
Shchi: the history of occurrence. Shchi is a traditional Russian dish

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    ✪ Shchi with sauerkraut video recipe


origin of name

In the original version, the word "sit", dating back to Old Russian "sto"(sustenance) appeared in Russian at the beginning of the 16th century and meant " nutritious drink, liquid food, stew, brew, soup seasoned with cabbage, sorrel and other herbs". There are other versions of the ascension of the word: by the way "sorrel"(Old Russian shave), to Danish sky(stew, decoction, borrowed from French jus"juice") .

Lean cabbage soup can be mushroom or all vegetable, known as "empty". There are also fish soups, but since their preparation requires a certain combination of certain types of fish with their separate heat treatment (with other combinations, the dish is not so tasty), they have not received distribution.

In any version, cabbage soup is distinguished by a large set of spices, primarily spicy herbs and, to a lesser extent, classic spices (only black pepper and bay leaf). Spices are added to cabbage soup at least twice. Along with spices, additional components can be added to the soup to improve the taste in the form of salted mushrooms, pickled apples, etc.

In primordially Russian cuisine, the concept of soup did not exist at all before. The people learned about him only during the reign of Peter the Great. From here began the history of the emergence of the famous Russian cabbage soup.

The history of cabbage soup dates back more than one century, so the soup recipe has been constantly changing. Next, let's talk about the name itself and why the famous Russian soup was called that.

Why cabbage soup was called cabbage soup

Historians are still arguing about why cabbage soup was called cabbage soup. Although earlier they were often called "shti". There are several versions about this.

The first one claims that the word has Old Russian roots and it came from the word "siti" - stew, a hot brew seasoned with cabbage, sorrel or "sto" - food. This option is considered the most plausible, because. cabbage soup, the meaning of which boils down to liquid hot stew, was the main food for the peasants.

The second version says that the name comes from the Slavic word "shchavn", which translates as sorrel. Indeed, young sorrel leaves were often used in early spring.

They even attribute the meaning of shchi to the Danish word "sky", i.e. soup.

The word is universal in its own way in its spelling and pronunciation. To write two letters of the Russian alphabet, you need several foreign letters.

Therefore, until today, the correct version of why cabbage soup is called cabbage soup is not completely known.

Shchi: history

The history of cabbage soup dates back to the 9th century, when turnips, sorrel and other greens were added. When, simultaneously with the adoption of Christianity, white cabbage was brought to Russian soil from Byzantium, this vegetable completely became part of Russian cabbage soup.

At first, this new culture was read exclusively as a medicinal vegetable. But our Russian ingenuity worked very quickly and people learned to cook many tasty and satisfying dishes with it.

In those days, the first course played a very important role, because. any festive or daily meal necessarily began with a hearty stew. Then there were several basic recipes for liquid foods: beetroot, pickle, botvinya, cold, fish soup, pike, borscht. But the most iconic in Rus' are the shishki, which are a rich soup made from fresh cabbage or sauerkraut.

Shchi, whose history of dishes dates back several centuries, was a favorite dish from young to old, the spirit of the house hovered in poor peasant huts and royal towers.

Shchi, the history of the origin of which is unthinkable without the notorious gray cabbage soup. They were called "gray" in contrast to the "white" master's cabbage soup, which was prepared from a lighter head of cabbage. The original recipe has not survived to this day. It is known that gray cones were prepared from the upper hard green leaves, which are usually cut off and left in the garden as unnecessary. The poor peasants washed them, chopped them, doused them with boiling water and fermented them, adding rye flour, salt and chopped carrots. Then such a blank was lowered into cellars (glaciers), where they were stored all winter. According to legend, such food quickly relieved fatigue, quickly sated and warmed.

The history of Russian cabbage soup claims that until the 19th century, yushka was thickened with rye flour. Then they stopped adding flour to the soup made from sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, and began to add more vegetables: potatoes, turnips, onions, carrots, roots, sweet peppers.

Proverbs and sayings about cabbage soup

Shchi is a recognized national dish. Therefore, over the centuries, numerous proverbs, sayings and songs about cabbage soup have appeared in Russian folklore.

These statements can be roughly divided into two thematic lines:

  • proverbs dedicated to the culinary aspect;
  • statements as an assessment of life situations.
  • Already on the pages of pre-Petrine manuscripts with Russian proverbs there is a saying “Like chickens in cabbage soup!”. The meaning of phraseologism is to get into trouble.

    Guess what the phrase "Schchi bast shoes slurp" means? In Rus', the peasants lived poorly, so they had only bast shoes from shoes, and they ate exclusively empty cabbage soup. It is extremely poor to live and barely make ends meet - this is exactly what the phrase “Chi bast shoes slurp” means.

    Another proverb “Schi and porridge is our food” means that the first thing a Russian person has is cabbage soup, and the second one is porridge. For the first time, the proverb “Schi and porridge is our food” flew out of the mouth of A.V. Suvorov, and then it was already spread by popular rumor throughout Rus'.

    Another proverb “Do not feel sorry for the guest” calls on the host to be hospitable and generously treat the guest.

    The meaning of the word cabbage is revealed according to the proverb "Without which cabbage soup is not thick." If the buds are poor for this vegetable, then the food is liquid and insatiable. If there is a lot of it, then a thick soup will saturate and warm well.
    The meaning of the phraseological unit “Give in the soup” is to teach someone a lesson for something, to speak in serious tones or to ask a spanking.

    Types of cabbage soup

    Given the centuries-old history, there are many recipes for Russian cabbage soup, which are divided into "rich" (with meat in broth) and "empty" (liquid vegetable stew):

  • Fresh (from seedlings) - food from young early forks or seedlings.
  • Gray - from the green upper hard leaves of the head;
  • White - from a head of cabbage with light leaves;
  • Diurnal - rich buds, languishing for almost a day. They were frozen, taken on a long journey, divided into pieces at a halt and drowned at the stake.
  • Prefabricated - prepared with "bones" (cuttings) and mushrooms.
  • Rich (full) - boiled in a steep meat broth with poultry, beef or pork.
  • Golovizna - prepared from pickled vegetables in a broth of sturgeon heads.
  • Greens - prepared with greens of spinach, sorrel or young nettle.
  • Whatever cabbage soup was prepared, one thing united them - a special way of cooking in a Russian oven. This unique thermal mode is called languishing, where the cooking temperature gradually decreases.

    Shchi is the most popular Russian dish that has been prepared for hundreds of years. There are many recipes for making real Russian cabbage soup. But one of them is known more than all the others: this is cabbage soup for Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin himself. It is said that this dish was part of his obligatory daily diet. They were prepared by as many as three ducks, from where the name "daily cabbage soup" came from. Their original recipe, fortunately, has survived to this day. So, literally everyone can cook this dish for themselves and their loved ones. Oddly enough, the dish does not require expensive products, the main thing is the unique cooking technology and the availability of free time, since the cooking process is long.

    • Ingredients
    • Cooking
    • Adviсe

    To prepare four servings of daily cabbage soup, you will need different products.


    • sauerkraut - 800 g;
    • beef - 200 g;
    • veal - 200 g;
    • chicken fillet - 200 g;
    • carrots - 100 g;
    • parsley root - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • tomato. puree - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • fresh greens - 50 g;
    • garlic - 1 large clove;
    • salt pepper.


    1. Boil beef and veal together. Before boiling the meat, it must be cut into portions. In this case, each type of meat is divided into 4 parts. Prepared meat is poured with about three liters of water. This is taking into account that a certain percentage of the water will boil away. Before the broth boils, it can be kept on medium heat. After the boiling process, reduce to a minimum so that the broth thaws for 2.5 hours. When the gas is reduced, salt can be added.
    2. After that, you need to again add a little fire under the broth and put portioned pieces of chicken fillet into the pan. When the liquid boils again, reduce the temperature and cook for another half hour.
    3. Well-sour cabbage should be chopped as finely as possible, added to the broth. It should boil for about 10 minutes.
    4. Next - you need to prepare the passivation. To do this, onions, carrots and parsley root are cut into small cubes. It is better to cook passivation in a cast-iron cauldron or pan. Butter is laid out in a well-heated container. Immediately after it melts and acquires a warm shade, you need to put the prepared vegetables there. Pass them until the onion and parsley root become golden. Half a minute before the passivation is completely ready, you need to add finely chopped garlic and black pepper to it.
    5. Gently pour flour into the passivation, quickly stir with vegetables and after a minute put tomato paste into the workpiece. Stir again and keep on fire for another 2 minutes, stirring constantly. In this case, you can pour a little broth into the passivation.
    6. From the pot with the broth, you need to lay out the pieces of the finished meat.
    7. Carefully pour the broth into a cast iron bowl with passivation.
    8. Put the meat back into the pot and cook the cabbage soup for another 30 minutes.
    9. Turn off the heat, cool completely and pour the cabbage soup into a container convenient for freezing. Place the container in the freezer and keep for 2-3 days.
    10. Then - defrost, heat the dish to a warm state, pour into portions.
    11. Add chopped greens and sour cream to each plate.

    For some, this recipe may seem too complicated. But this is precisely the original way of preparing those famous Stalinist cabbage soup. In order to understand the importance of a particular process, some of the steps in preparing a dish should be discussed in more detail.

    For example, why can you put chicken in the broth only after the veal and beef are ready. This is done so that the tender chicken fillet is not overcooked and, as a result, does not become dry. After all, the rest of the meats in this recipe require longer cooking.

    Another point is the boiling point of the broth. In no case should it boil intensively.

    The broth should literally languish in the pan. Only then can it be transparent and golden, as required by the recipe.

    By the way, this is the correct technology for preparing any broth, regardless of the dish or meat on which it is cooked.

    Cabbage for Stalin's cabbage soup should only be well fermented. As a result, the dish will turn out quite sour. In addition to cabbage and tomato paste, it should not contain any more acid.

    There may be some questions about passaging. For example, many people are used to grating carrots and parsley root for frying in various dishes on a grater. However, it is small cuts that will help preserve the vegetable aroma, pleasant texture and color of cabbage soup. Garlic is added at the very end so that it does not overcook. It is also better to chop it as finely as possible, and not pass through the garlic.

    Why can’t you cook passivation in a familiar frying pan? In order to preserve all its flavor for the broth. Then not a single drop of butter will be lost. In this case, even the walls of the cauldron retain the aroma that the vegetables exuded during the frying process. Flour in passivation is needed in order for the dish to be thicker and more saturated.

    A rather strange moment is the freezing of the finished dish. But this is Stalin's daily cabbage soup recipe. It was this variation of the dish that the leader of the peoples appreciated, which is why it should be done in the original recipe. Daily cabbage soup is frozen so that cabbage and all other vegetables acquire an unusual softness that cannot be achieved even by boiling. Thus, vegetables retain their shape, but have an incredibly delicate texture.

    So, there is nothing complicated in the recipe. Cooking Stalin's cabbage soup is not much more difficult than borscht or shurpa. The main thing is to do it in advance in order to have time to freeze, hold, and then defrost the dish.

    Stalin's cabbage soup can be cooked and consumed at least every day. This is a healthy, and undoubtedly a delicious first course. It does not require any special culinary skills to prepare it. It is better to serve cabbage soup with slightly toasted toasts, preferably rye. If desired, you can put half a hard-boiled chicken egg on a plate.

    If a second course is also planned for lunch, you need to consider that cabbage soup is quite satisfying. So, too plentiful portion of the second may be inappropriate in this case. According to Russian tradition, shchi can be washed down with compote from various dried fruits. It can be apples, pears, plums, cherries and all sorts of other fruits.

    Although you can cook cabbage soup not only according to this recipe. There is a huge variety of different recipes for this dish: lean, mushroom, full, fish, fresh cabbage.

    The recipe for Stalin's cabbage soup is a variation with freezing. In Rus', according to this recipe, the dish was prepared in winter frosts. But with the invention of freezers, everything has become much easier, and now daily cabbage soup can be cooked at any time of the year. Fans of this ancient dish claim that daily cabbage soup is the most successful cooking option. After all, prolonged heat treatment kills the aroma of products and destroys their structure. Not to mention their benefits and the preservation of vitamins and minerals in meat and vegetables. Freezing completely solves this problem, so it is the daily cabbage soup that can be considered the most useful.


    Shchi daily

    09/27/2014 // admin

    The name of these soups corresponds to the way they were prepared in the old days. The cabbage soup was undercooked quite a bit, poured into a pot and taken out in the cold (in our time - in the refrigerator) all night.

    The next day they are thawed (they should freeze) and heated in a pot in a Russian stove under a layer of dough. These soups were especially popular in Rus'. At the end of the 19th century, it was believed that the most delicious daily cabbage soup can be tasted in the Bubnov tavern on Varavka.

    Today, some believe that daily cabbage soup is cooked yesterday and eaten today. But, as you understand, this is not true. With daily exposure to frost and subsequent thawing, and subsequent heating, the taste of this dish changes completely. And in the old days, people understood cabbage soup.

    To prepare duck soup you will need:

    • Sauerkraut - 500-600 g
    • Bones from smoked pork - 2-3 pcs.
    • Wheat flour - 2 tablespoons
    • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
    • Parsley - 1-2 roots
    • Bulb - 1 pc.
    • Tomatoes - 2 pcs. (or 2 tablespoons tomato puree)
    • Salo - 2 pieces (for frying)
    • Water - 2 l

    Stew chopped sauerkraut with bacon and bones, add 1 tomato (or 1 tablespoon of tomato paste). After 1.5-2 hours of stewing, the cabbage should become reddish, soft and with a sweet aftertaste. Stewed cabbage spread in a saucepan with meat broth and stew for 1 hour.

    Bouillon Prepare in advance. Boil unsalted meat broth from beef, lamb or pork (500-600 g of meat). In an open saucepan over low heat, put the meat with the bone to boil (to make the broth richer, put the meat in cold water). Remove the foam from the boiling broth and pour a spoonful of cold water into it. When the foam appears again, repeat the operation until the scale stops forming.

    30 minutes before the end of cooking cabbage in meat broth, add the roots fried with tomato or tomato puree, and 10-15 minutes before - spices, flour sauteing and salt. In ready shchi put the garlic crushed with salt.

    The most delicious cabbage soup is obtained if they are poured into clay pots. To do this, the cabbage soup is removed from the heat 10 minutes before being ready and poured into clay pots of 0.5 liters. In each pot put a piece of meat and a clove of garlic.

    From above, the pot is closed with a piece of rolled unleavened dough. The dough is smeared with an egg and taken out in the cold (put in the refrigerator).

    The next day, the pots are thawed in the oven (oven). When the lid-cake is browned and becomes convex, cabbage soup is ready.

    Daily cabbage soup is good if they are eaten with a wooden spoon straight from the pot.

    First courses, Russian cuisine, pork, cabbage soup


    Daily cabbage soup - step by step recipe with photo

    Prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking. Wash the meat. Boil beef with spices and roots for 1.5 hours until soft. Then remove and discard the bone.

    Saute sauerkraut in vegetable oil until soft.

    Prepare onions and carrots for cooking: cut them and grate them. I usually grate carrots on a medium or coarse grater.

    Make flour dressing. To do this, pour vegetable oil and add flour. Fry flour over low heat until creamy. Stir constantly so your dressing doesn't burn.

    Remove the bay leaf and parsley root from the broth. Put the onions and carrots into the prepared meat broth, boil for 10-15 minutes. Next, pour in the cabbage brine, add the fried sauerkraut.

    Finely chop 3-4 cloves of garlic with a knife.

    Add flour dressing to the soup, but so that the flour does not curl into lumps, pour the broth into the pan and stir often with a spoon until the mixture becomes homogeneous, only after that the dressing can be added to the soup. Add finely chopped dill and garlic. Boil the soup for a couple of minutes - and turn it off.

    And now the main secret is why cabbage soup is called diurnal. Wrap a pot of soup in a blanket for 4 hours. Then refrigerate for a day. And only after that can cabbage soup be considered daily. They are warmed up and served with sour cream and rye bread! Bon appetit!


    Shchi daily - a national Russian dish

    Daily cabbage soup is considered a national Russian dish, which has long been prepared in Rus'. The main component of the soup is sauerkraut. Depending on the possibilities and compatibility of taste, mushrooms, cereals, herbs, and other vegetables were added to the daily allowance. Modern culinary possibilities introduce a wide variety of food products into recipes that can be added to soup, which makes the taste of the dish unique, tasty and aromatic.

    The soup got its name because of its use only the next day. An old recipe in Rus' for making cabbage soup was designed for a Russian stove and earthenware. Sauerkraut underwent long-term heat treatment in a separate bowl, after which it became soft. Stewed sauerkraut was placed in a bowl with goose or beef broth, subjected to additional cooking. At the end of cooking, the soup was poured into earthenware, its neck was sealed with dough and placed in a Russian oven. The "gluing" of the cake to the neck of the pottery was carried out by lubricating the neck and the dough with an egg.

    A day after cooking, the pot of soup, according to the recipe, was supposed to be infused in the cold. A day later, it was heated in the oven and served at the table. It was appropriate to serve buckwheat porridge and kulebyaka with the soup.

    Modern conditions will not offer a Russian stove and earthenware, and the composition of the recipe for cabbage soup may differ somewhat from the food available to a peasant family. Nevertheless, they try not to deviate from the old recipe for making sauerkraut soup, decorating its taste and aroma with additional ingredients.

    A modern recipe for making daily cabbage soup will require the inclusion of the following foods:

    • sauerkraut - a little less than a kilogram;
    • chicken or goose meat + beef or veal - 200 g each;
    • onion - 1 medium;
    • carrots - 1 medium;
    • garlic - 1 large clove;
    • rye or wheat flour - 2 large spoons;
    • salt and pepper - to taste;
    • parsley or dill leaves - optional;
    • parsley root - 1 pc;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • tomato puree - 2 large spoons.

    How to cook soup?

    1. Beef or veal meat is cut into portions of 50 grams and poured with cold water in a saucepan in a volume of 3 liters. This amount of water is enough for soup, even taking into account its evaporation during cooking. Bring the meat to a boil over high heat, then lower the flame to low. Soup simmer for 2-3 hours.
    2. Cut chicken or goose meat into pieces of 50 grams and add to the broth. Fire again needs to be added before the boiling period. When the combined meat broth boils, cook for at least half an hour over low heat. You can add salt at this stage of cooking.
    3. Finely chop the sauerkraut, add to the meat broth and continue cooking for at least 10 minutes.
    4. At this time, in a frying pan (preferably in an earthenware cauldron or a small saucepan), passivation is being prepared. Vegetables (onions, carrots and parsley root) are cut into small cubes and placed in a heated container, after adding butter there and waiting until it melts. Roasting vegetables is done by stirring them periodically. The end of the passivation should be considered the golden color of the onion and parsley roots. A few seconds before removing the container from the heat, sprinkle the mixture with pepper and add chopped garlic to it.
    5. Add tomato paste and flour to the passivated mixture, mix quickly and continue the heat treatment of the mixture in the container for 2-3 minutes. If the mixture turned out to be very steep, for sauteing with flour and tomato paste, add a few tablespoons of broth with meat to it. During the passage, the contents of the container are constantly stirred.
    6. The meat is pulled out of the broth, and the broth is poured into a container with passivation.
    7. The meat is again placed in the soup and everything is cooked for another half an hour.
    8. At the end of cooking, the soup cools down, poured into a container for freezing and placed in the freezer compartment for 2-3 days.
    9. After 3 days, the container with frozen soup is pulled out and heated. You can add fresh herbs and sour cream to bowls with spilled soup.

    Shchi will look more festive if served in pots. Heat the pots in the oven, covering them with puff or other dough.

    The recipe got its name from a cooking technology that lasts several days, including freezing. The old recipe for making cabbage soup, which is used in our time, is a laborious and lengthy process, but it is distinguished by its originality. Households and guests will be surprised by such an unusual Russian dish.

    In contact with


    cabbage soup
    Included in national cuisines
    Russian kitchen
    Cooking time
    60 minutes-3 hours 0 min.
    Required Components
    Commonly used components
    cabbage, sauerkraut, beef, potatoes, root vegetables
    Similar dishes
    Borscht , Kapustnitsa

    cabbage soup(also obsolete. shti listen)) is a kind of filling soup, a national Russian dish.

    origin of name

    In the original version, the word "sit", dating back to Old Russian "sto"(food) appeared in Russian at the beginning of the 16th century and meant “a nutritious drink, liquid food, stew, brew, soup seasoned with cabbage, sorrel and other herbs”. There are other versions of the ascension of the word: by the way "sorrel"(Old Russian shave), to Danish sky(stew, decoction, borrowed from French jus"juice").

    From the word cabbage soup there are a number of derivatives, the formation of which can cause difficulties. Such are, for example, the adjective "shanoy" ("A chanoy the spirit beckoned incredibly! And the bread lay, cut into even thick slices. And the stove smelled of stewed porridge.” -N. P. Pavlishcheva, "Ivan the Terrible") or diminutive form of the genitive case "shchet" (“And the peasants serve more; the peasants are more sincere, they are afraid of God: some bread, some cheek will give a sip, who will bring it. -A. P. Chekhov, "On business")


    Shchi has been a staple hot dish in Russian cuisine for a long time. Apparently, the prototype of modern cabbage soup arose no earlier than the 9th century, that is, when cabbage began to be grown by peasants. Since then, "the aroma of cabbage soup, indestructible by anything -" shanoy spirit "- has always stood in a Russian hut." The great importance of cabbage soup in Russian nutrition is also evidenced by an innumerable number of proverbs and sayings where the dish is mentioned: “Schi and porridge are our food”, "Where cabbage soup, look for us there", "The same cabbage soup, but thinner lei", "It's not for you to slurp cabbage soup" etc.

    Despite local differences in the preparation of the dish and its numerous variants, the principle of cooking remained unchanged: in a clay (later cast iron) pot in a Russian oven, which made it possible to withstand a mild temperature regime during cooking. The pot itself was also a revered item, it was even washed very carefully, while speaking.

    In general, over the long history of cabbage soup, only one amendment was made to the principle of their preparation (excluding, of course, the expansion of the bouquet of spices that became available). In the 19th century, when Russian cuisine was influenced by French cuisine at the expense of chefs invited by the nobility, flour dressing, previously traditionally introduced, was removed from the cabbage soup.

    Shchi was consumed daily and everywhere by all segments of the population, while differing in components: if wealthy segments of society could afford rich cabbage soup, the poor were often limited empty. According to V. V. Pokhlebkin, cabbage soup can be eaten almost daily, since they do not get bored. Shchi was also available during the Christian Lent, as it could be prepared without fast foods. Frozen cabbage soup was taken with them on the road in winter.

    Description of the dish

    Shchi is a filling multi-component soup. The complete set of products for cabbage soup includes the following components:

    • 1. Cabbage in fresh or pickled form or a vegetable mass replacing it (sorrel, nettle, turnip)
    • 2. Meat or, in rare cases, fish, mushrooms.
    • 3. Roots (for example carrots, parsley)
    • 4. Spices (onion, celery, garlic, dill, pepper, bay leaf)
    • 5. Sour dressing (cabbage pickle, sour cream, apples)

    The main vegetable and acid are a must for any cabbage soup. The sour taste of cabbage soup is their main feature, but it can be created not only by cabbage (although most often cabbage soup is made with cabbage and the sour taste is created by it and its brine). But a sour taste can be created, for example, by sorrel, Antonov apples, salted mushrooms. Often shchi combines various sour foods. Potatoes are also currently added to cabbage soup, which thickens the soup, but it can be removed after cooking.

    The main principle of the preparation of cabbage soup is the laying of products in the soup without preliminary cooking procedures, such as frying or sautéing (excluding sauerkraut, which is stewed separately). Laying raw products in the soup is a characteristic technique of Russian cuisine.

    Meat soup, as a rule, is cooked in beef broth, while the meat is boiled more often in a whole piece. In the western regions of Russia, pork and poultry are also used, but such cabbage soup is not typical for traditional Russian cuisine. Also some ham can be added to shchi.

    Lean cabbage soup can be mushroom or all vegetable, known as "empty". There are also fish soups, but since their preparation requires a certain combination of certain types of fish with their separate heat treatment (with other combinations, the dish is not so tasty), they have not received distribution.

    In any version, cabbage soup is distinguished by a large set of spices, primarily spicy herbs and, to a lesser extent, classic spices (only black pepper and bay leaf). Spices are added to cabbage soup at least twice. Along with spices, additional components can be added to the soup to improve the taste in the form of salted mushrooms, pickled apples, etc.

    Sour cream or sour cream mixed with cream is used as a whitening of cabbage soup. They eat cabbage soup, eating rye bread

    Soup varieties

    View Peculiarities
    Full (rich) The most complete version of cabbage soup using sauerkraut. The use of porcini mushrooms, both dry and fresh, is characteristic.
    prefabricated The broth for cabbage soup is prepared from various types of meat and possibly sausages. Unlike conventional cooking, the meat is not boiled in large pieces.
    Lenten Vegetable soup is possible with the addition of mushrooms. There are varieties of them according to the main component (sorrel, nettle, etc.)
    Gray (seedlings) The main component of the soup is young cabbage leaves, possibly fermented in advance.
    Fish A combination of salted sturgeon fish and various river fish is used
