
What days are Easter eggs dyed? Getting ready for Easter

At Easter, it is customary to paint eggs with different colors, but among all the colorful eggs, bright red eggs occupy a central place.

History has preserved this tradition for us.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed to different countries, everywhere proclaiming the joyful news that there is no longer any need to be afraid of death.

Christ, the Savior of the world, conquered death. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who will believe Him and will love people just as He loved.

Mary Magdalene dared to come with this message to the Roman Emperor Tiberius himself.
Since it was not customary to come to the emperor without gifts, and Mary had nothing, she came with a simple chicken egg.

Of course, she chose the egg with meaning.

The egg has always been a symbol of life: in a strong shell there is life hidden from the eyes, which in due time will break out of lime captivity in the form of a small yellow chicken.

But when Mary began to tell Tiberius that Jesus Christ had escaped from the shackles of death and RISEN from the dead, the emperor only laughed: “It is also impossible, as your white egg turns red.”

And before Tiberius had time to finish this phrase, like an egg in the hands of Mary Magdalene turned completely red, testifying to the truth of the Christian Faith.

Since then, in memory of this event, which symbolizes our faith in the Risen Lord and in our Resurrection, we have been painting eggs. Colored eggs are not only served at the festive Easter table, it was customary to give them to each other throughout the Easter week.

Since ancient times, the egg has been a symbol of emerging and renewing life.

Many customs that existed among different peoples are based on this idea.

For example, in Rus', in some areas, an egg was laid in the foundation of a house so that the work of the builders could be argued, and happiness and prosperity would not leave its future owners.

On Easter, in Rus', it was customary to lay colored eggs on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes on tiny green cress leaves, which were specially germinated for the holiday. At Easter festivities, games with eggs were often arranged.

For example, in the villages "rolled" eggs. They chose a small flat piece of land, trampled down to get a flat area. Shallow holes were made in the ground.

Each of the participants brought their own painted eggs, which were laid out in the holes. The task of each participant was to roll out the testicle he liked from the hole - then he became the winner.

The eggs were rolled out using a special rag ball with flattened sides, similar to a wheel.

Since there was a custom to keep eggs for a whole year until the next Easter, over time, eggs began to be made of wood and painted with ornaments and patterns.

Later, eggs made of porcelain, silver with precious stones appeared.

How to boil eggs?

The simple answer to this question is very carefully. First you need to remember a few rules.

Never boil eggs directly from the refrigerator, because very cold eggs that are placed in hot water are more likely to burst. Eggs should be kept at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.

Use a timer when cooking - try to guess how many eggs were cooked and constantly remind yourself to look at the clock is not worth it. Never boil eggs too long (unless you have a timer) as the yolks will turn black and the whites will look like rubber. If the eggs are very fresh (less than 4 days old), cook them 3 minutes longer.

Always use a small saucepan - when there is too much space, the eggs can hit each other and crack. Never bring to a vigorous boil; you need to cook them over medium heat.

Remember that eggs have a pad at the blunt end where air collects. During cooking, pressure can accumulate there and the shell will crack.

To avoid this, pierce the egg from the blunt end with a needle to release steam.

Of course, everyone loves eggs cooked in different ways.

Soft-boiled eggs, method 1

First of all, you need to pour boiling water into a small saucepan so that the water exceeds the eggs by 1 cm. Then quickly, but carefully, using a tablespoon, lower the eggs into the water one at a time. Then turn on the timer and cook the eggs at a boil for exactly 1 minute.

Then remove the pan from the heat and cover it with a lid, set the timer again and measure:
- 6 minutes to get a soft yolk with seized but runny protein
- 7 minutes to get a denser yolk with completely frozen protein.

Remove the boiled eggs from the pan and place in cold water.

Soft-boiled eggs, method 2

Another way that works just as well. This time, the eggs need to be put in a saucepan, poured with cold water, put on a high heat, and as soon as they boil, reduce the heat and measure out:

3 minutes if you want a semi-liquid egg
- 4 minutes for the protein to “grab” and the yolk to remain liquid
- 5 minutes, so that both the yolk and protein are cooked, but in the very middle there remains a bright yellow liquid spot.

Then, remove the boiled eggs from the pan and place in cold water.

Hard boiled eggs

Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil, set the timer for 6 minutes if you want eggs that are slightly watery in the middle, 7 minutes if you want fully cooked eggs.

Then it is very important to quickly douse them with cold water. Hold them under running cold water for 1 minute, then leave them in cold water until they are cool enough to handle - about 2 minutes.

Undercooked (in a bag)

If you cut open an undercooked egg, the yolk will be runny and the color will be dark gold instead of light yellow.

Perfectly brewed

The protein of a soft-boiled egg should be tender, and the yolk should be loose, but dense.


The protein of the overcooked egg becomes "rubber" in taste; an unpleasant (albeit harmless) greenish-gray coating appears on the yolk.

Peeling hard boiled eggs

Peeling boiled eggs can also be difficult, especially if the eggs are too fresh. So rule number one is to boil your eggs at least 5 days after the date they were packed. The easiest way to peel them is by first cracking the shell all over the egg, then holding it under running water, starting at the blunt end.

The water will wash away all the little bits of the shell. Then the eggs again need to be put in cold water until they are completely cool. If you don't chill the eggs quickly, they will continue to cook, overcook, and the blackened yolk problem will reappear.

The beautiful coloring of quail eggs makes them a great alternative to chicken eggs, and they are just as easy to prepare. Again, they shouldn't be too fresh, and it's best to cook them with the first method by dipping them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then cool them quickly and clean as described above.


For coloring eggs, it is best to use onion peel, which is harvested in advance.

Depending on the color of the husk, the color of the eggs is from light red to dark brown.

If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.

Almost purple eggs come from red onion husks.

You can also dye with birch leaves or food coloring.

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be kept warm for about an hour or at room temperature, while boiling, you can add a tablespoon of salt to the water. Some families keep the custom of dyeing eggs "speckled".

To do this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tied tightly with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion peel in the usual way.

To make the painted eggs shine, they are wiped dry and smeared with sunflower oil. You can boil eggs wrapped in multi-colored threads, then they get interesting stains. In order for the eggs to be colored from the inside, and not from the outside, you need to boil them for 3 minutes, then take them out and pierce the shell with a needle in some places, and then boil another 1-1.5 in a strong tea with the addition of cloves, cinnamon and coriander.

To quickly color the eggs, boil them for 10 minutes with some vegetable: spinach (green) or chopped beets (bright red). For a marbled effect, wrap eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material over the top.



4 cups red onion skins. Boil eggs for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Depending on the soaking time,
eggs will turn from bright scarlet to dark red.


Dandelion heads or dry birch leaves (Taraxacum officinale) - yellow.

Since ancient times, on Easter day, people gave each other painted eggs, gathered at the festive table to taste

When to paint?

According to church tradition, you need to paint eggs on Maundy Thursday.

Good to know:

So that the eggs do not burst during cooking, they must be kept warm for about an hour or at room temperature, while boiling, you can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.
Poke small holes at one end of each egg to prevent the eggs from bursting while boiling.
To give the eggs an amazing shine, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil.
Before you paint the eggs, wipe them with soapy water or alcohol - the paint will lie down more evenly.
If you will serve dyed eggs, use only special organic dyes for cold painting eggs or natural dyes.

12 common ways

Easter egg coloring and decorating

In onion skins:

Onion peel is the most famous and affordable way for everyone. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction.
Wash the eggs. Prepare a decoction of onion peel, let it brew. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.
Dip the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and then cook for 10 minutes, remove, cool.

birch leaves:

To make the eggs yellow or golden, they are dyed with birch leaves. The decoction is prepared from the leaves, you can dry, young birch and infused for about half an hour. Wash the eggs, release into a warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. after boiling, remove and cool.

Coloring eggs "speckled" :

To do this, wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tied tightly with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and then boiled in onion peel or with birch leaves in the usual way.

Marble Effect:

Wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material over the top.

Juices of various fruits and vegetables:

This method requires boiled eggs. The egg is rubbed with juice (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice)

Eggs dyed in patches:

Pluck shreds of silk lint of different colors, mix. Wash the eggs, wipe dry, moisten, wrap with silk, if desired, you can first apply thin, thick paper cut out with patterns on the eggs. Wrap with a rag, tie with a thread, dip in warm water, let it boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then take out, cool, remove rags and silk.

Eggs in colorful colors:

Color the egg in the base matte color. Then, on the tip of the brush, take a little not very liquid paint and, by spraying, apply dots and strokes to the surface of the egg.

Bicolor eggs:

Hard-boil the eggs and cool slightly (warm eggs are best). In each bowl, dilute the paint according to the instructions, add 2 tbsp. l vinegar and stir. While holding with a spoon, dip a few eggs into each bowl and leave, turning for even coloring. Take out and dry on a paper towel. Now take each colored egg with 2 fingers and dip halfway into the contrasting paint. Hold for 1 minute until the paint is taken, and then remove and dry on a towel.

Eggs dyed in retro style:

Take pictures from magazines, postcards, etc. Carefully cut out the picture you like (the most important thing is that it be thin), and stick it on the testicle. Eggs prepared in this way are very beautiful and are perfect for decorating holiday dishes.

Eggs decorated with self-adhesive "Easter sets":

1. Cut the thermal labels in half along the line (separate along the perforations).
2. Put the label on the pre-boiled cold egg.
3. Put the egg on a spoon and dip it in boiling water for one to two seconds.
4. The label should evenly fit around the egg.

Decorate the uncovered top and bottom of the egg with holographic stickers. Use all kinds of stickers, even irregular shapes. Rely on your imagination!

Sachet food coloring.

Follow the printed instructions. Do not forget to add a little vinegar after painting or to the paint itself (as a rule, this is written on the bags), then the paint will not form streaks.

Boiling in a coloring broth:

Put the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar. Add enough paint. If there are too many eggs, they will be lighter in color. Boil eggs for 15 minutes with coloring additives. If you want shiny eggs, dip them in oil and then rub them well with a cloth.

Natural dyes:

Light red: beets or blueberries
Orange: onion
Light yellow: oranges or lemons, carrots
Yellow: turmeric roots, walnut shell
Light green: spinach leaves, nettle
Green: green apples
Blue: red cabbage leaves
Beige or Brown: coffee

How to paint eggs

In the old days, eggs were not just painted (dyes) , but also painted them with wax (pysanky) . Today, in the arsenal of any woman there are a wide variety of means of decorating eggs and making original decorations for the holiday from them.
Let's reveal some secrets.

For decorations, blown eggs are used. With the tip of a darning needle or awl, carefully pierce the shell of a raw egg, making two small holes one opposite the other. Through one of the holes, blow the contents into a plate - squirrels and yolks can still be useful for preparing Easter dishes.

Blown and painted eggs can be hung on a branch: you will need a thin strong cord and matches. Tie one end of the cord in a knot exactly in the middle of the match. Holding the cord by the free end, lower the match through one of the holes into the cavity of the blown egg. Now you can hang them from the branches: once in a horizontal position inside the egg, the match will get stuck, securely fastening the cord.

For painting, use the following materials: gouache, acrylic paints, multi-colored markers. Apply the tone with a piece of sponge or cotton swab, and apply the pattern with a semi-dry brush.

Use sticker paper for applications. Cut out figures from it with nail scissors and stick on the blown eggs. Color the eggs. When the surface is dry, peel off the paper figures and apply silver to the unpainted areas with a thin brush.

Eggs can be decorated with beads and beads: This can be done with PVA glue and tweezers.

There are certain rules for painting eggs that must not be violated.

All drawings on the testicle should be located in a very clear pattern.
The structure of the Universe is embedded in the egg, therefore the drawing cannot be arbitrarily modified.

Here are some symbols used in the creation of the Ukrainian pysanky:

Pine on a Easter egg - a symbol of health.
Black is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern was necessarily applied to black testicles, thereby showing the diversity of life. The child was made Easter eggs on a cherry background, and not on black.
The dove is a symbol of the soul.
The mesh is a symbol of fate.
White color - the beginning of all beginnings: the destiny that is being built in the sky.
The yellow grid is a symbol of the sun and the fate that is being built here.
Oak is a symbol of strength.
The dots are a symbol of fertility.
Cream is a symbol of love.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother.
Flowers are a symbol of girlhood.

On Great (Clean) Thursday, it is customary for the Orthodox to clean up, paint eggs, cook Easter cottage cheese and bake Easter cakes. So in Georgia they are preparing for this day. Keepers of the family hearth take out grandmother's books with recipes or look for new recipes on the Internet.

Sputnik Georgia decided to make this task easier for them by offering several interesting options.

Why do they color eggs and bake Easter cakes

There are several versions of the origin of the tradition of painting eggs for Easter. One of them is associated with Mary Magdalene after the crucifixion of Christ. The miracle happened when she went with a sermon to the Roman emperor and presented him with an egg as a gift with the words: "Christ is Risen!". He, being a pagan, of course, did not believe and said that this egg would sooner turn red than he would believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In front of the astonished emperor, the egg turned red.

From here came the tradition of painting eggs red for Easter, and later in other colors.

Kulich is one of the oldest symbols of the Resurrection of Christ. Kulich is like an artos, which is consecrated before the end of the Paschal Liturgy, and throughout the entire Easter week it occupies the most prominent place in the church, next to the icon of the Resurrection of the Lord.

According to ancient tradition, Jesus Christ, after his resurrection, came to the apostles during their meals. Therefore, the place in the middle remained unoccupied, and in the center of the table lay the bread intended for him. Over time, a tradition appeared on Sunday to leave bread in the temple (in Greek it was called "artos").

How to cook Easter cakes and cottage cheese Easter

A popular belief is connected with Easter cake: if the Easter cake came out successful, then everything will be fine in the house. Easter cakes are baked from yeast dough with the addition of a large amount of butter, eggs and sugar. Cottage cheese Easter is divided into raw and boiled. The difference between them is that the resulting curd mass is either boiled or eaten raw.

To prepare cottage cheese Easter, you will need the following ingredients: 500 gr. cottage cheese, 180 gr. butter, 150 gr. sour cream, three tablespoons of honey, 50 gr. sugar, ¼ cup toasted walnuts, 100 gr. pistachios, ¼ cup raisins, 10 dried apricots, ½ lemon zest, ½ orange zest, zest of one lime, vanilla or vanillin, candied rose petals, and salt to taste.

Beat butter, sugar and honey with a mixer until smooth. Then add sour cream and cottage cheese and whisk again. Then add walnuts, raisins, lemon and orange zest, chopped dried apricots, vanilla or vanillin and mix well. Then place the sieve in a bowl, cover its bottom with gauze and pour the resulting mass there, and then cover the mass in the bowl with gauze on top. Also put something heavy on top to drain excess liquid. Place in refrigerator overnight.

On the second day, put the resulting mass on a plate, remove the gauze and sprinkle pistachios, lime zest, orange peel and dried rose petals on top.

Recipe #2

To prepare a light Easter cake, you will need the following ingredients: 700 gr. flour, 160 gr. milk, 15 gr. baking powder, 160 gr. sugar, six eggs, four yolks, 200 gr. butter, two teaspoons of salt, zest of one lemon, 200 gr. raisins, ¼ tsp nutmeg and ½ tsp. cardamom.

To prepare yeast for dough, knead 200 gr. flour, milk and baking powder, and leave to rise at room temperature for 45 minutes. Next, mix 500 gr. flour, salt, sugar and lemon zest. Gradually add eggs (room temperature) there. Also add pre-prepared yeast. Stir for two minutes to form the gluten and make the dough sticky. Then add softened butter, raisins, nutmeg and cardamom, and place the dough in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then spread the risen dough among the molds so as to fill them by one third. Leave the dough to rise for two hours, and then send it to an oven heated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and walnuts, if desired.

How to paint eggs

With the approach of Easter, more and more different dyes, decorations, stickers, sparkles and other decorations for Easter eggs appear in stores and markets. In Georgia, first of all, it is tinting madder, that is, a herbaceous plant with a woody rhizome (endo - in Georgian). These roots are used to color the eggs.

Experienced cooks recommend taking the eggs out of the refrigerator an hour before dyeing so that they take room temperature so that they do not burst when cooked. In addition, in order for the paint to lie more evenly, the eggs must be thoroughly washed.

In order for the eggs to be easily peeled, after boiling they must be dipped in cold water. And colored eggs will acquire a shiny appearance if, after painting, wipe them dry and rub with vegetable oil.

In order to color eggs with store-bought food coloring, simply dilute the paint in a bowl of water and place the eggs in it for 10-20 minutes. Depending on the concentration of the dye, you can make eggs in pastel shades or bright saturated colors.

With the help of a decoction of onion peels, you can get eggs of different shades - from yellow to red-brown, it all depends on the type of onion and the duration of staining. Pink color gives beet juice, pale yellow - lemon, orange, carrot, yellow - birch leaves, calendula flowers. Green can be achieved with spinach or nettles, blue with red cabbage. The beige color of the eggs comes from coffee, and the violet color comes from violet flowers.

Some dyes are not very intense, for example, violet or spinach, so eggs can be left in such decoctions all night.

To dye eggs with endro, you need to crush the roots, put them in water, put on fire and bring to a boil. This will give you a dark red color. Before dipping eggs into the resulting paint, it must be cooled to room temperature.

The event of the Resurrection of Christ is the biggest and brightest Christian holiday. This holiday is also called Easter This the most ancient and important feast of the liturgical year. In 2016, it falls on May 1st.

Easter service begins at midnight from Saturday to Sunday. It is all filled with spiritual joy and jubilation, it is a solemn hymn to the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the reconciliation of God and man, the victory of life over death.

On holiday Easter breaking the fast begins after a long Lent, and the main attributes of the festive table are colored eggs, Easter cake and Easter (a sweet dish of cottage cheese with raisins). A painted egg (before it was only red eggs) is a symbol of the world, stained with the blood of Jesus Christ and through this reborn to a new life. Kulich (high bread made from rich dough) is a symbol of the body of the Lord, to which believers should partake. By the way, all this Easter food is consecrated in the church the day before - on Holy Saturday.

Where did the custom of painting eggs for Easter come from?

According to legend, after the resurrection of Christ, his disciples went to different countries, preaching his teachings among different peoples. One of the followers of Christ - Mary Magdalene - came with the word of God to the Roman emperor Tiberius. Mary handed Tiberius an egg - a symbol of life and perfection of the world - and exclaimed: "Christ is risen!".

Tiberius and Mary Magdalene

In response, Tiberius laughed at the saint, answering: "No one can be resurrected after death, as this egg will never turn red." According to legend, the egg immediately turned red, and the emperor believed in the resurrection of Christ and exclaimed: “Truly he has risen!”.

Traditions and signs

In Holy Week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are considered especially important. Great Thursday can be called the day of spiritual purification and repentance, Good Friday is the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Great Saturday is the day of sorrow, and Bright Sunday is a holiday itself.

On Maundy Thursday (also called Maundy Thursday), people take communion, it is also the day when eggs are painted. It is believed that on Thursday you need to bathe in the hole or douse yourself with water in the bath. Mistresses clean the house, believing that then it will shine all year round. The owner, on that day, counted money, examined agricultural implements, fed and watered the horses, made ice holes, and if he was engaged in hunting, he shot three times in the air. Such actions ensured success in hunting, fishing, field work and promised financial well-being.

How to color eggs

The easiest and most well-known way is to add onion skins during cooking, which will give the eggs a beautiful color: from light golden to deep red-brown. You can even achieve the so-called marble effect.

However, there are no strict canons here - they also dye with the help of colored threads, wrapping them around eggs before cooking, and with special food dyes. Pre-boiled eggs can also be decorated with special Easter stickers. Here are some simple ways.

Helpful Hints

To make the eggs elegantly shine, they need to be greased with vegetable oil. Moisten a paper towel, rub the eggs gently, and place them back on the towel for a couple of hours. During this time, the oil should be absorbed.

What ingredients to use to get harmless dyes

  • Red cabbage: a third of a large head, finely chopped - blue, blue
  • Turmeric: two heaping teaspoons for 2/3 cup of water - yellow
    blue + yellow = green
  • Onions: yellow and red onion husks, 6-7 onions - blood red
  • Coffee: color coffee with milk
  • Beetroot: cut the beetroot into cubes, boil for 15 minutes in a small amount of water - burgundy

That's all! The main thing is that such eggs can be given to children.


Since ancient times, people have exchanged eggs and Easter cakes for the Easter holiday. The tradition has evolved over the years, resulting in many ways to color and decorate paraphernalia. With the words "Christ is risen!" men and women, children and older generations exchange eggs, later looking at intricate designs. Among other things, coloring eggs is a rather exciting process that can rally households. There are basic methods, we will consider them in more detail.

How to prepare eggs for painting

As mentioned earlier, experienced housewives, through trial and error, identified the main options for coloring eggs for Easter. However, regardless of the method chosen, they must first be prepared.

  1. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator a few hours before the intended coloring and leave at room temperature. Such a move will help to avoid temperature differences, due to which the shell cracks. An alternative is to pierce the shell with a thin sewing needle, which will prevent the eggs from bursting.
  2. If food pigments or onion peels are used as the main staining method, it is recommended to pre-wash the shell. To do this, use a kitchen sponge and baking soda. The end result is paint that will lie flat without streaks or spotty inclusions.
  3. Before starting the procedure, degrease the shell by wiping it with vodka or medical alcohol. If neither is available, treat the surface with soapy water, then rinse thoroughly and dry.
  4. To give the shell a gloss after painting, wipe the surface of the eggs with vegetable or corn oil. Do not use cotton pads for these purposes, gently soak your fingers in the composition, then spread over the shell.

When you have prepared the "material", start painting. Choose the best option for yourself, and then clearly follow the instructions.

Method number 1. Food colorings

Food coloring is considered to be the most common type of Easter egg coloring. You can purchase ready-made colors or bring your own shades. Pigments can be pearly, glossy or matte, it all depends on the manufacturer.

To properly prepare the composition, take care of such a number of containers in advance that each color has a separate bowl. Dilute the paint with water at room temperature, there should be a lot of liquid so that the eggs completely drown in it.

After diluting the paint, pour in 30 ml. table vinegar solution, then send boiled or raw eggs to the bowl. The exposure time varies, it all depends on how intense the shade you want to get.


  1. Purchase tracing paper - ultra-thin paper - online or at a stationery store. Cut out any image from it in the form of a stencil (the inner part is extracted). Anything is suitable as a drawing: favorite cartoon characters, Easter theme, Jesus Christ, etc.
  2. A picture for a stencil can be downloaded from the Internet. The final result depends on the quality of the original image and the material itself. When you have made a stencil base, namely printed and cut it out, soak the paper in water at room temperature. The material should become elastic, repeating the shape of the egg.
  3. Attach the stencil to the shell, smooth out the creases. If your drawing is small, duplicate it in several places. Fix the stencil with gauze or a piece of nylon stockings (tights).
  4. Dilute food or natural dye, send eggs into it and cook them until cooked. At the end of the procedure, remove the eggs, put them on toothpicks or newspaper, cool to room temperature. As soon as this happens, remove the gauze and stencil, enjoy the result.

Vegetable oil

  1. A beautiful result is achieved by coloring eggs with the addition of vegetable oil. To perform the procedure correctly, prepare two containers with the same shade. Pour oil into the first, and leave the second unchanged.
  2. Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool to a temperature of 30 degrees (the coloring composition should have the same indicator). Dip the "material" into a bowl of paint, wait for the required interval (the exact time is indicated in the instructions).
  3. After that, remove the eggs, leave the paint to dry. When this happens, send the product to the second container with vegetable oil, again wait for the time. Dry the eggs, evaluate the result.

Insulating tape

  1. Cut the tape lengthwise to make thin strips (you can skip this step if you like). Prepare several containers of diluted paint, preferably blue and yellow.
  2. Glue the strip in the form of a spiral or any other pattern of your choice. Dip the eggs in a bowl with blue, wait a while, remove and wait for drying. Remove the tape.
  3. Now glue the next strips, which will slightly cover the previously obtained pattern. Dip the egg in yellow paint, wait an interval, remove and dry.
  4. You will end up with a yellow egg with blue and green stripes. The option is good in that it allows you to experiment with obtaining new shades by applying one color to another.

Stationery rubber bands

  1. Purchase rubber bands at the stationery store, which are usually used to tighten banknotes (silicone base). Hard boil eggs, cool, prepare paint of one or more shades.
  2. Then you can proceed in two ways. The first involves coloring the egg in any color with prominent white lines (gum bands are attached to a previously unpainted egg). The second option is two-phase coloring, as a result of which the lines are obtained in the color in which the egg was originally painted.
  3. Consider the second option, it is more complex. Dye the egg yellow, dry it. Wrap stationery rubber bands in a chaotic manner crosswise. Dip the "material" into the green paint, wait for the pigment to set. Dry, remove gum. You will see that the egg has turned blue with yellow stripes.

plant leaves
The technique is similar to the stencil technique with only one clarification - plant leaves are used as a pattern, most often parsley and dill act in their role.

  1. To get an accurate result, tear off a few leaves, attach them to the shell, fix with gauze or a nylon stocking. Dip in the paint, wait a while.
  2. After the expiration date, remove the eggs, cool and dry them. Unfold the fixing material, remove the leaves, grease the surface with vegetable oil and enjoy the result.
  3. The same electrical tape, self-adhesive paper or adhesive tape can serve as an alternative to leaves. Cut out the pattern you need from the material, attach it to the defatted shell of a pre-cooked egg. Place the product in the pigment bowl, then remove and dry.

Method number 2. natural dyes

  1. Onion peel, beets, turmeric, carrots, birch leaves, calendula, orange or lemon, spinach, red cabbage, nettle, coffee can act as natural dyes.
  2. The main feature of "folk" staining is considered to be that the composition acts slowly. As a rule, it takes about 8-10 hours to get the result.
  3. To prepare the solution, pour water into a saucepan and add a large amount of the chosen dye. Pour in 35 ml. table vinegar, stir. Bring the solution until the first bubbles appear, then reduce the power and boil for another 15 minutes.
  4. When the paint is ready, insist it for about half an hour, then send the eggs into the container and simmer them over low heat for 25 minutes. Then turn off the burner, leave the product in the solution overnight.

To give eggs a seductive golden hue, use ground turmeric.

  1. Boil water in an enamel pan, pour 90 gr. turmeric, bring to a boil. Place raw eggs in a container, boil them until tender, then let them brew for another 8 hours without removing them.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with extreme caution, since it is quite difficult to remove turmeric from the surface of furniture and clothes, however, like other natural dyes.

red cabbage
A decoction based on cabbage will give the eggs a rich blue tint.

  1. Grind a whole head of cabbage into small slices, place in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Add 180 ml. table vinegar solution, cover and leave for 10 hours.
  2. After the expiration date, send the eggs to the container, control the color intensity every 2 hours. Then remove the product and leave it to dry. If desired, paint the surface with gouache or felt-tip pens.

Beetroot will help color the eggs in a raspberry or pinkish hue, it all depends on the length of time the product is kept in the solution.

  1. Grate 4 medium-sized beets, then mash the mixture with a potato masher or chop in a blender.
  2. Pour boiling water over the prepared mixture so that the water covers the beets completely. Pour in 150 ml. vinegar with a concentration of 9%, wait 6 hours.
  3. Put boiled eggs in a saucepan, let it brew for 5 hours. After the time has elapsed, remove the product, leave to dry.

onion peel
Onion peel will color the eggs a red-brown hue with a bronze sheen.

  1. To prepare a coloring solution, you will need to take a husk from 4 kg. Luke. Raw materials must be sent to a large saucepan and pour boiling water.
  2. Put the container on the stove, bring the mass to a boil and simmer for 1 hour. After that, cover with a lid, leave to infuse for 24 hours.
  3. After the due date, pass the broth through a colander or cheesecloth, boil the eggs in it for about 10 minutes. Then do not remove the product from the pan, leave the liquid to cool completely.

Regardless of the chosen method of coloring, you can create patterns on Easter eggs using improvised materials.

  1. Boil round or long grain rice, soak an egg in water and roll it in the rice to make the grains stick. Tie with a stocking or gauze, fix on both sides with elastic bands.
  2. Prepare the coloring pigment, dip the eggs into it and wait the required period of time. For this method, natural dyes are better.
  3. When the eggs are colored, remove them and leave to dry completely. Remove the cloth, remove the rice, brush the surface of the shell with sunflower oil.

Silk fabric
Eggs can be dyed with fabrics; silk or cotton with existing patterns is ideal for this purpose.

  1. Moisten the egg in hot water, wrap it with a piece of cloth so that the design fits snugly on the surface of the shell with the front side. Sew the egg with threads around the entire perimeter so that the fabric does not slip.
  2. Wrap with a piece of nylon, tie on both sides, creating a kind of candy. Pour 100 ml into an enamel saucepan. vinegar (6%), add water, send to the eggs. Boil them for about 15 minutes, then turn off the stove.
  3. Let the eggs stand in the solution for another quarter of an hour, then place them in a bowl of cold water and leave to cool completely. Carefully remove the retainer and stocking, evaluate the fruits of your labors.

First, prepare the eggs for painting: remove them from the refrigerator, leave them at room temperature, pierce a thin hole in the shell with a sewing needle. Consider coloring with food or natural dyes. Use a stencil, parsley leaves, silk fabric, or scrap materials to create a unique design.

Video: how to paint eggs for Easter (different ways)
