
Jelly-like currant jam 7 glasses of currant. Seedless white currant jam

The other day I made jam or jelly. And I thought, what is the difference between them? I got on the Internet. Here's what I found. Jam is made by boiling whole berries or their pulp (even vegetables) with sugar. When frozen, it is a fairly dense consistency with pieces of fruit. Jelly is obtained by boiling berry juice with sugar to a dense mass without fruit pieces.

Well, then, I was engaged in the preparation of blackcurrant jelly. I don’t know if it will last me until the winter, it turned out to be painfully tasty. But nothing, the currant bushes are still full of berries - I'll cook the second batch.

Blackcurrant in its composition has a large amount of pectin, so it freezes very well. In winter, you can not only eat with spoons and drink tea, but also use it as a spread on bread, bake in pies. It is also great for making confit, which is used in cakes.

Preservation methods are different - from five minutes to cooking in the usual way. But all recipes are quite simple to prepare. In my opinion, the berry has enough pectin of its own, but if you want to get a quick and hard jelly, adding gelatin, pectin or agar-agar will do. And do not forget about recipes and.

I used these recipes at the very beginning of my culinary career. Then she dropped it. Now I remembered again and cooked. I had few berries, because. daughter came and ate half a cup just like that. So it only took me an hour to prepare.


  • Black currant - 700 g
  • Sugar - 500 g

I prefer to do without water, because the berries already have plenty of it. This time I collected large fruits from the bushes, the size of a good gooseberry. Quite sweet in taste. Washed and sent to the pan on the fire (slightly above average).

Be sure to stir otherwise it will burn. I wait until it gurgles and until foam appears, I turn off the burner, and pierce the contents with an immersion blender.

Immediately, I rub the hot mass through a sieve, removing grains and peel. I cool and freeze the cake - an excellent preparation for jelly and fruit drink.

Tried to use gauze, uncomfortable. It kicks in almost immediately. And you have to wash it constantly. In addition, gloves are needed in this case, otherwise it is difficult to wash your hands.

As a result, I got 500 g of juice. I added 500 g of sugar to them. The result was a proportion: for 1 liter of juice - 1 kg of sugar.

Brought to a boil. Then she reduced the heat and cooked for 20 minutes, removing the foam and stirring.

The jars were sterilized in the microwave, the lids were doused with boiling water and drained.

As a result, she poured the hot mass into hot jars. Didn't cover with lids. Let it cool down. The cooled mass when turning over the cans does not flow out. The texture is dense and unified. Then she closed the lids.

I didn’t put it away for storage - fresh is eaten immediately. For use in winter, you will have to make another portion of a larger size.

Jelly jam 5 minutes blackcurrant (3-6-9)

Strange numbers 3-6-9 you say. What do they mean? Just the proportions of water, berries and sugar. Or in other words, 1-2-3. The recipe is very simple, since the proportions are already indicated, and it is cooked for only five minutes. And besides, it is easy and quick to do without scales, and measure with glasses, cups or jars.


  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Berries - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp.


  • Dissolve sugar in water by heating.
  • Bring the syrup to a boil and dip the berries into it.
  • Once again, make the whole mass boil. Boil it for five minutes, removing the foam and stirring occasionally.
  • Turn off the stove, pour into prepared jars. It is better to close with plastic caps and only after complete cooling.
  • Due to the short cooking time, a beautiful color and amazing aroma remain.

Thick blackcurrant jam-jelly for 11 glasses

Ordinary glasses are in any family, although they are now rarely used. But when it comes to measuring ingredients, they do an excellent job. The jam is very thick, hardens like jelly. The main thing is to strictly observe the proportions.

  • Currant berries - 11 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 13 tbsp.
  • Water - 1.5 tbsp.


  • Sort the berries, free from debris and twigs. Rinse, dry.
  • Place the berries in a large container, walk over them with a pusher and pour water.
  • Put on fire and gradually add sugar, measuring the right amount.
  • When the sand is completely dissolved, bring the mass to a boil and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Then pour into clean jars, cool, and then close the lids.

Blackcurrant juice jelly without cooking and gelatin

Blackcurrant contains a huge amount of natural thickener, and it is not necessary to add gelatin to get a thick jelly-like mass.

You will need:

  • Berries - 500 g
  • Sugar - 1000 g


  • We wash the berries. To facilitate the work, we will go through them with a pusher, and then pass through a sieve in portions, separating the juice from the cake.
  • Pour a little sugar into blackcurrant juice and dissolve it. We do this until it ends. Can be left overnight.
  • After dissolution, fill clean jars with jelly mass. Let's cork.

Gooseberry and blackcurrant jelly

Since the berries ripen at the same time, why not make an assortment of them. Gooseberries will soften the pronounced taste of currants.


  • Black currant - 1 kg
  • Gooseberries of any color - 2 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 1 tbsp.


  • We wash the berries and put them in a bowl.
  • Fill with water and put on fire. We are waiting for the berries to burst.
  • Then we will go through them with a blender or pusher.
  • Squeeze the juice from the hot mass through a sieve.
  • Now boil the juice with sugar based on 1 kg of juice - 1 kg of sand for 15-20 minutes. Let's break it down into jars.
  • Cover with a towel or gauze until the next day. When it cools down, you can turn the jar upside down - the mass will not flow out, it has frozen. Close the lids and store.

The recipes are simple and quick to make. The result is a fragrant, thick jelly of a beautiful color. Suitable to spread on a long loaf, and even better bake an open pie with blackcurrant jelly.

Greetings to regular readers and guests of the blog. We recently cooked with you, now it's time to make blanks from black. Usually this berry is boiled according to the “five-minute” recipe, and here's why: it takes a small amount of time to cook, and the treat turns out to be healthy, tasty and thick. Also, there is nothing superfluous in the composition, only berries, sugar and, in some cases, water.

By the way, jam can be cooked not only from a freshly harvested crop, but also from frozen fruits. And since the currant contains a large amount of pectin, the dessert is not liquid. Therefore, you can use the delicacy for spreading on toast or for making a grated pie with pleasure in winter.

Also, for cooking sweets, it is usually not the weight of the ingredients that is used, but the number of glasses. I will show you both options. And you choose the one that is most convenient for you. And remember that the fruits contain a very large amount of vitamins and minerals that we need so much during the period of colds.

Blackcurrant jam for the winter "Lick your fingers"

I like the first recipe because the fruits are subjected to minimal heat treatment. Therefore, it turns out a very healthy dessert.

For jam, try to choose medium-sized berries that are sweeter than sour.


  • Blackcurrant - 3 kg;
  • Sugar - 3 kg;
  • Water - 6 glasses.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the berries, remove all debris and leaves. Wash.

2. Take a basin or a deep large pan. Pour sugar into it, and then pour clean water. Place the container over medium heat and stir constantly. Sugar should be completely dissolved. After it dissolves, turn on the heat to maximum and bring the syrup to a boil.

3. Boil the sugar syrup for 5 minutes.

4. When the syrup boils, turn off the heat and carefully put the prepared berries into it. Mix them up.

  • wait until the jam has completely cooled down, put it on fire; wait for it to boil, and then immediately pour it into sterile jars and close the lids;
  • or not to do all this, but immediately after connecting the syrup with berries, pour into prepared containers and roll up.

6. Such a treat is perfectly stored and lasts all winter. The truth is a little watery.

"Five minutes" of blackcurrant

I love making this dessert as it is really quick to make. After all, it takes only 5 minutes to cook, more time you will spend on preparing products.

If the berries are very sour, then don't be afraid to increase the amount of sugar, otherwise you will get sourness, not a sweet treat.


  • Berries - 1 kg;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Sugar - 1.4 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Berries must be cleaned of debris, washed and dried.

2. Transfer the fruits to a saucepan, pour water and sprinkle sugar.

3. Put the workpiece on medium heat. Stir constantly until all the sugar is dissolved. Then boil the treat for 5 minutes. Pass hot jam carefully through a sieve.

4. You can throw away the berry cake, but it’s better to cook jelly or compote. But pour the berry puree into sterile jars and cork with lids.

5. Cool the dessert and store in a cool place.

Currant jam for the winter with orange

And the following video plot will show you how to make orange jam. It turns out a very interesting taste. This delicacy is eaten in its pure form in a matter of seconds, so make more of these blanks.

From such a dessert in winter, you can make a delicious fruit drink or cook a healthy jelly.

A simple recipe for blackcurrant jam without sterilization

Well, this is the most popular and oldest option. After all, everyone loves grated currants with sugar. I usually make such winter preparations in small jars and store them in the refrigerator.


  • Black currant - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Select the berries, remove the bad ones, wash and dry. Put into blender bowl.

2. Turn on the blender and grind the fruits into a smooth puree.

3. Transfer the berry puree into a deep dry bowl and pour in sugar.

4. Mix the mixture well so that the sugar is evenly distributed in the currant puree.

5. Transfer the resulting jam to clean and dry jars. Then leave at room temperature for one hour. After a while, a crust should form on the surface. Next, cover the jars with paper and secure with an elastic band. Store in a cellar or pantry.

In winter, you will see that the dessert is candied on top, but inside it remains fresh and liquid.

How to cook thick currant jam with glasses

And here is the promised recipe, where the ingredients are measured in glasses. Plus, you can always diversify the composition, for example by adding raspberries or red currants.

Do not forget to remove the foam from the jam with a wooden spatula.


  • Currant - 11 st.;
  • Sugar - 14 tbsp.;
  • Water - 2 glasses.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the fruits and rinse well. Place in a colander to drain excess water.

2. Take a saucepan and pour water into it, pour 7 cups of sugar. Boil sugar syrup over medium heat.

3. In the resulting and boiling syrup, transfer all the currants. Mix the mass, bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Then remove from heat.

5. Pour the hot treat into sterile jars, roll up. Cool the blanks and store in your usual place.

Jelly jam recipe "5 minute"

And from the following amount of ingredients you will get 2 jars of 0.5 liters of delicious dessert.


  • Currant - 2 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the tails from black fruits, rinse the berries and dry them. Then pass the currant through a meat grinder.

2. Pour sugar into the resulting consistency and mix everything thoroughly. Put the mass on fire.

3. When the jam boils, reduce the heat and cook the delicacy for 30 minutes, remembering to stir the contents with a spatula.

4. After the time has elapsed, turn off the fire and immediately pour the treat into sterile jars, close the lids. Cool and store in a cool and dark place.

Here's a short article I got today. Probably because there are no special secrets for making blackcurrant jam. After all, it only takes 5 minutes to cook. And you don’t need special skills here: you sorted it out, washed it, poured sugar, boiled it. If you want to get a thicker sweetness, then increase the cooking time, but you will lose some of the vitamins.

Use small berries best for making jam, because they still have to be crushed. And try to give a little time after cooking for a treat to rest (this does not apply to a jelly-like dessert), so that when poured into jars, the jam is distributed evenly.

I tell you goodbye. Come to me more often, I will be glad!

No matter how hard anyone tries, he cannot overestimate the benefits of blackcurrant and currant jam. This berry is especially valuable for its incomparable aroma and taste, which originally combined bright sweetness, pleasant acidity, and light bitterness. Currant processing does not destroy its amazing qualities, which allows us to harvest healthy berries in many ways. The best and most common of these is jam brewing. Everyone loves blackcurrant jam - both adults and children. It is always appropriate on the table during a dessert or tea party. Thrifty housewives, thinking about winter vitamin-free time, always try in the summer, during the berry season, to prepare several jars of this wonderful jam. Who has currants growing in the garden, in the country, jam is not a problem at all. Especially if it is blackcurrant, jam from it is the richest and most delicious. There is also redcurrant, jam is made from it less often, usually it is mixed with other berries. The prepared currant jam for the winter will unmistakably point you to the warmth and comfort in this house, to the hospitable hosts who also care about the health of their family.

The process of cooking currant jam is no different from any other jam. You can cook currant jam in the traditional way, by long heat treatment. And you can also use the express method of making currant jam "Five Minute", which involves the rapid boiling of berries in syrup. There are also methods for making raw jam, sugar-free jam, frozen currant jam, etc. Since the currant has a rather fleshy pulp, a small amount of water is used in the preparation of these jams. Therefore, jam-jelly is also successfully obtained from currants. Currant jam has all the useful properties of fresh berries, in addition, it is perfectly stored even in a city apartment. Sometimes, if in the cold, they can be stored under simple lids.

In winter, such jam is just a godsend. In addition to just a delicious couple or two spoons for tea, a lot of excellent desserts are prepared from this jam: currant jam cake, currant jam cake, etc. Be sure to prepare currant jam for the winter, you can easily find the recipe on our website. Moreover, to prepare for cooking this product, it does not matter what kind of jam it will be - from red or blackcurrant jam, its recipe is practically no different. Much depends on the size of the berries, the degree of their ripeness, the sugar content of a particular variety.

How to cook currant jam, our tips will tell you some nuances:

Experienced summer residents will collect and harvest blackcurrants a week after they ripen. The main thing is to prevent the berries from overripe;

The taste of jam can be varied by mixing different berries in the proportion you like, which also depends on the sweetness of different berries. Study recipes carefully;

Experienced chefs for the tenderness of berries are advised to pre-blanch them for several minutes;

Older people need to take into account the ability of currant jam, which is undesirable for them - it enhances clotting and blood density;

The usual proportion of berries and sugar for jam is 1 to 1.5;

So that the jam does not deteriorate during long-term storage, please note that the berries and jars must be absolutely clean, and it is better to store them in a cool place;

A variant of a wonderful dietary breakfast: bread toast with currant jam with a piece of cheese.

How pleasant it is to open a jar of fragrant berry jam in winter - a sunny, vitamin-filled piece of summer in a jar! And what a variety you can get by preparing this sweetness. Cook various compotes, fruit drinks, serve as a dessert with tea, cook pies and.

Today we will prepare a winter treat from currants, from black, red and even white!

Jam from this berry is very tasty and healthy, and she herself is an invaluable storehouse of a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, and one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It is useful in the cold season, and for the digestive system, and just to support normal immunity.

The recipes offered today will not force you to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. But the cooked jam will allow you to stay at the family table with pleasure on long winter evenings with your beloved family.

And the cooking methods, I think, will not go unnoticed by any lover of this tasty berry who has looked at us today.

When cooking in this way, most of the vitamins and other nutrients will not have time to be lost during heat treatment. And you will get a tasty treat with useful properties.

It is not difficult to cook and very fast.

What you need:

  • Black currant - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 1 liter (this is about 800 - 850 gr)
  • Citric acid - at the tip of a knife
  • Water - 1.5 cups


1. It is imperative to sort and wash the berries well. In the meantime, the water drains, remove the "tails" from each of them.

2. Pour the required amount of water into the enameled kitchen basin, which we already have on the stove, and mix with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved.

When heating, try not to leave the stove and stir so that the sugar does not stick to the bottom.

It is better to take dishes for cooking sweet treats made of stainless steel or enameled. For these purposes, it is better to use the pelvis. It is more open and the evaporation surface will be much higher than in a pan. Due to this, more liquid is evaporated, and the treat turns out to be thicker.

3. When the syrup boils, carefully lower the already prepared berry into it, and wait for it to boil again. During this period, stir and cook for only five minutes.

4. At the end of the required time, you can add citric acid if desired and mix.

This is not a required ingredient, use it at your discretion. I do not always add it, because I think that the berries have enough of their sourness.

The foam that forms during boiling must be carefully removed. To do this, you can use a spoon with holes, and preferably a wooden spatula. Foam can be removed immediately in a vase and eat. Kids love this treat!

5. At the end of the cooking time, pour the jam into jars and close with pre-sterilized lids. Banks can also be used and can be taken in any size.

It is very convenient to pour the treat into jars of different formats - into small ones for serving with buns or just like that, and in a “larger” container for breeding morsik.

We let our delicacy cool and we can put it in the pantry. It is better to store containers with contents in a dark, cool place.

Blackcurrant and raspberry jam for freezing for the winter

An amazing dessert for the winter, fragrant and delicious! At the same time, all vitamins and a real fresh taste are preserved. All because we will not torment either the berry or ourselves with cooking, we will simply twist everything with sugar and freeze it.

Be sure to check out this recipe. It's actually as good as it is simple!

We will need:

  • Black currant - 1 liter
  • Raspberries - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 0.5 liters (that is, approximately 400 - 450 gr)


1. Sort raspberries from bugs and spiders, leaves and other debris, do not wash. Twist in a meat grinder. I don’t advise you to do it in a blender, since it immediately shakes up the mixture, and we just need to grind it.

2. Be sure to wash the currants well, you can not remove the tails for this recipe - these are also vitamins.

But, if you are not a fan of such vitamins, then you can remove all the tails from the berries. And send the berries themselves after cleaning for twisting.

To make the look and taste of the jam more interesting, you can add whole currant berries without tails to the finished mixture. Not all, but for example, only a couple of handfuls.

4. Now, in a kitchen bowl, mix the twisted berries with sugar until it is completely dissolved. We give the opportunity to stand so that it disperses for sure. We pack in plastic molds, cover with lids and freeze in the freezer.

The added sugar will keep the treat from freezing. And it can be easily eaten with a spoon.

It is a great pleasure to discover such yummy in the winter. The berries are obtained as if they were just picked from the bush. It is also important that most of the vitamins and nutrients are preserved in such a preparation. Therefore, be sure to prepare such a delicacy. You will not regret it!!!

According to the same scheme, you can cook a frozen treat from absolutely any berries.

How to make blackcurrant and shadberry jam

An interesting combination is obtained in this cooking method - sour currant and sweet shadberry. We will cook with maximum safety of useful substances of both berries. The jam turns out fragrant, beautiful and of course very tasty!

We will need:

  • Irga - 1 liter
  • Black currant - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 2 liters (approximately 1600 - 1700 gr)
  • Water - 1 glass


1. Clean currants from various debris and twigs, rinse well. Do the same with irga. Pour a clean berry into a cooking basin and cover it with sugar, give it time to release the juice.

Although, of course, quite a bit of it will stand out, and one berry and the other have a fairly dense skin. Therefore, in this embodiment, we will use water when cooking.

2. Prepare syrup by mixing sugar and water in an enamel saucepan, bring it to a boil while stirring.

3. Then carefully pour the finished syrup into a bowl with berries, put it on the fire and, stirring, wait for it to boil.

As soon as it boils, we count five minutes, while we do not stop stirring. And do not forget to remove the foam in a bowl!

You should not cook for more time, otherwise the vitamins will disintegrate from long heating and only sweetness will remain. And we also need a favor!

4. Pour our winter yummy into sterilized jars and close the lids treated with boiling water.

We leave them to cool, and then put them in the cellar. Sweet dessert for the winter is ready!!!

Redcurrant jam without boiling berries

I would like to preserve the necessary microelements and vitamins of super useful red currant as much as possible. And to maximize this effect, there is such a simple recipe, namely, harvesting berries for the winter without heat treatment, that is, without cooking.

The blog already has an article on how to cook from red currants. But there it is necessary to crush the berries first, and then rub them through a sieve to get rid of the seeds.

Today's recipe is simpler and faster, and will be made not in the form of jelly, but in the form of jam with seeds.

What you need:

  • Red currant - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 2 liters (approximately 1500 - 1600 gr)


1. We carefully sort through the whole berry, remove all small debris, cobwebs, tails, twigs.

Then we wash and send to a colander to glass the water. Then lay out our beauty on a layer of paper towels to get rid of the water.

It is important here not to leave water at all, since in this case we will not cook the berry.

2. We shift the berry into a glass or enameled bowl, cover it with sugar and crush it with a wooden pestle from a mortar or crusher.

3. Mnem carefully, do not relax!) We should get a liquid consistency without whole berries, while the sugar should completely dissolve.

To do this, after completing the work, let the sweet mixture stand for two to three hours and stir it periodically.

4. Pour the resulting mass into jars, sterilized in advance. Pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar into each container on top of the jam. This will be a kind of “airbag” for us to prevent the raw jam from fermenting.

Now you can close the lid, processed in boiling water. Leave for six hours at room temperature, and then send to the cellar, or other cool place.

I usually keep this treat in the fridge.

Currant twisted with sugar for the winter

Imagine, you open a jar of jam in winter, and from there the smell of the freshest blackcurrant! How is this possible? Easily! Just follow the simple instructions to prepare this creation.

What you need:

  • Black currant - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 2 liters (1500 - 1600 gr)


1. We sort out the berry for small debris, rotten berries, tails, bugs. Rinse and drain in a colander to drain the water.

2. In a meat grinder, we twist the whole berry along with sugar.

Yes, yes ... You heard right, we put berries and sugar in turn right into the meat grinder. Thus, sugar crystals will already begin to dissolve and by the time we twist the entire prepared amount.

Cover with lids and refrigerate for two days to thicken the mixture.

4. After a couple of days, put two tablespoons of sugar in each container on top of the ruby ​​​​sweet so that the surface of the jam closes and close it with lids treated with boiling water.

Now you can remove the filled container in the cellar.

And if there is a place in the refrigerator, then it is better to store a thick fragrant delicacy there.

Delicious delicacy with currant and orange

Sometimes you don’t want to cook only classic jam options. And I personally like it, for example, when citrus fruit is mixed with berries - exotic and unusual.

If you are also a fan of multifaceted flavors, then join us, we will cook blackcurrant with orange together!

What you need:

  • Orange - 1pc
  • Black currant - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 2 liters


1. We thoroughly wash the berries, after sorting them out from small litter and twigs. We send it to a sieve to glass the water.

2. Wash the orange and cut it into slices so that it is convenient to scroll. Of course, we remove the bones, we don’t need them here at all.

We also clean the crust. Its white part will give us the bitterness we do not need. But the zest can be saved and rubbed on a fine grater before slicing the citrus. It will give you a great scent.

3. We twist the currant through the meat grinder, and then the orange, and mix everything thoroughly with sugar until it dissolves.

We leave it for three hours, during which time the components will release enough juice, the tastes will merge into a single whole. To do this, stir the mixture periodically.

4. We lay out our treat in sterilized jars and close the lids that have previously been in boiling water.

You can put it in the refrigerator or other cold place.

Since we also prepare this jam without cooking, the refrigerator will, of course, be the best storage place.

Jelly-like white currant jam

Jelly and jam lovers - this is for you! Delicious whitecurrant jelly is simply an amazing treat that children love very much.

For this recipe, you can use red or black currants, but this time we chose white.

What you need:

  • White currant - 1.5 liters
  • Sugar with pectin - 1 liter


1. We remove ponytails, twigs and other unnecessary elements from the berries and rinse. Now we need to squeeze it to get a liter of juice. You can use a juicer or plain gauze for these purposes.

If you use the second method of obtaining juice, then you can first crush the berry with a crush, and only then squeeze it out, it will be easier. Or you can grind the mixture through a sieve, as we did in the example.

2. Pour the resulting juice into an enamel pan, add sugar and pectin, mix and put on fire.

If there is no sugar with pectin, then you can buy everything separately. Stores don't have this problem at the moment.

Bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally throughout the cooking time. The resulting foam must be removed.

You can check the readiness of the jam by dropping a couple of drops on a saucer, wait until it cools down and put the plate horizontally, the finished jelly will not drain.

3. Pour into sterilized jars, wait for it to cool down and tighten with sterile lids. Do not be afraid when pouring that the jelly is too liquid, this is normal, after standing for a while it will hold together.

You can store such a blank in the basement, preferably in a dark place. So it will not lose its color and all tastes.

Video on how to cook blackcurrant jelly from 10 cups of berries and 11 cups of sugar

And here is another great recipe that I highly recommend checking out. Very tasty jam and excellent explanation of the whole process of preparation.

It is better to close such a delicacy with screw or screw caps, and you can store such a workpiece at room temperature.

Such a variety of desserts can be prepared from currants, and this is of course far from all. In fact, there are so many ways that all of them, of course, cannot be described. But we have tried to collect for you the best and most diverse in its diversity.

And such, simple in essence, recipes for the preparation of this wonderful berry were offered to you with pleasure.

Spend some time harvesting healthy berries and enjoy eating delicious treats all winter long! Your loved ones will be happy all winter, and your guests will be pleasantly surprised!

Cook with us! Bon appetit!
