
Barbecue marinating. Pork skewers in own juice without marinade

Meat cooked over smoldering coals is a self-sufficient dish. But I know how to make it better! I offer you as many as five almost perfect solutions on how to marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy, soft and fragrant. Why "almost"? Because usually the chef rarely manages to "snatch" a piece from the meat masterpiece he created with a delicate smoky aroma. While he is putting out the brazier, the shish kebab splendor has long been laid out on plates or even actively involved in the digestion process. But even here there is a wonderful way out - to entrust the preparation of juicy shish kebab to someone else. But be sure to write down the pork marinade recipes, they will come in handy repeatedly.

How to marinate pork skewers with onions and spices

The more onions, the juicier and tastier the pork kebab will be. I will tell you how to marinate meat in two ways - regular and fast. Both options are simple and win-win.


How to marinate barbecue in onions:

You probably already know how to choose meat for barbecue, but let me remind you again. To make the dish juicy and tender, it is better to choose moderately fatty pork - neck, shoulder blade or ham. The cut may be dry. But if you are going to grill it on the coals, just thread a small slice of lard on skewers between pieces of meat. Before marinating pork, wash it thoroughly and dry it from moisture with paper towels, for example. Cut into small pieces so that it is convenient to string them on skewers, and then eat. Go for double the size of a matchbox, but I usually cut a little smaller.

Prepare the marinade. The secret of this recipe is in a large amount of onions. Don't be afraid to go overboard with this ingredient. If you plan to cook the dish in a day and a half, cut the onion into rings of medium thickness. Or half rings when the bulbs are large. But if you are going to a picnic in a few hours, it is better to grate the onion. The procedure, of course, is "tearful", but your sacrifices will not be in vain. One of my friends puts on a diving mask while rubbing onions so as not to cry. It's funny to watch such eccentricity. But, according to her, this is a 100 percent way to protect against vain female tears. I suggest you just be patient. Or use a blender to grind the onion. Transfer the onion rings or puree to a bowl.

Prepare the second part of the fragrant marinade. I had a ready-made spice mixture for barbecue. It includes black pepper, coriander, basil, thyme, sweet paprika, cumin. You do not have a ready-made bouquet of spices? Take about half a teaspoon of each of the listed aromatic herbs. Or you can use another seasoning of your choice. Add spices to vegetable oil. I used olive oil, but sunflower will also work. Don't add salt yet, it can make the dish tough.

Mix thoroughly.

Pour the aromatic oil into a bowl. Spread it with your hands over the ingredients. Cover with a lid or tighten with food grade polyethylene. And put it in a cold place. Marinating time for the express method is 2-3 hours. If you cut the onion into rings, keep the meat in the refrigerator for about a day. Or at least 10-12 hours.

Thread pork onto skewers, alternating with onion rings. If you cooked according to an express recipe, just brush the kebab on top with the rest of the marinade.

Cook over coals. Flip over from time to time. It is better to salt a ready-made kebab. Or you can sprinkle with salt during cooking (already fried side). To prevent the dish from burning, periodically sprinkle the pork pieces with the liquid remaining after marinating, clean water or beer. Check for readiness with a knife. If completely transparent juice, without blood admixture, stands out from the incision, the dish is ready.

Kiwi for a delicious tough meat kebab

This "magic" marinade makes even the toughest meat soft and juicy. It can be used to barbecue or roast pork, beef or lamb in the oven.

What products will be required:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • kiwi (small size) - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2-3 medium onions;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tsp (taste);
  • a mixture of peppers (ground) - 1-2 tsp.

Detailed marinade recipe:

  1. Peel a few small onions. Wash thoroughly. And then cut into rings or half rings about 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Chop the peeled garlic into thin slices. If fresh is not available, replace it with dry seasoning. It will take about 1 tsp.
  3. Remove the skin from the kiwi with a knife. Wash. Grind into a pulp with a blender. Or just finely rub.
  4. Prepare the main ingredient. Wash it thoroughly. Remove veins and films (if any). Pat dry with paper towels. Cut into portions for grilling or skewers. Then place in a suitable glass or enamel deep bowl.
  5. Add chopped onion, garlic, kiwi puree to pork. Also add a little ground mixture of peppers or other spices to taste. Stir. Cover the bowl. Marinate meat in a cold place from 30-40 minutes (pork neck, tenderloin) to 2 hours (ham, shoulder) depending on its rigidity. This is an express pickling method. Pork should not be left in a mixture of kiwi and spices overnight or for a day. This is the case when the best is the enemy of the good. Overcooked pieces of meat will turn into gruel.
  6. Salt before cooking. Put the meat slices on skewers or grill the way you like. This is how I barbecued last weekend. The meat was juicy and appetizing. And even my husband ate such pork with pleasure, although he loves lamb more.

Beer based marinade

Just don't tell the men what you're going to marinate the kebab in. In 99 cases out of 100, the reaction of "beer club members" is easy to predict. They will never allow such a "barbaric" way to deal with their favorite drink. But most of them will easily come to terms with the fact that their beer norm has decreased by exactly 1 liter when they try the juicy and fragrant kebab prepared according to this recipe. The pork will be soft, melt in your mouth, and have a pleasant aftertaste.

What will we cook from:

  • boneless pork - 2 kg;
  • beer (light) - 1 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • seasonings for barbecue - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp (taste).

Step-by-step instructions for cooking shish kebab in beer:

  1. Best of all in the "company" with this marinade will "feel" the neck, loin or ham. Wash the meat. Blot off excess moisture. Remove all films and hanging fat. And cut the pork pulp into slices suitable for the chosen cooking method. We will marinate in a deep container. Plastic (even food grade) is best left aside. Because it will be difficult to wash it later. I advise you to choose glass, ceramics or metal (necessarily with enamel). Place the pork pieces in a bowl.
  2. Top with beer.
  3. There, in a bowl, put a few bay leaves and a couple of teaspoons of spices. You can use ready-made seasoning. They usually include a ground mixture of peppers, coriander, basil, thyme, cumin, paprika. You can also add some garlic.
  4. Mix with your hands. Place a flat plate on top of the future barbecue. And put oppression on it. For example, a three-liter jar of water. Send the pork to marinate in a cold place for 4-5 hours. And then start frying juicy and tasty meat. Don't forget to add salt as no salt was added to the marinade. By the way, you can cook a kebab marinated in this way both in a frying pan and in the oven. It turns out great!

How to marinate barbecue in mineral water

It is not clear whether the bubbles contained in the mineral water, or the very presence of water in the marinade makes the meat so soft and juicy. But the fact remains - pork kebab marinated in this way will always be incomparable and softest. It is better to marinate it in the evening, so that during the night the meat has time to infuse well and absorb water mixed with spices.

List of required products:

  • meat (pork) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds (cilantro) - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp. (maybe more, to taste);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 0.5 l.

How to cook pork skewers on a mineral water:

  1. Cut well-washed meat into fairly large pieces. But keep in mind, the larger the cut, the longer the kebab will be fried. Fold it into a spacious deep bowl or bucket.
  2. Clean the onion. And chop medium-thick rings, half rings or quarters of rings.
  3. Transfer to meat. Pour all dry spices there - coriander grains, paprika, black pepper. You can adjust their quantity to your liking. Also add salt immediately. Mineral water will not let the meat become tough, even if you salt it right away. Mix with your hands. I even advise you to mash the ingredients a little so that the juice stands out from the onion.
  4. Pour in mineral water. It should completely cover the meat. Any mineral left? Save it for drizzling pork while grilling. Well, for emergency extinguishing of coals, if they suddenly ignite. Cover container tightly. And send it to the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  5. Cook the kebab in the traditional way, pouring the rest of the marinade and mineral water in the process.

Marinating pork for barbecue in wine

Wine gives the meat juiciness, softness, appetizing intense color, unique aroma and subtle tart taste. Such a barbecue is a temptation even for an avid vegetarian. It is better to marinate in wine the neck part of the carcass or ribs.

List of required:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • red wine (dry) - 250-300 ml;
  • onions - 4-6 pcs.;
  • ground mixture of peppers - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp (taste).


  1. Rinse the piece of meat under running water. Try to wash away all bone fragments and small debris. Remove films and veins. Cut the pork first into strips 5-6 cm wide. And then divide into rectangles. Place in a deep bowl.
  2. Peel and wash the onion. Divide in half. Grate one half. Or grind with a blender into gruel. And the rest - cut into thick rings.
  3. Add the chopped onion to the meat. Put salt and ground black pepper there. Stir to distribute the spices evenly over the pork pieces.
  4. Slowly pour in dry red wine. At the same time, massage the meat, as it were, so that the marinade is better absorbed into the fibers.
  5. After pouring all the liquid, put the onion rings on top. This onion is needed for frying barbecue. Therefore, it is important that it is not completely immersed in the marinade. Otherwise it will soften.
  6. Marinate at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Alternatively, keep the bowl in the kitchen for 60 minutes and then refrigerate for another 6-12 hours.
  7. Thread onto skewers, alternating meat with onions. Cook over coals. The dish turns out extremely juicy!

Happy barbecue season with smoke!

Good day, my valiant cooks! Agree that cooking a delicious barbecue is a real art. There are many recipes, but not all of them give the same good result. One of the main secrets of this dish is what kind of meat is used. No less important is what it marinates in. And today I will tell you how to make a marinade for soft pork skewers.

I want to note that the kebab is very tasty also from beef, veal and lamb. Only there their own peculiarities of cooking. Here I will describe the basic principles of marinating pork.

How to marinate and cook pork

The first step is to cut the meat into pieces. How to do this - I already said a little higher, so I will not repeat myself.

Immerse the prepared meat in the marinade. For entrecote, pork neck, loin and other tidbits, there are many flavor mix options. The recipes are listed below. But how much to marinate pork depends largely on the composition of seasonings. In the presence of "aggressive" components (wine, lemon juice), the time is reduced.

The minimum residence time of pork in the aromatic mixture is 4 hours. But it is better to send the meat to the marinade for 8-12 hours

Pieces should be placed on skewers along the fibers. Place larger pieces closer to the center. Well, and small ones, respectively, string along the edges. This will cook the pork better.

To prevent the pork from burning when frying, sprinkle it periodically with wine, water or lemon juice. Wanting to check the readiness of the barbecue, in no case pierce the pieces with a knife. Otherwise, all the juice will flow out - the kebab will be dryish.

Marinade recipes for juicy pork

And here are the promised options for aromatic mixtures for meat. Here is a quick and easy marinade. Or choose an exotic option, such as lingonberry or pomegranate. Cook with pleasure, and then do not forget to unsubscribe, what turned out better.

Cooking on kefir with lemon

For the neck (3 kg) take:

  • 500 ml fat-free kefir;
  • 1 lemon fruit;
  • 700 g of onion;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • pepper + other spices.

Peel the citrus fruit and remove the seeds. Then we cut the fruit into slices and scroll in a meat grinder. We cut a couple of peeled onions into neat rings 4 mm thick. They will need to be strung with marinated pork on skewers. And the rest of the onion is scrolled in a meat grinder.

In the lemon composition, mix onion gruel, kefir, pepper and other spices. We add a little mass. Kefir marinade is ready. We spread the meat and onion rings in a glass container in layers. And evenly pour all this with a fragrant mass.

And here is another version of a simple marinade with kefir and spices.

Marinade with soy sauce

For a kilo of pork you will need:

  • black and red pepper (to taste);
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 1-2 laurels;
  • 100 ml soy sauce.

Pour the sauce over the sliced ​​pork. Chop the onion into thin rings and send to a bowl with meat. Next, add the spices and mix everything thoroughly. Well, after we leave the pork so that it marinates. On the grill, the meat turns out incomparable.

Aromatic Kiwi Blend

For a kilo of meat you will need:

  • 1 PC. lemon
  • 1 PC. ripe kiwi;
  • pepper;
  • thyme (a couple of branches);
  • salt.

Grind the peeled kiwi in a blender into gruel. Pepper pieces of pork and add. Cut the citrus fruit in half and squeeze the juice from ¼ of the lemon. And cut the rest of the lemon into slices and send to the meat. Next, we enrich the composition with kiwi gruel and thyme. Marinate for a minimum of 4 hours. Do not hold longer, because the neck will turn into a "porridge".

How to make a beer marinade

For a kilo of pork, take half a liter of beer, pepper and salt. Use high-quality beer - take a "live" drink. It wonderfully softens and gives the kebab an original bread flavor. Fill the pieces with beer, salt them + pepper. And then mix everything well.

Pork marinated in mayonnaise

For a kilo of tenderloin you will need to take:

  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • black pepper;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • 200 g of mayonnaise;
  • dried dill.

We cut the peeled onion into rings and send it to the meat pieces. Salt and pepper the pork. We send lavrushka, mayonnaise and dill there. We mix everything thoroughly and leave the meat so that it is saturated with aroma.

Cooking pork in mineral water

This is a pretty easy recipe to make. For a 3 kg neck, take:

  • 1 liter of mineral water;
  • a kilo of onions;
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • salt;
  • pepper + spices.

Cut the peeled onion into thin half rings. Salt the neck pieces, pepper and crush with spices. Add onion, oil and fill everything with mineral water. And then we send it to the refrigerator. In 12 hours, the meat will become very tender and soft.

Look at the pickling option with spices and mineral water

Making honey mustard marinade

For the neck (2 kg) take:

  • 100 g of honey;
  • a pinch of paprika;
  • 500 g of onion;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • thyme;
  • 4 tbsp french mustard;
  • 1 PC. lemon.

Mix butter and freshly squeezed lemon juice with honey. All this is mixed with mustard. We send pieces of pork to the fragrant mixture. Salt, pepper and sprinkle thyme and paprika on top. Onion (peel in advance) cut into rings and immerse in the meat. Mix everything well and send it to the refrigerator.

Tomato barbecue marinade

For 1.5 kilos of tenderloin, take:

  • 2 tsp adjika;
  • 2 large cloves of garlic;
  • large lemon;
  • 150 g of tomato sauce;
  • 2 tbsp mayonnaise;
  • 1.5 tsp salt.

Squeeze juice from citrus fruit. Mix it with chopped garlic, adjika, sauce and mayonnaise. Salt the mixture. And we send meat pieces into it.

Marinade with Vinegar and Onion

In fact, this is a classic version of the marinade for carbonate. Frozen meat can also be marinated in vinegar. The recipe is:

  • 3 kg pork neck;
  • 2 tbsp 9% vinegar;
  • 3 pcs. onion heads;
  • 0.5 l of mineral water;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • basil;
  • turmeric.

Pour the mineral water into a deep container. Mix it with vinegar, chopped onion rings, salt and spices. Dip the pork pieces into this mixture.

Balsamic Vinegar Option

For 1.5 kilos of meat take:

  • 60 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp mustard;
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 1 tsp rosemary and oregano (take dried herbs);
  • 1 tbsp honey.

Pass the peeled garlic through the garlic press. Then we mix this gruel with the rest of the components of the mixture. Immerse the pieces in this fragrant mass and marinate.

Marinade for pork neck with sour cream

For a kilo of meat you will need:

  • 250 ml of wine vinegar;
  • 2 pcs. apples
  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 200 ml sour cream (fat content 10%);
  • 100 g prunes;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Rub the pieces with pepper and send for 3 hours in vinegar. Place the dishes with pork in the refrigerator or other cool place. We clean the apples from the skin and seeds, and then cut into small cubes. Dip the prunes in boiling water and chop them too. We heat sour cream to 40 degrees, send apples and prunes there. After we simmer this fragrant mixture for a couple of minutes on fire (do not forget to stir).

Next, remove the sour cream marinade from the stove. We send pieces of meat to a warm mass (about 30 degrees) and marinate it. It turns out that the pieces fall “from the ship to the ball” - from vinegar to sour cream 🙂 Cut the peeled onion into rings (it will need to be strung with pork on skewers). Salt the skewers while frying.

Pork in lingonberry marinade

For 1.5 kg of neck take:

  • 160-180 g of frozen or fresh cranberries;
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar;
  • 3 tbsp wine vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp orange peel;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • pepper;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • salt;
  • 4 tbsp vegetable oils.

If the berries are frozen, defrost them. Sort fresh and rinse thoroughly. Add the zest to the cranberries and fill it all with water. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Cook, stirring, until the berries pop. Cover the pot with a lid while you cook the berries.

Then cool the “compote” to room temperature and mix it with a blender. We enrich the composition with vinegar, sugar, pepper and salt. Cut the onion into cubes and send it there. We mix everything thoroughly. Then gradually add oil to the marinade and mix everything again. And then we dip the pieces of pork into it.

Shashlik in red wine

Such an aromatic mixture can also be made with white wine. It all depends on your desire. The marinade recipe is as follows (for 2 kg of meat):

  • 200 ml of dry wine;
  • 700 g of onion;
  • salt;
  • Caucasian spices.

Pour chopped onion rings with wine. We add spices there and salt the mixture. And then in this fragrant mass we immerse the chopped pork in pieces.

Sweet and sour marinade

For 2 kg of tenderloin, you need the following set of products:

  • 4 tbsp honey;
  • 500 g of sour juicy apples;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 300 ml dry white wine;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Rub peeled and seeded apples on a coarse grater. Chop the onion into a bowl. Mix salt + onion mass + pepper and rub the meat preparations with this gruel. In the container where you will marinate the kebab, we place meat and apple mass in layers. We mix the wine with butter and honey, and pour the pork with this marinade. Next, we send everything to the refrigerator so that the skewers are marinated there.

Marinate the neck in pomegranate juice

You will need:

  • 2 kilos of pork;
  • 700 ml of pomegranate juice;
  • 4 things. Luke;
  • 30 g rosemary;
  • salt;
  • pepper + spices (of your choice).

Chop the onion into large half rings and send it to the pieces of pork. Salt, pepper, add rosemary and spices. After that, mix everything and pour pomegranate juice on top. Then send to marinate in the refrigerator.

Additional Tricks

It is no secret that black pepper is more aromatic, which is taken in peas and crushed before use. Just do not rush to send it to the mortar. First, fry in a dry frying pan. A clear sign of its “readiness” is the leveling of the wrinkled surface. And then grind the seasoning. By the way, roasted peppers are not only more aromatic, but also easier to crush.

Marinate the meat in special dishes: made of glass or clay, or in an enamel container. Never use aluminum. It can interact with the components of the marinade. As a result, at best, the taste of the kebab will deteriorate, and at worst, a poisonous residue will appear.

Want to enhance the flavor of your barbecue? To do this, a few minutes before the end of frying, sprinkle the coals with small wood shavings. If you like citrus flavor, add orange zest instead of shavings on the coals.

Among so many recipes, you will certainly find the option that will allow you to cook a barbecue masterpiece. Don't be greedy - share the link to the article with your friends. Then they will treat you with kebabs prepared according to these recipes. And I wish you an unforgettable vacation at the picnic and say: see you again.

Anyone who loves meat cooked over a fire knows that the success of any barbecue is more than half dependent on the marinade. Of course, you can simply fry the meat and not bother preparing the marinade. In addition, gourmets believe that tough or old meat usually needs a marinade, and juicy and fresh meat can be fried in its pure form. However, cooking a proper and juicy kebab requires special skill, since meat that is cooked on fire, having come into contact with it, can lose all its juice and dry out a lot.

In this case, it is very important to be able to ignite correctly and prepare the coals, and only professionals and experienced barbecue people can do this. And for those who are not familiar with the science of barbecue, it is recommended to marinate the meat. The marinade envelops all the meat, thereby stopping the flow of meat juice, and protects the meat from burning. In addition, the marinade is able to make the meat softer and contribute to the rapid cooking of meat. A well-marinated kebab turns out to be more juicy and tender and is much easier to digest by the human body.

There are a lot of options for marinating shish kebab, and each shish kebab has its own unique recipe. The most common marinade option is: a mixture of onions, peppers and vinegar. Onion - it is considered to be the basis of the marinade basics, the more it is in the marinade, the better and tastier the kebab will turn out. It can be crushed with a blender, cut into rings, chopped or even passed through a meat grinder. If vinegar is present in the marinade recipe, then it is better to replace it with lemon juice, because vinegar makes the meat tougher.

Meat also perfectly softens various dairy products. For example, it can be sour milk or kefir. The most modern way is to add juice or kiwi puree to the marinade. The main thing is not to overdo it with kiwi, half a kilo of kiwi is enough for three kilograms of meat, and it is important to observe the laying time. Thus, kiwi is squeezed out thirty minutes before frying the kebab, but not earlier, as the meat will fall apart. Therefore, this method of pickling is not suitable for poultry barbecue, because it is very tender in itself, and it will completely spread from such a marinade.

In addition to the above products, you can add cherry and pomegranate juices, soy sauce, mineral water, vodka, cognac, beer, wine, ketchup, mayonnaise and various spices to the marinade, such as: thyme, nutmeg, cumin, red and black pepper, basil , garlic, rosemary, marjoram. Adding salt is recommended at the end of marinating, because it makes the meat tougher. Also, do not forget that for the preparation of the marinade it is best to use dishes that do not oxidize.

Marinade for lamb - Caucasian

Required Ingredients :

  • Lamb meat two kilograms;
  • Onion one kilogram;
  • Salt to your taste;
  • Vinegar;
  • Peppers red and black to your taste;
  • Parsley greens.

Cooking method

Onions are rubbed on a grater, passed through a meat grinder or chopped. Lamb is cut into pieces, salted, peppered, covered with onions and chopped parsley, vinegar is added and everything is thoroughly mixed. leave for five hours in a cold place.

Lamb Marinade - Alternative

Required Ingredients ;

  • Lamb two kilograms;
  • Onion one kilogram;
  • Juice of four lemons;
  • Vodka one hundred ml;
  • Salt to your taste;
  • Pepper, ground red to your taste;
  • Parsley greens.

Cooking process

Onions and greens are crushed. Lamb is cut into pieces, salted, peppered, covered with herbs and onions. Vodka, lemon juice are added, everything is thoroughly mixed, rammed and left for eight hours in a cold place.

Lamb Marinade - Amateur

Required Ingredients :

  • Lamb two kilograms;
  • Onion two kilograms;
  • Fat tail fat five hundred grams;
  • Red dry wine five hundred grams;
  • Ground black pepper, salt to your taste.

Cooking method

The lamb is cut into pieces of fifty grams, mixed with chopped herbs and cut into thin pieces, tail fat. Sprinkle with pepper, pour salt over wine and leave for four hours in a cool place.

Lamb Marinade – Spicy

Required Ingredients :

  • Lamb two kilograms;
  • Onion one kilogram;
  • Juice of three lemons;
  • Anise, red pepper, salt to your taste.

Cooking process

The onion is crushed and mixed with salt, anise and pepper. The meat is cut into pieces of twenty grams and covered with the resulting mixture, then mixed, tamped and left in the cold for five hours.

Marinade for venison - Polar

Required Ingredients:

  1. Venison three kilograms;
  2. Onion one kilogram;
  3. Cognac one hundred ml;
  4. Capsicum hot pepper;
  5. Salt, pepper, parsley to your taste.

Cooking process

The onion is chopped and mixed with pepper, salt, cognac, chopped herbs and chopped capsicum. Forty grams of meat pieces are added to the resulting mixture, mixed thoroughly and left for twelve hours in a cold place.

Marinade for fish

Required Ingredients :

  • Fish one kilogram;
  • Dry white wine two hundred ml;
  • Vegetable oil fifty ml;
  • Lemon two pieces;
  • Onion five hundred grams;
  • Ground pepper, salt to your taste.

Cooking method

The onion is crushed and mixed with pepper, salt, oil, wine and lemon juice. Pieces of fish fillet are added to the resulting mixture and thoroughly mixed and left for three hours.

Marinade Universal

Required Ingredients :

  • Meat two kilograms;
  • Soy sauce three hundred ml;
  • Sunflower oil fifty ml;
  • Zira;
  • Grill mixture of very coarse fraction to your taste.


Soy sauce, vegetable oil and spices are mixed. Pieces of butter are sent to the resulting marinade and left in the refrigerator for five hours.

Marinade for veal and pork – Megapolis

Required Ingredients :

  • Meat one kilogram;
  • Mayonnaise three hundred grams;
  • Onion one kilogram;
  • Ketchup three hundred grams;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Garlic, salt to your taste.

Cooking method

Mix ketchup and mayonnaise, add garlic passed through a press, onion through a meat grinder, lemon juice, pepper, salt. Pieces of meat are added to the resulting marinade, everything is thoroughly mixed and left for eight hours in a cold place.

Pork Marinade – Spicy

Required Ingredients:

  • Meat two kilograms;
  • Onion one kilogram;
  • Vegetable oil forty ml;
  • Mayonnaise one hundred grams;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Seasoning Khmeli suneli;
  • Pepper, ground red.

Cooking process

Onions are passed through a meat grinder, vegetable oil, pepper, mayonnaise, suneli hops, bay leaf are added. Meat is added to the resulting marinade and left for five aces.

Marinade share of pork with pomegranate juice

Required Ingredients :

  • Meat one kilogram;
  • Pomegranate juice forty ml;
  • Dry red wine fifty ml;
  • Onion one bulb;
  • Vegetable oil twenty ml;
  • Juice of two lemons;
  • Black pepper, hops-suneli seasoning.

Cooking process

Onions are passed through a meat grinder and mixed with pomegranate juice, wine, lemon juice, pepper, oil, and suneli hops. In the resulting marinade, the meat is soaked and marinated for three hours.

When choosing barbecue and pork, the marinade is the most delicious, so that the meat is soft, you must first choose the right pork itself. The carcass has many parts and it seems that any one will do: the back or the thigh. Others look more at the cost, which is cheaper, because the barbecue will require a lot of meat. But why pork, because there is also beef and lamb?

It is easier to marinate pork for barbecue, it is leaner than lamb, softer than beef and takes the marinade well, it is fried faster. Gives more juice and it's easier to choose good pork. Gourmets are advised to take the neck. Now the main thing is to marinate it deliciously. Here, not only recipes play a big role, but also the preferences of the owners.

Some people like vinegar more, others don't want to use it at all. Still others prefer a wide variety of seasonings. Fortunately, pork neck skewers are easy to make, especially with enough attention to marinating. After all, well-prepared meat is already 80% of the guarantee that you will get the most delicious shish kebab from pork. Sometimes the aromas of the marinade are such that you want to eat the meat still raw.

Is marinating difficult?

No, most recipes will surprise you with their simplicity and availability of ingredients, small quantities. There are no long lists with dozens of items and rare products. The most expensive thing in barbecue is, of course, the meat itself, and to get a delicious pork kebab, buy meat for it only in trusted places, you should not skimp.

Important: any meat must have its own documents, be checked by the sanitary and epidemiological station. Such guarantees give consumers that the product is fresh, clean, obtained from an official source.

Meat is an expensive pleasure, people pay not only for delivery, but also for checks and references. Therefore, it is more expensive in specialized places - large supermarkets, where there is a separate meat department, markets. Buy meat from where you can trust the sellers.

vinegar marinade

A simple recipe on how to cook pork skewers by adding vinegar there.

What will be required:

Pork cooked for barbecue;
3 medium onions.


First, prepare the meat by washing it and cutting it into equal pieces. You should not remove the bones, it is better to chop them together with the meat, then it is tastier to gnaw.

Peel 3 identical medium onions, chop into thin rings. It is more convenient to marinate meat in a deep, large container. Put the meat there first, then the onion, then add the spices.

Separately, in a jar, dilute vinegar with ordinary water, taking the ratio per 100 g of vinegar will be 150 g of liquid (if the vinegar is 9%). Pour water into a bowl, mix so that the meat is completely immersed in the marinade mixture. From above it can be pressed down with oppression so as not to dilute the marinade too much. Marinate the barbecue and pork for about 3-4 hours. For example, do it in the morning and let it stand until the evening. Well-marinated meat will be nourished, become softer, and fry faster.

Marinade with kefir

Usually, spices for pork skewers are quite standard - salt and pepper, rarely something else. Most gourmets do not advise overdoing it, otherwise the spices will kill the natural meat taste. After all, pork kebab is, first of all, meat. But it is a mistake to believe that a good marinade is an indispensable addition of vinegar. Here, for example, is the variant with kefir.

What will be required:

Pork meat;
fresh cilantro;
Several bulbs;
Kefir (regular, without additives).


Cooking pork skewers will require care and time. It is better when the meat is calmly marinated for hours, acquiring new tastes and softness. Many leave it until the morning.

First, prepare the listed ingredients: peel the onion, rinse the meat, chop. You need onions in rings, meat as you like, but it is better to make the size of the pieces medium. Larger ones take longer to fry, while smaller ones burn faster. Rinse the cilantro and chop it too.

For marinating, take a bowl or deep saucepan. Layer the meat first, then the onion layer, then the cilantro. Salt everything, add pepper. Pour kefir last.

You can make several layers, as for a salad, each pouring a small amount of kefir so that the pieces are filled to the top with it. Then place in a dark, cold place, such a recipe for marinating shish kebab and pork requires daily or nightly infusion.

Marinade with mayonnaise

Everyone chooses from everything their own recipe for cooking pork skewers. Some like vinegar, even ready-made pieces are watered before use, others want a minimum of spices to feel only fried meat, others like tomatoes and other vegetables, add them not only by putting them on skewers with meat, but also into the marinade. But the classic recipe, only with mayonnaise.

What will be required:

Pork meat;
Several onions (reckon that part goes first to the marinade, the other - for a snack already for the finished barbecue);
Mayonnaise (if meat is 2 kg, then it will take 500 g);

Yes, it is difficult to call such a dietary recipe, but juicy pork kebab is provided.


First, cut the meat, peel the onions and chop them too. Put everything in the saucepan prepared for the marinade (a bowl will do). Mix thoroughly. Fill with mayonnaise, adding spices there. Soaking lasts about a day.

Some Tips

How to soak pork skewers, take into account all the nuances? After all, the recipe seems simple only at first. There are some simple tips. For example, take enameled or earthenware, aluminum is not very suitable for storing and marinating meat.

It is important to marinate the pork meat well. Make sure that all the pieces are immersed in the marinade mixture, mix the contents of the pan, check from time to time.

An interesting technique is to put already marinated pieces on skewers. For example, barbecue pork is usually mounted on special, metal skewers. In Asia, some use wood, while the Japanese take bamboo. Of course, the glide will not be very good, but the skewer can be treated with a piece of lard or lubricated with ordinary oil before planting.

Juicy pork skewers will turn out if you put the pieces tightly, without gaps, it is better to make the pieces the same if possible, do not remove the bones. Too large ones take longer to fry, and small ones burn easily.

Love roasted vegetables? You should not alternate them with pieces of meat, because the frying time for vegetables is much less and by the time the meat comes up, the vegetables will have time to burn everything. Therefore, either make separate vegetable skewers, or eat vegetables in such a bite.

Pork neck kebab is especially good when the meat is not too burnt. To prevent charring of the pieces, drizzle them with the remaining marinade as the droplets of fat hit the bottom of the fire.

You can fry shish kebab only on hot coals, when there is no fire at all! If a flame appears, extinguish it immediately. On the grill, place the skewers higher, then the meat will burn less, and turn slowly, otherwise the kebab will be dry.

It is easy to check the readiness of your barbecue: with the tip of a knife you can easily cut the pieces and when the juice is clear, it means that the meat can already be eaten. If the juice gives off pink, remove early.

This is how we cook barbecue from pork. However, these tips will come in handy for any barbecue. After all, it also happens, lamb, of course chicken and even fish.

wine marinade

You can follow the well-known example of Western chefs who actively add wine and this recipe is classic for them, because there are special table wines. Here it is not necessary to look for a dining room, take it to taste. And do not worry about alcohol, it will then disappear on the fire, leaving only the taste of wine.

What will be required:

Pork meat;
100 ml of wine (white, dry is used here);
Coriander - 1 small spoon;


First, cut the meat, then place it in the dishes chosen for marinating. Add spices there, mix everything, then pour wine. In order for the meat to “take” the marinade well, you need a press. There is no need to dilute the wine.

Caucasian marinade

Some fans believe that it is the best pork kebab recipe, especially when the trip is coming up soon and there is simply no time for a long marinade. Yes, venerable chefs have different opinions about the time that the kebab comes out tasty only with long-term, preferably even daily pickling. Some chefs are in favor, saying that meat is a complex product, it requires attention, a sequence of actions, and haste only spoils the taste.

If you need to go urgently, you can marinate the meat, take it with you, let it come on the road, then fry the barbecue not immediately. Other cooks know how to marinate pork deliciously for a quick barbecue. And the following recipe for such cases.

What will be required:

The very meat of pork;
Mineral water (carbonated, any, but without salt);


Here, the pork kebab marinade can be infused for only 3 hours. First cut the meat, then fill with mineral water. All. Now you need to wait 2-3 hours, just the time of the trip, arrangement in the chosen place. Then, just before cooking, add spices, mix.

Marinade and kiwi

Yes, sometimes the ingredients of the marinade can surprise. They will give the meat a special taste, because the main thing is that the meat is both soft and retains its own taste, and of course, juicy. This marinade also does not require a long time, suitable for any barbecue.

What will be required:

Kiwi - one is enough;
The bulb is also one;
Red pepper - no more than a teaspoon;
cilantro (dried only);
Dill (fresh, but you can also dried);
Coriander (take ground);
Carbonated water (mineral water).


First, cut the onion into medium rings, and peel the kiwi into small cubes. Cut the meat, place in the dish chosen for pickling, add all the spices there, then the onion with kiwi. Spices as much as you want and fill everything with water. Enough 2-3 hours for a delicious barbecue.

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Delicious, fragrant and invariably attractive dish, barbecue, accompanies us throughout the warm period of the year. In Russia, almost no picnic, no trip to nature with family or friends is unthinkable without a whole ritual of cooking and eating juicy, fragrant, smelling of spicy herbs and smoke, roasted over coals. In fact, barbecue has long been not just another universally recognized culinary masterpiece, but also an excellent means of bringing people together, an excellent occasion to get together and make new friends.

How to cook barbecue? Cooking shish kebab is traditionally considered a typical male responsibility. And there is a lot of truth in this. After all, only strong male hands can really knead meat with onions and marinade so that onion juice, acids and enzymes completely saturate the pieces of meat, give them all their taste, soften them and nourish them with their aroma. And of course, the very ritual of burning coals, stringing kebabs on skewers and frying meat, is quite rightly considered by many to be a brutal act that emphasizes male power and arouses admiration in the eyes of ladies. However, we will not offend beautiful women with gender prejudices, because their refined taste, imagination and culinary experience often allow them to cook unusually exquisite and amazing versions of this dish.

At first glance, cooking barbecue is not fraught with any particular difficulties. Well, what can be difficult in cut the meat into portions, mix with the marinade and fry on the coals? It is in this popular belief that the error lies, which leads to disappointment when dry, tough and tasteless pieces of overcooked meat appear on our table. But in the sacrament of cooking barbecue, every detail, every movement is important. It is necessary to choose the right meat, marinate it correctly, kindle the coals correctly, fry it correctly and even eat the shish kebab correctly, knowing exactly what side dish and what drink to accompany it. All this knowledge comes with experience, but your intuition also plays a significant role here. Experienced chefs turn on all their senses while cooking barbecue, they not only follow it with their eyes, not only trust their sense of smell, but even listen to the hiss of fat and juice on the coals in order to accurately catch the very moment when it is time to turn the skewer over or sprinkle the meat and coals marinade or wine. And what about those who have not yet had time to gain experience and do not know how to cook barbecue, but really want to make even the first cooked barbecue able to bring joy and pleasure? Don't despair!

It is for those who feel not quite confident when cooking barbecue, for those who cook barbecue for the first time, "Culinary Eden" has collected and recorded the most important tips and secrets on how to cook barbecue, following which you will definitely be able to please your friends and loved ones with a real, juicy, tasty and fragrant shish kebab.

1. Cooking barbecue begins with the choice of meat. And here it is very important not to make a mistake. After all, the juiciness, taste and aroma of the finished dish depends on how correctly you chose the meat. Meat for barbecue should be chosen the freshest, from a young animal. Take a close look at the selected piece. On the cut, pork should be gently pink, and beef and lamb should be red. Too dark meat will tell you about the venerable age of the animal; soft barbecue from such meat will not work. The color of the meat should be uniform without spots, with a slight glossy sheen. Pay attention to the smell of meat. Fresh meat of a young animal has a very pleasant, slightly sweet flavor. Any sharp, unpleasant odors, the smell of ammonia, a sour or musty smell will tell you about the staleness of the meat or the venerable age of the animal, it is better to refuse to buy such meat. Of considerable importance is the cut of meat. The best kebab is obtained from a tender, slightly fat-covered neck, loin or saddle. However, you can use a ham or even a shoulder blade, but cooking these parts of the carcass will require more marinating time.

2. It is very important to approach the choice and ignition of coal with special care. Not only the frying temperature, but also the taste and aroma of the finished kebab will depend on its quality. It is best to use birch or alder charcoal. The light, unobtrusive aroma of smoke from coals from these woods is best combined with the taste of meat, poultry or fish, without interrupting, but only complementing the own flavor of the products. If you burn the coal yourself, then it is best to do it in a separate fire, transferring the finished coals to the grill using tongs. This will allow you to avoid getting ash and coal dust on your barbecue. If your choice is ready-made coals, then try to find a good manufacturer, one that does not add any additional substances to the coal that contribute to ignition, but spoil the taste of meat. Also, if possible, try to avoid various lighter fluids. Even a faint aroma of paraffin is unlikely to add charm to your kebab.

3. When igniting the coals, make sure that all the coal burns with an even scarlet color. If black spots remain on the coals, it means that they have not flared up enough, give them a little more time. Distribute well-burned coals evenly over the brazier, break large coals into pieces no more than 3 - 5 centimeters. Gently level the coals, placing a little more of them on the sides and corners of the barbecue. After that, let the coals rest a bit and be covered with a light layer of fluffy white ash. This will even out and normalize the combustion temperature, which will save your kebab from burning and drying out.

4. The size of the pieces of meat that you are going to cook is also important. Do not cut the meat into too small pieces - they will dry out instantly and become tough. But too large pieces are also not good - they will reach for a long time in the middle and can burn at the edges. The optimal size of pieces of meat is 5-7 centimeters. Pieces of shish kebab of this size are perfectly baked inside and do not burn on the outside. String shish kebab pieces on a skewer should be tight enough. In the event that you are not completely sure of the quality and softness of the meat, thin pieces of bacon or juicy vegetables (tomatoes, onions, etc.) can be strung between its pieces.

5. While searing, turn the skewers frequently to ensure the meat cooks evenly on all sides. Be careful not to let dripping fat from the meat ignite the coals. As soon as this happens, immediately sprinkle the burning coals with marinade, wine or just water. Watch carefully for the crust that forms on your kebab. If you notice excessive drying or burning, immediately turn the skewer and brush the dried meat with a mixture of marinade and vegetable oil. The average time for frying a kebab is 10 - 12 minutes. It is this frying time that will allow the meat to bake well, without burning or drying out, and your kebab will turn out juicy and tender, covered with a fragrant crispy crust.

6. Let's try to cook the simplest pork neck skewers. Cut into 2 kg. pork pieces of medium size. Cut three large onions into rings, add 1 teaspoon of coarse salt and carefully remember the onion with your hands so that it releases the juice. Add ½ teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of coriander and the juice of half a lemon to the onion. Mix the finished marinade with pieces of meat, mix everything together thoroughly and leave to marinate for 3-5 hours. Thread the cooked meat onto skewers and sprinkle on top with a mixture of finely chopped hot peppers, leeks and garlic. Grill over charcoal for 10 minutes, turning frequently and brushing with a mixture of dry red wine and vegetable oil.

7. Beef can be cooked in a mustard-lemon marinade. Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, juice of one lemon, 3 chopped garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce and a few drops of Tabasco sauce. Cut two kilograms of beef into medium-sized pieces, mix with marinade and leave to marinate for 5-6 hours. String the finished meat on skewers, carefully coat with the remaining marinade and bake on coals for 10-15 minutes until tender.

8. Duck kebab in orange marinade turns out to be unusually tasty. To prepare the marinade, mix 50 ml of orange juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. tablespoons dry white wine, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Add 1 finely chopped fresh chili and 50 gr. chopped tarragon or basil. 800 gr. cut duck meat into small pieces, mix with marinade and leave to marinate for 2 hours. Thread marinated duck pieces onto skewers, arranging them with orange slices. Grill over charcoal for 8 to 10 minutes, turning frequently and brushing with marinade.

9. An original and unusual barbecue can be prepared from lamb ribs. In a deep saucepan, place three finely chopped sweet peppers, 5 chopped garlic cloves and ½ kg. chopped tomatoes. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil. 1 ½ kg. chop lamb ribs with a layer of meat in portions and add to the pan with vegetables. Add two bay leaves and 1 teaspoon of zira or cumin. Bring vegetables with meat to a boil, cover and simmer on the smallest fire for an hour. Remove the prepared ribs to a separate dish, and strain the vegetable broth through a colander. Thicken the broth in a saucepan over a fire and add one finely chopped chili pepper and 50 gr. green cilantro. Mix thoroughly. Thread the ribs onto skewers and brush with the resulting sauce. Grill over coals for 5 to 8 minutes.

10. Nothing superfluous should be served as a side dish for barbecue. After all, your barbecue is unusually good and tasty in itself and should remain the only king on your table. It is best to serve fresh vegetables or vegetable salad, salsa and a lot of fresh herbs to the barbecue. Juicy, crunchy vegetables perfectly set off the taste of tender, hot, aromatic meat. In addition, some vegetables, such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, can be strung on skewers and baked over coals with vegetable oil. Such a simple, tasty and fragrant side dish for barbecue is sure to please everyone. And don't forget a glass - another good dry wine!

You can always find even more proven recipes for making delicious barbecue on the pages of Culinary Eden.

Zhalnin Dmitry
