
Egyptian Helba yellow tea, composition and beneficial properties. How to brew Egyptian yellow tea

One of the most unusual teas in the world - yellow egyptian tea. At the same time, it has nothing in common with yellow Chinese tea, since it is not made from a tea bush, and not even the herbaceous part of the plant, but its seeds, is used for brewing. In Egypt, yellow tea is extremely popular and is a local attraction. In any case, tourists are sure to be treated to this amazing drink.

Egyptian yellow tea and its properties

Produced, rapidly gaining popularity, yellow tea from Egypt, from the seeds of a legume plant called fenugreek hay. However, this is not its only name, such names are also known: shamballa, helba, fenugreek, chaman, abish, camel grass, etc.

The fenugreek plant is truly unique. A detailed description of its medicinal properties is found in the manuscripts of Avicenna, Hippocrates, in the treatises of Chinese healers. It is quite well known and studied at the present time.

It is grown as a food, medicinal and fodder crop in India, China, South and Central Europe, Ethiopia, Egypt, South America, South Transcaucasia.

It is an annual plant 40-70 cm tall. The presence of coumarin in the chemical composition gives a strong characteristic smell to flowers, fruits and leaves. Fruits (beans) are used to make tea. The pods are rather large, up to 10 cm long, the seeds are up to 5 mm in diameter.

Medicinal properties of Egyptian yellow tea

The healing effect of yellow tea is due to the value of its fruits, a real storehouse of trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, etc.

Fenugreek fruits contain:

  • mucous (up to 30%) and bitter substances,
  • routine,
  • coumarin,
  • steroidal saponins and phytosterols,
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - 3.5-18 mg%,
  • flavonoids,
  • trigonelline alkaloid (0.3%),
  • essential oil (0.3%),
  • fatty oil (5-8%),
  • proteins (up to 25%),
  • tannins,
  • vitamins A, C and B1, B2, B9 (folic acid) and enzymes,
  • essential amino acids,
  • nitrogen substances,
  • iron,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • sodium,
  • magnesium,
  • zinc,
  • arsenic,
  • starch.

As you can see, the chemical composition of the plant is very rich, and when brewed, all components almost completely pass into the drink, having a beneficial effect on the human body.

Regular consumption of Egyptian yellow tea will avoid many problems and it is recommended:

  1. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fenugreek tea cleanses the intestines of mucus and toxins, has a healing effect on duodenal and stomach ulcers.
  2. To lower the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
  3. For skin diseases. Egyptian yellow tea contributes to the normalization of the liver and gallbladder. And as you know, it is the failures in the work of these organs that manifest themselves in the condition of the skin.
  4. For the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus (in combination).
  5. With heavy loads, unbalanced nutrition, fenugreek decoction will help to avoid anemia.
  6. Tea cleanses the kidneys well, and in combination with date decoction, it dissolves and removes stones from the bladder and kidneys.
  7. With various types of arthritis in complex treatment.
  8. For colds, it is a powerful antipyretic.
  9. For the treatment of female diseases and impotence.
  10. To improve lactation during breastfeeding.
  11. With respiratory diseases (bronchitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, etc.).

This is one of the most effective home remedies with a strong expectorant effect.

In addition, you can safely use boiled seeds for cosmetic skin and hair care.

Due to the fact that not the leaves are used, but the seeds of the plant, the usual method of brewing is not suitable in this case. Just pour boiling water over fenugreek beans and let it brew, of course, you can. But we must remember that seeds do not reveal their properties so easily. Yellow tea from Egypt is prepared according to a special recipe. It must be cooked. Therefore, the name "tea" is somewhat arbitrary, it is, in essence, a decoction and a porcelain teapot is not needed.

Seeds must be washed and dried for several days.

To fully reveal the aroma of tea, the seeds are roasted and then ground.

Pour the right amount of water into a small saucepan and pour in the "tea leaves" at the rate of 200-250 ml - one teaspoon. The more tea leaves, the stronger the tea will be.

Boil over low heat for 8-10 minutes and then pour into cups.

How to drink yellow tea

100 g of fenugreek seeds contains:

  • Fat - 6.4g
  • Proteins - 23g
  • Carbs - 58.4g
  • Fiber - 10g.

The energy value of 1 teaspoon of seeds is 12 kcal.

The taste of yellow tea is peculiar and rich in shades. A nutty flavor prevails in the overall flavor range.

Tea should be drunk slightly cold. Sugar is better to replace with a spoonful of honey.

It will be very tasty and useful to add ginger, lemon.

Brewing water can be replaced with milk.

Since fenugreek seeds have a pronounced medicinal effect, there are many recipes for special teas. For example:

Yellow Egyptian tea with dates for anemia.

A thick decoction of dates with fenugreek cleanses the kidneys well, dissolves stones.

If you add stevia leaves to brewed yellow tea and leave for 5 minutes, you get a wonderful remedy for arthritis.

In some cases, if fenugreek is used for medicinal purposes, it is better not to brew it, but to insist for 12 hours, and drink the infusion.

In a word, fenugreek yellow tea improves health and the nervous system. Is yellow Egyptian tea used for weight loss? Controversial question. After all, excess weight is often a psychological problem, and the causes of obesity must be sought and eradicated in their behavioral reactions. And yellow tea is just an aid.

Yellow tea is made only from high quality raw materials. According to its useful properties, yellow tea is close to green.

In yellow tea, vitamins, microelements, amino acids, polyphenols, as well as magnesium, silicon, and tannins are released in large quantities.

List of health benefits of yellow tea

  • There is much more vitamin C in yellow tea, than in other teas, so it can increase immunity, defending the body during epidemics of respiratory diseases.
  • Yellow tea perfectly cleanses the body and improves digestion. Tea breaks down fats, thanks to this property it is very popular among those who want to lose weight.
  • yellow tea helps cleanse the body of bile. It is useful in liver diseases, as it is scientifically proven that yellow tea cleanses and regenerates the liver.
  • Yellow tea restores bone tissue. 4-5 cups a day are treated for arthritis and rheumatism.
  • yellow tea helps with dermatitis even with psoriasis. This drink generally has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. This method of treating skin diseases is absolutely harmless.
  • Like green tea yellow tea is anti-cancer.
  • Yellow tea has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system protecting the heart and reducing the chance of a heart attack. Yellow tea also thins the blood, improving arterial function. Therefore, yellow tea can lower blood pressure. Due to its properties, it is recommended for people who have had a stroke.
  • yellow tea lowers blood cholesterol, thus restoring the arteries.
  • This drink good for teeth, as it protects and strengthens the teeth and eliminates inflammation on the gums.
  • There is more caffeine in yellow tea than green tea. Thereby tea brings much more vivacity than any other tea, and far more beneficial than coffee.
  • Yellow tea may improve eyesight.
  • Yellow tea improves mood, relieves stress, helps with depression. Therefore, it is recommended for people with a shattered nervous system.
As you can see, the beneficial properties of yellow and green teas are almost similar. However, many, if possible, give preference to yellow tea because of its special taste.

There is a trend in which more and more people are turning to natural means of maintaining health and attractiveness. Artificial preparations and food additives of industrial origin are losing popularity, and their place in the grocery basket of our compatriots is occupied by natural and "live" products. And although the main goal of many is still not so much a balanced diet as weight loss and weight maintenance, but even this cannot but rejoice. After all, it testifies to the conscious attitude of society to the state of health and appearance. And one of the most popular means of achieving this goal has recently become drinks of plant origin: Chinese teas, decoctions of exotic herbs and berries. With such names as goji, puer, mate or rooibos today it is already difficult to surprise anyone. And yet there are such little-known products that few people have tried yet. And in vain - after all, their benefits have been proven and undeniable. For example, how the influence of yellow Egyptian tea on the body.

It is very likely that you have just come across the name of this drink for the first time. Then you will probably be interested to know that until recently this tasty and healthy drink was practically not known in our country, but it is rapidly gaining popularity. There are several reasons for that. The first lies in the effect that yellow tea has on the human body. First of all, it concerns metabolism, which, under the influence of Egyptian tea, is significantly accelerated and thereby accelerates the process of losing weight. In the wake of the general desire for harmony, and even on the eve of the beach season, this alone could guarantee a great demand for yellow Egyptian tea. But the drink was also tasty enough that no one had to be forced to take it as a medicine, and many began to drink for the sake of gastronomic pleasure. An additional role in its popularization was played, of course, by an exotic origin, as well as a complex composition. Therefore, we invite you to learn more details about the properties and beneficial effects of Egyptian yellow tea, and at the same time learn how to properly brew Egyptian yellow tea even at home so that it is in no way inferior to an authentic drink from distant Africa.

Origin, properties and benefits of yellow Egyptian tea
Yellow Egyptian tea, or Helba, is not actually tea in the direct sense of the word. It is prepared not from the leaves of the tea bush, and not even from the leaves at all, but from the seeds of the Fenugreek plant, which not only has nothing to do with tea crops, but also belongs to the legume family, like beans or peas. However, its pods with rather large beans inside have long been the raw material for making not food, but a drink. For that, they are taken out, thoroughly washed and dried, after which they acquire an external resemblance to buckwheat. However, it will still not be possible to confuse fenugreek seeds with buckwheat - this will be prevented by the specific and rather strong smell of helba, due to the high content of coumarin in all parts of the plant, including its seeds. And in order to completely eliminate any doubts, take an interest in the name of the product or read it on the packaging and / or price tag. Names such as shamballa, fenugreek, chaman, abish or even camel grass will indicate to you that in front of you is really nothing more than helba, that is, “brewing” of yellow Egyptian tea.

You know all this firsthand if you have ever rested in Egypt - there they generously treat every guest and every tourist with yellow tea, which, however, means the same thing for hospitable Egyptians. Those, in turn, remain under a positive impression of the taste and therapeutic qualities of Helba for a long time, taking home several packs of tea as souvenirs to friends and supplies for personal use. As a result, everyone is satisfied: both local sellers and visiting vacationers. And quite sincerely and without a catch, because the helba is really very useful. The seeds of fenugreek, and therefore the drink from them, contain different and different useful substances: about 25% are proteins (essential amino acids), up to 30% are mucous substances and bitterness, and everything else is microelements, vitamins, etc. .d. Among them are vitamins A, C, PP and several representatives of group B at once. Enzymes, starch, tannins and nitrogenous substances were also found in large quantities in the helga. The high content of iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, sodium and zinc in Egyptian tea has been proven. It also contains flavonoids with tannins, fatty and essential oils. Each of these components is in a concentration in which it has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the human body. Together, they produce a cleansing effect on the stomach, intestines and the entire digestive tract, normalize the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, and help to remove stones from the kidneys and bladder. With regular use, helba can lower cholesterol levels and alleviate the course of diabetes, in particular, become a means of preventing it.

At home, the expectorant effect of Helba, described by Avicenna and Hippocrates, is often used: Egyptian yellow tea helps speed up recovery from bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchial asthma at home. At the same time, the drink will relieve the fever and help avoid anemia. It is often prescribed to improve lactation, treat women's diseases and increase potency. And, of course, the ability of Helba to speed up metabolism, in particular, fat metabolism in the body, that is, to promote weight loss, is very popular. However, without following a balanced diet and physical activity, with the help of yellow tea alone, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of fat deposits at the waist. But for skin and hair care, that is, cosmetic procedures, fenugreek decoction is really very effective on its own, without artificial lotions and tinctures. Moreover, by normalizing the state of the digestive and excretory systems, it already from the inside helps to improve the condition, tone and smoothness of the skin. So Egyptian yellow tea can rightfully be considered a drink of not only health, but also beauty, and also youth and longevity. Of course, if you brew and consume this drink correctly. How exactly? Read on.

Rules for brewing yellow Egyptian tea
The traditional technology for brewing yellow Egyptian tea and its attendant difficulties, which we will discuss below, are due to the composition of the helba. Unlike dried and fermented tea leaves, densely coated fenugreek seeds do not easily transfer their taste and aroma to the drink. Fortunately, the distant ancestors of modern Egyptians learned to solve this problem, and foreign culinary specialists adopted this manner from them. It will take time and effort to brew Egyptian tea, but the result is worth it. Because a properly brewed (or rather, even brewed) helba turns into a fragrant drink with a bright, refined taste. Savoring it, you can easily catch the taste of roasted nuts and southern herbs warmed by the sun, and some gourmets even distinctly feel shades of vanilla, honey and even hard cheese. There is nothing of this in the composition of the helba and close, but such is fenugreek, or rather, its chemical composition, rich in coumarin. Want to try? Then let's start brewing:
Yellow Egyptian tea has a lot of health benefits, which are manifested both in well-being and in the appearance of a person. It is very tasty, unlike many healthy drinks, and has practically no contraindications. The only nuance that should be taken into account when using helba is its effect on biochemical processes, or rather, on the composition and smell of human sweat. No, you won't start smelling bad after drinking a couple of cups of Egyptian tea, just don't be surprised if the tone of your usual personal smell changes a little. But yellow Egyptian tea perfectly quenches thirst, which also makes it indispensable in the conditions of the Egyptian heat. And, interestingly, even modern medicine has not yet been able to find medicinal analogues for it that have equally strong and at the same time safe expectorant properties. In general, there is no reason not to taste the helba at the first opportunity, but at the same time bring it as a gift to loved ones or ask for such a useful and tasty gift for those who go to Egypt. The ancient Greek athletes, who valued the helba for the ability to strengthen the body and spirit, and the European monarchs, who treated all diseases with the help of fenugreek, up to baldness, could not be wrong! So drink yellow Egyptian tea and you will be happy and healthy!

In the world, in addition to black, green and red tea, many other exotic varieties are brewed and drunk with pleasure. One of the most extravagant is the yellow type of tea from Egypt. It produces an unusual in appearance, original in taste and a healthy drink. What are its benefits and harms?

What is yellow tea from Egypt

Inhabitants of Europe out of habit call the dried upper leaves of the tea bush tea. The Egyptian variety of tea leaves is unique in that it uses the seeds of a plant from the legume family - hay fenugreek. It is also referred to as:

  • helba (or hilba);
  • abish;
  • methi;
  • camel grass;
  • chaman;
  • goat shamrock Greek;
  • fenugreek;
  • blue clover;
  • fenugreek;
  • "cocked hat".

The properties of fenugreek beneficial to humans have been known since time immemorial. They were studied by ancient Chinese healers, and various parts of the plant were used in their medical practice by Avicenna and Hippocrates.

Growth zones and appearance

Mass planting and cultivation of "camel grass" is carried out not only in Egypt and Asian countries (China, India). The conditions of the Central European and South American climate are also suitable for this unpretentious plant.

Abish stems reach 70 cm in height. During the ripening period, the grass releases long pods (about 100 mm), inside which are seeds (beans). Both inflorescences and fruits, as well as the grassy part (leaves and stem) have a characteristic aroma.


The value of medicinal herbs and nutritional supplements is determined by the content of useful substances in them. Fenugreek fruits are rich in:

  • rare macro- and microelements (zinc, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • flavonoids (rutin), which improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • carotenoids responsible for the supply of oxygen and moisture to all cells;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids (lysine, etc.);
  • phytosterol, which activates the defense system;
  • a vegetable substitute for the hormone progesterone (the main "fuel" for the female ovaries);
  • polysaccharides responsible for the elimination of toxins and the normal functioning of cells.

It is important to know. Exposure to high temperature during brewing does not reduce the value of Egyptian tea. Useful substances pass from the fruit into the water and dissolve in it.

For those who follow the figure

1 serving (teaspoon) of seeds contains only 12 kcal. Shambhala is rich:

  • vegetable proteins (23%);
  • simple carbohydrates (28.4%);
  • fiber (10%).

There is very little fat in fenugreek grains (3.4%). Therefore, Egyptian tea can be consumed 2-5 cups a day without fear of losing your figure.

What is the use of helba

The fruits of the goat shamrock have truly magical qualities:

  • contribute to increased sputum production in diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • "extinguish" the focus of inflammation;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • act as an antipyretic;
  • eliminate the feeling of "ache" in the muscles of the body;
  • help to strengthen the immune system;
  • protect the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach from spicy and coarse food;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas;
  • activate metabolic processes in the stomach and liver;
  • fight against pathogenic microorganisms that enter the digestive tract;
  • heal ulcers, wounds, cracks on the walls of the intestinal tract;
  • normalize the hormonal balance in the body (this is important for women);
  • eliminate the negative symptoms of menopause;
  • remove pain during menstruation, help to make the cycle regular;
  • improve the formation of breast milk (useful during the period of feeding a child);
  • in men - increase potency, stimulate sexual activity;
  • have a slight diuretic effect;
  • with regular use - "break" stones in the kidneys and liver, bring their remnants out with urine;
  • increase concentration, relieve fatigue.

Did you know that abish tea brewed with dates is an excellent remedy for anemia. The fruits of camel grass in milk help with male impotence. The addition of stevia will make fenugreek drink a delicious cure for joint diseases, arthritis, etc.).

How it is used, including in cosmetology

Various parts of the helba (stems, leaves, inflorescences, beans) are used as:

  • food additive;
  • fodder crop for large livestock;
  • medicinal product.

Food supplement

Abish seeds are part of multi-component spices, such as suneli hops. Due to the high content of proteins and fast digestibility in the body, as well as the prevention of gas formation in the intestines, chaman beans are advised to beginner vegetarians and vegans.

Delicious medicine with beneficial properties

  • diabetes;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • impotence;
  • various dysfunctions of female reproductive organs;
  • menopause;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • tuberculosis;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • neurasthenia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • depressive state.

Good to know. Helba has a unique property to lower cholesterol and remove it from the blood. This prevents the formation of blood clots and blockage of blood vessels. In addition, a drink brewed from camel grass improves metabolism.

Panacea for the skin

Fenugreek is also actively used in dermatology. Almost all skin diseases (rashes, dermatitis, eczema) indicate malfunctions in the gallbladder and liver. This tea heals "from the inside", restoring the functions of the most important internal organs. As a result, the skin condition becomes much better.

Gruel from raw grated helba beans is one of the best wound healing remedies.

Beauty in Egyptian

Used abisha beans left after brewing tea will be useful for cosmetic face and body care. From the fruits, mashed into a puree, you get an excellent hair mask with a strengthening and nourishing effect.

The semi-liquid slurry obtained from the beans remaining after making tea will become the basis for the “Nefertiti mask”. The skin is transformed, it becomes fresher, firmer and toned. You can add a couple of drops of any essential oil.

The resulting mixture is applied in an even layer on the cleansed face for 8-10 minutes, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. After the allotted time, gently rinse with warm water, and then blot the skin with a towel and apply a light nourishing cream.

How to brew yellow tea

Our compatriots are accustomed to the standard way of brewing tea: pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Proper preparation of chaman is a real ritual:

  • the fruits are thoroughly washed under running cold water, dried on a towel or parchment for 2-3 days, periodically turning from one side to the other;
  • completely dried beans, like coffee beans, are lightly fried in a hot pan (without adding oil), until a light brown hue appears;
  • roasted seeds are crushed (with a pestle in a mortar or coffee grinder);
  • the resulting "brewing" is poured into a container with purified cold water (or cow's milk) and put on a slow fire (approximately 1 teaspoon of tea per 200 ml of liquid);
  • the mixture should boil for up to 10 minutes over low heat, after which it can be poured into cups and enjoyed.

This is interesting. Properly cooked shamballa has a unique taste, with hints of nuts, chocolate and vanilla. Although those who try hilba for the first time, its taste often seems strange. Instead of traditional granulated sugar or refined sugar, it is better to use bee honey. If the tea is made with water, you can add a slice of lemon, a pinch of cinnamon or finely grated ginger on the tip of a spoon to the cup.

Contraindications and harm to the body

A remedy that for one person is a panacea for ailments, for another becomes a poison. "Cocked hat" can cause harm:

  • pregnant women (because of the risk of causing bleeding and premature birth);
  • women during menstruation.

Sweet clover blue should be used with great care:

  • insulin dependent patients;
  • people who use anticoagulants and hormonal drugs.

It is best to discuss the dosage of tea with your doctor.

Interesting fact. Regular and prolonged use of blue sweet clover tea leads to the fact that the whole body begins to “smell”, and sweating is noticeably reduced. The smell is generally pleasant, with a slight bitterness and a hint of walnuts. Most Egyptians smell the same way.

Egypt is a country of pyramids, scorching sun and yellow tea. This delicious tea is very popular among the Egyptians, some of them cannot even imagine a day without a cup of this drink. What is this tea? What is it brewed from? How to prepare Helba tea, what useful properties does it have? Can he do harm?

What is helba

Helba is an annual plant native to Tibet. The plant is also called fungerek, shambhala, fenugreek. It is grown in Iran, Egypt and other eastern countries. The plant belongs to legumes, its stem is rounded, up to 70 centimeters high. Shamballa blooms with multiple and single flowers of predominantly yellow color, rarely, but there are flowers of purple or blue hue. The fruits are similar to beans, have an elongated spout and a cylindrical shape. It is in the seeds that all the useful properties of the plant lie.

The fruits are fragrant, the smell resembles a nutty aroma. Seeds are actively used for making tea, for medicinal purposes, and in cooking. Let's talk about the healing properties of Helba.

Healing properties of Helba tea

Helba tea has healing properties, helps in the treatment of various diseases.

  • Helps in the treatment of diabetes. The substances that make up the plant help reduce blood glucose levels.
  • Restores the work of the digestive tract. One cup of Shambhala infusion protects the gastric mucosa from spicy food and alcohol. Regular consumption of fenugreek tea relieves stomach ulcers, helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach.
  • It treats infections of the genitourinary system, removes sand from the kidneys, relieves inflammation of the bladder.
  • Recommended in the treatment of female diseases. The plant contains substances comparable to female hormones. The use of tea restores the hormonal background, treats infertility, improves the condition during menopause.
  • With colds, Helba tea lowers the temperature, removes sputum. Drinking tea at the first sign of the disease helps to quickly get rid of them.
  • Fenugreek contains substances that lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Effective for hypertension.
  • In the postoperative period, the drink will help restore strength, improve appetite.
  • For men, a decoction of fenugreek will help restore male power.
  • Drink a drink to increase efficiency, relieve fatigue, get rid of depression, stress, improve concentration.

What the research says

Scientists around the world are studying Helba. The American Cancer Center has proven that fenugreek has hypoglycemic, hypolipid, hypocholesterol activity. The European Scientific Society also conducted in-depth scientific research, after which it included fenugreek in the list of herbs that are useful for lowering cholesterol and treating diabetes. This plant helps to reduce the level of free radicals, lipid oxidation.

The German Commission (similar to the American FDA) approved the use of fenugreek for medical purposes to dissolve mucus, improve blood circulation. If we turn to the ancient healers, even Avicenna wrote that helba will help calm asthma and cough if boiled with honey.

For intestinal ulcers, the herb is useful if boiled with apple cider vinegar, and a decoction in water will help get rid of diarrhea. Helba oil is effective for stomach tumors. When cooking oil with honey, you can get a remedy that will remove toxins from the rectum, increase urine output. Useful remedy for hemorrhoids.

The chemical composition of fenugreek

Fenugreek contains a huge amount of chemical elements, nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

  • routine;
  • phosphorus;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • steroidal saponins;
  • coumarin;
  • bitter substances;
  • magnesium;
  • arsenic;
  • zinc;
  • starch;
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • vitamins C,A, B2, B9, B1.

This is not the whole list of chemical elements.

Helba tea contraindications

  • In the first months of pregnancy, yellow tea is contraindicated.
  • It is not recommended to drink a drink from this plant with hyperplasia, endometriosis and myoma.
  • Abuse of tea can cause an allergic reaction, provoke an upset stomach.

How to make tea

How to brew helba? The drink can be prepared like regular tea, but do not forget that this is an unusual drink. It does not consist of leaves, but of beans, it is not enough to brew it with boiling water. Beans can't open up that quickly. Therefore, to get a healthy drink, fenugreek is boiled.

  1. Beans must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Dry beans need to be fried in a pan, chopped.
  3. Pour 1 cup of water into a container, add a teaspoon of beans.
  4. Put the container on the fire, cook for ten minutes.
  5. Strain, let cool.

How to drink yellow tea

Egyptian tea has amazing properties, it is very different from other teas. When hot, such a drink warms, and when cold, it perfectly quenches thirst. To discover a new taste for yourself, just throw a few dates into the brewed tea.

Add ginger, honey, cinnamon to taste. The drink is very aromatic. The taste of tea is interesting, some compare it with the taste of cheese, mushrooms, others with the taste of spices. Water can be replaced with milk, helba tea with milk is an ancient Egyptian way of making a drink.

Yellow tea recipes

Helba yellow tea has many useful properties, how to brew it so that it is beneficial in the treatment of various diseases?

For bowel cleansing

Mix 200 ml of pure water with 2 teaspoons of ground beans. For five minutes, the container with the mixture must be held on low heat. You can pour boiling water over the beans overnight, leave overnight to infuse. Drink this tea, adding figs or honey, before eating.

For the treatment of angina

Pour 500 ml of boiling water into the ladle, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of fenugreek. Set the fire to minimum, cook the mixture for half an hour. Strain the decoction after 15 minutes. The resulting decoction should be used for gargling. Inflammation is removed after a few procedures.

For the kidneys

How to make tea for the treatment of kidneys? 5 st. tablespoons of crushed seeds must be poured into a saucepan, add 200 ml of water, 2-3 dates. Boil the mixture for seven minutes. Strain tea, take 300 ml per day in three doses. Regular consumption of the drink will crush small kidney stones, clean them of sand.

For bronchitis

It is necessary to prepare an infusion. To do this, take the following plants:

Fenugreek - 1 teaspoon

Fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon

Elderberry - 1 teaspoon

Violet tricolor - 2 teaspoons

Linden blossom - 2 teaspoons

All herbs are mixed, for 200 ml of water you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of phytocollection. The mixture should be infused for two hours, then it must be boiled for five minutes. The resulting drink should be drunk all day. Drink tea should be warm. It is believed that the use of yellow tea, along with other medicinal herbs, will help cure even chronic bronchitis.

For the treatment of women

Regular use of fenugreek seed infusion helps to normalize hormonal levels, relieve pain symptoms during menstruation, and restore the cycle. Tea has an amazing effect on the body of lactating women. Helba enhances lactation. To increase the amount of milk, you need to prepare an infusion. In the container you need to pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fenugreek fruits, pour a glass of water, boil for about ten minutes. After straining, you need to add 30 ml of milk. Ready tea is recommended to drink three glasses a day.

A decoction of fenugreek can be used for douching. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of beans with a glass of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 20 minutes. A course of douching will help restore the microflora of the vagina.

Helba in cosmetology

Hair masks:

  1. From the fruits of the plant, you can prepare a hair mask. Fenugreek fruits need to be crushed, add water until a thick mixture is obtained. The mask should be applied to the hair roots, it should accelerate hair growth, strengthen them.
  2. For hair, you can prepare a mask with olive oil. Mix crushed fenugreek fruits with olive oil, add black ground pepper. Massage the resulting mixture into the skin under the hair. Then you need to wrap your head, after half an hour wash your hair. The mask will strengthen the hair and get rid of dandruff.

Hair conditioner. You can rinse your hair with a decoction of fenugreek.

Face lotion. Washing with infusion will help prevent skin aging.

Mask for the face. 1 teaspoon of ground shamballa fruits must be mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. The mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes. This is a great way to remove acne, cleanse the skin.
