
Recipe for homemade liver sausage in the gut. Homemade liver sausage is very simple and incredibly tasty

So, homemade liver sausage is actually made from minimum set products. No, you, of course, can add spices, herbs to your liking, placing flavor accents, but the base will be elementary: lard and liver. Liver and fat are taken in equal proportions, V this case half a kilo.

I always use for this sausage only beef liver. I think pork would work too, I just haven't tried it. But chicken will definitely be good - my godfather cooked according to my recipe - it turned out great (only the cooking time needs to be slightly reduced).

I buy the simplest lard for this dish, I don’t need beautiful, thick, with obligatory layers. Enough to choose fresh fat. Moreover, it is not even necessary to pay attention to the skin: whether it is hard or soft, in this case does not concern us.

From spices, I used the basic minimum: salt and a freshly ground mixture of peppers. All!

Incidentally, in basic recipe this nuance was not, but I will write: I add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream - it turns out very tasty!

First, let's prepare the liver. How to do this, I already wrote. Quickly and simply scald the liver with boiling water and remove all the films. Cut the liver into pieces, convenient for subsequent processing.

Now let's get to the fat. We cut off the skin from the whole piece - we will not need it. We divide a piece of fat into two equal parts. It is desirable to temporarily send one of them to the freezer, and the second part must be arbitrarily cut.

Now the liver and half of the fat need to be chopped. You can do this in a meat grinder, or you can - like mine this time - in a food processor.

Just a couple of minutes - and you get a wonderful stuffing!

It's time to get the remaining piece of bacon out of the freezer. It needs to be cut into small cubes. That is why we froze a little fat - so it will be much easier to cut it.

However, it is not at all necessary to be especially zealous in cutting out absolutely correct cubes of fat. All the cubes that you get will look beautiful in the sausage.

Combine minced liver and chopped lard in a large bowl. Salt and pepper to taste.

Now add eggs, flour and starch, sour cream if desired. According to the recipe, it was necessary to take 5 eggs, but I often make it from 4 eggs (I don’t notice the difference at all!). And - again! - in the basic recipe we are talking about 2 cups of flour. But I have long replaced part of the starch. You can cook either way.

Minced meat should be well kneaded, add chopped garlic. And be sure to try. I always try raw minced meat. Lick a little - and it’s immediately clear whether you guessed the salt and pepper, or maybe it’s worth correcting?

Now important point: we need to turn the minced meat into sausage. To do this, take 6 of the most ordinary food bags. If you think that in food bags you can’t cook, take any other material at hand. But I have been doing this for many years - and everything is always fine!

So, put half of the minced meat in a bag, carefully expel the air from the bag with our hands and tie it at the very end, leaving room for the growth of our future sausage. Now we put this “gift bag” in a bag again, expel the air again, tie it at the very end again. Once again. Total: half of minced meat is packed in three bags. We do the same with the second half of minced meat.

We will need a large saucepan (I used a 5 liter saucepan), pour more than half of the cold water into it, lower the packages with minced meat into this cold (!) Water, lightly cover with a lid and put on slow fire. As soon as the water boils, remove the lid and cook the sausage for about 2 hours.

As you can see, the preparation process takes about 15 minutes. And if you use a food processor or an electric meat grinder instead of a conventional meat grinder, then even less. In the meantime, the sausage itself (!) is being cooked, you can do a lot of useful things or just relax for your pleasure.

After 2 hours, we take out the packages with the finished sausage. We cut off the packaging, free the sausage. It must be completely cooled so that the sausage then cuts well and evenly. However, at home it is not always possible to wait for my favorite dish to cool completely.

Once I specially weighed the resulting two sausages - it turned out not a lot, not a little: almost two kilograms! So, this recipe is not only easy to perform, but also very budget-friendly!

The sausage turns out to be incredibly tasty - dense in texture, delicate in taste, easy to cut and eat quickly.

You can put it on bread by adding a lettuce leaf, herbs or vegetables to the sandwich. Easy to take with you to work.

And we liked the option with horseradish the most. A little pink horseradish for sausage or bread - how delicious it is! Now they have eaten all the pink horseradish, so they began to eat with white horseradish - wonderful!

Enjoy your meal! Be sure to try this homemade liver sausage.

What is not prepared from the liver! Fritters, cakes, salads. It can be stewed, fried, baked, and even make a wonderful sausage. And not a single purchased product can be compared in taste and composition with a home-made product. You can add a wide variety of spices, vegetables, cereals to it and cook it to your taste. And because of the low cost of the liver, the price of homemade sausage turns out to be very nice. Let's cook?

Homemade liver sausage - general principles of cooking

For sausage, you can use any liver. Thanks to the addition of spices and fats, the product is juicy, tender. Before cooking, the liver must be washed, the films removed, then cut into pieces and chopped. For fat content, lard is often added, which can also be twisted or simply chopped finely. For juicy put onions, other vegetables can be added.

To thicken the mass, eggs, semolina, flour, starch are added to the liver. And to make the taste more tender, you can pour in a little milk or cream. There are no restrictions on the type and quantity of spices. We add to your taste. The liver goes well with various types pepper, garlic, paprika, marjoram, turmeric.

What is stuffed with minced meat:

Natural intestines;

artificial shells.

You can start with just a small spoon, but it is much more convenient to use a special nozzle in the form of a spout for a meat grinder.

Increasingly, housewives are getting smart and using improvised materials for making sausages: bags, a baking sleeve, foil, and even silicone molds. Stuffed products are boiled in water, baked or fried. Sometimes several cooking methods are used at the same time. For example, sausages are boiled and then fried in a pan or on the grill.

Recipe 1: Homemade liver sausage with bacon

To prepare homemade liver sausage according to this recipe, you need fresh lard. It will make the product tender, add the missing fat content. You will also need natural guts or artificial casings. Sausage is baked in the oven.


500 grams of any liver;

300 grams of fat;

100 grams of milk;

3 onions;

A little oil;

60 grams of semolina.


1. Cut half the fat into small cubes. To make it easier to do this, you need to hold the piece in freezer.

2. We skip the remaining fat and liver through a meat grinder.

3. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan until golden color. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Add raw eggs. To make it easier to stir them, you can beat them with a fork in a separate bowl.

5. We pour out semolina, put salt, milk, any spices and let the minced meat stand for half an hour.

6. We tie the intestine on one side, fill it with minced meat and close the other end.

7. Now put the liver sausages on a baking sheet and bake until cooked for about 40 minutes. The temperature in the furnace is from 170 to 180 degrees.

Recipe 2: Homemade Liver Sausage “Boiled”

A variant of homemade liver sausage with the addition of chicken meat. Salo is also added, but not in pieces, but everything is crushed with total weight. You will also need shells for the filling, the thickness does not matter, it only affects the cooking time.


400 grams of liver;

200 grams of chicken;

200 grams of fat;

1 onion;

garlic clove;

3 spoons of starch.


1. We clean the liver from films and veins, cut into pieces. We also cut chicken, lard and peeled onions.

2. Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder or simply grind with a blender until uniform consistency. Do not forget to chop the garlic clove, which must first be peeled.

3. Add starch, eggs, salt, pepper, put any spices. It goes well with liver nutmeg, marjoram, turmeric.

4. We fill the shells, tightly tie them on both sides. We pierce each sausage in several places with a needle, we do it carefully so that the shell does not burst.

5. We lower our semi-finished products into a pot of boiling water, cook for 40 minutes. There should be a lot of liquid, sausages should not lie very tightly to each other. They need to be turned over periodically.

6. We take out, cool. If used natural casings, then you can fry the sausages in a pan with the addition butter.

Recipe 3: Homemade liver sausage in a bag

No casings for making homemade liver sausage? It's not a problem! It can be cooked in a bag, and it will not be inferior to the product in the gut in anything, if only in shape. The sausage turns out to be thick, large, like a doctor's one.


800 grams of liver;

250 grams of fat;

1/3 cup semolina;

100 ml cream;

1 onion;

1 carrot;


1. Cut the fat into cubes, not small. Place in a pan and fry until golden brown. Then we take out the pieces, leaving the fat.

2. Shred the peeled carrots, chop the onion and fry everything together in the melted fat. It is important that the vegetables do not burn, but only lightly browned. Turn off.

3. Cut the liver into pieces, add the fried vegetables and lard. We grind everything together. We use any convenient way.

4. Add cream, semolina, spices and eggs. We remove the minced meat to the side for 40 minutes so that the cereal swells well.

5. We take 2 packages. If you want to make sausages thin, then you can take 4. Spread the minced meat equally, tie it.

6. We take cling film and wrap the bags in a circle so as to give the blanks the shape of a log. There can be any number of layers.

7. Put the blanks in a saucepan, fill with water and cook for 50 minutes.

8. We take out, cool, remove the film, bags and you can take a sample. You need to store such a sausage in sealed container so that the surface does not dry out.

Recipe 4: Liver sausage homemade "Dietary" with zucchini

A light version of homemade liver sausage, in which zucchini is used instead of bacon. It can be replaced with pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke. This sausage can be baked, fried, boiled and even grilled. Oatmeal is used as a thickener.


500 grams of liver;

200 grams of zucchini;

1 onion;

3 tablespoons of oatmeal.


1. We clean the zucchini, cut into arbitrary slices, finely chop the onion.

2. Pour a spoonful of oil into the pan and lightly fry the vegetables. May not be brought to fully prepared. We fry on big fire so that the pieces of zucchini do not have time to let the juice.

3. Grind the sliced ​​​​liver and vegetables.

4. We put eggs, spices, oat flour, mix, let it brew.

5. We fill the shells with the resulting minced meat, tie it tightly and cook.

6. You need to cook such a sausage for 35 minutes. Do not forget to make a few punctures in the shell before cooking to prevent damage. If you need to bake, it will also take about half an hour.

Recipe 5: Homemade liver sausage with buckwheat

Recipe budget sausage from the liver. Thanks to the addition of cereals, the yield is large. We use any liver, in this recipe you can even take pork. Buckwheat well interrupts the specific bitterness.


600 grams of liver;

180 grams of dry buckwheat;

200 grams of fat;

2 tablespoons of oil;

3 cloves of garlic;

Black pepper;

2-3 bulbs.


1. Fill the washed buckwheat with water, cook crumbly porridge. Then we cool.

2. Fry chopped onions in a pan.

3. Grind the liver with bacon, garlic and browned onions.

4. Add spices, raw eggs and knead the minced meat well.

5. Combine with buckwheat porridge.

6. Fill the shells with the resulting minced meat, cook in a saucepan with water for half an hour. Tastier and more beautiful are thick sausages with buckwheat. Therefore, packages can be used instead of wrappers, as in previous recipe or use next option.

Recipe 6: Homemade liver sausage in foil with eggs

To prepare such a liver sausage, you will need quail eggs. They will serve as a filling, dilute the liver taste and make the dish interesting when cut. The sausage preparation technique is also different, it will be wrapped in foil.


700 grams of liver;

300 grams of pork belly;

3 spoons of soy sauce;

2 cloves of garlic;

1 spoon of paprika;

70 ml milk or liquid cream;

1/3 tsp black pepper;

5 quail eggs;

4 tablespoons of flour.


1. Twist the liver and pork belly, add minced garlic.

2. In a bowl, mix the eggs, salt, add cream, paprika, black pepper and beat well with a whisk until the spices are dissolved.

3. Pour the fragrant mass into the minced liver. We add flour soy sauce, mix. The mass will turn out quite liquid, but it should be so.

4. Boil eggs, peel, no need to cut.

5. We take a piece of foil, turn the edges up, forming a groove with closed tips.

6. Pour half of the minced meat into it, then lay out the quail eggs and cover with the remaining mass. We connect the edges, forming the desired shape. If there are concerns about strength, then you can wrap the sausage with another layer of foil.

7. Put the sausage in the oven, bake for 50 minutes at 170 degrees, cool without removing the foil.

Recipe 7: Homemade Liver Sausage with Meat

Variant of mixed sausage for which you can use any meat: beef, pork, poultry. But it is better to give preference to fatty pieces. You can add more fat to lean meat.


500 grams of meat;

500 grams of liver;

200 grams of bacon;

150 grams of milk;

5 spoons of semolina;

2 bulbs.


1. Fill the semolina with milk, let it brew while we are doing minced meat.

2. Fry chopped onions in a pan.

3. Grind the meat with the liver.

4. Finely chop the lard.

5. We connect chopped meat with fried onions, chopped bacon, add eggs and swollen semolina. Mix everything well, salt, pepper.

6. Fill the shells with cooked minced meat, tightly tie the ends and send to cook for 70 minutes. If desired, the sausage can be fried.

To remove unpleasant bitterness from pork liver, you can simply cut the product into pieces and soak in raw milk. And to give the product more pleasant taste, you can add a spoonful of sugar when soaking.

In order not to turn the sausage over while cooking, you can put a lid of a smaller diameter in the pan. It will press the product down and it will not float on the surface.

In liver sausage, you can add not only buckwheat, but also rice. It also needs to be boiled first. For a kilogram of minced liver, 100 grams of dry cereal is enough.

Liver sausage can be prepared for the future. You can simply freeze the shells stuffed with minced meat in the chamber. Or boil the sausage, seal it tightly and also put it in the freezer. Then it remains only to fry the product in a pan or bake until golden brown in the oven.

Today I prepared homemade liver sausage for myself, I make it without intestines and stomach, so to speak, urban. It is prepared very quickly and simply. And how delicious and tender it turns out is simply beyond words. It's very helpful and healthy product, especially for children who do not like to eat liver in pure form. Be sure to save the liver sausage recipe at home, you will not regret it.


  • Liver 700 g (pork or beef.);
  • Salo unsalted 700 g.
  • Garlic 5-6 cloves.;
  • Flour 1.5 cups.;
  • Starch 0.5 cups.;
  • Eggs 5 pcs. (large).;
  • Salt 2 tsp;
  • Sour cream 2 tablespoons;
  • Black ground pepper 0.5 tsp;

Liver sausage recipe at home. Step by step recipe

  1. Divide the lard into two parts, cut one part into a small cube, and chop the second part together with the liver and garlic in a meat grinder.

  2. In a deep bowl, mix all products. Mix well.
  3. Add eggs, salt, ground black pepper, sour cream, starch, flour, and mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Now divide the minced meat into two equal parts and transfer to bags. Tie tightly.

  5. You can leave the sausage in this form if you make it for yourself, if you want, give the sausage the usual oblong shape. Put in another bag.
  6. We take large saucepan and put the sausage there, pour cold water and bring to a boil.
  7. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, and cook from the moment of boiling for 2 hours.
  8. Immediately after the end of cooking, the sausage, still hot, is carefully released from the package and transferred to the foil, let it cool.

  9. It is best to store it in foil in the refrigerator.

The recipe for liver sausage at home is ready. What a delicious and fragrant it turned out, and the smell is simply magnificent. Be sure to cook such a sausage and you will not regret it.

liver sausage has a pronounced taste and is much healthier, because it does not contain emulsifiers and flavor enhancers, as well as preservatives. This sausage is prepared from fresh natural products which ensures its nutrition.

What is needed for cooking?

Sausages are prepared from minced meat, which was personally prepared at home from natural and fresh produce. Each recipe requires its own ingredients, but the liver sausage will be a must-have item. You can take pork, beef or chicken liver- it all depends on personal preferences. Also a popular option is a mixture of different livers - then the taste becomes especially rich.

From the inventory for making liver sausage at home you will need:

  • meat grinder or home processor;
  • special nozzle-tube;
  • intestines;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board.

If there are no guts available, they are replaced with cling film or strong plastic bags. The nozzle tube, if desired, can be replaced with a watering can, the thin end of which will be inserted into the intestine, and the minced meat will be laid out through the wide opening.

How to prepare the intestines

Intestines are necessary for making homemade sausage, but not everyone knows how to prepare them. Usually pork or lamb intestines are used, but the method of their preparation is the same. You should know that each product requires its own type of intestines:

  • homemade grilled sausage requires intestines from the small intestine, 3-4 cm in diameter;
  • bloodshed requires large intestines with a large diameter;
  • Saltison needs a whole stomach.

The whole process of preparing the intestines is conditionally divided into stages:

  1. Soaking - place the intestines in soda solution(20 grams per liter) and leave them there for a couple of hours. Vinegar can be added to water lemon juice or spices;
  2. Washing - the intestines must be thoroughly washed. To do this, they must be placed under a strong stream of water, put on a tap;
  3. Removal of the fat layer - with the blunt side of the knife, run along the entire length of the intestine and remove a thin fat ball without damaging the membrane, then turn the intestine inside out and draw the knife again, cutting off the fat layer.

As soon as the intestines become transparent and do not have a sugary smell, they are ready to be filled with minced meat.

Step by step recipe

The classic recipe for liver sausage in the gut at home has long been known. It's delicious and economical dish often could be found on the table of peasants and ordinary workers. It is easy to prepare, but requires attention and patience.

  1. Wash the liver and lard and place in salted water (in different containers). Boil until tender;
  2. Onion cut into slices;
  3. Pass all products together through a meat grinder;
  4. Add salt and pepper to the minced meat;
  5. Mix until smooth;
  6. Wash the intestines and put on a special nozzle. Tie the end tightly;
  7. Fill the intestine with minced meat gradually, making sure that there are no gaps;
  8. As soon as the intestine is completely filled, carefully remove it from the nozzle and tie the other end;
  9. In several places, pierce the sausage with a needle so that air can escape from it during cooking;
  10. Bring water to a boil, place the sausage there and boil for 30 minutes;
  11. Then place it in a frying pan with heated oil and fry until golden brown.

Liver sausage at home without intestines

Homemade liver sausage is always incredibly tasty. But what to do if there are no intestines in the nearest access? Do not despair! Instead, you can easily use cling film.


  • chicken liver and lard - 500 gr each;
  • 4 eggs;
  • garlic - 4-5 teeth;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • potato starch - 20 gr;
  • mayonnaise - 20 gr;
  • spices.

Time elapsed: 120 minutes.

Calories: 220.

  1. Rinse chicken liver and remove fatty films;
  2. Cycle through a food processor;
  3. Divide the fat into 2 parts: 1 - twist together with the liver, 2 - chop with a knife;
  4. Mix the liver mass well and pour cubes of fat into it;
  5. Beat eggs into minced meat, add flour and starch, mayonnaise, chopped garlic and spices;
  6. As spices, you can use standard salt and pepper, and for flavor - ½ tsp nutmeg;
  7. Spread cling film in 3 layers on the table. Spread minced meat with a spoon on it so that a border of 8-10 cm from the edge of the film is preserved;
  8. Up to 6 tablespoons of minced meat is required for one sausage 6 cm in diameter;
  9. Cover the minced meat with a film and roll it up like a candy, gently bending the film from the edges;
  10. The film should wrap the minced meat in 5-6 layers;
  11. Tie the edges tightly with a thread;
  12. Boil water (1/2 pan), salt it and lower the sausage there;
  13. Keep the sausage on low heat for 90 minutes;
  14. Then let the sausage cool in water, take it out and eat.

Liver sausage in bags

This dish requires intestines, which are pre-harvested or bought, but if you can’t buy them, you can always get by with improvised means. Can always be used instead of guts plastic bags, the truth will have to work hard on saving the form.

  • liver - 500 gr;
  • fat - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - from 3 cloves to 5-6 (optional and preferences);
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • semolina - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • ground aromatic pepper - ½ tsp.

Elapsed time: 2.5 hours.

Calories: 258 calories.

Ukrainian homemade liver sausage

The Ukrainian version of the liver sausage is particularly fat and satisfying. After all, Ukraine is a country of fat, and it is used in many recipes.


  • pork neck - 600 gr;
  • lard - 300 gr;
  • intestines - 300 gr;
  • cream - 100 gr;
  • garlic - 30 gr;
  • mustard seed - 10 gr;
  • pepper with salt to taste.

Time elapsed: 3 hours 25 minutes.

Calories: 350 kcal.

  1. Meat products cut into cubes;
  2. Add spices, cream and chopped garlic with mustard to them;
  3. Stir the minced meat until smooth and let it brew for 3 hours;
  4. Fill the intestines with minced meat and pierce in several places, tying the ends;
  5. Bake in the oven (180°C) for about 25 minutes.

Sausage with buckwheat and liver at home

Due to the presence of buckwheat in the sausage, its final output is large, which makes it economical product. Yes, with cereals it turns out to be more satisfying.


  • pork liver - 0.6 kg;
  • dry buckwheat- 180 gr;
  • lard - 200 gr;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 3 tooth;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and black pepper to taste;
  • a couple of bulbs.

Cooking time: 2.5 hours.

Calories: 279.

  1. Sort the buckwheat, rinse and fill with water. Boil until cooked and cool;
  2. Saute chopped onion;
  3. Grind the liver with lard, peeled garlic and onions;
  4. Add seasonings, beat in eggs and mix minced meat;
  5. Combine with buckwheat;
  6. Fill the intestines with minced meat;
  7. Boil the sausage for half an hour, then fry for 10 minutes in a pan.

Every hostess has her own tricks. To prepare fragrant and tasty homemade sausage you should know the following:

  1. The ideal ratio of fat and meat is a proportion of 20% to 80%;
  2. Minced meat should be cooked only in a large meat grinder, as it will come out juicy and fragrant sausage pieces;
  3. A blender should not be used to prepare minced liver - it will turn out to be too liquid and it will be difficult to form a sausage out of it;
  4. For boiled sausage, you need a homogeneous mass, slightly diluted with water or milk;
  5. As spices you can use: allspice, salt, paprika, anise grains, lavrushka and cumin. Also add some nutmeg provencal herbs and cayenne pepper;
  6. In order for the liver sausage to come out fragrant, all dry spices should be preheated in a pan.

These little tricks will help create a fragrant and tasty product.

Prepare the necessary products.

Wash the liver, cut off the veins, film and pass through a meat grinder. Pour salt, ground black pepper and semolina into the resulting minced liver, add a chicken egg.

Cut the lard into small pieces (about 5x5 mm) and lay them on the liver. If desired, fat can be passed through a meat grinder.

Mix the liver mass thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Put the baking bag into a long bowl with a small indentation. Put the prepared minced liver in the middle of the package.

Tie the edges of the bag with a thread, forming a sausage.

Gently lower the package with the future liver sausage into boiling water and reduce the heat. With a low boil, cook for 30 minutes. If the sausage is not very thick, then 20 minutes will be enough.

At the end of cooking, carefully remove the liver sausage and, together with the package, send it to cool place until completely cool. Before serving, remove the bag and cut the sausage into pieces.

Juicy, flavorful, delicate taste homemade liver sausage will become great addition To potato dishes or vegetable salads.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!
