
Cheesecake with boiled condensed milk without baking. How to cook cottage cheese cheesecake with condensed milk

Hi all! I am glad to see you again on the pages of this best site dedicated to cooking. And today I suggest you cook a delicious no-bake caramel cheesecake with condensed milk, where the recipe is designed step by step for your convenience.

Minimum effort for excellent result- that's the motto of this dessert! Delicate taste, delicious aroma and attractive appearance- everyone will be delighted.

In addition, for such a cheesecake you do not need any exotic products- everything is accessible and simple. Therefore, even a beginner can cook an unforgettable dessert at home. Definitely try to make it!


1. Boiled condensed milk - 300 gr.

2. Water - 70 ml.

3. Gelatin - 30 gr.

4. Butter - 160 gr.

5. Peeled walnuts - 40 gr.

6. Shortbread cookies - 250 gr.

7. Cottage cheese (any fat content) - 750 gr.

8. Chocolate - for decoration

Cooking method:

1. First, put cookies with nuts in the bowl of a food processor or blender.

2. Carefully grind them to get a fine crumb. If you do not have such devices, it does not matter - it is quite possible to use the most ordinary rolling pin, which is used to roll out the dough.

3. Now melt butter, slightly warm it up (optional).

4. Pour the cookie crumbs with nuts. Mix thoroughly.

5. Put in a mold with a diameter of 18 centimeters.

6. In parallel, we form high and even beautiful sides (for this they need to be pressed very tightly against the walls of the mold). You also need to press the bottom. We put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

7. Meanwhile, pour gelatin in a bowl cold water and leave to swell for half an hour.

8. Let's take care of the filling - put cottage cheese with boiled condensed milk in a blender.

9. Grind there to form a homogeneous and homogeneous mass.

10. When the gelatin swells, heat it up for steam bath or in the microwave and add a tablespoon of the resulting curd cream, mix. Add the gelatin mixture to the bowl with the curd cream and stir well.

11. We take out our blank from the refrigerator and put the filling into it to the level of the sides.

Smooth and put in the refrigerator for 3-6 hours.

12. In the meantime, cut some chocolate chips.

13. After the lapse of time, we take out, if desired, sprinkle chocolate chips and serve to the table. Bon appetit!

You can always change the recipe if you like. For example, experiment with condensed milk, taking ordinary instead of boiled. Or reduce calories by using fat-free cottage cheese. If this is of little concern to you, then prepare a dessert by adding a little sour cream to the cottage cheese. Instead of condensed milk, you can add a little honey or jam.

When you want something not so sweet, add not condensed milk to the cottage cheese, but cheese (you can add sour cream). Interesting options- put cocoa or coffee, fruits or berries in the filling. For example, cook a banana or strawberry cheesecake, blueberry or with kiwi.

Also, the cookies themselves can change the taste of the dish, so try taking or baking them yourself with spices (cinnamon, cloves), vanilla or cocoa. I like the dessert for which they take savoiardi (by the way, I highly recommend making a wonderful tiramisu with this cookie).

Also try making cheesecake in a slow cooker. You can decorate dessert not only with chocolate, but also fresh fruit or berries, nuts. It will turn out even tastier and improve the appearance of the cheesecake. You can serve it both with tea and coffee, or just with water - the main thing is that you like it.

Cook only from quality ingredients and with love. Share this recipe with your friends and subscribe to the blog, win cash prizes! See you soon!

Today we will cook amazing delicious dessert, which is suitable for cozy gatherings on weekdays, and for holiday table. Cottage cheese cheesecake with condensed milk can be served both as a spectacular pie and as gorgeous cake, especially if you decorate it with several types of glaze. Below you will find a selection of the most popular recipes tested by many housewives, according to which the delicacy will turn out for sure!

Let's start by making our own dessert. simple recipe, in which a minimum of components - cottage cheese, condensed milk, eggs and that's it! This set is enough to create a light dessert.

Cheesecake is simple: a recipe in the oven


  • - 400 g + -
  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - pinch + -
  • Condensed milk - 2/3 banks + -
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife + -

How to cook cheesecake with condensed milk and cottage cheese

If the cottage cheese is grainy, it is better to beat it first in a blender to get a soft pasty mass - this will make the cheesecake more tender.

  1. Add eggs and condensed milk to the whipped cottage cheese, add a little bit for a deeper taste and add vanillin.
  2. Beat with a mixer until smooth and pour the resulting dough into a greased vegetable oil shape.
  3. You need to bake the dessert as follows: put it on the middle level in an oven preheated to 200 ° C and hold it for 25 minutes. Then we move it to a shelf lower, reduce the temperature to 170 ° C and bake another 30-35.

The cheesecake is baked for about an hour - during this time the cottage cheese will completely seize. Ready leave in the oven for another 10 minutes after the timer goes off. Then we take it out and let it stand in the form for some more time.

Attention! If the dessert is taken out hot, it may fall apart.

After 20-30 minutes, put the cheesecake on a dish and cut portioned pieces and serve with fruit or berries.

As you can see, this dessert is baked, but there is no flour component in it at all, which makes it practically dietary product. Well, for those who do not pursue low calorie sweets, we offer to cook a cheesecake according to next recipe.

  1. We buy unsweetened cracker like biscuits or unleavened crackers and grind 200 g in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. 100 g butter, softened room temperature or lightly melt in the microwave and stir into the cookies. It is better to knead the mass with your hands to make sure the consistency is uniform.
  3. We spread the finished “dough” on the bottom of a detachable form covered with baking paper and tamp with a spoon, spatula or hand to make a layer of approximately the same height.
  4. 400 g soft cottage cheese beat with 3 eggs until smooth and add 1 can of regular condensed milk, mix again and pour over the cookie crust.

We set to bake for 45-45 minutes at 180 ° C on an average level. Cottage cheese dishes are always not baked quickly, and in order to get a well-baked dessert, it’s better not to rush!

Let the finished cheesecake cool, and then decorate with jam or sprinkle with a mixture of powdered sugar and cinnamon. Bon appetit!

The delicacy according to our next recipe is obtained not only with a beautiful caramel color, but also with delicate taste creamy iris.

Cheesecake with boiled condensed milk and cottage cheese without baking

  • First of all, soak in 1.5 tbsp. gelatin, as indicated in the instructions and leave to swell. This will take from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Grind 300 g of sweet shortbread cookies into crumbs, combine with 150 g of melted butter and knead into a thick mass.

If the mass of cookies turns out to be dry and does not want to give all the best in the form, you can add either a little more oil, or 2-3 tbsp. milk or cream.

For shaping it is best to use metal mold with corrugated edges, as we will try to fashion high sides - they will do homemade cheesecake with condensed milk especially aesthetic. You can also use several smaller molds.

Attention! Be sure to fill out the form cling film so that later you can easily take out the finished curd cake.

We put blanks with cakes in the refrigerator - this will speed up cooking.

  • Grind 300 g of cottage cheese in a blender or, if it is soft, beat immediately with a mixer with 100 ml of cream and 300 g of boiled condensed milk. We bring the mixture to a completely homogeneous consistency.
  • We heat the gelatin until the grains dissolve, but in no case bring it to a boil, filter it and pour it into the curd-creamy mass. Now you can only stir it with a spoon.
  • We take out the form with the cake from the refrigerator and pour it curd filling. Its level should slightly not reach the height of the sides of the cookies.

The cream in this recipe can be replaced with sour cream, as long as it is not sour, otherwise the taste of the delicacy will suffer from this.

We put the future cheesecake in the refrigerator and cool until the curd is completely solidified. We take out the finished one with the help of a film and rejoice at how the dessert turned out to be beautiful and delicious!

Cook's Tips
If the room is hot and there are fears that the cheesecake will not set quickly or you want to cook it as quickly as possible, we dissolve the gelatin not in water, but in the amount of cream indicated in the recipe.
Without the extra moisture, the cheesecake will set very quickly and won't melt when we take it out of the fridge before serving.

Now you know how to make plain or boiled cottage cheese cheesecake with condensed milk, how to do without baking or cook it in the oven. We are trying to create a dessert with any of the proposed recipes and sharing our impressions in the comments, friends!

  1. Cooking cheesecake with cottage cheese and boiled condensed milk start with its basics. To do this, crush the cookies into crumbs. You can grind cookies first with a knife to divide it into more small pieces and then with a wooden pusher. Now pour the cookies into a bowl and mix with ghee. Mix well so that the mass turns out, if not homogeneous, then so that the products connect well with each other. We lay out the resulting mass in a detachable form, covering both the sides and the bottom. We ram well and put it in the refrigerator for now. We continue to prepare dessert.
  2. Meanwhile, in a separate container, combine cottage cheese, sour cream and boiled condensed milk. Beat the mass with a mixer until smooth. You can also use a blender for this purpose. It is better to take more fat sour cream, and if possible, buy homemade cottage cheese for this dessert. So cheesecake with boiled condensed milk will turn out tastier.
  3. Gelatin must be soaked in hot boiled water and dissolve completely. Let cool.
  4. As soon as gelatin mass cool, pour it into the form with sand base and level well. We put our cheesecake with boiled condensed milk in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours. Ideally, overnight.
  5. We take out the frozen cake from the mold and decorate as you wish. Can be used powdered sugar, shavings of coconut or white chocolate.

Serve the cake with hot tea or coffee.

How to make caramel cheesecake without baking? I will say right away that in fact it is easy and simple. It is also important that the preparation of this, without exaggeration, culinary masterpiece does not require special skills and exquisite products.

About the useful component of products for cheesecake

The traditional recipe for making cheesecake involves the use of very expensive cheeses Mascarpone varieties. We will get rid of this ingredient solely for the sake of reducing the cost of the product, but not at the expense of taste.

Besides, culinary work does not require baking, which saves time and eliminates extra hassle hostess associated with heat treatment. You will be surprised how tasty this product will be.

Mascarpone cheese we will replace ordinary cottage cheese, the degree of fatness of which I leave at the mercy of the reader. A few words about the benefits of this product.

Cottage cheese

A fermented milk product - cottage cheese is very useful for human body because the carbohydrates it contains are already partially fermented. Gastrointestinal tract more easily absorb the lactose of cottage cheese than the carbohydrates of whole milk.

Cottage cheese is a real storehouse of easily accessible calcium, which is one of critical components bone tissue of any person. I draw attention to the word easily accessible, therefore, its most of will be absorbed by the human body, which will eliminate the need to take very expensive pharmaceuticals.

Curd contains a significant amount of proteins and amino acids. The use of this product, both as part of other dishes, and in pure form recommended for the younger generation, as well as athletes.

In addition to all of the above, cottage cheese contains the following: useful material: iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, retinol, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and so on.


Gelatin is one of the components of our cheesecake, almost 90 percent consists of proteins, which makes it very popular among all the same athletes, as well as just amateurs. delicious food, since it is often included in various jelly desserts.

Gelatin is very useful for humans, especially in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. This product contains mucopolysaccharides, moreover, in significant quantities.

These same mucopolysaccharides are integral part cartilage and, more importantly, intervertebral discs. Frequent use products containing gelatin can slow down the development of a disease such as osteochondrosis. By the way, to one degree or another, this pathology is present in every person over the age of 35 years.


Walnuts contain a significant amount of useful chemical substances capable of improving the functioning of the brain, endocrine system. Helps to eliminate problems in the sexual sphere and so on.

Walnuts contain the following substances: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, fatty and organic acids, B vitamins, carotene, rutin, essential oils, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, zinc, copper, tannins, phytoncides and so on.

Caramel Cheesecake - Recipe

Ingredients for cooking:

Cottage cheese - 750 grams;
Water or milk - 75 grams;
Gelatin - one and a half tablespoons;
Boiled condensed milk - 300 grams;
Shortbread cookies - 250 grams;
Butter - 150 grams;
Walnuts (peeled) - 50 grams.

So, if everyone has stocked up, let's start cooking our caramel cheesecake with condensed milk:

I recommend starting the preparation of cheesecake with soaking gelatin, since this process will require certain time costs, which we cannot reduce. Gelatin should be poured to the bottom of a transparent container and poured into a glass warm water. It will take approximately 30 minutes to swell (there may be other information on the packaging, which is recommended to follow).

Next, you can start crushing cookies and walnuts. Place the slightly broken cookies into the bowl of a food processor and walnuts and press the "Start" button. The smaller the cookies, the better. It is best if it is just a small crumb.

Add pre-melted butter to crushed cookies. To soften this product, you can use a stove or microwave, but in the second case, do not forget to cut the butter into small pieces. Using an ordinary spoon, thoroughly mix the contents of the food processor bowl.

On the bottom and sides of the mold, you need to lay a mixture of cookies and butter, so as to completely cover it, leaving no empty space. After completing this procedure, the base of the future cheesecake should be placed in the refrigerator for about 30 to 40 minutes.

Put cottage cheese and condensed milk into the bowl of a food processor and mix everything thoroughly. The result should be an absolutely homogeneous mass without cottage cheese grains.

Next, pour gelatin into the mixture of cottage cheese and condensed milk and mix everything again. The mass should thicken significantly. It's time to put all the cheesecake ingredients together. At the bottom of the cookies you need to pour the curd mass, thoroughly level it with a regular spoon. After that, the dish should be placed in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, after which our cheesecake with boiled condensed milk will be completely ready.

Today I propose to try an incredibly tender and delicious dessert, which is suitable not only for family tea party but also to welcome guests.

We will cook a cheesecake with a delicious caramel flavor from cottage cheese and condensed milk, which is prepared without baking, we will take as a basis shortbread. Of course, we don’t have to cook caramel for a long time and hard, you guessed it, we’ll just take a regular jar.

This rather simplistic version of the famous caramel cheesecake tastes amazing with a minimum of effort! We won't need any special or too expensive products, all the ingredients are simple and affordable! Cottage cheese is very skillfully disguised in this recipe, which, of course, will also appeal to many. In such a simple way, you can feed any picky eater who refuses to eat this very healthy product!


  • shortbread cookies - 250 grams.
  • butter - 150 grams.
  • fat cottage cheese - 300 grams.
  • condensed milk (boiled) - 300 grams.
  • sour cream (cream) - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • gelatin - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • water - 0.5 cups.
  • servings: 6

How to make homemade no-bake cheesecake:

First of all, soak the gelatin in water and leave to swell.

In the meantime, let's prepare the rest of the ingredients. To prepare the base of the cheesecake, we need any shortbread cookies, such as "Jubilee".

Grind it into crumbs with any convenient way. You can use a blender or meat grinder.

Add melted butter to the crushed biscuits.

We mix.

We lay out the resulting sand mass in a detachable form in an even layer, forming the sides, carefully tamp with a spoon or hands. If the form is not detachable, then we wrap it with cling film so that in the future you can easily take out the dessert. My form is 27 cm in diameter, the cheesecake turns out to be low. You can take a shape of a smaller diameter so that the layers are higher.

Place the mold in the refrigerator for about 20 minutes.

Let's do the stuffing. Fat cottage cheese Grind with a blender or wipe it through a sieve to get a homogeneous mass. I was lazy and used a meat grinder.

Add boiled condensed milk, sour cream or heavy cream to it.

Mix thoroughly.

We warm the gelatin over low heat or in the microwave, avoiding boiling, cool a little and add to it in a thin stream. curd mass. Then we beat everything well. At the moment, you can taste the filling and, if someone does not have enough sweetness, you can add powdered sugar. It is powder, not sugar, so that grains do not come across later.

With the resulting mass, we fill the form with a frozen sand base. Place in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours to set.

Then carefully remove the ring from the mold or take it out if the mold is not detachable.

Cheesecake made from cottage cheese and condensed milk is completely ready and can be safely served at the table. I decorated it a bit before serving. coconut flakes and confectionery sprinkles. My little children were sure that there was a cake in front of them and they happily ate the cheesecake on both cheeks, not even suspecting the presence of cottage cheese.
