
What to bring for a romantic picnic. The best ideas for a romantic evening with your loved one in nature and at home

In the summer months, few people want to spend time in stuffy apartments - a person reaches for the bosom of nature and tries to spend every free minute by the sea, a river, in a cool forest. Interesting romantic evening in nature with a loved one - this is really possible.

How much free time is spent by people within the gassed metropolis: endless trips to supermarkets, trips in stuffy buses and trains. Weekends are also held in clubs, crowded cafes and cinemas - all this is already quite boring and you want something fresh and extraordinary. When the vacation is still far away, and the desire to relax in body and soul is already overflowing, you can perfectly, with benefits for the soul and health, spend a wonderful evening outside the city, having a picnic in a beautiful place.

In order for the evening to be filled with the best feelings, it is worth taking a little time to organize this event. You need to take a beautiful warm blanket so that you can comfortably sit on it during your rest - you can even lie down and then admire the beauty of the firmament. If the couple has a car, then you can take a small folding table with chairs to place snacks and a bottle of cold champagne on it - convenience guaranteed! You should definitely cool a bottle of champagne or wine that a girl loves, you can buy it for quality cheese and pre-cut it at home. Outdoors the best choice is a disposable tableware, the variety and colors of which will undoubtedly decorate the table. Fruits on romantic dinner- an indispensable attribute, you can buy a bunch of grapes, a few apples, oranges, kiwi, a banana and, right in nature, beautifully arrange everything on plates. Cheese and fruits perfectly emphasize the taste of wine and champagne. If you plan to spend a lot of time in nature, then you need to take care of food, because fresh air excites the appetite and soon you will want to eat something more satisfying than fruits. If a young man is an excellent cook and knows how to cook meat on a fire, then you should grab a compact brazier in the trunk of a car to impress your beloved culinary masterpieces- an unforgettable romantic evening is guaranteed.

Going to beautiful places, you should make sure that after the rest there is no garbage left - natural beauty does not deserve to be defiled by a mountain of bottles and cellophane waste. You need to take a couple of garbage bags with you and take out everything that is left after the picnic.

Now you need to think about what menu will be offered on an unusual romantic evening in nature. What to cook on a fire to conquer a girl with cooking skills? The perfect choice fish will become, especially if your beloved is watching her weight: you can cook salmon steak, as well as inexpensive mackerel baked in foil with lemon - from such a dinner on fresh air will be dizzy. If a couple loves chicken meat, then a kebab from chicken fillet with large mushrooms gourmet delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent. You can make barbecue vegetables - sweet bell pepper, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant are great in their taste when baked on coals.

When the issue is resolved with food and snacks, you can proceed to the musical accompaniment of the evening and entertainment. If the car has good sound equipment, that's fine, but you should download your favorite music in advance, while not forgetting about slow compositions of romantic content. If a couple loves classical music, then this factor should definitely be used - if someone has heard how the works of great musicians sound in the bosom of nature, they will definitely understand what they are talking about.

Now it's worth thinking about entertainment: when walking along the coast is pleasantly relaxing, then you can play a game of board games, if both people like such entertainment at home. Do not give up active games to warm up - badminton or volleyball will give an original touch to the rest, and even after hearty dinner want movement. Going to nature evening time, you should also take care of the means that protect against insect bites, otherwise a pleasant date will turn into a war with mosquitoes, and then into an unbearable itch from their many bites. There are many protective preparations in stores that will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

By organizing your romantic date on a beautiful shore, a person will receive an unforgettable aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the beautiful view of the natural elements. If there is a lake, sea or river near the city, it is best to organize your vacation near water bodies: water takes away negative emotions, relaxes and relieves stress.

An unusual romantic evening is necessarily prepared according to your own scenario, because everyone has different tastes and preferences, and only the chosen one knows what his soul mate loves and how she prefers to relax. Conquer your loved one with an extraordinary fantasy.

Romance is not only a candlelit dinner at home in the evening or at your favorite restaurant. During the day, you can also arrange a holiday in nature.

started warm days and the sun beckons us to nature. And who doesn't know - fresh air makes you hungry! And there is nothing left but to gather for a picnic! A romantic buffet, gourmet appetizers, aphrodisiac canapés or just your favorite delicacies, all this will help arrange a romantic date.

Anyone who thinks ahead about what exactly should be in a picnic basket will not have to push the cork into a bottle of expensive wine, because the corkscrew is left at home ... Of course, this can happen at an impromptu picnic, but when arranging a romantic outing on nature it is better to think over all the details.

Have to take:

Picnic basket or cool bag

The bedspread, preferably dense, there are special picnic mats that roll up.

Crockery, glasses, cutlery special occasion it may not necessarily be plastic utensils, because good wine or champagne in plastic cups tastes worse.

Wine corkscrew


Candles - if the picnic drags on until the evening, you won't have to sit in the dark. But be careful! Make sure the candles don't burn the bedspread...

Two roses, for special romantics - one for a loved one, the other later can be put on a pillow.

- Portable radio or disc player - with music, time flies unnoticed, it creates a special atmosphere, you can choose the right songs.

Jacket or sweater - if love no longer warms, and it gets colder outside.

Insect spray is not romantic, insect bites can ruin any picnic.

Don't forget your trash bags so other lovers can sit in your seat!

Last but not least, don't forget the food and drinks!

Picnic food

We must not forget about alcoholic drinks: wine or champagne, although a loved one may also like beer more or not drink alcohol at all. So don't forget without alcoholic drinks: mineral water or juice. If you quench your thirst only with champagne on a hot day, then the picnic can end very soon.

It is best to cool all drinks in advance, then they will remain cool in the cooler bag for a long time. If you only have a picnic basket, champagne can be kept cool by wrapping it in a towel along with a cold storage tank from the refrigerator.

At a romantic picnic, it is better to refuse potato salad with sausages, it's actually a picnic for special occasion so the food should be special. This does not mean that you need to spend crazy money on preparation, everyone can fill their picnic basket with imagination and inexpensively. delicious food according to your taste - the main thing here you can eat with your hands. Taking small canapushkas with your hands is even very erotic. You need to make such snacks varied in order to surprise your partner.

In addition to eating with your hands, you can also offer the so-called tapas, spanish snacks. Olive cheese plays first fiddle here, as well as White bread or baguette, spreads and dressings. You can fill your picnic basket with a variety of national snacks, while tapas are good because they can be eaten elegantly with a fork, and the hands remain clean ...

Something more interesting? It is best to choose food combinations that are natural aphrodisiacs. It couldn't be easier: seafood and mussels will enhance the senses, as will caviar, chili, mushrooms and asparagus. That's just seafood should be absolutely fresh! Without a cooler bag, you will have to give up these delicious dishes.

And whoever wants to surprise a loved one with tartlets can ignite passion with saffron, ginger, strawberries, figs, pomegranates, vanilla, cinnamon or chocolate. Of course, you can't put everything in a picnic basket, often one baguette, some cheese, a couple of strawberries and a glass of champagne are enough!

The pleasure of a picnic

Goodies are cooked, put into boxes, the basket is packed, the sun is shining - the only question remains where and how. There are many romantic places: beaches, shores of lakes and rivers. Even in an ordinary city park you can find a place to relax, those who live closer to nature can get out into the forest or find a beautiful meadow. In principle, you can arrange a picnic everywhere, even on your own balcony, the main thing is to dream up.

You can start the picnic with strawberries and champagne, continue gourmet snacks and canapes, sushi and rolls, salads and pre-cooked goodies, and for dessert, serve chocolate to consolidate the pleasant effect!

What to take with you on a picnic?

It's no secret that women of all ages love romantic surprises. However, this is also not alien to the opposite sex. Any man will be delighted if the chosen one invites him on an unusual date. For this, it is not necessary to look for some reason. To please the second half, when she does not expect it, will be useful. Especially if the couple has been married for quite some time. After several years of living together, feelings between spouses cool down, and if no action is taken, this can lead to a divorce. A romantic surprise will bring partners together and allow former feelings to flare up with renewed vigor.

Romance for a loved one at home

Many men after a hard day's work dream of relaxing in a relaxed atmosphere. Dinner at home is perfect in this case.

It is necessary to take care of the menu, drinks, table setting and creating a romantic atmosphere in advance, using the appropriate attributes: candles and pleasant music.

Ideas for romantic evening Houses:

  1. 1. Date in the bathroom. In advance, you need to decorate the room with scented candles. It is recommended to stock up on champagne, a couple of glasses, a special bath tray and body oil. No man can remain indifferent to such a surprise.
  2. 2. Cuisines of the peoples of the world. within the walls of your own apartment in the French, Japanese, Italian or Mexican style will give the second half a lot of pleasure. At such events, there must be appropriate dishes that you can cook yourself or order at a restaurant.
  3. 3. Movie night. This great way spending time together. For this option, it is recommended to stock up on popcorn, strawberries or ice cream, depending on individual preferences.
  4. 4. Everyday surprises. Romance should accompany a couple in everything. A husband will appreciate such pleasant little things as heart-shaped pancakes, breakfast in bed, love notes, lap dance. Each couple should have their own traditions, for example, pizza night on Saturdays.
  5. 5. Classic romantic dinner. It is arranged in the bedroom or living room, that is, anywhere except the kitchen. Prepare in advance traditional dishes: hot, light snacks, sandwiches, dessert. It's not worth the risk when trying a new recipe for the first time. For dessert, you can serve ice cream with fruit or strawberries with cream. It is important not to forget about drinks and the appropriate atmosphere. White tablecloth, in the middle of the table there is a small bouquet of flowers, beautiful wine glasses, vases with water in which rose petals float and scented candles. The fair sex is advised to wear a sexy dress and new underwear.
  6. 6. Surprise from a football fan. This option is suitable for those representatives of the weaker sex, whose guys are passionate about this sport. Usually the stronger sex is not torn off the TV screen when a football match is broadcast. This situation can be turned in your favor by arranging a romantic evening near the TV screen. The most important thing is to surprise your partner. You can serve a coffee table, covering it with a green tablecloth and decorating it with souvenir attributes for football. It would be ideal if you can buy napkins and dishes with football theme. You can dress up in a short puffy skirt, reincarnated as a girl from a support group or in a sports T-shirt, putting it on a completely naked body. It is not a fact that in such a situation a man will be able to watch the match to the end.
  7. 7. "From cold winter in warm summer. The best version of a date to relax after a hard day. Such a romantic evening can be done as follows: get a rug that imitates a lawn or use a green blanket that resembles a summer meadow, candles with the scent of forest herbs, and summer flower petals. The windows are tightly curtained by placing a table lamp on the windowsill - it will serve as an imitation summer sunset. The sounds of nature will serve as an ideal sound accompaniment: birdsong, the sound of the surf, and the like.

How to invite a guy for a walk

date in nature

In the warm season, you can diversify married life going to nature. An outdoor picnic is a great option for a date. To bring this idea to life, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the process: buy drinks, prepare sandwiches and snacks. It is important to bear in mind that in the fresh air the appetite is aggravated, so it is necessary to stock up on food.

If desired, you can organize a trip on a boat or yacht, taking fruits and drinks with you.

Another one great idea- go camping with a tent and stay overnight in the bosom of nature. Unforgettable, passionate sex and pleasant impressions are guaranteed in this case.

IN winter time year it is recommended to go to the skating rink or to the mountains. If one of the partners does not know how to ride, it's time to learn. Evening at the recreation center in the mountains will be magical. The main thing is not to forget to take a thermos with coffee, tea or mulled wine.

Another option is fishing. If you invite a man to fish, he will be smitten on the spot. It is important to take fishing rods and other necessary equipment with you. A surprise will bring even more positive emotions if the chosen one does not know about it in advance.

Not only women dream of creating a romantic atmosphere and pleasing their partner. In order for a date for two to take place at the highest level, men need to follow the following tips:

  • If the representative of the stronger sex has never been involved in cooking, it is better for him to order food in a restaurant, otherwise he will not be able to spend a perfect evening.
  • To strew an apartment with rose petals, it is not necessary to buy an expensive bouquet. In flower shops, especially for this purpose, they sell petals that begin to fade, and they are much cheaper.
  • When organizing a theme evening, you don’t need to dedicate the girl to all the subtleties, it’s better to just tell her what to wear. She will be intrigued.
  • You can meet your spouse after work near the entrance, and, blindfolded, take you to an apartment in which a surprise awaits.
  • It will be useful in the end romantic dinner give your loved one a present. The item doesn't have to be expensive. A stylish bracelet or a silver chain with a pendant will be an ideal option.

You must not forget to please your soulmate, otherwise the relationship risks becoming mundane. Romance refreshes the senses and helps to rekindle past passions.

Is your romantic trip on hold? This is no reason to be bored. It is enough to buy a train ticket or get into a car, drive a few kilometers from the city and have a romantic picnic in nature.

Picnic just for two

Do not rush to call your friends and marinate a pot of meat. A light romantic meal in nature is a great option summer holiday for two. To get started, choose a location. Whether it will be the forest park closest to the house, a flower meadow or a picturesque river bank - it's up to you. Prepare everything you need in advance. This will not be a simple menu, but ... exciting the best feelings. There is no need to indulge in gluttony, otherwise, instead of romance, you will both be pulled into a dream.

Menu for a romantic picnic

The menu for lovers can be like this:
Sandwiches "Sycamore". You'll need sliced ​​cheese butter, bran bread slices, 2-3 walnuts and one bunch of seedless grapes. Smear the slices of bread with butter, put the cheese on top, decorate with halves of grapes and nuts. These sandwiches are easy to make right on the spot if all the ingredients are prepared in advance.
Salad "Seventh Heaven" Take 150 g of cheese and ham, cauliflower, onion, two jars natural yogurt, 1 tsp lemon juice, salt and pepper. cauliflower disassemble into inflorescences and boil, cool and mix with chopped ham and cheese cubes. Season with yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Drink - aphrodisiac

Purchase convenient containers in advance, bright disposable tableware and a tablecloth (it is desirable that everything be in one color scheme). Prepare also a beautiful thermos for love drink"Lovely Bacchante". To prepare it, take 200 ml of grape juice and 50 ml of grape wine. Wine and juice must be the same color. If one of you is driving, omit the wine from the recipe and increase the proportion of juice. In addition, you will need 50 g of honey, 200 ml of water, kiwi, 1 tsp. lemon juice. Dissolve honey in 100 ml hot water, then pour grape juice, wine, lemon juice and the rest of the water. And if you also add 5 ml of ginseng tincture, which is sold in any pharmacy, it will become a real aphrodisiac. Ready drink cool and pour into a thermos. If there is no thermos, prepare a drink the day before, pour it into plastic bottle and put it in the freezer overnight. By morning, it will turn into a block of ice, and by your picnic it will become just cool. Kiwi circles serve as a decoration, add just before a meal. You'll see, he just gasps! And of course, you will want more from such treats ... After a picnic in the fresh air, you will surely be drawn to exploits. Where to carry them out - directly in the bosom of nature, in a car or endure until home - decide for yourself. If you choose the first option, it is better to look after a suitable area in advance and, perhaps, even carry out a “cleaning up” the day before. Otherwise, there is a risk of throwing a “accidentally” blanket at hand on cans And broken glass. Especially not lucky for those who will be below.

A picnic is a great opportunity to get closer to your loved one. You can relax with him in the bosom of nature and talk about the most intimate. However, not everyone manages to easily organize a romantic picnic. Fortunately, there is a way out! After reading this article, you will learn what you need to do to organize a romantic picnic that will pleasantly surprise your loved one.


Part 1

Prepare food and drinks

    Prepare the necessary products. Do not take heavy food with you. Opt for sandwiches, vegetable salads, avocado or pâté baguette or cold cuts. Dishes mediterranean cuisine also great for romantic picnics.

    Grab snacks that you can snack on while socializing. Don't forget to grab some light snacks that you can enjoy while chatting with your chosen one. Choose snacks that don't require utensils. For example, you can take nuts, chocolate, cheese or olives. Instead of potato chips, take apple chips to the picnic.

    • In addition, you can take fruits and berries, such as strawberries and blueberries. You can also cut the melon pulp into pieces.
    • Hummus and Lavash - great options For romantic picnic. However, choose snacks that do not include garlic.
    • When choosing sweets for a picnic, give preference to high-quality ones. nuts in icing sugar or chocolate good quality better than the cheap sweets bought at the nearest gas station.
  1. Take champagne with you. You can pack champagne, non-alcoholic champagne or even mineral water in a picnic basket. If you are driving or are not yet of an age where you can afford to drink alcoholic beverages, give preference to soft drinks.

    Cook dessert to add some romance to your picnic. If you can't bake your own sweets, buy fresh cookies, mini muffins or croissants with chocolate at a local bakery. However, if you're on a budget or love to bake, make your own desserts. It will be much cheaper than if you bought them in a store.

    Part 2

    Take everything you need
    1. Find a vintage picnic basket. Such a basket will emphasize the romance of a picnic. You can purchase such a basket at a hardware store or order it online. In addition, you can look for the basket you need in an antique store.

      • If you can't find a basket, take a pretty handbag.
      • Do not use a backpack or box to pack things. It will look quite unromantic.
    2. Get good quality utensils. Avoid plastic utensils. Even if you are on a budget, try not to use plastic utensils because it looks very cheap. If you are going to eat with your hands, be aware that you may need a knife to cut cheese or spread pâté on bread or crackers.

      • Don't forget to bring your dirty dish bag with you.
      • Dishes don't have to be very expensive. Most importantly, she needs to look good.
    3. Take champagne glasses. For a truly romantic picnic, bring champagne glasses, whether you drink alcoholic or non-alcoholic champagne. Although champagne is usually used crystal glasses, for a picnic it is better to take glass or plastic ones.

      • If you take with you glassware, wrap it in a cloth or towel so you don't accidentally crush it.
      • Stemless glasses are a great alternative to champagne flutes.
    4. Take a comfortable blanket that you can sit on. It must be large enough. Do not take a light-colored blanket, as it can get dirty. Some duvets can be waterproof on one side, allowing you to lay the duvet over wet grass.

    5. Take a bag with you where you can put all the garbage. As a rule, there is a lot of waste left after a picnic, so be sure to bring a bag in which you can put all the garbage in order to leave the place clean. Also, if your boyfriend or girlfriend is very environmentally friendly, they may not like it at all if you leave trash behind.

      • In addition, garbage left in the wrong place is subject to an administrative fine.
    6. Take napkins. You will look completely unaesthetic if your lips are dirty. In addition, as a rule, many picnic dishes are eaten with hands. For this reason, you may also need wipes.

      • Cloth napkins are better than regular disposable ones.
      • You can also use paper towels.

    Part 3

    Decide on the date and place
    1. Think about your loved one's preferences. It will be easier for your companion to plunge into a romantic atmosphere if he is in a place that he likes. Does your loved one like to be in the forest or on the beach near the sea? Does he prefer sunny weather or does he like being in the shade more? Pay attention to these points when choosing a picnic spot.

      • The wrong place can spoil the mood.
      • Let your companion know ahead of time where you will be going so that he or she can dress appropriately.
