
Pp cheesecake in a slow cooker. Strawberry cheesecake in a slow cooker

Cheesecake is a very popular dessert in the US and Europe. Recently, cheesecake has become very popular in Russia. Banana and raspberry cheesecake is quite easy to prepare, the main thing is to follow the recipe exactly.

Banana and raspberry cheesecake

The cheesecake turns out very tasty, tender, and fragrant. Notes of banana and excellent raspberry complement its taste. Hope you enjoy the cheesecake.


  • Cookies "Jubilee" - 380 grams
  • Butter - 140 grams
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Banana - 1 piece
  • Raspberries - 30 grams
  • Cottage cheese - 240 grams
  • Sour cream - 50 grams
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1 pinch


  1. You can use any dry biscuits to make cheesecake. I would advise using Jubilee cookies. It is inexpensive and the cheesecake with it is much tastier than with other cookies. We need to crush the cookies into small crumbs. The easiest way to do this is with a regular rolling pin.
  2. We need to melt the butter in the microwave. In some recipes, butter can be replaced with margarine. But in this recipe, it is strictly forbidden to do this.
  3. Next, mix cookies and butter. We knead the dough. If the dough is very dry, then the amount of oil will have to be increased.
  4. Then take a piece of parchment paper and put the dough on it. The dough needs to be shaped like a circle. Then we form deep sides.
  5. Now prepare the cheesecake filling. To do this, using a blender, grind banana, raspberries, cottage cheese, sour cream, chicken egg, sugar and vanillin.
  6. Put the dough together with parchment paper in a slow cooker and fill it with filling. On the slow cooker, set the "Baking" mode for 55 minutes. When the cheesecake is baked, then cool it right in the slow cooker.
  7. We take out the cheesecake by the edges of the parchment paper.

Cottage cheese cake with banana in a slow cooker

We bring to your attention an elementary and incredibly fragrant banana dessert. This recipe is designed for the Polaris slow cooker, but it can be prepared in any other. True, you already have to choose the cooking time yourself.


  • 200 g shortbread cookies (such as "Jubilee", can be replaced with oatmeal);
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 200 g sour cream (preferably fatter, but at your discretion);
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 3 bananas;
  • tbsp lemon juice.


  1. Cookies need to be crushed. If you have a blender, this problem is solved in a matter of minutes. In the absence of this unit, you can use a pusher, meat grinder or culinary hammer. In the latter case, the cookies must first be placed in a bag.
  2. Mix crumbs with melted butter. Put the resulting “dough” into a mold or a multicooker bowl covered with paper, leveling and carefully pressing it down with your hands from above so that the cake is monolithic.
  3. Combine cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs, sugar. Puree bananas and lemon juice with a blender / meat grinder, add it to the rest of the ingredients, mix vigorously. Spread the curd mass on the cake.
  4. Close the multicooker and cook the banana cheesecake in the Polaris multicooker for 70 minutes on the "baking" mode. If you have a Redmond or other slow cooker, the cottage cheese pie may bake less or longer.
  5. Cool the Banana Cheesecake right in the bowl.

Now you can get it and treat the household!

Cottage cheese cranberry cheesecake

Cranberries will make the cake even more healthy and rich in vitamins! This cheesecake is perfect for kids parties. The recipe was created for the Redmond multicooker.


  • 300 g shortbread cookies;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 300 g of cottage cheese;
  • 300 g sour cream;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 100 g cranberries;
  • 1 orange.


  1. Grind the cookies, combine with melted butter, place in a mold (as in the previous recipe).
  2. Mix cottage cheese, 150 g of sugar, eggs, sour cream, orange zest, beat with a mixer or blender. Put the mass on the cake.
  3. Set the multicooker to the "baking" mode. In the Redmond slow cooker, the cheesecake is baked for 50 minutes. In others (for example, "Polaris") - perhaps more.
  4. While the cheesecake is cooling, make the cranberry topping. Mash the cranberries with a crush, combine with the juice squeezed from the orange and sugar. Let's cook on medium heat. When this sweet sauce thickens (after 5-7 minutes), it is ready.
  5. Cool the resulting mass and pour over the cheesecake. Let's put the dessert in the fridge.

This recipe requires a fairly long standing cake. Ideally, it should be left overnight.

Diet curd cheesecake

If you follow the figure, then you often have to think about the calorie content of desserts. With a recipe for a diet cheesecake on hand, you can treat yourself to something tasty even with a limited diet.


  • 300 g of cereal low-calorie cookies;
  • 500 g fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch;
  • 1 egg;
  • 350 g fat-free yogurt;
  • 60 g apple juice without sugar;
  • 4 tbsp sugar;
  • 1 tbsp vanilla sugar;
  • lemon zest to taste.


  1. From the crushed cookies and juice, we will prepare the “dough”, put it in a mold. Combine all the other ingredients, mix well, pour on the cake.
  2. We will cook in the “baking” mode for 65 minutes. This recipe for cottage cheese cheesecake is designed for cooking in a Redmond slow cooker.
  3. Let the cake cool and serve. If necessary, you can use a substitute for sugar (for example, stevia) instead of sugar.

Airy, fragrant, seductive cheesecake is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. However, not all housewives decide to cook this amazing dessert at home. There are at least two reasons for this. The Philadelphia cheese needed to make this wonderful dish is not cheap and can not be found in every store.

And the lack of time does not allow a modern woman to guard at the oven in order not to let the cake burn. Both of these problems can be brilliantly solved in one fell swoop if you cook cottage cheese cheesecake in a slow cooker.

Cottage cheese can hardly be called a hard-to-reach or expensive product. And trusting the manufacture of dessert to a slow cooker, you get at your disposal a free hour of time. You just have to decorate the cake and serve it to the table.

The benefits of cheesecake with cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Curd cheesecake cooked in a slow cooker has a number of advantages over a similar pie baked in the oven:

  • eliminates the possibility of burning;
  • the surface remains smooth and soft, it does not form a tanned crust that can spoil the impression of the dessert and reduce the usefulness of the cottage cheese;
  • the cake is baked without the participation of the hostess in the process.

In addition, cottage cheese cheesecake is incredibly healthy. Just one portion of it can significantly enrich the body with calcium, important amino acids, and vitamins. This cake can be a successful step towards a truce between your child and cottage cheese.

Not all tomboys respect this incredibly useful product. But if you cook in a slow cooker, for example, cottage cheese and banana cheesecake according to an interesting recipe, then your picky child is unlikely to refuse to eat a serving. And then how to get excited!

General features of cooking cheesecakes in a slow cooker

Whatever recipe you choose for cottage cheese cheesecake in a slow cooker, there are some features inherent in this cooking method:

  • The multicooker bowl must be lined with oiled parchment or use a mold, otherwise it will be incredibly difficult for you to remove the cake;
  • Take the cheesecake out at least an hour after it's completely baked (ideally leave it in the slow cooker until it's completely cool). This tactic is needed so that the cake does not fall off, as well as for uniform cooling, due to which the dessert will be much tastier.

That's all wisdom. Now it remains to choose the right recipe and create!

Cottage cheese cake is a great dish, suitable for both everyday and festive tables. Especially it will appeal to people who lead the right way of life, because it does not contain anything harmful. Prepare for health!

The recipe for making cheesecake in the VITEK VT-4215 BW multicooker is in the following video clip:

What kind of cheesecake I baked in a slow cooker ... It's easy to go crazy. If not for one "but": the sand base tightly stuck to the bottom and walls of the bowl. True, none of my family was upset - they armed themselves with shovels and scraped everything to the last crumb. But for obvious reasons, this situation did not suit me. So a couple of days later I baked a cheesecake in a slow cooker in a new way - this time laying out the bowl with baking paper. I had to remember a little the skills of cutting and folding from labor lessons in elementary school.


We use a classic set of ingredients for cheesecake in a slow cooker.

  • 1 pack of biscuits (120 g)
  • 80 g butter

Cheese part:

  • 600 g cream cheese
  • 200 g sugar
  • 10 g starch or 20 g flour
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 yolks
  • 80 g heavy cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Note: As for cream cheese, ideally take Philadelphia. But it is quite expensive and not sold everywhere. I decided to try the democratically priced and widespread Almette cheese. I confirm that the finished cheesecake tastes indistinguishable from the classic version.

How to cook cheesecake in a slow cooker

So let's start with the paper first. I outlined a circle, made two cuts on each side of the sheet.

Now the paper no longer bulges in waves, but folds more or less smoothly. We bend the edges so that we get a kind of paper form. I agree, I'm still far from ideal. But for now, my intermediate goal is to get the cheesecake out of the multicooker safe and sound.

Uff. The hardest part is behind us. Now let's do the easy and simple - the actual preparation of the cheesecake.

The cookies need to be crushed. Some do it in a combine. For lack of it, I just rub the cookies on a fine grater.

Melt the butter, pour into the sand crumbs and mix.

It turns out a substance similar to wet sand. We pour it into the multicooker bowl, already covered with baking paper.

Now let's play a little American confectioners. We take a glass and begin to tamp the crumbs. Please note that in the process there is an additional moistening of the sand base. It is pressed into a dense solid base.

Here is such a flat and smooth surface as a result. Let's move on to the preparation of the cheese part of our cheesecake. With her, everything is extremely simple. Remember the main rule: you do not need to whip anything! Classic cheesecake has a dense creamy-cheese structure. Excess air bubbles will only spoil the matter - they usually cause cheesecakes to crack during baking. In general, we arm ourselves with a spoon and proceed.

Take the cream cheese out of the package. Add sugar, starch, salt and zest. We mix. It turns out a nice slightly oily mass.

But there is no limit to perfection. Add lemon juice and cream. Now the main thing is not to let anyone try. Otherwise, the matter may not reach the cheesecake.

Pour the cheese cream into the multicooker bowl. Smooth the surface with a spoon.

We close the lid. We put on the "Baking" mode. We bake 1 hour 20 minutes. I definitely want to discuss that in different brands of multicookers this time may be less or more - it all depends on the settings of the programs. In my slow cooker, the duration of the Baking program is limited to 65 minutes, so after the signal, I put the cheesecake to bake for another 15 minutes.

There is a very easy way to check if it's time to take the cheesecake out of the slow cooker. Open the lid and shake the saucepan a little. If the edges of the cheesecake are already dense, and the middle is still slightly trembling, then this means that it is baked exactly as it should. The cake will reach the desired condition in the refrigerator.

Well, the final touch. We send the cooled cheesecake to the refrigerator for 5-8 hours. Thanks to our baking paper construction, it was very easy to take the cheesecake out of the slow cooker.

This is how he turned out. Cheese-cheesy. Decorating a cheesecake is also very easy. 6 small strawberries and a handful of almond petals were enough for me.

Last note. About the thickener. I tried both options: the first time I baked a cheesecake with flour, the second with starch. There is a difference in taste. The one with flour is completely indistinguishable in texture from those cheesecakes served in chain cafes. The starch version is more tender.

Making a cheesecake in a slow cooker will not be difficult, because with the help of a “smart device” you can create almost any culinary masterpiece without spending a lot of time and effort. The cooking instructions are somewhat different from where there is always a water bath and baking in the oven, but the result is an equally delicious dessert.

The delicacy is quite high-calorie (250-350 kcal per 100 g), so it should be consumed with caution. Consider how to cook a cheesecake in a slow cooker in several ways step by step and with a photo.

Before studying the recipes for cheesecake in a slow cooker, pay attention to these tips that will help you make the dish as correctly as possible:

  • Choose cottage cheese with a loose consistency so that it is not watery, then the surface of the product will not crack during baking;
  • Tamp the base well so that the finished dessert does not fall apart;
  • All products must be at room temperature;
  • You can remove the cooked food from the multicooker bowl using two wide strips of parchment, which are placed crosswise on the bottom, and hang freely at the ends. We spread the base on top of the paper, and after the cooking process is completed, we remove the dish from the bowl, holding on to the ends of the parchment.

The classic recipe for cheesecake in a slow cooker

The original version provides for the use of Philadelphia cream cheese, but it can be replaced with a similar amount of cottage cheese.

List of components:

For the base:

  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Shortbread cookies - 150 g.

For cream:

  • Powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • Cottage cheese - half a kilogram;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • Lemon;
  • Fatty sour cream - 80 ml;
  • 3 eggs.

Making a classic Cheesecake on your own:

  1. We start from the basics. Grind the cookies in a blender until fine crumbs, add the melted butter and knead well;
  2. Pour the mixture into a multi-cooker pot and pack tightly. We activate the program "Baking" for 20 minutes and bake a sand cake;
  3. We make cream. We twist the curd mass in a blender in parts until soft;
  4. In a wide deep bowl, together with the cottage cheese, mix the powder and vanilla, add. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency;
  5. Remove the zest from the washed and dried lemon with a fine grater. Squeeze fresh juice from half of the pulp. Add everything to the curd mixture and mix thoroughly;
  6. We crack the eggs one at a time, stirring the mass after each of them;
  7. We put sour cream and knead well again;
  8. Pour the cream over the sand cake and level the surface with a spatula;
  9. We close the lid of the "smart gadget" and start the "Baking" mode for an hour. After this time, leave the cake to cool by opening the lid;
  10. We take out the dessert and send it to the refrigerator for 5 hours.

When serving, cut the dish into portioned pieces and decorate with your favorite fruits, berries or nuts.

Cheesecake with bananas in a slow cooker

This simple recipe will help you prepare an incredibly tender and fragrant cake.

For 9 servings you will need:

  • Oatmeal or shortbread cookies - 250 g;
  • Cottage cheese - half a kilo;
  • Softened butter - 100 g;
  • Eggs and bananas - 3 each;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • Half a cup of sour cream.

Making a diet banana cheesecake at home:

  1. We crush the cookies to the state of crumbs and combine with melted butter;
  2. Add cottage cheese and sour cream to the blender, beat in eggs, add sugar. Whisk the above ingredients together;
  3. We put the sliced ​​​​banana and turn on the whipping again, either until smooth, or so that the pieces of fruit are felt in the dessert;
  4. We coat the multicooker bowl with oil, first spread the crumbs and tamp tightly, then pour the curd-banana mixture on top;
  5. We turn on the "Baking" mode for 50 minutes, after which we activate the "Heating" program for another half an hour.

Serve a treat, decorating with banana slices or pouring melted chocolate.

Cheesecake recipe with mascarpone for a slow cooker

Such a dessert resembles a cottage cheese casserole or soufflé in consistency. You can cook with cheese that is suitable as a substitute.

For 8 servings you will need:

  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Powdered sugar - 140 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Shortbread cookies - 200 g;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Mascarpone cheese - 500 g;
  • Vanilla in pods - 1 pc.

How to make cheesecake with mascarpone in a slow cooker:

  1. The initial scheme of actions is similar to the previous recipes;
  2. We put the finished mass for the base tightly into the bowl and form a cake with sides;
  3. Mix powder and cheese with a whisk until a thick consistency is formed. Without stopping the mixing process, gradually pour the cream in several approaches;
  4. Add vanilla seeds to the filling and beat in the eggs. Do not forget to mix everything thoroughly again;
  5. Pour the sweet cheese cream on top of the cake and level;
  6. We turn on the device for "Baking". The total time is 80 minutes. For some devices, the cycle lasts only an hour, so you will need to run the program again for 20 minutes.

Cool the finished dish right in the bowl, then remove and place in the cold. Garnish with strawberries and mint leaves before serving.

Japanese cheesecake

It is also called Japanese cotton due to its thin fabric appearance. It is better to bake this kind of famous pie in a “smart gadget”. In the oven, it turns out to be drier and does not rise well.

Food list for 4 servings:

  • A glass of milk;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese - a pack weighing 250 g;
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • Flour - 2 large spoons with a slide;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • Corn starch - a large spoon with a slide;
  • Half a glass of sugar;
  • Vanilla extract - a teaspoon.

Cooking Japanese cheesecake in a slow cooker in stages:

  1. We spread the cottage cheese, sour cream and softened butter in a large volumetric dish. Gently but thoroughly mix the ingredients with a whisk;
  2. Break the eggs separately and separate the yolks and whites. Add the yolks one by one to the container with the curd base, without ceasing to stir intensively;
  3. Sift through a sieve directly into the dishes starch and flour. Beat with a whisk until all the flour is mixed;
  4. In several approaches, pour milk in a thin stream, without stopping the mixing of the dough;
  5. Add vanilla extract, knead the dough again until it becomes liquid, similar to thin sour cream;
  6. We pass the mixture through a sieve with a fine sieve to avoid the formation of lumps and achieve a uniform cake structure. You can do this procedure twice, breaking the curd leftovers with a spatula;
  7. Separately, beat the whites to stable peaks using a mixer with whisk attachments, gradually adding the specified amount of sugar;
  8. Gently mix the proteins in small portions to the dough until it becomes uniform and smooth;
  9. We coat the inner surface of the multi-pan with margarine and fill it with dough;
  10. The baking process consists of the "Steam cooking" program (10 minutes) and the "Heating" mode (50 minutes). This cycle must be repeated twice with a total time of 2 hours. During cooking, the appliance must not be moved, opened or knocked on or near it, otherwise the dough will settle.

The cooling of the product takes place in two stages: first, open the lid and wait 10-15 minutes, then take out the bowl with pastries and put it on the table so that it cools to room temperature. After that, you can remove the cake and serve it to the table, decorating the top with honey or jam.

Video: Cheesecake recipe in a slow cooker

Let's begin with Cheesecake in a slow cooker is much easier to prepare than in the oven. No need to monitor the temperature, worry that the dessert will burn or crack when cooling. A smart machine will provide the ideal conditions for the perfect cheesecake.

cheesecake- the famous American dessert, which has gained worldwide popularity. Today, a cheese-based dessert is served in every corner of the globe. Despite the fact that cheesecake is considered America's national delicacy, the dish has European roots. With a high probability, Lviv cheesecake can be considered a distant relative of cheesecake. The merit of the Americans is that instead of cottage cheese, they began to use smoother and fatter cream cheese, made on the basis of cream, for making cheesecake.

Cheesecake is a pie with a thin shortcrust base and a thick layer of curd filling. Cheesecake is prepared hot or cold. A no-bake dessert is a mousse based on curd mass or cream cheese. Cold cheesecake keeps its shape with the help of gelatin.

Make a delicious and beautiful cheesecake in a slow cooker it’s not difficult if you know how to cook a dessert correctly, taking into account the secrets and subtleties. We have selected the best recipes, where we have described the main points step by step.

Photo #1. Recipe for a classic cottage cheese cheesecake in a slow cooker

If you want to cook classic cheesecake, you have to look for the right cheese. The original uses Philadelphia cheese. You can make a dessert from cottage cheese, sour cream, mascarpone, but it will no longer be a cheesecake in the classical sense. If Philadelphia isn't available, or if it's not on your budget, then settle for homemade BonCream cream cheese. Creamy Hochland or Almette will also work.

So, cottage cheese cheesecake - a recipe. Ingredients for the recipe:

  • shortbread 400
  • Philadelphia cottage cheese 600
  • butter 200 g
  • powdered sugar 1 cup
  • eggs 4 pcs.
  • cream 33% 150 ml.
  • lemon peel 1 teaspoon

How to cook cheesecake in a slow cooker from cottage cheese:

  1. Remove all ingredients from the refrigerator 30-45 minutes before cooking to bring them to room temperature.
  2. . Crush the cookies in a food processor, blender, or place in a plastic bag and crush the cookies with a mallet or rolling pin. Mix sand crumbs with softened butter.
  3. Cut baking paper stripes 3-5 centimeters. Lay the strips on the bottom of the multicooker bowl crosswise. The length of the strips should be such that after laying out the base and filling, the ends of the paper are 5 centimeters higher than the cake. This is necessary for to get the finished cheesecake out of the multicooker without damage. Turning the cheesecake onto the steaming tray, as is done when removing the biscuit, is not possible without damaging the top.
  4. Put the crumbs on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, level and tamp with the bottom of an ordinary glass. Can be formed side 3-4 centimeters high.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine cheese and powdered sugar. Stir the mass with a whisk or blender at minimum speed. Add eggs one at a time, then cream. Lastly, add the lemon zest.
  6. Pour the cheese mass over the sand base. Smooth out. Close the lid, set the "Baking" mode, temperature – 150°С, cooking time - 60 minutes. When the multicooker notifies you of readiness, do not open the lid, but continue cooking in the "Heating" mode for another half hour.
  7. Open the lid. Let the cheesecake cool completely. After that, carefully remove the dessert from the bucket, pulling out the parchment strips by the ends. Place the cheesecake on a serving platter and refrigerate overnight.

Submission method: Serve the finished cheesecake with a cup of fragrant morning coffee or tea. Drizzle with jam, if desired., chocolate, topping, garnish with mint leaves or fresh fruit.

Photo #2. Banana cheesecake recipe at home in a slow cooker

Main benefits of banana cheesecake- delicate texture, pleasant taste, low calorie content. The cake keeps its shape very well. If desired, dessert can be made without cookies, it will be completely dietary.

Ingredients for Banana Cheesecake Recipe:

  • shortbread or oatmeal cookies 250 g.
  • butter 100 g
  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • bananas 3 pcs.
  • sugar 1 cup

How to make Diet Banana Cheesecake:

  1. Crush the cookies into crumbs. Mix with soft butter.
  2. Beat cottage cheese with eggs, sour cream and sugar in a blender. Add the sliced ​​bananas and beat again until smooth, or until you can feel the banana pieces in the finished product.
  3. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. How to make the cheesecake easy to remove from the bucket is described in the previous recipe. Lay out the crumb and tamp it down, making a low rim. Pour in the banana-curd mixture.
  4. Cook in "Baking" mode 50 minutes and another 30 minutes in heating mode.

Submission method: Garnish the cheesecake with fresh banana slices and top with caramel sauce. To prepare it, mix cream with boiled condensed milk. You can decorate the dessert with melted chocolate or icing.

Chocolate cheesecake in a slow cooker

Photo #3. Recipe for chocolate - nutty cheesecake in a slow cooker with ginger

chocolate lovers Recipe for Chocolate Hazelnut Cheesecake. Unlike the desserts described in previous recipes, this cheesecake has textured pieces of nuts and ginger in the shortbread crust and in the very thickness of the curd soufflé, so it resembles a cake. Ginger gives the dessert a very unusual taste.

Ingredients for the recipe:

for the base:

  • cookies 250 g
  • cocoa 1 tbsp. spoon
  • walnut kernels 1 glass
  • butter 50 g.

For filling:

  • curd mass 500 g.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • powdered sugar 1 cup
  • cocoa 3 tbsp. spoons
  • walnut kernels 1/2 cup
  • cream 33% 1 cup
  • candied ginger 50 g.
  • starch 2 tbsp. spoons
  • flour 2 tbsp. spoons
  • dried ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon
  • cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon
  • grated nutmeg 1/2 piece

Recipe for making chocolate cheesecake in a slow cooker:

  1. Melt butter. In a food processor or blender, chop the cookies and nuts. Add melted butter and cocoa. Mix well again. Put the resulting crumb in a slow cooker, tamp.
  2. Finely chop the candied ginger. Chop nuts.
  3. Beat the curd mass with eggs and powdered sugar into a homogeneous mass. Add cocoa and chopped nuts. Next stir in the cream. Then add starch, flour and spices. At the very end, add candied ginger.
  4. Pour the filling over the base. Bake for 1 hour in the baking mode. Temperature - 170 ° С.
  5. Sprinkle the finished cheesecake with chopped nuts and grated chocolate. You can pour melted, in a water bath, chocolate and decorate with nuts.

Submission method: The cheesecake must be chilled before serving. A cheesecake that has stood in the refrigerator for 12 hours is tastier than one that has been infused for 4-6 hours. Therefore, be patient to enjoy the unsurpassed taste.

Photo #4. Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe in a slow cooker

If cheesecake is considered an American dish, the pumpkin cheesecake doubly American. The people of America inherited their love for pumpkin from the indigenous population. In October, on the eve of Halloween, pumpkin dishes are served everywhere. Pumpkin pies and cheesecakes are baked in every house, the spicy smell of which wafts through the neighborhood.

We advise even those who absolutely do not like pumpkin to cook pumpkin cheesecake in a slow cooker. In combination with spices and cottage cheese, pumpkin turns into an exquisite delicate delicacy, absolutely unlike pumpkin dishes in the traditional sense of the Russian people.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • cookies 250 g
  • butter 100 g
  • cottage cheese 500 g
  • sugar 1 cup
  • baked (boiled) pumpkin 250 g.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • cream 33% 1 cup
  • lemon 1/2 pc.
  • ginger 1/2 teaspoon
  • cinnamon 1 teaspoon
  • pinch of salt

Cooking method:

  1. Crush the cookies into crumbs. Melt butter. Mix with crumbs. Put the crumbs in the multicooker bowl, tamp.
  2. Beat pre-baked pumpkin, cottage cheese, eggs and sugar at medium speed until smooth. Add juice of 1/2 lemon, spices and salt. Lastly, pour in the cream. Stir again.
  3. Pour the filling onto the shortbread. Bake 1 hour in the baking mode. It is not recommended to open the lid all this time. After the signal, do not take out the cheesecake, but let it cool down quietly.

Submission method: Serve pumpkin cheesecake with whipped cream.

Video recipes for cheesecake in a Redmond slow cooker

Secrets of baking cheesecake at home

Cheesecake in a slow cooker- a delicate dessert with a weightless soufflé texture. Like any delicate thing, it requires attention, skill, knowledge of subtleties and secrets. We will reveal to you the chips of experienced chefs, how to cook cheesecake in a slow cooker, knowing that your cake will bake well, will not crack, will not break when removed from the mold, will reveal a rich taste and become a favorite dessert:

  • Cream cheese is used to make a classic cheesecake, not curd mass. Cream cheese is made from heavy cream, not milk, so the cheesecake is creamy and melts in your mouth. The original cheesecake is made from Philadelphia cheese.
  • To get the cheesecake out of the mold without any problems, use baking paper. The cake will not stick or break when removed.
  • cookie crumb connoisseurs recommend mixing with softened rather than melted butter. The base will be crumbly, not a greasy, oily, baked cake.
  • Beat curd mass for the filling you need a mixer or blender at low speeds. Intensive whipping enriches the filling with oxygen, which, in the case of cheesecake, causes cracks in the finished dish.
  • The cheesecake is baked at a temperature of 150-170°C for about 50-80 minutes. The top of the cheesecake should not burn. That is why desserts are best made in a slow cooker.
  • Special wisdom lies in the proper cooling of the cheesecake. After the cake is baked, do not rush to take it out. Leave the multicooker in the "Heating" mode. Then let the cheesecake cool to room temperature. Then refrigerate for 6-12 hours. Only after that the dish will reveal all its flavor charms.

1001 multicooker recipes

cheesecake in a multicooker

3 hours

309 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

A traditional dessert of American cuisine, consisting of a delicate curd soufflé, located on a solid base, entered European cuisine under the name of cheesecake or curd cake. It is cooked in an ordinary oven, but in order to save time, I use the help of a kitchen assistant - a slow cooker.

The popularity of this dessert is obvious. It is tasty, easy to prepare and very useful for the body because it contains calcium. Using a slow cooker will further simplify the cooking process, even a child can handle it.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: multicooker, blender, mixer.

Required products

For the base:

For the soufflé:

Features of product selection

When buying souffle cheese, pay attention to the following. Best fit non-acidic cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat content. As seasonings, you can use vanillin or vanilla sugar, cinnamon, lemon zest, etc. Do not use all spices at the same time. You should know the measure and always rely on personal taste preferences.

The history of the cheesecake

Now cottage cheese cheesecake is common in all countries and its recipe is used in Europe, America, the Middle East and Japan. The name itself came from America and, most likely, from European settlers who baked pies based on cream cheeses. Desserts have gained wide popularity, and at the same time a new homeland.

The mention of cottage cheese desserts comes from Greece. On the island of Samos in the VIII-VII century BC. e. Olympic athletes were honored with this delicacy. Julius Caesar loved this dish in ancient Rome.

It is obvious that all peoples used cottage cheese for making desserts. Therefore, as a result of the culinary evolutionary process, the cheesecake recipe crystallized, which we often use at home with the addition of cottage cheese.

How to cook cheesecake in a slow cooker at home

Consider how to cook cottage cheese cheesecake in a slow cooker and its recipe with a photo step by step:

All products to start making cheesecake at home should be heated to room temperature, so two hours before that, you should take them out of the refrigerator.

  1. We are preparing the base. Grind cookies with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Soft butter and egg are added to the crushed liver and knead the dough.
  3. Lubricate the multicooker form with butter. We spread the dough along the bottom, make "sides" of 2-3 cm.
  4. We are preparing the stuffing. Grind cottage cheese with a blender until a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Add powdered sugar, vanilla, salt.
  6. Add one egg at a time, mixing with a whisk.
  7. Then add sour cream and mix until smooth.
  8. Grate the lemon peel and add it to the curd mass. The amount of zest is determined from taste characteristics and personal experience. If you do not have experience, then it is better not to overdo it and put 1-2 tsp.
  9. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice from one half into the dough.
  10. Pour the dough onto the base and put in a slow cooker for 60 minutes in the “Baking” mode.

  11. After the end of the program, you need to hold the baked pie for an hour in a multicooker with a closed lid, then open the lid of the multicooker and leave the pie in it until it cools completely, for about 40 minutes.
  12. We take out the cottage cheese cheesecake from the slow cooker, decorate it and put it in the refrigerator to cool completely.

In order for the cheesecake to be conveniently removed from the multicooker, it is necessary to cover the container with baking paper. This does not necessarily cover the entire surface of the form. Two cross-shaped strips with long edges are enough.

How to decorate and serve a cheesecake

You can decorate the dessert in an original way with fresh berries or pieces of fruit. On top of them, you can pour fruit jelly.
Melted chocolate or cooked chocolate fondant will be useful for decoration in this composition.

To decorate a simple cheesecake in a slow cooker, you can use fondant. For this, three articles. l. cocoa powder mixed with three tbsp. l. sugar, add three tbsp. l. sour cream and put on a small fire. Bring the solution to a boil while stirring constantly. After cooling, use for decoration.

It is original and very tasty to use whipped cream for decoration. They can be laid out with a pastry syringe in the form of various patterns. Show your imagination, and together with the wonderful taste, the dessert will take on a presentable look.

If you decide to make a cheesecake, you should know that the classic version of the recipe uses Philadelphia cream cheese. It is very soft, so kneading the cheese mass is not worth much. This process can even be harmful, since the air saturation of the filling can lead to cracks in the cake.

Variations are possible for making homemade cheesecake in a slow cooker. Lemon can be substituted for banana. It gives a unique taste to the dish. Raspberries or peaches are also suitable.

Cheesecake. How to cook a delicious cheesecake in a slow cooker, cheesecake recipe, cheesecake. Cheesecake dough.
All products are taken at room temperature. Grind cookies in a blender, add 1 egg and soft butter. (It turned out the basis for the cheesecake). Mix cheese, powdered sugar, vanillin, cream, mix with a whisk or a fork (you can’t use a mixer, because the filling will be saturated with air, and then it will crack during baking). Gradually add 1 egg at a time and mix. Put 2 strips of baking paper in the multicooker pan, lay out the base on it, distribute it over the base and make sides 4-5 cm high. Pour the filling and set the “baking” program to bake for 1 hour, leave the ends of the baking paper outside the multicooker. At the end of the program, leave the finished cheesecake in the slow cooker for 1 hour with the lid closed, then open the lid slightly, leave for 40-50 minutes. Then open the lid completely and after 10 minutes. We take out the cheesecake from the slow cooker by lifting it by the strips of baking paper. Decorate with orange slices. If desired, you can pour the top of the jelly cheesecake. , strain, increase the liquid to a full glass, you can add juice, fruit drink or just water.). Pour the slightly cooled jelly with a teaspoon and put the cheesecake in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

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Video breakdown of recipes on the channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaeMtQbOYBQ


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Cheesecake Invitation

Bake a cottage cheese cheesecake and share your improvements and recipes for a pie made at home in a slow cooker. Leave feedback in the comments. Bon appetit.
