
Romantic evening in nature. Romantic picnic for two

The article helps to understand what is romantic dinner and a date with a loved one and how best to organize this event so that everyone is really happy with it.

What to pack for a romantic picnic for two

For have a nice picnic would need good food. For this purpose, you can cook a baked chicken and immediately cut it into portions so as not to mess around with fatty foods during a romantic date.

In the store you can buy sausages that are useful for frying at the stake. You can also buy croutons or bread. Suitable for a picnic delicious sauce which is suitable for both sausages and chicken.

Goodies such as pizza, sandwiches or tartlets can be an excellent addition to the table. Having shown imagination, you can cook pancakes with an unusual and exquisite filling. Fruits and vegetables, fish baked with lemon, cheesecakes or sweet cookies are also useful.

A good addition to a romantic picnic can be a bottle of good wine that your companion will like.

Romantic picnic on the beach near the sea, on the river bank, on the roof for a birthday what to cook

In order to organize a romantic picnic in an unusual place, you must first of all take care of coziness and comfort during such a date.

If we are talking about the seashore of a river or the roof of a high-rise building, then you need to take into account the fact that it can be windy there, and therefore cool. In this case, you should take blankets with you, which, if necessary, can hide you and your soulmate from bad weather.

On a picnic of this kind, you can take pillows or blankets with you, on which it will be comfortable and warm to sit.

If possible. That can be taken care of romantic setting: pleasant music, candles or garlands ...

You can cook anything for a romantic picnic, from the most simple salads and sandwiches to gourmet snacks, main courses and desserts. And do not forget about drinks suitable for such an occasion.

Romantic picnic in the forest, park, what to take and what food to buy, groceries, menu for a loved one

If you are going to have a romantic date in the woods or park, then you should think carefully about the additional things that you may need in this case.

If you are going to have a romantic date in nature, then you should decide in advance on the list of products and necessary things that you will buy in the store. In addition to food, you should also take care of cleanliness and hygiene. Need to buy dry and wet wipes, extra bottle clean water. It will also not be superfluous to take care of protection against insect bites, for which it is worth buying a special spray or cream.

Do not forget about preparing skewers or grills if such dishes are included in your plans. You may need to bring coals for a fire with you.

If we return to the topic of products, then it would be appropriate to take a variety of fruits, vegetables, sausage or cold cuts, sandwiches. You can also buy meat or sausages to cook on the fire. The composition of the menu depends on your own imagination, but you need to remember that the food should be in such a consistency that it is convenient to transport it.

Romantic picnic in the evening, at night, in autumn, winter, summer at home ideas and recipes

There are no barriers to organizing a romantic picnic in the cold season (at night, in autumn or even in winter). You just need to plan well.

From a grocery basket for a romantic date on fresh air a bottle of good red wine, sandwiches with red fish and a thermos of hot tea or coffee will do just fine. All this can be beautifully folded into a basket, not forgetting cutlery, glasses and napkins.

To give a more romantic atmosphere, you can buy small multi-colored candles in candlesticks. Also, do not neglect such an attribute as a beautiful tablecloth, which will look spectacular against the backdrop of snow.

Another important and necessary fixture- folding furniture. Indeed, in the cold season, a blanket on the ground may not be enough. All this can be diluted with romantic music, good mood and a thermos of mulled wine.

Dreaming of making an unforgettable romantic picnic in nature for your soul mate, you must initially decide on the scale of such an event.

For convenience, we will divide our picnic into two main types:

  • as an ordinary pastime (you just had a free day together - why not spend it in nature?)
  • romantic picnic in nature in honor of your anniversary (the day you met, a year or several months of relationship)

Thus, you will know what scale the event is waiting for you, which means you will be confident in the choice of food, accessories and even attire.

So, now we will consider all the main stages of preparing for such a picnic, thereby learning how to quickly and efficiently organize leisure for ourselves and our beloved (beloved).

Choice of location. Here, of course, not everything is simple. For romantic day(evenings) we need a more or less deserted place, because we don’t need crowds of curious people. That is why we recommend that you choose not a local park where children, dogs and pensioners walk, but a nearby forest. Typically, such places for recreation are chosen by small companies that are not at all interested in what their neighbors are doing. An unpopular beach is also a great choice. By the way, it's okay if it is covered in grass and trees. This will only add beauty to your "exterior".

Of course, you can also choose your country garden or even a gazebo as the venue. After all, the main thing in such a picnic is not a new place, but the atmosphere :).

Decor. Let's get back to our picnic. If this is a romantic outdoor picnic in honor of your anniversary, then you should take a more serious approach to creating a unique atmosphere around you.

The ideal option, of course, would be a tent decorated with hearts and balloons. Such tents not only give the appearance of a "romantic bungalow", but also save from the dirty tricks of nature - unexpected rain or gusts of wind.

Such a hut can be made independently using fabrics of any color. It can also be made in the style of a canopy, fixing the upper part of the dome on the branches of trees.

Folding chairs, warm blankets or even the most ordinary pillows - all this will be a great filling for your romantic "hut".

Put solar-powered lamps or candles at the entrance and your tent will immediately become a real place for romantic meetings, kisses and maybe even something more :).

However, do not be upset if you do not have the opportunity to make or buy such a tent. You can use ordinary blankets, beautiful blankets and also create a unique holiday atmosphere for your loved one. If we are talking about an ordinary romantic picnic, then just make sure that you and your partner are comfortable and cozy.

Important is picnic table setting. If you have a table, decorate it with a festive tablecloth, put beautiful wine glasses, plates, take care of cutlery. Do not spoil your picnic with what you have scattered plastic tableware under the first gust of wind.

Don't want to mess around with fragile porcelain? Then get a beautiful cardboard dish, decorated with drawings in style.

Do you expect to stay until the evening? Make sure you have a fire, warm chair and shoulder covers. You need to think about your comfort first of all, because nothing romantic will come of it if you or your significant other will chatter your teeth instead of romantic sighs under the moon :).

If you want a simple picnic without frills, but at the proper level, then we advise you to purchase special picnic sets. They consist of a handy bag, backpack or basket, initially filled with beautiful dishes that can be taken out on picnics. Usually it's a couple crystal glasses, forks and spoons, as well as several porcelain plates.

There is no way to buy an expensive set? Eat great alternative- take an ordinary wicker basket, line it with bright fabric and “voila” - you already have a basket for food and dishes. It all depends on your imagination :).

What to take from food, drinks and how to spend time?

For a good picnic, of course, you need good food - however, first carefully cut it into portioned pieces, because no one wants to mess around with slippery and fatty food at a picnic. Take sausages to roast them on the fire. Prepare bread or toast.

An excellent option would be the well-known, or pancakes with gourmet fillings. Cheesecakes, . Fish baked with lemon and fruit. All this has the right to be on your picnic.

If you are cooking gourmet dinner on the anniversary, then the following options are possible:

  • fondue (its recipes are available on the Internet, but you should not make it at a romantic picnic if you have never experimented with such a dish before)
  • baked in the oven
  • holiday meals.

Done with the menu? Then don't forget to take necessary utensils, cutlery, napkins and, of course, something to drink. Fresh juices, good wine or mineral water- everything to your taste. You can also grab a bottle of champagne as a symbol of your anniversary.

We are sure that you will spend time with great pleasure, but we will give a few tips to those who feel constrained in such an environment. Just so you don't make unforgivable mistakes:

  • Do not talk at such a picnic about problems at work, in your family, or in your relationships. To do this, there is a usual evening at home in front of the TV.
  • Do not remember old grievances and do not discuss other people, even if they are your relatives or friends.
  • Take time to remember your first meeting, your first kiss...
  • Remember how we went on vacation together, look general photos or just silently enjoy each other's company.
  • You can even play your favorite games, from chess to tennis, as long as it brings you pleasure.
  • New technologies allow you to take your laptop with you and watch a couple of your favorite movies.

Little things that will help not to spoil the evening:

  • Musical accompaniment is a wonderful option that will help you make a romantic picnic in nature even more sophisticated. However, don't just record "snotty" romantic tunes if your partner doesn't share your musical tastes. Make a selection of your and his favorite songs. Even if it is a rock ballad :). If you can not decide on the choice of music, use

There is nothing better than spending time with your loved one. And even better, when partners spend time somewhere in nature, organizing, for example, a picnic. It is not necessary for this to look for some reason and convene guests. Then it will no longer be a romantic outing into nature. The young couple will have to communicate with friends, and there will be very little time left for each other. An excellent way out of this situation would be a joint trip to nature away from civilization.

How to organize a picnic with your loved one?

It is best if the lovers decide to retire and in good weather for the whole day to relax in nature. This trip can be both spontaneous and dedicated significant date: dating day or wedding day. First, decide on a place for a picnic: in the city or somewhere far away. Plan on what day the trip to nature will take place: a weekend or a weekday. It is advisable to check the weather forecast for that day in order to be prepared for anything. Discuss with the chosen one what you will cook. Perhaps the picnic will be simple and you will get by with sandwiches, but this is too simple. Alone with a loved one I want to spend time romantically. So arrange this day like this.

Products for a romantic picnic:

  • A bottle of wine or champagne must be in your basket.
  • Fresh fruits add romance to your relationship.
  • Be sure to marinate the barbecue in advance and you can fry it in nature.
  • Fresh vegetables, neatly chopped and beautifully arranged on a plate.
  • Probably everything from the main menu.

Try to choose a place for a picnic that is not crowded so that strangers do not distract you. A great place for a picnic is a place by a pond, by a lake, for example, among flowers, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky. There is nothing more pleasant and romantic than such an environment. If there are no other vacationers nearby, then you can turn on romantic music and just dance.

Picnic with a guy

It’s worth having a picnic depending on what kind of relationship you have with a person: a husband or a young man. If this is a husband, then organizing a picnic is easier, since people live together and it is easier for them to get together. But it will be more difficult for a dating couple, but the rules and advice are the same as for a married couple. You just need to discuss all the possible nuances of the trip in advance.

Night picnic

Tips for having a picnic with your loved one:

And now let's summarize everything written above so that your outdoor picnic goes well.

  • Choose a place that is the most distant from other people so that no one bothers you.
  • Decide if it would be good to spend your trip even at night. Stars, moon, nature and silence.
  • Decide what kind of food you are going to cook. Cook at home to the maximum so that you don’t waste time here.
  • Don't forget wine or champagne.
  • Beautiful music will great addition to your privacy.
  • If possible, decorate the table, and candles should become the main attribute of the table.
  • To keep you warm, bring a blanket with you.
  • Take pictures of those bright moments in your life.
  • Talk to each other, and if you get tired, then just be silent while embracing.
  • Remember to turn off your phones so no one will disturb you.
  • Devote this time to each other.

Have a nice holiday!

Sometimes you just want to be alone with your loved one, get away from the usual bustle of city life, relax and enjoy nature. If you are familiar with these thoughts, then a romantic picnic in nature is what you need. To realize your desire, you just need to want. And don't let the hassle of preparation scare you—preparing for an enjoyable picnic can be just as enjoyable as the picnic itself.

There is no need to look for any reason to go to nature. Good weather And good mood– this is already a very weighty reason to get out of the city. Although some days deserve to be celebrated in a special way. But this is a different song - a themed picnic, a serious event. A wedding anniversary, engagement or Valentine's Day is an occasion to come up with something special.

Where to have a romantic picnic

Well, romance is romance, but the organization of recreation must be taken seriously. Basically, where to have a romantic picnic, it doesn’t matter much, the main thing is to choose a place in advance. If you look for a picnic place for a long time together, get tired and hungry, the romantic mood quickly disappears. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct reconnaissance of the surroundings in advance and, moreover, prepare a fallback. Well, anything can happen, suddenly you come, and the place is occupied, then, in order not to be disappointed, you immediately go to the alternate airfield.

Food for a romantic picnic

Food must be special. As you understand, kebabs are not suitable for a romantic picnic, cold meatballs and potato salad also not an option. There is no romance in cutlets, but tiny canapes with smoked eel on a skewer are erotic. And in general, you did not come to eat. Fresh fruits, thinly sliced ​​ham, slices of golden cheese, olives, and if you put this still life on a beautiful tablecloth, this is real romance. Take food that you can take with your hands, but do not get dirty, that is fried chicken leave in the refrigerator.

Still need to pick up alcohol. Perfect option for a romantic picnic - good wine. Of course, champagne is also very good, but this is if there is somewhere to cool it, do not drink it warm. And red wine can be left unrefrigerated and it goes well with light snacks. Just don’t forget about mineral water, otherwise if you drink everything with one wine, then a romantic picnic will quickly turn into healthy sleep Outdoors.
Select beautiful dishes, do not trivialize the holiday with plastic cups, glasses are needed for romance, in general, refined dishes in nature look very impressive.

What to bring for a romantic picnic

For a romantic picnic, a standard camping set is not suitable.. Of course, the most necessary things like a first aid kit, where there must be a mosquito repellent, must be taken. But most importantly, pay more attention to the scenery. A beautiful bedspread, a couple of pillows or, for example, soft toys. Plaid, openwork napkins, candles, that is, all these cute trinkets that create a subtle atmosphere of romance.

If you are a real romantic, take a collection of poems by your favorite poets. Light music will add a romantic atmosphere. It's good that with modern gadgets, this is not a problem, you can take photos and listen to music.

In the summer months, few people want to spend time in stuffy apartments - a person reaches for the bosom of nature and tries to spend every free minute by the sea, a river, in a cool forest. An interesting romantic evening in nature with a loved one is really possible.

How much free time is spent by people within the gassed metropolis: endless trips to supermarkets, trips in stuffy buses and trains. Weekends are also held in clubs, crowded cafes and cinemas - all this is already quite boring and you want something fresh and extraordinary. When the vacation is still far away, and the desire to relax in body and soul is already overflowing, you can perfectly, with benefits for the soul and health, spend a wonderful evening outside the city, having a picnic in a beautiful place.

In order for the evening to be filled with the best feelings, it is worth taking a little time to organize this event. You need to take a beautiful warm blanket so that you can comfortably sit on it during your rest - you can even lie down and then admire the beauty of the firmament. If the couple has a car, then you can take a small folding table with chairs to place snacks and a bottle of cold champagne on it - convenience guaranteed! You should definitely cool a bottle of champagne or wine that a girl loves, you can buy it for quality cheese and pre-cut it at home. Outdoors the best choice is a disposable tableware, variety and color schemes which will undoubtedly decorate the table. Fruits on romantic dinner- an indispensable attribute, you can buy a bunch of grapes, a few apples, oranges, kiwi, a banana and, right in nature, beautifully arrange everything on plates. Cheese and fruits perfectly emphasize the taste of wine and champagne. If you plan to spend a lot of time in nature, then you need to take care of food, because fresh air excites the appetite and soon you will want to eat something more satisfying than fruits. If a young man is an excellent cook and knows how to cook meat on a fire, then you should grab a compact brazier in the trunk of a car to impress your beloved culinary masterpieces- an unforgettable romantic evening is guaranteed.

Going to beautiful places, you should make sure that after the rest there is no garbage left - natural beauty does not deserve to be defiled by a mountain of bottles and cellophane waste. You need to take a couple of garbage bags with you and take out everything that is left after the picnic.

Now you need to think about what menu will be offered on an unusual romantic evening in nature. What to cook on a fire to conquer a girl with cooking skills? The perfect choice fish will become, especially if your beloved is watching her weight: you can cook a salmon steak, as well as inexpensive mackerel baked in foil with lemon - such a dinner in the fresh air will make your head spin. If a couple loves chicken meat, then a kebab from chicken fillet with large mushrooms gourmet delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent. You can make barbecue vegetables - sweet bell pepper, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant are great in their taste when baked on coals.

When the issue is resolved with food and snacks, you can proceed to the musical accompaniment of the evening and entertainment. If the car has good sound equipment, that's fine, but you should download your favorite music in advance, while not forgetting about slow compositions of romantic content. If a couple loves classical music, then this factor should definitely be used - if someone has heard how the works of great musicians sound in the bosom of nature, they will definitely understand what they are talking about.

Now it's worth thinking about entertainment: when walking along the coast is pleasantly relaxing, then you can play a game of board games, if both people like such entertainment at home. Do not give up active games to warm up - badminton or volleyball will give an original touch to the rest, and even after hearty dinner want movement. Going to nature evening time, you should also take care of the means that protect against insect bites, otherwise a pleasant date will turn into a war with mosquitoes, and then into an unbearable itch from their many bites. There are many protective preparations in stores that will make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.

By organizing your romantic date on a beautiful shore, a person will receive an unforgettable aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the beautiful view of the natural elements. If there is a lake, sea or river near the city, it is best to organize your vacation near water bodies: water takes away negative emotions, relaxes and relieves stress.

An unusual romantic evening is necessarily prepared according to your own scenario, because everyone has different tastes and preferences, and only the chosen one knows what his soul mate loves and how she prefers to relax. Conquer your loved one with an extraordinary fantasy.
