
Udon noodles with vegetables and shrimp in sweet and sour sauce. Recipe with step by step photos

Dishes oriental cuisine will probably never leave our diet. And why should they leave? After all, they are guaranteed to be tasty and healthy. And this is already known not only to gourmets, accustomed to the most delicious delights, but also to ordinary consumers. I'm not talking about sushi or sashimi. Meet udon, noodles made from wheat flour without eggs.

No, you don't have to go to a fancy restaurant or an advanced themed cafe to enjoy Japanese food. Making udon noodles at home couldn't be easier. Moreover, it has acquired thousands of recipes. And they are literally invented on the go by those who are ready for anything for an excellent figure, and those who have to refrain from a number of products for one reason or another. In a word, today is all about udon and how delicious it is to cook from it.

What you need to know about udon noodles?

udon noodles

It turns out that the tasty character, made from flour, salt and water, is many, many years old. We will not go far into history, suffice it to say that nutritious and tasty boiled flour cakes from the east began to gradually conquer other parts of the world.

So, in order for the noodles to acquire their own specific taste, special mineral water is taken for its preparation.

BY THE WAY: It is customary to wash noodles with cold water.

That udon (the thickest Japanese noodles) can be different color(gray to white), explained different varieties flour.

Those who have already fallen in love with this product, which contains a whole arsenal of minerals, vitamins, fiber, complex carbohydrates and other benefits, know that there are plenty of varieties of udon (the most thin noodles- inaniva-udon, in the form of ears - mimi-udon, flat and wide - hoto, etc.).

ATTENTION: Shops sell fakes. And they are definitely of no use, but overweight and other problems.

Did you know that udon noodles are served not only as a side dish or main dish, but also as a first? They eat it hot and cold (especially in summer). She goes great with the most different products. There are a huge variety of recipes. And every hostess has her own. So I will share with you the secrets of cooking udon noodles as second courses, which are combined with vegetables. Seafood, especially shrimp!

How is udon eaten? Of course, with chopsticks, but you can also use a spoon. If you cook with broth, then you can not drink it completely.

IMPORTANT: This original lung And nutritious dish Japanese cuisine from natural ingredients contraindicated for those who have extra pounds and who are contraindicated for gluten.

And further. Didn't cook udon at home. But the recipes easy cooking yes, the main thing here is following the recipe and proper storage.

I cooked a lot different dishes. But the first ones were not on my menu yet. After all, in order to cook real Japanese soups with udon, you need specific products. And they are not. I modified one of the recipes. I suggest you get to know him!

Soup with mushrooms and udon noodles - step by step cooking with photos

We, as the Japanese, do not eat udon dishes three times a day. But if you sometimes cook such deliciousness, you yourself will be satisfied, and your family. After all, there are so many delicious and useful things.


  • Udon noodles - 100 g
  • Champignons - 4 pcs
  • Carrot - 50 g
  • Leek - 5 cm
  • Bulgarian pepper - 50 g
  • Asparagus beans - 3 pods
  • Oil
  • Soy sauce - to taste
  • Sesame - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

How to cook soup with mushrooms and udon noodles

Let's start by sending water to the stove - we need broth. How much water? Not less than a litre. Let it boil slowly.

Step 1. Water in a pot

Now let's cut all the ingredients that will be involved in this interesting action. Let's start with carrots. What format to choose? Doesn't matter. If only you liked it!

Step 2: Carrots

Bulgarian pepper decorates any dish, it will not hurt in our soup with udon. I decided to cut straws.

Step 3 Pepper

Black Eyed Peas - unique product, which will replace the asparagus called for in the recipe. I cut it into pieces.

Step 4. Green beans

According to the recipe, only the white part of the leek is taken. But I decided to decorate the soup both tastefully and in terms of color - I chopped up both the white and green parts.

Step 5. Leek

Pour a little oil into a well-heated frying pan (ideally a wok). As soon as it heats up, we will send all the cuts here. Stew with addition soy sauce and drain excess oil.

Step 6. Vegetables are fried

Now, mushrooms. No, the recipe here is shiitake, but where to get them when you decide to cook such a yummy. I cut into straws.

Step 7 Mushrooms

Now let's put the mushrooms in a little oil. If there are few of them, and there is room in the pan, you can generally fry everything together. In just a few minutes, mix them with vegetables. Simmer for just a minute.

Step 8. Vegetables with mushrooms

That's all. It remains for us to boil the noodles (according to the instructions), adding to them fried vegetables with mushrooms. If you like, add some more soy sauce and sugar to taste here. A minute before the shutdown, we will send sesame seeds here (preferably black). Salt to taste, if desired. And let's enjoy!

Step 9. Noodles in a pot

I will add. The amount of all the ingredients that you will add to the noodles can be changed - put less and more. The same is true for the ingredients. If you want, highlight the taste of soup with mushrooms, or spicy vegetables, etc.

Easy Chicken Udon Noodle Recipe

It's incredibly satisfying and enough savory dish, if you cook everything strictly according to the recipe of one of the famous chefs. If something is missing, you can replace it with something similar.


  • Chicken broth - 500 ml
  • Noodles - 100 g
  • Star anise - 1 star
  • Ginger - 1 cm
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Eggplant - 70 g
  • Broccoli - 70 g
  • Onion - 70 g
  • Tomato
  • Soy sauce
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil

How to make chicken udon noodles easy

We fry in a wok. If not, take a frying pan with high sides. Fry the ginger sticks in oil first, chicken meat, garlic, eggplant, broccoli umbels and onion circles. All this beauty will sap. And the color and taste of the dish will change the addition of a small amount of soy sauce, star anise. Let's extinguish it all, bay chicken broth, and then tomato (to taste). Separately, cook the noodles in salted water according to the instructions. Combine the finished noodles and everything that we fried and stewed in a pan. And after a couple of minutes of boiling, you can drop a little lemon juice, turn it off and enjoy delicious dish. By the way, you can safely put udon with broth, and then pour stewed vegetables with it.

Exquisite Shrimp Udon Noodle Recipe

No less tasty and healthy dish, which is ideal for breakfast, and for dinner, and in the evening does not hurt. It is not entirely necessary to take royal ones, as in my recipe. The main thing is that the specific taste is guaranteed!

Shrimp udon noodles


  • Udon noodles - 100 g
  • King prawns - 5 pcs
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g
  • Zucchini - 100 g
  • Onion - 100 g
  • Tomatoes - 100 g
  • Spices

Cooking spicy udon noodles with shrimp

There are two options here. The first is parallel cooking on two burners, and the second is sequential. I will talk about the second. So let's put the udon on to boil. We do everything as the manufacturer wrote. I even had noodles, which had to be in 3 minutes. boil top up cold water, boil for a minute and remove. I boiled the udon, put it in a colander, and after rinsing it under the tap, I turned to the shrimp. Without cleaning them, cooked for 3 minutes. Then I shredded all the vegetables. beautiful straw. I fried them (put the tomatoes last, a minute before turning off). At the end I covered them with shrimp. Stewed under the lid, and put the noodles in the middle. If you want - mix, if you want - eat differently. Most importantly, you will like it!

Udon noodles with champignons - my favorite recipe!

Noodles with vegetables - this is something! I love this recipe because you can put anything you have in here. Up to the point that one pepper fry, broccoli or zucchini, and fill them with something delicious. And if there is something else, then your dish will have no price.

Udon noodles with champignons


  • Udon noodles - 100 g
  • Tomato - 50 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 50 g
  • Champignons - 4 pcs
  • Green onion
  • Parsley
  • Dill
  • Adjika
  • Oil
  • Spices

Delicious preparation of udon noodles with champignons

We prepare the noodles according to the instructions. At the same time, we cut the ingredients that need further processing. heat treatment. In a cauldron, heat up the oil, add sliced ​​\u200b\u200bhere. After a minute of roasting, pour adjika here, add spices (I had Italian herbs). I did not salt, therefore, as in adjika, all this is enough. Now it remains for us to mix the udon well with the roast and serve.

homemade udon noodle recipe

If there is no way to run to the store, and udon is a dream, it does not matter. Noodles are easy to make at home.


  • Unbleached flour - 0.5 kg
  • Bleached flour - 150 g
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Salt - 4 tsp

How to make your own udon noodles

In a hole made in flour (mixing both varieties), add gradually salted warm water. Let's knead the dough. Having sent it in polyethylene, wrap it in a towel and with a pusher or something else, bring it to the state of a cake. Then, having layered the dough four times, do the same. This manipulation must be repeated 3-4 times. It remains to roll out the dough thinly, sprinkle with flour, fold in three and chop the noodles.

This dish - udon noodles with vegetables and shrimps sweet and sour sauce differs in that it is prepared immediately before serving from pre-prepared ingredients in accordance with the individual wishes of the guest regarding the proportions of each ingredient.


For the ginger garlic paste:

  • Garlic -3-4 cloves
  • Ginger root - 20 g.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper(yellow and red) - 2 pcs.
  • Celery stalk - 3-4 stalks
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • – 300 g
  • Cashew nuts - 80 g
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

For sweet and sour sauce:

  • Cinnamon - 1 stick2
  • Star anise - 2 "stars"
  • Ginger root - 30g
  • Allspice - 5 peas
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Leek (green part) - 1 pc.
  • tomato ketchup– 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml
  • For decoration - green cilantro and sesame seeds.

Udon noodles with vegetables and shrimps - recipe

First, let's start cooking sweet and sour. If there is too much sauce, then it can be stored in a tight, sealed container for two weeks.

So, pour a glass of water into the pan. Put a cinnamon stick in the water, tub, allspice, chopped ginger root, coarsely chopped green leeks. Let it all simmer on low heat for fifteen minutes.

For ginger-garlic, peel the ginger root. Cut it into thin plastics across the fibers, peel the garlic and chop everything in a blender. If you add a little to this paste olive oil, it may well be stored in the refrigerator for some time.

Mix chicken meat with ginger-garlic paste. Be guided by your personal taste when deciding how much pasta to add to the chicken.

Let the chicken stand until it soaks in the aromas of ginger and garlic. And you will prepare vegetables. Cut carrots, celery stalks, zucchini, sweet bell pepper into thin long strips. Defrost shrimp, drain excess water from them. Place all chopped vegetables in separate bowls. Prepare all the necessary ingredients: carrots, peppers, celery, shrimp, cashews.

We have almost everything ready. It remains only to boil the noodles and finish the preparation of sweet and sour sauce. Let's start with the sauce. Pour the tomato ketchup into the saucepan where the seasonings have been languishing for a long time.

Simmer the sauce for another five minutes, then strain through a sieve, adding salt if necessary. For my taste, you can do without salt.

Drain the sauce into a separate cup and place it near the vegetables and shrimp. Now pour in large saucepan more water, salt it a little and, when it boils, boil udon noodles in it until half cooked. Until al dente.

Throw on a sieve and immediately proceed to the final phase, to fry all the ingredients. Pour vegetable oil into a deep saucepan. This is where the most creative process begins. The fact is that each portion must be prepared separately. Depending on individual wishes, everyone can take something more and something less.

So, the frying sequence is as follows. Roasted first a small amount of chicken (only for one serving), then a little carrot is added to the chicken, then a little pepper, a little celery.

Yes, shrimp are delicious on their own. You can do without udon. But we can't live on seafood alone. Since I am a well-known pasta eater, I try to buy products that minimal harm applied to the body as a whole and figure. Udon is one of those foods.

In addition, this noodles can be cooked in such a way that you will lick your fingers. Sometimes it is enough to add some key ingredient from the additional ones, and you get restaurant dish. And it inspires real feats in cooking. So let's get started.

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes, would be less if the water didn't boil

Complexity: medium


    udon noodles - 100 g

For garnish:

    zucchini - 70 g

For marinade:


Udon noodles are not a capricious product, but specific. I'm talking about cooking. It is necessary to cook according to the instructions, and I also say that it is better to rinse it with cold water after cooking.

While the water boils, let's build everything that will decorate and enrich its taste. Let's wash everything that will be involved in our process, and start cutting. We cut the zucchini nicely, without peeling.

Cut the bell pepper into half circles. I wish I had more bright color but green was good too.

Let's cut the tomatoes into strips. I decided to use straws without the liquid part.

Let's cook the shrimp. I did not clean them - then, when extinguishing, they will give everything they need, and we will clean them. Then we cut the greens and garlic, and marinate our shrimp. It would be possible to flavor the vegetables with this as well.

I didn't fry. There are reasons for that, I think. Everyone will have. Let's focus on what is better not to fry, but to cook in a different way. I did this - I placed vegetables and shrimp in a pan. Lightly covered them with water and added half a teaspoon of olive oil. Warmed up and covered with a lid. Such an aroma went right away!

shrimp recipes in Lately search especially often. If you cook these seafood correctly, they do not lose their freshness and elastic texture, they turn out to be satisfying and look beautiful when served, and secondly, you can cook from shrimp various snacks, full-fledged first and second courses, salads and sea ​​cocktails, which are served in special transparent glasses and decorate any table. They go great with exotic fruits, for example, mango, pineapple and avocado, with cheeses, lemon and green salads. classic dishes from shrimp are considered spanish paella And thai tom yum. In these dishes, shrimp become a major player in the culinary field. Small shrimps are put in tartlets and salads or cooked with rice, royal shrimps are deliciously wrapped in bacon and grilled, after sprinkling lemon juice, A Tiger chrimp in batter - a dish that is always not enough. Delicious and fast option- cook shrimp on coconut or sesame oil with the addition of garlic and salt and serve, sprinkled with lemon juice.

In traditional Japanese cuisine, seasonality is important: each season provides its own products, save initial properties which is the main task of the chef. Fresh and grilled fish, pork in sweet and sour sauce, miso soup and, of course, rice are popular here. Big influence on Japanese cuisine provided by China. From there came such dishes as ramen noodles and gyoza, in the recipes of which the Japanese managed to add their own zest. Today japanese food extremely popular and in demand. Oyakodon (omelet with rice and chicken, unagi-yanagawa), soup with shiitake mushrooms and tempura eel or kare-rice (Japanese curry) can be ordered at any restaurant or cooked at home according to recipes on the website. In kare rice, by the way, interesting story appearances: cheap, but hearty meal was distributed among British sailors who brought it with them to Japan and introduced it to the locals, for whom the taste of curry was very unusual. Kare-rice fell in love with the Japanese, and its recipe has not changed much over time. Among the drinks in the Country rising sun Drink tea, rice vodka sake and cold drinks juice based. Japanese sweets known collectively as wagashi. For their preparation is used bean paste adzuki, agar-agar, tea and various herbs. Among them are dorayaki (biscuit stuffed with anko), mochi (koloboks made from boiled white rice in syrup) and yokan (sweet bean paste marshmallow).

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