
Burchak group. How to choose a quality burchak

Location: Russia Member since: 09 Mar, 2010 Last member: 09 Mar, 2010

About me

With the permission of Michael, I publish his poems!
May they be blessings and blessings to you.
many questions in life!

A few words about Mikhail ... Mikhail Yakovlevich Burchak was born on June 11, 1947 in the village. Alexandrinovka then Poltava, and later the Kyiv region. His life was imprinted with an injury that he suffered at the age of one and a half years, depriving one of his eyes. After several unsuccessful operations, at the age of five, he completely lost his sight. He studied at a boarding school in Kyiv, and then in Kharkov. At school, he fell in love with the Russian language and literature, began to write poetry and decided to enter a Russian-speaking university. The romance of youth was his guide in the literal sense of the word. He believed his teacher of Russian literature so much that on the day when he advised him to go to Voronezh, the nearest city where the Russian-speaking university was located, Mikhail decided to go there even without an escort, having no relatives or acquaintances there.

Despite the protests of his parents, Mikhail went to Voronezh on his own. Misha spent the first night at the station. The next day, he settled with all the applicants in the gym, then successfully passed the entrance exams to the State University. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology with honors. Participated in a scientific student society and had publications, was preparing for graduate school. But - alas! - no one needed a disabled specialist. The outburst of love for Russian literature and the romance of the soul, even in a good student, do not always find a response and understanding where, first of all, political maturity is required. And when he came to believe in 1971, he generally found himself outside the scientific and literary sphere and was forced to perform the least paid work in the society of the blind. But the Lord kept Michael and supported.

For three years, he rewrote the entire Bible by hand in type for the blind, wrote poetry, and preached. The Lord sent him a loving wife, Nadezhda, and gave them nine children. To this day, Brother Michael displays a unique will to live and a desire to serve the Lord. His work deserves special attention, because it is a feat of faith. Those around him are surprised that, despite his disability, they do not find a flaw in communicating with him, they even forget that he is blind. Brother Michael is always ready and able to fully serve with his spirituality, to bear the burden of a brother or sister. His love for the Word of God and professional skill revealed in him the gift to prepare food for the spirit and soul.

He is endowed with a rare ability to tune the ear of the listener, regardless of spiritual and physical age, so that, like a finely honed instrument, the Word of God is deeply imprinted in the mind and heart. His literate and pure speech, simplicity and figurative expression of thought in a burst of inspiration inspire deep respect. The strength of his love for the Word of God won close attention from listeners and readers. Having mastered modern technical means that allow the blind to work on a computer, he gained access to spiritual literature. Moreover, Mikhail Yakovlevich is able to competently translate into German. For many years he analyzed the word in three churches of the Moscow and Vladimir regions, sometimes he is also asked to serve as a simultaneous translation from the German language. His spiritual articles and sermons and poems were repeatedly presented in the magazines "EVANGELIST" and "Bulletin of the HVE". Since 2004, he has been a full-fledged employee of the EVANGELIST publishing house, and in 2007 he took up the duties of the editor-in-chief of the publishing house and the almanac "Source XBE".

Drop doubts!
Open the album
How to open the door to the house
Welcome guest.
Whatever your understanding,
Christ calls you into his arms.

Request to all from Mikhail: The fact is that I myself tried my poetic powers in the form of a sonnet, I love this genre very much and would like to ask the participants to send books of sonnets to my E-mail, if anyone has anything.
E-mail: mburchak is the same bully rambler.ru

New Verses, and not only them, can be found in the books Sermons and Poems and My Favorite Authors - http://www.shulamite.ru/page.php?15

Autumn is the time of harvesting grapes and making burchak. Throughout September, every weekend in some of the towns of South Morava, grape and young wine festivals take place. In order not to explain in my own words what a burchak is, I will quote from Wikipedia:

New wine, it is also young wine, federweisser (German: Federweißer), in Austria - Sturm, in Luxembourg - fiedrweissen (Lux. Fiederwäissen), in Serbia - Shira, in the Czech Republic - Burchak (Czech. burčak), in Slovakia - burchiak (Slovak. burčiak) - an alcoholic drink, which is a grape must that has begun to ferment, but is not yet ready-made wine.

The new wine has a sweet taste. Due to active fermentation, its alcohol content regularly rises (from about 4% to 11%) and the drink becomes less sweet, as sugar is processed into alcohol. As a result, new wine is only stored for a few days. As a rule, it is bought and stored in plastic vessels with a loose lid (otherwise they may explode due to fermentation). It is also sold in bottles with a non-hermetically screw cap - such bottles can only be transported and stored in an upright position.

As with finished wines, there are three main varieties of new wine: the most common are white, rosé (German: Schilchersturm) and red (German: Federrote). It is made primarily from early grape varieties, because the main season is early autumn (September and October). Contains yeast, lactic acid, carbonic acid (gas), and large amounts of B vitamins.

An amazingly tasty thing =) I discovered burchak for myself only last year. By the way, at that time I did not yet know that the bottle should not be tightly closed, and screwed the lid to failure. For half a day we dragged along with this bottle along Mikulov, and when we arrived home, we opened it for about 40 minutes =) Then we managed to avoid the fountain from the burch, but this year Anton caught up and flooded half the kitchen =)

And this year I spent all three days of the Palava Wine Festival in Mikulov. Only I didn’t have fun there, but worked: we participated in the fair, sold jewelry from our company. Well, while I was trading there these days, I saw enough of various funny t-shirts of burchak lovers. I liked the T-shirt of one guy the most. The seasons were written on the back in a column: Spring, Summer, Burchak, Winter =) That's what I understand - a fan of Burchak, there is not even the word "autumn" in his vocabulary =)

By the way, wine parties in Mikulov and Znojmo are not just days when burchak and food are sold in tons, and all visitors get drunk to the point of restlessness. In these cities, historical reconstructions are made: jousting tournaments, the procession of the king and his retinue through the city, various shows and performances dedicated to the Middle Ages. Fortunately, the atmosphere in ancient cities is conducive to such things. In Znojmo, even vendors are required to wear historical costumes to match those times.

So, I have seen enough of people in knightly armor, in Renaissance costumes and even in musketeer cloaks =)

In general, I highly recommend going to Znojmo or Mikulov for a winery, if you have the opportunity. This is not only a lot of delicious food and excellent burchak, but also a wonderful cultural program. This year, the holidays have already passed in these cities, but a similar holiday will be held from October 3 to 5 in the town of Hustopeče. I also want to look there, but already as an idle spectator =)

I’ll note right away that “burchak” is a gentle, low-alcohol wine drink, which is a traditional Czech delicacy. Although, perhaps, I am a little mistaken, because, in addition to the Czech Republic and Moravia, this type of grape juice is also consumed in large quantities in several wine-growing regions of Europe. Between them - Slovakia, the north of Austria or Germany. However, the Czechs can proudly declare that the manufacture of burchak is their original work.

So what is this magical drink? It is probably fashionable today to say that the product does not contain chemical preservatives, but in the case of burchak, this is true, unless the manufacturers of this purely natural, healthy, complete vitamin B drink, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole, do not add to him pesticides, i.e. if they do not get there during the growth of grapes.

“Burchak is a healthy drink only when healthy grapes are processed with high quality. If during the growth of grapes it was sprayed with pesticides 12 times, then when it settles, part of the sediment still remains in that juice. And when the fermentation process begins, everything is mixed. Anyone who says that he should drink as much burchak as there are liters of blood in the human body (approximately 7 liters), for him this does not always end well. There are enterprises that specialize in the manufacture of burchak. They strictly monitor the quality and try not to treat the grapes with excessive chemicals,” says taster and winemaker Vaclav Maier from Mikulov.

As a rule, burchak is made from certain grape varieties, for example, Irsay Oliver, Muškát moravský or Veltlínské červené earlier, and varieties suitable for making burchak ripen a little later, such as Veltlínské zelene or Müller Thurgau.

A young unfiltered wine full of yeast should contain from one to a maximum of 8 degrees of alcohol. And in order for the final product to be called a burchak, only grapes grown in the Czech Republic must be used for its production.

And in order not to be mistaken, if you still decide to try this Czech delicacy someday, you need to know what color this drink should be, what taste and smell it should have. So, fresh and high-quality burchak should be yellow, with a slight brownish tint, with a minimum amount of sediment, and the smell should not give off rot and mold, but smell like fresh grape juice.

“A person who is going to drink burchak should always be extremely careful. For example, I am at wine festivals, which are held in the Czech Republic in autumn, I try it from five sellers, but in autumn I drink no more than one hundred grams of burchak. I'd rather wait for the new wine, which is not yet so pure, and drink it with pleasure.

The traditional burchak, despite the fact that it is a low-alcohol wine drink, can, with a large amount, hit not only the head, but also knock the legs, but Czechs and Moravans, who have been accustomed for centuries to an autumn lively drink, are often drawn to sing, but it’s better to do it all together and in public ...

Toponym: Russia Burchak is a village in the Mglinsky district of the Bryansk region. Ukraine Burchak village, Mikhailovsky district, Zaporozhye region. Burchak village, Sumy district, Sumy region ... Wikipedia

Red peas, Grodno. (Dal), borrowed. from Turkic: cf. Tur., Turkm., Chagat., Khivin. burčak peas, Kazakh. buršak – the same (Radlov 4, 1832 et seq.); mi. TEL., ext. 2, 90. From there comes Hung. borso peas; see Gombots 52; Melih, ZfslPh 4, 101. See ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer

burchak- a /, h. Dzyurkotlivy, streamy water flow ... Ukrainian glossy dictionary

Burchak- 243228, Bryansk, Mglinsky ... Settlements and indices of Russia

burchak- the name of a human family ... Spelling Dictionary of Ukrainian Movies

burchak- [برچک] t. Guft. kunҷ, kunҷak [aslash burҷak]: sandals burchaks, hona burchaks ... Farhangi tafsiria zaboni tojiki

This term has other meanings, see Burchak. Burchak village in Ukraine Burchak Country ... Wikipedia

Burchak village in Ukraine Burchak Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

The village of Burchak Mikhailovka, Ukraine Burchak Mikhailivka Country UkraineUkraine ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Burchak. Burchak Characteristic Length 20 km Ardon basin Watercourse Gizal Don mouth Location 8.1 km on the right bank ... Wikipedia


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  • Theoretical Mechanics: Textbook, Burchak G.P. The textbook, based on the experience of teaching theoretical mechanics, presents material for improving the perception of special engineering disciplines and solving new technical problems.…
  • Theoretical mechanics: Uch. settlement / G. P. Burchak - M .: NIC INFRA-M, 2015. - 271 p. - (VO: Bachelor's degree), G. P. Burchak, L. V. Vinnik. Theoretical mechanics: Uch. settlement / G. P. Burchak - M .: NITs INFRA-M, 2015. - 271 p. - (VO: Bachelor) ...
