
Steamed fish cakes - recipes for lovers of a slim figure. Steamed fish cakes in a slow cooker: healthy food can be delicious

Sometimes you want to make something very tasty and at the same time useful for the whole family.

And when there is a small child in this family, it is not at all easy. Fish - this is just what you were looking for!

If you are cooking for the whole family, then it is preferable to take low-fat fish: cod, hake, pollock, oil, etc.

The very same type of steam cooking has also been known to the world for more than one millennium, and cutlets, whether fish or meat, are generally best cooked with steam. So they will retain the maximum saturation with vitamins and minerals that are needed to maintain health and give strength and vigor to our body, and even more so to the body of a child.

Not in vain, having bought a slow cooker and starting the first steps in the knowledge of this miracle machine, one of the first recipes is to cook cutlets in it. Since today everyone strives to eat healthy food and feed it to their children, steam cutlets have become an easy substitute for fried ones.

Steam fish cakes in a slow cooker do not have to be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs beforehand. Without any batter, they will be richer on their own.

In this recipe, we will tell you how to cook oily fish cutlets, which has practically no bones, so it will be ideal for cooking.


  • Butterfish - 300 grams
  • White loaf - 2 slices
  • Milk - 1/3 multi-cup
  • Onions - 0.5 onions
  • Eggs - 1 piece
  • Salt, spices to taste


Cut the fish into pieces.

Let's cut two pieces of bread.

We measure out the third part of the multi-glass and fill it with a loaf. Let's leave it like that for a while.

Put the fish, a loaf soaked in milk and finely chopped onion into the blender bowl. We mix everything for minced meat.

We beat the egg and mix with minced meat. We make cutlets.

Pour 2 multi-glasses of water into the multicooker bowl, and place a steaming container on top.

Lay the cutlets on it in one layer. Set the steam mode to 35 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Fish cutlets with fried onions

The recipe for fish cakes is different in that you can use the cheapest fish, the cutlets still turn out very tasty. For this reason, any fish, even herring, is suitable for cutlets. Fried onion, which is added to minced meat, gives a special taste and emphasizes the fishy smell.


  • Fish fillet - 0.8 kg
  • White bread - 3 slices (100-150 g)
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 2 pcs
  • Sugar - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Pepper
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Water - 2.5 l
  • Black allspice


First, prepare the minced meat: soak the bread in milk, pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder.
In the "Baking" mode, fry the finely chopped onion (after adding sunflower oil to the multicooker bowl)

Mix the onion fried until golden brown with minced meat, add eggs, soaked bread, sugar, pepper, salt.

We knead the minced meat, form cutlets and fry in the “Baking” mode on both sides. Then add the chopped onion, bay leaf, 2-3 peppercorns. Season with salt and water until the water almost covers the patties. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 1 hour.

Fish cutlets in a slow cooker are ready!

Time: 40 min.

Servings: 8-10

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Diet steam fish cutlets in a slow cooker

Fish cakes in those over 40 are often associated with culinary and canteens of the Soviet period. Today you can make homemade fish cakes in a slow cooker yourself in half an hour or an hour. And then.

In the 60-80s of the last century, the so-called fish day - Thursday - was practically legalized in the USSR. On this day of the week, all catering outlets were simply obliged to offer fish dishes to visitors.

Considering that for some reason only hake and pollock were available among the inhabitants of the seas and lakes, and even those were not supplied in the most attractive form, it was not easy to feed the population with something edible. Therefore, the recipes for preparing various minced fish products were just a lifesaver for catering workers.

Today, many different varieties of fish are sold in shops and markets. And to cook steamed fish cakes at home in a slow cooker, you can choose any of them. Fillets of many types of red fish are suitable for minced meat: salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon. But the most delicious cutlets are obtained from pike, pike perch or catfish.

Fish of noble breeds now at a price significantly exceeds the cost of meat, it is not advisable to use it for making meatballs. Therefore, if you want to cook delicious, but inexpensive fish, buy a simpler fish: pollock, haddock, cod. And if the fishermen brought you a pike, then use it.


Previously, the classic recipes for making fish meatballs or cutlets involved adding a small piece of twisted lard to the minced meat. Such an additive seriously improved the taste of the finished dish. True, this applies only to fried products from chopped fish. For some reason, this method of cooking minced meat is rarely used now.

Steamed fish cakes in a slow cooker can be safely classified as a dietary and low-calorie dish if you use low-fat varieties of fish. Indeed, in their manufacture, oil, fats or boiled rice are not used as an additive.

Step by step cooking recipe

Step 1

Soak slices of cooked white loaf in milk or water. Bread crusts must first be cut off.

Step 2

We clean and cut the onion as small as possible. Large pieces of onion in steamed minced meat products do not improve their taste. If you don't want to mess with chopping the onion, cut it into quarters and add it to the meat grinder while chopping the fish.

Step 3

Perhaps you are not in the mood to spend a little time and prepare your minced meat. Then take the "shop", you just need to defrost it. For homemade minced meat, fish fillets must be scrolled in a meat grinder 1 time, no more. If not laziness, just finely chop the fish with a knife, cutlets will only benefit from this.

Be sure to squeeze out excess water from the minced meat, especially if you are using store-bought minced meat or frozen fillets.

Step 4

In a bowl, mix the rolled fish, onion and crumbled breadcrumbs that we soaked in milk earlier. Before adding to minced meat, it must also be squeezed out of excess moisture. Crack an egg into the mixture, season with salt and pepper. Now the mass must be well kneaded so that it becomes homogeneous. If the mass turned out to be completely liquid, add 2 tablespoons of starch or semolina to it.

Step 5

With oiled hands, we form meatballs of the desired size from minced meat and place them in a steamer bowl or a grate from your multicooker. It is not necessary to roll the meatballs in flour or breadcrumbs.

Step 6

Pour 1 glass of water into the bowl of the miracle oven, place a container or grate with ready-made cutlets on top and turn on the slow cooker. If you want to add a spicy flavor to your meatballs, add a bay leaf and a few black peppercorns to the water. For the heat treatment of steamed fish dishes, the standard mode is selected: “steam cooking”.

If there is no such mode in the stove, then use the “rice / fish” mode (this is in multicookers-pressure cookers) or simply “quenching”. The time required for the fish to steam well is approximately 30 minutes. Ovens with a pressure cooker function will cope with the task in half the time.

Ready cutlets should be soft, light, with light transparent juice.

They are served with a potato or rice side dish, complemented with slices of fresh vegetables and herbs.

See another version of this dish in the video below:

Text: Evgenia Bagma

Steamed fish cakes are a healthy and dietary dish with a delicate taste. Such cutlets will be appreciated by children, as well as those who adhere to a weight loss diet from time to time.

How to cook steamed fish cutlets?

To cook steamed fish cakes, you can use a double boiler, a slow cooker with a steam mode, as well as a regular saucepan and a colander. To do this, pour water into the pan, bring it to a boil, put a metal colander on top, put cutlets in it, cover the pan with a lid and thus steam the fish cutlets.

Steamed fish cakes do not have to be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs beforehand. If you are afraid that the minced meat will stick to the shelves of the double boiler, you can put a saucer in it and put the cutlets on it. But be prepared that during cooking, juice from cutlets may collect in the saucer.

Steamed fishcake recipes

Steamed simple fish cakes.

Ingredients: 500g fish fillet, 2 slices of bread, 1 onion, 100ml milk, 1 egg, flour, salt, pepper.

Preparation: soak the bread in milk, pass the fish fillet and onion through a meat grinder, mix, salt, pepper, beat in the egg. When forming cutlets, you can put a piece of cheese or herbs in the middle of each, set to steam for about 20 minutes.

Steamed pollock fish cakes.

Ingredients: 1 pollock, 1 slice of white bread, 1 tsp. butter, salt.

Preparation: peel the fish, separate from the bones, soak the bread in milk, add the fillet, butter, chop everything with a blender, knead the minced meat, salt, roll up small cutlets, put in a double boiler, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Steamed fish cakes with carrots.

Ingredients: 500g fish fillet hake, pollock or hake, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. flour, salt, dried dill, marjoram.

Preparation: cut the fillet into pieces, peel the onion and cut it into several pieces, pass through a meat grinder along with the fish, turn the minced meat into a colander to drain excess liquid. Add finely grated carrots to the minced meat. Stir. Add egg, spices, a little flour, knead. Form cutlets, roll in flour, put in a double boiler, cook for a couple of 20 minutes.

Steamed fish cakes with semolina.

Ingredients: 1kg fish fillet, 2 onions, 2 processed cheeses, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. semolina, 2 slices of white bread, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Preparation: cut the onions into 4 parts, fry in vegetable oil, soak the bread in milk, prepare the minced fillet, onion and bread, passing everything through a meat grinder, knead, add semolina to the minced meat, grated melted cheese, eggs, salt, pepper. Leave for half an hour for the semolina to swell. Form cutlets, put in a double boiler, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Steamed fish cakes can be served with steam or fresh vegetables, raw rice, buckwheat. Tomato sauce can be served with cutlets.

Required products:

  • cod fillet - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • white loaf or white bread - 2 slices;
  • milk - 30 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour (for rolling cutlets) - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • fennel greens - a few branches;
  • table salt - to taste.

We suggest you try to cook delicious tender and very healthy meatballs. This recipe uses cod, but you can take hake, pollock, or other white, lean, hypoallergenic fish. And due to the fact that the dish is cooked in a double boiler, it contains all the necessary substances for the growth and development of the child. After all, it is very important that the food for the baby is not only satisfying, but also healthy.

Cod fish cutlets - photo recipe:

My set of products for fish cakes. Frozen cod, carrots, onions, eggs, bread, milk, flour, salt and herbs.

First you need to prepare minced fish. To do this, defrost the cod fish fillet at room temperature, rinse well with cold running water and squeeze. Then pat dry with paper towel to remove excess moisture. Cut the fillet into large pieces.

Peel the onion, rinse and cut into several pieces.

Cut the crust from the loaf, cut into small cubes, put in a bowl and pour over milk. Leave for 5 minutes. Then squeeze the loaf properly.

Pass the fish fillet, onion and loaf 2 times through a meat grinder.

A blender and a food processor should not be used in this case, since the minced meat cooked in them will be sticky and viscous.
If the minced meat contains excess liquid, it must be put in a colander and squeezed thoroughly.
Wash the carrots well, peel and grate on a fine grater.

Wash the fennel greens, dry and finely chop.
Crack an egg into minced fish, add grated carrots, chopped herbs and salt to taste.

Mix the finished cutlet mass thoroughly. Knead the minced meat for 5-6 minutes with movements from the bottom up.
Pour flour into a small flat bowl.
Form small round fish cakes of the same size from minced meat and roll each in flour. From this volume of minced meat, 14-15 cutlets are obtained.

Put the cod fish cakes on the steamer grate. Cutlets should not touch each other with edges, otherwise the result will be one large fish pancake. Close the lid of the steamer and cook the cutlets for 20 minutes. If the double boiler is a two-tier one, then you can put the cutlets in both bowls. Steam will equally permeate all cutlets.

Put ready-made cod cutlets on a plate and decorate with fresh vegetables that your baby can have according to age. You can serve as a side dish.

Steamed fish cakes are a very healthy and tasty dish.

Its delicate taste will be appreciated by children, as well as those who are on a diet.

Will tell you with step by step photos how to cook cutlets from cod, pollock, pike, hake or any other steamed fish.

Steamed fish cakes

To prepare steamed fish cutlets, you can use both a double boiler or a slow cooker, as well as an ordinary pan and a colander or a metal sieve. In a double boiler / multicooker, you just need to set the required mode and cooking time. And if you decide to cook fish cutlets in a saucepan or oven, then you need to bring water to a boil, place a colander on top, put cutlets on it, cover and cook for 20 minutes.

For fish cakes, you can use the fillet of almost any fish, it can be hake, pollock, cod, silver carp, carp, pike, pike perch. We will cook steamed hake cutlets.

photo: steamed fish cakes - finished product

Recipe for steamed hake cutlets

- fish fillet,
- a couple of slices of bread,
- bulb,
- egg,
- salt,
- pepper.

Tip: many people cook fish cakes without eggs and without bread, but I am a supporter of the classic recipe and I think that in moderation, egg and bread only add an unforgettable taste to a fish cake.

Algorithm for cooking fish cutlets
My hake carcasses, clean from scales and separate the flesh from the bones.

photo: steamed fish cakes - hake fillet

We skip the hake fillet through a meat grinder.

photo: steamed fish cakes - minced fish

Salt and pepper minced fish. We add slices of white bread previously soaked in water and squeezed out, three onions and beat one egg into the minced meat.

photo: steamed fish cakes - ingredients

Mix the mass well and form cutlets.

photo: steamed fish cakes - raw meatballs

We spread the cutlets in a double boiler and set the timer for 20 minutes.

That's the whole recipe, delicious steamed fish cakes are ready.
Mashed potatoes or rice are perfect as a side dish. And don't forget the vegetables and salad.

photo: steamed fish cakes with mashed potatoes and fresh vegetables

Bon appetit! Looking forward to your feedback on my fish cakes. Tags.
