
Quick marinating meat. How to make tomato marinade

When buying ready-made marinated meat in plastic buckets, you can never be sure of freshness and high quality product. Try marinating your own meat, and we promise you will never go back to store-bought meat again.

When we talk about marinating meat, we immediately think of skewers with skewered meat or a barbecue grill full of mouth-watering cuts of pork or chicken. However, marinated meat is perfectly cooked in the oven or baked in a pan, and for this it is not necessary to go out into nature.

You can marinate pork, beef, chicken and lamb. For the marinade, salt and pepper must be used, as well as seasonings and spices to taste: cumin, turmeric, mustard, honey, basil, nutmeg, rosemary, tarragon and others. As liquid base add to the marinade: soy sauce, kefir, lemon juice, olive oil, vinegar, sparkling water, tomato juice, white or red wines, etc. Sometimes very unexpected ingredients are used in marinades: kiwi, coffee, oranges.

Meat must not be marinated aluminum cookware, use a glass, ceramic or enameled metal container for this. The less time you have to marinate the meat, the more pronounced the flavor should be in the marinade. Soft marinades suitable for soaking meat in it overnight, and better - for 12-14 hours. Onions with spices are a good idea to lightly mash with your hands beforehand - so they will more actively begin to share flavors and secrete juice.

Let's say right away that we do not count vinegar and mayonnaise successful options for marinades. There are dozens of more delicious and healthy recipes, easy to prepare. For example, lemon juice marinade. In terms of its effect on meat, it resembles vinegar - the juice softens the meat fibers, neutralizes unpleasant odors and makes the barbecue juicy. Take 3 lemons, squeeze the juice and add one grated onion, black and red pepper, peas, Bay leaf and olive oil. Immerse meat and onion, cut into rings in this liquid. Remember a little meat, cover with a plate and press down on top with a load. Put the meat in cool place for the night.

Great option kefir marinade. It is especially good with chicken, but goes well with other types of meat. First, mix the chopped meat in a bowl with finely chopped onions. Pour low-fat kefir(1 liter of kefir per 2 kg of meat), add your favorite seasonings and a bunch of chopped herbs (parsley or cilantro), salt. Leave overnight.

Good for meat mineral water marinade. First, mix all the dry ingredients (salt, spices), onion and meat in a saucepan, knead everything well with your hands. Then fill it with sparkling water (so that the liquid covers the meat completely) and leave for 3-6 hours. Gas bubbles will penetrate the meat fibers, soften them and enrich them with seasoning aromas. The meat after such pickling will be tender and soft.

connoisseurs of the present caucasian barbecue I assure you that the meat does not need to be pre-cooked. A good piece of meat does not need additional processing spices and immersion in an acidic environment. They recommend simply stringing pieces on skewers and salt and pepper already in the process of frying. Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of reliable sales points for fresh meat, we mainly buy it in supermarkets or markets where it is difficult to find out the truth about the freshness of the product. And in these cases, for the sake of your own health, it is better to prefer the option of pickling meat.

Often the meat turns out to be tough, the housewives blame the seller and their bad choice. However, in reality the situation is different. The steak can turn out soft and juicy if you first carry out certain manipulations. Culinary Experts It is advised to look at products that will make the meat juicy without additional difficulties.

Method number 1. Tenderizing meat with alcohol

  1. Shashlik based on pork, lamb or beef is often processed alcoholic drinks before frying. We recommend giving preference to beer or wine.
  2. So in a simple way you will make the meat not only appetizing and soft, but also juicy. This is what everyone expects from a barbecue.
  3. You don't have to worry about the alcohol ruining the dish. In the process of roasting, it will soak, you can safely drive or go on important business.
  4. To tenderize the meat and give it juiciness, cook a pot or plastic bag. Chop the pork into pieces, soak in beer, leave to marinate for 1-1.5 hours. Do not rinse, immediately prick on a skewer.

Method number 2. Softening meat with mustard

  1. Mustard is often used as the main ingredient meat dishes. It gives pork certain flavor notes and gives the meat flavor. However, not all people are aware that mustard acts as a good softener.
  2. For such purposes, we recommend applying the composition in a different way than you are used to. Take table mustard, chop the meat into pieces and grease with seasoning. Send in a plastic bag and wait 45 minutes.
  3. Before cooking pork, rinse the meat with purified water and dry. In addition to the fact that the steak will turn out tasty and soft, it will also acquire the desired juiciness.
  4. Very often, mustard is used in the process of cooking chops. In this case, you first need to chop the pork into slices, then beat off, coat and insist. It is not necessary to wash the meat before frying.

Method number 3. Tenderizing meat with onions

  1. Onions are often added to barbecue marinade, and this is not surprising. Juicy vegetable tenderizes pork or beef meat without any problems.
  2. If you don't know how to give the steak the desired juiciness, chop the onions into circles. Onion juice works the same way. It can be obtained with a combine, grater or blender, then wrapped in gauze and squeezed.
  3. For manipulation, wash and dry the meat in advance, rid it of veins and all parts that are not useful in cooking. Place in a saucepan, add juice or onion rings here, wait 1.5 hours.

Method number 4. Tenderizing meat with lemon juice

  1. Many people mistakenly marinate kebabs in vinegar, causing them to lose all the juice and become tough. If you are still using this method, discard it.
  2. Replace vinegar solution cheaper and more effective natural analogue - lemon juice. Mix it with mineral sparkling water (100 ml of fresh citrus per 1 liter of mineral water).
  3. Soak the pieces of meat in this mass for several hours. It is not necessary to rinse the product before cooking. Tomato juice from fresh tomatoes acts in a similar way.

Soft pieces of pork baked in the oven

  • pork pulp - 1 kg.
  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • mustard - 30 gr.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • pepper, favorite spices and salt - to taste
  1. Cut the pork into pieces big size. Prepare the meat as described above to obtain the desired tenderness and juiciness. Make cuts with a knife.
  2. Chop the garlic, and chop the onion into rings or half rings. Coat the meat with mustard combined with spices, salt and seasonings. You can add mayonnaise to this mixture (optional).
  3. Leave the pork in the marinating bowl for 3.5 hours. After this period, line a baking sheet with foil, spread the pieces, cover from above. Send to the oven for baking until cooked.

Roast in sweet and sour sauce

  • pork tenderloin - 500 gr.
  • canned pineapple - 0.3 kg.
  • yolk chicken egg- 1 PC.
  • pure water - 50 ml.
  • potato starch - 35 gr.
  • bell pepper - 100 gr.
  • soy sauce - 35 ml.
  • ketchup - 60 ml.
  • vinegar - 25 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 65 gr.
  1. Prepare a marinating bowl. Send the pork meat chopped into pieces into it. Pour in soy sauce, add raw yolk, water, starch. Salt, mix everything and wait 3.5 hours.
  2. Chop the pepper into strips, chop canned pineapple. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up, send the pickled pork inside. Fry until crusty, transfer to a clean bowl.
  3. Fry the pepper in the same way, after 3 minutes add the pineapple pieces. Simmer the ingredients under the lid for 5 minutes. Start making extra sauce.
  4. To do this, mix ketchup with sugar and vinegar, add this mixture to peppers with pineapples. Simmer under the lid until the sand dissolves, then add the pork and simmer until tender.

  • low-fat kefir - 500 ml.
  • garlic - 6 teeth
  • pork pulp - 950 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • spices - to taste
  1. To achieve the desired result, you must first marinate the meat. As a result, you will get juicy and soft steak. Take a container of a suitable size, pour kefir into it, place it in fermented milk product pieces of pork.
  2. At the same time, peel and chop the garlic and onion semirings. Send the vegetable to a common pan, season the meat with spices and salt to taste. Keep in mind that in order to achieve maximum softness and juiciness from the steak, it must first be beaten off.
  3. Place prepared foods in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. After the allotted time, heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, put the pieces of meat in a bowl. Fry the pork on both sides until golden brown. The procedure is best done on medium heat.
  4. After you have achieved a crust, reduce the flame to a minimum, cook the dish. A fried piece of meat will be able to retain juiciness and softness. Serve steak with garnish and garlic sauce. Don't forget fresh herbs and vegetables.

Soft pork with apples

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • flour - 45 gr.
  • fat - 55 gr.
  • cumin - 5 gr.
  • pork - 670 gr.
  • apples - 2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  1. Before you start cooking meat, it must be thoroughly washed. running water. Salt the pork, roll in spices and flour. Preheat the pan, heat the vegetable fat in it.
  2. Put whole piece meat in fireproof containers. Fry the pork on all sides until browned. After that, transfer the steak, along with the fat, to the roaster. After that, pour cumin into the dishes and pour hot water about 3/4 capacity.
  3. Set the roaster on the stove, turn on the slow flame. Simmer the pork, add water if necessary. At the same time, peel and chop the apples into slices. Before the end of cooking meat, add fruit.
  4. Once the pork is ready, take it out of the roaster. Add flour diluted with water to the remaining broth. Boil applesauce about 8 minutes over medium heat. After the meat has cooled, cut it into pieces. Pour ready sauce, sprinkle with fresh herbs.

French juicy pork

  • cheese - 240 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • oil - in fact
  • mayonnaise - 220 gr.
  • pork - 530 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  1. Prepare the pork properly, cut the meat into small pieces. Thoroughly beat the meat, treat with salt and pepper on both sides. Next, grate the cheese fine grater. Peel and chop the onion into rings.
  2. Choose a suitable refractory dish, grease it with vegetable oil. Place the pork pieces in the bottom of the bowl. Put the prepared onion on top of the meat, pour the products with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the dish with cheese.
  3. Send the meat to bake in a preheated oven. Simmer the pork until fully prepared. Before serving, it is recommended to decorate the dish with olives and fresh herbs. Eat hot meat.

To cook juicy and tender pork, you need to take the tenderloin of the animal. This meat is the softest. If cooked correctly, the dish will literally melt in your mouth. It is also important to properly marinate the pork, it should brew for some time in the sauce. Suitable for marinade mineral water with gas, mustard mixture, lemon juice or onions.

Video: how to soften meat

If you ask anyone, even the most experienced cook, what is his favorite marinade for meat, then it is unlikely that he will be able to get a clear answer from him. Indeed, for many centuries of its existence, mankind has accumulated an incredible number of recipes for their preparation. Yes, we didn't agree. Just for centuries. Because the ancient Egyptians were the pioneers in this matter. To keep the meat fresh, they dissolved sea ​​salt in water and then soaked in this brine. Later, in Southern Europe, salt was replaced with vinegar. And cooks liked this marinade for meat so much that even today, despite the abundance of recipes, it finds its application. Over time, people thought of adding all kinds of seasonings - herbs, spices - which gave marinated meat a special taste.

The main components of marinades

Any marinade that exists today for meat is simply obliged to include three base ingredient. This is a flavor, some kind of acid and fat.

The acidic environment causes the meat fibers to soften, resulting in ready meal becomes more gentle. Fat (usually oil) envelops the meat, as a result of which the juice remains inside during cooking. Well, with flavors and without explanation, everything is clear. They give the dish an aroma and a finished taste.

And now a few words about each component. As an acid, as a rule, all types of vinegars available to modern chefs are used. Also great for these purposes are kefir, yogurt, juices. sour lemon, grenade). Mayonnaise has also proven itself well, which, in fact, contains all three basic ingredients (if it is with aromatic additives).

As for fats, it all depends on the "nationality" of the cuisine. So, in the Mediterranean they prefer olive, and in the East they often use sesame.

Perhaps the mentioned nationality also affects the appearance aromatic additive. So, for example, in Chinese cuisine almost every second marinade for meat contains garlic, green onion and ginger. The French love to add vegetables (carrots + onions + celery). Mexicans love spicy marinades, which is why almost every one of them contains hot peppers.

In general, by and large, marinade for meat is fertile ground for the activities of a culinary specialist. Here you can experiment and almost every day create your own masterpieces, while not forgetting, however, about the basic rules of pickling. What, in fact, will be discussed further.

Basic pickling basics

As a rule, almost every used for does not require cooking. But there are exceptions. Let's say the French prepare a marinade of boiled red wine, adding juniper to it. But Mexicans sometimes bake their favorite peppers before adding them to the sauce to give the marinade a richer, somewhat smoky flavor.

As for dishes: you need to take containers that do not react to acid. For this reason, metal or aluminum utensils will not work. Take containers made of porcelain, clay or glass. It is not at all necessary that the marinade completely covers the meat. Pieces can be simply turned over or mixed from time to time.

As for cooking time. Follow the requirements of the recipe. The principle of “let it stand a little longer” does not apply here. Meat that has been in the marinade for too long can simply become tasteless, sour.

And the last. Before the cooking process itself, be sure to make sure that the marinade is stacked from the pieces. Because they are wet, for example, on a grill, they will be stewed rather than fried.

And remember: you can not reuse the marinade. It has too many bacteria. Even if you want to water them during frying, say, barbecue, do not be lazy, put the composition in a saucepan on the stove and quickly bring (but do not boil!) To a boil. Believe me, you will be healthier.

Well, that's enough theory, I think. Let's move on to practice. So, recipes for meat marinades. Begin!

The easiest way

Naturally, this will be a marinade for meat with vinegar. By and large, almost everyone who cooked shish kebab previously kept it in this composition. What, exactly, gives such a marinade? Soft meat. No more. But sometimes this is enough.

For cooking, we need three hundred grams of onion, a glass (with a volume of 250 milliliters) of ordinary vinegar (nine percent), black peppercorns and, of course, salt. It will not be superfluous and a bag of seasoning - special, just for barbecue.

How to cook

We cut the pork (preferably) arbitrarily, into pieces of the size we need, put the meat in a container. Mix the onion cut into rings with seasoning, salt and, of course, vinegar, add all this to the meat. Then we add water (cold, but boiled) so that the marinade completely covers our future barbecue. Pour peppercorns there, you can add a couple of bay leaves. All. We put it in the refrigerator all night. And in the morning you can go on a picnic and fry a barbecue.

We complicate the composition

As we have already mentioned, preparing meat marinade is a creative process, and therefore nothing prevents us from improving the first recipe. Why take the same onion (three large pieces will be enough), four cloves of garlic, three teaspoons (do not overdo it!) sweet paprika, pinch hot pepper, a large lemon and a couple of tablespoons of banal sunflower oil. A bunch of parsley will not be superfluous.

Cut the onion into rings and mix it with finely chopped garlic. Add peppers, pour in oil, salt, squeeze the juice from our large lemon. We leave for thirty minutes. During this time, it will be just possible to prepare the meat - wash and cut into pieces of the desired size. And after the specified time, we add the meat to the marinade prepared by us, after which we forget about it until the morning. As for parsley, it can also be chopped along with onions and garlic. She will give the marinade more interesting taste. But here we must be more careful. Anyone who does not really like this greens, the smell of the finished dish may not like it.

However, what are we all about barbecue. Not so often, unfortunately, today we manage to get out on a picnic. But at home, you just have to cook every day. So let's talk further about other recipes that will be useful to housewives in everyday conditions.

Marinade for meat for frying in a pan

How often does it happen that there is simply no time to cook! Certainly, good piece meat is able to saturate any, even demanding and extremely capacious male stomach. Truth prepared for hastily, it is far from always able to please ours. What to do in this case? Of course, use the meat marinade! For frying in a pan, they are suitable not only fresh pieces. The meat can also be marinated. And do it in the evening. And after work, quickly cook a delicious dinner out of it.

Take a glass of any (brand does not matter) beer, a few (four things will be enough) garlic cloves, a teaspoon of such a wonderful seasoning as thyme, lemon, ground pepper (red). Mix all this, just do not forget to cut the citrus, and then put portioned pieces of meat in the marinade. Just remember: you need it to lie in this mixture for at least two hours. Well, the best thing, of course, is to leave it overnight. All. The meat that has been in such a marinade will be very tender, soft and unusually tasty. And no one will dare to reproach you that "today we have overdried soles for dinner again."

"Instant" marinades

Didn't have time to cook meat for tomorrow evening? No problem! There are instant ways to help make it soft and tasty. We look in the refrigerator. And if there is mayonnaise and tomato sauce, then we rejoice. Mix them, add chopped garlic + your favorite seasoning. Half an hour of pickling, ten minutes of cooking - and a great dinner is on your table.

And you can mix yogurt or sour cream with finely chopped onions and pickles. It's also a great marinade for grilled meats. Just remember to add, of course, seasoning. Whichever one you like best.

Marinade for meat with soy sauce

Last - great replacement already pretty fed up with all the vinegar. Marinade with soy sauce gets along well with all types of meat. And it's very easy to cook it. To do this, take a hundred milliliters of the sauce itself, the juice of half a lemon, mix. Crush the garlic clove, add to the previous ingredients. Season this mixture with a quarter teaspoon of ground pepper. And add a pinch of basil.

Just remember: do not add salt to the marinade. After all, the sauce itself contains a lot of it, so be careful, try the composition during cooking. By the way, this marinade is quite “fast”. Beef can be kept in it for no more than three hours. So be sure to take note of this method.

small digression

And since we are talking about soy, I would like to say a few words about another product from it, which some call meat. Everyone has their own taste, as they say. healthy eating- this is, of course, very good. However, such meat, albeit very healthy, is far from always pleasing with its smell, and even more so with its taste. And here the marinade will come to our rescue. For soy meat There are not so many options for its preparation, however, in culinary piggy bank there will be something anyway.

So, let's arm ourselves with coriander grains (half a teaspoon will be enough), turmeric (a third of the same spoon), cardamom (we take the same amount), a tablespoon of lemon juice, a mixture of peppers (here - to taste), tomato paste (one hundred and fifty grams, not more), three tablespoons of table oil (any vegetable). We mix all these ingredients, and then pour the resulting composition pre-soaked in boiling water for ten minutes. Marinate overnight (keep in the refrigerator). Well, then from such meat you can cook anything. Let's say, goulash, or even bake on coals. Knowledgeable people say that it turns out excellent food. But here, of course, is just the moment when, as they say, there is no need to argue about tastes.

Marinades for smoked meats

Who among us does not like to eat smoked delicacies? Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to cook such goodies on their own. But if it is available, then, of course, you will need to know which marinade is best suited for smoking meat. There are also a lot of recipes for their preparation, but we will talk about a few - the best.

Marinade with ketchup

We take half a glass of tomato ketchup, white wine, olive oil and honey. Then add to it a teaspoon of garlic, pre-chopped, a mixture of peppers, dry mustard and salt. Pour the meat with this composition. This marinade recipe is good because you can keep the latter in it for no more than three hours.

On kefir

To make such a marinade for smoking meat, you need to take a glass of kefir, a teaspoon of sugar, fifty grams, no more, olive oil, a third of a glass of mint leaves (chopped), five cloves of garlic (crush with a knife). Mix it all, salt and pepper as you like. Marinate for at least eight hours.

We have provided just two of the many recipes available to smoker owners today. All of them are very diverse, and for the most part, as a rule, copyright. So you can very well take the ones we have considered as a basis, and then come up with your own options based on them. The only thing that experts recommend to take into account. If you smoke meat for the future, be sure to add one more ingredient to the marinade - food saltpeter. It is she who will allow the product to be stored as long as possible. As for its quantity, it is usually taken no more than three percent of the required volume of salt.

And finally, consider a few recipes for unusual marinades.


This marinade is usually used when they want to cook beef steaks.

To make it, you must first clean and then grate on coarse grater kiwi (two large specimens will be enough). Then add to them a pinch of rosemary and a mixture of your favorite peppers. Salt, and then marinate the steaks in this mixture. Exposure time - not less than an hour. Before cooking, do not forget to dry the steaks with a napkin. It is desirable to fry in a hot frying pan. And although the marinade is somewhat unusual, the taste of the final product is simply amazing!

"Drunken" marinades

A permanent ingredient in such compositions is either wine or cognac. Maybe also beer. We mentioned one such recipe above. And now we will tell about a few more, but already on wine.

Carrots (one piece is enough) and two fairly large onions cut. Crush garlic (several cloves). Add all this to the meat previously placed in the dish, pour a glass of wine (dry white), and half a glass of vegetable (any) oil. Salt, throw a few peas of black pepper and a couple of bay leaves. Mix carefully. Marinate for about eight hours. By the way, by the way. Without marinade, such meat can be stored for another two days. So take this "long-playing" recipe by all means.

Very often white wine is mixed with fruit juices. For example, austrian recipe suggests making a mix of a glass of wine and three glasses pineapple juice. Ground black pepper is used as a seasoning. And the Argentine version suggests the presence of two glasses of grapefruit juice and half a glass of lemon juice and wine in the composition. In addition, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of curry.

Great marinade for almost any meat - mix apple juice(here a whole half-liter of the drink is already taken), a glass of brandy, finely chopped one onion, marjoram and turmeric (these ingredients should be taken in a pinch).


Definitely describe everything. existing recipes almost impossible. After all, as we have already mentioned, all marinades can be made independently, based on the recommendations of culinary experts and your own recipes. taste preferences. But one thing is certain. Marinade is essential for meat. After all, it is he who makes this product soft and tender. Well, its components allow you to radically change the taste of many dishes that have become familiar to us for a long time. So don't be afraid. Create! invent own marinades, and let your family praise you for your imagination and extraordinary culinary abilities.

Bon appetit!

Good day, my readers. For a long time it was believed that the marinade was needed only for tough meat. But the attitude towards him Lately has changed. Increasingly, it is used to help meat reveal its taste qualities. And what marinades for pork meat are best suited for this task, I will tell you.

As a rule, meat sauces have three main components:

  • acid base. It can be citrus juice, kefir, kiwi, tomato paste, beer, wine, natural yogurt. Vinegar can also be used, which is better for frozen meats.
  • Spices- can be added to any taste. Curry, thyme, ginger, cumin and nutmeg have proven themselves to be excellent.
  • Oil- it gently envelops the meat, sealing in moisture. And it is a wonderful conductor of aromas. Can be used olive, sunflower, soy or any other.

How much to marinate pork depends on the set of products used. Also, this indicator is affected by the age of the pig. If this is a 5-year-old boar, then you won’t get off with one hour 🙂

By the way, I have prepared a useful video for you. After watching it, you will understand the basic principles of marinating pork. Everything is available without excess water.

marinade recipes

Fragrant mixtures are great for roasting pulp in the oven, for barbecue and for smoking meat. There is a huge variety of options. For example, classic marinade or exotic (say, in lingonberry or pomegranate juice).

I think you can easily decide what is better to marinate pork in order to make it amazingly tasty. After all, someone likes sour sweet option, and someone prefers spicy. As they say, tastes differ. And if you want to cook pork in a pan, then I have marinade recipes.

The classic way with vinegar and onions

Although some cooks are not enthusiastic about this softener, many people use this method. Therefore, the recipe has the right to life.

For carbonate per 2 kg of meat, take:

  • 3 pcs. large onions;
  • glass of water;
  • 100 ml table 9% vinegar;
  • a couple of st. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • spices + salt.

We give the washed meat the opportunity to dry and cut it into portioned pieces 5x5 cm in size. Chop the onion into rings (recommended width is 5 mm). Then mix the onions with the pork with your hands. Salt the mixture and flavor it with spices and oil.

After that, add vinegar diluted in water here and mix everything well. The fragrant liquid should completely cover the pieces. Well, then we leave the pork in the spicy mixture. The minimum time is 3 hours. However, it will turn out much better if you marinate all night.

And after the marinated pieces can be cooked on a fire or fried in a pan. Experiment on health 🙂

How to Marinate Pork in Apple Cider Vinegar

For a neck weighing 2200 g, you need to take:

  • 550 g of onions;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • 6 art. spoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • spices + salt.

If you fry the kebab on skewers, cut the neck into pieces of 5x6 cm. If you cook on a barbecue, chop the pork with plates so that their width is 2-3 cm. Chop the onion into a pulp in a meat grinder or in a blender and send this mass to the meat. Or you can just add onion juice by squeezing it through cheesecloth.

Salt the neck and season with spices. Add oil and vinegar to this. Mix all components well. Then we marinate the pork. The minimum time that I advise you to endure is 2 hours. Ideally, it is better to leave the meat in the marinade for 4-5 hours. And then fry it on the grill or barbecue.

Marinate meat in lemon juice

The list below will make 2 servings. All in all, romantic dinner you are provided. For 300 g of neck you need to take:

  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 teaspoon of chili sauce;
  • half a small lemon;
  • 3 art. tablespoons olive oil + a little for frying;
  • salt + pepper.

Squeeze out the juice from the lemon (you will need 3 tablespoons) and three 1 tbsp. a spoonful of zest. Mix juice and zest with sauce and olive oil. Here we introduce chopped garlic, salt and pepper into the gruel. Mix the marinade ingredients well.

After washing, the meat is cut into pieces of the same size. And we dive into spice mixture at least 6 hours. But it is better to marinate for 8-10 hours.

After that, put the marinated pieces in a frying pan with heated oil. And fry them over medium heat until cooked. It won't take much time - a maximum of 20 minutes.

A quick way to marinate pork in red wine

For juicy pork you will need:

  • 0.5 kg loin;
  • 120 ml dry red wine;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of chopped garlic;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of mustard powder;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of pureed onions;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of cane sugar;
  • 3 art. spoons of wine vinegar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry herbs (marjoram + basil + oregano);
  • salt + pepper.

We mix the ingredients of the spicy mass. Immerse pork pieces in it for 6-7 hours. And then we cook - fry or bake. This marinade gives the dish an amazing flavor and amazing taste. By the way, if you do not have red wine, you can make a marinade with white wine. Watch the video on how to do it.

How to make marinade with soy sauce

For an entrecote weighing 1.5 kg you will need:

  • large onion;
  • 130 ml (take dark) soy sauce;
  • 200 ml homemade mayonnaise;
  • chopped dry basil.

Mix mayonnaise with sauce and basil. Grate the onion or grind it in a blender. Add the gruel to the other marinade ingredients.

Fill the pieces of pork with a fragrant mass. And leave for 10-12 hours - let them marinate well. After the entrecote, we cook on the grill, bake in the oven or fry in a pan.

Marinate pork on kefir

For a 2 kg neck, take:

  • liter of kefir;
  • 5 pieces. onion;
  • a bunch of basil greens;
  • salt + pepper.

Such a marinade can also be prepared with sour cream. You can take different fat content. We cut 2 onions into thin rings, and the remaining 3 pcs. grind into puree. We wash the neck, remove excess moisture paper towel and cut into medium sized pieces.

Then mix the pork with onions. Pepper and season with chopped basil. And then pour all this with kefir and mix gently. We leave the meat to marinate for 10 hours. Well, then we take out the marinated pieces, salt them, string them on skewers and fry on a fire.

Aromatic Kiwi Softener

This overseas fruit has tremendous power. He is able to turn even the toughest piece into the most tender meat in a matter of hours. For a kilo of neck you need to take:

  • 1 kiwi fruit;
  • 1 medium sized lemon;
  • 2 sprigs of thyme;
  • a little black pepper;
  • salt.

Wash the pork, wipe it with a disposable kitchen towel and cut into pieces of the same size. We puree the kiwi, and make juice from ¼ of the lemon fruit. The rest is cut into 3 pieces and sent to the meat. Add kiwi puree, lemon juice and thyme here.

Salt the pork and pepper it. It will be more fragrant if you add freshly ground pepper. We mix the components so that the spicy mass is distributed evenly. And marinate no more than 2 hours. Otherwise, you will succeed meat puree. Well, then we string it on skewers and fry.

beer marinade

This recipe is very simple. For the marinade, I advise you to use live beer. It will need 0.5 liters per kilo of pork. You will also need salt and pepper.

The washed and dried pulp must be cut into portioned pieces of the same size. Next, fill the meat with beer and leave it for 1-2 hours. After the pieces are added and peppered. And then proceed to their preparation - frying, baking, stewing. In general, as your heart desires.

Marinating pork in mayonnaise

The meat cooked according to this recipe comes out incredibly juicy and tender. You need to prepare:

  • a kilo of pulp;
  • 4 things. onion;
  • 250 ml homemade mayonnaise;
  • salt + pepper.

We wipe the washed meat with a disposable kitchen towel and cut into pieces of the optimal size. Well, such that it was convenient to eat. Puree the onion and add the gruel to the meat. Pepper and salt the mass. And then add mayonnaise here. We mix everything well. And we marinate the barbecue for 10-12 hours, and then fry it.

Soften meat in mineral water

For 1.5 kg of neck, take:

  • 0.5 l of soda;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • 500 g of onions;
  • pepper + salt.

Prepare the meat - wash, wipe and cut into pieces. Grind the onion - you can grind it in a blender or finely chop with a knife. Add onion puree to pork, salt and pepper the mass. Next, fill it all with soda and add oil. We leave the pork in a fragrant mass for 12-15 hours. Well, then put the pulp on the grill or put it on skewers and fry.

Making the honey mustard marinade

Honey and mustard are an amazing duet. They give pork a pleasant sharpness, sweetness and spicy notes. For this delicious dish you will need:

  • 600 g tenderloin;
  • 3 art. spoons of honey;
  • 3 art. spoons of mustard;
  • salt + spices.

For frying in a pan, wash the pulp, cut into slices 2 cm thick. Mix mustard with honey and add spices. Immerse the pork in this fragrant mass and leave it for a couple of hours.

If you will cook on a barbecue, it is enough to fry each side of the piece for 1-2 minutes. Cooking in a frying pan will take a little longer. During frying, I advise you to water the meat fragrant sauce in which pork was marinated. And yes, salt the finished dish.

How to make tomato marinade

For pulp weighing 500 g, take:

  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • juice from 1/4 large lemon;
  • 100 ml tomato sauce or ketchup;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of brown sugar;
  • a pinch of crushed black pepper;
  • 2 pinches of paprika;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little vegetable oil.

Pork cut into 2 pieces. Grind the garlic into a pulp and mix it with salt and pepper. Add citrus juice, sugar and paprika here. Next, add ketchup or sauce to the composition and mix everything thoroughly.

Sending pork to tomato marinade and leave for 4-5 hours. Turn the pieces occasionally to marinate well.

We will cook the meat in the oven. Lubricate the form with oil, put the marinated pieces on it and cover with foil on top. We heat the oven to 200 degrees and send pork into it for 20 minutes. Then we remove the foil, pour the meat with the secreted juice and continue to cook for another 20 minutes. This is just a masterpiece... golden brown awesome scent 🙂

Cooking pork in lingonberry marinade

The recipe for this dish is:

  • 2 kg of pulp;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 200 g lingonberries;
  • salt + pepper.

Pre-washed and dried meat cut portioned pieces. Puree the berries and garlic, then add to the seasoning mixture. Immerse the pork in a fragrant gruel and send it to the refrigerator overnight. Well, then the matter is small - you need to cook the meat. You can fry it in a pan or barbecue, or bake it in the oven.

Softener with Balsamic Vinegar

For 1.5 kg of pulp you need to take:

  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of dry rosemary;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of balsamic vinegar;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of honey

Grind garlic into a pulp and mix this component with other components of the marinade. Washed, and then cut the dried pork pulp into equal pieces like a barbecue. Then we send them to the fragrant mass for 6-8 hours. And then we string them on skewers and cook on a fire.

Marinate in pomegranate juice

I am sure that today's article will help you become a real expert in the field of marinating pork. Your friends will now contact you for valuable advice. When you get tired of explaining to them, you can reset the link to the article. And don't forget to subscribe for updates. And I say to you: see you soon!

In cooking meat, the main thing is to choose the right piece not only, but also marinate it. The most exotic ingredients, such as cola or pureed kiwi, can now serve as a marinade, but each of them finds its use in the recipe for a reason - most of the basic components of the marinade are aimed not only at adding flavor to the dish, but also at softening the meat fibers.

How to marinate meat for frying in a pan?


  • mustard - 45 g;
  • - 45 g;
  • lime juice - 15 ml;
  • ground cumin - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onions - 170 g.


After dividing the beef into pieces of equal thickness, put them in a glass or plastic dish, salt generously and mix. For marinade, mix mustard with tomato ketchup, citrus juice and pureed garlic. Divide the onion into large rings and combine with meat. Then send the marinade and mix again. Leave the meat for at least half an hour before frying. This amount of marinade is enough to cook up to a kilogram of meat.

How to marinate meat for baking?


  • soy sauce - 115 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 65 ml;
  • Brown sugar- 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Worcestershire sauce - 45 ml;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onion - 65 g;
  • - 15 ml.


Puree the onions and garlic cloves by passing them through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting puree with meat, and then pour in the mixture of the remaining ingredients. After mixing the pieces, leave them in the refrigerator overnight. Then cook the meat in onion marinade in the oven, after frying until browned. Cooking time depends on the desired degree of doneness of the piece.

How to marinate meat for barbecue?


  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • a handful of fresh parsley;
  • thyme, rosemary - 2 teaspoons each;
  • olive oil - 55 ml;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.


In a mortar, make a paste of the garlic cloves along with a good pinch of salt. Add to pasta lemon peel and a mixture of crushed fragrant herbs. Dilute the resulting paste with olive oil and lemon juice, and then mix the pieces of meat with the marinade. This amount of marinade is enough for about a kilogram of meat.

Meat in kefir marinade in the oven - recipe

Kefir marinade is perfect for marinating poultry, but don't be afraid to marinate beef with it. The result is amazing: soft and flaky meat, thanks to the action of lactic acid on muscle fiber protein.


  • kefir - 240 ml;
  • olive oil - 45 ml;
  • Worcestershire sauce - 35 ml;
  • rosemary - 2 sprigs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.


Mash garlic with rosemary leaves into a fragrant paste. Dilute the pasta with kefir with olive oil and Worcestershire. Add a pinch of salt, and then marinate meat (no more than a kilogram) in the resulting mixture for 3-12 hours.

Another recipe for the oven may seem extravagant to you, but believe me, it is as effective as it is unusual.



Rub garlic cloves with thyme leaves. Finely chop the onion and mix it into the pasta. Add honey, water, soy and citrus juice, then dilute the base of the marinade with cola. Leave a kilogram piece in the marinade all night, and then start baking. The cooking process on average takes about an hour and a half at 110 degrees.
