
Sweet fried chicken with pineapple. We make an unusual batter for chicken with pineapples

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Cooking time : 40 min
Chicken with pineapples in a pan is a very spicy and elegant dish. The taste of chicken takes on a pleasant sweet hue with aroma oriental spices. In general, the dish is perfect for gourmets and aesthetes.

Preparation description:

Chicken with pineapple in a pan is prepared quite simply and easily. It takes about 30-40 minutes to prepare this dish, but it's worth it, believe me! The most interesting thing is that such a dish goes very well with cool white wine and Italian bread ciabatta (if served chicken without rice). Soy sauce adds a special piquancy to the dish. For those who especially love oriental cuisine, I can suggest adding a little sesame.

Good luck and bon appetit!

Purpose: For lunch / For dinner
Main Ingredient: Bird / Chicken
Dish: Hot dishes Ingredients:

  • Chicken breast - 300-400 Grams
  • Canned pineapples - 150 grams
  • Onions - 1-2 Pieces
  • Garlic - 2-3 Cloves
  • Tomatoes - 3 Pieces
  • Curry - 1-2 teaspoons
  • Ground ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Chili pepper - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Starch - 2 Art. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - - to taste
  • Fresh herbs - - To taste

Servings: 3-4

How to cook "Chicken with pineapple in a pan"

Rinse chicken well, pat dry and chop. in small pieces. Chop the garlic, finely chop the onion. Drain the liquid from pineapples and cut them into small cubes, just like tomatoes. Roll chicken pieces in starch and fry in a pan over high heat for about 5-7 minutes. Then remove from heat and set aside. Pour a little oil into the same pan and fry the onion and garlic, stirring constantly (about 3 minutes). Then add the tomatoes and fry for about 3 more minutes. Everything should thicken a little, then pour in soy sauce, add curry, ground ginger, chili peppers and pineapples. In the resulting mass, which we mix well and cook for about 2 minutes, add chicken pieces. You can add a little water (1/4 cup) and simmer everything for about 7 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly. To taste, you can add more soy sauce, salt, seasonings. We serve our dish with rice at the table. Bon appetit!

Hello my dear foodies. Raise your hand if you recently heard from your husband and children: “Are there chicken for dinner again?”. But, believe me, your family will definitely not refuse this dish 🙂 In this recipe perfect combination super useful products. And this dish is distinguished by a unique spicy-sweet taste. And we will prepare chicken with pineapples in a pan, I will show you the recipe with a photo below.

This dish is prepared very quickly - in just 25 minutes. Plus, it only takes 10 minutes to prepare. This is enough to get everything out of the refrigerator and cut the ingredients. Well, the rest of the time will be left for the chicken with pineapple to be well fried. You just have time to cook yummy before the arrival of guests or for the return of her husband from work. Delicious and quick to prepare - what could be better!

What is the benefit of this dish

Pineapple is one of the main components of this dish. That's why I wanted to tell you more about it. useful properties. Yes, on New Year I made pineapple with pork. Happened amazing combination products. The recipe is better 🙂

There is simply no other fruit that breaks down proteins and burns fats with such ease. This amazing feature of the fetus is achieved due to the presence of bromelain in it.

Pineapple has only 52 kcal, with a minimum of 0.1 g of fat, 0.3 g of protein, and about 12 g of carbohydrates.

Moreover, pineapple is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP and others. It also contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and other mineral elements. Therefore, eating an exotic fruit helps the body to saturate with useful elements.

In addition, pineapple contains about 60 aromatic substances. That's why it has such a subtle scent. This is actively used exotic fruit V traditional medicine, dietology and cosmetology. This is such an amazing product.

Cooking features

This dish combines several spices - ginger, garlic, ground hot peppers, honey and soy sauce. As for garlic, I now try to add it little by little to all dishes. And there are at least 2 reasons for this:

  • First, it adds a sophisticated flavor. And it can be used for many dishes.
  • secondly, garlic is loaded with a bunch of antioxidants. They protect against heart disease, high cholesterol and oncological diseases. A study was recently done on this. It turns out that women who regularly consume garlic have a 50 percent lower risk of developing colon cancer.

A few words about another spice - ground red pepper. You can use it if you wish. It adds spice to the dish. But if you don't really like the spiciness, then put it aside.

Ginger is full of antioxidants. Studies have shown that it can relieve the symptoms of colds and sore throats. Yes, and.

Yes, instead of soy sauce, you can cook with starch and cream. To do this, in a separate container, mix a couple of tablespoons of cream with tsp. starch. Mix so that there are no lumps. Naturally, if you cook with a creamy-starch mixture, do not add soy sauce. Better add salt to taste.

And yet, if you like to eat soft carrots in a dish, then put it along with bell pepper is preparing. At the end of the dish, it is only slightly sautéed and will be slightly crunchy. Although I like it better.

Despite such a rich set of products that you will need, this is actually a simple recipe. Once you try the dish, be sure to share your feedback afterwards. If you like it gourmet dish and recommend it to your friends.

Well, here is the recipe for chicken with pineapple and soy sauce. Catch 🙂


4 servings 35 min. Weight ready meal: 950 gr.

350 grpulp from one small pineapple

600 gr3 fillets

3 cloves

150 grmedium sized pepper

150 gra couple of medium carrots

1 bunch

1 st. lfor frying

2 tbsp. l

2 tbsp. lor 1 tbsp. without a slide of sugar

Today we have on the menu - very delicious chicken with pineapples in a pan, the recipe is simple and quick. In 20 minutes we will prepare a small cooking masterpiece. I'm not kidding or exaggerating. When you try it, you will definitely agree with me. We will do our best with you to maximize the taste of the main ingredients - chicken and pineapple. We will definitely take Bell pepper to make the dish look appetizing. But main secret wonderful taste - in the glaze, which we will add at the very end. She was made in best traditions Asian cuisine- a mixture of soy sauce with lemon, sugar (honey), garlic and starch. Starch is one of the main ingredients oriental dishes: once in the pan, it instantly thickens, forming a delicious-tasting substance around each piece. I am sure that you, like myself, will cook such chicken with pineapples quite often. And not only because it is very tasty, but also because it is really simple.

Ingredients for 3 large servings:

  • Skinless chicken - 600-700 grams (I have a whole chicken breast),
  • Pineapple - 200 grams,
  • Sweet red pepper - 1 piece,
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons,
  • Honey or brown sugar - 1 heaping tablespoon
  • Starch - 1 tablespoon,
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves

How to cook pineapple chicken

Chicken meat can be taken from any part - cut from the breast or legs. The main thing is that the pieces are thin and long.

Before frying, the pan must be warmed up, put it on high heat, then pour in the oil. Quantity - to taste. I pour a lot - somewhere around a fifth of a glass. And after a minute, lay out the chicken so that all the pieces touch the bottom. Fry for 5 minutes on one side, mix and another 5 minutes. It is necessary that a barely noticeable golden crust come out.

During this time, clean and wash the sweet pepper, remove the seeds. If a part gets inside the pepper, it is very easy to remove them under running water. We cut off the protruding partitions from the inside. And cut lengthwise into thin strips. Pour into the pan with chicken, mix.

Reduce the heat to medium, cover with a lid and cook for 7 minutes, be sure to mix a couple of times.

Pineapple, if you have it fresh, you need to put in a pan along with pepper. If canned, then after 7 minutes - it is already soft, it is enough just to warm it up.

So, our dish is almost ready. The most important thing left is to make the glaze sauce. I'll write it down in detail so you can remember what's going on. We take starch.

Add honey, grind. It turns out something very similar to putty.

Adding lemon juice. Stir with a fork until smooth homogeneous sauce. Pour in soy sauce and stir.

And add the garlic. Here is the rule. If you want the garlic to be clearly felt in the dish, take two cloves. And if all you want is a subtle hint of garlic, go for one clove. Garlic needs to be grated fine grater, stir into the sauce.

And pour it into the chicken with pineapples, stirring quickly. The sauce will begin to boil, continue to stir for another minute - one and a half. In the photo you see the dish before pouring the sauce. Compare with below.

This is with the sauce. You can clearly see how the glaze shines.

And that is all. It turned out in general about 20 minutes in the kitchen. And at the end - a dish worthy restaurant menu. And in appearance, and in aroma, and in taste.


The recipe for the most delicious chicken with pineapple in a pan

Hello my dear foodies. Raise your hand if you recently heard from your husband and children: “Are there chicken for dinner again?”. But, believe me, your family will definitely not refuse this dish. This recipe is the perfect combination of super-healthy products. And this dish is distinguished by a unique spicy-sweet taste. And we will prepare chicken with pineapples in a pan, I will show you the recipe with a photo below.

This dish is prepared very quickly - in just 25 minutes. Plus, it only takes 10 minutes to prepare. This is enough to get everything out of the refrigerator and cut the ingredients. Well, the rest of the time will be left for the chicken with pineapple to be well fried. You just have time to cook yummy before the arrival of guests or for the return of her husband from work. Delicious and quick to prepare - what could be better!

What is the benefit of this dish

Pineapple is one of the main components of this dish. Therefore, I wanted to tell you more about its beneficial properties. Yes, for the New Year I cooked pineapple with pork. It turned out to be an amazing combination of products. Read the recipe yourself

There is simply no other fruit that breaks down proteins and burns fats with such ease. This amazing feature of the fetus is achieved due to the presence of bromelain in it.

Pineapple has only 52 kcal, with a minimum of 0.1 g of fat, 0.3 g of protein, and about 12 g of carbohydrates.

Moreover, pineapple is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP and others. It also contains a lot of magnesium, potassium and other mineral elements. Therefore, eating an exotic fruit helps the body to saturate with useful elements.

In addition, pineapple contains about 60 aromatic substances. That's why it has such a subtle scent. This exotic fruit is actively used in folk medicine, dietetics and cosmetology. This is such an amazing product.

Cooking features

Several spices are combined in this dish - ginger, garlic, ground hot pepper, honey and soy sauce. As for garlic, I now try to add it little by little to all dishes. And there are at least 2 reasons for this:

  • First, it adds a sophisticated flavor. And it can be used for many dishes.
  • secondly, garlic is loaded with a bunch of antioxidants. They protect against heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer. A study was recently done on this. It turns out that women who regularly consume garlic have a 50 percent lower risk of developing colon cancer.

A few words about another spice - ground red pepper. You can use it if you wish. It adds spice to the dish. But if you don't really like the spiciness, then put it aside.

Ginger is full of antioxidants. Studies have shown that it can relieve the symptoms of colds and sore throats. Moreover, ginger helps in weight loss.

Yes, instead of soy sauce, you can cook with starch and cream. To do this, in a separate container, mix a couple of tablespoons of cream with tsp. starch. Mix so that there are no lumps. Naturally, if you cook with a creamy-starch mixture, do not add soy sauce. Better add salt to taste.

And yet, if you like to eat soft carrots in a dish, then put it together with bell pepper in preparation. At the end of the dish, it is only slightly sautéed and will be slightly crunchy. Although I like it better.

Despite such a rich set of products that you will need, this is actually a simple recipe. Once you try the dish, be sure to share your feedback afterwards. If you like this delicious dish, recommend it to your friends.

Well, here is the recipe for chicken with pineapple and soy sauce. Catch


Chicken with pineapple in a pan

There are several options for how to cook chicken with pineapples: with the addition of cream, fried onions, tomato sauce, coconut milk, you can bake chicken fillet with pineapple in the oven or make chicken with pineapple in a pan. Any of these recipes guarantees that the finished dish will have a great taste: tender chicken meat will be soaked in sweet and sour tart juice pineapple, the aroma of spices and thick gravy.

Since the recipe for chicken with pineapple in a pan is borrowed from Asian cuisine, it is recommended to prepare an appropriate side dish for this dish, namely, crumbly boiled rice. It is better to cook rice without spices, just add a little salt so that the side dish does not interrupt the taste of the main dish.

- fresh pineapple - 5-6 circles (or the same canned);

- chili pepper - 1 pod;

- garlic - 3 cloves;

- ginger ( fresh root) - 1 tbsp. l. crushed;

- lime - 0.5 medium or 1 small (juice only);

- any vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

- finely ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon (to your liking);

- sea salt or ordinary salt - add to taste;

- brown sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;

- boiled rice - for garnish.

To cook chicken with pineapples in a pan, it is better to take meat from the breast (fillet) and fresh pineapple. Or canned in own juice, without adding sugar - then the finished dish will have a rich sweet and sour taste, and pineapple in sweet syrup will make the chicken too sweet. However, these are just recommendations and it is better to focus on your taste. Cut the chicken fillet medium-sized, into pieces about 3x3 cm.

Grind the garlic and ginger root (on a grater, with a knife, in a mortar - as it is more convenient). Free the chili pepper pod from seeds and partitions. We'll cut it fine.

Pour all the chopped seasonings to the chicken fillet, mix.

Squeeze the juice from half a medium-sized lime directly onto the chicken meat. Salt to taste, be sure to sprinkle with black ground pepper(at least a little for flavor) and mix everything with your hands or a spoon. We cover the dishes with chicken and leave to marinate for half an hour (or longer, it will be tastier).

from a jar with canned pineapple we drain the juice (we will leave it, it will still be useful to us), we cut the circles of fruit into small cubes. It will take more time to prepare a fresh pineapple. First you need to peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Then cut out a dense center from each, and cut the flesh into slices.

When the pineapple is ready and the chicken is marinated, heat the pan and pour a tablespoon onto the hot surface brown sugar(or regular white).

Squeeze the juice from half a lime, throw the peel into a pan and heat until the sugar melts. The lime will give its flavor to the future gravy and it will turn out to be very fragrant.

Once the sugar dissolves white sugar you need to lightly brown), pour oil into the pan, let it warm up well and lay out the chicken pieces. Stir immediately so that the caramel gets on each piece. Fry the fried chicken fillet almost until cooked, browning the pieces on all sides. It is not worth frying strongly, the fillet quickly loses its juiciness and turns out to be dryish even with juicy pineapple and gravy.

Pour the pineapple pieces into the pan with the fried chicken. We increase the fire, warm the pineapple until it begins to give juice. Now the intensity of the flame must be reduced to a quiet one and simmer the chicken with pineapples until the fruits are soft (about 5 minutes).

We serve chicken with pineapples, cooked in a pan in the traditions of Asian cuisine: put a slide on a large flat plate boiled rice, greens or chopped tomatoes, chicken with pineapple and gravy and serve immediately. Both rice and chicken should be hot. Bon appetit!


Recipe for chicken fillet with pineapple in a pan

I have already somehow fried meat with pineapple in a pan, and cooked meat with pineapple in the oven - I love this taste. Today I have chicken fillet, but in interesting marinade With brown sugar and lime. It turned out great, so I'm saving unusual recipe cooking chicken fillet into your piggy bank.

Chicken cooked this way is amazingly flavorful! This marinade sauce harmoniously combines spicy, sour and sweet tastes, and pineapples give this dish a special juiciness and zest.

To prepare such a delicious chicken fillet with pineapple, I needed:

3 chicken breasts

4 garlic cloves

1 chili pepper

3 tbsp vegetable oil

1 lime (can be substituted with half a lemon)

1.5 tbsp brown sugar

1 small pineapple(can be replaced with a can of canned)

Chicken fillet in a pan with pineapple, lime and brown sugar

I cut the chicken fillet lengthwise and then into pieces across the fibers of a centimeter and a half thick.

Preparing marinade for chicken fillet with pineapple

Advice: add another teaspoon to the marinade ground ginger if you have it on hand and the dish will be even tastier.

I poured a little vegetable oil into the pan, poured sugar, squeezed lime juice and threw the peels into the pan too, so that they would give their aroma. It is recommended to take brown sugar, but I think this is not important with the usual one, it should also turn out delicious.

I overcooked the sugar a little, literally just until it dissolved and plus another half a minute, removed the lime skins ..

Ready for a quick and delicious dinner recipe? - this is the dish that will allow you to feed your family with a full dinner or lunch in just ten minutes, and feed it tasty, satisfying and beautiful. This is one of those lifesaver recipes where you seem to do almost nothing, but still get amazing results. Effective and beautiful, tasty and original, quick and easy - it's all about chicken with pineapples in a pan. If you have situations from time to time when, for example, in the morning you forgot to take out cutlets or other semi-finished products for defrosting, and pasta with sausages has been five times this week, chicken with pineapples will definitely save you. One moment - the dish turns out to be quite specific in taste: with a distinct sweetish aftertaste, so if you don’t understand sweet notes in meat or poultry dishes, be careful and maybe don’t even take risks. However, if you are open to everything new and unusual, if you are close to oriental notes in your food if you don't mind the combination chicken meat and sweet fruits, be sure to try!

A woman asks her neighbor:
“Did you happen to see who killed my chicken?”
- No, my friend, I didn’t hear or see, and don’t let him row in my garden!

IN standard version chicken with pineapple cooked in the oven - it turns out exquisitely, elegantly and even festively, however, chicken with pineapples in a pan also has its advantages: this dish looks simpler, but it tastes excellent, and it requires much less time and effort. In general, try both, but today we are talking about something else, so I just emphasize again: it's simple and fast, and it great option for all busy, working, underachieving and tired.

Chicken recipe with pineapple in a pan


1 small chicken breast;

1 bell pepper;

1 onion;

1/2 can canned pieces pineapples;

1/2 cup canned pineapple syrup

1 st. l. starch;

1/4 tsp dry chili pepper;

2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

salt, herbs to taste.


  • In general, everything is just to disgrace. Simple and fast. Heat up a frying pan with oil. While all this is heated, we clean the onion and quickly, quickly cut it into half rings. Lay out on the pan.
  • We cut in parallel chicken breast- not thick stripes. Put on the onion.
  • Peel and cut the pepper into fairly large squares. Fry.
  • Until the contents of the pan reach readiness (medium heat, stir regularly), mix the starch, salt and syrup in which the pineapples were canned in a cup. Put the pineapple slices into the pan to the chicken, mix, then pour in the starch mass, mix. Stirring, bring the sauce to a thickening and turn off. Taste for salt, add herbs.
  • Chicken with pineapple can be served just like that, or you can add a side dish - mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Bon appetit!
