
Easter royal recipe. Curd Easter Tsarskaya

This Easter for your special taste qualities, because there are a lot of dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts in it, they are deservedly called - Royal Curd Easter.

Properly cooked Easter from cottage cheese will become a real decoration of the festive Easter table and will delight your loved ones. unique taste your household and guests.

  1. Cottage cheese Easter must be prepared in a mold from which excess liquid will drain freely.
  2. There are special detachable forms, but if you don’t have one, then you can cook Easter cottage cheese in an ordinary flower pot with a hole, a glass for sour cream or yogurt (after drilling a hole in the bottom).
  3. So that Easter can be easily removed from such an impromptu form, the mold must be sent with gauze before you lay it out curd mass.
  4. The Easter mold will need to be placed over a small bowl of water, into which excess liquid will drain.
  5. It is best to cook Easter cottage cheese on Saturday evening, just before the holiday, and keep it in the refrigerator for no more than a day, so it will be tastier and fresher.

And now let's get down to business, I bring to your attention best recipes curd royal Easter.

Curd Easter Tsarskaya

  • fresh cottage cheese good quality- 500 grams;
  • Cream - 1 glass; Sugar sand - 1 cup;
  • Yolks - 3 pieces;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Raisins - 2 tablespoons;
  • Candied fruits - 150 grams;
  • Vanillin, almonds, cardamom.


All products for cooking Easter must be fresh and of good quality! Since eggs are laid raw at Easter, you should definitely buy them only fresh and of high quality.

Before cooking, the butter must be softened, for this we take it out of the refrigerator, two hours before cooking.

Easter preparation:

  1. Rub the curd well through a sieve. Rub butter in a bowl with sugar. If possible, it is better to grind sugar into powder.
  2. Wash the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. We only need the yolks, and you can use the whites for other pastries or make icing for Easter cakes.
  3. Add the yolks to the pounded butter and rub the mass well so that it turns out to be homogeneous and lush.
  4. Next, add vanillin, cardamom (sift through a strainer). If there is no cardamom, cook without it.
  5. Mix the egg-butter mass again and add the curd mass to it - knead everything well.
  6. Then add candied fruits, raisins, nuts to the mass and mix everything so that all the ingredients are distributed evenly over the curd mass.
  7. Raisins in a few hours, you need to wash well, and even better, steam and dry in a paper towel.
  8. Almonds also need to be prepared in advance, lightly fry it and chop with a knife into pieces of medium size. Almonds can be replaced with any other nuts, for example, walnuts.
  9. Whip the cream (necessarily chilled) with a mixer and carefully add to the curd mass. Stir very gently from top to bottom.
  10. We wet the gauze in cold water and we squeeze. We cover the form for Easter with gauze. Carefully spread the gauze over the corners of the form so that our Easter turns out beautiful.
  11. Put the curd mass into the prepared form. We wrap the ends of the gauze on top and put a plate on top. We put everything in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  12. In the morning we disassemble the form and take out the Easter from it, remove the gauze. Decorate with candied fruits, nuts, raisins and sweets.

Creative Easter is ready!

Easter curd Tsarskaya custard

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Fresh cottage cheese - 500 grams; Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 1 glass;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Almonds, raisins - 50 grams each;
  • Sugar - 150 grams.
  • Vanilla sugar- 1 sachet.

Easter preparation:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve, transfer it to the pan and add the softened butter. Rub butter well with cottage cheese.
  2. Add sour cream and eggs to the curd mass - mix everything well.
  3. We put the saucepan with the curd mass on a small fire and heat, with constant stirring with a wooden spatula, until it boils. As soon as the mass boils, immediately remove the pan from the stove and quickly cool. Ice cubes can be used for this purpose.
  4. Put ice in a larger saucepan, pour water and put the curd mass to cool. During cooling, add sugar to the warm mass, so it dissolves better.
  5. As soon as our curd mass has cooled, add vanillin, raisins, washed and dried, as well as roasted and chopped almonds. Mix everything well and put in a form for Easter. The form must first be sent with gauze, as described in previous recipe.
  6. We put the form with Easter under oppression and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  7. After this time, the curd custard Easter is carefully removed from the mold for beautiful dish and decorate to your liking with sweets, dried apricots, candied fruits and nuts.

Easter Royal custard with dried apricots and nuts

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • Eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 200 grams;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - 150 grams;
  • Raisins - 70 grams;
  • Dried apricots - 70 grams;
  • Almonds or other nuts - 50 grams;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet.

Easter preparation:

  1. We wipe the cottage cheese, and transfer it to the pan.
  2. Add sour cream and butter (softened) to the curd - mix everything well until smooth or beat with a mixer.
  3. Add vanilla and sugar to the curd mass - mix everything again.
  4. Put the saucepan with the curd mass on a very small fire and heat up, as soon as the mass begins to boil, we drive in the eggs. Eggs need to be driven in one at a time, mixing the mass very carefully after each added egg.
  5. As soon as all the eggs are beaten and mixed, immediately remove the pan from the heat on the stove and cool the curd mass. To do this, put the pan in cold water.
  6. In the chilled mass, add well-washed and dried dried apricots and raisins. Roast the nuts, chop and also add to the curd mass - mix everything well.
  7. We line the form with gauze and lay out the curd mass prepared by us. Carefully wrap the ends of the gauze and put oppression on top.

Repeated the classic proven for centuries old Russian recipe Easter "Royal", adding the author's touch in the form wild berries and Turkish Delight.

“Cooking Easter is a tribute to one of the most important Orthodox Christian holidays, so everything must be real: a lot of fatty quality products and careful execution of the recipe. Do not be too lazy to wipe the cottage cheese twice, beat all the ingredients separately, and mix in strict sequence, ” That's what our pastry chef said.

According to tradition, it is necessary to cook Easter - a ritual festive meal - on the eve of the holiday, on Maundy Thursday or Friday in Holy Week. From a culinary point of view, this is also correct. curd paste, placed in a special split mold-pasochnik, just has time to ripen and get rid of excess liquid-serum.

BY THE WAY: the very shape of the beanbag - in the form of a tetrahedral pyramid - personifies Golgotha, the hill in Jerusalem, where Jesus Christ was crucified.

Treat the choice of the main component of Easter, cottage cheese, with all responsibility. Cottage cheese should be fatty, not too sour, not grainy and even a little dry.

Easters are raw and custard (warmed). In composition, they are similar, different in the way of preparation. Our Easter is raw. And since cottage cheese is a perishable product, it is necessary to store ready-made Easter in the refrigerator ( temperature conditions storage from 4 to -2°С) no more than 72 hours.

It’s good to add raisins to custard Easter, but raw raisins can turn sour faster from it.

Watch the video master class - Easter "Royal" from Alexander Seleznev!



1 kg fat cottage cheese
200 g butter
200 g powdered sugar
200 g cream 33-35%
3 yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
2 tbsp. tablespoons wild berry jam
100 g Turkish Delight
50 g chopped almonds
a little grated nutmeg

How to cook Easter "Royal":

    Rub the cottage cheese twice through a sieve. Beat the yolks in a water bath until light foam, knead in curd.

    powdered sugar sift, add softened butter and beat until white. Instead of powder, you can use condensed milk (cooking technology butter cream: gradual addition during whipping).

    Whip cream until stiff. In cottage cheese with yolks, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and nutmeg chips.

    Combine cottage cheese-egg mixture with sugar-butter and knead thoroughly again. Add wild berry jam, Turkish delight and roasted almonds crushed into large crumbs.

    Lightly mix, no longer rubbing, so that all the additives are evenly distributed in the curd mass.

    Add whipped cream and mix very gently again. Fold gauze in four layers, soak in cold water, wring out and line the bean bag.

    Fill the pasta box with curd mass. Above - a small oppression. Send Easter in the refrigerator for 2-3 nights.

    Remove the finished Easter from the mold. Putting it on a plate, decorate Easter with candied fruits and serve at the table for a festive Sunday lunch!

BY THE WAY: why Turkish Delight? “It is he who will give our Easter a delicate viscous texture, you will come across Turkish delight - bursting in your mouth and stretching a little,” Alexander Seleznev explained.

Divine royal custard curd Easter on the eve of the great Christian holiday can be on your table. Amazing homogeneous and delicate structure of cottage cheese - it just melts in your mouth. You are great at cooking it. Many recipes are similar to each other, but our version cottage cheese easter will surprise you with its simplicity and budget. Be sure to use our recipe and tips - and the cooking time will fly by.


  • cottage cheese(or store-bought fat) - 500 grams;
  • chicken yolks - four pieces (can be replaced with 2 eggs);
  • sour cream 21% - two hundred grams;
  • butter 82% fat - one hundred grams;
  • white crystalline sugar - one hundred grams;
  • vanillin - 1.5 grams;
  • raisins (can be replaced with other dried fruits, nuts, candied fruits) - 100 grams.

Royal custard curd Easter. Step by step recipe

  1. I propose to start with the preparation of raisins. It needs to be washed warm water and pour boiling water for twenty minutes.
  2. I choose raisins not too much large sizes. Then, when it swells, it will not look like a big grape. I also try to buy black or dark brown raisins: they contain fewer preservatives than light-colored raisins. After all, everyone is well aware that fruits darken during the drying process: raisins in this case are no exception. Therefore, try not to buy suspiciously golden.
  3. In a deep container, use a sieve to wipe homemade cottage cheese. Help yourself with a spoon. Also, cottage cheese can be chopped with a blender or meat grinder. From mashed cottage cheese homemade easter turns out to be very soft. You should choose oily, dry and, of course, only fresh cottage cheese. It is better to use, of course, homemade - then you will know for sure that it is fresh.
  4. Now we introduce two yolks, sour cream and vanillin into the cottage cheese. And mix everything well. Then we add soft butter(cut into cubes). And mix again. For a homogeneous and airy mass, beat everything with a mixer. Sour cream can be substituted heavy cream. Take them in the same proportion.
  5. whipped puffed curd transfer to a saucepan or saucepan. It is important to take a pan with a thick bottom. On a very small fire and bring to the first bubbles, but do not boil. Do not stop stirring, make sure that the cottage cheese does not burn to the bottom.
  6. Now that the stove has been turned off, you need to remove the saucepan (pot) and place it in a bowl of cold, possibly with pieces of ice, water. Continue stirring the custard curd mass until it thickens. This will happen fairly quickly. The consistency will thicken before your eyes, acquiring an appetizing creamy texture. At this point, the smell of vanilla sugar with tender cottage cheese. After covering the pan, remove the curd mass in the refrigerator so that it thickens.
  7. In the meantime, drain the water from the raisins and spread it on paper towel. Top with another one and blot lightly. We give him time to dry.
  8. After some time, we take out our thickened mass for the royal Easter with cottage cheese from the refrigerator. Add raisins to it. Alternatively, you can add more candied fruits and nuts. But then calculate so that the volume of dried fruits does not exceed 100-120 grams. Stir with a spatula so that everything is more or less evenly distributed.
  9. Now take a damp gauze and fold it in half. Then we put it in a pasochnitsa (a form for curd Easter) and with the help of a spatula we transfer the cottage cheese into it. We close the ends of the gauze and press down everything with oppression. We put it in the refrigerator for a day (you can even for two).
  10. Be sure to put the pasta in a bowl, and only then send it to the refrigerator. During this time, it will be well compressed, and serum will drain from it.
  11. You need to carefully take out the royal custard curd Easter. We put the pasochnitsa on a dish and remove its walls, then the gauze.
  12. You can decorate such a delicious and appetizing homemade custard Easter according to your taste: or leave it in this state.

For example, I love it when kids are involved in the process of decorating Easter eggs. They wonderfully lay out candied fruits, raisins, nuts and other dried fruits. Taste custard easter recalls the most delicate cheesecake. It is moderately sweet and very fragrant. The good thing is that according to our recipe, the royal custard curd Easter can be prepared two days before the holiday. And as you can see, the process is very simple. Prepare it with us. On the site "I love to cook" you will find more than one dish for the festive Easter table. Enjoy your meal!

Very soon Holy holiday Easter. The hostesses begin to prepare for the celebration in advance, because there are so many troubles ahead associated with baking Easter cakes, cooking festive dishes, cleaning and decoration of houses and apartments. Children are looking forward to the moment when they, together with their parents, will paint eggs and make hares for eggs.

There are many interesting traditions related to the preparation and celebration of this wonderful holiday. This is a time of pleasant expectations, communication with relatives, a time to receive guests and a time to treat.

One of Easter traditions- preparation of curd Easter. This dish is prepared only once a year, on the festive table. Basically, this custom is common in the central and northern regions of Russia, while in Ukraine Easter is called kulich ( holiday bread), .

There are two ways to cook Easter cottage cheese: raw and custard. Because the raw cottage cheese not stored for a long time raw easter make a small size.

Today's article is devoted to custard Easter recipes.

The main component in each recipe is mashed cottage cheese to which butter, sour cream or cream, eggs are added. At your discretion, you can add: raisins, candied fruits, nuts, lemon peel, cocoa, honey or sugar, cinnamon, other spices.

It is convenient to make Easter in a special form that is sold in online stores, but you can do without it.

So let's get started!

This recipe can even be attributed to healthy nutrition) Nothing superfluous, nothing harmful. And this delicacy is very easy to make.

To prepare cottage cheese Easter, use natural homemade cottage cheese. If you know how to make cottage cheese at home, it is better to make it yourself.

Custard Easter is stored longer than raw, but still it should not be cooked too early. In the refrigerator, it is stored for no more than 5 days.

  • Fat cottage cheese - 1 kg.
  • Sour cream - 250 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter ( room temperature) - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr. (less or more to taste)
  • Lemon peel - 1 teaspoon
  • Orange peel - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Raisins - 100 gr.
  • Dried fruits - 100 gr. (raisins, blueberries, cranberries, dried apricots, candied fruit)
  • Nuts - 70 gr.

Important: before removing the zest from fresh lemon or orange, you must first put these fruits in boiling water for a minute. This is due to the fact that in order to increase the shelf life of these fruits, they are coated with preservatives.

If you do not have a special mold for Easter, you can use any container with holes so that excess whey, a colander or a basket can drain. You will also need a piece of gauze about 1 meter by 1 meter, maybe less.

1. In this recipe, we use homemade cottage cheese, it must be rubbed through a sieve to make it uniform and loose. If your cottage cheese does not rub well, you can use a blender and beat it.

2. Add sour cream, sugar, softened butter at room temperature, lemon and orange zest, salt, vanilla extract, eggs to the cottage cheese.

3. Mix all the ingredients by hand, and then beat with a mixer until smooth.

4. Now we will brew this curd mass. To do this, pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Cook on the smallest fire with constant stirring. As it heats up, the mass will become more liquid. As soon as the very first bubbles appear on the surface, turn off the fire.

Tip: Do not boil the curd mass, because the curd will curdle.

5. Cool the curd mass. To speed up this process, you can lower the bowl of cottage cheese into a saucepan with cold water you can add ice to the water. In this case, the mass again becomes thick. To cool completely, put everything in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

6. Add washed dried fruits, raisins, candied fruits, nuts to the cooled curd mass.

7. Put the finished curd mass into a mold. Any container with holes through which excess whey will leave can become a form. The form must be covered with wet gauze in 2 layers.

8. We put Easter under oppression. To do this, put a plate on top of the cottage cheese, and something heavy on the plate, for example, a jar of water. The curd should be compacted. Excess moisture that will flow into the plate must be periodically drained. We put the whole structure with oppression in the refrigerator for a day.

Important: spread the gauze into the shape evenly and neatly around the circumference so that the Easter shape is beautiful.

8. After a day, we take out Easter, turn it over and take it out of the mold. We take off the gauze.

We decorate our product with decorative elements.

Important: Passover is easier to cut with a hot, wet knife.

Bon appetit!

Cooking Easter cottage cheese with semolina in the oven

For those who do not want to use raw cottage cheese for any reason, we offer great recipe cottage cheese Easter baked in the oven. This recipe is perfect for children, it will not contain raw foods, and Easter will taste like cheesecake. Easter is baked for 1-1.5 hours at a temperature of 150-170 degrees, a golden crust will tell us about the readiness of the dish.

For cooking we need:

  • Cottage cheese 9% - 1 kg.
  • Sour cream 20% - 1 cup
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Cream 10% - 100 ml.
  • Semolina - 1 tablespoon
  • Starch - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 180 gr.
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon with a slide
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Dried fruits - 100 gr.
  • Vanilla, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon - to taste
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Glaze for decoration

1. Grind cottage cheese for uniformity and friability through a sieve or beat with a blender.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat with a blender with half a serving of sugar, the second half of the sugar will remain for the proteins.

3. We send whipped yolks, sour cream, cream, starch, baking powder to the cottage cheese, semolina, lemon juice, vanilla, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon. Mix well with the addition of each ingredient. The more we interfere, the more airy our Easter will be.

4. Add dried fruits and leave the curd mass alone for semolina to swell.

5. Beat the chilled proteins with a blender with salt and the remaining sugar until a dense foam.

6. Set aside 1/3 of the whipped proteins in the refrigerator to decorate Easter, mix the rest of the proteins with the curd mass.

7. We heat the oven to 160 degrees.

8. We cover the prepared baking dishes parchment paper, grease with oil and fill with curd mass by 3/4 of the volume. Can be used paper molds for baking cookies.

9. Cover Easter with foil and put on a baking sheet. It is better to put additional water in the oven, you can pour it on a baking sheet if the Easter forms are airtight or put it next to it in some kind of container, preferably in an iron one, so that the glass does not burst in the oven.

10. We send Easter to the oven, after 40 minutes remove the foil and leave for another 20-40 minutes, depending on the size of your molds.

Do not rush to get Easter, leave them in the oven turned off until completely cooled. If you sharply get hot Easter, they will settle. Let cool completely in the oven. Only after that we take them out and take them out of the molds.

11. Add icing and a few drops to the reserved protein lemon juice. We decorate Easter with icing and we can eat.

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday!

Step by step video cooking recipe

We offer you wonderful step by step video recipe for royal custard Easter.

For cooking we need:

  • cottage cheese (fatty) - 500 grams
  • 3-4 yolks (or 2-3 eggs)
  • sour cream - 200 grams
  • butter - 100 grams
  • sugar - 100 grams
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • raisins - 150-200 grams

Cottage cheese Easter with cream

Custard royal Easter on the table is a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the family. This recipe uses cream instead of sour cream, so the Easter is tender and more airy. The main thing is that the products are fresh and of high quality. Use either homemade cottage cheese or a proven store-bought one. Butter must also be real and tasty.

For cooking we need:

  • Cottage cheese with fat content up to 9% - 550 gr.
  • Fatty cream - 100 gr.
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • vanilla extract
  • Raisins, nuts, candied fruits - 70 gr.

1. Wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender so that it becomes homogeneous and loose.

2. We prepare the raisins, for this we pour boiling water over it and leave it for 20 minutes.

3. Add sugar, yolks, butter at room temperature to the cottage cheese and beat for 2 minutes with a mixer at high speed.

4. We send the curd mass to a saucepan with a thick bottom, put it on a small fire and, with constant stirring, bring it almost to a boil, to the first bubble and remove from heat. It is important not to overheat the curd so that it does not curdle. The curd mass will become liquid, this is normal.

5. Add vanilla extract to the mass and, if desired, you can beat it with an immersion blender.

Cool the curd mass with ice cubes, stirring constantly. The mass will then thicken. We send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours to cool completely.

6. Add whipped cream to the thickened curd mass. Let them cool first and then beat well.

8. Add raisins, candied fruits, nuts and mix well.

9. We cover the prepared pasta form without a bottom in 2 layers with wet gauze. We spread the curd mass in it and tamp it well.

Cover with gauze and put a press on top. We put it in the refrigerator for a day. During the day, pour out the liquid that will be collected on a plate.

10. We take Easter out of the refrigerator, remove the form, remove the gauze, decorate as you wish and treat your loved ones.

Celebrate Easter days and be healthy!

Royal Easter with chocolate Three chocolates

This is very unusual and delicious recipe cottage cheese Easter - Three chocolates. This Easter will be a decoration holiday table. It will not leave anyone indifferent, it looks so attractive and appetizing. Compliments to the hostess from the guests are guaranteed!

For cooking we need:

  • Homemade cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Cream 20% fat - 200 ml.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 50 gr.
  • milk chocolate- 50 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Nuts - 70 gr.


1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender. Mix cottage cheese with softened butter room temperature.

2. Mix the eggs with sugar, vanilla, cream and combine with the curd mass.

3. We put it all on a very small fire and constantly stir until the first bubbles appear. As soon as the first bubbles appear, remove from heat. It is not necessary to boil the mass, because the curd will curdle.

4. Divide cottage cheese mixture into 3 equal parts. Melt milk chocolate and black chocolate separately in a microwave or in a water bath.

In the first part of the curd mass, add coconut flakes. In the second part, add dark chocolate. In the third part add milk chocolate. Mix each portion and add nuts to taste.

5. Cool the curd mass and proceed to laying it out in a mold. To do this, we cover the form with wet gauze. Lay out the gauze evenly so that extra folds do not print on Easter.

6. Spread the curd mass in layers. First the white part with coconut flakes, then the milk chocolate part and last layer With dark chocolate. Gently cover the top with gauze and put a cardboard the size of a mold on top of the gauze. We put oppression on top of the cardboard and put it in the refrigerator for about a day. During this time, excess whey will drain from Easter, it must be drained periodically.

7. A day later, from Easter, we remove the oppression and turn it over onto a dish. Carefully remove the form and gauze. For beauty, you can pour melted chocolate on top and put nuts.

Bon appetit and happy holidays!

Coconut Curd Easter

We offer to cook this delicious coconut-curd Easter, to please yourself and your loved ones with it. It will be appreciated by sweet tooth with exquisite taste. Delightful aroma of coconut, cottage cheese, chocolate glaze- paradisaic delight.

For cooking we need:

  • Fat cottage cheese - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Coconut oil (organic, with the smell of coconut) - 50 gr. If there is no coconut oil, you can put another 50 grams of butter.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Cream (20-33%) or sour cream - 200 ml.
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Coconut flakes - 100 gr.

Chocolate glaze:

  • Milk chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Cream - 80 ml.

1. We grind the cottage cheese through a sieve so that ready easter grains were not felt. You can beat the curd with a blender.

2. Add yolks, cream to cottage cheese and mix.

3. Creamy and Coconut oil melt in a water bath with sugar. We combine the butter-sugar mass with the curd-yolk mass and put on water bath brew.

Constantly stir the mass until it becomes more liquid and when the first bubbles appear on the surface, immediately remove from heat so that the curd does not curdle.

Important: Remove the curd mass from the heat when the first bubble appears so that it does not curl.

4. Cool the curd mass by placing the pan in a bowl of ice.

5. Add salt, vanilla and coconut, mix.

6. If you haven't bought a special baking dish, make your own. With a hot knitting needle, we pierce holes in the existing plastic mold along the bottom and around the perimeter.

7. We cover the form with wet gauze. Under the form with Easter we put a plate into which the whey will flow.

Important: To make it easy to get the cottage cheese Easter, we cover the form with wet gauze in 2 layers.

8. We put a press on the curd mass and send it to the refrigerator overnight.

9. We take out Easter, turn it over, free it from gauze and decorate with chocolate icing.

Enjoy the delicate fragrant Easter!

Recipe without eggs on gelatin

Very unusual recipe two-layer Easter for lovers of exclusive. Easter will be beautiful and delicious! The recipe does not contain eggs, it is suitable for those who are allergic to them. The recipe contains gelatin. This recipe takes a little fiddling, but it's worth it! You can use any berries, such as blueberries, currants or cherries.

For cooking we need:

  • Gelatin - 40 gr.

Bottom layer:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Sour cream - 300 gr.
  • Cherry - 100 gr.
  • Sugar - 120 gr.

Upper layer:

  • Cream 20% - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 80 gr.
  • Vanilla extract or vanillin.

1. Pour gelatin with cold water and leave to swell.

2. Cooking the top creamy-vanilla layer of Easter. To do this, pour the cream into a saucepan and add sugar and vanilla extract.

3. Put the cream on slow fire, stirring constantly, bring to the dissolution of sugar, but do not let boil.

4. After dissolving the sugar, remove the pan from the heat and after a minute add 1/3 of the swollen gelatin to this pan. Stir well until gelatin dissolves.

It is very important that the gelatin does not overheat, otherwise it will lose its properties.

5. Our creamy vanilla mass is ready and we can pour it into the prepared form. To give originality to Easter, we tilt the form and fix it at an angle, pour the mass into an inclined form and send the refrigerator for 2 hours until completely solidified.

6. Cooking the bottom layer. To do this, add sour cream, pitted cherries and sugar to the cottage cheese. Mix well and beat with a blender. The mass becomes liquid and pink.

7. Add the remaining gelatin to this mass. Pour the curd-cherry mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on a slow fire, stirring well and not bringing to a boil, dissolve the gelatin.

8. Cool the curd-cherry mass a little. We take out the frozen white mass from the refrigerator, pour the pink mass on top of it with a second layer and send it to the refrigerator overnight.

9. To get Easter out of the mold, we dip the mold for 2 seconds in hot water.

10. Flip Easter on nice plate, decorate with some decor as desired.

Bon appetit!
