
High-quality distillation of mash into moonshine with a steamer. Practical distillation

How to overtake mash for moonshine? This question is asked by any novice distiller. When distilling home-made moonshine, both home-made and factory-made devices are used. To obtain a high quality product with a minimum of effort and problems, we recommend (we recommend choosing a device with a distillation column of the brand or with a dry steamer of the brand), rather than assembling it yourself. And although there are some nuances when working with each specific configuration of the moonshine still, we will talk about the general basics for all types of moonshine stills.

So, in order to properly distill the mash into moonshine, you need:

  1. Make sure that the cube of the apparatus is securely fixed on the heated surface. Nothing, under any circumstances, should topple a cube under impressive pressure. Observe safety measures!
  2. The lid of the cube must ensure tightness. Check if the special fluoroplastic (or other material) gaskets are in place, do not overtighten the screws. When tightening the screws, imagine that you are changing the wheel of a car: first lightly tighten the opposite screws, and only then fully tighten. You can check the tightness by blowing into the tube connected to the cube.
  3. The cooling unit must also be securely docked. Do not create too high a pressure of water in order to avoid tube breakage.
  4. Never allow the valve (or both valves) at the outlet of the system to be closed! This will lead to a pressure surge and is fraught with the destruction of the apparatus.
  5. Don't neglect safety precautions! Read about the basic security requirements in our article.
  6. All the necessary measuring utensils and jars of the required volume for collecting the product should be prepared in advance. It will not be possible to put the distillation process “on pause” in order to find the right jar.
  7. At the very beginning, to speed up the process of heating the mash, you can turn on the tile at full power. Be sure to keep an eye on the temperature level in the cube! We reduce heating when the temperature reaches +50˚С.
  8. Water should be supplied to the distillation cooler only when the mash is heated to about +60˚C.

In order to quickly distill the mash into moonshine without unnecessary torment, do not use the method of fractional distillation of moonshine directly from the mash. It is applicable only for mash containing a lot of methanol (for example, for apple). Fractional distillation of mash is a lengthy process, it takes from two to four hours.

Since, after removing the sediment, there is still a certain amount of spent yeast and by-products of their vital activity in the mash, their prolonged boiling leads to the formation of harmful sulfur compounds with a rather unpleasant odor. This, in turn, will affect the quality and taste of the product: all this bouquet will inevitably seep into moonshine and it will be difficult to separate it during subsequent distillation. To prevent the release of sulfur compounds from the cube, copper wire is often used, or even copper cubes (alambiks). Copper binds these harmful substances, preventing them from getting into the product.

Primary distillation is best carried out without the selection of "heads" and "tails", quickly and with maximum heating. Initially, the strength of the resulting product will be kept in the region of 70-80 degrees. When the alcohol content of the resulting product drops to 20 degrees, the distillation can be stopped. The resulting raw alcohol has a strength of about 40 degrees and requires a second - this time fractional - distillation.

For fractional distillation, raw alcohol is diluted with clean (spring water is good) to a strength of about 20 degrees. With such a fortress, the separation of “heads” and “tails” is better.

The requirements for assembling and filling the cube for distilling raw alcohol are fundamentally no different from those for distilling mash.

Consider the main stages of obtaining moonshine from raw alcohol through fractional distillation:

  1. The first to appear at the outlet (at a temperature from +72 to +78.4˚С) are the so-called “heads” - methanol, acetic and formic ethyl esters and acetaldehyde. Heads make up approximately 5-9% of the final volume of the product obtained and are easily identified by an unpleasant odor. It smells like nail polish remover. By the way, "heads" can be safely used for these and other technical purposes, for example, as a means for ignition. We collect them in a separate container. Depending on the volume of the cube, it will be 50-100 ml, but it is worth being guided by organoleptics.
  2. After the selection of the "heads", the collection of the actual "body" - ethyl alcohol - the main and desired product, begins. The fact that it was the “body” that went was evidenced by the characteristic alcohol smell. We add heating in a cube so that the product goes in a stream as thick as a match (output is about 3 liters per hour, depending on the parameters of the apparatus). By this we will achieve the optimal output of the volume of the body with a minimum of impurities. The temperature in the cube, depending on the quality of the original mash, will first be in the region of + 80 ° С. Gradually increase it to the level of + 93-98˚С, when the trickle becomes thinner.
  3. In the process of distillation, it is necessary to measure the strength of the product. As soon as the fortress of moonshine falls below 40 ° C, it is necessary to change the receiving container: the turn of the selection of "tails" comes. We select them to a residual strength of 20-10 degrees, then the distillation process can be stopped.
  4. "Tails" can later be used to strengthen the mash.

In order to have no doubts about how to properly drive moonshine from mash, we note some more nuances that you should pay close attention to:

  • In many ways, the quality of the resulting product is affected by the composition of the mash. Use different containers for aging and distillation of the mash! Carefully remove the mash from the sediment: it should not fall into the cube.
  • Do not fill the cube "down the neck." Leave free a third or at least a quarter of its volume. This will to some extent protect the system from liquid ingress.
  • The strength of the product is determined using an alcohol meter. It is better to use a measuring cup or cylinder.
  • Estimate the distillate outlet temperature after cooling. It is better if it stays at a level not higher than + 30-40˚С.
  • If you still use the method of fractional distillation of the mash itself, consider the following points:
    - the speed of selection of "heads" is approximately 1 drop in 1-2 seconds, the volume of selected heads is 100-300 ml. Be guided by organoleptics;
    - when selecting "tails", you should not continue to boil the mash over + 85˚С. Pursuing the goal of extracting alcohol to the maximum, you will allow a large amount of fusel oils and other unpleasant substances to get into the moonshine. In this case, it will take much more time to clean it.

Moonshine is divided into several stages, each of them requires a reasonable approach. The distillation of mash is the most responsible process that requires special attention and diligence. Properly carried out distillation has a positive effect on the taste and quality of the produced strong drink. Violation of the methodology can lead to sad consequences, which most often affect the health of the moonshine manufacturer and the appearance of the premises.

Determination of the readiness of the wort for distillation and safety in the manufacture of moonshine

Before distilling the product, it is necessary to make sure that the semi-finished product is ready for further processing. Experienced moonshine makers are able to determine the quality of the wort by its appearance and taste. To obtain accurate results, it is necessary to use proven methods.

  1. The density of the wash can be measured with a hydrometer, a device that determines the density of a liquid. For a good mash, it is no more than 1.002 g / cm3. In the case when the readings of the measuring instrument are higher, a small amount of yeast and water must be added to the wort, and left for further fermentation.
  2. Without a hydrometer, the mash is tasted, a sweet aftertaste means that the product is not ready. Such a semi-finished product is left warm for fermentation for several days.

Sometimes moonshine makers, especially inexperienced people, have a question: is it possible to process unripe wort into a strong drink? Experts say it is possible, but is there any point in doing it. The output of the final product will be less, because. unprocessed sugar will remain in the sediment.

Home-made moonshine stills are rarely used now, those people who often prepare strong drinks purchase equipment in a specialized store.

When planning the distillation of mash, it is worth purchasing the necessary apparatus. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the metal from which the distiller is made. The optimal wall thickness can be 2 mm, the bottom of the container should not be less than 3 mm. The size of the filler neck also matters, the wider it is, the easier it is to rinse the container after use. A collapsible steamer is convenient for flavoring the product during secondary distillation.

Before distilling the wort, it is filtered through gauze, which is folded into two or three layers. Not the slightest part of the wort should be allowed into the filtered liquid, because. the ingress of these particles into the tubes can create overpressure in the system, which in turn ends in an explosion.

The receiving container must be away from the heater (stove). To avoid a spill, it is worth installing an additional container under a jar of moonshine.

The process of distilling the mash can only be started when the tightness of the moonshine is checked. To do this, the hose is put on the inlet tube, then it is necessary to blow into the hose and quickly clamp the hole for a short time. If, when releasing the hose, air escapes with a hiss, then the system is working.

To protect your hands from hot vapors and objects, to change the steamer, you need to stock up on cotton gloves. When distilling mash with steam, containers should not be opened until they have cooled down. These basic safety precautions must be observed not only by a beginner, but also by experienced moonshiners.

Distillation of wort into moonshine

The wort distillation process is based on the fact that its components have different boiling points. Sequential heating of the distillation cube with the mash allows the substances to gradually turn into a gaseous state. Thus, a strong homemade drink can be divided into separate fractions, each of which will contain a different amount of impurities.

The first fraction is usually called “heads”, this part is calculated at the rate of 30-60 ml per 1 kg of used granulated sugar.

The first fraction contains a large amount of harmful impurities, including methanol, aldehydes and ethers.

They begin to evaporate at a temperature of 65ºС.

Moonshiners with experience are able to distinguish "heads" by the specific smell of acetone.

It is necessary to heat the liquid to 78 degrees, the second fraction is called the "body". The heating temperature should rise gradually and not exceed 85ºС. The second fraction is considered the purest, it consists of ethyl alcohol, but after the first distillation, this part of the strong liquid is called raw alcohol.

At the last, third stage, the distilled composition is saturated with fusel oils, they evaporate and get into a strong drink at the moment when the brew is heated to 85 degrees and above. This part of the drink is called "tails", they are cut off, and used only for the preparation of various infusions. Medicinal alcohol liquids prepared from the "tails" are suitable for external use.

The first distillation of the mash begins with heating the liquid in the cube to 65 degrees. Upon reaching the mentioned temperature, and the appearance of the first drops, the heating of the product must be reduced. After receiving the "heads" there is a change in the container for moonshine. Obtaining the second fraction continues by heating the composition present in the cube.

The output of a strong drink should be represented by a thin stream or clean drops.

This part of the pure moonshine is usually continued after the exiting liquid in the jet will have 30 degrees.

After receiving the "body", the distilled composition is heated to the maximum, and the "tails" are collected in a separate vessel. It should be understood that the first fraction is the most harmful, despite the fact that it is the strongest part of the drink. The second part - the "body", after the first distillation is suitable for use, but the quality of this product can be considered average.

In order to get a good strong drink, it is necessary to carry out a second distillation. Not everyone knows how to do it right. Before re-distillation, the raw material is diluted with water to 30% strength, the liquid is filtered in a convenient way, then the distillation procedure described above is repeated.

Where can I use the first and third parts of the distillate

The first part of the distillation is most often used for technical purposes. This alcohol can be used to remove stains, as an anti-freeze liquid for washing car windows, etc. “Tails” are used by many manufacturers of moonshine during re-distillation, adding them to cooked fresh mash. There are other people who are sure that with repeated use of leftovers, the quality of a strong drink deteriorates.

When the temperature of the distillation of mash with a dry steamer is maintained, this gives crystal clear moonshine without odor and harmful impurities. This is one of the most important stages of home brewing, without knowing the basics of which you cannot count on a good result. Without proper distillation, even from the best home brew there will be bad moonshine.


The process of home brewing is the extraction of environmentally friendly, chemically correct ethyl alcohol, which cannot be compared with synthetic vodka. The technology for obtaining high-grade, palatable moonshine is quite simple, but it must also be taken seriously and responsibly.

The source for the birth of pure moonshine is a properly prepared mash. This term refers to the result of the fermentation of sugar and yeast. Yeast is needed in order to obtain the highest quality ethyl alcohol. It happens in this way: these living organisms eat sugar dissolved in water and secrete nothing but alcohol. Braga is made not only from beetroot beetroot, but also from fruits, berries, potatoes, grains and other plant products that contain sugar or starch. Half of the success of the moonshine brewing process depends on the fact that the mash is somewhat correctly prepared. Although even the highest quality raw materials cannot make moonshine cleaner and tastier if the distillation is done incorrectly.

Properly cooked mash

The technology for distilling mash into high-quality moonshine would be impossible without the difference in the boiling points of each of the components. Therefore, you need to know, take into account and skillfully use knowledge about such an important thing as the temperature of the distillation of mash with a dry steamer.

To distill mash and get moonshine, you need to know the boiling point of ethyl alcohol, and it is 78.4 degrees.

It is important to know!

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Ethyl alcohol, water and other components are heated together, and different distillation temperatures will reveal the necessary elements from the total mass. Thus, ethyl alcohol will boil first, and it is easy to separate it from water, which boils only at 100 degrees on a thermometer. But not all elements are as easy to separate as it can be done with alcohol and water. That is why experienced craftsmen in matters of home brewing always have a thermometer in front of them, and in some cases it is on the distillation apparatus itself. Even if such a necessary tool is not available, then you can use the knowledge of proportions and volumes, separating all components according to characteristic features.

The temperature of the distillation of mash with a dry steamer

Why do you need a dryer? The steamer has its own protection system, which reduces the number of "bad" elements in the finished product. If there is a steamer, then the chances of getting clean, high-quality moonshine are much greater. This optional, but desirable element of the moonshine apparatus is located between the distillation club and the refrigerator. Experienced craftsmen do not need it so much, but for the first experience it is better to use this part of the apparatus.

Algorithm for distilling mash into moonshine:

  1. The first distillation of mash is the process of separating volatile fractions. These components must be disposed of without attempting waste-free production in the form of rubbing ointments, and even more so tinctures. The composition of the first distillation of mash includes methyl, dangerous to human life, in a killer cocktail with other harmful substances. The device is turned on to the strongest fire and the source material is heated until the first condensate appears - drops from the refrigerator compartment. After that, you need to quickly reduce the intensity of the fire, reducing the temperature. If this is not done, then all the mash will boil in the apparatus, but when there is a steamer, the contents will not pour out in different directions, but it will foam up a lot. If the contents of the methyl group get into the refrigerator, then all the moonshine will be spoiled. After all production waste has been removed, you need to change the steamer and you can start the second distillation. Note: depending on how many degrees the finished product will have, so many degrees of purification of moonshine will go through.
  2. The second distillation of mash is directly the extraction of the main product, the purpose of all this action is moonshine. For this, distillation needs a special temperature, namely 95 degrees, no more. If the temperature on the thermometer rises, it means that unwanted products can get into the moonshine, which you need to get rid of. To do this, just pause the process, change the dishes and continue. If it is not possible to measure the temperature with a special device, then you can use a piece of paper that is soaked in moonshine and see if it burns with a blue flame. If not, then you need to stop collecting the main product. The second stage ends here, and you can proceed to the third stage.
  3. The second stage is the most responsible, while on the third one you don’t need to especially monitor the temperature. Moonshine is brought to 100 degrees and the resins and other negative by-products of production are collected again.

Another way to get moonshine is freezing. This method is less common due to its complexity and labor intensity, moreover, this option is not as effective as testing the mash with temperature increases. The freezing method is based on the fact that during a decrease in temperature, water freezes much earlier than ethyl alcohol, and they can be separated.

The temperature of the distillation of mash with a dry steamer is the most effective method of obtaining a high-quality home-brewing product that does not require special knowledge and skills. A high-grade drink without harmful impurities is easy to obtain after going through 3 stages of production.

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Today, on the shelves of shops you can find a rich selection of alcoholic beverages: vodka, beer, wine, whiskey, cognac and others. But because of this, the tradition of making moonshine at home has not become a thing of the past, because even today many people prefer to drink home-made alcohol. In addition, everyone can purchase a mini-factory for the production of homemade moonshine for a relatively low price. But no matter what equipment is chosen, the distillation of moonshine is always carried out according to one algorithm, and mash is the basic raw material in the manufacture of this drink. This product, prepared from sugar, water, yeast, and sometimes citric acid, is subject to several stages of distillation. allows you to get raw alcohol - a raw material that is subject to further distillation, which makes it possible to produce high-quality moonshine from it.

The first distillation of sugar mash

Each stage of the distillation of moonshine must be carried out correctly, since each of them cleans the drink from harmful impurities.

How to get braga?

Any moonshine cannot be obtained without mash - a product obtained as a result of the fermentation of sugar and yeast in purified water, and all ingredients must be taken in fixed proportions. Brazhka several centuries ago, namely during the existence of Rus', was the most revered fortified drink. Not a single solemn event could do without brew, but in those days no one knew about the colossal harm mash has to the body. In the process of fermentation, the mash is enriched not only with ethyl alcohol, but also with formic acid, acetone, wood alcohol and fusel oils. All these components, when ingested, lead to severe poisoning, which can be fatal. Because of this, the mash is subject to thorough distillation, which allows you to remove toxic components from it and get high-quality moonshine.

The distillation of moonshine always consists of several stages, but the first stage of making alcohol always begins with the preparation of home brew. The manufacture of mash consists of several stages:

  1. On the Internet and special manuals, you can find a large number of different recipes for making mash. But whatever recipe is chosen, first of all, the distiller should plan how much moonshine he wants to receive. If you follow the entire technology for making mash from sugar, then one liter of moonshine can be obtained from a kilogram of granulated sugar, four liters of water and twenty grams of yeast. In this case, the strength of the drink will be 40 degrees.
  2. Any granulated sugar, like all food products, contains a small amount of bacteria. If sugar is used in the manufacture of moonshine, then all pathogenic bacteria should be destroyed in it. If you ignore this, then the resulting moonshine will have an unpleasant odor and taste. The process of refining sugar is called inverting and it begins by heating water with sugar dissolved in it to a temperature of 80 degrees. As soon as the solution begins to boil, you should begin to thoroughly stir it. As soon as 10 minutes have passed since the syrup boiled, the fire should be reduced to a minimum, and the syrup should be simmered on it for an hour.
  3. To prepare the mash, you need perfectly clean water. It is optimal if it is spring water, but, unfortunately, it is not available to many distillers, especially those who live in megacities. But you can replace spring water with high-quality drinking water, but not the one that is collected from the tap. Distilled and boiled water is not suitable for making moonshine, since there is no oxygen in such a liquid, and it is simply necessary for the distillation process, otherwise the moonshine will be of poor quality.
  4. After preparing the syrup, pour the fermentation container and dilute it with the amount of chilled water indicated in the recipe for the mash. It is important to ensure that the container is filled to a maximum of three quarters, because during the fermentation process, the mash will foam a lot. In turn, the resulting foam, with a lack of space in the fermentation tank, will pour out of the tank. After mixing water and syrup, yeast should be introduced into the raw materials, but only after their preliminary activation. To start the yeast activation process, it should be thoroughly kneaded and mixed with a little water and sugar. As soon as the surface of the yeast is covered with white foam, they can be added to the workpiece of sugar and water.
  5. After mixing all the ingredients, a water seal should be put on the container with the preparation for making the mash, the role of which can be played by an ordinary rubber glove. After that, the container with the fermenting mixture should be placed in a room with a temperature of 29-36 degrees (no more, no less) for several days. If the temperature is too low, then the yeast will not be able to fully ferment, and the mash will not work. If the temperature is too high, the structure of the yeast will be broken, and they will also not be able to perform their function. Therefore, the distiller is recommended to purchase a small device - a mash heater equipped with a temperature controller. This small and inexpensive device will allow you to maintain the required temperature without wrapping hawks and other tricks.
  6. Fermentation will last 4-5 days. Throughout all these days, the mash should be thoroughly shaken, and twice a day. This technique will allow you to get rid of excess carbon dioxide released during the fermentation process.

Ready mash, suitable for distillation, will have the following characteristics:

  • the process of carbon dioxide emission will completely stop;
  • mash will have the smell of alcohol;
  • the mash will look like stratified: sediment will be visible at the bottom, and the top layer of the mash will be light;
  • the taste of mash will be bitter;
  • If you bring a burning match to Braga, then its flame will continue to burn.

If there are two or three signs, the mash can be considered ready, which means that it can be distilled. , if it is properly organized, it will allow you to get raw alcohol, from which pure and tasty moonshine is usually made.

Preparing the mash for the first distillation involves its degassing and clarification. To degas the mash, it should be poured through a tube into a large saucepan - this will clear the sediment from the raw material. After the dishes with mash should be heated to 50 degrees, which will allow carbon dioxide to stand out. For you need white clay.

If you want to clarify 10 liters of mash, then in this case you should take 1-2 tablespoons of white clay powder and dilute them in half a glass of warm water. After 10-15 minutes, a creamy slurry of white clay should be poured into, tightly closed, and then shaken vigorously. After 30 minutes, the mash will be ready for distillation.


Raw alcohol obtained from mash is often called pervach, and many people consider it to be the highest quality alcohol. In fact, this is not so, because the raw material is enriched with fusel oils and other components, the use of which can become deadly. Therefore, raw alcohol is subject to distillation, and it is better if it is, that is, its division into fractions.

You can distill sugar mash into raw alcohol in a simple moonshine still, and without the rectification function. The principle of turning mash into raw alcohol is based on the fact that all raw components have different boiling points, so each of them gradually evaporates in the form of condensate. If the pressure level reaches 760 mm Hg. Art., then ethyl alcohol will boil at a temperature of 73 degrees, water - at 100 degrees. Since mash consists of water and alcohol, its boiling point will be in the range of 73-100 degrees Celsius.

If there is a lot of alcohol in Braga, then it will tend to the minimum value (73 degrees) and vice versa. Most models of moonshine stills separate raw materials into fractions at a temperature in the range of 73-83 degrees Celsius. If the device is equipped with an accurate thermometer, then the process of controlling the temperature regime will be greatly simplified.

The distillation of mash into raw alcohol includes 3 stages:

  1. When the mash is heated to 63-68 degrees, harmful fractions evaporate, for example, aldehyde, methyl alcohol and others. These impurities are called "tails" and are considered toxic to the human body. Condensate in the form of "heads" settles in the dryer of the apparatus - a separate container. In order for the heads to evaporate from the raw alcohol, it should be brought to a temperature of 63 degrees, and then the fire should be reduced to a minimum.
  2. When the distillation of harmful fractions (“heads”) is completed, you should change the steamer and attach a clean container to collect raw alcohol. After heating the mash, the temperature should be brought to 78 degrees, because after that the output of raw alcohol will begin. Upon reaching a temperature of 85 degrees, the collection of moonshine can be completed, because with a further increase in temperature, fusel oils will condense - impurities that worsen the smell, taste and appearance of moonshine. However, the collected fusel oils can be used as an auxiliary raw material for the preparation of a new batch of mash.

The raw materials obtained after the first distillation should be distilled again, which will reduce the strength of the moonshine and remove from it the remnants of harmful impurities that could not be driven out during the first distillation. If, then it is possible to perform all stages of moonshine distillation in it. In the absence of such an element in the moonshine still, people distilling alcohol should do a second distillation of moonshine, which is performed according to a different algorithm.

A lot of people don't really want to depend on expensive store-bought alcohol, especially since buying it in a supermarket does not guarantee that you will end up with a drink of good quality to match its high price. Therefore, sometimes people resort to home methods of producing alcohol. It is after the distillation of mash into moonshine that you get a high-quality, home-made drink!

Technology is of great importance in this case. Choosing the right technology is the key to getting a good and not very expensive drink at home. Otherwise, you will find another confirmation of the widespread stories about the disgusting taste and severe hangover of homemade moonshine. Therefore, it is necessary to pay careful attention to all stages of home brewing, starting with the choice of apparatus, raw materials, and ending with the observance of all the rules of this process.

Getting mash

Alcohol is a by-product of the vital activity of yeast, i.e. they eat sugar, in the aquatic environment (minerals), while releasing alcohol and carbon dioxide. Therefore, in order to quickly obtain high-quality mash, it is necessary to monitor the condition (well-being) of the yeast.

  • Optimum mash temperature 24°-40°.
  • With a decrease in the lower temperature threshold, yeast (bread) fall asleep, and with an increase in the upper perish.
  • When falling asleep the latter, the solution can be heated (put in a warm place), and if 40 ° is exceeded, yeast can be added to a cooler place.
  • fermentation process(yeast propagation) can be accelerated by periodically stirring the mash, as is done in the production of beer.

They say that you can cook in an old-style washing machine mash for moonshine in a few hours. You can also speed up the fermentation process by adding catalysts: potatoes, peas, tomato paste, hop decoction.

The fermentation scheme looks like this:


Fermentation rate depends on the concentration of sugar in the solution, the more it is, the better, but when the strength of the mash is reached, the higher 15°, yeast begins to die from alcohol and the fermentation process slows down. Therefore, the excessive sugar content in mash (if we use it later for distillation) leads to its loss and an increase in the cost of the final product. After finishing fermentation just try mash, it should be bitter and without a sweet taste.

If we do not distill the mash in the future, but drink it like mead, then I would advise using less yeast so that there is no yeasty taste, and more sugar, anyway, above 15 ° mead will not work.

How to domash for moonshine Right

Braga is the basis of moonshine. Therefore, the final result will depend on the quality of the feedstock.

If we make mash from sugar, then I recommend the following optimal ratio of products in solution: 1 kg of sugar: 100 g of yeast: 3 liters of water (10: 1: 30). When calculating, keep in mind that during the fermentation process, you will release carbon dioxide, which will form foam and it can flow over the edge of the vessel with the mash.

Braga from jam is also made, only instead of sugar we take 1 liter of jam, the rest is warm water. But it is better to make mead out of jam. For 3 lira of mead we take 1 liter of jam, the rest is warm water and 2 teaspoons of dry yeast.

During fermentation, the resulting ethyl alcohol is simultaneously oxidized (combined with oxygen) to form oxidation products: acetic acid, acetaldehyde, which is hazardous to health. It follows that oxygen is the enemy of the mash and other products obtained from it, and therefore it is necessary to limit the access of air to the container with the mash.

Air access can be limited by putting a rubber medical glove on the neck of the jar with a pierced pin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers. Excess carbon dioxide will escape through the holes, and the glove will not fly off from high pressure. The glove is also an indicator of the fermentation process. If carbon dioxide is released from it, then during normal fermentation it will rise before our eyes. When the glove itself falls, this will mean that the fermentation is over and it's time to move on to distillation using a moonshine still. The glove can be freely bought at the pharmacy.

Another way to restrict air access to Brahe, this is the use water seal.

  • Excess carbon dioxide from a container with mash (for example, a 19l drinking water bottle) enters a jar of water through a tube.
  • By the intensity of the exit of the bubbles, we determine the state of the fermentation process.
  • This method is good for fermenting wine.

Braga can be obtained from any organic products containing sugar or starch. The main criterion is the availability of raw materials, its price. The essence of the process is the same as when preparing mash from sugars, only for the conversion of starch into sugar, an enzyme (malt) is needed, which is located in seeds, for example, in grain. When the grain begins to germinate, the enzyme in the grain is activated and penetrates the starch deposits, converting it into sugar that feeds the germ.

We need to get an enzyme (malt). To do this, we germinate, for example, wheat, before that we soak it for several days in water. Then we dry, separating the sprouts from the grains, which we grind into powder.

Braga recipes at home

There are many recipes for cooking mash

AND from grain

Grain, at the rate of 1 kg, crushed to flour, add 3 liters of water (1:3), yeast 50 g, 200 g sugar, malt 200 g

Stirred in a container and kept for 10-14 days in a warm place, until the release of carbon dioxide ceases.

Potato based

20 kg potatoes, 400 g yeast, 1 kg of rye or wheat flour and a handful of chopped wheat straw

  1. Peel potatoes and grate.
  2. Add it to 10 liters of water with a temperature of about 60°.
  3. Add flour and straw to the solution, mix.
  4. After 6 hours, drain the water into some container and fill in a new one (with a temperature of about 50 °).
  5. After another 12 hours, this water is also drained into a container.
  6. Now it remains to add yeast to the solution and leave for 2 weeks. Then overtake.

AND from jam

6 kg of any jam, 30 liters of water, 200 g of yeast.

If the jam is made from large fruits, then it is advisable to grind it in a meat grinder or any other crusher.

  1. Dissolve jam in water, add yeast and ferment.
  2. After 4-5 days the substrate is ready.
  3. The yield of the finished product during distillation is 6 liters.
  4. You can increase the yield by adding 3 kg of sugar to the jam.
  5. In this case, the output will be 9 liters.

Based on candy

5 kg of caramel sweets, 200 g of yeast, 20 liters of water.

Grind sweets, and then dissolve in hot water. Dissolve the yeast separately, and then mix everything. Leave to roam for 4-5 days Yield 5 l.

From honey

yeast 300 g, sugar syrup 2 l, honey 3 kg, water 25 l

  • Dissolve honey and syrup in water.
  • Add in advance diluted yeast.
  • Roam 7-8 days.

AND from juice

10 l of any sweet juice, 300 g of yeast

Dissolve yeast in warm juice. Insist two weeks. Output - 3 l.

Sugar Based

10 kg sugar, 200 g yeast, 10 l water

Dissolve everything in warm water. Roams 7-10 days

AND from apricots

10 kg apricots, 10 kg sugar, 100 g yeast, 3 l water

After removing the pits from the apricots, pass them through a meat grinder. Dissolve sugar in 3 liters of warm water (temperature 60-70 °). Then the solution is cooled to a temperature of 25 °. Mix apricot mass and sugar solution in a large container and add yeast. Put in a warm place. When the mixture ferment, overtake using a moonshine still. Output - 2.5 liters.

Based on grapes

10 kg grape pomace, 5 kg sugar, 100 g yeast, 30 l water

  1. Pour the grape cake with sugar, mix, put the yeast and pour water.
  2. Roam for a week.
  3. Distill twice to get a strong moonshine.

AND from cherries

20 kg cherries, 2 kg sugar, 200 g yeast

  1. Peel the cherries from the bones, mash the pulp, add sugar And yeast diluted in a small amount of warm water.
  2. Roams in a warm place for 4-5 days.
  3. Stir for the first two days. For example: every six hours.
  4. Grind cherry pits in a mortar.
  5. After the end of fermentation, mix them with the substrate and overtake.
  6. During distillation, you should watch carefully. Ready cherry moonshine is colorless.
  7. If the turbidity goes, it must be collected in a separate bowl, and then distilled again.

Yield about 8 liters. Dried cherries can also be used in place of fresh cherries. Just soak it in water first. One drawback - fermentation will last a day or two longer.

AND from peas

3 kg of peas, 3 cups of ground malt, 200 g of yeast. Grind the peas into flour and pour into the water, stirring constantly. When the pea flour dissolves, cook it over low heat until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. Then cool, add malt, mix thoroughly and let stand for 2-3 hours. Then pour into a bowl, add yeast and leave in a warm place for 5 days. The output is usually 3 liters.

Pear based

10 kg of rotten pears, 400 g of sugar, 40-50 g of yeast

  • Boil pears.
  • As soon as the broth has cooled, add sugar, yeast and 1-1.5 liters of water.
  • Insist one week in a warm place.
  • Overtake 2 times.

from cranberries

2 kg cranberries, 8 l water, 800 g sugar, 1 pack of yeast

  1. Chop cranberries.
  2. Drain the juice into a container, and pour the squeeze with water and boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Then add sugar, stir and boil for another 15 minutes.
  4. Cool the sweetened broth to room temperature and pour cranberry juice into it.
  5. Mix everything, add yeast to the liquid, mix again and leave to roam.
  6. Then overtake.

rice based

3 kg of rice, 10 liters of water, 3 cups of ground malt, 200 g yeast

  1. Boil rice in water and cool to room temperature.
  2. Add malt to the mass, mix and incubate for 10-12 hours.
  3. Then mix again and add yeast, diluted in water.
  4. fermentation process will take 5-6 days. Then strain the finished substrate and overtake. Yield - about 4 liters.

From wheat

4 kg wheat, 1 kg sugar, 3 l water, 5 kg sugar, 18 l water, 5 kg sugar, 8 l warm water

  1. Grind wheat into flour, pour 0.5 kg of sugar into it, pour 4 liters of water and insist in a warm place for 5 days.
  2. Then pour in the remaining sugar and pour in the rest of the water.
  3. Hold on for another week.
  4. When the substrate acquires a bitter taste, strain and distill twice.
  5. Do not throw away the “production waste”, but cover it again with sugar, pour warm water and leave to ferment for 8-10 days.
  6. Strain, overtake the remains of the substrate 2 more times.


Home brewing is a multi-stage process that requires a thorough and reasonable approach. The distillation of mash into moonshine is perhaps the most responsible and painstaking stage, which requires constant attention and at least minimal theoretical knowledge.

The correct distillation determines the taste and quality of the drink, and non-compliance with the technology can lead to serious consequences for repairs in the kitchen and your health.

Preparatory phase: the little things matter

It is worth making sure that all the subtleties are observed even before lighting the stove. Otherwise, all errors will be detected empirically, which is not the best way when working with high temperatures and flammable liquids.

The readiness of the mash

Before distilling the mash into moonshine, you should make sure that it is ready for distillation. Experienced moonshiners can easily determine this by appearance and taste, but for reliable results, use proven methods:

  • The density of the mash measured with a hydrometer should not exceed 1.002. If the readings are higher, add a little water and yeast to the container with the mash and send it to ferment in a warm place.
  • If you don't have a hydrometer, taste the mash. The sweetness of the liquid indicates that not all sugar has been converted into alcohol yet and fermentation must be continued.

The question of whether it is possible to distill unfermented mash is often heard from beginners in home brewing. Of course you can, but why? It did not contain processed sugar, which would be wasted in vain, and due to the fact that the maximum strength was not reached, the output of moonshine will also be modest.

How to choose a moonshine still

Due to the rising cost and falling quality of store-bought liquor, home-brewing is gaining popularity.

The first thing that is required for this is a moonshine still. For various reasons, not everyone can make a distiller; most beginner distillers buy devices.

Separately, we will consider methods for checking sellers before buying.

Functional purpose

The first and most important criterion. On sale you can find the following types of moonshine stills:

It consists of two interconnected parts: a distillation cube and a refrigerator (coil). For most ordinary people, it is this design that is associated with moonshine, because due to the ease of manufacture it has become widespread, especially in rural areas.

Principle of operation: first, the mash in a cube is heated to the boiling point of alcohol, then the steam is cooled (condensed) in a coil. It turns out a distillate - moonshine with a maximum strength of 75-80 degrees at the outlet (in the stream). But even theoretically, distillation cannot produce pure alcohol; there will always be other impurities in the drink. On the one hand, this is good for preserving the aroma and taste, on the other hand, along with the “necessary” impurities, harmful substances also enter the moonshine: methyl alcohol, acetone, acetaldehyde, fusel oils, etc.

Advantages of the distiller: low cost, ease of assembly, distillation and maintenance. The classic moonshine still preserves the aroma and taste of the raw materials better than other designs: grains, fruits, berries. Suitable for the preparation of analogues of such drinks as whiskey, cognac, calvados, rum.

Disadvantages: to obtain normal quality, moonshine must be distilled 2-3 times with the division of the output into fractions - the so-called "heads", "body" and "tails". Grain and sugar distillates are preferably further refined between distillations, for example with charcoal. All this requires time and energy (for heating and cooling).

An ordinary distiller, in which another module is installed between the distillation cube and the coil - a dry steamer (aka a sump). This is an empty container of a certain volume, connected from above by tubes to a coil and a cube.

The principle of operation of the steamer is based on the fact that the boiling point of ethyl alcohol is higher than that of many hazardous substances. Theoretically, getting into the steamer, harmful impurities condense there, but do not boil again, since the thermal energy is spent on the evaporation of ethyl alcohol. The role of the sukhoparnik in the apparatus is exaggerated.

beer column

This is a moonshine still, in which the alcohol vapor cooling module is made in the form of a vertical pipe with a reflux condenser installed on top, which separates the liquid into fractions during distillation. It can be used to prepare any drinks: both ordinary sugar moonshine, and for "noble" distillates (cognac, whiskey, chacha), while retaining the aroma.

Brazhnaya column - a new word in moonshine

Advantages: versatility of use, good purification from harmful impurities while preserving the aroma of raw materials, average price, relative ease of operation.

Disadvantages: it is impossible to get all the alcohol contained in the mash without degrading the quality, the losses are 45-70% of the total volume, that is, from 2 liters of absolute alcohol in the mash, an average of 1 liter of high-quality distillate will come out. The design turns out to be overall (in height), it is not always possible to install it in an apartment.

Distillation column

This is a vertical cylindrical vessel equipped inside with heat and mass transfer devices (trays or nozzles) for separating a liquid into fractions that have a close boiling point. If necessary, it can be used as a conventional distiller or beer column.

Rectification separates harmful impurities much better than distillation, theoretically you can get pure alcohol (without foreign smell and taste) up to 96% of the fortress, but the result on home distillation columns is usually more modest. Rectification - suitable for those who need pure alcohol

Advantages of distillation column:

  1. The only way to qualitatively separate impurities, getting almost pure alcohol from any mash
  2. Does not require double or triple distillation
  3. In the course of work there is no specific smell.

Disadvantages: during rectification, the aroma and taste of the feedstock are lost, the column is more difficult to maintain and operate than a conventional apparatus. Due to the large height dimensions, there may be problems with a suitable installation location. The cost of distillation equipment (in addition to the column itself, at least temperature sensors are also needed) is usually higher than that of classical distillers (except for alambicas).

Cube volume, power, dimensions

These parameters depend on how often you plan to drive moonshine. General rule: other things being equal, the more productive the moonshine is, the more expensive, heavier and larger it is.

First of all, you need to decide on the volume of the cube. During distillation, any apparatus is allowed to fill up to 80% of the volume. For example, if the cube is 15 liters, then for safety reasons no more than 12 liters of mash are distilled at a time. This is not as little as it might seem, because dividing the mash into two distillations is much more practical than purchasing one large apparatus, especially if you drive moonshine no more than 1-2 times a week.

The capacity of the cooler should correspond to the volume of the cube - be equivalent or higher with a margin in case you plan to connect a larger cube in the future. You need to find out the performance of the device from the manufacturer, being interested not only in the number of liters per hour, but also in the maximum possible volume of the connected cube, degrees of heating and recommended cooling intensity.

When buying a beer or distillation column, you should remember that their height usually exceeds 1 meter. Taking into account the fact that the device has to be installed on a stove, there may not be enough free height to the ceiling or to the hood.


Craftsmen made moonshine from aluminum, but this is not the most suitable material, because it affects the taste and releases harmful substances into the drink. Modern manufacturers use two inert (not reacting with alcohol) metals - stainless steel and copper.

The advantage of stainless steel is its low cost, long service life and reliability of the device, which requires almost no maintenance (only rinsing and cleaning).

The main thing is that the stainless steel complies with GOST for the food industry. This document must be shown by the seller or manufacturer. The thickness is not less than 2 mm, otherwise, with strong heating, the mash may burn.

The only material (other than glass) that does not affect the organoleptic properties of the distillate in any way is copper. In addition, due to its high thermal conductivity, copper quickly heats up and cools down, which reduces the time spent on distillation. The disadvantage is that copper moonshine stills are more expensive and are used to produce elite alcohol: whiskey, cognac, tequila, calvados.

Any turbidity of moonshine and third-party tastes in copper devices appear only due to poor maintenance of the device and have nothing to do with the material itself. According to GOST, copper is allowed to be used in the production of alcohol.

Design features

Depending on the situation, both simplify and complicate the process of moonshine brewing. For example, if all the modules of the device are collapsible, they are easier to clean. The presence of drain taps on the cube and on the steamer also simplifies maintenance. The neck of the distillation cube should be wide enough so that you can easily put your hand inside, otherwise it will be problematic to remove the scale.

If the device does not fit into the height dimensions, you can buy a cube with built-in heating elements and not put it on the stove, saving space. But during distillation, the heating element must be immersed in the mash, otherwise it will burn out. As a moonshine still for summer cottages, where there are problems with water supply, devices that do not require running water are better suited, such are on sale.

Each modern model must necessarily be equipped with at least one thermometer, which can be used to navigate when separating distillate into fractions.

The presence of automation, on the one hand, simplifies the process, on the other hand, complicates maintenance, because even if one controller fails, often the entire device ceases to function.

How to buy moonshine still

Choosing a suitable model is only half the battle, it is much more important to find a normal seller and check the product documentation. This is very important when buying a moonshine still over the Internet, where there are many businessmen who want to profit from inexperienced moonshiners.

Unfortunately, cases of fraud and the sale of unsuitable devices of dubious design have become commonplace. Reviews on the forums and the advice of the "specialists" living there are paid for in 90% of cases, you should not be guided by them.

Verification of documents

If possible, purchase a moonshine in your locality in a stationary store so that in case of problems you can consult or return the goods. But often a distiller or distillation column is chosen on the Internet. In this case, I advise you to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Check seller registration. The methodology varies by country. For example, in Russia, you can check the OGRN (Main State Registration Number) and OGRNIP (Main State Registration Number) on the website of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). If there is no data or they do not match those on the seller's website, you have a scammer in front of you.
  2. It is desirable that the seller has a real physical address where it can be found. A direct landline phone number (not 8800), complete data on the site and the availability of a support service that responds quickly at the stated time are an indirect confirmation of honesty.
  3. The description of the moonshine still must be complete: all parts and assemblies are listed, the materials from which they are made are named, all technical characteristics are indicated in numbers or ranges under specific operating conditions. At the first request, the seller must name the manufacturer of the equipment, its physical address and contact details.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the instructions and certificates for the product. The document itself should contain not only complete information about the configuration and assembly, but also descriptions of various modes of operation, including safety precautions and rules for caring for equipment. The more detailed everything is, the better. A separate chapter is the terms of warranty service. The provided quality certificates also need to be checked; in Russia, for this, it is enough to enter the number on the website of the Unified Register of Certificates of Conformity. Only if all the documents are in order, you can make a purchase.


Basic requirements before distillation

  • We use only high quality raw materials. Water should not have side tastes and odors. It is best to take settled running water and in no case should you take distilled or boiled water. Fermentation requires oxygen. It is better to make sugar inverted (cook syrup). This improves the fermentation process and prevents the activation of harmful microorganisms. This may affect the smell. We take high-quality pressed or dry yeast.
  • We observe the correct proportions (for 1 kg of sugar + 100 g of pressed yeast or 20 g of dry + 4 liters of water). Perhaps you have your own proven recipes.
  • We try to adhere to sanitary standards. Vessels for the distillation of mash and dishes for finished products must be sterile and dry. Otherwise, this can also lead to an undesirable taste and smell.
  • Before starting the distillation, we correctly install the equipment, check the tightness so as not to disturb the distillation process.



The times of homemade devices from cans and pots are a thing of the past, and if you plan to make homemade alcohol regularly, buying a normal device will pay off with interest.

Good device - high-quality moonshine

When choosing a moonshine, pay attention to the thickness of the metal - it should be at least 1.5 mm on the walls, and 2-3 mm at the bottom. A wide filler neck will facilitate washing the distillation cube, and a collapsible steamer will allow you to flavor the drink during the second distillation. It is also advisable to choose an apparatus with a thermometer that will allow you to control the distillation process.


Safety precautions at work have been developed by more than a dozen burnt hands and exploding devices, so study this section carefully:

  • Braga must be filtered through gauze before distillation. Particles of wort or top dressing can get into the steam pipes, which threatens to explode from overpressure.
  • Set the receiving jar away from the gas burner, and insure against spillage by substituting another container under it. Alcohol is a flammable liquid and is unforgiving.
  • Check the tightness of the device. To do this, put the hose on the outlet, blow into it and hold for a few seconds. After you release the hose, the air will hiss out of the sealed space. Alcohol vapors escaping from leaky joints will not only reduce output, but may also ignite.
  • Keep gloves handy as the metal parts get very hot during handling. Hand protection is useful when changing the steamer.
  • Do not open the still until it has cooled down to avoid steam burns.

These rules are well known to experienced moonshiners, but they were worth writing, even if they help just one beginner.

Temperature conditions for the distillation of mash

The principle of distillation is based on the fact that the composition of the mash includes substances with different boiling points. Due to the successive change in the heating of the distillation cube, these substances alternately pass into the gaseous state. This allows you to divide the moonshine into fractions that differ in the content of impurities:

  • Evaporation of aldehydes, ethers, methanol and other harmful impurities starts at 65⁰С. This temperature during the distillation of mash into moonshine is maintained until the separation of the first fraction - the heads. The volume of this fraction is calculated as 30-60 ml per kilogram of sugar used for mash.
  • After that, the heating is increased to a level when the distillation temperature of the mash into moonshine is reached in the distillation cube. Ethyl alcohol evaporates at 78⁰, and the result is the second, purest fraction of moonshine - the body. At this stage, the temperature in the cube slowly rises, but should not reach 85⁰С.
  • The separation of the third fraction is the last mark that the temperature of the mash must reach during distillation. Fusel oils begin to evaporate at a temperature of 85⁰С, at which point the tails are cut off.

When the mash distillation temperature reaches 98.5⁰С, distillation can be stopped, since the condensed liquid contains no more than 1% ethanol. Although only the most patient reach this stage of distillation.

Instruments for measuring the parameters of wort and solutions

With the help of liquid thermometers with a scale of 150 ºС, you can measure the temperature. And to measure the relative weight of the wort, a hydrometer with limits of 1.000-1.080 is required, for alcohol solutions - a set of hydrometers with limits of 0.820-0.880; 0.880-0.940; 0.940-1.000. The acidity of the mash and wort is determined by taste. Strong acidity is not desirable, so the taste of mash and wort should be slightly acidic.


Distillation of mash into moonshine step by step

Regarding the need for a double distillation, moonshiners are of the same opinion. This allows you to get an unusually soft, clean product, devoid of impurities that are responsible for the organoleptic qualities of the drink and morning well-being. The most meticulous manage to distill moonshine three, and even four times. But most agree on the sufficiency of double distillation.

How to properly expel moonshine from mash: first distillation

The technology for conducting the first distillation does not have such an unambiguous point of view. On this issue, moonshiners are divided into two camps, and each of them has its own arguments. We will not figure out whose method is more correct, since even many years of disputes did not lead to the birth of truth.

Fast distillation of mash

The essence of the technique is that the yeast and impurities remaining in the mash are not subjected to prolonged heat treatment, which increases the amount of impurities. Distillation is carried out at maximum power, without maintaining a separate temperature regime and the selection of fractions:

  1. Put the alembic on the fire and bring water to the serpentine.
  2. Heat as quickly as possible until the mash boils.
  3. Continue distillation at maximum speed up to 3-5⁰C in the jet.

Remember that you need to measure the strength in a small amount of distillate, at a temperature of 20⁰С. If the temperature is higher, then special tables with correction factors are used. However, the moonshine in the stream should not heat up above 30⁰ with a normally working cooler, so there is practically no need to wait until it cools down.

Supporters of this technique believe that there is no need to separate the heads and tails during the first distillation, since filtration through coal and dropwise selection of fractions during the second distillation give a sufficiently high-quality product.

Charcoal filters should not be used in the preparation of fruit and grain moonshine, since a powerful absorbent reduces the severity of the aroma of the feedstock. In this case, cutting off heads and tails is carried out both during the first and during the second distillation.

  • Heat the cube to 65⁰C and turn the heat down as soon as the first drops appear.
  • During the first distillation, the volume of heads is 30 ml for each kg of sugar, but experienced moonshiners can easily distinguish them by the pungent smell of acetone.
  • Change the container for collecting moonshine and increase the heat so that you get something between frequent drops and a thin stream.
  • Continue sampling the body until you reach 30⁰ ABV in the jet. Some moonshiners practice cutting off tails already at 45⁰, but this is superfluous with double or triple distillation.
  • Change the container again and increase the heat to maximum. Collect tailings up to 5% ethanol content.

The heads obtained during the first distillation are the same pervach that the people's fame awarded with a stunning reputation. Of course, it knocks you off your feet and intoxication sets in quickly, but the concentration of toxic impurities in it goes off scale, and your well-being will not fail to remind those who dare to try this hellish drink.

The resulting second fraction (body) is raw alcohol. Of course, you can drink it, but the quality will be average. Since you have already taken up the preparation of homemade alcohol, then bring it to the end and prepare a drink that will outdo any famous brand of vodka.

Second distillation

Raw alcohol has a natural light turbidity typical of rustic moonshine, and a moderate amount of impurities if the heads and tails have already been selected.


Before driving the moonshine out of the mash with the apparatus, it is recommended to dilute the raw alcohol to 25-30⁰ strength, and filter it from fusel oils in one of the following ways:

  • Add 20 g of refined vegetable oil per liter of liquid, close the lid and shake well. After 12 hours, drain the liquid from under the oil film with a flexible tube. Pass through a gauze or cotton filter.
  • Put a cotton filter in the watering can, and pour birch, stone or coconut activated charcoal on top. In the absence of suitable raw materials, feel free to use ordinary pharmaceutical activated carbon. Filter the alcohol through a watering can.

You can filter moonshine on sugar or starch-containing raw materials, but fruit distillate, together with fusel oils, will lose some of its flavor and aroma, so it is better to use a triple distillation of mash for it. If there is time and inspiration, these two cleaning methods are used in succession.

Second distillation

Actually, the technology practically does not differ from the fractional first distillation, with the exception of some subtleties:

  • The slower the cutting off of the heads, the better the product will be. The optimal rate of fluid intake is 1-3 drops per minute.
  • If the first time you did not select the heads, then now select 50-60 ml for each kilogram of sugar used. When re-selecting, it will be enough to cut off 30 ml of heads.
  • Change the container and heat the cube to 78⁰С, distill the second fraction at medium speed.
  • When the strength in the jet drops to 45⁰C, change the tank again and continue distilling the tails at maximum power.

If the distillation of mash into moonshine is carried out correctly, you will get a drink of 50-60⁰ strength. This degree of alcohol does not suit everyone, and you can bring it to the desired fortress by diluting it with water. Distilled, bottled, or jug-filtered water will do.

Cleaning the finished moonshine

The question is rather ambiguous, and moonshiners have not come to a common denominator in solving it. Undoubtedly, the most effective way of cleaning is the correct distillation with a thorough, and preferably with a margin, separation of tails and heads.

Purification is required only for a low-quality drink in order to remove at least some of the impurities from it. For this purpose, the following are used:

  • potassium permanganate;
  • milk;
  • egg white;
  • Rye bread;
  • freezing in a metal container.

But all these methods cannot be called effective, so it’s better to gather your strength and distill low-quality moonshine again, diligently dividing it into three fractions.

Heads and Tails: Usefulness from Waste

Drinking the first and last fraction is not worth it, but this does not mean that it cannot be used. The alcohol content in them is quite significant, and the economic person will find where to use it:

  1. The heads are used as technical alcohol. They can serve as a solvent, stain remover, anti-freeze glass washer fluid, etc.
  2. Tail fractions are perfect for the preparation of medicinal infusions, only for external use.
  3. Very often, tails are recommended to be added to the next portion of mash, but users of specialized forums say that with repeated re-distillation, the quality of moonshine drops.

Now you know exactly how to properly distill the mash from start to finish. The description of the process may seem voluminous, but after doing it two or three times, you will remember all the subtleties by heart, and after a while you will develop your tricks for obtaining high-quality home-made moonshine!


You can determine the strength of moonshine using an alcohol meter, periodically selecting the product into a small container. And in order not to bother with selection during the distillation process, there is a very simple way to approximately determine the strength of moonshine without a device.

  • We take a strip of paper (you can tear it off the newspaper) 10 cm long and 1-2 cm wide.
  • Bend in half lengthwise so that it does not bend.
  • We wet one end under the coil and try to set it on fire.
  • Moonshine with a strength of more than 40 degrees will burn even if you remove the match.
  • When the fortress is less than 40 degrees, it will also burn, but with a bang and immediately go out if you remove the match.

At this stage, the selection of good moonshine is stopped.

I would like to warn against the temptation to "squeeze out" as much as possible from one stage. Never do this. Cut off the tails in a timely manner. It is better to sacrifice quantity, but win in quality. Otherwise, you may end up with moonshine exactly the same as in ALL of our movies. Cloudy and no doubt smelly.
