
Rye cheesecake with cottage cheese recipe. Preparation of potato filling

How often do you cook baked goods for your loved ones for breakfast? Probably not very often.

This is most likely due to the fact that, as a rule, all baking requires a lot of effort and time. Actually it is not. It is not necessary to cook pies that will take a long time to fit.

Viennese cheesecake with cottage cheese does not require a lot of time. Viennese cheesecake is prepared quickly and it is not a shame to serve them for breakfast to your relatives and guests.

The cuisine of Vienna is very tasty, so you can take several recipes into service and perhaps these dishes will become your favorite.

Viennese delicious cheesecake with cottage cheese

Advice from Ivan: in order for the recipe to match the proportions, you can use one measuring cups. As a rule, many housewives take a 200 gram glass and measure all the ingredients that need to be added to the recipe.

The recipe we use ready-made It turns out very beautiful, you can see in the photo.

For cooking, we need: cottage cheese - half a kilogram, butter a little more than a pack, egg- 5 pieces, granulated sugar - 1 cup, a teaspoon of soda, salt, vanilla sugar, a teaspoon of vinegar 9%, wheat flour two glasses. Add salt and vanilla a pinch at a time.

In order for the pastry to be delicious, you must follow the recipe:

  1. take the butter, which must first be put in the refrigerator so that it cools down. As soon as the oil hardens, we take it out of the refrigerator and three on a grater.
  2. flour, soda, which must first be quenched in vinegar, about 2 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt are added to the shabby oil. Stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.
  3. After the dough is ready, we proceed to the preparation of the filling. To do this, mix cottage cheese, egg, vanilla. Stir until the curd is lump-free.
  4. Transfer half of the dough to a baking dish. The curd filling is placed on top and then closed with more dough.

baked delicious cheesecake about 40 minutes, the temperature in the oven is not more than 180 degrees. Recipes for baking are most often taken from a cookbook.

But, unfortunately, such recipes do not always correspond in proportion, so use only proven recipes that are offered to you.

Advice from Ivan: Cheesecakes can be not only with the addition of cottage cheese, but also with the addition of berries, condensed milk. It is not necessary to use one-to-one recipes as written, you can experiment in order to find exactly the taste that you and your loved ones will like.

We will cook with you cheesecakes with delicious cottage cheese and berries

Cheesecake recipe:

  1. we take all the products at the rate of a glass designed for 200 grams. Two glasses of white flour, 2 glasses of sugar, one pack of chilled butter, half a kilogram of cottage cheese, 3 eggs, condensed milk and berries (these ingredients are taken solely on the basis of your desire). Add baking powder and 4 tablespoons of sour cream to the dough.
  2. the dough for the cheesecake will turn out to be shortbread, since we do not add soda or yeast here.
  3. pre-cool the butter in the refrigerator, after it hardens, three of it on coarse grater. Add flour and baking powder to butter. Add one glass of sugar. The dough is rubbed with hands or a spoon in order to get a sand crumb.
  4. Viennese pastries require a filling. To do this, mix the cottage cheese, egg, sugar. It is better to prepare the filling in a blender in order to make the mass homogeneous.
  5. we shift part of the dough, put the prepared filling on top and close it again with dough.

The cheesecake is baked for 40-45 minutes. After you take it out of the oven, you need to let it cool and pour the condensed milk mixed with berries on top. Don't forget to add sour cream to the filling.

Ivan's advice: Curd cheesecakes when using recipes, they assume the presence of a certain amount of flour. In order for them to be airy, it is necessary to sift wheat flour through a sieve. It is better to do this several times, then the dough for the cheesecake will turn out to be very tasty and rise perfectly.

Cooking recipes may vary. Since in Lately more and more often they began to use not only an oven, but also a slow cooker, I will tell you about a recipe that will come in handy.

By and large, for cooking in a slow cooker, you can use the first or second recipe that I have already shared with you. The only thing that changes is the cooking time.

Each slow cooker has a baking function, so choose it and feel free to send the cheesecake to bake. Approximate time baking in a slow cooker is one hour.

Many children do not like products with curd filling. But you can also get out of this situation. To do this, you can prepare liquid baking.

Liquid cheesecake

The recipe involves adding following products: cow butter - 2 tablespoons, 2 eggs, sand sugar half a glass, sour cream one glass (fat content of sour cream, it doesn’t matter, take the one you have), soda half a teaspoon. Flour white glass, cocoa two tablespoons. The dough is chocolate.

For the filling: cottage cheese half a kilogram, granulated sugar half a glass, starch a tablespoon, chicken eggs 3 pieces.

  1. butter is melted in a bowl, you can use the microwave.
  2. Mix sugar with eggs, spread sour cream, butter and beat until smooth.
  3. in a separate bowl, mix wheat flour, cocoa powder and soda and add everything to sugar and eggs. Mix well so that no lumps remain.
  4. cottage cheese is mixed with sugar, egg and semolina. Vanillin can be added for flavor.
  5. the resulting dough is transferred to a slow cooker, and the filling is poured directly into the cent.

Baking such a cheesecake takes about one hour and forty minutes.

Since there is no such time on the slow cooker, we first set it for 60 minutes, and then add another 40.

Such pastries turn out to be similar to syrniki, only syrniki are baked in a pan and when using butter or sunflower oil, then in the oven or slow cooker the food turns out to be more tasty and healthy.

Tips from Ivan: in order for the pastries to be more delicious, you need to use non-sour curd. It is better to buy it in the market for cooking, as here you can try it.

You can add raisins or dried apricots to the filling. In order for the raisins to be soft and you can enjoy all the taste, just soak it in advance and add it to the filling.

My video recipe

IN dock, little attention is paid to rye flour and products made from it. Then, as this flour was considered predominant on the table of ordinary people.

The luminary of medical science A. I. Kuptsov wrote:
`The monotonous diet of black rye bread of the Russian poor has never led to beriberi, and this indicates that Rye bread belongs to the category of food that best suits the needs human body`. It turns out that rye has healing properties. It is able to remove toxins, salts and toxins, thanks to which it helps to eliminate the causes of many diseases.
Rye flour is produced in three grades: seeded, peeled, wholemeal.
Varieties differ in the degree of grinding and the content of bran:
seeded- small and completely without bran,
Peeling And wallpaper- coarser grinding and with bran (especially a lot of bran - in Oboinaya).
Any of the above will work for us.
This recipe was seen by me in the northern regions of Nizhny Novgorod.
Rye flour: 400 gr.
Milk 200gr. (You can yogurt, kefir, but then it will be a little slower to approach)
Melted butter 2 tbsp.
1 egg for dressing.
Sachet or 20g. Simple yeast.
For minced meat:
You can take practically, as in pizza or simple cheesecakes, cottage cheese, potatoes (if you get closer to the original, then potatoes can be boiled in their uniforms).
I made minced meat, like for dumplings, but I added a spoon there ghee and fried onions.

*D let's make a brew. Pour the yeast into warm milk and dilute it and pour it into 200g of flour.
Mix well and leave to approach for about 1 - 1.5 hours.

*P gone steam.

*P let's have some flour.

*D add melted butter and salt a little.

*P Sprinkle flour with a spatula and beat the dough until it does not stick. And covered with a towel, leave to approach for 40 minutes.

*TO this time you need to cook minced meat.

*The dough has risen.

*IN turning on the oven, knead the dough a little more until plasticity and proceed to sculpting. Divide into equal pieces (here into four cheesecakes) and knead into not thick 0.5 - 1 cm. cake. Fold over and close the edges.

*R Place on a greased baking sheet and brush with beaten egg. We send it to the oven for 20 - 30 minutes.

*IN we take it out with milk ......

*IN from ready-made pastries in the style of country old.

Bon appetit!!!

Tags: baking, Russian cuisine, rye cheesecakes, cheesecakes, Dumplings without haste, shulanshik, satsh [Dumplings without haste] by satsh

Cheesecakes are different shapes and small open baked pies With different fillings. The most commonly used fillings for cheesecakes are cottage cheese, jam, thick jam or fresh berries and fruits. The shape of the cheesecakes is also varied, but their main feature is that the filling in the cheesecakes is necessarily open. They are mainly used for their preparation. yeast dough, double or non-dough.

For simple-shaped cheesecakes, the dough is cut into round blanks of the desired size, which are placed on a sheet greased with oil and kept for proofing for 15-20 minutes. Then, on each blank, a small indentation is made with the bottom of an oiled glass (of a suitable size), into which the filling is carefully placed with a spoon.

The edges of the cheesecakes (sometimes with the filling) are smeared with an egg beaten with butter and baked in hot oven from 15 minutes to half an hour. Berry fillings they are placed on cheesecakes without sugar, and only on baked products the filling is poured (to taste) with sugar.

Shangi or shanezhki, as the Siberians affectionately call them, are small-piece dough products, similar to cheesecakes. Their main difference is that instead of filling (for cheesecakes), various “spreads” of potatoes, sour cream or other products are used.

Shangi are prepared mainly from unleavened sweet dough thick consistency from rye or wheat flour.

Gates or gates are also a type of Siberian cheesecakes, cut in the form of a thin round juicy from unleavened rye or wheat (flour is better than the 2nd grade) dough mixed with milk.

Way of cutting gates

From the dough, prepare balls of the desired size, roll them into juicy (round, thin blanks), which are also called scans. Classical putty for gates - from mashed potatoes. For each prepared juice, put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of spread, smooth it over the entire surface with a spoon dipped in water. Then pinch the edges of the juice so that the product takes the form of a “plate”.
Lubricate the surface with sour cream mixed with a raw egg and bake the products in a very hot oven for 10-12 minutes.

Cheesecakes "Holiday"

stuffing products

* 100 g cottage cheese
* 3-4 tbsp. spoons of sugar
* 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons melted margarine
* kernels 8-10 walnuts
* 6-8 cookies
* 2-3 tbsp. spoons of raisins
* lemon and orange peel taste
* 1-2 eggs

Filling preparation

Egg yolks thoroughly grind with sugar, melted margarine and lemon and orange zest. Lightly dry the nut kernels in the oven and chop. Dry the cookies, grind and sift through a rare sieve. Sort the raisins, rinse, pour hot tea for 10-15 minutes, then drain and dry with a napkin. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, combine with the yolk mass and beat well with a spatula. Add to curd mass prepared nuts, raisins, cookies and mix everything well. The filling should be thick enough.

Cutting and baking cheesecakes

Prepare yeasty butter for cheesecakes sponge dough, let him rise twice, kneading his hands or a merry-go-round. Cut the cheesecakes according to the main recipe, let them rise, fill with curd filling and bake in a hot oven until the top and bottom of the products are browned. Grease hot cheesecakes with melted butter along with the filling.

Rye cheesecakes

Dough preparation

Prepare a brew of 200 g. rye flour, 1 cup warm milk and 30-40 g of yeast. When the dough rises, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted butter, a pinch of salt and enough rye flour to make a medium thick dough that can be easily rolled out. Knock out the dough with a wooden spatula, let it rise again and cut into small round blanks for cheesecakes.

Filling preparation

Boiled mashed potatoes mix to taste with finely chopped fried onions and the oil in which it was fried.

Cutting and baking cheesecakes

Spread the minced meat in the middle of each prepared round piece. Pinch the edges in little pie with an open middle and grease the surface with whipped yolk. Bake the cheesecakes in a medium-heated oven until done.

Potato cheesecakes

Products for the test

* 10-12 potatoes
* 1-2 raw eggs
* 2 tbsp. spoons of flour
*salt to taste

Filling products
Option 1

* 300 g white or cauliflower
* 3 carrots
* 4 tbsp. tablespoons boiled or canned green peas
* 3 hard boiled eggs
* 2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or margarine
* 1 teaspoon salt
* milk sauce

Filling preparation

Prepared vegetables (raw or boiled, to taste) chop, mix together, add chopped hard boiled eggs and salt to taste.

Option 2

* 500 g cottage cheese
* 2 eggs or 3 yolks
* sugar and salt to taste

Prepare the filling from cottage cheese mashed through a sieve, beaten eggs (yolks and whites separately), sugar and salt.

Milk sauce preparation

Fry 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour in the same amount of butter or margarine, dilute with milk to the consistency of liquid sour cream, pouring it in gradually, and salt to taste. Boil over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Preparing potato dough

Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water, rub hot through a sieve, beat in 1-2 raw eggs, salt to taste, add flour and mix.

Cutting and baking cheesecakes

Cut the cakes of the desired size from the cooled mass, put them on a greased baking sheet, make a small depression in the middle of each and fill it with stuffing. Pour prepared cheesecakes with milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in a very hot oven until browned.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese and plums

Cutting and baking cheesecakes

Prepare yeast butter dough according to the chosen recipe. Let it ferment well, then knead it and roll it into a layer about 2 cm thick. Cut out round blanks for cheesecakes with a suitable recess, lay them on a greased sheet and let them go. Then make a depression on the surface of the cheesecakes and spread out curd filling by cooking it according to one of the recipes or to taste.

Rinse large sweet plums, dry and cut in half, removing the seeds. Put half a plum on the curd filling, slightly pushing them into it with your hands, and pour a little into each granulated sugar. Then grease the cheesecake with sweet tea and sprinkle generously with flour sprinkles. Sprinkle the cheesecakes very carefully so that the sprinkle does not fall on the sheet and does not burn during baking.

Bake the cheesecakes in a well-heated oven so that the topping browns quickly. Serve hot with cold milk.

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese rich sweet

Filling products
Option 1

* 400 g non-sour curd
* 1/3 cup sour cream
* 1 egg
* 1/4 cup raisins or raisins
* salt, sugar, vanillin or cinnamon to taste

Filling preparation

non-sour fresh cottage cheese rub through a sieve, pour in melted butter, sour cream, egg and grind the whole mass well. Add washed and dried raisins or raisins, spices, salt and sugar to taste.

Option 2

* 1 glass dried apples
* 500 g cottage cheese
* 1-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
* ground cinnamon to taste

Filling preparation

Sort dried apples, steam in boiling water for about 30-40 minutes, squeeze thoroughly and pass through a meat grinder along with cottage cheese. Fill with sugar and ground cinnamon taste.

Option 3

* 400 g non-sour curd
* 1 egg
* 1 dessert spoon Sahara
* 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter
* 1/4 cup raisins or seedless raisins
* a pinch of salt

Filling preparation

Rub fresh non-acidic cottage cheese through a sieve, add a raw egg, hot butter, salt, sugar and well-washed and dried sultanas (you can pre-steam it slightly by holding it a little in very hot tea) or raisins. Mix everything thoroughly and refrigerate for half an hour.

Cutting and baking cheesecakes

Prepare rich yeast dough according to one of the recipes, let it ferment well and cut open round cheesecakes with prepared filling. Lay them on a greased sheet, let rise well (but do not go over, because the filling may rise too much and crack during baking) and bake the cheesecakes in a hot oven. Before baking, you can grease the top of the cheesecakes (together with the filling) with a beaten egg or yolk and sprinkle with mixed with powdered sugar ground cinnamon.

Snack cheesecakes

Products for the test

* 300 g flour
* 20 g yeast
* 1/4 cup warm milk
* 40 g butter or margarine
* 2 raw egg yolks
* a pinch of salt

Filling products

Option 1

* 200 g onions
* 50 g butter
* 1/2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
* 1 teaspoon ground pepper
*salt to taste

Preparing the onion filling

Finely chop the onion, transfer to a sieve and scald with boiling water. Drain the remaining water and sauté the onion in oil without browning it. Season the onion filling with sugar, ground pepper and salt to taste.

Option 2

* small head of cabbage
* 1 medium onion
* 60 g fresh pork lard
* 50 g grated hard stale cheese
* 1 egg
* salt and ground pepper taste

Preparing cabbage stuffing

Cut the head of cabbage, peeled from the top green leaves, into 4 parts and boil for 15 minutes. Then cool slightly, chop as finely as possible and fry in lard along with finely chopped onion. Salt, pepper to taste, add grated cheese and a raw egg. Mix the stuffing thoroughly and use slightly warm.

Option 3

* 6-8 potatoes
* 1 egg
* 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
* a pinch of salt

Preparation of potato filling

Boil the potatoes, drain and lightly dry, placing the pot with the potatoes on medium fire for 1-2 minutes. Mash hot potatoes thoroughly, add raw egg and sour cream, salt to taste and mix well.

Dough preparation

From the products proposed by the recipe, prepare a yeast dough, kneading it thoroughly with your hands so that it lags behind the walls of the dishes and from your hands. You can knead the dough with a mixer. Put the dish with the dough in a warm place and let it ferment so that its volume doubles.

Cutting and baking cheesecakes

Turn the risen dough onto a floured board and knead well with your hands. Cut round non-thin blanks, lay them on a greased sheet or baking sheet and let them rise well. Make a well in the middle, grease it with whipped egg white and spread the cooled stuffing into each well.

Bake the cheesecakes in a hot oven until browned and serve hot, brushing the entire surface (together with the filling) with melted butter.

These cheesecakes can be served as an appetizer before dinner or with tea.

Shangi (shanezhki) Siberian real
(basic recipe)

Products for the test

* 1 cup curdled milk
* 330-350 g rye flour
* 1 tbsp. tablespoon softened margarine
*salt to taste

Products for spreading (fillings)

* 160 g barley groats
* 2 cups curdled milk

For greasing the filling

* 0.5 cup sour cream
* 1 egg
* 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted butter

The method of cutting shanezhki

For classic Siberian shanezhki, round dough pieces of the desired size are rolled out of dough, the sides are pinched with a string and a spread (filling) is placed in the middle: barley groats, aged for about half a day in milk or yogurt. The surface of the product is smeared with an egg beaten with sour cream and shangi is baked in a very hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Hot shangi must be smeared with melted butter.

Shangi with potatoes

Products for spreading

* 3 medium potatoes
* 50 g milk
* 1 yolk or half a beaten egg
* 40 g sour cream

Cut round blanks with a diameter of 7-8 cm from the sponge yeast dough. Place them on a greased baking sheet, let them stand well and then make a small depression in each shange. Put potato spread in it, grease the surface with butter, beaten with an egg and bake in a medium-heated oven until cooked.

Unleavened shanezhki "Nalivashniki"

cook fresh rye dough, cut round or square juices out of it, put them on a baking sheet or in special portioned pans.

Separately prepare the dough for pancakes (from 500 g of milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 6-7 full tablespoons of flour), pour over the prepared juices and put in a hot oven.

When the shanezhki begin to brown, take them out of the oven, brush with sour cream, beaten with an egg, and then bake until cooked (for 1 juicy - 1 tbsp. pancake dough and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream and egg mixture).

Unleavened shanezhki can be prepared without pancake dough by pouring sour cream prepared for baking with flour sprinkled on top (for 1 juicy - 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of flour).

Gates (gates) potato Siberian

Products for the dough (for about 10 products)

* 250 g flour
* 125 g milk
* 25 g butter or margarine
* 1 small egg
* 1/2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil
* a pinch of sugar and salt

Products for potato spread

* 500 g potatoes
* 50 g butter
* 125 g milk
*salt to taste

Prepare from all products according to the recipe unleavened dough and let it ripen for 20-25 minutes.
Peel potatoes, boil in salted water or a mixture of water and milk and mash. Cut the wickets as above and bake in a hot oven until tender. Grease hot products with butter or sour cream.
