was one of the favorite snacks of the Russian people.
