
What types of halvah are divided into. Halva, benefits and harms to the human body

In ancient times, halva was necessary product for any traveler, because it is very high in calories and does not spoil for a long time. What halva is made of these days is interesting to know for all the sweet tooth.

This is a dessert of Arabic origin that appeared around the beginning of the 5th century in Iran. There are many varieties of halva, but their calorie content is approximately the same - 100 grams of the product contains about 490-550 kcal.

The composition includes vitamins and trace elements, and the BJU indicators look like this:

  • proteins - 12-17 g;
  • fats - 30 g;
  • carbohydrates - 50 g;

IN walnut halva a lot of dietary fiber (5-7 g per 100 g). Slightly different in composition Turkish white halva writing, its calorie content is 450 kcal per 100 g, it contains little protein (3 g) and fat (12 g), and consists mainly of carbohydrates (83 g).

Types of oriental delicacies

There are several types of halva. The tradition of making this delicacy different peoples are different. So, in Turkey, writing is popular, similar to cotton candy, and in India they prepare vegetable halva from mung beans or calabash.

On the territory of the post-Soviet space, halva based on oilseeds and nuts is common.

Types of oilseed halva:

  • sunflower;
  • peanut;
  • walnut;
  • tahini halva from ground sesame seeds.

They also make tahini-peanut halva and nut various kinds: from pistachios, cashews, almonds, walnuts.

Benefit and harm to the body

You can talk about the benefits of halva for a long time, this product contains alimentary fiber, which are necessary for normal digestion, vitamins and minerals. Oil halva contains all the B vitamins that are important for the normal functioning of the nervous system, a lot of vitamin E, which helps maintain healthy skin, hair and nails.

It contains many mineral elements:

  • potassium - takes part in the regulation of intracellular metabolism and the processes of conducting nerve impulses;
  • magnesium - prevents the development of hypertension and heart disease;
  • phosphorus - necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth;
  • iron - is part of many proteins and enzymes in the body;
  • manganese - participates in the formation of connective and bone tissue;
  • copper - prevents the development of connective tissue dysplasia;
  • selenium - has an immunomodulatory effect;
  • zinc - is part of hundreds of enzymes, is involved in metabolism.

The harm of halva lies in the high calorie content. For a person leading a sedentary lifestyle, it is enough to eat 25-30 grams of this sweetness per day. Dessert is contraindicated for people with obesity and diabetes. Uzbek halva Contains milk and should not be consumed by persons with lactose intolerance.

It is best to buy halva in vacuum packed and store in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, you can not eat it.

How to prepare halva in production

First, the peeled seeds are dried and roasted in a special drum at constant stirring mechanical blade. Then the seeds are sent to the extruder for thorough grinding of the kernels to a paste-like state. Grinding is carried out several times until the mass (halvin) becomes liquid, vanilla is added at the end.

To turn a liquid paste into a solid halva, confectioners make caramel from syrup on water, sugar and molasses. Then soap root is added to the thick mass of the finished syrup. After shaking, a thick, elastic, snow-white foam is obtained.

This caramel foam is combined with halvin, gently kneaded by hand with special oars, caramel threads are pulled out so that the halva is airy and fibrous-layered. The finished product is immediately packaged. Candies are made from part of the dessert, divided into cubes and covered with chocolate.

The best homemade recipes

There is no flour in real oilseed halva, in order to make it correctly, you need to know not only the products that make up the composition, but also the manufacturing technology.

Recipe for homemade sunflower halva


  • sunflower seeds - 500 g;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • vanillin - 1 pack;
  • egg - 1 protein;
  • water - 70 ml.


  1. Roast the seeds for cast iron skillet. Make the fire medium, fry for 10-15 minutes until golden color and pleasant smell.
  2. Transfer the sunflower seeds to a bowl and puree with a hand blender. Grains should not be felt in the finished mass.
  3. Syrup is boiled from sugar and water to a temperature of 120 ° C. To check the readiness, a drop of the mass is dipped into cold water, it should harden and become viscous.
  4. The protein is whipped to a white, stable foam. Then, without turning off the mixer, pour into protein mass ready syrup.
  5. Combine the grated mass of seeds, vanillin and protein caramel in one bowl. Stir with a spoon, raising it as high as possible to make the halva fibrous.
  6. When the mass becomes homogeneous, shift it into a mold and put in the refrigerator to solidify for 10 minutes.

Taste homemade halva very flavorful, not too sweet. Sweet tooth should add more sugar. In such halva, before transferring it to a mold and putting it in the refrigerator, you can put raisins, cocoa or pieces of dried apricots.

Sunflower halva with sesame seeds


  • sunflower seeds peeled and roasted - 350 g;
  • sesame - 50 g;
  • liquid honey - how many seeds will take.


  1. Sesame seeds and seeds are ground in a coffee grinder.
  2. Transfer to a bowl.
  3. Add so much liquid honey so that you can knead the mass as a tight, homogeneous dough.
  4. Wrap the resulting halva in cling film sent to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Appetizing aroma, unusual grayish green color and amazing delicate taste- that is why the whole world fell in love with halva so much. Initially, this delicacy was invented in Iran, and from there it spread throughout the world. Nowadays, it would be difficult to find a country in which this unusual Arabic sweet has not been heard. From this article, you will learn whether sunflower halva is useful, whether it has contraindications and how it can be used for weight loss.

How is halva prepared?

Making halva is quite simple: first, choose the main ingredient - it can be seeds, nuts, sesame seeds. This component is heavily crushed and fried, after which it is mixed with caramel - sugar paste. The result is a tender, airy, crumbling halva with a characteristic oily smell and a light gray-green tint. However, the last two indicators are typical for sunflower halva, from seeds. When it is made from sesame or nuts, the color and smell change, but its most delicate structure remains unchanged.

The benefits of halva for the body

Halva is a rare sweet, which consists mainly of natural ingredients and saves weight useful substances. So, for example, ordinary seed halvah contains vitamins E, PP, B1 and B2, as well as minerals such as magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and copper. While you are enjoying this Arabic sweet, it enriches your body with the lion's share of useful substances! Thanks to this, you can simply eat halva to your heart's content and watch your health improve:

  • strengthens the central nervous system;
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • improves the body's ability to absorb carbohydrates, which positively affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased secretion of gastric juice;
  • activated immune defense organism and resistance to infections increases;
  • vessel walls are cleared of cholesterol plaques;
  • blood circulation is normalized;
  • hair and nails are strengthened;
  • the state of the reproductive system improves (especially in women).

Do not forget that every medal has two sides, so halva is both beneficial and harmful - but only if it is used excessively or contrary to contraindications.

Is halva good for weight loss?

Absolutely all types of halvah have a calorie content of about 500 units. The most common type, from sunflower seeds, has energy value 516 kcal.

Unlike cakes and pastries that have a similar calorie content, this product has a lot of useful substances. For every 100 g of halva, there are 11.6 g of the most valuable vegetable protein, 29.7 g of useful for the body vegetable fats and 54 g of carbohydrates - they are mainly represented by sugars, which give halva an amazing sweet taste.

Due to the high calorie content, halvah has both benefits and harms in matters of weight loss. On the one hand, it enhances exchange processes, helps the body absorb carbohydrates and expend energy more actively. On the other hand, she herself carries too a large number of energy (calories). Therefore, it is only allowed to be eaten by those who are not obese or too big amount overweight. It is better to use it in the morning. And when strict diet halva is contraindicated.

Sunflower halva - the benefits and harms of goodies

Sunflower halva: useful properties

It's no secret to anyone that the use of seeds allows you to saturate the body with oils and trace elements, the benefits of which for the body are undeniable. But, not all people like to use this product in pure form, which, in addition, can harm the teeth. Those who want to benefit from this product can enjoy delicious sunflower halva. This perfect product for those with a sweet tooth who care about the figure and the condition of the body as a whole. Halva, the benefits of which are known throughout the world, is an excellent substitute for chocolate.

In addition, it contains useful vitamins like B1 and F. They are just indispensable for the functioning of such body systems as the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous. In addition, vitamin F can significantly improve skin condition, and vitamin B1 regulates the level of acidity in the body. But, this is not the whole benefit of this product.

Through a series of studies, researchers have shown that active substances contained in sunflower seeds benefit many biological processes in the body, and also inhibit the growth of tumors in the mammary glands, lungs, ovaries, and intestines. Therefore, we can say that the use of halva is mandatory for maintaining health in the body.

Nevertheless, like any other product, you need to use it in moderation, otherwise the expected benefit to the body can easily turn into harm.

Sunflower halva: harm

Halva is, of course, very tasty, but using this product very often and in unlimited quantities can cause significant harm to the body. Exceeding daily allowance a product of 30 grams, as for any other sweets, you can earn a lot of trouble, including:

  • problems with teeth (caries, periodontal disease);
  • diabetes mellitus, especially in people who, in addition to halva, consume many other sweets;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • diathesis;
  • digestive disorders, especially in people who often overeat, or vice versa, consume this sunflower sweetness on an empty stomach.
  • allergies and more.

Halva: contraindications

Sunflower halva: benefits and harms

How to explain the benefits and harms of sunflower halva

sunflower halva is one of the options for caramel, which contains nuts, sesame seeds, whole seeds and other "fillers". Due to this, the product is filled fatty acids, vegetable fats, protein, vitamins and minerals. Anyone who is interested in sunflower halva, the benefits and harms of this wonderful dessert should be known. Then it will turn out to properly organize food and at the same time enjoy its use.

The composition of sunflower halva allows the product to bring great benefit. It consists in stimulating tissue renewal, improving metabolic processes, and supporting reproductive capabilities. And just sunflower halva has a great effect on well-being. Just do not forget that in some cases its harm is also significant. But these are quite rare cases.

What are the benefits of sunflower halva

The possibilities of sunflower halva as a means to improve the body's capabilities are enormous. Therefore, they must be considered in detail and with the maximum possible description. Benefit this product consists of the following.

  1. Sunflower seeds are rich in various natural antiseptics. Therefore, the benefit is that sunflower halva has an antiseptic effect, allows you to get rid of microbes and toxins. The harm of such microorganisms and substances can be very significant if they are not eliminated.
  2. Vegetable protein, which is very abundant in such a dessert, normalizes metabolism. Because of this, in reasonable quantities, sunflower halva can even lead to weight loss. In any case, the process of digestion improves with its use. The benefit also lies in the emergence of opportunities for faster renewal of cells and tissues in general.
  3. Sunflower halva supports reproductive function. This benefit is especially significant for those of reproductive age. Often, sunflower halva, in which the benefits and harms are not fully taken into account, is even considered as a real cure for infertility. Perhaps, in this regard, its usefulness is somewhat overestimated. But still, halva is quite capable of creating the conditions for successful conception.
  4. It is known that sunflower oil helps to reduce the risk of oncological diseases. Halva from sunflower seeds has the same quality. Vegetable oils are of great benefit in this case, therefore, this dessert can support the body in a difficult situation without problems. Most importantly, potential harm is also taken into account.
  5. The presence of a large amount of vitamin B1 in sunflower halva suggests that this sweetness is beneficial for those who suffer from heart or central nervous system diseases. The product is distinguished by its ability to normalize blood pressure, relieve stress and even remove depression. Harm high cholesterol it's hard to overestimate. When using sunflower halva, it is possible to create conditions under which cholesterol plaques are not formed, and the vessels remain completely clean.
  6. To some extent, the benefit of this oriental dessert is also manifested in the fact that it has a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Stress and nervous excitement bring serious harm to them, but sunflower halva is able to support the body in a difficult situation. Sunflower honey, obtained from the same plant, will also help in this.

As you can see, sunflower halva, the benefits and harms of which will be useful to fully understand, has many advantages. However, it is also worth considering reverse side such a product. Sometimes the harm from it can be somewhat more significant than the benefit. Therefore, it is useful to learn about harm well.

What is the harm of sunflower halva

Sunflower halva - a great help in the diet

Don't be afraid of that potential harm, which is able to provide sunflower halva. If there are no contraindications, and the product itself is purchased in a trusted, reliable place, then the benefits from it will be very significant. Therefore, we can say for sure that sunflower halva is a delicious and healthy dessert.

What is halva and where did it come from? Halva is an oriental dessert, translated from Arabic means "sweetness". For the first time it began to be made in Iran. Over time, gaining popularity, it spread throughout the world, and no one knows how it got to Russia.

At first, only beauties from the harem got the delicacy. But since the product is too high-calorie, warriors began to use it. All recipes for making treats were classified. The secret of the recipe was discovered after the soldiers returned home from the Crusades. So halva got to the territory of Europe.

Halva: useful properties

The main property of sunflower halva is to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This is due to the fact that it contains a large amount of iron and copper. Copper is the main catalyst in the production of hemoglobin.

  • Helps to cope with insomnia, stress, calms the nervous system.
  • Restores acid-base balance.
  • Helps the body recover from illness.
  • The product contains great amount minerals useful for the heart are iron, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc.
  • Helps speedy healing of wounds.
  • This product is good for teeth, gives shine to hair, rejuvenates the skin.
  • Restores blood pressure.
  • Improves memory.
  • Stops the growth of benign and malignant neoplasms (mammary gland, ovaries, intestines).
  • Sesame halva is useful for athletes. It helps to relax the body and restore strength after long physical training.

Halva - composition

In total, there are about 100 varieties of halva. Its composition may vary. The main types that can be found in stores are: sunflower, nut, combined, sesame and chocolate.

In addition to fragrant original taste, she has exceptional chemical composition . This includes minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, food acids and lots of protein.

What is halva made of, manufacturing process

The main ingredients in the product are natural honey, sugar, soap root, sunflower seeds or nuts. Crushed nuts are mixed with caramel, beating everything until smooth.

In order for its structure to be correct, in a mixture add soap root, but this is only in industrial production, at home it is rarely used. Ascorbic acid used as an antioxidant. If desired, flavor-enhancing ingredients such as raisins, vanillin, or cocoa are added to the mixture.

The sweet taste of halvah is given by sugars, and the carbohydrate content reaches up to 54 g per 100 g of the product. Its calorie content is very high, like in chocolate, but its benefits are much greater. 100 g contains up to 500 kcal.

Sesame and almond halva has the lowest calorie content, while in sunflower it reaches up to 512 kcal.

For people who are watching their own figure, the consumption of the product should be limited or consumed in small portions.

The benefits of halva for the female body

Oriental delicacy contains vitamins B1, F1 and phytosterol, which is very useful for women. Thanks to the regular use of treats, sleep and mood improve, depression and PMS symptoms disappear.

Halva for pregnant women

If there are no contraindications, then it will be very useful for pregnant women to use sunflower halva in their diet. Folic acid contained in the product helps the formation of bone tissue in the fetus.

Vitamins E, B1, PP and F1 will extra food hair, nails and skin will also not be allowed to develop anemia. For breastfeeding mothers who want to prolong breast-feeding, it is recommended to use healthy treat . Milk will be produced more and its fat content will increase.

To prevent the baby from developing an allergy, you should eat a piece of the product up to 10 grams. If after a few days an allergic reaction does not appear, then the portion can be increased. Gradually bringing up to 300 grams per day.

Halva for diabetes

With diabetes, this product is contraindicated. Due to the lack of insulin in the body, produced by the pancreas, blood sugar rises.

Therefore, people with diabetes must follow a certain diet. But do not be upset, for such people they make special kind of halva. Instead of molasses it is based on fructose.

Harm from halva

You can not use the product in unlimited quantities, otherwise all the benefits of it and fragrant taste evaporate.

  • Oriental sweetness can cause allergies and metabolic disorders if it contains a large amount of artificial dyes, preservatives and synthetic emulsifiers.
  • Because of high calorie content who wish to drop excess weight or people suffering from obesity, it is better not to use this product.
  • For people with cholecystitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, the product is completely prohibited. even eaten small piece can cause an exacerbation of the disease, since its composition is too heavy for the body.
  • Made sweets based on sugar molasses are prohibited for people with diabetes.

Important! In order for the body not to be harmed in the first place, the product must be fresh and high quality. If it has expired or was stored incorrectly, cadmium accumulated in the seeds can provoke poisoning.

It is recommended to buy halva packaged, hermetically packed. The packaging will indicate the composition of the product, the expiration date and conditions for proper storage.

In addition, the packaging protects the product from contamination. It must be undamaged, otherwise the shelf life of the product is reduced.

  1. A quality product should be free of oily traces. Droplets of fat that appeared on the surface and places with darkening show that the sweetness was stored incorrectly and microbiological spoilage began.
  2. If during the manufacture of the product was violated technological process, then the halvah will be with hard caramel streaks.
  3. If, when cut, the product has smooth edges and does not crumble much, this indicates that it is of high quality.

It is better to spend more time when choosing halva, but make sure that it is of high quality and will not harm your health.

In order for sunflower halva to keep fresh longer and benefit the body, you should know how to store it properly:

  • the first thing to do is to remove the packaging in which it was sold;
  • the product is transferred to a glass or ceramic dishes, cover with a lid and store in a refrigerator or in a dry, dark place with a temperature of up to 18 degrees.

The first recipes for making halvah appeared in Iran more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Secret knowledge was transmitted strictly through the male line, from father to son. Artifacts found by historians helped to restore the confectionery technique - surprisingly, it has changed little over the centuries, only there are more variations.

IN industrial scale halva is still made from three main components: protein mass (oilseeds), caramel from sugar and molasses, foaming agent (usually marshmallow root). Sometimes the composition is diversified by adding cocoa, raisins. There are many most different types halva, but the inhabitants of our country are more accustomed to sunflower: due to the climatic features of the region, the price for this delicacy is the most affordable.

Mature sunflowers are harvested from the fields, the seeds are cleaned of impurities and peel by machine. The kernels are washed and sent to the technical processing workshop, where they are doused with hot air and fried at high temperatures(150C - 300C). So the sunflower loses moisture, but the content in it healthy oils remains the same and their properties do not weaken.

Next, the seeds are carefully ground to a state of thick homogeneous mass, combined with caramel and a foaming agent, mixed well with special mixers. Halva is ready - it is cut and packed in boxes, small packs.

Composition of sunflower halva

The high calorie content of sunflower halva (512 kcal) makes women fear for the beauty of the figure, but no one forces them to eat it in kilograms! You can afford one piece weighing 30 g per day - such a compromise will not affect your waist in any way, but it will give you strength for a long time. The second positive moment of a sweet snack is the intake of a loading dose of useful substances into the body:

  • Vitamins B1, B2, E, D, PP;
  • Potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Phospholipids;
  • Iron, copper;
  • Useful vegetable.

Speaking of nutritional value sunflower sweets should be highlighted high content proteins - 11.6 per 100 g of product. Proteins are the building material for the cells of the whole organism, so it is difficult to overestimate the health benefits of halvah. The same serving contains 29 g of easily digestible fats and 54 g of carbohydrates. The latter indicator is important for diabetics - they are not recommended to eat ordinary sunflower halva, they can only occasionally treat themselves to a similar product on fructose.

It should be remembered that halva is very nutritious - it definitely should not be eaten at night or washed down with milk. excessive infatuation high-calorie sweetness may be harmful to the body.

The benefits of halva for women

Sunflower seeds have properties that are extremely beneficial for health, especially for women. By replacing chocolate with sunflower halva, you will soon notice that your sleep has become stronger, your mood is better, your hair is more beautiful. But first things first. So, how is halva useful for women?

  • Keeps beauty. Vitamins in the composition of the oriental dessert contribute to the cellular renewal of the body, this process is the key to youth and skin tone. Regular use goodies will be an excellent prevention of early wrinkles. In addition, the nails will be noticeably strengthened, the hair will stop breaking, they will delight you with smoothness and shine;
  • Helps. Of course, if there is a lot of sunflower halva, there is a risk of not getting into any dress. But in small doses, it is indispensable on the diet as alternatives to sugar and loved ones. harmful sweets- sweets, cakes, unlike which it does not incite hunger, but gives a feeling of satiety for a long time;
  • Relieves PMS. A premenstrual symptom is not idle fiction, but a scientifically proven phenomenon due to a change hormonal background. Monthly suffering from symptoms of PMS, get into the habit of regularly eating sunflower halva: if the discomfort does not disappear completely, then it will noticeably weaken;
  • Increases reproductive ability. Vitamin E, which is rich in sunflower halva, must be prescribed to women who have difficulty conceiving. It was not for nothing that such sweets were adored in eastern harems - each concubine sought to give birth to an heir to the Sultan;
  • Source. - the period when a woman needs to receive food or medicines right amount folic acid, and sunflower halva is a champion in this matter. The second plus is that it will raise hemoglobin, and in fact many pregnant women face the problem of anemia. But all this is relevant only in the absence or contraindications, before use, you need to consult a doctor;
  • Increases nutrition breast milk . Sunflower halva is very high in calories and helps to improve lactation, saturates milk with substances useful for the baby. But not all babies benefit from it, allergic reactions are possible, so introduce it into the diet very carefully.

A small piece of delicacy from sunflower seeds - great snack for a health-conscious woman: gives energy, increases brain activity, improves mood.

A little more about halva

Sunflower halva, due to the characteristics of the composition, is especially useful for certain ailments, from which it will also serve as a prophylactic:

  • Disorders of the CNS. Nervous system women are especially fragile, any minor stress can cause insomnia. Eat a piece of halva at night, drinking it hot herbal tea and forget about troubles until the morning;
  • Oncology. According to latest research scientists, sunflower and all products from it inhibit the growth of oncological neoplasms in the mammary glands, ovaries, and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cardiovascular diseases. Potassium and magnesium strengthen the heart muscle, and their content is quite high in sunflower halva. Vegetable proteins reduce cholesterol levels, treat hypertension. The best prevention heart attack- a piece of sunflower dessert every morning;
  • Anemia. Iron from sunflower halva is easily absorbed by the body, phosphorus stimulates blood circulation. The composition of the blood is cleansed, the process of its circulation is normalized;
  • Bone fragility. Osteoporosis - diagnoses in which sunflower cake is very useful - both for women and men. The simultaneous intake of calcium with vitamin D guarantees its almost complete absorption, and hence the strengthening of bone tissue;
  • Hangover. It may not be such a terrible disease, but the phenomenon is unpleasant, painful. It is noticed that halva helps the body recover after a stormy party with alcohol.

With all their positive qualities sunflower halva is categorically contraindicated for people suffering from obesity,.

One of the most affordable sweets is halva. This delicacy has gained wide popularity among the peoples of the East since time immemorial. In Russia, halva began to be made only at the beginning of the twentieth century. Nowadays, this sweet can be found in every grocery store.

Have you ever wondered how beneficial halva is for health? What is the calorie content of halva? Can everyone eat this delicacy? What should be real halva? To answer these questions, you should study the composition of halva and calculate the calorie content of this product.

In this article:

Biochemical composition of halva

As you know, the main components of nutrition that determine the energy value of food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Various mineral compounds and vitamins contained in foods do not have any significant effect on the caloric value.

The biochemical composition of halva is as follows:

  • approximately 12% proteins;
  • 30% fat;
  • about 40% carbohydrates.

Who can and who cannot eat halva

The presence of proteins that are indispensable components nutrition can be considered as positive reference this delicacy. And here great content fats and carbohydrates are more likely to harm your health, since in such quantities these substances cause a fairly high calorie content of halva. It is estimated that when one hundred grams of this product is broken down in the human body, approximately 500 kilocalories are released. That is why halva is not recommended to be included in your diet for those who suffer from diabetes and obesity.

For all other people, it is quite acceptable to use halva in reasonable quantities. Several types of this sweet product are produced.

Halva can be made from:

  • sesame seeds,
  • almond,

Mandatory components of this delicacy are caramel mass and a foaming agent that gives finished product special fibrous structure.

If you can't but really want to

You are very embarrassed high calorie content halva, but at the same time you categorically disagree to give up this sweetness? Well, at least try to use your favorite treat only in the morning. In this case, by the evening you will have time to use up those kilocalories that will be released in the body during the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates.

When buying sweets, carefully study the composition of halva indicated on the package, give preference to varieties with the smallest content carbohydrates and fats.

Real sunflower halva is becoming scarce

What is sold under this name in stores now is significantly inferior to the delicacy to which we are accustomed since childhood, but it costs much more.

The real "correct" halva - what is it

Real halva should be gray and crumbly, and in grocery stores they sell some kind of toffee with a bitter aftertaste, a yellowish tint. Hue and taste - they say that soy or wheat flour, sweetening her palm oil. And sugar was replaced by its cheap counterpart. At the same time, the shelf life of such halva is increased to six months.

Meanwhile, the “correct” halva is not just a delicacy, but a product that is very necessary for health, containing vitamins A, B and C, various food acids and vegetable protein. True, this product should not be abused, because in 100 g of goodies there are more than 500 kcal.

In not so distant times, factories produced completely natural sunflower halva seasonally, from October to May. After the sunflower harvest, production volumes were usually calculated by wagons.

Recipe for real sunflower halva

The recipe for making halvah was simple: the sunflower was peeled, then fried, licorice root and vegetable molasses were added, then pressed and packaged.

Sunflower is still grown in hundreds of thousands of tons, and nothing prevents us from making more than just sunflower oil. After all, seeds cost a penny, and the price of sweets made from it is already estimated in tens or hundreds of rubles. But not everything is so simple. For its production in fairly serious volumes, bulky equipment, presses and roasting ovens are needed, and this is expensive.
