
What to cook from salted mushrooms. Cleaning, sorting, washing

Forest mushrooms are one of the most delicious and useful mushrooms, they have a lot of phosphorus, protein, calcium, iron. From mushrooms you can cook a variety of nutritious meals, they are suitable for pickling, freezing and salting. Fried mushrooms - lovely dish For family meal, simple and varied, because mushrooms are combined with many vegetables, meat dishes. They are especially tasty with sour cream or cream sauce and greenery.

Forest mushrooms are one of the most delicious and healthy mushrooms, they have a lot of phosphorus, protein, calcium, iron

Fresh mushrooms must first be boiled twice for a quarter of an hour, changing the water during the break. Then they can be fried in any oil until golden brown. If mushrooms are not pre-boiled, then after washing in running water mushrooms can be stewed for half an hour until the liquid has completely evaporated, adding salt during the cooking process.

Before cooking, mushrooms must be washed, cleaned of forest debris. If the legs are long, then they are cut off, leaving only a small stump.

Frozen mushrooms are even easier to fry. Wash, boil and defrost them before frying should not be. Mushrooms spread on a well-heated frying pan, poured with oil. Fry them for a quarter of an hour over medium heat, without covering the container with a lid.

If fried mushrooms with onions, then first fry the onion, cut into half rings. Moreover, a sign of the readiness of the dish is that it becomes a uniform color.

How to fry mushrooms (video)

How tasty and quick to cook fried mushrooms in a pan

One of the most simple ways cooking fragrant fried mushrooms such:

  1. For three quarters of a kilogram of mushrooms, you need a few cloves of garlic, herbs and a few tablespoons of oil for frying. This amount is enough for five servings.
  2. Mushrooms are washed and boiled, prepared garlic and parsley are finely chopped.
  3. Oil is poured into a heated frying pan, on which garlic is first fried.
  4. Then spread parsley and mushrooms on it. With stirring, fry for a third of an hour.

It is best to eat them hot.

A simple recipe for fried mushrooms with onions

It is very easy to fry mushrooms with onions. Per 600 grams forest gifts you need a couple of large bulbs. First, prepared mushrooms are laid out on hot pan without oil. Do not cover the container with a lid, so excess moisture will evaporate faster. After that, oil is poured into the pan and chopped onions are laid out. It should take about a third of an hour to be ready. At the end, the mushrooms are salted and peppered, and sprinkled with herbs before serving.

Fried mushrooms in a pan

Recipe for fried mushrooms with garlic and mayonnaise

This dish can even claim as worthy decoration festive feast. It can be considered as a separate dish, it also goes well with meat and potatoes. For a kilogram of fresh mushrooms, you need a large onion, several cloves of garlic, a glass of mayonnaise, oil, red and black peppers, greens.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Mushrooms are boiled with the addition of a small amount of citric acid.
  2. Allow excess liquid to drain.
  3. Fry for a little less than half an hour over medium heat.
  4. Add chopped onion and continue the process for a few more minutes.
  5. Then add chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
  6. Lastly, pour in mayonnaise and simmer the workpiece over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Served with chopped parsley and dill.

Fried mushrooms with sour cream

Appetizing fried mushrooms with cream

For cooking fragrant dish from forest mushrooms, you need to have them a little more than half a kilogram, you also need three onions, a quarter cup butter, one and a half glasses of heavy cream, a little hard cheese, pepper, salt, herbs.

Technological sequence:

  1. Mushrooms are boiled for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Onions are fried until golden brown.
  3. Add mushrooms to it and continue the process for ten minutes.
  4. Pour half the cream, pepper and salt and keep under the lid for the most small fire ten minutes. Otherwise, the cream will separate.
  5. Pour the grated cheese, pour in the remaining cream, hold in the same mode for another ten minutes.

Fried mushrooms

You can cook another variation of the previous recipe:

  1. Fry a couple of onions with a few cloves of garlic for several minutes until golden brown and fragrant.
  2. Boil a kilogram of forest mushrooms in salt water for a third of an hour.
  3. Pour the mushroom semi-finished product to the onion-garlic dressing, add pepper and salt and fry for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour the cream into the pan and leave the dish under the lid on the slowest fire for another quarter of an hour. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

How much to fry mushrooms (video)

Option with frozen mushrooms: a pound of potatoes, the same amount of forest mushrooms, an onion head. Cooking technology:

  1. Fry chopped onion until golden color.
  2. Put frozen mushrooms to it and fry for five minutes.
  3. After that, pour the potatoes cut into strips, salt, pepper and fry for a third of an hour until golden brown.
  4. Per serving ready meal you need a spoonful of sour cream.

Technological features of frying raw mushrooms:

  • Cut large hats in half, remove the legs, leaving a couple of centimeters at the base.
  • Boil mushrooms (half a kilogram) in salted water for ten minutes.
  • Let them drain.
  • Fry the onion with 50 grams of chopped bacon in an open container.
  • Add mushrooms and chopped potatoes, fry for ten minutes until golden brown, salt and pepper before finishing.

You can fry the potatoes separately from the mushrooms, and then add it to them. After that, keep the dish under the lid for five minutes.

hearty dish fried mushrooms, potatoes and onions

Recipe for an appetizer with fried mushrooms for the winter

For winter harvest from fried mushrooms per kilogram of forest gifts you need a glass vegetable oil. The procurement process consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepared mushrooms are boiled for ten minutes, let them drain.
  2. Mushrooms cut in half are folded into a pan with heated oil and stewed under the lid for half an hour.
  3. Then you should open the pan and continue to fry the mushrooms until the moisture has completely evaporated, at the end of the process you should salt them.
  4. Ready mushrooms are put in sterile jars and poured with hot oil up to the very neck.
  5. If there is not enough oil, then you should heat up an additional amount of it.
  6. Banks are corked with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

Alternatively, you can make a blank with fried onions at the rate of a large onion per kilogram of mushrooms. Vegetables go through the same frying stages as mushrooms.

How to cook mushrooms (video)

These are not all recipes for fried mushrooms. But in order not to spoil the pleasure of delicious dish, you need to be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from their poisonous counterparts. Young edible varieties have a spherical cap, while adults are almost flat with a small tubercle in the middle. It is dirty brown or yellowish in color, and in young individuals it is also scaly. The plates fit snugly to the leg, at first they are light, and then turn yellow. The stem of the mushrooms is long, thin, slightly thickened towards the bottom, there is a white ring on the upper part. In adult specimens, it is rough and fibrous in taste, completely unsuitable for food.

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Honey agaric in time you need to cook a maximum. After boiling, cook mushrooms until foam forms (5 minutes). Then change the water for honey mushrooms and boil in new water from to.
Cook honey mushrooms in a slow cooker on the "Steaming" mode.
Boil for 20 minutes before frying. Cook frozen mushrooms for 10 minutes after boiling, without defrosting.

How to cook mushrooms

How to clean mushrooms
1. Carefully cut off damaged, rotten places and the base of the leg with a knife. Throw away crumpled and spoiled mushrooms.
2. With a dry soft (you can use a toothbrush) brush, clean the leg from the rest of the debris and remove the film under the hat.
3. There may be debris on the mushrooms or under the cap film, which can be easily removed by washing the mushrooms with water or with a knife.
4. Rinse mushrooms thoroughly in cold water, if necessary - chop into strips.

How to cook mushrooms
1. Cook mushrooms no more than two days after collection.
2. Prepare mushrooms for cooking enamelware, no chips.
3. Pour water into the pan, add salt (1 tablespoon per 2 liters of water) and put on fire.
4. After boiling, put the washed mushrooms into the water.

5. Cook mushrooms for 30 minutes after boiling, removing the foam; if mushrooms are then supposed to be fried, then 10 minutes. If there is any doubt about the quality of the mushrooms, change the water after 5 minutes of cooking.
6. Ready mushrooms should settle to the bottom of the pan.
7. Put the mushrooms in a colander, let the broth drain into a saucepan: it can then be used in soups or gravies.
8. Cool mushrooms and use in cooking.

How to cook frozen mushrooms

Frozen store-bought and home-frozen mushrooms can not be cooked before frying.
1. Do not defrost frozen mushrooms before cooking.
2. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan and pour a small amount water (so that it slightly covers the mushrooms).
3. Salt the water (for each kilogram of mushrooms 1 tablespoon of salt).
4. Put the pan on the fire and cook for 20 minutes after boiling, removing the foam.
5. Drain mushroom broth, use mushrooms for frying, broth - for broth or mushroom sauce.

How to salt mushrooms?

Pickling products
Honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Garlic - 1 bulb
Onion - 1 head
Dill - 1 bunch
Salt - 2 tablespoons
Black ground pepper- 10 pieces
Bay leaf - 2 leaves

A simple recipe for pickling honey mushrooms in a hot way
Clean and wash thoroughly. If you are cooking large mushrooms, separate the caps from the legs and thinly cut the legs, the caps in half. Small mushrooms should be left as is. Boil mushrooms in salted water, drain the water. Peel and cut the garlic in half, chop the onion in half rings, chop the dill. Add peeled garlic, onion, dill, parsley and spices to boiled mushrooms. For 1.5 kg. mushrooms enough 2.5-3 tablespoons of salt - mix. Everything should be put in a container under oppression and left for 4-5 days. Then transfer to jars and store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Complex recipe pickles again in a hot way
Put the boiled mushrooms in a pre-prepared brine and cook for 10 minutes, then pasteurize in jars for 10 minutes.

A complex recipe for salting honey mushrooms in a cold way
Put spices, mushrooms on the bottom of the container and sprinkle salt on top. Put oppression on top and hold for a month and a half. When mold appears, remove it, wash it periodically. Then put the salted mushrooms into jars and store in a cool, dry place.


- If the mushrooms are supposed to be dried after cleaning, then it is not necessary to rinse with water. Good quality dry cleaning.

It is better to collect mushrooms in a basket, in a bag they quickly soak and lose their shape.

False mushrooms can only be distinguished from edible ones experienced mushroom picker, and they can grow on the same stump with the real ones. That is why, industrially grown mushrooms are the safest for consumption.

In an industrial way, not only "autumn" mushrooms are grown, but also "winter" ones (enokitake). These mushrooms are grown indoors on bags of hardwood sawdust. You can find Chinese enokitake in stores, similar to sprouted wheat. In quality, they are not inferior to mushrooms with hats.

The legs contain a large number of fiber, which is essential for proper digestion. These mushrooms contain flamulin, which counteracts the appearance of such oncological disease like a sarcoma.

Honey mushrooms brought home must be processed immediately, as they quickly darken. Clean and dried mushrooms can be stored in the freezer for one year.

Honey mushrooms are salted for 20 days.

Small young mushrooms are most suitable for pickling.

Finished salted mushrooms served, mixed with vegetable oil and chopped onions in half rings, as an appetizer.

If the mushrooms brighten during salting, nothing needs to be done, this is normal.

In order to be safe from poisoning, you can boil the mushrooms in the same water for 10 minutes, then change the water and cook the mushrooms in it.

- When is the season up?
The mushroom season usually begins in mid-August, the season itself in September, ends - by mid-October or at the end of October, if October turned out to be warm and rainy. The rest of the time (excluding snowy winter period) mushrooms grow, but in small quantities.

Honey mushrooms before cooking must be cleaned, cleaning the ground, dark and damaged places.
- calories boiled mushrooms - 17 kcal per 100 grams.

Honey mushrooms contain vitamins C (immunity), E (health of cell membranes), nicotinic acid (the norm of redox processes), group B (tissue health, energy production).

What to cook with boiled mushrooms

1. How to cook mushroom soup

Products for mushroom soup
Half a kilo of mushrooms, 1 head of onion, 1 carrot, 4 medium potatoes, sour cream and salt to taste.
Price per season: 150 rubles. (on average in Moscow as of September 2017).

mushroom soup recipe
Boil mushrooms in a large amount of salted water, chop the onion, grate the carrots on coarse grater. Fry onions and carrots, peel and cut potatoes into cubes. Put everything into the broth with boiled mushrooms, add salt and spices to taste. Cook until potatoes are tender (- minutes).

2. Salad with boiled mushrooms

salad products
Fresh mushrooms - 250 grams
Potato - 250 grams
Tomatoes - 2 large or 3 medium
Vegetable (sunflower or olive) oil - 3 tablespoons
Chicken egg - 1 piece
Parsley and dill - 10 grams each
Pepper and salt - to taste

Cooking salad with boiled mushrooms
1. Peel, wash, cut and boil honey mushrooms.
2. Boil the potatoes in their skins, boil the egg.
3. Peel potatoes and egg, cut into slices.
4. Cut the tomatoes into small half-slices.
5. Mix the products in a salad bowl, salt and pepper, season with oil.
6. Chop the greens, sprinkle the salad with it.
Serve with pleasure! :-)

Ingredients: 300 grams of mushrooms (autumn, summer or winter), two or three tablespoons of buckwheat, one onion, half a glass of milk or two tablespoons of sour cream, salt and herbs to taste.

Preparation: sort the mushrooms and cut off the legs, wash them and finely chop them, put in a saucepan and cook for 30-40 minutes. Next, add buckwheat, add onion, cut into rings, salt and cook until buckwheat is ready. Fill the soup with milk or sour cream. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Casserole with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: 400 grams of mushrooms, 8 or 9 potatoes, three or four tablespoons of fat, one tablespoon of butter, one or two onions, two glasses of milk, two eggs, one tablespoon grated cheese or crackers, pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and cut into thick slices. Cook mushrooms in own juice finely chop the onion and fry in oil. Lubricate the form with fat and lay the products in it in layers (the top and bottom layers are potatoes). Pour a mixture of milk and beaten eggs on top, season with pepper and salt, sprinkle with grated cheese or crushed breadcrumbs and put pieces of butter. Turn on the oven on low heat and put the mold in it until it thickens egg mixture, softening the potatoes and forming a golden crust.

Meat in a pot with mushrooms

Ingredients: 500 grams of meat, 400 grams of mushrooms, one kilogram of potatoes, half a glass of chicken broth, Bay leaf, black pepper (peas), garlic and salt to taste.

Preparation: stew or fry the meat until cooked, add spices, garlic and salt. Stew the mushrooms and cut the potatoes into small cubes. Lay all the components in layers in a pot and pour chicken broth. Close the lid and put in the oven for ten minutes.

Pie with mushrooms

Ingredients: for the dough - three cups of flour, 200 grams of butter, two eggs, two tablespoons of sour cream, salt to taste; for the filling - two kilograms of fresh mushrooms, two tablespoons vegetable oil, two tablespoons of sour cream, pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation: chop the butter with flour and grind into crumbs. Beat sour cream with salt and eggs and pour the resulting mixture into flour and butter, knead the dough, divide it in half and refrigerate for 40 minutes. Take out the dough and roll it into two layers. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the first layer on it, on which lay the filling in an even layer and close with the second layer. Wrap the edges of the second layer under the edges of the first and grease the dough with an egg. Cut the second layer of the pie diagonally into strips two centimeters wide. Place the pie in the preheated oven and bake until golden brown. After baking, put on a table or board and carefully, through the cuts of the second layer, pour a little salted sour cream into the filling of the hot pie. Cover the pie with parchment and a towel and let it brew so that the filling is saturated with sour cream.

Recipes for preparations again for the winter

Salty autumn mushrooms

Ingredients: 10 kilograms of honey mushrooms, 500 grams of salt, 20 grams of bay leaf, 180 grams of green dill, 120 peas allspice, 180 grams of chopped onion.

Preparation: separate the legs from the caps with a knife, cut into noodles one or two centimeters thick, mix with the caps, wash and dip in salted boiling water for 15-20 minutes, then put in a colander or sieve and cool. At the bottom of the prepared jars, first put spices (chopped onion, dill, bay leaf and pepper), and then cooled mushrooms with a layer of five centimeters, put spices on them and sprinkle with salt. Top with a napkin and put the load. Over time, mushrooms will brighten a little.

Pickled mushrooms

Marinade Ingredients: 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 10 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, two or three cloves, four or five black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, grated nutmeg and garlic optional.

Preparation: peel mushrooms and boil in salted water until tender ( ready mushrooms sink to the bottom). Remove the resulting foam with a slotted spoon. Drain the water and dip the mushrooms into the boiling marinade. Boil the mushrooms in the marinade for 15 minutes, arrange in pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

Pickled mushrooms with apple cider vinegar

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of mushrooms, 1-1.5 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, three bay leaves, six or seven tablespoons of apple or grape six percent vinegar, two cloves of garlic, seven or eight black peppercorns, one cinnamon stick, two glasses of water.

Preparation: clean the mushrooms and dip in boiling water, cook from the moment of boiling for 20-30 minutes, remove the foam that forms. Throw away in a colander. Prepare the marinade: pour two glasses of water into the pan, put all the spices, put on fire and boil for five minutes. Dip the mushrooms in a boiling marinade and boil for 10 minutes. Transfer the prepared mushrooms to pre-sterilized jars, pour over the marinade and sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up.

Pickled mushrooms with garlic

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of mushrooms, 30 grams of salt, three peas of allspice, two cloves, two bay leaves, one teaspoon of seventy percent vinegar, cinnamon to taste.

Preparation: clean mushrooms and boil in boiling water for 25-30 minutes. Add spices (except vinegar) and salt at the end of cooking. excess water drain, season with vinegar, mix and immediately place in pre-sterilized jars. Put to sterilize for 25-30 minutes and roll up.

Fried mushrooms for the winter

Ingredients: 1 kilogram of honey mushrooms, one glass of sunflower oil, water and salt to taste.

Preparation: sort through the mushrooms - choose without wormholes. Rinse in cold water and clean. Large mushrooms cut into pieces small pieces. Boil water in a saucepan and put mushrooms after boiling. Boil for 7-10 minutes, put in a colander and shake well to make the water glass down. Heat up in a frying pan sunflower oil, put mushrooms and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for 30 minutes on low heat. Open the lid and fry the mushrooms until the moisture has completely evaporated. At the end of frying, add salt and mix everything thoroughly. Freely, without tamping, put fried mushrooms in prepared jars. Top with hot oil, on which mushrooms were fried. Oil must be poured over the mushrooms to the very neck of the jar. boil nylon caps and close the banks with them. Store in refrigerator for up to 6 months.

Increasingly common on holidays and everyday tables becomes such a product as mushrooms. This is explained for the most part the fact that from them you can cook not only the first or but also snacks, as well as salads. Honey mushrooms can be collected from the end of August until almost the first frost, and in winter time they are easy to buy frozen in almost any supermarket, while mushrooms can be fried, stewed, marinated, etc. If we talk about mushroom dishes, then they turn out to be hearty and tender, having an original, unique taste.

For example, it is good to make soup from frozen mushrooms. For him, you will need beef, mushrooms, onions, carrots, several potato tubers, salt and spices, sour cream. The meat is boiled in boiling water for about an hour, it is taken out, thawed mushrooms are laid here. Onions and carrots are peeled, cut into two halves, added to the broth. Vegetables are cooked for about 40 minutes. After which the onions and carrots are removed, the beef, chopped portioned pieces, put back together with chopped potatoes. The soup is salted, peppered, cooked until the potatoes are soft. Serve it well on the table, seasoned with sour cream. For this dish from mushrooms, you can take not only defrosted, but also fresh mushrooms.

Main dishes in pots are very tasty and easy to prepare, besides, they retain a large amount of useful substances contained in products. So, it turns out saturated mushroom stew stewed in tomato.

Several medium-sized potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes. 3 spoons rice groats washed, dried. About 20 grams fresh mushrooms fried with onions in a pan, add a little tomato paste, everything is stewed for about 10 minutes. Potatoes and mushrooms are laid out in prepared pots, mixed well, salted. The dishes are placed in a preheated oven to stew for about 20 minutes. Then rice is laid out here and green pea, and the stew is again sent to the oven until cooked, which is checked by the degree of softness of the potatoes. This and similar mushroom recipes can be diversified by adding other vegetables here, for example, zucchini, eggplant, carrots. The finished stew is sprinkled green onions or chopped dill.

Gentle creamy taste has a julienne of mushrooms, practically a traditional dish which is prepared from mushrooms. Onions are fried in a pan, fresh mushrooms are added to it. After a few minutes, a spoonful of flour, salt, spices is put here, everything is mixed well, poured with a small amount of sour cream (if it is too thick, you can dilute it with water or replace it with heavy cream). Under a closed lid, mushrooms are stewed for about 10 minutes, a spoonful of grated cheese is poured in, mixed. The dish is ready when the cheese is completely melted.

Variants of this mushroom dish may be different, as some prefer to cook julienne in the oven, with the addition of chicken meat. For this, breast or chicken is boiled, cut into cubes, mixed with mushrooms, poured with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce, sprinkled with grated cheese and sent to a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

They are excellent and you can cook them yourself. For next recipe you will need 1.5 kilograms of frozen mushrooms, which are poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water. After the mushrooms have surfaced, they are boiled for 20 minutes. 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of sugar and a spoonful of salt are placed in the marinade per liter of water, brought to a boil and left on fire until everything dissolves. Mushrooms are thrown back into a colander, the water is allowed to drain. In prepared jars (two half-liter will be enough for these proportions), bay leaves, peppercorns, mustard seeds are placed on the bottom. Honey mushrooms are laid out in a bowl, poured with marinade, tightly twisted. They are ready to eat in 3 days. Similar dishes from mushrooms can be consumed with fried potatoes or meat products.

There are a lot of culinary recipes where mushrooms are used. The most common are recipes aimed at storing mushrooms. And this is understandable, because the harvested crop can subsequently be used in any dish. For storage, mushrooms are dried, salted and pickled - in all these preparations, mushrooms do not lose their palatability, usefulness, and in fact the amount of protein contained in them is not less than in animal meat.

If you plan to cook mushrooms in the near future, then they need to be cleaned and poured cold salty water. If you don’t need to cook them today, you should remove mushrooms in freezer. The fact is that the peeled mushroom is suitable for cooking no more than 5 hours.

Before cooking dishes with mushrooms, it is necessary to boil them for 10 minutes in salt water, it is advisable to throw an onion into the water. After that, the broth should be poured out. It should also be borne in mind that mushrooms after cooking can be eaten only for 20 hours. Therefore, you should calculate the amount of cooked mushrooms so as not to throw them away.

Salad of salted or pickled mushrooms

It is the easiest and fastest snack dish to prepare.


Pickled or salted mushrooms (store or home cooking)
vegetable oil

How to cook salted mushroom salad:

    It is necessary to get the mushrooms, rinse them under running cool water through a colander, let the liquid drain.

    Put the mushrooms in an enamel bowl, add the onion cut into thin half rings (you can add young green onion instead of onion) and season with vegetable oil.

    5 minutes - and the salad is ready! This appetizer is suitable for any table, whether it's a festive or a regular homemade dinner.

How to choose mushrooms in the store. Watch the video!..

But there are many others a variety of recipes in which mushrooms are used.

Cabbage hodgepodge with mushrooms

0.5 kg white cabbage
50 g vegetable oil
0.5 l tomato
celery, parsley or dill

How to cook cabbage hodgepodge with mushrooms:

    To do this, you need to take the cabbage, cut it a little larger than a salad, and put it in a saucepan, then add a little salt to taste and lightly knead it with your hands.

    Then you need to pour a glass of water and oil. All this is put on medium fire and stew with constant stirring for 6-8 minutes.

    If the cabbage needs to be made sour, you can add a tomato when stewing. At this time, carrots and onions are fried in oil until half cooked, after which they are added to stewed cabbage and mix.

    Mushrooms are spread on a heated and oiled frying pan, salted, mixed and covered with a lid.

    After they release enough juice, remove the lid and stir constantly until completely roasted.

    When the mushrooms are ready, they are added to the cabbage, mixed and another half a glass of water is added. Simmer until tender on low heat for at least 15 minutes - until the water boils away.

    You can add herbs to taste. The finished hodgepodge is laid out on plates and served hot to the table.
