
Mushrooms umbrellas how to cook them. Edible parasol mushroom and its counterparts

Huge representatives of this species are often found in forest areas, resembling giant umbrellas, lined up in a characteristic "witch's circle".

These reach a height of 0.35-0.45 m, and the diameter of the cap reaches 0.25-0.35 m. In young specimens, the plates are closely pressed against the stem, with age they turn into a horizontal arrangement. There are many types of umbrellas, the main ones are presented in the table.

species name Latin Cap Description Leg characteristic Pulp Features
Mushroom-umbrella motley Macrolepiota procera In young specimens, it is spherical in shape, and with age it acquires a wide conical or umbrella shape. Surface with a dark round tubercle in the center. The skin is brownish-gray in color with angular scales Cylindrical, hollow, with a rigid fibrous structure and a spherical thickening at the base Whitish in color, quite dense, with a characteristic nutty flavor and a faint mushroom smell
Umbrella mushroom graceful Macrolepiota gracilenta Thin fleshy, ovoid or bell-shaped, becomes almost flat with age, with a brownish tubercle in the center. The skin is whitish, with cracking and buffy scales Cylindrical, with club-shaped extension and slight curvature Snow-white, with a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste
Umbrella mushroom white Macrolepiota excoriata Flat procumbent, with a large brown tubercle in the central part, whitish or cream coloration, without shine fibrous, white, good taste and flavor
Konrad's parasol mushroom Macrolepiota konradii Relatively thick, convex prostrate, with a papillary tubercle in the central part Cylindrical, hollow, with a slight club-shaped thickening at the base White and dense, with a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste
Mushroom-umbrella mastoid Macrolepiota mastoidea Thin fleshy, umbrella-shaped, with a large and well-defined pointed tubercle in the central part Cylindrical, hollow, with a slight tuberous thickening at the base Thick and soft, pure white color, with a pleasant nutty taste and mushroom smell
Mushroom-umbrella reddening Chlorophyllum rhacodes Beige, umbrella-shaped, with cracked edges Tapering at the top, hollow, with a smooth surface and a thickened base Rigid, fibrous, white, blushing on the cut
Mushroom-umbrella girlish Leucoagaricus nympharum Thin fleshy, umbrella-shaped, with a low tubercle and thin fringed edges Cylindrical, narrowed at the top, with a tuberous thickening at the base Turns pink on the cut, has a rare smell, no pronounced taste

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Most edible mushrooms, growing on the territory of our country, there are poisonous twins, and the umbrella species is no exception in this regard. False or inedible umbrella mushroom is represented by two main varieties:

  • lead slag chlorophyllum (Chlorophyllum molybdites);
  • dark brown chlorophyllum (Chlorophyllum brunneum).

Both species, due to the soil and climatic features of our country, are not widely distributed in Russia and are found mainly in America, Eurasia, Australia and Africa.

Umbrella mushroom: collection features (video)

Many inexperienced mushroom pickers confuse Macrolepiota with fly agaric . However, these two species are easily distinguished by the following features:

  • the presence of a three-layer ring on the Macrolepiota stem, which can be easily shifted both up and down;
  • umbrellas completely lack the remains of a bedspread on the leg;
  • Amanitas have a smooth and shiny cap, while Macrolepiota is characterized by a matte surface.

Edible umbrellas are characterized by pronounced cracking of the skin, but in the central part it always remains intact.

Distribution area

Umbrella belongs to the category of saprotrophs and prefers sandy soils in light forests. Quite common in meadows and forest edges, and also feels good in forest clearings or clearings. In some years it can be found in open areas, in Lately becomes a frequent visitor to the territory of forest parks and household plots. It grows best in temperate climates.

Fruiting occurs from early summer to mid-autumn. The lamellar mushroom grows singly or in small groups. The species is prone to the formation of "witch circles".

Cooking methods

Preparing dishes from Macrolepiota is very simple. These mushrooms are suitable for making soups, very tasty and nutritious main courses, cold appetizers.

Cook fragrant soup from umbrellas even novice housewives can do it:

  • rinse and soak the mushrooms for a couple of hours in cold and salted water;
  • rinse the mushrooms again and cut into medium-sized pieces;
  • slice onion and potatoes;
  • grate peeled carrots coarse grater;
  • sauté onions and carrots in vegetable oil until tender;
  • pour mushrooms with water, bring to a boil and cook for 20-25 minutes;
  • add potatoes to the soup, and after 15 minutes add sauté and spices and cook until tender.

Mushroom soup should be served with fresh herbs and fresh sour cream.

Unique mushroom aroma and delicate taste have baked umbrellas, which are prepared according to the following recipe:

  • carefully clean and rinse the mushrooms, remove the legs completely;
  • beat eggs with salt and chopped garlic in a blender;
  • Dip mushroom caps in egg mixture and roll in breadcrumbs.

Received mushroom blanks can be baked in the oven or fried in a hot frying pan until golden brown. You can use such a dish not only hot, but also cold.

Collecting mushrooms is exciting and interesting. The umbrella mushroom is a real find, it is tasty, healthy and fragrant. The peculiarity is that its pulp does not contain harmful substances which is typical for such plants. It is best to go for umbrellas at the edge of the forest or in the field, immediately after a heavy rain. Every mushroom picker should know what an edible and poisonous mushroom be able to identify them distinctive features and signs.

Umbrella mushroom - description

Mushroom-umbrella belongs to the genus Macrolepiota, the champignon family. He got his name because of the outward resemblance to an open umbrella: a large dome-shaped hat on a tall and thin stem. Many species are safe and edible, although the plant has several poisonous counterparts that are extremely dangerous to human health. The structure of the fungus is typical hat-legged, and the size can be medium and large. The flesh is dense and fleshy, the stem can be slightly bent and easily separated from the cap.

After heavy rains, umbrellas can grow to be very large sizes. The cap of such a mushroom reaches a diameter of 35 to 45 cm, and the height of the stem grows to 30-40 cm.

On average, the mushroom has a stem length of about 8-10 cm and a cap diameter of 10-15 cm. The surface of the cap is dry and finely scaly, the skin may crack and hang down in the form of a fringe along the edges. The pulp and juice are light in color with a pleasant mushroom smell and delicate taste. The stalk is thickened at the base, it has a characteristic movable membranous ring. In young umbrellas, the cap is connected to the base of the stem and has a spherical shape. Growing up, it separates from the stem and opens, forming a dome with a slight elevation in the center.

Varieties of umbrellas

The umbrella mushroom is considered common, it grows in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, is found in fields and edges, in steppes and meadows, in gardens, vegetable gardens and reserves.

Mushroom umbrella photo - edible and poisonous:

Edible mushroom and poisonous doppelgangers

The difficulty of collecting umbrellas lies in the fact that there are their poisonous counterparts. Outwardly, they look like edible umbrellas, but contain toxic substances, so their consumption is prohibited.

All doubles of the umbrella are deadly poisonous and threaten human life. When collecting umbrella mushrooms, you should be careful and careful, as you will confuse false mushroom real is very easy. Majority inedible mushrooms exude bad smell and have a bitter taste.

Umbrella mushroom - photo and description, poisonous twins:

How to cook umbrellas

Umbrellas, like many other mushrooms, are healthy and nutritious, they should be picked young, when the cap is not yet fully opened. Mature representatives may begin to be bitter. How to cook umbrella mushrooms? The leg is removed, and the hat must be subjected to heat treatment- fried, boiled, stewed, marinated, salted. Umbrellas can be pre-dried or frozen, and then used to prepare the most variety of dishes– soups, appetizers, fillings for baking and pancakes.

Umbrella mushrooms cannot be collected near industrial enterprises, garbage dumps, major highways and railways. They can accumulate harmful and dangerous substances threatening human health and life.

Mushroom umbrella cooking recipes:

  • a large hat of an umbrella is cleaned of scales and washed well, salted and peppered to taste, and then fried on both sides in vegetable oil - simple and very tasty;
  • you can fry hats, previously dipped in batter, or rolled in breadcrumbs or flour, this is original and fast;
  • special lovers cook grilled umbrellas on the grate oven or street barbecue, marinating them briefly in lemon juice with herbs and garlic, an interesting and affordable option;
  • dry and fragrant umbrella cooks quickly, it is good for broth, as additional ingredient for snacks and sandwiches.

Unique flavor and rich mushroom flavor- these are the main advantages of the umbrella. Nutritionists note them unique composition and high nutritional value, the content of amino acids, fiber, salts, vitamins and minerals. useful mushroom widely used in folk medicine for preventive and curative purposes.

Good day to all!
Taking photos for this recipe, I kept thinking whether to post it on the site or not. It seemed to me that many would not understand me and would decide that I was crazy - I fried a toadstool. But, after looking at the recipes, I found that I was not the first and therefore I want to offer my own version of the dish.
But first, about the umbrella mushroom itself and how I got hooked on this dish.
As a child, the umbrella was really a huge toadstool for me and it was only good for playing "houses" with it, such a huge table lamp. When I got the profession of an arborist and got to know this mushroom better, I still did not dare to try it. But one day my friends just forced me to eat it. They made a fried umbrella, handed me a fork and knife, and made me try it. With apprehension, of course, but I still put the first piece on my tongue and ... I felt the taste fried carp. Since then fried umbrellas always welcome on our table, both husband and son love them.
And so, in order not to be unfounded, I want to suggest trying to cook this mushroom.
So ... it's best to collect umbrellas that have not yet had time to dissolve their hats. Usually I take mushrooms, the diameter of which does not exceed 20 cm, or very small ones.

The mushroom should be clean and with white plates under the cap.

Before cooking, first remove the leg and cut the mushroom in half. We examine it for the presence of worms. I want to warn you right away, if you find at least one wormhole, it is better to throw the mushroom away. Even if you don’t notice anything else on it, after frying it will be bitter. Tested on own experience, so now I very carefully examine each mushroom.

Umbrella mushroom wash under running water, wash off all the "shaggyness" from the hat and wash the plates.
Cut into pieces and sprinkle with salt.
Salt only the lower part of the mushroom plate.

Pour flour into a bowl and roll each piece in it.
If desired, flour can be replaced with semolina.

Pour into the pan sunflower oil, but just a little, since this mushroom will absorb as much oil as you pour. Therefore, it is better to fry it in a pan with a non-stick coating and in a small amount of oil.
Put the pieces of the umbrella in the pan with the plates up and fry until crispy.

Turn the pieces over and fry for about 2-3 more minutes.

Fried umbrella is ready.
Pieces can be served on bread as a sandwich.
The taste of a fried umbrella is 100% reminiscent of fried carp.
The dish is very appetizing and also satisfying.

Everyone Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT00H20M 20 min.

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Mushroom umbrella: description, successful culinary recipes

Inexperienced mushroom pickers often mistake the umbrella mushroom for a toadstool. Indeed, outwardly, it does not look like edible mushrooms that we used to pick in the forests. In fact, it is an edible and very tasty mushroom that can be eaten even raw. To taste, it remotely resembles champignon, but much more tender. If you never tried parasol mushroom motley be sure to try it!

Where does it grow and what does it look like?

Umbrella mushrooms - edible, good mushrooms. They grow mainly in sparse forests, they are found on forest edges, clearings. They like to settle along the roads. The mass appearance of mushrooms is from the beginning of August to the end of September.

It is difficult not to notice it - the mushroom cap in diameter reaches 25 centimeters. The leg is very long, up to 35 centimeters high. Young mushrooms are ovoid-rounded, older ones are bell-shaped. With age, the cap fully opens, and the mushroom becomes like an umbrella. In the center of the cap is a tubercle of a darker color. The cap itself is gray-brown in color, covered with easily detachable scales.

The plates are free, white, very fragile. They become slightly reddish with age. The plates are separated from the stem by a ring. The leg of an adult mushroom is usually no more than three centimeters in diameter, rigid, hollow inside, strongly thickens at the base. The surface is covered with brown scales. There must be a wide white movable ring on the leg.

Mostly young mushrooms are eaten until they are fully opened. Adults are a little rougher and no longer as tasty. The leg is immediately thrown away - it is hard, fibrous, not suitable for food. When cooking, it is strongly boiled down, fried. Umbrella mushrooms are boiled, fried, baked, used to make soups, sometimes pickled, used to make mushroom powder. look umbrella mushroom in the photo, to accurately recognize him in the forest .

The umbrella mushroom is not very common among housewives, so many simply do not know what to do with it. To start, a few general recommendations:

  • Tear off the mushroom carefully, do not turn it upside down - sand will pour from the legs between the plates.
  • The leg can be carefully unscrewed and thrown away right in the forest - it is unsuitable for food.
  • It is better to collect umbrellas in a wide basket, laying the hats with plates down.
  • Unlike other mushrooms, it does not require long-term heat treatment. It takes only a few minutes to prepare an umbrella - it is fried no longer than scrambled eggs.

Best proven recipes

Good even just fried umbrellas. Mushroom caps are cut not too finely, spread on hot pan with melted butter and fry for literally 10 minutes. Ready mushrooms salt, mixed with separately fried onions. You can add sour cream or herbs to taste. But there are also more savory recipes.

Mushroom-umbrella in batter

Don't wash mushrooms! Just carefully clean them from blades of grass, wipe the surface with a damp clean cloth, remove hard scales from the hat. Cut out the hard place in the middle where the leg was attached. Separately, cut into half rings and marinate the onion according to any recipe. Then follow the instructions:

  1. Prepare the batter. Beat eggs, salt, add flour. You should get a dough of the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  2. Hats large mushrooms cut into several pieces (enough for four pieces).
  3. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil and heat well.
  4. Dip each piece of mushroom in batter and place in a pan. Fry for 3-4 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Turn the mushrooms over to the other side, sprinkle with pickled onions, grated cheese on top. Cover and cook for 3-4 more minutes.

This dish is very tasty to eat, both hot and cold.

Pancake envelopes with umbrella mushrooms

This dish is prepared in two stages. On the first baked thin pancakes, on the second, the filling is being prepared.

  1. To make pancake batter, mix 2 cups milk with 2 eggs, 2 cups flour. Add some salt, a tablespoon of sugar and a couple of spoons vegetable oil. Bake thin pancakes from the whole dough.
  2. Do not chop the umbrellas too finely, fry them in a pan until the juice has completely evaporated. Separately, fry the onion, mix it with mushrooms. Grate 150-200 grams of cheese.
  3. Sprinkle a little cheese on each pancake, put a heaping tablespoon of fried mushrooms.
  4. Form the envelopes, put them in the oven for 10 minutes to melt the cheese. Serve hot.

Pancake envelopes work well with any mushrooms, but with umbrellas they are especially tender and not as heavy. Don't be sorry butter and be sure to serve fresh sour cream to them - the dish will be even tastier.

Blanks for the future

Umbrellas, like other mushrooms, can be harvested for future use. But harvesting technology is slightly different from most mushrooms.

pickled umbrellas

Umbrellas pickle very few. It is usually not possible to collect a lot of them, mushrooms rarely grow in whole clearings. A dozen umbrella hats are already considered good “booty”. But if you managed to pick up a lot of young umbrellas, be sure to try pickling them. getting ready pickled umbrellas very simple.

    Peel a kilogram of mushrooms from hard scales, rinse under running water and put in a colander to drain excess liquid. Drop into boiling salted water. Many people recommend adding a pinch when cooking. citric acid. Remove the foam regularly during cooking.

    Prepare the marinade separately. For two glasses of water, add a heaping tablespoon of salt, half a tablespoon of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. From spices with umbrellas, black peppercorns go well, allspice, carnation, Bay leaf, cinnamon. The amount and set of spices can be adjusted to your liking.

    Transfer the boiled umbrellas to the marinade, boil for literally 5 minutes.

    Put hot mushrooms in sterile jars, fill with marinade and immediately roll up.

Despite the addition of vinegar, it is better to store pickled umbrellas in cool place- in the refrigerator, on the balcony or in the underground.

mushroom powder

Connoisseurs and connoisseurs of mushrooms often cook from umbrellas mushroom powder . When dried, their aroma only intensifies. It turns out a great seasoning that can be added to mushroom, vegetable soups, second courses. Preparing mushroom powder is not very difficult. Mushrooms do not need to be washed before cooking - in extreme cases, gently wipe them with a wet cloth.

  1. Mushrooms cut into equal, not too large pieces.
  2. Line a baking sheet with confectionery paper. Evenly, in a single layer, spread the mushrooms on it and put in the oven on a minimum fire. You can use a special dryer for herbs and vegetables. Dry until the mushroom slices are slightly flexible. Allow to dry completely in a well-ventilated shaded area.

    Grind the dried mushrooms in a blender, in a coffee grinder or in a meat grinder. The more uniform the powder is, the more flavor it will give to the dishes you add it to.

The finished powder should be well dried. Wet will quickly become moldy. Stored in glass jars. Instead of covers, use canvas or paper. From time to time check if the powder is damp.

Carefully study and remember the photo of the mushroom. If you come across it in the forest, be sure to take it and try it. If you doubt whether the mushroom is in front of you, pay attention to the scales and the ring on the leg. The scales are quite large, dense, dark in color. The ring is wide, easily moves along the leg. At poisonous mushrooms resembling an umbrella, the ring disappears very quickly and does not move along the stem.

It will be interesting for beginners and experienced lovers of quiet hunting to learn how to cook umbrella mushrooms. Those who have not yet heard of such an inhabitant of the forest will be interested in basic information about appearance, properties, rules for the preparation and processing of the product.

What does an umbrella mushroom look like?

Edible umbrella mushrooms fully justify their name. In the process of growth forest gifts open their hats, previously adjacent to the legs, in the likeness of an umbrella. However, many mushroom pickers do not know the special signs that confirm the edibility of the mushroom and distinguish it from its counterparts-toadstools and undeservedly bypass delicious mushrooms side.

Umbrella mushrooms - benefits and harms

umbrella mushrooms, beneficial features which will be described below, can become not only delicious delicacy, but also valuable product capable of improving health.

  1. Mushrooms are rich in fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Short glycemic index product allows you to use it effectively in diet menu when losing weight.
  2. The "umbrellas" contain the lion's share of vitamins B, PP, C, E, K, and many different elements. In addition, they contain anti-cancer components and natural antioxidants that have an antitumor and antibacterial effect, a rejuvenating effect.
  3. All valuable elements in the complex help cleanse blood vessels, lower cholesterol, strengthen the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems.
  4. It is not recommended to use umbrella mushrooms for diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas. It is contraindicated to give the product to children, to use by pregnant women.

How to clean umbrella mushrooms?

The following information will help you figure out how to process umbrella mushrooms. Depending on the type of technology pre-training forest dwellers may differ slightly, but the basic points remain unchanged.

  1. In most varieties of umbrellas, the legs are not suitable for food due to excessive fibrousness and rigidity. Therefore, the first thing to do is to remove these parts by “unscrewing” them from the hats. You should not rush and throw away a seemingly unnecessary product: it can be dried, ground in a coffee grinder and used as a mushroom seasoning.
  2. Small-scaled hats are simply rinsed under running water, rubbing a little on top with your hands.
  3. "Shaggy" mushroom caps you need to scrape a little with a knife and only then rinse.

How to cook umbrella mushrooms?

If, as a result of a quiet hunt, your basket was filled with umbrella mushrooms, recipes for preparing the product will help you use them correctly and tasty in cooking.

  1. The fastest and easiest way to cook mushrooms is to fry them in a pan with or without batter, with the addition of seasonings and spices, or using a concise set of salt and pepper.
  2. Especially tasty and fragrant are cooked hot dishes from umbrella mushrooms for the first. The broth acquires incredible saturation and aroma and is complemented by a valuable filler in the form of sliced ​​​​mushrooms.
  3. Pre-boiled or fried "umbrellas" will be the perfect salad or other multi-ingredient treat.
  4. If you want to prepare an umbrella mushroom for future use, recipes for canning the product, and recommendations for its proper drying and freezing will help you complete the idea in the best possible way.

How to fry umbrella mushrooms?

Reminiscent of taste chicken fillet are rich and nutritious. Even without the addition of spices, the dish is self-sufficient and fragrant, and if you add garlic, chopped herbs or sprinkle grated cheese on top at the end of frying, it will turn into a real culinary masterpiece.


  • umbrella mushrooms - 5-10 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • lard or oil - 50 g;
  • salt pepper.


  1. The hats are thoroughly rinsed, dried, dipped in flour mixed with salt and pepper, and laid out in a lard heated in a pan.
  2. Fry the mushrooms for 5-7 minutes on each side or until the desired degree of browning.

How to cook umbrella mushrooms in batter?

Next recipe about how to properly cook mushrooms-umbrellas in batter. With a similar frying of whole or chopped hats, they retain their juiciness inside, acquiring a rosy appetizing crust outside. If desired, you can add finely chopped fresh dill, parsley, dried garlic or other additives to taste.


  • umbrella mushrooms - 5-10 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 g;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • salt pepper.


  1. After the mushroom caps are prepared, make a batter for umbrella mushrooms. Beat the egg with salt and pepper, adding a couple of tablespoons of flour.
  2. Hats are dipped in flour, then in egg mixture and then breaded in breadcrumbs.
  3. Immediately spread the umbrellas in heated oil, brown on both sides.

Umbrella mushroom soup - recipe

Fragrant and rich will be the soup of umbrella mushrooms. Proposed basic recipe can be used as a basis for preparing other versions of hot, adding any cereals, other vegetables to it. When serving, it is delicious to supplement the dish with sour cream and sprinkle with fresh chopped dill or parsley.


  • umbrella mushrooms - 500 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • onions and carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • laurel, peppercorns - to taste;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Caps are cut, placed in a container with water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  2. Potatoes are added, and after 10 minutes they add onion and carrot fry, made in butter in a pan.
  3. Season hot to taste, warm at a low boil for 5 minutes.

How to cook umbrella mushrooms with egg?

Umbrella mushrooms fried with onion and egg are especially tasty. The dish is being prepared in a pan or in a saucepan in the form. A richer delicacy will turn out if you mix a little sour cream or mayonnaise into the beaten egg mass, and sprinkle the dish with cheese and pour over butter before serving.


  • umbrella mushrooms - 5 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • cheese, herbs - to taste;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Prepared umbrellas are cut and fried with onion half rings for 10 minutes.
  2. Pour the contents of the pan with an egg beaten with salt, pepper and sour cream.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and hold until the omelet is ready.

How to cook umbrella mushrooms for the winter?

It is known that any fresh mushrooms do not tolerate long-term storage in raw form and require application within a day. If with popular species mushroom pickers know how to cope with the gifts of the forest, but only a few know how to store umbrella mushrooms. Simple Recommendations will help improve skills in this matter and replenish stocks with the necessary blanks.

  1. Umbrella mushrooms can be dried, frozen, used to create all kinds of blanks.
  2. The product is tasty in pickled form or in the form of caviar prepared from it.
  3. Dried caps are used as food after soaking, and the legs are ground into powder and used as a flavor additive.
  4. The frozen product is added to soups, main courses, snacks.

How to dry umbrella mushrooms in the oven?

It is easy and simple to dry mushrooms-umbrellas in the oven. The workpiece can be stored for a long time in vacuum bags or containers without air access or in ventilated bags, fabric bags, protecting from third-party odors and moisture.

  1. Mushrooms, if necessary, are rinsed, dried and, if possible, slightly dried in the sun.
  2. Umbrellas are laid out on a baking sheet or a wire rack with parchment, sent to an oven preheated to 50 degrees.
  3. When drying in gas oven or appliance without a fan, keep the door slightly ajar.
  4. Drying time will depend on the size of the mushroom specimens, the capabilities of the oven and is determined individually.

How to salt umbrella mushrooms?

Fans will be interested to know how to cook umbrella mushrooms for the winter by pickling. Large hats must first be cut into pieces, small ones left whole. For such a preparation, both young specimens that have not yet opened, and mature individuals, which necessarily get rid of the legs, are suitable.


  • umbrella mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • water - 12 glasses;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • citric acid - 10 g;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • allspice - 2 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon, cloves - 2 pinches each;
  • vinegar 6% - 5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Umbrellas are prepared properly.
  2. From 2 liters of water, 100 salts and 4 g of citric acid, boil the brine and boil the mushrooms in it until they sink to the bottom.
  3. The mushroom mass is poured into a colander, allowed to drain and laid out in jars.
  4. From the remaining water, salt, sugar and spices, marinade is boiled, and after it boils, vinegar is poured in.
  5. Mushrooms in jars are poured with the resulting liquid.
  6. Sterilize pickled umbrella mushrooms for 40 minutes, cork.

Caviar from umbrella mushrooms for the winter

Surprise with richness of taste and will be an excellent addition to the slice fresh bread. If desired, the composition of the snack can be supplemented with vegetables previously sautéed in oil: onions and carrots, and for a special flavor, add a little squeezed garlic at the end of cooking.


  • umbrella mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 8 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Prepared mushroom caps are boiled in salted water for 20 minutes.
  2. The mushroom mass is thrown back onto a sieve, allowed to drain and twisted in a meat grinder.
  3. Season caviar with mustard, salt, pepper, sugar and vinegar, stew for 5-10 minutes and arrange in jars.
  4. Sterilize the workpiece for 40 minutes, cork.

How to freeze umbrella mushrooms?

  1. Fresh mushroom caps are rinsed under running water, washing away dirt, allowed to drain and be sure to dry until the drops have completely evaporated.
  2. The mushrooms are laid out in a single layer in the chamber, frozen, and then put into sealed bags, ideally vacuum bags.
  3. There are also versions of batch freezing of mushrooms already cooked to readiness, which are pre-cut into slices of the desired size.
