
How to make apple mash for drinking. Proper moonshine from apples - mash recipes and distillation

With a large harvest of apples, something must be done. If jam, compote, juice and even puree are ready, then it's time to make blanks from alcoholic beverages. Sugar mash with apples is one of the best sentences good harvest, because from it you can get both low-alcohol drinks, and use it for distillation to get moonshine. What are the ways to cook mash?

What is apple mash

By itself, apple mash is a ready-made low-alcohol drink, which is prepared from fresh fruit. It has a light brown color, almost zero transparency, sweet and sour taste, sediment at the bottom of the bottle. Since apples contain a lot of iron and other nutrients, mash does not lose these properties, because it does not pass heat treatment. So we can safely say that Braga is useful product, and the ease of preparation makes it one of the most popular among summer residents.

What apples are needed

Before proceeding with the preparation of the mash, it is necessary to clarify from which apples it is best to do this. Depending on your ultimate goal, you can take both fruits from the tree and fallen fruits. If you will distill the mash into moonshine, then collect everything in a row. For cider, prepare good whole fruits that will make the drink not only tasty, but also beautiful in appearance.

If you do not want to use yeast in the recipe, then you will only need sweet varieties. For any low-sweet varieties, you will have to add sugar and yeast one way or another. Here are some data on varieties that can serve as a reference point for using apples in a particular recipe (% sugar / % fruit acids are indicated):

  • wild game or sour varieties - 6/1.3;
  • unsorted sweet and sour - 10/0.9;
  • sweet and sour or tart garden - 16/1;
  • sweet - 20/1.

Braga from apple juice for moonshine it will ferment well, give desired degree and the yield of the product, if sugar is added to sour and unsorted sweet and sour fruits. In this case, the period of fermentation of apples with high content acids will be less than for less acidic varieties, because acidic environment is fruitful for yeast fermentation. If apples are without sourness, then you can add to the recipe lemon juice.

apple mash recipe

The process of making apple mash is not that complicated, but it takes a lot of time to wait ready drink– from 10 to 30 days. There are several recipes, and not only for whole apples, but also on other raw materials: cake, applesauce or even ready-made juice. The strength of the drink will depend on the number of days that the mash fermented and produced alcohol.

From applesauce

  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The easiest way to cook mash is from applesauce. The result will be excellent, regardless of what kind of apples, sugar content and acidity you choose. The recipe calls for the addition of yeast. You can use both pressed and dry fruits. It is important to keep the proportions in order to get a delicious mash, without an obvious yeast flavor.


  • apples of any variety - 30 kg;
  • water - 20 l;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • yeast - 100 g (or 30 g dry).

Cooking method:

  1. Apples turn into puree. Grind fruit can be using a food processor or meat grinder.
  2. Dilute with 17 liters of water.
  3. Pour sugar into 2.5 liters of water and mix. To quickly dissolve the water, you can warm it up a little, but you can’t boil it.
  4. Cool the finished syrup and pour into the apple mixture.
  5. Heat the remaining half-liter of water to 30 degrees, pour in the yeast, a spoonful of sugar, wait for foaming and add everything to the must of applesauce, water and syrup.
  6. Close the container and put it in a dark place for 10 days. The air temperature must be at least 25 degrees.
  7. On the first day, the bottle or pan must be shaken strongly to remove the “cap” of pulp on the surface - it interferes with gas removal and fermentation.

From juice

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: alcoholic drink.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you have collected big harvest and prepared a lot of juice, then it is quite possible to turn even the smallest part of it into mash. This is done very simply, your actions are literally for 10 minutes. The main condition for preparation is that the juice must be 100% natural. Shop options will not work, do not even try. As in previous recipe, yeast for fermentation can be used both dry and pressed.


  • apple juice 100% without sugar - 5 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 30 g (or 10 g dry).

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bottle.
  2. Put in a dark place for 30 days.

On cake

  • Time: 50 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 250 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: alcoholic beverage.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: difficult.

Getting mash on the cake is almost 100% waste-free production. Everything that remains after squeezing the juice, including seeds, stalks, peel, is ideal for future distillation of moonshine. It is recommended not to squeeze apple pomace dry, thereby increasing the fructose content. This will make the alcoholic drink more aromatic and retain the taste of apples in it.


  • apple cake - 10 kg;
  • water - 35 l;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • pressed yeast - 350 g (or 100 g dry).

Cooking method:

  1. Place apple pomace in a large container, in which there will be room for fermentation after adding all the ingredients. IN this case You will need a container of 60 liters.
  2. Heat the water to 30 degrees and pour the cake.
  3. Dilute sugar in advance a small amount water, add to the cake and mix.
  4. Dilute the yeast in water in advance, add to the wort and mix.
  5. Close the container tightly by installing a water seal or a rubber glove, making several punctures in it.
  6. Put the future mash in a warm place where they don’t get Sun rays. The temperature should be at least 18, but not more than 28 degrees.
  7. In the early days, stir the mash so that the cake from the cake settles.
  8. The duration of fermentation is from 6 to 10 days.
  9. The end of fermentation is determined by the cessation of the release of gas bubbles by a water seal or if the glove is blown away, as well as by the bitter taste of the mash.
  10. When the mash on apples wins back, filter it from the cake and let it brew for another day. It is best to strain through several layers of gauze.

Yeast free

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: alcoholic beverage.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Another way to prepare mash eliminates the addition of yeast. Not all varieties of apples are suitable for such a recipe, so before starting cooking, it is necessary to check one or another variety for the possibility of fermentation. To do this, take 1 kg of apples and grind it into puree in a way convenient for you. Add 100 g of sugar to it and leave at room temperature. If after 1-2 days the puree began to actively ferment, then feel free to start cooking yeast-free mash.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • raisins or wheat germ - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the apples in puree along with the peel according to the standard scheme, add sugar.
  2. Throw in raisins or wheat germ. Stir.
  3. After 10-14 days, the first stage of fermentation will end. Remove the cake (it can be used to bookmark other batches).
  4. Strain the juice - it will turn out about 5-6 liters.
  5. Add another 5-6 cups of sugar to the juice, leave to ferment for 2 weeks.
  6. Braga from apples without yeast is ready!

Although cooking recipes may seem very simple to you, as in any other business, there are recommendations and secrets that help make high-quality mash:

  1. When choosing apples, do not take those that are already starting to rot. Otherwise, carefully cut out all stale parts, otherwise even the distillate will get a bitter aftertaste, not to mention the Braga itself.
  2. The 10% rule tells you to always choose a container that has 10% empty space for foam and carbon dioxide.
  3. Never use baker's yeast for the preparation of alcoholic beverages. If there are no other options, then be prepared for the fact that the taste and smell of the drink will not be the most pleasant. Such yeasts form volatile impurities that require double distillation.
  4. Add apple pieces to sugar syrup during its preparation. It enhances the taste sugar mash at the end of fermentation.
  5. You can safely mix apples with other fruit and berry ingredients. If desired, you can get apple and plum mash or apple and grape mash. It is very important in this case to ensure that the concentration of sugar in the future wort does not exceed 20%, otherwise fermentation simply will not take place.
  6. The prepared distillate, which was based on pear and apple mash, is best consumed within the next few months, or aged in an oak barrel, but not more than a year. Experts assure that this drink after long storage partly loses the fullness of its flavor bouquet.


Braga from apples for moonshine is an excellent base that helps to make moonshine at home with pleasant smell and taste. In fairness, it should be said that you can make juice and jam from apples at home. But if there is no point in replenishing stocks, then you can pay attention to the production of distillate. In addition, slightly spoiled fruits can be used to make moonshine, but on condition that they undergo some training.

Alcoholic drink from apple mash

Braga for moonshine can be made from almost any product. As for apples, there are at least two recipes that can be used without fear of spoiling the raw materials. In the process of making distillate, you can use not only fruits, but also juice.

Apple mash is a special product, the production of which should be approached with all responsibility. Fruit-based distillate has a number of disadvantages and a number of advantages. You can call these shortcomings minor, but still it is worth having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ball the nuances before starting to create an apple base suitable for the production of moonshine.

So what are the disadvantages of:

  1. Using wild yeast mash wanders for a long time.
  2. When sugar is added, some of the flavor is lost.
  3. It will require patience and perseverance in the manufacture of wort.
  4. We'll have to sort through the apples and separate them from the seeds and cut out the core.

When making mash based on wild yeast (that is, using only those microorganisms that are present on the surface of fruits, berries and grains), it should be borne in mind that the mash will be ready in about 30–45 days.

The apple base is sugar sensitive. You can supplement the brew with fructose or identify individual proportions that will help maintain the quality of alcohol and at the same time speed up the fermentation process.

To purée a large number fruit, you have to be patient. Of course, you can use a grater or blender. But it is better to purchase a special nozzle for a drill - it will help to grind fruits in large quantities.

  • When the apples are processed into a puree, they should be immersed, along with the juice, in a fermentation container.
  • After the puree is sent to the container, it is necessary to dilute the sugar in warm water. You can prepare syrup - this will significantly improve the quality of the distillate, or you can simply pour sugar into the container and pour it with warm water.
  • Then the yeast comes into play. They will have to be diluted, based on the instructions that are on the package. Yeast should be allowed to soak a little in warm water, and then sent to other components of the future moonshine. If wild yeast is used, then skip this step.
  • After the mash, mix thoroughly to saturate it with oxygen, which is necessary for a full-fledged fermentation process.
  • The final stage in the process of preparing the mash is to consider closing the container with a lid equipped with a water seal. If there is no such device, then we use a glove - we make a small hole in the middle finger and put the glove on the container.

We send to the room with stable temperature. After 5-10 days, it will be ready for processing, but on condition that the manufacturer used wine, alcohol or baker's yeast. But the wild yeast product will be ready in about 45 days.

Apple-based mash recipes may vary various additions, you can use any fruit, make adjustments to the recipe. But the above recipe should be considered a classic, it will allow you to cook at home quality product With pleasant taste and aroma.

Braga recipe for moonshine with juice

A mash made from juice can be used as a base. She will help to expel the moonshine from bright aroma fruits.

For creating quality drink you will need the following ingredients:

  1. 5 liters good juice from apples (naturally, the juice should not be packaged, but prepared independently).
  2. 1 kilogram of sugar (you can refuse to use sugar if the apples were sweet or reduce its amount).
  3. Water (we calculate the proportions as follows: 200 milliliters per 1 liter of juice and 3 liters per 1 kilogram of sugar).
  4. 30 grams of dry yeast (if we use wild yeast in the manufacturing process of the product, then dry microorganisms can be replaced with raisins in the proportion of 30 grams per 1 liter of juice).

If wild yeast is used in the production process, then raisins should not be washed, just like apples before creating juice. Fruits should be wiped with a dry cloth. Washing will kill all microorganisms and cause the mash to turn sour.

So, when all the components are ready, we proceed to create the mash. The process is not particularly complicated, it takes place in several stages:

  • Add juice to the container, mix it with sugar and yeast. It is advisable to soak the yeast before sending it to the container. You can make syrup from sugar or simply dissolve it in warm water.
  • Then thoroughly mix the components and send them to a room with a stable temperature. The temperature should not exceed 28 degrees. After 5-10 days, the product will be ready for processing, provided that dry or pressed yeast was used in the manufacturing process. Based on wild yeast, the mash will be ready for distillation in 45–60 days. It all depends on the activity of microorganisms.

We make moonshine from mash

After the mash is ready for processing, it will have to be filtered. As a filter, gauze folded in several layers or a cotton-gauze filter is used. Filtration will help remove large apple residues and avoid damage to the mash during the distillation process.

If the product burns to the walls alembic, then you can pour out the mash and put a new one. The burning taste and the corresponding aroma cannot be removed even after repeated distillation in the apparatus.

After the product has been filtered, it should be poured into a still and distilled. It is better to carry out with the separation of "heads" and "tails", it is worth taking away the "body" until the fortress in the jet drops to 30 degrees.

If, after the first distillation, moonshine from apples is cloudy, it is recommended to overtake it again, since it is likely that the drink is rich fusel oils. In principle, turbidity is a normal phenomenon, you can simply pass alcohol through the filter several times. But if the turbidity remains, the product should still be reprocessed - this will affect the taste of the drink, eliminate the aroma, but significantly increase the quality of the moonshine.

It is worth noting that apple-based recipes are incredibly popular among distillers. They allow you to create a drink at home at no special cost that can compete with purchased alcohol.

To prepare apple mash, it is advisable to take autumn or winter varieties - they are much sweeter than those that ripen in summer. But since winter varieties are denser, they will need to lie down in a warm place for a while. To prepare a drink, you need to take ripe apples, a little sugar, a large container - enamel pan or milk can, grater, meat grinder, juicer or blender, gauze for straining and filtering.

apple mash recipe

Before you make mash from apples, you need to sort them out well, remove the rotten ones, cut and clean the core with seeds.

Rotten apples give the drink bitterness, so the fruits must be sorted out very carefully.

Cut the prepared apples into small slices and chop in a meat grinder or in a blender. Transfer the resulting puree to a fermentation container and leave warm for several hours.

Add 1.5-2 liters of water and mix well. Heat the rest of the water and dissolve the sugar in it. Cool to a temperature of no more than 30 degrees, pour in the yeast, mix and pour into applesauce.

Cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for 6-7 days to ferment. Using this recipe for apple mash, you can do without sugar - if the fruits are sweet enough. Before use, strain the sediment and pour into small half-liter bottles.

Store in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Before making apple mash, peel one or two apples, chop on a grater or in a meat grinder and leave in a warm place for fermentation. If fermentation has not occurred after a few days, use sugar, if the puree ferments well, then you can not add sugar for this variety of apples.

apple juice recipe

According to the apple mash recipe, you can make a drink based on juice. This would be best done from natural juice, and not purchased in a store - the taste of the resulting mash will depend on this. Making juice is pretty easy. Spoiled apples wash, peel, cut off all rotten places, remove seeds and core. Grind randomly and squeeze the juice with a juicer. If it is not there, you can scroll the apples through a meat grinder using a fine grate, put the resulting puree on cheesecloth and squeeze the resulting juice well.

Pour the juice into a jar, can or other container for fermentation, add sugar and yeast, mix well and leave in a warm place.

If you use mash for making moonshine, it must be insisted for at least a month, it will be ready for drinking in 7 days. A good drinking brew contains 6-9% alcohol, more Reviver will have a pronounced alcohol taste and smell.

Before making apple mash, try them for sugar content - if apple juice or puree ferments for three days, sugar can be added. If you want to get a more fragrant mash, use several varieties at the same time - sweet and sour apples.

Watch the video of apple mash and you will see that making this drink at home is not at all difficult. Similar recipe has the famous apple cider, which can also be made from apples.

If you still have homemade juice preparations, then before putting the mash on apples, try to cook legendary drink, whose invention is often attributed to Charlemagne. Cider is more like sparkling wine and is perfect for any home celebration, although at its core it is an ordinary homebrew.

Heat five liters of homemade apple juice to room temperature and mix with a kilo granulated sugar. To make the sugar dissolve better, you can use a wooden spatula or whisk.

Pour the resulting mixture into glass jar or a barrel made of food-grade plastic.

Put a gas outlet tube on top, the same as used in the manufacture of wine.

You can put an ordinary rubber glove on the jar and make a small hole in one of the fingers. Leave to ferment in a warm place, to speed up the process, you can wrap the container with a warm blanket.

After the appearance of sediment at the bottom of the container, the drink will need to be carefully poured into another dish.
Leave to ferment for a few more days.

When the bubbles on the surface cease to appear, once again drain from the sediment and pour into glass jars.

Now you know how to make apple mash and you can make a wonderful drink with your own hands. Drink mash preferably chilled, store in the refrigerator in tightly closed glass bottles.

An excellent way of apple processing - especially for those who have in the country, plot or in a private house Orchard- is home brewing. Moonshine from apple juice is quite common, and one might even say democratic drink. After all, the fruits different varieties are found everywhere, and when forcing out of them, excellent fruit drink, or "homemade Calvados".

By the way, some of any moonshine from apple juice or apples are combined together under this name, which is not entirely correct, since real calvados involves a special technology of aging in oak barrels, which saturate it with original and unique aroma And apple flavor with hints of wood.

General provisions

The recipes for preparing this drink are not particularly difficult, and most importantly, after a well-done distillation, they practically do not require additional curtsy: ennobling, removing the smell. And all this because of the pleasant and piquant flavor fruit, which has moonshine from apple juice or apples. And to get the mash, you can recommend apples, and cake from processing, and unclarified juice.

Yes, by the way, it is best if the fruits are from different varieties, in this case, the final product will have a special mixed bouquet and aroma from each of the varieties.

Moonshine from apple juice. Recipe

Make out already finished juice much easier than directly from the whole fruit. This is probably why those who have an annual abundance in the garden of apples prefer to put these methods into action. Any juices can be used: both natural, freshly squeezed, and those that have undergone thermal preservation and cooking. It has been observed that from natural juices (especially the so-called blend) the final product obtained will be the most aromatic and full-bodied. The choice of juice as a raw material is relevant if you have a good juicer, and the volume of the crop itself allows you to do a juicer.

What can be done at home

From this raw material, you just need to try to make home-made Calvados. And by the way, it is possible to prepare the volume of a natural product in juice for the future as a raw material, in order to later make tinctures from it, experimenting with the flavor range.

The basic method is quite simple: the juice with pulp is diluted with sugar, yeast is introduced, then the mash is aged and then distilled. Possible and folk recipe moonshine from apple juice, reminiscent of the way in which it ripens Georgian chacha, but in this case, the apples should be the sweetest, ripest, juiciest. The fruits also need to be cleaned of seeds and take the softest, but not rotten.

Those who wish to make homemade Calvados in the kitchen should buy an oak barrel, where the subsequent aging of the drink will take place. A normal and effective replacement for a keg will be the use of oak chips, which are crushed and loaded into a prepared container with alcohol expelled from the juice. The insisting process itself should be more than six months (or better, a year). Of course, not every moonshiner will stand the time, and you will definitely want to try. But for these purposes there is a way of making faster, but less saturated with aromas a drink that only reminds of Calvados. For these purposes, spices are taken plus vanilla in a certain amount.

Braga from apple juice for moonshine. Recipe

Braga, of course, is the main and indispensable ingredient for cooking good drink. The simplest and most popular set of ingredients among the people: for every five liters of juice we take a kilo of sugar and 20 grams each. Then your wort will ferment quite quickly and everything will be as it should. But in this case, the taste of the mash will be a little “yeasty”. If you are not used to rushing anywhere, if you do not like the taste of store-bought yeast, then advice: instead of them, we use slightly fermented raisins of ordinary grapes. They live cultures of natural wine yeast which are used to make wine. Only before the "sourdough" you need to try not to wash the raisins, in particular - do not pour boiling water over them, as some housewives like to do, so that, they say, harmful microbes are destroyed. From this procedure, all yeast can die, in mash it will not ferment at all.

Granulated sugar is best dissolved in a small amount of heated juice, and then mixed with the main amount of wort in a fermentation vessel. The processes of making mash in this (yeast-free) case will take longer than in the yeast recipe, and can even reach up to a month in duration. But on the other hand, the taste will become much thinner.

General provisions

Braga from apple juice for moonshine is, of course, a product of fermentation. So, if there is at least a slight gas separation, the use of water seals is required. This is a sine qua non to make moonshine from apple juice. During the fermentation process, the mass does not require constant stirring, and the final alcoholic drink will not need filtration, clarification, additional efforts to improve the taste. It will be enough to simply separate the fermented juice from the precipitated yeast. And the distillation of homemade Calvados is carried out according to traditional pattern: separation of heads, tails. It is possible to overtake a second time, for additional purification of the product, but then some taste qualities may be lost.


So, first of all, in order to prepare the right moonshine from apple juice at home, you need to put a water seal on the container. It is done according to the traditional scheme.

It is necessary to stop the access of oxygen from the surrounding space, as this leads to the fact that the raw material does not ferment, but sour. The water lock is designed to release carbon dioxide, which is formed during fermentation, and prevents contact of the mash with open air. Undoubtedly, necessary fixture You can buy in store or order online. But it is not a fact that it will fit in size to the container chosen for home brewing. Therefore, many people prefer to make a water seal with their own hands.

The most popular among the people can be safely called a device converted from a dropper bought at a pharmacy. In order to make such a device, you need to cut off the plastic tube from the dropper, and seal the container with the future mash poured into it. In the center of the lid, make a hole corresponding to the diameter of the tube and, inserting one tip there, tightly insulate. And bring the other end of the tube, for example, into a glass of water (to restrict air access). During fermentation, the system will emit characteristic "gurgles", indicating that the process is proceeding on schedule. As soon as these signals stop, this tells us that the brew is ready, and it's time to kick out the moonshine!

From homemade apple wine

Making moonshine from apple juice is not a very laborious process. But you can simplify it even more by using a ready-made “mash” - young wine is converted into moonshine, usually in cases where it “didn’t work out”, that is, it doesn’t satisfy certain palatability, but pouring out such goodness is still a pity. Usually, such a wine, due to the improper use of technology, is already in the first stage of acetic transformation or has various fungal diseases that make its taste not very pleasant, to put it mildly (well, if this is a completely frank drink, nevertheless the best option will be discarded rather than used for distillation). Fruit wine in this case should be considered as a well-cleaned and clarified brew. In addition, some special requirements for this natural product not worth presenting, as it is of rather high quality.

In this case, we pour the wine into a hardware container for further actions, and you can no longer add anything there. These actions, as already mentioned, can be significantly further distilled into moonshine traditional method heating and subsequent distillation. It should be noted that when moonshine still there is a sukhoparnik or one distillation will be enough, separating the heads and tails. This is followed by cleaning with a charcoal filter. Otherwise, in order to distill a high-quality final product, we need double haul. Some also use additional insistence on dried fruits or chopped fresh apples to enhance apple flavor.

Homemade calvados with oak notes

How to make moonshine from apple juice so that it resembles this worldwide famous drink, which gained popularity in certain years, thanks to the works of Remarque? The whole secret is that apple moonshine (recipes for making mash from juice, see above) must be infused for quite a long time (at least six months), like, for example, cognac. apple brandy then acquires characteristic aftertaste, which is so liked by many connoisseurs. Of course, for these purposes it would be best to purchase a small oak barrel made by a master. But if you don't have it on hand, don't worry. The specific container can be completely replaced oak chips. It must be taken from 20 to 60 grams for each liter intended for infusion. Here, the dosage is made empirically, according to personal tastes and preferences, but still try not to overdo it, otherwise tannins can clog the main tone - apple!

If you have an unprecedented harvest in your garden, apple brew for moonshine - good way make blanks. We offer 3 basic recipes.

Almost everyone loves apples, and we are used to eating them in any form - fresh, baked, in the form of salads, mashed potatoes, jams, compotes ... The culture of distillation also pays tribute to them. And, if the year turned out to be rich in these fruits, then apple mash for low alcohol drinks or distillation - the best "sentence" to a good harvest.

Experienced distillers know that apples only at first glance seem to be a simple and even trivial product. No other fruit or berry has such a discrepancy in formulations and dosages. Almost everyone who makes moonshine or cider on their own will have their own unique recipe or even a few and your favorite variety of apples.

What apples are needed for mash

If you decide to make cider or brew for moonshine from fruit trees growing in your garden, then first you need to pay attention to the fruits themselves. When the ultimate goal is moonshine, then you can take almost any apples - everything superfluous can be removed. Only good for cider the best part harvest.

In addition to flavor and taste properties apples from variety to variety differ in the content of sugar and fruit acids. If you want to properly prepare mash for moonshine or cider, these qualities must be taken into account.

For yeast-free fermentation, only sweet apples are used. Yeast, sugar and water will need to be added to dense, slightly sweet, sour fruits. There are only general data on varieties, but they can also serve as a reference point for using a particular recipe (% sugar /% fruit acids are indicated):

  • wild game or sour varieties - 6/1.3;
  • unsorted sweet and sour - 10/0.9;
  • sweet and sour and tart garden - 16/1;
  • sweet - 20/1.

In order for the mash from apples for moonshine to ferment well and give the desired degree and yield of the product, sugar will need to be added to sour and unsorted sweet and sour fruits. The fermentation period for apples with a high content of acids will be shorter than for less acidic varieties, because an acidic environment is fruitful for yeast fermentation.

Preparing the fruits for laying in the mash

To apple mash for moonshine it turned out tasty and without third-party impurities, the fruits need to be well prepared. If possible, it is better not to wash apples - they “live” on the peel natural yeast and bacteria that will promote fermentation.

We remove the seed boxes and stalks - they contain tannins and other substances that will give an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. We cut out all the rotting places so that the final drink contains as few harmful impurities as possible.

Mash recipes

1. Yeast from applesauce

The simplest apple mash for moonshine, which will turn out from any acidity and sugar content varieties, prepared like this.


  • apples - 30 kg;
  • water (to stand for 1 day, do not boil) - 20 liters;
  • sugar - 3.5–4 kg;
  • - 100 gr (equivalent to 30 gr inactive dry).
  • We grind the prepared fruits into a puree.
  • We combine the puree with 17.5 liters of water.
  • Pour all the sugar according to the recipe into two liters of water. For quick and complete dissolution, it can be heated, but not boiled. Cool the syrup and pour it into the already prepared mixture.
  • In the remaining half-liter of water, heated to + 25 ° - + 30 ° С, pour yeast, a spoonful of sugar, wait for foaming and add everything to our wort from applesauce, water and syrup.
  • We leave the closed container in a dark place at t from +25°С to +30°С for 10 days. On the first day, the bottle or pan needs to be shaken quite strongly to remove the “cap” of pulp on the surface - it interferes with gas removal and fermentation.

At the end of fermentation (boiling stops, carbon dioxide exits), there will be sediment at the bottom, and ready-made quality mash. For cider, it is slightly strong and not very palatable (there are exceptions), but for distillation it is ideal.

2. Yeast from juice

Eat good recipe how to make mash from ready-made juice. It must be 100% natural. The only additives allowed are a little citric acid and sugar.


  • juice - 5 l;
  • sugar - 1 kg (if the juice was harvested with sugar, then you need to add it less, catching up to 20% concentration);
  • pressed yeast - 30 gr (10 gr dry inactive).

We mix everything in bottles for fermentation and leave for 30 days. At the end of the procedure, we filter and get an excellent cider or raw material for moonshine.

3. Yeast-free from apples

Important: before you make apple mash according to the indicated recipe, you need to check whether this variety ferments well. To do this, you need to prepare a puree of 1 kg and 200 g of sugar and see how is fermenting. It should begin in 1-1.5 days and proceed quite actively.


  • apples - 10 kg;
  • sugar - at least 4 kg;
  • raisins or wheat germ - 100 gr (optional).
  • We make puree according to the standard scheme, add sugar. You can add raisins or sprouted wheat to speed up the fermentation process. Stir from time to time so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and not settled at the bottom.
  • After 10-14 days, the first stage of fermentation will end. We remove the cake (it can be used to bookmark other batches). We strain the juice - it will turn out about 5-6 liters.
  • We add another 5-6 glasses of sugar to the juice, put everything to ferment for 2 weeks.

After straining the semi-finished product for double distillation moonshine is ready.

apple lightness

These are just basic apple mash recipes for distillation or cider making. But you will surely find yours by experience. the best recipe. Be sure to share your discoveries - it's almost as satisfying as treating your friends to some great homemade apple calvados.
