
Cookies made from milk powder without eggs. baby biscuits

This is a very quick and easy to prepare recipe that uses a minimum of products. This recipe can be baked delicious cakes and build a cake out of them with any pastry cream you like.

First, we need to turn on the oven so that it is well heated by the time we put the cake to bake.

We will need a deep container for whipping the ingredients.

Three eggs and sugar must be beaten with a blender or mixer.

Then add flour, salt and baking powder. Baking powder can be replaced with soda slaked with vinegar.

Knead batter. Then add powdered milk and again stir well so that there are no lumps.

The dough is liquid, we pour it onto a baking sheet or into a baking dish.

We put the cake in a preheated oven for literally 7-10 minutes. It is baked at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to determine the readiness of a cake by sight, so it is slightly perforated with a fork, I’m sorry.

The finished cake is tender, melting in your mouth and sweet. Many who have tried it believe that this cake is made from condensed milk - the taste is very similar. With a cream substitute or milk substitute made from vegetable oils and other chemicals, I have not tried to bake such a cake - I don’t know how it will turn out. I used only natural milk powder.

Already as an adult, I often recalled the taste of powdered milk from childhood. As children, we ate it both dry and diluted with water. It was a great treat! Passing by the shelves in a baby food store, I always paid attention to milk. But the prices were intimidating. Even after becoming a mother, dry mixes bypassed me and there was no need to buy them. But all the same, there is fate)) And the powdered milk came into my house, my mother bought it in the meantime for a promotion. Without even suspecting how long I wanted to try this taste of childhood. Hmm ... Probably, those who have tried modern milk powder imagined my disappointment. And it would have been lying until they threw it away, if I had not accidentally found wonderful recipe cookies, just on powdered milk.
The recipe is simple and the cookies are just magical!

So. We sift the flour. It is better to take 170 gr., and add if necessary. When there is a lot of flour, the cookies are too dense.

Add to flour 100 gr. dry milk.

Mix everything with a spoon.

For cookies you need 100 gr. powdered sugar. The powder had just run out, and it was raining outside. I decided that I would do it myself. We take two sheets of white paper. On one sheet we pour 1.5-2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

We cover with a second sheet of paper, and roll it out with a rolling pin, making efforts.

Got powdered sugar.

Pour the finished powder into a tall glass.

Crack two eggs into another bowl.

And add to powdered sugar.

Beat with a mixer.

Stop as soon as the sugar dissolves. At U.S. not air baking, you do not need to beat for a long time.

Melt the butter slightly.

In the original recipe, the butter must be melted to the end. But for my taste, the dough is a bit sticky. So I decided to make the dough more sandy. I crushed the slightly melted butter with a fork.

Adding butter to flour

And mix with a fork.

Pour the beaten eggs into the mixture.

Knead the dough with a spatula.

The dough turned out not liquid, and not cool. If add more flour and knead a cool dough, then most likely you can cut out figured cookies with the help of molds. But I haven't tried.
The dough can be laid out on a sheet with a teaspoon or pastry syringe. Unless, of course, it turned out too thick for you. For the first time, the dough came out so thick that the nozzles on the syringe just flew off)) I had to add a few tablespoons regular milk and mix. It didn't affect the taste of the cookies at all.

This time my dough turned out fine.
Using a syringe, spread the dough on parchment.
For a change, you can sprinkle cookies with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon or whatever your heart desires))

During baking, the cookies do not spread, so you can safely lay out the dough more tightly. I have the whole batch fit on one sheet.

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, put the cookies and bake for about 10 minutes. After 5 minutes of baking, the oven can be reduced to 160 degrees. While I was running after the child, my cookies were too reddened. Most likely due to convection.

Ready cookies can be sprinkled if desired. powdered sugar.

It is better to use cookies after they have completely cooled, so they are tastier. Cookies made with milk powder are creamy, crunchy and delicious! Everyone have a nice tea party!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

approximate cost servings: 50 rub.

Cooking class: step by step photo recipe how to cook delicious baby cookies with milk powder.

We are sure that once you try the weightless children's cookies, many lovers of homemade cakes will like it.


  • flour - 150 g;
  • dry milk - 150 g;
  • sugar - 50-70 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 100 g.

Step by step cooking with photo

1. Beat the egg by hand with a whisk or a mixer with granulated sugar- enough to achieve light foam. Sugar to structure finished products turned out to be as thin as possible, choose a small-small one or replace it with powdered sugar.

2. Then add a portion of powdered milk, which plays in the recipe leading role and cannot be replaced. Thanks to this component, the cookies acquire a warm, creamy and milky flavor. Continue mixing until thick and viscous.

3. Melt the bar in a separate ladle butter, cool slightly - pour yellow composition into a bowl and stir to remove large clumps. We stop at a smooth, uniform consistency.

4. Sift through a fine sieve wheat flour- we are working immediately on the bowl. The dosage of flour can vary - you need to bring the dough to a silky, without lumps, but sticky texture.

5. On the oiled parchment lay out the "islands" of the dough - use cream injector or regular dessert spoon. If the dough is watery, you can leave large drops on the sheet, a kind of zigzags. And if the dough is denser, more plastic, then you can easily roll balls, cakes, tows by hand. The configuration of the future children's cookies is at the discretion of the baker. In our example, the blanks are given an oblong and also a round shape. Preheat the oven to the maximum in advance, lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for about 10-12 minutes.

6. After cooling, we slightly “powder” the children's cookies - we store them in glass containers, serve with milk, cocoa, and your favorite sour-milk drinks.

Prepare food for testing. I doubled the amount of food and made a cake with a diameter of 26 cm.

Combine eggs with sugar in a convenient bowl for whipping.

Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar lush mass. I beat the eggs for 3-4 minutes.

Then add the sifted flour and baking powder to the egg mass, mix silicone spatula.

Sift milk powder into the resulting mixture, add vanilla sugar.

Thoroughly mix the dough with a silicone spatula until smooth. The dough will not be as thick as condensed milk.

Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, pour the dough into the mold. Put the mold with the dough in a cold oven.

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and bake the cake mixed with milk powder for about 30-35 minutes until the toothpick is dry. The cake will be beautiful golden color and will increase in volume.

Let the pastry cool slightly in the form, then remove and cut into pieces. A pie made from powdered milk dough turns out to be very tasty and, for sure, many will like it.

baby biscuits on powdered milk - moderately crumbly, piquant, very nutritious and hearty cookies, created with the addition of natural milk powder. To make the texture and taste of the delicacy perfect, it is recommended to use only high-quality milk powder without herbal additives and preservatives to create it. Little kids will love these cookies. It turns out moderately sweet and very appetizing. If you are making dessert festive feast, decorate it in any way you can, using multi-colored icing sugar, "sprinkling" of nuts, poppy seeds, confectionery sweets or pieces of dried fruit.

Powdered milk biscuits for children: a photo recipe at home

Baby cookies can be given not only to little fidgets. It will appeal to adults as well. sweet pastries. It can be served with latte, cappuccino, herbal drink, bird cherry jelly, pomegranate compote or classic black tea. Such a delicacy retains its taste and nutritional properties 2-3 days, so you can easily make a double serving children's dessert.

Powdered milk biscuits for children: a recipe at home

If necessary, milk powder in the recipe can be replaced with natural baby food. With such a powder, cookies will turn out no less satisfying and appetizing.

To enrich the taste of baby cookies, you can add a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, crushed cloves or turmeric powder to their composition.


  • granulated sugar (100 grams);
  • oil (100 grams);
  • dry milk (100 grams);
  • 2 eggs;
  • (240 grams).

How to make baby cookies with milk powder

Step by step recipe for baby cookies:

We combine all dry products in a deep bowl.

Pour the sweetener into the bowl and raw eggs. Using a powerful mixer, mix the ingredients (until the sugar is completely dissolved).

We combine the egg mass and dry products.

We melt the butter in any way convenient for ourselves. We are waiting for the cooking oil to cool down, we introduce it into the workpiece.

We combine all the ingredients for children's cookies. The mass should be thick, but not tight. The whole process will take no more than 10-12 minutes.

With a spoon or pastry bag we form cookies of arbitrary shape.
