
Classification of non-fish seafood and fish. Families and species of fish




Department of Economics and Modeling of Market Relations

Control module work

discipline: "International Economics"

"Characteristics of the world commodity market for seafood."


4th year student, 2 groups

areas of training "Finance and Credit"

Stepanova G. E.


Doctor of Geography

Dergachev V. A.

Odessa - 2014


Section 1. Classification of fish and seafood

Section 2. Production and consumption fish products in the world

Section 3. Trade and prices of fish products in the world

Applications (Table 1)


Sales of fish and seafood in the world are growing steadily. In 2009-2013, global sales of fish products increased by 13.1% and in 2013 amounted to 147.3 million tons. According to BusinesStat forecasts, in 2014-2018, sales of fish and seafood in the world will grow by an average of 2.5% in year.

Since fish is a perishable commodity, specific requirements are imposed on it and significant capacities are needed for its processing. In 2013, 85.6% of the world's fish production was for human consumption, and the rest was

used for non-food purposes: in the production of fish meal, fish oil, glue, for pharmaceutical purposes, as a raw material for the direct preparation of feed for fish farms, as well as for fur farming.

In 2013, the production of fish and seafood in the world amounted to 154.5 million tons, which is 13.5% higher than in 2009. The leading national producers were China, India and Indonesia. China remains by far the largest producer of fish and seafood in the world with a production volume of 55.5 million tons in 2013.

The growth in the production of fish and seafood is mainly due to the development of fish farming. Fish farming is a rapidly growing industry, as no one can guarantee the constant quality of caught, that is, wild, fish. In 2009-2013, the global volume of fish and seafood farming increased by 22.8% and in 2013 amounted to 68.2 million tons. In 2014-

By 2018, the volume of fish farming in the world will grow at a faster rate than fishing.

Section 1

Classification of fish and seafood

In the review, the data are detailed depending on the method of processing fish and seafood:

Live fish (ornamental fish, trout, eel, carp and other live fish)

Fresh or chilled fish

Frozen fish

Frozen, fresh or chilled fillets, minced meat and other fish meat

Salted, dried and smoked fish

Ice cream, fresh or chilled seafood

Canned fish and seafood

Non-food products from fish and seafood

Live fish is the most valuable raw material from which culinary products with high nutritional and taste properties. Live fish are not divided into varieties.

Chilled is a fish that has undergone a cold treatment, the temperature of which is close to the freezing point, but the freezing of the juices of the fish has not yet begun. The fish retains freshness the longer, the faster cooling was carried out after the catch. The time from the moment of catching to the moment of cooling the fish should not exceed 3 days. Chilled fish is put on sale by species name, whole, gutted, decapitated or with a head.

Frozen fish, with proper organization of freezing and proper storage, retains the properties of fresh fish for a long time. Frozen fish is classified:

By type of freezing (artificial air, natural, brine)

By species names

According to the degree of cutting

Fish fillets are prepared from fresh or chilled fish. The fillet does not require cleaning and cutting, it is very convenient for cooking various dishes. Minced meat is prepared from ice cream or chilled fish fillets. The most common minced cod, pollock, blue whiting and other fish.

Salted, dried and smoked fish is produced in whole or varying degrees cutting. This category includes salted herring, sprat Baltic, Caspian, Black Sea, sprat, sprat, anchovy, Far Eastern anchovy. Salted herring is the most common type of product among salted products. They are divided according to the place of catch,

cutting, salting method, size, degree of salinity and varieties. Salted salmon - salmon and Caspian and Baltic salmon - are valuable delicacy products with high taste qualities. By quality, they are divided into 1st and 2nd grades. Far Eastern salmon include chum salmon, pink salmon, red (sock salmon), chinook salmon, sim, etc. Salted fish include

fish of all families, except for herring, anchovy, sturgeon, salmon, smelt, ocean horse mackerel and mackerel. The method of cutting can be any.

Seafood includes all varieties of edible inhabitants of the seas and oceans, except

vertebrates (whales, fish):

Shellfish (lobster, lobster, shrimp, crabs)

Bivalves (scallops, mussels, oysters) Analysis of the global fish and seafood market in 2009-2013, forecast for 2014-2018 34

Cephalopods (octopuses, squids)

Echinoderms (sea urchins, sea cucumbers, sea cucumbers)

Canned and preserves from fish and seafood are fish products, after pre-treatment, hermetically sealed in a container and subjected to sterilization for a certain time.

Non-edible fish and seafood products include inedible fish roe and milt (fertilized roe for fish farming, recognizable by the presence of black dots that are the eyes of the embryos), salted milk and roe (for example, cod or mackerel),

used as fishing bait. These products can be distinguished from caviar substitutes by their inherent sharp bad smell and by the fact that they are usually supplied without packaging (in bulk). Also, non-food products include the waste of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates. This category includes the scales of sprat, smelt or similar small fish, fresh or canned, which is used to prepare pearl essence, to cover imitation pearls, fish bladders, intestines and waste

fish skins used for the production of glue, fish heads and other fish waste.

Section 2

Seafood - nutritional value,
a brief description of.

Today, a large place in public enterprises
food is occupied by fish and seafood dishes.

Due to its high nutritional value and its
taste features - Fish and seafood have
great importance in human nutrition.

Fish and seafood dishes are widely used as
V daily diet both adults and
children's and diet food.

Fish is one of the most valuable food products. By
for its nutritional and taste qualities, it can
compete with the best varieties of meat products.

Fish meat and seafood contain most
vitamins A and O that our body needs,
almost all B vitamins, as well as vitamins H and
RR; essential fats and proteins. Separately, you can
highlight the role of fish oil in the human body, in
which are found in large quantities
polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D.
The protein of fish meat is easily absorbed by the human body,
compared to the protein found in animal meat.

Also, fish meat contains almost all the necessary
for the human body mineral elements, especially
can be distinguished: phosphorus, calcium, potassium and so on.

Fish and seafood great for all types
culinary processing. They are used both cold and
hot, goes well with various types
side dishes.

A wide range of dishes prepared from
fish and seafood is able to satisfy the taste of the most
refined gourmets.

Characteristics of seafood by calorie content:

Seafood - are healthy, environmentally friendly

squids- in 100 grams of squid fillet-110 kcal; proteins -
18%; fats - 4.20%; carbohydrates - 0%.

Squid meat is usually sold in the form
frozen semi-finished product. Before you start
cooking, thaw the semi-finished product, remove from
film surface, rinse thoroughly in water and
boil for three to five minutes in salted water. Finished
squids are cooled and used for their intended purpose.

Shrimps- in 100 grams - 95 kcal; proteins -18.9%; fats -2.2%;
carbohydrates -0%.

Crabs- in 100 grams - 96 kcal; proteins - 16%; fats - 3.6%;
carbohydrates - 0%.

Crab and shrimp meat has exceptional
gastronomic and delicacy properties. Meat
This crustacean has a valuable source of protein and mineral elements. So in the meat of shrimp and crabs,
iodine is a hundred times more than in beef meat.

Crab meat, goes on sale in the form of ready-to-cook
use and vacuum-sealed fillets.
Shrimps are usually sold frozen.
Frozen shrimp boiled in boiling salted
water and cook for 15-20 minutes. Further, we use it for its intended purpose.

mussels- in 100 grams - 50 kcal; proteins - 9.1%; fats -
1.5%; carbohydrates - 0%.

The edible parts of mussels are a muscle with a mantle and
entrails. The meat is boiled in salted water and
processed into canned food. Mussel meat is recommended
in dietary nutrition, especially for patients

oysters- in 100 grams - 88 kcal; proteins - 17.5%; fats -2%;

Oyster meat contains all the essential amino acids
in the required quantities for the human body. On
the table is served only impeccably fresh oysters.
We open the sink, remove the small sash. Special
gourmets pour lemon juice over oyster meat and eat
raw. Oysters can be sprinkled with grated cheese and baked in
oven directly on the deep oyster doors.

Lobsters and lobsters- in 100 grams - 88 kcal; proteins -17.5%;
fats - 2%; carbohydrates -0%.

Non-fish seafood has valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. With a relatively low calorie content, they contain a number of biologically active substances (vitamins, enzymes, minerals, especially trace elements) in significant quantities, sometimes 30–40 and even 70 times more than in products from the meat of terrestrial animals.

Currently, the following non-fish seafood are of the greatest commercial importance: crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, lobsters, lobsters, crayfish), bivalve molluscs (mussels, oysters, scallops), cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, octopus) and gastropods (trumpeter), echinoderms ( trepang, sea cucumber (cucumaria), sea urchins, sea ​​stars), algae and sea grasses.

Commercial value crustaceans significantly more than shellfish, although the volume of their production is half that of the latter. High customer value crustaceans identified increased demand and high prices for them. industrial value have crabs, shrimps, lobsters, spiny lobsters, krill. River crayfish are of local importance due to their small numbers.

In the crustacean fishery, by the value of the produced food products crabs occupy a special place. The main crab fishing area in Russia is the western coast of Kamchatka. The king crab is of the greatest importance in the crab industry in our country (it is harvested in the waters Pacific Ocean from Alaska to the Sea of ​​Japan) and blue crab (in the waters from the Bering Strait to Peter the Great Bay). Red, green, stone and other crabs are of less commercial importance.

Only male crabs with a size of 13 cm or more are processed. Less than 13 cm and female crabs are not considered commercial and are released back into the sea when caught. Among the males, there are quite large crabs: the leg span is 150 cm, and the weight is 5–7 kg. The mass of male crabs entering processing is 0.8–5 kg.

Crabs- short-tailed crayfish, have a small head, stalked eyes, a wide cephalothorax, four pairs of walking legs (the first pair is equipped with claws) and an abdomen (abdomen). For food purposes, the meat of the limbs and partly the belly of the crab is used.

The yield of edible meat of a male crab, depending on the mass, is 17–30%. Crab meat is rich in proteins and minerals(iodine, copper, etc.).

Crabs are mainly used for the production of canned food, less often they are sold live for the manufacture of boiled-frozen and dried meat.

In the production of canned food, meat from the following parts of the crab is used:

1) the shoulder part of the limb - "rosette";

2) the second large joint of the limb - "thick meat";

3) the third joint of the limb - "knee";

4) the fourth joint of the limb - "thin meat";

5) right claw - “right claw”;

6) left claw - “left claw”;

7) trimmings, meat of claw joints and small meat - "noodles".

Canned crab is made from boiled crab meat. The meat is freed from shell casings, sorted and laid out according to approved sketches in jars, coated inside with food varnish and lined with white elastic parchment. Lacquer and parchment ensure the preservation of natural color and prevent discoloration during sterilization and storage of canned food.

Crab canned food is divided by quality into the highest and I grades. The highest grade includes canned food from whole meat, in canned food grade I small meat and trimmings are also allowed.

When conducting organoleptic evaluation qualities pay attention to the possibility of appearing in canned crab such defects as blackening, blue, yellowing of meat, as well as the formation of struvite crystals. During sterilization, partial hydrolysis of proteins occurs with the release of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Their interaction with the iron of the can (in case of damage to the lacquer coating) leads to the formation of sulfides and the staining of parchment, and then the meat. This defect is called blackening of the meat.

Oxidation of copper contained in the blood leads to blue meat. This defect manifests itself when using not quite fresh meat, as well as with incomplete removal of blood.

Yellowing of meat can occur when high temperature sterilization of canned food as a result of the formation of melanoids (products of the interaction of sugars and amino acids).

Shrimps in the world fishery, crustaceans account for more than half of the volume.

Edible shrimp meat is enclosed in the neck. The yield of the edible part is 30–40% by weight of the shrimp. Shrimp meat contains protein - 19%, fat - 1%, carbohydrates - 1.4%, ash - 1.3%, water - 77%. A feature of the amino acid composition of shrimp meat proteins is high content essential amino acids - 36.5% relative to the mass of the total protein (for comparison: in chicken egg protein this ratio is 31.5%, in beef - 29.6%, in crab meat - 34.3%).

Shrimp meat is tender, tasty, it is rich not only in proteins, salts of copper, iodine, B vitamins, but also in calcium, phosphorus, sulfur salts and vitamins A, D.

Shrimp meat is used for the production of canned food and frozen products in raw and boiled form. Shrimp enter the trade in uncut (whole) and cut form (necks in shell).

Canned shrimp meat and frozen shrimp are not divided into varieties. Shrimp quality is assessed in accordance with the current regulatory documentation.

Increasingly important in the crustacean fishery is krill (from the Dutch kriel - "baby, baby, little thing"). This is a small (length - 2.5-6.5 cm, weight - 0.3-1.2 g) marine reddish crustacean. Due to their resemblance to small shrimp, krill are considered as small Antarctic shrimp. It serves as food for whales, seals, penguins, fish.

Krill contains 15% protein, 3.5% fat, 0.5% carbohydrates, 3% minerals, lots of provitamin A and active enzymes.

Immediately after krill is caught, proteolytic enzymes cause protein hydrolysis, which leads to a change in color, taste, and smell. To maintain the quality of krill and krill products, it is important to organize proper storage and prompt sale.

In our country, krill is used to produce protein paste, dry protein concentrate, which are used in the preparation of tasty and nutritious culinary products, as well as in the production of sausage products. Protein paste contains 17% protein, 7% fat, 2% carbohydrates and 2% ash elements. Protein paste "Ocean" is used in the production of the following culinary products: shrimp oil, spicy shrimp oil, shrimp with mayonnaise, processed cheese "Coral", pates, salads, stuffed eggs and tomatoes, fillings for pies, dumplings and other products.

However, the bulk of the harvested krill is used in the production of krill meal as animal feed.

crayfish- nocturnal aquatic animals. In Russia, two species are of commercial importance: broad-toed and narrow-toed crayfish. Broad-toed crayfish give a slightly higher useful meat yield (up to 30%) compared to narrow-toed crayfish. Crayfish meat - white, tender, juicy, is a source of complete proteins and trace elements. They enter the trade in live and frozen form. The main indicators for assessing the quality of live crayfish: size, appearance, the condition of the shell, the presence of damage and disease. Classification of crayfish according to commercial length: large - more than 11 cm, medium - 9-11 cm, small - 8-9 cm.

Crayfish are eaten boiled. This is a delicacy product. Only live crayfish are used for cooking.

Live crayfish can be stored for up to 10-15 days when creating a humid environment under cooling conditions. Storage of boiled crayfish is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C for no more than 12 hours.

Sterilized canned food can be prepared from crayfish: natural, in tomato sauce, pates.

Lobsters and lobsters- large sea crayfish. Lobsters, resembling crayfish, differ in size: body length - 40-50 cm, and weight - 4-5 kg. Lobsters differ from crayfish in more massive claws, with the right claw being larger than the left. They are caught mainly in the waters of the Atlantic. Edible is the meat of claws and abdomen (neck). The yield of meat is about 35%. There are no chitinous plates (inedible) in the meat, as in crab meat.

Spiny lobsters are distinguished by an elongated neck and poorly developed claws. The chemical composition of spiny lobsters is approximately the same as that of lobsters, but proteins are characterized by a high content of essential amino acids - 37.2% by weight of proteins.

Lobsters and lobsters are supplied to the trading network in the form of ice cream and in the form of canned food. Frozen, they are stored at a temperature not higher than - 18 ° C for 6 months.

shellfish leading the industry non-fish seafood animal origin.

The share of mollusks of artificial breeding (mariculture) is increasing. Bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops) and cephalopods (squids, octopuses, cuttlefish) are more common.

Bivalve mollusks are a shell of two valves, in which the body of the molluscs is located. The shell valves are connected by a muscle-terminator. The body of molluscs is covered with a mantle - a fleshy film in the form of large folds. Muscle-contactor and mantle are used for food, as well as caviar and milk. The edible part of mollusks is 20-40%.

The meat of bivalve mollusks is rich in proteins (scallop muscle), carbohydrates (mussels, oysters), minerals, especially iodine and copper.

Shellfish proteins contain up to 38% of essential amino acids. Shellfish meat is valued for its high content of trace elements - 7.5-12.5 mg%. For comparison: cod meat, which has a pronounced iodine flavor and belongs to products with a high content of trace elements, contains 1.3 mg% of them. Another feature of the chemical composition is the rather high content of B complex vitamins, much more than in cod.

mussel sold in live and frozen form. They produce a diverse range of natural and snack canned food: natural mussel, smoked mussel in oil, mussel pilaf, mussel in marinade, etc. Various culinary products are prepared - boiled or fried mussels with a side dish, in jelly, etc.

Scallop- the largest bivalve mollusk, reaches 20 cm in length and weighs up to 400 g. From the edible parts of the scallop (muscle, mantle, caviar, milk) produce natural canned food and various culinary products.

Oyster sold and consumed only in a living form. There are many active enzymes in the tissues of the oyster, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, but leads to rapid spoilage of dormant oysters. A dormant oyster (shell shells are open) is not subject to sale. Live oysters are also used for the production of canned food.

Of the cephalopods, squids are the most common, the stocks of which exceed the stocks of fish, octopuses and cuttlefish are less important in the fishery. The yield of edible parts in the squid (mantle, head with tentacles, liver) is 73–75%, in the octopus up to 78%. By nutritional value squid meat is close to fish meat.

The meat of these mollusks contains a lot of collagen (up to a third of all proteins), which gives the meat a somewhat rough texture, there are many trace elements and B vitamins (B1, B2, B12) from mineral substances, a lot of non-protein nitrogenous compounds, which determines the specificity of taste and smell, and also fast microbiological spoilage when stored refrigerated. There is a lot (up to 400 mg%) of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) in squid meat. This is about 4-5 times more than in meat marine fish. noted increased content lysine amino acids, which makes up for its deficiency in plant products.

Echinoderms have a body covered with needles or tubercles on top, in some - with a calcareous skeleton (sea urchins). Trepangs predominate in the domestic fishery, starfish, cucumaria, sea urchins are caught to a lesser extent.

Trepangs have cylindrical shape bodies up to 30–40 cm long, weighing on average 120–400 g. vitamins of group B (B 1 - 0.7 mg%, B 2 - 1.8 mg%, B 12 - 6.0 mg%). The population of some eastern countries calls trepang meat sea ginseng. Trepangs are used to prepare canned food, culinary products, salads, etc.

Seaweed are used by the population of individual countries for food, medicinal and fodder purposes. Depending on the presence of chlorophyll and other pigments, algae are distinguished by color: green, blue-green, brown, red. Some algae reach gigantic sizes - brown algae up to 400 m in length. The following algae are of commercial importance: kelp, anfeltia, phyllophora. They serve as food for marine animals, livestock and a source for food productsseaweed, agar agar, sodium alginate, agaroid, etc.

sea ​​kale due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition, it is considered a valuable medicinal and food product. It contains alginic acids (15-30%), which affect diuresis, nitrogen metabolism, intestinal function, vitamins C, B 1, B 12, D, A, E, minerals, especially iodine, bromine.

Assortment of caviar

Caviar- the most valuable part of the fish in terms of food taste and commodity. Well-processed caviar is a very tasty, tender, easily digestible product.

Salted caviar products are produced in the form of yastiks (yastik caviar) and in the form of eggs (granular and punched caviar). In the classifier of caviar products, salted granular caviar includes caviar of sturgeon and Pacific salmon, caviar of other fish, including oceanic ones, - to breakdown.

Caviar is extracted from live or dormant fish (sturgeon only from live fish) before the onset of rigor mortis.

For processing, caviar in ovaries comes in fresh, chilled or frozen form.

For the production of granular punched caviar, fish is used, in which the grain size is not less than 0.1 cm. The eggs with smaller caviar are processed as a whole. Yastyk with small and weakened eggs is recommended to be salted before punching, which increases the strength of the shells and reduces waste (mass loss) during punching (separation of grain from the films of the egg manually on special mesh sieve screens).

Depending on the processing method, the product is divided into granular caviar, pressed caviar, pasteurized caviar, salted caviar, dried caviar, smoked caviar.

The ambassador of ovaries and broken caviar is produced by dry and brine methods. The salinity of the finished product is from 3.5 to 5%. Such salinity is not sufficient to inhibit microbiological processes, therefore, caviar is stored at a temperature of -2–n-6 0 C. To increase the shelf life, antiseptics (sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, sodium tripolyphosphate, etc.) are added in an amount of 0.1–0.01 %.

Caviar of fish of the sturgeon family, according to the production methods, is divided into granular jar, granular barrel, pressed and ovary. Granular caviar can be pasteurized to increase the shelf life. In pressed caviar, during pasteurization, the aroma, texture, and taste deteriorate. Therefore, it cannot be pasteurized.

According to the types of fish, beluga, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and spike caviar are distinguished (sterlet and kaluga have no commercial value).

eggs sturgeon fish are distinguished by the size and color of the embryonic "eye". The grain of beluga caviar is the largest, and the stellate sturgeon is the smallest. Spiny grain is larger than sturgeon, but smaller than sturgeon. Beluga caviar, stellate sturgeon has a color from light gray to black. Spiked caviar is always gray or light gray. The embryonic “eye” (vesicle) of beluga and stellate sturgeon caviar is always lighter than the egg itself, and darker in sturgeon.

It is believed that the differences in the color of the "eye" are associated with the activity of the tyrosinase enzyme. The black color of sturgeon caviar is due to the presence of melanin pigment.

On jars with granular caviar, caviar color symbols are applied:

1) for beluga and kaluga: light gray - 000, gray - 00, dark gray - 0;

2) for sturgeon and spiked caviar: light gray, gray and yellowish - A, dark gray, brown - B. For sturgeon caviar, no color marks are made.

Granular sturgeon caviar- the main type of caviar. Granular canned caviar is prepared lightly salted, so it is slightly dehydrated and very unstable during storage. Antiseptics are added to increase durability. In granular caviar, each egg is freely separated from the others. The grain should be sufficiently strong, dry-friable and uniform in size and color.

Granular barrel caviar produced by special order. It is prepared without antiseptics and therefore more salty than canned. It contains 7-10% salt. Smaller and darker grains can be used for cooking.

Yastik caviar is produced from fatty immature yas-tykov. The grain cannot be separated from the films. Salted yastyki together with fat deposits in brine. Yastik caviar is not stable in storage, therefore it can be salted with fat flavors.

Pressed caviar– highly nutritious gastronomic product. Prepared from caviar with a weakened shell of fine grain. After a quick salting (3 min) in saturated brine, the caviar is pressed in a calico or linen bag to remove some of the moisture and excess brine. A decrease in moisture leads to an increase in fat content. A sufficiently high salt concentration (4.5–7%) prevents the development of microflora. However, enzymatic processes continue, and therefore the storage of caviar is carried out in a chilled state (-3–5 ° C). Products are packed in oak barrels (5-50 kg) or in cans from 100 to 2400 g.

A good pressed caviar should have an even, soft, tender (but not liquid) redistribution, be lightly salted if possible, have a pleasant taste and have a peculiar delicate aroma. Caviar is dark in color, uniform throughout the mass (GOST 7368-79).

pasteurized granular caviar additionally heated in a hermetically sealed closed jar up to a temperature of 60 o C.

At the same time, enzymes are inactivated, and the vegetative microflora dies. The pasteurization temperature is insufficient for thermal denaturation of the protein of the product, therefore, according to organoleptic characteristics this caviar does not differ from fresh granular. Caviar is packed in glass jars with a capacity of 28.5; 56; 112 g sealed metal lids. Store at a temperature of 0–2 ° C (GOST 6052–2004).

Canned and barreled granular caviar, pressed caviar are divided into the highest, 1st and 2nd grades.

Pasteurized and yasty caviar are not divided into varieties.

Caviar granular salmon Far Eastern fish(red) is produced from the ovaries of chum salmon, pink salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chinook, sim by processing saturated solution table salt with the addition of antiseptics for 8-18 minutes. At the end of salting, glycerin (600 g per 100 kg of caviar) and vegetable oil (15 g per 100 kg of caviar) are added to the caviar. Glycerin prevents the eggs from drying out, and oil prevents sticking. Glycerin softens the bitter taste inherent in salmon caviar.

Grained caviar of chum salmon and pink salmon has the best gastronomic qualities. It makes up the bulk (up to 92%) of salmon caviar. Yielding to sturgeon caviar in aroma, taste, texture, fat and mineral content, it is equal to it, and in terms of protein salmon caviar even surpasses the first. Egg diameter different types fish is not the same: chum salmon and chinook salmon - 4.6-6 mm, pink salmon - 4-4.5 mm, sockeye salmon and coho salmon - 3-4 mm. Fluctuations in the size of eggs also depend on the size of the fish itself, the location in the ovary, and the biological stage of maturity of the eggs. In the head part of the ovary, the eggs are smaller.

The color of caviar depends on fat-soluble pigments - lipochromes. Keto and salmon caviar are amber-orange or yellow-orange in color, the color of the same low-quality caviar is darker and duller, low-quality caviar is brownish-red or faded yellow, defective caviar is brown. Sockeye salmon and coho salmon caviar is red-brown in color with a slight brownish tinge.

By quality, granular caviar is divided into grades 1 and 2. Signs of varietal division are differences in taste and salt content (GOST 1629-97 and GOST 18173-2004).

Non-fish water raw materials include invertebrates and algae, which are shown in Figure 1.

The features of aquatic invertebrates are the absence of a spine, a diverse body structure and size, and a specific taste of meat.

Aquatic invertebrates include:

The meat of invertebrates has valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. The meat of mussels, squids, trepang and other invertebrates helps to increase the overall tone of the body, promotes better metabolism.

Commodity characteristic non-fish seafood

In the waters of the World Ocean, colossal riches of the animal and plant world are concentrated. However, out of 500,000 of its inhabitants, only 6-7% have been sufficiently well studied. A person catches the most numerous populations of fish, marine animals, mollusks, crustaceans, and extracts seaweed. Non-fish seafood has valuable nutritional and medicinal properties. With a relatively low calorie content, they contain a number of biologically active substances (vitamins, enzymes, minerals, especially trace elements) in significant quantities, sometimes 30-40 and even 70 times more than in products from the meat of terrestrial animals.

From the body of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, various drugs of multifunctional action are produced. So, preparations capable of resolving neoplasms were obtained from the liver of a prickly shark. The strongest poison, tetrodotoxin, is isolated from the tissues of poisonous fish (bodywork, etc.), which is used in clinics as a powerful analgesic and tranquilizer. More than 40 species are known marine life whose tissues are literally saturated with poison. Several types of prostaglandins are obtained from coral tissue, which can be used in the treatment of hypertension, bronchial asthma, allergy outbreaks, they prevent the formation of blood clots, dissolve blood clots, heal wounds, and soothe nerves. Prostaglandins not only treat diseases, but, what is especially valuable, they prevent them. From sea ​​cucumber(holothuria japonica) make an elixir that helps a person regain strength after an illness. He also governs blood pressure, relieves fatigue of the heart muscle and stimulates metabolism. Antibiotics found in marine mushrooms are more effective than penicillin. The drug isolated from echinoderms is 1000 times superior to the effect of nitroglycerin on the circulatory system. In the soft tissues of octopuses, cuttlefish, jellyfish, a whole complex of amino acids, glucosides, and vitamins was found. These substances have a calming effect on people exposed to strong noises, vibrations, nervous strains. An integrated approach to seafood processing is especially relevant. For example, when splitting scallop the output of the edible part is no more than 19%, and the waste (soft tissues) - 10%.

Currently unused waste has great potential as a raw material for the production of food, feed, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biochemistry, etc.

Currently, the following non-fish seafood are of the greatest commercial importance: crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, lobsters, lobsters, crayfish), bivalve molluscs (mussels, oysters, scallops), cephalopods (squid, cuttlefish, octopus) and gastropods (trumpeter), echinoderms ( trepang, holothuria (cucumaria), sea urchins, starfish), algae and sea grasses.

The commercial value of crustaceans is much greater than that of mollusks, although the volume of their production is half that of the latter. The high consumer value of crustaceans determined the increased demand and high price for them. Crabs, shrimps, lobsters, spiny lobsters, krill are of industrial importance. River crayfish, due to their small numbers, are of local importance.

In the crustacean fishery, crabs occupy a special place in terms of the value of the food produced. The main crab fishing area in Russia is the western coast of Kamchatka. The king crab (caught in the waters of the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to the Sea of ​​Japan) and blue crab (in the waters from the Bering Strait to Peter the Great Bay) are of the greatest importance in the crab industry in our country. Red, green, stone and other crabs are of less commercial importance.

Only crabs are processed - males measuring 13 cm or more. Less than 13 cm and crabs - females are not considered commercial and are released back into the sea when caught. Among males there are quite large crabs: leg span - 150 cm, and weight - 5 - 7 kg. The mass of crabs - males entering the processing of 0.8 - 5 kg.

Crabs are short-tailed crayfish, have a small head, stalked eyes, a wide cephalothorax, four pairs of walking legs (the first pair is equipped with claws) and an abdomen (abdomen). For food purposes, the meat of the limbs and partly the belly of the crab is used. The output of edible crab meat - male, depending on the mass, is 17 - 30%. Crab meat is rich in proteins and minerals (iodine, copper, etc.).

A feature of the amino acid composition of crab meat proteins is an increased content of sulfur-containing amino acids (cystine, cysteine) and tyrosine, which affects the color change of crab meat products during storage and canning. The blood of crabs contains hemocyanin (but not hemoglobin), which contains copper, not iron (in the heme group). This also affects the color change during storage of canned crab meat.

Shrimp account for more than half of the global crustacean fishery. Edible shrimp meat is enclosed in the neck. The output of the edible part is 30 - 40% by weight of the shrimp. Shrimp meat is used for the production of canned food and frozen products in raw and boiled form. Shrimp enter the trade in uncut (whole) and cut form (necks in shell).

Crayfish are nocturnal aquatic animals. In Russia, two species are of commercial importance: broad-toed and narrow-toed crayfish. Broad-toed crayfish give a slightly higher useful meat yield (up to 30%) compared to narrow-toed crayfish. Crayfish meat - white, tender, juicy, is a source of complete proteins and microelements. They enter the trade in live and frozen form. The main indicators for assessing the quality of live crayfish: size, appearance, condition of the shell, the presence of damage and disease. Classification of crayfish according to commercial length: large - more than 11 cm, medium - 9 - 11 cm, small - 8 - 9 cm.

Crayfish are eaten boiled. This is a delicacy product. Only live crayfish are used for cooking.

Live crayfish can be stored for up to 10-15 days when creating a humid environment under cooling conditions. Storage of boiled crayfish is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C for no more than 12 hours.

Lobsters and lobsters are large sea crayfish. Lobsters, resembling crayfish, differ in size: body length - 40-50 cm, and weight - 4 - 5 kg. Lobsters differ from crayfish in more massive claws, with the right claw being larger than the left. They are caught mainly in the waters of the Atlantic. Edible is the meat of claws and abdomen (neck). The yield of meat is about 35%. There are no chitinous plates (inedible) in the meat, as in crab meat.

Spiny lobsters are distinguished by an elongated neck and poorly developed claws.

Lobsters and lobsters are supplied to the trading network in the form of ice cream and in the form of canned food. Frozen, they are stored at a temperature not higher than - 18 ° C for 6 months.

Shellfish are the leaders in the fishery of non-fish seafood of animal origin. Bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops) and cephalopods (squids, octopuses, cuttlefish) are widely distributed.

Bivalve mollusks are a shell of two valves, in which the body of the molluscs is located. The shell flaps are connected by a muscle - a contactor. The body of molluscs is covered with a mantle - a fleshy film in the form of large folds. The muscle is used for food - the lock and the mantle, as well as caviar and milk. The edible part of shellfish is 20 - 40%.

Scallop - the largest bivalve mollusk, reaches 20 cm in length and weighs up to 400 g. These mollusks go on sale already without shells. The most delicious thing about a scallop is its muscle.

If the scallop is frozen, then it is thawed in water before cooking room temperature or simply in the air and washed. Then dipped in boiling salted water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. With such cooking, all vitamins and high taste qualities of scallop meat are completely preserved. Also, natural canned food and various culinary products are produced from the edible parts of the scallop (muscle, mantle, caviar, milk).

The oyster is sold and consumed only live. There are many active enzymes in the tissues of the oyster, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, but leads to rapid spoilage of dormant oysters. A dormant oyster (shell shells are open) is not subject to sale. Live oysters are also used for the production of canned food.

Squid meat has a pleasant taste. According to the content of nitrogenous substances, it is not inferior to the meat of domestic animals and some fish. dish cooking seafood

It is customary to eat the muscular mantle and tentacles of the squid. With various technological processing, squid blanched with steam for 3 minutes retains a higher nutritional value.

Squid dishes are very popular in France, the USA, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece, among the inhabitants of the Far East.

Echinoderms have a body covered with needles or tubercles on top, in some - with a calcareous skeleton (sea urchins). Trepangs predominate in the domestic fishery, starfish, cucumaria, sea urchins are caught to a lesser extent.

Trepangs have a cylindrical body shape up to 30 - 40 cm long, weighing an average of 120 - 400 g. The population of some eastern countries calls trepang meat sea ginseng. Trepangs are used to prepare canned food, culinary products, salads, etc.

The following algae are of commercial importance: kelp, anfeltia, phyllophora.

Stocks of non-fish marine products in the World Ocean are significant, many times greater than the stocks of fish. Due to this, non-fish seafood is a very promising object of marine fishing. Advertising plays a very important role in the sale of these products in our country. To do this, it is important to know the range, consumer properties and quality indicators of non-fish seafood.

The shelf life of seafood is presented in table 1.

Table 1. - Shelf life of seafood



Shelf life (hours)

Temperature, °C

Seafood in breadcrumbs

from +2 to +6°

Cutlets, meatballs, minced meat (without freezing)

from +2 to +6°

Frozen cutlets, stuffed cabbage and minced meat

-4 to -6°

Seafood fried

from +2 to +6°

Seafood baked

from +2 to +6°

Seafood boiled

from +2 to +6°

Seafood stuffed

from +2 to +6°

Crab sticks

from +2 to +6°

Squid with vegetables in sour cream sauce, squid chops, squid cutlets

from +2 to +6°

marinated squid

from +2 to +6°

Seafood aspic

Assortment, classification of complex hot seafood dishes

Most cooking methods are applicable to seafood, which means that they can be fried, stewed, baked, boiled in water or steamed, each time achieving a different texture and taste result.

Currently, you can cook almost any seafood dishes, because all of them, without exception, go well with each other, as well as with fish, with rice and dough, with many vegetables and even with champignons.

Table 3. Assortment of hot complex dishes seafood

View heat treatment seafood


Calamari stewed in sour cream

Squid fillet beat off, cut thin slices, salt, pepper, roll in flour and fry in butter until golden brown. Separately, fry the onion, cut into rings, put it on top of the squid, pour sour cream and simmer under the lid for 10 minutes. Serve for garnish boiled potatoes.

baked dishes

Oysters baked with mushrooms in milk sauce.

The pulp of oysters is stewed with the addition of oil and lemon juice, then stewed mushrooms and sauce are added. The mass is stirred, brought to a boil, laid out in deep shells, poured with medium-thick milk sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese, sprinkled with butter and baked. Served on a plate covered with paper towels.

fried foods

Fish cut with squid.

Boiled squids are passed through a meat grinder along with raw fish fillet; add bread soaked in water or milk, browned onion and again passed through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper are added to the mass, thoroughly knead and form cutlets, meatballs, meatballs. Roast and serve as usual.

Dishes from boiled meat

Stuffed calamari

For minced meat, dice tomatoes, zucchini, onion and garlic and simmer in vegetable oil. Cut the egg and add to the minced meat; salt, pepper, mix. Boil squids in broth (dip in boiling water), dry with a napkin, stuff, breaded in flour and fry on both sides in in large numbers vegetable oil. To prepare the sauce, fry garlic in vegetable oil, add sour cream, cream, bouillon cube, ground pepper, diced tomato and hold on fire for 1 minute. Put the fried squids in the sauce, add dill, garlic and simmer for 2 minutes.

The technological process of preparing complex hot seafood dishes

Dishes from boiled meat of seafood. Boiled and stewed meat of cephalopods, bivalve mollusks and crustaceans has a mild and delicate taste, due to which it is widely used not only in rational, but also in dietary and therapeutic nutrition. Depending on the type of raw materials, spices, spices, seasonings, aromatic roots are used when cooking and poaching seafood. The amount of seasonings and spices introduced depends on the taste and smell of natural seafood. So, the meat of squid, scallop, oysters should be boiled and stewed without the addition of spices and aromatic roots. Rakov, raw uncut shrimp, trumpeter should be boiled with the addition of bay leaves, black peppercorns and aromatic roots. They are served with complex vegetable side dishes and sauces (sour cream, tomato, Dutch and its derivatives).

Fried meals. These dishes are classified into the following groups: portion breaded, small pieces fried in natural and breaded form, stuffed, from chopped natural and cutlet mass. For frying, you can use all seafood raw or pre-boiled. Roasting clams in in kind accompanied by an intense release of juice (38-81%), which slows down the formation of a crust. Prolonged thermal exposure contributes to severe dehydration, drying out, due to black finished product, despite the pronounced taste and smell, acquires an organoleptically unacceptable texture. Therefore, it is advisable to cook dishes from fried breaded meat. The presence of breading ensures the rapid formation of a crust, prevents the release of juice and ensures that the finished product is juicy, with pronounced palatability and aroma characteristic of this type of raw material. Frying breaded semi-finished products in deep fat at a temperature of 180-190 ° C contributes to the most intensive formation of a crust, due to which the duration of frying does not exceed 2-3 minutes. To bring the product to a state of culinary readiness, it must be kept for 4-20 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 200-220 ° C. Products from chopped mass are fried in the main way at a temperature of 140-160 ° C until a uniform color appears, with their subsequent exposure to obligatory in the oven for 3-5 minutes. Main fried seafood dishes are served with complicated side dish and sauces: tomato, sour cream with onions, onions, etc. Fried mollusk meat in batter goes well with fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers), olives and parsley, celery. fried stuffed products from cuttlefish, squid, cucumaria, trepang, which are distinguished by high taste and aromatic properties, can be sold in their natural form, without sauce. Submission to fried foods a piece of cancer oil gives finished products not only savory taste and aroma, but also significantly increases their calorie content.

Seafood stews. Stewed dishes are distinguished by juiciness, softness, high taste and aromatic properties. Suitable for cooking stews raw materials that require long-term thermal exposure (trepang, cucumaria, trumpeter, seaweed), which do not have a pronounced taste and aroma. Stew seafood in broth, sauces with the addition of a set of vegetables, seasonings and spices. Cucumaria, trepang, sea kale for full-fledged ready meals should be stewed together with animal products (beef, pork, poultry, fish) and vegetables. Stewing fried oysters, mussels, scallops in milk with the addition of onions, spices provides a very mild taste. Squids, oysters can also be stewed raw, but the sauce for stewing is used with a thicker consistency. It should be noted that the duration of stewing meat of squid, scallops, oysters and crustaceans should not exceed 20-30 minutes, since a longer thermal effect not only worsens the organoleptic characteristics of ready-made dishes, but also digestibility and digestibility.

Baked meals. Roasting seafood makes it possible to preserve the taste and smell characteristic of this product to the maximum extent, and, if necessary, change the specific organoleptic qualities. The meat of molluscs, crustaceans is baked raw, boiled, stewed, fried and stuffed. It is most advisable to bake seafood not in its natural form, but in a sauce or under sauces. The presence of sauce provides finished products with juiciness, tenderness and increased nutritional value. The most complete composition is obtained by baking seafood together with side dishes, which are used as raw, boiled, fried vegetables, as well as crumbly cereals, pasta. Unusually spectacular are dishes baked in "shells" (oysters, scallops, mussels). When baking raw meat of squid, oysters, scallops, the following should be observed technological feature: prepared clam meat is added to the prepared thick sauce and brought to a boil. At the same time, due to the release of a large amount of juice from the meat (28-49%), the sauce liquefies, acquiring the required consistency. Then the prepared mixture is laid out in portioned frying pans, chill molds, and in case of mass production, baking sheets are baked in an oven at a temperature of 240-260 ° C. For faster formation of a crust on the surface and giving a pronounced taste and aroma, the product is smeared with sour cream, egg, sprinkled with grated cheese. Baked seaweed dishes have high taste qualities. The amount of input boiled cabbage depends on the type of main product. When preparing second courses from vegetables (mushroom hodgepodge), the amount of seaweed should not exceed 45-50%, vegetable cutlets 60-75 %. Unique flavor and seaweed also gives taste to meat and offal dishes. Sea kale in the amount of 15-20% by weight finished semi-finished product used in cooking fish cakes, meatballs, zraz, rolls. The combination of boiled chopped seaweed, carrots, vegetable, butter, eggs and semolina allows you to get highly valuable culinary products (casseroles).

Table 4. Technology for preparing hot complex seafood dishes

Name of the dish

Cooking technology

From bivalves (oysters and mussels)

Mussels or oysters baked in tomato sauce

The semi-finished product is boiled, chopped, placed in a pan, boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes) are placed around, poured with sauce, sprinkled with cheese and baked. Served in a serving pan. It is allowed to bake in a deep sash, sprinkling the muscle with salt, grated cheese and drizzling with oil. When serving, the sashes are placed on a dish covered with a napkin and decorated with greens.

From sea scallop

Sea scallop julienne

The scallops are defrosted, washed in a running cold water. The scallops, cut in half, are laid out in coconut bowls, greased with oil. Melt on low heat in a frying pan butter, then pour flour into it and mix. Pour in the cream, stirring constantly. Add salt, pepper and nutmeg Continuing to stir the sauce until it thickens. ready sauce pour scallops in cocottes. Sprinkle the scallops with thickly grated cheese on top and put the cocotte makers for 18 - 20 minutes in a hot oven, maintaining a temperature of 200 ° C in it.

From trepangs

Trepangs with vegetables

Prepare using zucchini, cabbage, tomatoes, herbs. Pieces of sea cucumbers and vegetables are fried, broth is added and stewed until tender.

From squid

Calamari baked in sour cream

Squids are thawed in hot water, peeled and cut into strips 1-2 cm wide. Fry, without adding oil, in a pan until moisture evaporates over high heat (2-4 minutes). At this time, melt the butter, mix with flour, then with squid. On a baking sheet with high walls, spread the squids, adding sour cream, and salt. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top and put in a preheated oven until the cheese is browned.

From shrimp

Shrimps baked with sour cream or milk sauce

Shrimp pulp is placed on a greased pan, slices are placed around fried potatoes, pour sour cream sauce, sprinkle with cheese and bake.

from crabs

Crabs in milk sauce

To do this, the crab meat is cut together with boiled champignons, seasoned steam sauce, put in the sink, poured with milk sauce, seasoned cancer oil, sprinkle with cheese, drizzle with butter and bake. When serving, decorate with greens and claws.