
Right cabbage soup: the secrets of cooking. What appeared earlier - Russian cabbage soup or Ukrainian borscht

Without cabbage soup and borscht, a traditional Russian table is inconceivable. Despite the fact that borsch is typical mainly for Ukraine and the southern regions of Russia, and cabbage soup “gravitates” to the central and northern Russian regions, both of these tasty and rich soup loved throughout our country. These foods have been known since ancient times. But which one came first? It is difficult to answer this question with complete certainty, since the date of preparation of the first borscht and the first cabbage soup has not been preserved in any document. However, it can be assumed that cabbage soup has a more solid age. What allows such a conclusion?

Written sources

Shchi is first mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years, a document from the 11th century. The word "borscht" is found for the first time in "Domostroy" - a written source of the 16th century. This in itself does not, of course, speak of the age of this or that dish, because it is clear that borscht was cooked already before the writing of Domostroy, since the author so actively recommends this dish for cooking.

origin of name

The very origin of the word "shchi" betrays its deep antiquity. Some experts believe that the name of this soup comes from the old Russian word "sto" - food, food, or "sit" - a liquid brew. The very sound of this old word is reminiscent of the modern "well-fed, satiety." It is clear that initially cabbage soup is food in general. Other historians deduce the name "shchi" from the Slavic word "shchavn" - sorrel, which suggests that they learned to cook such a brew even before the appearance of cabbage in Russia. As for the name "borscht", here too opinions differ. Some believe that it comes from the hogweed plant, which in the old days was added to food. Do not confuse this ancient edible hogweed with a modern noxious plant that causes burns. Others believe that the word "borsch" has a two-part stem: "boron", which indicates the red color of the dish (beetroot is still called "beetroot" in the southern regions) and "u", reminiscent of the good old cabbage soup. In the written documents of the Moscow royal court, “borscht soup” is mentioned, which also gives us reason to assume a derivative of the origin of borscht from cabbage soup.

Time of appearance of vegetables

Everyone knows that the basis of cabbage soup is cabbage, and borscht is red beet. Both of these vegetables were different time brought to Russia. Cabbage became widespread in our country in the 11th century, and even then it was eaten both fresh and sauerkraut. Beets arrived later. They first met her in the 13th century. She came to us, apparently, from the Byzantine Empire. The Greeks loved beets, counting them medicinal plant. Everywhere in Rus', beets began to be planted much later, only in the 15th century. Apparently, then a bright red soup appeared for the first time.

Recipe features

The recipe for the preparation of cabbage soup betrays its deep archaism. This soup is prepared, as you know, with meat or vegetable broth, with the addition of mushrooms, sometimes with fish. Be sure to add vegetables to cabbage soup: cabbage, turnips, carrots, onions. Later, potatoes were added instead of turnips. The historian of Russian cuisine Pokhlebkin notes a paradoxical thing: none of these ingredients is mandatory. Meat may or may not be, mushrooms may or may not be added. Even cabbage, despite the fact that it is considered the basis of cabbage soup, is not necessarily present. Everyone knows green cabbage soup cooked with sorrel, nettle and other herbs. It is obvious that cabbage soup has been cooked since ancient times according to the principle: put everything that is in the house into a pot. For this reason, there are so many varieties of cabbage soup: meat, rich, prefabricated, mushroom, lean, fish, green, etc. The hostess put everything she had in a pot, filled it with water and put it in the oven. This was probably the end of the technological subtleties of the preparation of cabbage soup. Do not forget about such an archaic feature of the cabbage soup recipe as adding flour mash to the dish to make the brew more satisfying. Flour was abandoned only in the 19th century, when French cuisine came into fashion.

As for borscht, here we will not find the patriarchal simplicity of a pot of cabbage soup. Cooking classic borscht on beetroot kvass, certainly using roasting, which is typical for a kitchen that already knows what it is gourmet cooking. Many products for borscht must be subjected to serious pretreatment. If the hostess does without beet kvass, she must stew or bake beets to achieve the desired red color and characteristic taste, onions and carrots are also pre-fried or stewed, tomatoes are crushed into a paste. And, of course, there is not even a question of the introduction of flour mash, which will spoil noble taste red soup. You can “whiten” borscht only with sour cream and nothing else.

On the same topic:

Ukrainian borscht and Russian cabbage soup: what came first What Russians used to laugh at What used to be called Russia before the advent of modern Russia

cabbage soup– national Russian dish. Differ sour taste created by sauerkraut commonly used in cabbage soup. But other plants can also give acid, for example, sorrel, nettle, or neutral herbs, followed by dressing with cabbage or other brine. Laying vegetables in the soup is usually done raw, without pre-roasting. liquid foundation cabbage soup can serve as meat, fish, mushroom broths, decoctions of vegetables or cereals. Completely vegetable soup is called "empty". Well-known are "daily" cabbage soup, which acquire their taste only a day after they are cooked. Often cabbage soup is “whitened” with sour cream, cream or milk.

  1. When cooking cabbage soup, sauerkraut is placed in cold broth (or water), and stewed cabbage is boiled.
  2. Delicious cabbage soup can be prepared even from very sauerkraut. To do this, you need to replace part of the sauerkraut with fresh. At the same time, only sauerkraut is stewed, and fresh is put in a boiling broth.
  3. Shchi from fresh cabbage without potatoes is recommended to season with toasted flour.
  4. Shchi themselves have delicate taste And delicate aroma, so you should not add tomato to them, it is advisable to also limit the amount of spices.
Cook cabbage soup according to our recipe, take a photo of your cabbage soup and place it under the recipe - treat everyone with your cabbage soup. Let everyone learn how to cook delicious cabbage soup!

The word "shchi" (shti) comes from the Old Russian "sity". So called any liquid nutritious food. Cabbage stews began to be prepared in the 9th century, when this vegetable was brought to Rus' and began to grow. The dish quickly won people's love.

"Schanoy spirit" always stood in the house. Shi could afford everything. They could be cooked at any time of the year: in summer with fresh, and in winter with sauerkraut. And they never got bored.

Did you know that in the 18th-19th centuries, cabbage soup was frozen in the form of large ice circles and taken with you on the road, and then chopped, heated and eaten?

Shchi was cooked in village huts, in noble estates, and in royal palaces. The wealthy segments of the population could afford rich cabbage soup (with meat), and simpler people cooked mainly vegetarian option- empty cabbage soup. But no matter what the ingredients were, cabbage soup was always simmered in a Russian oven. So the vegetables did not seethe in boiling water, but gradually revealed their taste.


Now you can afford at least gazpacho, even miso, even puree soup. But cabbage soup is still the most for many favorite first dish. Therefore, we will tell you how to cook excellent cabbage soup.

Rich cabbage soup made from sauerkraut or fresh cabbage

This modern variation rich cabbage soup - without white mushrooms and turnips (may Pokhlebkin forgive us). But even an inexperienced cook can cope with the technology.

Ingredients for a three liter saucepan:

  • 500 g of meat on the bone;
  • 300 g of sauerkraut or fresh cabbage;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • Bay leaf, salt, peppercorns, allspice and other spices - to taste;
  • dill, parsley, sour cream for serving.

Step 1. Cook the broth

Traditionally, meat soup is cooked on beef broth, while choosing the brisket, brisket and others with a bone. But you can use pork and even chicken.

Cover the meat with water and cook over medium heat. When it starts to boil, keep an eye on the foam. Otherwise, the broth will have to be filtered.

Step 2. Add cabbage

This is the main component of cabbage soup. The most commonly used is sauerkraut. They even add its brine to the soup. Thanks to sauerkraut, cabbage soup acquires that sourness for which many people love them so much.

Sour cabbage soup is not cabbage soup at all, but a kind of kvass. So in the old days they called the honey-malt drink, which was used to treat a hangover. Now many mistakenly call sour cabbage soup with sauerkraut.

When the broth boils, add cabbage to the pan. If you have too much, then you need to rinse it first.

If you cook cabbage soup from fresh cabbage, do not forget that, unlike sauerkraut, it must be added at the end of cooking, before potatoes.

Lower the heat and taste the broth for salt. Usually the salinity of cabbage is quite enough, but if desired, you can add a little salt. Cabbage with meat should be cooked for about an hour.

Step 3. Frying

Shchi - dressing soup, which means that you can not do without frying. Fry the finely chopped onion vegetable oil, then add chopped carrots and chopped tomato to it, and at the very end another tablespoon tomato paste so that the soup has a rich color.

Previously, onions were put in cabbage soup twice. For the first time, a whole onion along with meat when cooking the broth (then it was removed). There was even a proverb: "I'm naked, but there are onions in cabbage soup." The second time the onion was added already finely chopped along with the cabbage.

Step 4. Gather cabbage soup

After an hour and a half of cooking, fish out of the broth, and when it cools down a bit, separate it from the bone and cut in small pieces. Then return it to the soup along with the roast and potatoes.

Initially, for thickening, they added rye flour. With the spread of potatoes, this vegetable took over the function of starching the broth.


Step 5. Add spices

About 10 minutes before cooking, add bay leaf, pepper and other spices to taste to the pan. Try cabbage soup. If they seem under-salted, salt them.

In the old days, kondums (ears with mushrooms and other fillings), bakes or nannies were served with shchi. Remember Gogol in Dead Souls: “... after taking a sip of cabbage soup and rolling off a huge piece of nanny famous dish, which is served to shchi and consists of a lamb stomach stuffed with buckwheat porridge ... "?

Shchi is ready! As a dressing, sour cream and fresh herbs are usually used.

Previously, a cast-iron with cabbage soup could languish for hours until the stove cools down. The longer, the tastier. So there was a special kind of cabbage soup - diurnal. In composition, they are the same as ordinary meat, but they cook much longer.


To turn ordinary cabbage soup into daily ones, you need to pour them after cooking and send them to the oven, heated to 220 degrees. When the soup boils, reduce the temperature to 160 ° C and simmer for another two hours. After that, reduce the temperature by 10-15 degrees every hour until you reach 70-80 ° C. It mimics temperature regime cooling Russian oven.

Another option: after cooking, wrap the pot with cabbage soup in something warm and let them cool down gradually (this will take 4-6 hours).

In addition, you can use the slow cooker, experimenting with the baking and stewing mode, as well as the keep warm function.

This is a variant of empty cabbage soup. It is perfect for those who do not eat meat or.

Ingredients for a three-liter saucepan:

  • 350 g of chum salmon, cod or any other fish with a small amount of bones;
  • 400 g sauerkraut;
  • 150–200 g fresh forest mushrooms;
  • 3 small onions;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste;
  • butter and vegetable oil for frying;
  • bay leaf, salt, peppercorns, allspice and other spices to taste;
  • dill, parsley, sour cream for serving.


Pour water into a saucepan and add sauerkraut to it. When it starts to boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cabbage should be cooked for 40-60 minutes. Then add fresh, chopped big chunks. After 20 minutes, catch the fish, separate it from the bones and chop. Return fish to broth.

Chop and boil the mushrooms. It is better to use forest ones: white, boletus, mushrooms. Then fry them for butter. In a separate frying pan, make a frying: fry the onions, carrots, tomatoes and tomato paste in vegetable oil.

Send the mushrooms and fried to the broth and cook for about 10 more minutes. Add all spices. Don't forget to salt! After another 10-15 minutes, fish and mushroom soup is ready. They can be served in the same way as rich cabbage soup, with herbs and sour cream.


Bon appetit!

Teach your wife how to cook cabbage soup!

IN modern culinary several dozen varieties of cabbage soup. What cabbage soup do you cook? Share your favorite recipe in the comments.

cabbage soup

Shchi has been the main liquid hot dish on the Russian table for over a millennium. It has been steadily preserved in different eras, although tastes have changed, and has never known social barriers, it was used by all segments of the population. Of course, cabbage soup was not the same for everyone: some, more complete in composition, were called “rich”, others were said to be “empty”, as they were sometimes cooked from one cabbage and onion. However, with all the numerous variations from “rich” to “empty” and with all regional (regional) varieties, cabbage soup has always been preserved traditional way their preparation and the associated taste and aroma. Great value to create unique taste cabbage soup had the fact that they were cooked, and then languished (infused) in a Russian oven. The aroma of cabbage soup, which is indestructible by nothing - “the spirit of the soup” - has always stood in a Russian hut. With the value of cabbage soup in Everyday life Russian sayings were connected: “Schi is the head of everything”, “Schi and porridge is our food”, etc.
The amazing longevity of cabbage soup can be explained, perhaps, by their inedibility. Shchi do not get bored with frequent use. They can be eaten almost daily at any time of the year.
Shchi in their most complete version consists of six main components: cabbage (or the leading vegetable mass replacing it), meat (or, in very rare cases, fish, mushrooms - dried or salted), roots (carrots, parsley root), spicy dressing (onion, celery, garlic, dill, pepper, bay leaf) and sour dressing (sour cream, apples, cabbage pickle). Of these six components, the first and last, i.e., the vegetable leading mass and the sour dressing, are absolutely indispensable. The simplest cabbage soup can consist only of them, while continuing to be cabbage soup.
As for the leading vegetable mass in cabbage soup, most often it is cabbage - fresh or sauerkraut. But this does not mean at all that shchi is soup with cabbage. A sign of cabbage soup is acid, most often created by sauerkraut brine (either in the composition of cabbage or in pure form) or, instead, sorrel (green cabbage soup), a boil of green, wild or Antonov apples, salted mushrooms, as well as sour cream (in fresh cabbage soup). That's why cabbage can be replaced in cabbage soup various green, sour or neutral mass (sorrel, goutweed, nettle, hogweed - in the so-called green borscht soup), as well as a neutral vegetable mass that absorbs acid well (turnip or radish - in the so-called burdock soup).
The technology for preparing all types of cabbage soup is the same. First, meat or mushrooms are boiled separately with roots and onions. Then in ready broth add cabbage or its substitutes and acid. If sauerkraut is used for cabbage soup, then it is boiled separately from the meat broth and combined with it after it is ready. In both cases, only after boiling the vegetable mass to the required softness, salt and spicy dressing are added. Sour cream is seasoned with ready-made cabbage soup, most often during their serving.
Initially, flour dressing was also introduced into cabbage soup (together with cabbage) in order to make the soup broth more dense. This was customary in the western and southern regions of Russia. However, such a dressing worsens the taste of cabbage soup, coarsens their aroma. Therefore, with the advent of potatoes, in order to starch the broth, one or two potatoes began to be added to the cabbage soup - in its entirety, before laying the cabbage and the sour base. Moreover, often the potatoes are then removed from the cabbage soup, since it hardens from acid. The thickening of the consistency of the broth in lean and green cabbage soup is also facilitated by the addition of a small amount of cereal, usually buckwheat (1 tablespoon for the entire pan), which is completely boiled.
The easier vegetable composition cabbage soup, the leaner they are, the more skill is required for their preparation. Real cabbage soup is inconceivable without spicy dressing, which plays a significant role in creating the “sweet spirit”. First of all, the introduction of onion into cabbage soup is of great importance. in the best way is its double bookmark: the first time - a whole onion along with meat, roots and mushrooms (then this onion is taken out) and the second time - finely chopped onions (chopped) along with cabbage. Onion should not be added to cabbage soup separately in oil - in this form it is not characteristic of real cabbage soup.
In the same way, another spicy dressing - parsley and celery - is added twice to the cabbage soup: the first time - with a root, which is then taken out along with the onion, the second time - at the end of cooking, in the form of greens. The remaining spices - bay leaf, black peppercorns (crushed), dill and garlic - are added as follows: the first two types - 15 minutes before readiness, the second two - along with parsley at the end of cooking. After that, the cabbage soup must necessarily stand under the lid, simmer to infuse, for at least 10-15 minutes. It is at this time that the cabbage soup “reaches its real taste”: the cabbage becomes soft, the acid and aroma of spices are transferred to the vegetables. Therefore, first they left the cabbage soup to simmer and languish after cooking in the light spirit of the Russian oven, where they did not cool down, or they set it aside on the edge of the stove, where the heat was preserved, but the boiling stopped. Especially need this cabbage soup from sauerkraut. It is good to put them in a slightly heated oven for 10-15 minutes, or even more. Sometimes the infusion of cabbage soup can last several hours (from 12 to 24), which is why they get better and more peculiar taste. Such cabbage soup is called diurnal, they are prepared ahead of time, in a day.
Finally, it is necessary to pay attention to two more circumstances that affect the quality of cabbage soup - this is the choice of meat and whitening or whitening. Shchi is served with beef, mostly fatty - brisket, thin and thick edge, rump. To create a special smell, you can add to beef a small amount of ham: a tenth - an eighth (and in the south of Russia even a third) part of the mass of beef. At the same time, beef in cabbage soup is always boiled in a whole piece, and the ham is chopped. All meat components are subjected to grinding only in prefabricated cabbage soup. Soup from one pork, found mainly in the regions of Russia bordering Ukraine, is not typical of Russian cuisine. The same can be said about cabbage soup with fish instead of meat found in certain regions of Russia. For such cabbage soup, a special selection of fish was once certainly required (a combination of salty red - beluga and sturgeon with river - perch, crucian carp and tench) and their separate heat treatment. Cooking cabbage soup with other fish gives less tasty dish, which therefore did not gain popularity.
As for whitening, good cabbage soup cannot do without it. The role of whitening and at the same time an acidifier is usually performed by sour cream. Sometimes sour cream is replaced with curdled milk or just milk. In rich cabbage soup from sauerkraut, a mixture of sour cream and cream in a 4: 1 ratio serves as a protein. This is a very tasty snack.
A few words about the consistency of cabbage soup. Shchi of all kinds can be thick or liquid, depending on the ratio of water and the weight of the enclosed products. Once upon a time, thick cabbage soup was considered ideal, in which “a spoon stands”, or “a cabbage soup with a slide”, that is, when a piece of meat rises above the surface of liquid and thick poured into a plate. Our recipes are designed for cabbage soup of more than medium density; this means that the amount of liquid per serving should not exceed 350 ml. cold water it is necessary to fill in no more than 2 liters for 4 servings, and preferably 1.5 liters, so that the finished broth is 1.25-1 liters (after boiling). It should be cooked for 2 hours. Spices are added to the cabbage soup 5-10 minutes before readiness.
Shchi is usually eaten with black rye bread.

. V.V. Pokhlebkin. 2005 .

Shi is vegetable soup, welded on meat broth. Cabbage is the main vegetable component of cabbage soup, but optional.

It can be replaced with fresh herbs and root vegetables, for example, turnips. In addition, the cabbage soup contains roots (carrots, parsley), spices (onion, garlic, black pepper, bay leaf, dill) and, of course, - sour dressing(brine, sour cream, sour apples). There may not be cabbage in cabbage soup, but acid must be present.

This feature of the traditional Russian soup reflects the name, which, according to one version, is derived from the Old Russian "shavn" (sour). The word "sorrel" also comes from it. According to another version, “shchi” (shti, eat) goes back to the word “sto” (food). This is not a delicacy, but a dish of every day.

Another feature of cabbage soup is that they were traditionally simmered in a Russian oven, sometimes for several hours, and there they acquired a peculiar taste and aroma.

So shchi is a hearty, sourish soup of many components, which is not served on the table with heat, but is insisted for a long time beforehand.

What are cabbage soup?

Shchi - everyday dish Russian cuisine, used by all classes. It is clear that the “soup from the bottom of my heart”, with which Manilov regaled Chichikov, differed from those that a simple peasant sipped.

William Pokhlebkin counted 24 varieties of cabbage soup, they can be divided into groups.

The most multi-component cabbage soup is called full, or rich. They are boiled in sauerkraut meat broth, dry or fresh porcini mushrooms, salted mushrooms, parsley roots and greens, carrots, potatoes and turnips, various spices are added.

Traditional meat for cabbage soup - fatty beef on the bone better brisket. In order for the meat to retain its taste, it is boiled in a piece and only then cut. But sometimes, to add flavor, ham cut into pieces is added to the broth.

Shchi with cabbage without mushrooms cooked in such a broth is called simple meat broth, perhaps because the composition of the broth is much more complicated: it is made from beef, lamb, chicken, duck or goose and ham, and all types of meat are boiled in small pieces.

Such cabbage soup is called prefabricated.

Fish soup is also prepared with a smelt or head head (sturgeon heads, from which the eyes and gills are removed).

Older recipes fish soup were more intricate: separately cooked salted beluga and sturgeon, separately perch, crucian carp and tench, then all the ingredients were combined.

It was believed that the combination of these particular types of fish made it possible to obtain a particularly tasty dish, while others were not suitable for cabbage soup.

A well-known variety of cabbage soup is green. Cabbage in them is replaced by young greens of sorrel, spinach or nettle.

Previously, goutweed and Siberian hogweed (Heracleum sibiricum) were also used for this purpose. This is a predominantly European species, non-toxic, unlike Sosnowsky's hogweed, a traditional vegetable plant medieval Rus'.

Shchi with hogweed was called borscht, and the word "borsch" acquired the meaning of "soup with beets" only in the 18th century.

Shchi, in which cabbage seedlings play the role of young greenery, is called gray. Shchi cooked from the fermented upper leaves of a cabbage head is also called.

An exception to this rule is daily cabbage soup.

They are cooked like simple cabbage soup from sauerkraut, only spicy greens are not put.

A pot of cabbage soup, after a little sweating, is put in the cold for a day or at night (taken out in the cold), and the next day they heat it up in the oven and add greens.

Frozen cabbage soup was taken on the road by Russian travelers. At the post station, it was enough to warm up a portion, and dinner was ready.

And they don’t put cabbage or fresh herbs in turnip cabbage soup. In meat broth cabbage pickle turnips and turnips cut into strips are boiled.

About cabbage soup sour and lazy.

A traditional shanoy vegetable is cabbage fermented without vinegar, sugar or cranberries. Before boiling it in broth, sauerkraut must be simmered or stewed until softened in boiling water with butter.

Fresh cabbage for cabbage soup is not simmered, only scalded with boiling water. Therefore, and perhaps also because they didn’t even bother to ferment it, cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is called lazy, or rachman.

Shchi must certainly be sour.

Lazy cabbage soup is acidified with tomato and sour cream, and if you cook them with Antonovka or unripe apples of any variety, they will be proudly called "sour cabbage soup from fresh cabbage." Do not confuse this soup with the sweet, highly carbonated, sparkling kvass, which was also called sour cabbage soup. Without cabbage, of course.

Lenten cabbage soup.

Not everyone and not every day can afford meat soup: fasting, vegetarianism, lack of funds. In this case, lean cabbage soup was invented on a broth of dry or fresh porcini mushrooms, to which you can add turnips or turnips for satiety.

There is also an economy option. lean cabbage soup(empty): cabbage boiled in a broth of onions and roots, or in extreme cases, just onions. Since no broth can do without an onion, it is it, and not cabbage, that is an indispensable component of cabbage soup.

How to cook.

Cookbooks and culinary websites abound with recipes for cabbage soup, but there are a few in this variety. general principles. Sour cabbage soup, which, according to the rules, is not just boiled, but simmered for a long time, must be cooked in ceramic or enameled thick-walled dishes.

An aluminum pan will not work for this.

A ladle is also better to use wooden or faience.

The broth, from whatever it is, is cooked separately. Do not forget the roots and onion - they put it whole. Sauerkraut is squeezed out of the brine, if it is too sour, then washed and stewed separately.

Then the roots are taken out of the broth, combined with prepared cabbage or other vegetables, boiled to the desired softness and only then salted and spices are added.

Greens (finely chopped onion, parsley, celery) and garlic are placed at the very end, and sour cream - right on the plate.

Vegetables for cabbage soup must be cut correctly, their taste depends on it. The recipe usually indicates which components and how to cut: squares, straws, or even whole put.

But if the recipe is in doubt, follow general rule: the more components in the soup, the larger they are cut.

Modern cabbage soup recipes suggest pre-frying vegetables, including onions, but, as William Pokhlebkin wrote, traditional recipes this is not provided.


But what is worth frying is flour, if you decide to add it to cabbage soup. Previously, the dish was thickened in this way for satiety.

Raw flour spoils the taste of cabbage soup, to improve the situation, it is fried in oil and diluted in a boiling broth.

But it is better to use not flour for thickening, but a whole potato.

It is added to the broth before the sauerkraut and other sour ingredients are added, because the acid hardens the potato.

Often it is generally taken out of the pan later - it did its job, gave the starch to the broth.

You can also thicken cabbage soup with cereals: rice or buckwheat.

They put it a little, and it completely boils soft.

About consistency.

By the way, about the density of the soup as the ratio of thick and broth. IN traditional shakh liquid should be no more than a third.

In a full plate, vegetables rise in a hill, from which a spoon sticks upright. To comply desired consistency, it is important from the very beginning not to make a mistake with the amount of liquid.

During the cooking process, water should not be added or reduced - this spoils the taste. The easiest way is to pour so much into the pan full plates water, how many servings should be.

During the cooking process, excess liquid will boil away, leaving right amount. Just remember that the soup should not boil much, but only gurgle slightly.


What do we cook on the stove, stirring in an aluminum pan with a stainless steel spoon? Alas, this is not cabbage soup, but simply cabbage soup. In the south of Russia, in Poland and Ukraine, cabbage is prepared.

Some call it the Ukrainian answer to Russian cabbage soup.

The set of products is really similar, but there are also characteristic features.

Cabbage is usually boiled for pork broth, adding to it millet, pounded in a mortar along with bacon and onions, cumin is included among the spices, which is not put in cabbage soup, and, most importantly, they do without a Russian stove.

Is cabbage soup useful for everyone?

People with kidney disease should not lean on green cabbage soup with sorrel, stones may form. But this dish is seasonal, you can treat yourself with a plate or two.

Sauerkraut soup is not useful for the kidneys, as well as for people with hyperacidity gastric juice and with acute gastrointestinal diseases.

Fortunately, the existing variety of cabbage soup allows each person to choose the option that suits him.
