
Recipe for classic okroshka on kefir with radishes. A simple step by step recipe with sausage

Okroshka on kefir is one of the most popular dishes on the dinner table in the summer. It perfectly satisfies both hunger and thirst.

Okroshka on kefir recipe photo.

- radish - 5 pcs.
- potatoes, cucumbers - 4 pcs.
- kefir
- egg - 3 pcs.
- carbonated water or whey
- herbs: dill, green onion
- black pepper
- salt
- mustard

1. Boil potatoes - better in "uniform". Cut it into small cubes.
2. Grate or cut cucumbers into small strips. Do the same with the radish.
3. Cut sausage or meat into long strips or cubes.
4. Set aside one yolk and one white, and leave the remaining yolks for dressing.
5. Grind green onions with salt.
6. Make a dressing: rub the yolks, mustard, sour cream, salt, ground pepper, part of the dill. Dilute them with kefir, leave to brew.
7. Make a fill. Dilute kefir with whey or sparkling water, add a pinch of citric acid.
8. First you need to freeze the water with the addition of finely chopped dill and put a few ice cubes before using the okroshka.
9. It is advisable to serve the resulting dish in a transparent bowl. First, lay out the chopped okroshka ingredients, pour them with prepared kefir, add dressing, mix, sprinkle with dill, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Instead, you can throw prepared dill ice cubes into the soup.

Okroshka on kefir and mineral water.

- cucumbers - 4 pcs.
- eggs - 3 pcs.
- potatoes - 5 pcs.
- green onions - 55 g
- kefir -
- boiled sausage - 155 g
- salt
- greenery
- mineral water

Okroshka recipe:
1. Cool kefir, put in a separate bowl, dilute with mineral water, mix.
2. Boil potatoes in their skins, peel.
3. Cut cucumbers, eggs, potatoes, onion feathers into small cubes, mix, refrigerate for half an hour.
4. Remove okroshka from the refrigerator, salt, stir.
5. Divide the resulting mixture into portioned plates, pour over diluted kefir.
6. Pour chopped greens into each serving. ready!

Okroshka on kefir and sour cream. Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya.

- boiled sausage or boiled veal - 400 g
- cucumber - 4 pcs.
- radish - bunch
- green onion - bunch
- eggs - 5 pcs.
- kefir - two liters
- celery, cilantro, dill, parsley
- sour cream - 320 g
- cold boiled water - 755 ml

1. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel, cut into cubes.
2. Sausage or veal, cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs, radishes cut into cubes.
3. Chop green onions.
4. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper.
5. Mix kefir with sour cream, chilled water, pour okroshka with this mixture, serve chilled. and kefir is ready!

How to cook okroshka on kefir with fish.

- cod fillet - 420 g
- kefir - one liter
- potatoes, cucumber - 4 pcs.
- fresh parsley, green onion - one bunch each
- egg - 2 pcs.
- mineral water
- mustard - a tablespoon

1. Rinse the potatoes thoroughly, boil them together with the skins, cool, remove the peel.
2. Hard-boil eggs, rinse with cold water, peel.
3. Wash greens, dry.
4. Cucumbers, potatoes and eggs cut into cubes.
5. Green onions, dill, chop parsley.
6. In a container, mix vegetables, onions, eggs, mustard, add seasonings.
7. Pour in kefir, mix.
8. Pour okroshka into plates. Put a few pieces of fish in each, sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Okroshka with dried fish on kefir.

- radish - 155 g
- potatoes, hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
- fresh cucumbers - 220 g
- salted tsitsak, hot pepper - 2 pcs.
- green onions, dill, parsley - bunch
- low-fat kefir - one bottle
- pepper
- salt
- dried fish - 155 g

1. Chop the fish fillet into cubes.
2. Cut the potatoes into cubes, boil, cool. Do not pour out the broth - it will come in handy for breeding kefir.
3. Cut cucumbers, eggs into cubes.
4. Cut the radish into thin sticks.
5. Finely chop the tsitsak pepper.
6. Finely chop the greens, mix with other prepared ingredients, put everything in a tureen.
7. Pour the mixture with kefir, a decoction of potatoes, pepper, pour into plates.

How to make okroshka on kefir with mayonnaise.

- kefir, cold boiled water - 1 liter each
- mayonnaise - 120 ml
- hard boiled eggs - 5 pcs.
- sausages - 3 pcs.
- large potatoes - 3 pcs.
- green onion - bunch
- parsley greens - a bunch
- radish - 8 pcs.
- big cucumber
- pepper
- salt

1. Cut eggs, potatoes, sausages into cubes.
2. Cucumber and radish grate on a coarse grater.
3. Chop the greens with a knife.
4. Radish, cucumber, greens mix, pepper, salt. Let the mixture juice.
5. Put potatoes, eggs, sausages into the water, mix.
6. Add mayonnaise, kefir, mix.
7. Add green mixture, stir. Salt if necessary. Such okroshka on kefir, calories which increases due to mayonnaise, it is better not to use for people who are on a diet.

How to cook okroshka on kefir with meat.

- boiled water - 720 ml
- kefir - 720 ml
- meat - 400 g
- green onion
- cucumbers - 4 pcs.
- sugar, mustard, sour cream - 1 tablespoon each
- eggs - 2 pcs.

1. Boil the meat, cool, cut into cubes.
2. Cut cucumbers and potatoes into cubes, rub with mustard and salt, add egg yolk, dilute with kefir.
3. Mix all products, pour kefir (previously dilute kefir with boiled water, refrigerate for a couple of hours.
4. When serving, sprinkle okroshka with chopped herbs. ready!

On kefir "Piquant".

- kefir - one liter
- potatoes, cheese - 120 g each
- greenery
- salt
- sour cream
- rye bread - 220 g

1. Cut boiled potatoes and bread into slices.
2. Grate cheese and boiled eggs.
3. Finely chop the green onion.
4. Mix all products, salt, pour kvass.
5. When serving, put dill, parsley, sour cream in bowls.

Okroshka on kefir with apples.

- dill - tablespoon
- cucumber - 3 pcs.
- green onion - three tablespoons
- apple - 1 pc.
- sour cream - ½ cup
- radish - 10 pcs.
- salt
- kefir - 1.5 liters
- mustard - ½ teaspoon
Okroshka on Ashgabat kefir.
- green onion - 35 g
- pickled cucumbers, fresh cucumbers - 60 g each
- lamb - 120 g
- eggs - ½ pcs.
- dill - 5 g
- sour cream - 20 g
- kefir
- mineral water

1. Finely chop dill, eggs, cucumbers, onions, lamb, mix with mineral water (for 7 parts of water you need to take 5 parts of kefir).
2. If desired, you can add potatoes, and replace the lamb with other meat.

Okroshka with kefir and beetroot leaves.

- water - ½ liter
- kefir - 1 liter
- sour cream - ½ cup
- eggs, fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
- beets with leaves - 820 g
- beetroot vinegar - 3 tablespoons
- salt
- dill greens

1. Separate young beet leaves from petioles.
2. Cut the petioles into cubes, and the beets into strips, add beetroot vinegar, pour hot water, heat for two minutes, let it brew for twenty minutes, cool.
3. Add boiled chopped eggs, beet leaves, fresh cucumbers to beets, add kefir, cold water, salt.
4. Serve the finished okroshka with chopped dill and sour cream.

Okroshka on kefir with Jerusalem artichoke.

- egg
- Jerusalem artichoke - 320 g
- green onions - 55 g
- kefir - 220 g
- dill - 10 g
- salt

1. Wash Jerusalem artichoke, peel, cut into thin slices or strips.
2. Rinse the onion, chop finely.
3. Hard-boil the egg, peel, cut into cubes.
4. Put the chopped egg and vegetables in a plate, pour kefir, salt, sprinkle with dill.

With sorrel.

- kefir - liter
- radish - bunch
- sorrel - 4 bunches
- water - 2 glasses
- fresh cucumbers - 6 pcs.
- radish - bunch
- green onion - bunch
- canned green peas - a glass
- canned corn - a tablespoon
- salt
- sour cream - ½ cup

1. Cut cucumbers, sorrel, radish, add corn, green peas, salt, chopped onion.
2. Place the ingredients in a saucepan, pour cold water and kefir.
3. Season the finished dish with sour cream, serve.

With asparagus.

- boiled water - 520 ml
- kefir - 520 ml
- carrot - 200 g
- green asparagus beans - 220 g
- vegetable oil - 55 g
- fresh savory - 15 g
- onion - 55 g

1. Wash the pods of asparagus beans, cut into pieces, boil in water with salt.
2. Wash the carrots, peel, cut into slices, boil.
3. Peel the onion, chop.
4. Wash the savory, drain, finely chop.
5. Fry onions and savory greens in sunflower oil.
6. Mix carrots and boiled beans, add greens, dilute with kefir, salt.

Okroshka - a recipe for kefir with cauliflower.

- boiled water, kefir - 520 g each
- carrot - 120 g
- cauliflower - 520 g
- salt
- parsley
- eggs - 2 pcs.

1. Wash the cauliflower, disassemble, boil in water with salt.
2. Wash the carrots, peel, boil, pre-cut it into cubes or circles.
3. Boil eggs, peel, chop.
4. Mix cauliflower, eggs, carrots, add water and kefir, salt, add chopped greens.

Hello again. The sun is finally starting to shine, and the air smells of spring. Our body after the winter weekdays begins to demand all sorts of sweets, because it lacks vitamins. Are you familiar with this situation? For me personally, yes.

And it is in the spring season that I really like to cook okroshka, even though it is a summer dish. I don’t know why, but it is in spring that I especially want to taste this cold soup.

And the most interesting thing is that I do not use kvass, but kefir. Kvass comes into play a little later, in the summer heat.

Have you tried cooking okroshka on kefir? And what is your favorite recipe? I love it not only with sausage, but also with meat. If you are not familiar with such a dish, then it's time to correct this situation. There are many options, and there is even a special okroshka for weight loss. So choose your recipe.

Let's start with the most famous and popular cooking method. I note that in the spring this soup can be made without radishes.


  • Cucumbers - 500 gr.;
  • Doctor's boiled sausage - 400 gr.;
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Dill - a bunch;
  • Green onions - a bunch;
  • Kefir - 1 l;
  • Sour cream - 300 gr.;
  • Chilled water - 1 l;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the potatoes and boil in their skins until tender, about 20 minutes.

2. Hard boil eggs.

3. Wash cucumbers and cut into small cubes. One cucumber can be grated.

4. Greens need to be washed and dried, then finely chopped. Put in a saucepan and add a little salt, ceiling with a crush.

5. Sausage must be cut into cubes.

6. Cool and peel the eggs, then also cut into cubes.

7. Cool the potatoes too and peel them. Cut into small sticks.

8. Mix kefir with chilled water, add sour cream and salt to taste. Squeeze out the lemon juice.

9. Combine all chopped foods, pour prepared kefir, mix. If necessary, salt and pepper. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.

10. After the soup is infused, serve it cold with brown bread.

I already have an appetite, I'll probably cook it on the weekend))

How to cook okroshka on kefir and mineral water?

The following recipe comes with the addition of sparkling water. I like this option, especially for spiciness, garlic is also added.


  • Sausage - 0.5 kg;
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs.;
  • Radishes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Kefir - 1 l;
  • Mineral water - to taste;
  • Green onions, dill - in a bunch;
  • Table salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. First prepare the food. Boil eggs and potatoes, cool and peel. Cut sausage, potatoes and eggs into cubes.

2. Rinse cucumbers and radishes, dry them. Grate on a medium grater.

3. Combine prepared foods. Finely chop the herbs and garlic, add to the vegetables. Salt to taste and stir.

4. Combine kefir with mineral water and season the mass. Place in refrigerator to cool. Top with sour cream before serving.

Step-by-step recipe for Armenian okroshka

In fact, a version of cold soup on kefir came to us from Armenia, where they make this dish on yogurt. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with this type of cooking.

If you do not know how to make matsoni, then replace it with kefir.


  • Matsoni - 250 ml;
  • Cold boiled water - 250 ml;
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 200 gr.;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water until tender. Cool, remove bones and cut into cubes.

2. Boil potatoes in their uniforms, boil hard-boiled eggs. Cucumbers cut into cubes, otsuzhennye potatoes and eggs, too, cut into small sticks.

3. Salt and mix the chopped foods.

4. Add yogurt, if desired, you can add more sour cream, mix.

5. Then pour water.

6. Refrigerate for 1 hour. After, serve the dish with pita bread.

Cooking okroshka with chicken and mustard

I am a lover of everything spicy, so I love okroshka with peppercorns. Therefore, for me, the mustard option is my favorite.


  • Chicken fillet - 150 gr.;
  • Ham - 150 gr.;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • Green onion - a bunch;
  • Sparkling water - 0.5 l;
  • Kefir - 1 l;
  • Sour cream - for dressing;
  • Mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Citric acid - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil potatoes in uniforms until tender, cool and peel. Cut into cubes.

2. Hard boil the eggs, cool, remove the shell and also cut into cubes for potatoes.

3. Cut into cubes and cucumbers.

4. Cut the ham into identical cubes, add to the vegetables.

5. Boil the chicken fillet in salted water in advance, then cool and cut into cubes.

6. Finely chop the onion.

7. Mix kefir with water, add citric acid. Season all products, salt to taste and add sour cream. Refrigerate and then enjoy!!

Okroshka on kefir with beets

And here is a recipe from Latvian cuisine. And I’ll say right away what a dish is for an amateur. For example, I don’t really like this dish with beets, but sometimes I cook for a change.


  • Kefir - 1 l;
  • Cucumbers - 1 pc.;
  • Beets - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Boiled sausage - 200 gr.;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Green onions - 1 bunch;
  • Water - 500 ml;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. First you need to prepare the products. Boil potatoes, beets and eggs and cool. Cut the sausage into cubes, finely chop the greens. Cool the eggs and potatoes, peel and cut into cubes, and grate the beets.

2. Salt the greens and crush with a spoon.

3. Add sausage and cucumbers to the greens.

4. Then eggs and potatoes.

5. Lastly, add the beets. Season with water and kefir, salt and add mustard, mix. You can add more sour cream if you wish. Serve cold!!

Video recipe for cooking dietary okroshka without potatoes

And here is a very interesting recipe without potatoes. This soup is considered good for those who are on a diet. The author really adds sausages, I would still replace them with chicken fillet.

Okroshka recipe on kefir and meat

Here is the meat version. All actions remain the same, only instead of sausage we add any boiled meat. And you can fill it with both kefir with mineral water, and kefir with lemon juice.


  • Meat - 150 gr.;
  • Kefir - 600 ml;
  • Cucumbers - 150 gr.;
  • Radishes - 4 pcs.;
  • Boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Greens - a bunch;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cucumbers and radishes should be cut into thin strips.

2. Cut eggs with pre-boiled meat into cubes, and finely chop the greens.

Any meat can be used: chicken, beef or pork.

3. Then cut the potatoes into cubes.

4. Salt, squeeze lemon juice. Season with kefir, mix everything and refrigerate.

The classic recipe for okroshka on kefir with sausage

Well, to consolidate the preparation of this dish, for you one more detailed video plot, we watch and remember. And by the way, if you boil vegetables in advance, the dish will cook very quickly.

And for today I have everything. Okroshka is a very simple dish, there are no tricks here, especially if you cook with kefir. Well, if you still have questions, then write, do not be shy! Good mood to you all!!

Okroshka is an amazing dish! No matter how much you cook it, it is still eaten in one day. Moreover, as my family noticed, it is not so important whether it is hot or cold outside.

By the way, this cold soup has been known for a very long time and has undergone a huge number of changes in its composition. Therefore, everyone has their own traditional recipe.

Today we will cook okroshka on kefir. Perhaps someone will be surprised, but in fact, its sourness and density only add spice to the freshness of vegetables. And, of course, I will not bypass gourmets, a completely unusual recipe with salmon has been prepared for them.

  • Delicious Mustard Recipe
  • Okroshka on kefir with chicken
  • Unusual composition with salmon

Diet okroshka on kefir with mineral water

Meat and vegetables are taken as the basis, but everyone under these concepts understands something of their own. Someone uses sausages as meat, and someone uses turkey.

Dietary products in okroshka can be considered everything except potatoes and sausages.

We will simply remove the tubers from the recipe, and add the correct protein in the form of chicken (you can replace it with turkey). This is important, both for losing weight and for those who are building muscle.

To get more trace elements and vitamins, do not spare the greens, everything will do: dill, parsley, celery, onion and even cilantro.

In this recipe, kefir is diluted with mineral water. Of course, you can not do this, but then you get a very thick consistency. Yes, and bubbles in mineral water give an interesting note and taste.


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 boiled chicken breast
  • Greenery
  • 2.5 l kefir
  • 100 ml mineral water

Boil the eggs for 10 minutes, and the fillet for 30 minutes until tender.

Finely chop all the ingredients. To get more thick, you can separate the meat fibers with a fork.

We mix all the ingredients and pour kefir and mineral water.

For those who lose weight, salt is not put in this recipe, but you can replace it with natural salt in the mineral water itself, for example, Essentuki No. 7.

Also, for saturation, you can add a spoonful of horseradish or mustard.

If you need not so much protein as a healthy snack, then add celery or lettuce to greens.

Classic sausage recipe

Yet most of Russia cooks this dish with sausage. Everyone likes its combination with eggs and cucumber. Of course, you can experiment and take several varieties of sausage. But still the most popular recipe, which is also called the classic, is made with doctor's low-fat sausage.

By the way, this is one of the most affordable types of meat products. And you can often see a promotion or a discount on it.


  • 200 g boiled sausage
  • 5 potatoes
  • 4 fresh cucumbers
  • Dill and onion greens
  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 0.3 l boiled water
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Salt pepper

Squeeze garlic into kefir and dilute this mixture with water.

Grind all the ingredients and mix in one bowl or pan.

Pour the prepared filling into the soup.

Let's try salt. It happens that the sausage gives its flavor and salt is not required, but look at your taste,

And my grandmother didn’t cut potatoes, but mashed them. It turns out a pleasant density, which always settles in a spoon.

How to cook Azerbaijani okroshka (ovdukh)

When it's incredibly hot, you really want to freshen up. And we drink a lot, but in the heat we lose strength as well as in the cold. Therefore, you need to eat, and so there is an excellent dish when you can quench your thirst and get enough. It is called - ovdukh.

It was invented in Azerbaijan, but now it seems that it has no nationality, because everyone loves such okroshka.


  • 1 l kefir
  • 200 g greens
  • 4 medium cucumbers
  • 1 head of onion

We will grate 2 cucumbers on a coarse grater, and cut the remaining pair into cubes.

We cut greens and mix them with grated cucumbers. It is necessary to salt and crush this mass with a pusher so that the juice stands out.

Then add chopped vegetables. Fill with kefir and salt to taste.

For spice, you can add a clove of garlic.

If you use this dish not as a soup, but as a drink, then you can add plain boiled water to kefir to make it easier to drink.

Delicious Mustard Recipe

Okroshka with mustard was opened for me by my mother-in-law. She, before seasoning the chopped ingredients, dilutes a spoonful of mustard in a glass of mineral water. And then this mixture is poured into kefir or sour cream.

The taste is unusual, a little vigorous, but with sourness. By the way, the aroma does not come from mustard, but from all the ingredients, I didn’t even understand at first that mustard was present.


  • Boiled veal - 0.2 kg
  • Boiled potatoes - 4 pcs
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs
  • Boiled eggs - 2 pcs
  • Radishes - 150 g
  • Mustard - 2 tsp
  • Kefir - 1 l
  • Greens, pepper and salt

To make it tastier, divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

Rub the yolks with mustard and finely chopped herbs.

Pour kefir into this mixture. You can season it with salt or pepper to taste.

We take lean veal and cook it until soft. Then finely chop.

To make the meat juicier, it must be laid out in boiling water, then the closed pores will not blow out the juice.

Cut potatoes, radishes, squirrels and cucumbers.

Put in a bowl and fill with kefir sauce.

You can beautifully serve a portion by placing a salad mass in a round shape in the center. And pour the sauce around.

Okroshka on kefir with chicken

Chicken is an excellent substitute for sausage in many dishes. And she is more often at hand. For example, when there is a desire to make several food options at once, then the broth is boiled for soup, and the finished meat is used in a salad or okroshka.


  • Chicken fillet - 0.4 kg
  • Potato - 0.5 kg
  • Eggs - 7 pcs.
  • Radishes - 0.3 kg
  • Cucumbers - 0.3 kg
  • Greens - 0.3 kg
  • Kefir - 900 ml
  • Sour cream - 300 ml
  • Water - 2 l
  • Mustard - 1.2 tbsp.
  • Salt, citric acid

Boil the chicken fillet until soft, cool and chop or separate the fibers with a fork.

We cut the potatoes and eggs into cubes with an egg cutter.

We chop the radish.

We prepare the cucumbers and add them to the common pan.

Grind the greens, to which we spread a spoonful of mustard and sour cream.

All this must be rubbed and put in a common container.

Salt and pour 0.5 tsp. citric acid, then pour cold soup with kefir and water.

Not everyone favors citric acid, so it is better to replace it with lemon juice.

Delicious proven recipe with radishes and meat

We will take beef meat. Take fresh, it tastes more tender, and it cooks faster.
You may have noticed that any meat product is very much complemented by fresh vegetables. For example, as soon as a salad with chicken plays, it is worth chopping a cucumber and a tomato for it.

Since okroshka is considered a spring dish, we often find radishes in its composition. We begin to eat this vegetable very first, because neither cucumbers nor tomatoes have yet had time to give the first harvest in May, and okroshka with radishes is already ready.

So let's start cooking.


  • 1 liter of kefir
  • 200 g boiled meat
  • 200 g boiled potatoes
  • 200 g cucumbers
  • 200 g radish
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • Greenery
  • Salt pepper

Please note that we take all the ingredients in the same proportions.

We wash the radish well and cut off the buttocks.

Boil the meat until it becomes soft. It is better to take beef or veal.

We grind all products.

But we do not cut one cucumber, but rub it on a grater. This will release more juice, and the soup itself will become thicker. I know that many eggs do not cut everything, and sometimes they leave one thing, which then grate it.

See how much meat you have left that you can’t shift the potatoes. After all, okroshka, first of all, is a healthy and light dish, it is important to stop here in time and not oversaturate it with carbohydrates.

Unusual composition with salmon

I have never tried to eat salted fish with a fermented milk product. But in our Ural cafes and restaurants you can see this amazing combination on the menu. Surprisingly, the taste of fish okroshka is very delicate, and the smell of salmon is almost not felt.


  • 150 g lightly salted salmon
  • 3 small cucumbers
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 0.5 onion heads
  • 100 g greens
  • 1 potato tuber
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 ml kefir
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 10 ml mineral water

Boil potatoes and eggs ahead of time. Cool them down and start shredding them finely.

Try to get the bones out of the salmon. This is important, especially if there are children at the table.

Rinse greens under running water and dry on a towel. If there is no desire to cut with a knife, then ordinary kitchen scissors will cut the greens just as well.

Chop all the ingredients and mix them in one bowl.

Fill with kefir and mineral water. Then stir the mustard into the soup.

Advice for those who like to dilute kefir with mineral water - do not take a highly carbonated type, because your soup may foam, it is better to take a medium carbonated one.

The question arises - how much to pour mineral water. There are no unambiguous proportions here. If you do not like the taste of kefir, then dilute them one by one.

I would be grateful for the comments, write what kind of okroshka you like and which recipe you like best !!!

Hello, friends! We continue the conversation and today we will talk again about this very interesting and tasty dish - okroshka on kefir. This option did not appear immediately, all the same, in Rus' it was made mainly, because it was this bread drink that was made earlier in buckets, and maybe barrels.

And then one cook added yogurt instead of a vigorous potion, the people appreciated it and ran the recipe through the fields and across the open spaces. By the way, it belongs to the category of dietary dishes. So, if you don’t want to once again put your figure to the test, then it’s better to take this option.

Everyone knows that the main ingredients in this cold soup are fresh vegetables and herbs.

Take them arbitrarily, you can by eye, but you can refuse sausage and meat altogether. Today we will consider all the most popular and diverse options for this seemingly simple first course.

Remember only one thing, that all the components will need to crumble and chop with a knife.

Place them in a deep container, and then flavor and call everyone to the dinner table.

Such a white stew will be to the liking of any Russian person, but do you know why? Yes, because we Russians love such dishes for their simple execution, and also that they contain a lot of vegetables, and most importantly, sausages.

Well, greens are no exception, which are rich in a lot of vitamins. And yet, because the classic way of cooking okrokha can be used in the fight against excess weight. Take a look at these numbers.

Impressive? As you can see in this plate everything is presented in grams and beef tenderloin is taken. So it will be more correct and leaner, this is how the folk recipe dictates. But, now is not about that, we'll talk about this combination later.

For many I know, this option will be a discovery, as for me. Definitely try it, because this liquid has not only a pleasant appearance, but also useful properties.

For the horizon. Whey is an ingenious drink of youth and longevity.

What to do if there was no such elixir, try replacing it with any meat broth at least, it will also be nice.

We will need:

  • boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • fresh cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • boiled egg - 3 pcs.
  • sausage - 280 g
  • kefir - 1 l
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp
  • whey - 1 l
  • greens - optional
  • salt - optional

One such nuance, many people ask how many liters of liquid to take for the entire mass. Here, exclusively, everyone decides for himself, because someone loves a thick vegetable dish, and whoever is thinner, regulate it yourself.

Cooking method:

1. In order to speed up the cooking process, take a vegetable cutter. Or in general, you can use a nicer-diser, hop-hop, and such even and neat pieces will come out.

Don't believe me. But the sausage through such a nozzle, if you first cut it into washers, goes very cool.

2. Also drive one chicken egg through it, for this you can cut the egg first in half, and then skip it. It will turn out quite small and one structure.

3. But rub the second testicle on a grater with a cucumber in a red bowl. Salt and you can pepper more. Throw in the chopped onion and dill. Take a potato masher and tap it so that all the ingredients release their juice.

Take the biggest spoon and eat to your health! Bon appetit!

Video on how to cook kefir okroshka for weight loss with beets

So you think the beets here by chance just happened to be. No, my dears, she wandered, walked and decided to get here. If you start flipping through the information, you will find a lot of positive reviews about this vitamin vegetable. The most important point is dropping extra pounds.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Then do not crush large portions.

By consuming beetroot here and now, you will replenish your body with vitamins C, B, E, A and PP. Well, microelements are here, as they are: phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, zinc, manganese, magnesium and sodium. And what is capable of destroying fats in our body is called betoin (it is in beets), a food supplement that is part of all means in the fight against weight loss.

And here you are in its purest form, take it and use it. Such a Belarusian holodnik, or beetroot, they say, will break the heart of anyone, even those who are on a diet, even those who just want to try it without any troubles.

Okroshka recipe with beef meat and potatoes

If you want to cheer up and cool down a little, then try this great option in hot weather. But it also turns out that lactobacilli live in kefir, which will help digestion and bring only one benefit to the entire system of the human body as a whole.

It is worth looking at this fact positively, because after all, no one has canceled a healthy diet.

We will need:

  • beef boiled in salted water - 0.5 kg
  • fresh cucumbers - 0.5 kg
  • low-calorie kefir - 2.5 l
  • egg - 5 pcs.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • dill and onion - 80 g

Cooking method:

1. Before you start, you need to prepare all the ingredients for work. Take a look at the photo. Voila, this is how the workplace should be prepared. Eggs are peeled, potatoes too, cucumbers and greens are washed very carefully under running cold water.

And the beef meat is separately cooked and chopped into large pieces.

The radish is not in the frame, but it is there too.

2. Now it remains only to chop all the components with a knife, do it carefully so as not to injure your fingers.

3. And even the greens of dill and onions, if the green onions are very young, then cut the heads themselves too. They don't get in the way at all.

4. Then combine all the ingredients that you just chopped into one pan, pour in the kefir, stir, salt and serve with a soft crust of bread.

Classic recipe for vegetable stew with sausage

Another great option with the addition of mineral water and a spoonful of lemon juice, which will give another interesting touch to this dish. All other ingredients will be familiar to everyone, you just need to take them fresh. But it is better to choose sausage for better quality, and not buy the cheapest one.

Kefir is suitable for any low-calorie, even with a high percentage of fat. It depends on which one you like more, because you still have to dilute it.

We will need:

  • cucumber - 6 pcs.
  • boiled or semi-smoked sausage - 400 g
  • radish - 8 pcs.
  • green onions and dill - a large bunch
  • eggs - 8 pcs.
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.
  • tomato - 2 pcs. optional
  • kefir - 1 l
  • mineral water with gases - 1 l
  • lemon - 1 tbsp juice

Cooking method:

1. Prepare all product components for work. First, put the pan and put the washed potatoes and chicken eggs into it. Once they are ready, cool them down and peel them. Chop into cubes.

2. Rinse green cucumbers and radishes well. If the skins are rough, then cut off the skin from them. Cut some of the vegetables into cubes, and grate the other.

Incredible. But just like that, you will feel all the flavors of nature.

3. And as it turned out, that's not all, to make it even tastier and spicier, you need to chop the green onions and dill first finely with a knife, then add salt and a potato masher, go through these components. Liquid will immediately stand out, but this is not the most important thing.

The greens will become soft and tender, it will not be rough in the finished dish.

Place the blanks in a deep container, you can even take a bowl.

4. Stir the whole mass so that it is uniform. But it is not recommended to salt immediately, otherwise water will accumulate after a while.

Just before serving, combine kefir with mineral water, add a spoonful of lemon juice, stir, and as soon as you arrange it in portions, salt and add the red ingredient (tomato). Also cut it into small square pieces. Happy discoveries!

The easiest way to cook okroshka with chicken, but without potatoes

For me, it’s not good for anything, like bread is the head of everything, and I can’t even imagine life without potatoes. How can you not use or love it at all? Tell me, maybe then I'll understand.

Perhaps someone does this because it was not in the bucket, probably they recently fried it with butter in their favorite pan?

This option is also good because it contains mustard, which is incomparably pleasing. After all, even in those distant times, Hippocrates called it a remedy. Therefore, sometimes even if you do not like this vigorous mixture, you will have to add it.

You can also, if you want to recharge your batteries and add more grated horseradish.

We will need:

  • Boiled chicken breast - 380 g
  • Boiled eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Radishes - 10 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 5 pcs.
  • Greens - 250 g
  • Kefir - about 1 liter
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Water - 1.5-2 l
  • Mustard - 1.5 tbsp
  • Salt, pepper citric acid - optional

Cooking method:

1. Chop the boiled chicken breast into plastics. Chicken eggs, radishes and cucumbers too.

2. Chop the greens on a cutting board, onions in small circles, rings. And chop the dill as finely as possible. Next, beat in a mortar or go through a potato masher.

3. Mix everything in a deep bowl and fill with kefir and water + sour cream. Salt, pepper and season with mustard.

4. Serve with a great mood only chilled and preferably with rye bread.

That's all, today we considered interesting options for summer soup in a classic version, perhaps there will be some questions or advice, write. We will answer.

I would like to wish good luck for the rest of the day and health! Goodbye friends! See you soon, maybe tomorrow in the new publications.

Okroshka on kefir is not much different from the classic. The only difference between this cold dish is that we will use kefir mixed with mineral or ordinary boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 1 as a liquid component. has a good refreshing effect.

Wash the young potatoes and put to boil with eggs in a small ladle. When the eggs are hard boiled, remove them from the pan and leave the potatoes to cook until tender.

Peel the eggs from the shell and chop finely.

Peel potatoes in uniforms and finely chop.

Cut off the buttocks of the cucumbers and chop finely.

Chop 3-5 radishes, depending on size.

Chop green onion and dill.

Place all ingredients in a bowl or salad bowl. How to mix.

When serving, put chopped vegetables for okroshka in a deep plate, salt to taste. Pour 1 glass of kefir and 1 glass of mineral water. You can, of course, not use water, then okroshka on kefir will turn out to be thicker.

Okroshka on kefir is ready.

Bon appetit!
